To display
information about the currently loaded software along with hardware and device
information, use the
version command in user EXEC, privileged EXEC, or
diagnostic mode.
show version
Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series
Switches and Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controllers
show version [switchnode] [running | committed | provisioned]
Cisco ASR 1000 Series
show version [rp-slot] [installed [user-interface] | provisioned | running]
Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series
Switches running IOS XE software
show version [rp-slot] [running]
Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series
show version [epld slot]
Syntax Description
(optional) Only a single switch may be specified. Default is all
switches in a stacked system.
(optional) Specifies information on the files currently running.
and ct5760: (optional) Displays information about the active package set
currently running on the switch. When booted in installed mode, this is
typically the set of packages listed in the booted provisioning file. When
booted in bundle mode, this is typically the set of packages contained in the
booted bundle.
(optional) Displays information about the committed package set. If no
installation operations have been performed since bootup, this output will be
the same as
show version
running . If any installation operations have been performed since
bootup, this output will display the set of packages that will be
activated/running on the next reload.
command option is only applicable when running in installed mode.
(optional)Specifies information on the software files that are provisioned.
and ct5760: (optional) Displays information about the provisioned package set.
In most cases, the provisioned package set is the same as the committed package
set. These package sets will differ if an installation was performed with the
‘auto-rollback’ option and the installed packages have not yet been committed
using the 'software commit' command. This command option is only applicable
when running in installed mode.
Specifies the software of the RP in a specific RP slot of a Cisco ASR 1000
Series Router. Options include:
--the RP in RP slot 0.
--the RP in RP slot 1.
active --the active RP.
standby --the standby RP.
Specifies information on the software installed on the RP
Specifies information on the files related to the user-interface.
(Optional) Specifies the software of the EPLD slot of a Cisco Catalyst 6500
Series Router.
Command Default
No default
behavior or values.
Command Modes
(>) Privileged EXEC (#) Diagnostic (diag)--Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers
Command History
command was introduced.
command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1EC.
command was modified to include information about the clock card on CMTS
command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3BC.
output format of this command was updated.
Support for this command was introduced on the Supervisor Engine 720.
Support for this command on the Supervisor Engine 2 was extended to
output format of this command was updated.
command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SCA. Support for the
Cisco uBR7225VXR router was added.
command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.
IOS XE Release 2.1
command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, and the following
enhancements were introduced:
the command became available in diagnostic mode.
rp-slot ,
installed ,
user-interface ,
provisioned , and
running options all became available for the first
ELPD keyword and output for the Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Router.
IOS XE Release 2.4
output format of this command was updated.
IOS XE Release 3.1.0.SG
command was introduced on the Cisco Catalyst 4500e Serfies Switches with
support for the rp-slot parameter and running command option.
3.2.0 SE
Command introduced on the Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches and Cisco 5760
Series Wireless Controllers with support for the switch keyword and running,
provisioned and committed command options.
Cisco IOS XE Release 3.3 SE
This command was integrated.
Usage Guidelines
This command
displays information about the Cisco IOS software version currently running on
a routing device, the ROM Monitor and Bootflash software versions, and
information about the hardware configuration, including the amount of system
memory. Because this command displays both software and hardware information,
the output of this command is the same as the output of the
hardware command. (The
hardware command is a command alias for the
version command.)
version command provides the following
- Main Cisco IOS image
- Main Cisco IOS image
capabilities (feature set)
- Location and name of
bootfile in ROM
- Bootflash image version
(depending on platform)
Device-specific information
- Device name
- System uptime
- System reload reason
- Config-register setting
- Config-register settings
for after the next reload (depending on platform)
- Platform type
- Processor type
- Processor hardware
- Amount of main
(processor) memory installed
- Amount I/O memory
- Amount of Flash memory
installed on different types (depending on platform)
- Processor board ID
The output of
this command uses the following format:
Cisco IOS Software, <platform> Software (<image-id>), Version <software-version>,
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) <date-range> by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled <day> <date> <time> by <compiler-id>
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version <software-version>, <software-type>
BOOTLDR: <platform> Software (image-id), Version <software-version>, <software-type>
<router-name> uptime is <w> weeks, <d> days, <h> hours,
<m> minutes
System returned to ROM by reload at <time> <day> <date>
System image file is "<filesystem-location>/<software-image-name>"
Last reload reason: <reload-reason>Cisco <platform-processor-type>
processor (revision <processor-revision-id>) with <free-DRAM-memory>
K/<packet-memory>K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID <ID-number
<CPU-type> CPU at <clock-speed>Mhz, Implementation <number>, Rev <
Revision-number>, <kilobytes-Processor-Cache-Memory>KB <cache-Level> Cache
See the
Examples section for descriptions of the fields in this output.
Cisco ASR
1000 Series Routers
version without any of the options on the Cisco ASR
1000 Series Router will generate output similar to
version on other Cisco routers.
In order to
understand the
version output on Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, it
is important to understand that the individual sub-packages run the processes
on the router. Among other things, the output of this command provides
information on where various individual sub-packages are stored on the router,
and which processes these individual sub-packages are and are not currently
specifically, the command displays each individual sub-package file on the
router, the hardware where the sub-package could be running, and whether the
sub-package is currently being run on that hardware.
show version
command displays only the individual sub-packages that can be
provisioned, which are the RP-specific sub-packages (RP Access, RP Base, RP
Control, and RP IOS) and the provisioning file. The output includes the
individual sub-package file, the hardware where the sub-package could be
running, and whether the sub-package is currently being run on that hardware.
The command
displays only the individual sub-packages that are currently active. The output
includes the individual sub-package file and the hardware where the sub-package
is running.
Cisco Catalyst 4500e
Series Switches
Entering show
version without any of the options on a Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switch
running IOS XE software will generate output similar to
show version
on other Cisco platforms. One notable difference is
that the output displays the IOS XE software version instead of the IOS image
software bundle includes a set of individual packages that comprise the
complete set of software that runs on the switch. The
show version
running command displays the list individual packages that are
currently active, that is, the set of packages included in the IOS XE software
bundle currently running on the Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series Switch.
Cisco Catalyst 3850
Series Switches and Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controllers
show version
without any of the options on a Cisco Catalyst 3850
Series Switch or Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controller will generate output
similar to
show version
on other Cisco platforms. One notable difference is
that the output displays the IOS XE software version instead of the IOS image
software bundle includes a set of individual packages that comprise the
complete set of software that runs on the switch or wireless controller.
show version
running command displays the list of individual packages that are
currently running on the switch. When booted in installed mode, this is
typically the set of packages listed in the booted provisioning file. When
booted in bundle mode, this is typically the set of packages contained in the
show version
command displays information about the switch's or wireless
controller's committed package set. If no installation operations have been
performed since bootup, this output will be the same as
show version
running . If any installation operations have been performed since
bootup, this output will display the set of packages that will be
activated/running on the next reload. This command is not applicable when
running in bundle mode.
show version
command displays information about the provisioned package
set. In most cases, the provisioned package set is the same as the committed
package set. These package sets will differ if an installation was performed
with the
auto-rollback option and the installed packages
have not yet been committed by use of the
commit command. This command is not applicable when running in
bundle mode.
The following
is sample output from the
version command issued on a Cisco 3660 running
Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T:
Router# show version
Cisco IOS Software, 3600 Software (C3660-I-M), Version 12.3(4)T
TAC Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2003 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 18-Sep-03 15:37 by ccai
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
C3660-1 uptime is 1 week, 3 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on
System image file is "slot0:tftpboot/c3660-i-mz.123-4.T"
Cisco 3660 (R527x) processor (revision 1.0) with 57344K/8192K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID JAB055180FF
R527x CPU at 225Mhz, Implementation 40, Rev 10.0, 2048KB L2 Cache
3660 Chassis type: ENTERPRISE
2 FastEthernet interfaces
4 Serial interfaces
DRAM configuration is 64 bits wide with parity disabled.
125K bytes of NVRAM.
16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)
Flash card inserted. Reading filesystem...done.
20480K bytes of processor board PCMCIA Slot0 flash (Read/Write)
Configuration register is 0x2102
The following
is sample output from the
version command issued on a Cisco 7200 router
running Cisco IOS Release 12.4(4)T. This output shows the total bandwidth
capacity and the bandwith capacity that is configured on the Cisco 7200.
Displaying bandwidth capacity is available in Cisco IOS Release 12.2 and later
Router# show version
Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-JS-M), Version 12.4(4)T, RELEASE SOFTW)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2005 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 27-Oct-05 05:58 by ccai
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(20000710:044039) [nlaw-121E_npeb 117], DEVEE
BOOTLDR: 7200 Software (C7200-KBOOT-M), Version 12.3(16), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
router uptime is 5 days, 18 hours, 2 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload at 02:45:12 UTC Tue Feb 14 2006
System image file is "disk0:c7200-js-mz.124-4.T"
Last reload reason: Reload Command
Cisco 7206VXR (NPE400) processor (revision A) with 491520K/32768K bytes of memo.
Processor board ID 26793934
R7000 CPU at 350MHz, Implementation 39, Rev 3.2, 256KB L2 Cache
6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.6
Last reset from power-on
PCI bus mb0_mb1 (Slots 0, 1, 3 and 5) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points.
Current configuration on bus mb0_mb1 has a total of 440 bandwidth points.
This configuration is within the PCI bus capacity and is supported.
PCI bus mb2 (Slots 2, 4, 6) has a capacity of 600 bandwidth points.
Current configuration on bus mb2 has a total of 390 bandwidth points
This configuration is within the PCI bus capacity and is supported.
Please refer to the following document "Cisco 7200 Series Port Adaptor
Hardware Configuration Guidelines" on <>
for c7200 bandwidth points oversubscription and usage guidelines.
4 Ethernet interfaces
2 FastEthernet interfaces
2 ATM interfaces
125K bytes of NVRAM.
62976K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes).
125952K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 512 bytes).
8192K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
Configuration register is 0x2002
For information
about PCI buses and bandwidth calculation, go to the "Cisco 7200 Series Port
Adapter Installation Requirements" chapter, of the
Cisco 7200
Series Port Adapter Hardware Configuration Guidelines guide.
The following
table describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 12. show version Field Descriptions
IOS Software,
Software (image-id ),
software-version ,
IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-G4JS-M), Version 12.3(4)T
--Cisco hardware device name.
--The coded software image identifier, in the format
platform-features-format (for example,
--The Cisco IOS software release number, in the format
x .y (z )A , where
x.y is the
main release identifier,
z is the
maintenance release number, and
A , where
applicable, is the special release train identifier. For example, 12.3(4)T
indicates the fourth maintenance release of the 12.3T special technology
release train.
the full software image filename, 12.3(4)T appears as 123-4.T. In the IOS
Upgrade Planner, 12.3(4)T appears as 12.3.4T (ED).
--The description of the release type. Possible values
include MAINTENANCE [for example, 12.3(3)] or INTERIM [for example, 12.3(3.2)].
to “The ABC’s of Cisco IOS Networking” (available on for more
information on Cisco IOS software release numbering and software versions.
IOS is a registered trademark (R) of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Technical Support:
Copyright (c)
by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Technical Support & Documentation website contains thousands of pages
of searchable technical content, including links to products, technologies,
solutions, technical tips, and tools. Registered users can log in
from this page to access even more content.
IOS software, including the source code, user-help, and documentation, is
copyrighted by Cisco Systems, Inc. It is Cisco’s policy to enforce its
copyrights against any third party who infringes on its copyright.
System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(6r)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
system “bootstrap” software, stored in ROM memory.
system “bootflash” software, stored in Flash memory (if applicable).
device uptime is ...
uptime is 1 week, 3 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes
amount of time the system has been up and running.
returned to ROM by
reload-reason at
returned to ROM by reload at 20:56:53 UTC Tue Nov 4 2003
the last recorded reason for a system reload, and time of last reload.
reload reason:
reload reason: Reload command
the last recorded reason for a system reload.
reset from
reset from power-on
the last recorded reason for a system reset. Possible
reset-reason values include:
power-on--System was reset with the initial power on or a power cycling of the
peripheral--System was reset due to a software peripheral.
nmi--System was reset by a nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) originating in the
system software. For example, on some systems, you can configure the device to
reset automatically if two or more fans fail.
push-button--System was reset by manual activation of a RESET push-button (also
called a hardware NMI).
watchdog--System was reset due to a watchdog process.
unexpected value--May indicate a bus error, such as for an attempt to access a
nonexistent address (for example, “System restarted by bus error at PC 0xC4CA,
address 0x210C0C0”).
field was formerly labeled as the “System restarted by” field.”)
image file is “file-location/ file-name ”
image file is "slot0:tftpboot/c3660-i-mz.123-3.9.T2"
Displays the file location (local or remote filesystem) and the system image
platform (processor-type )
processor (revision
processor-revision-id ) with
free -DRAM-memory K/
K bytes of memory.
Example--Separate DRAM and Packet Memory:
RSP4 (R5000) processor with 65536K/2072K bytes of memory
Example--Combined DRAM and Packet Memory:
3660 (R527x) processor (revision 1.0) with 57344K/8192K bytes of memory.
line can be used to determine how much Dynamic RAM (DRAM) is installed on your
system, in order to determine if you meet the “Min. Memory” requirement for a
software image. DRAM (including SDRAM) is used for system processing memory and
for packet memory.
values, separated by a slash, are given for DRAM: The first value tells you how
DRAM is available for system processing, and the second value tells you how
much DRAM is being used for Packet memory.
first value, Main Processor memory, is either:
second value, Packet memory, is either:
total physical input/output (I/O) memory (or “Fast memory”) installed on the
router (Cisco 4000, 4500, 4700, and 7500 series), or
amount of “shared memory” used for packet buffering. In the shared memory
scheme (Cisco 2500, 2600, 3600, and 7200 Series), a percentage of DRAM is used
for packet buffering by the router's network interfaces.
terms “I/O memory” or “iomem”; “shared memory”; “Fast memory” and “PCI memory”
all refer to “Packet Memory”. Packet memory is either separate physical RAM or
shared DRAM.
DRAM and Packet Memory
4000, 4500, 4700, and 7500 series routers have separate DRAM and Packet memory,
so you only need to look at the first number to determine total DRAM. In the
example to the left for the Cisco RSP4, the first value shows that the router
has 65536K (65,536 kilobytes, or 64 megabytes) of DRAM. The second value,
8192K, is the Packet memory.
DRAM and Packet Memory
2500, 2600, 3600, and 7200 series routers require a minimum amount of I/O
memory to support certain interface processors.
1600, 2500, 2600, 3600, and 7200 series routers use a fraction of DRAM as
Packet memory, so you need to add both numbers to find out the real amount of
DRAM. In the example to the left for the Cisco 3660, the router has 57,344
kilobytes (KB) of free DRAM and 8,192 KB dedicated to Packet memory. Adding the
two numbers together gives you 57,344K + 8,192K = 65,536K, or 64 megabytes (MB)
of DRAM.
more details on memeory requirements, see the document "How to Choose a Cisco
IOS® Software Release" on
Configuration register is
Configuration register is 0x2142 (will be 0x2102 at next reload)
the current configured hex value of the software configuration register. If the
value has been changed with the
config-register command, the register value that
will be used at the next reload is displayed in parenthesis.
boot field (final digit) of the software configuration register dictates what
the system will do after a reset.
example, when the boot field of the software configuration register is set to
00 (for example, 0x0), and you press the NMI button on a Performance Route
Processor (PRP), the user-interface remains at the ROM monitor prompt
(rommon>) and waits for a user command to boot the system manually. But if
the boot field is set to 01 (for example, 0x1), the system automatically boots
the first Cisco IOS image found in the onboard Flash memory SIMM on the PRP.
factory-default setting for the configuration register is 0x2102. This value
indicates that the router will attempt to load a Cisco IOS software image from
Flash memory and load the startup configuration file.
This example
shows how to display the configuration of the system hardware, the software
version, the names and sources of configuration files, and the boot images:
Router# show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) c6sup2_rp Software (c6sup2_rp-JSV-M), Version 12.1 (nightly.E020626) NIG
Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 26-Jun-02 06:20 by
Image text-base: 0x40008BF0, data-base: 0x419BA000
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(11r)E1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Router uptime is 2 weeks, 8 hours, 48 minutes
Time since Router switched to active is 1 minute
System returned to ROM by power-on (SP by power-on)
System image file is "sup-bootflash:c6sup22-jsv-mz"
cisco Catalyst 6000 (R7000) processor with 112640K/18432K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID SAD06210067
R7000 CPU at 300Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 3.3, 256KB L2, 1024KB L3 Cache
Last reset from power-on
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).
TN3270 Emulation software.
3 Virtual Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
48 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
381K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16384K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512K).
Configuration register is 0x2102
The following
table describes the fields that are shown in the example.
Table 13. show version Field Descriptions
(tm) c6sup2_rp Software (c6sup2_rp-JSV-M), Version 12.1(nightly.E020626)
number. Always specify the complete version number when reporting a possible
software problem. In the example output, the version number is 12.1.
System Bootstrap, Version 12.1(11r)E1, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)
Bootstrap version string.
BOOTFLASH: 7200 Software (C7200-BOOT-M), Version 11.1(472), RELEASE SOFTWARE
version string.
uptime is
of time that the system has been up and running.
since Router switched to active
of time since switchover occurred.
restarted by
Log of
how the system was last booted, both as a result of normal system startup and
of system error. For example, information can be displayed to indicate a bus
error that is typically the result of an attempt to access a nonexistent
address, as follows:
restarted by bus error at PC 0xC4CA, address 0x210C0C0
image file is
If the
software was booted over the network, the Internet address of the boot host is
shown. If the software was loaded from onboard ROM, this line reads “running
default software.”
Catalyst 6000 (R7000) processor with 112640K/18432K bytes of memory.
Remaining output in each display that shows the hardware configuration and any
nonstandard software options.
Configuration register is
Configuration register contents that are displayed in hexadecimal notation.
The output of
version EXEC command can provide certain messages,
such as bus error messages. If such error messages appear, report the complete
text of this message to your technical support specialist.
This example
shows how to display the ELPD version information of a slot:
Router# show version epld 4
Module 4 EPLD's:
Number of EPLD's: 6
EPLD A : 0x5
EPLD B : 0x2
EPLD C : 0x1
EPLD D : 0x1
EPLD E : 0x1
The following
is sample output from the
version command for a Cisco uBR7246 VXR with the
cable clock card installed:
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 7200 Software (UBR7200-P-M), Version 12.1(10)EC, RELEASE SOFTWARE
TAC Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2000 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 02-Feb-00 16:49 by ccai
Image text-base:0x60008900, data-base:0x61192000
ROM:System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(15)SC, RELEASE SOFTWARE
VXR1 uptime is 2 days, 1 hour, 24 minutes
System returned to ROM by power-on at 10:54:38 PST Sat Feb 5 2000
System restarted at 11:01:08 PST Sat Feb 5 2000
System image file is "slot1:ubr7200-p-mz.121-0.8.T"
cisco uBR7246VXR (NPE300) processor (revision B) with 122880K/40960K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID SAB0329005N
R7000 CPU at 262Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 1.0, 256KB L2, 2048KB L3 Cache
6 slot VXR midplane, Version 2.0
Last reset from power-on
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
National clock card with T1 controller
1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
2 Cable Modem network interface(s)
125K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
16384K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 128K).
20480K bytes of Flash PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 128K).
4096K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
Configuration register is 0x0
The following
table describes significant fields shown in these displays.
Table 14. show version Field Descriptions
(tm) 7200 Software (UBR7200-P-M), Version xx.x
specify the complete version number when reporting a possible software problem.
In the example, the version number is Cisco IOS Release 12.1(10)EC.
System Bootstrap
Bootstrap version string.
uptime is
amount of time the system has been up and running.
restarted at
displayed is a log of how the system was last booted, as a result of normal
system startup or system error.
image file is
If the
software was booted over the network, the Internet address of the boot host is
shown. If the software was loaded from onboard ROM, this line reads “running
default software.”
uBR7246VXR (NPE300) processor
remaining output in each display shows the hardware configuration and any
nonstandard software options.
Configuration register is
configuration register contents, displayed in hexadecimal notation.
The output of
version command can also provide certain messages,
such as bus error messages. If such error messages appear, report the complete
text of this message to your technical support specialist.
The following
example shows sample output from the show version command on a Cisco uBR10012
universal broadband router running Cisco IOS Release 12.3(17b)BC4:
Router> show version
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 10000 Software (UBR10K2-K9P6U2-M), Version 12.3(17b)BC4, RELEASE SOFTWA
RE (fc1)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Wed 22-Nov-06 11:41 by tinhuang
Image text-base: 0x60010F0C, data-base: 0x62480000
ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 12.0(20020314:211744) [REL-pulsar_sx.ios-rommon 1
ubr10k uptime is 2 days, 22 hours, 13 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload at 01:34:58 UTC Sun Jun 8 2008
System image file is "disk0:ubr10k2-k9p6u2-mz.123-17b.BC4"
Last reload reason: Reload command
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
cisco uBR10000 (PRE2-RP) processor with 946175K/98304K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID TBA05380380
R7000 CPU at 500MHz, Implementation 39, Rev 4.1, 256KB L2, 8192KB L3 Cache
Backplane version 1.1, 8 slot
Last reset from register reset
PXF processor tmc0 is running.
PXF processor tmc1 is running.
PXF processor tmc2 is running.
PXF processor tmc3 is running.
1 TCCplus card(s)
1 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
3 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
24 Cable Modem network interface(s)
2045K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
125440K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes).
125440K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 1 (Sector size 512 bytes).
65536K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 512KB).
Secondary is up.
Secondary has 1044480K bytes of memory.
Configuration register is 0x2102
In Cisco IOS XE
Release 2.4
In the following example, the show version command is responsible for displaying the packages installed, provisioned and running on the current RP.
In the
following example, the command is entered on a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router in
diagnostic mode. Note that the output shows what every file that can be found
in the consolidated package is or is not currently running (provisioning file,
RP Access, RP Base, RP Control, RP IOS, ESP Base, SIP Base, SIP SPA).
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: consolidated:packages.conf, on: RP0
Built: n/a, by: n/a
File SHA1 checksum: b6cb06b1ed02e041d48644340aa077833cff2076
Package: rpbase, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpbase., on: RP0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 093f2c935b9dc4ed136623bc43488c6517b9a4ae
Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP0/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44
Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP0/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d
Package: rpaccess, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP0/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3
Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP0/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44
Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP0/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d
Package: rpaccess, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP0/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3
Package: rpbase, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpbase., on: RP1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 093f2c935b9dc4ed136623bc43488c6517b9a4ae
Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP1/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44
Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP1/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d
Package: rpaccess, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP1/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3
Package: rpcontrol, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpcontrol., on: RP1/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: d71e05c824cb889048b3353257bd16129eb72c44
Package: rpios-advipservicesk9, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpios-advipservicesk9., on: RP1/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 4167d300514153f67c3815c487c270c14449185d
Package: rpaccess, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-rpaccess., on: RP1/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 0b0d108cd2683570778668697b7ffca2451b78b3
Package: espbase, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-espbase., on: ESP0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 3ae9255c7272a30f5dae319dec109acd29d9ae87
Package: espbase, version:, status: inactive
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-espbase., on: ESP1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 3ae9255c7272a30f5dae319dec109acd29d9ae87
Package: sipbase, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254
Package: sipspa, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/2
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP0/3
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipbase, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254
Package: sipspa, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: active
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/2
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP1/3
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipbase, version:, status: inactive
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP2
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/2
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP2/3
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipbase, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP3
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/2
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP3/3
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipbase, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP4
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/2
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP4/3
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipbase, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipbase., on: SIP5
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: fc6e41d7de2ded3a16b6dc7e5e3a1151b788d254
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP5/0
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP5/1
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: sipspa, version:, status: n/a
File: consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., on: SIP5/2
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, by: mcpre
File SHA1 checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Package: Sipspa, Version:, Status: N/a
File: Consolidated:asr1000rp1-sipspa., On: Sip5/3
Built: 2009-06-29_23.07, By: Mcpre
File Sha1 Checksum: 24fb5b788582e062c900e2713b5c56a2704ca836
Table 15. show version installed,
provisioned, and running Field Descriptions
individual sub-package name.
consolidated package version of the individual sub-package.
if the sub-package is active or inactive for the specific hardware component
location and filename of the individual sub-package file.
hardware component.
date the individual sub-package was built.
SHA1 checksum:
SHA1 sum for the file. This sum can be compared against a SHA1 sum generated by
any SHA1 sum-generating tool.
The following is
sample output from the show version command on a Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series
Switch that is the active switch in a 2-member stack:
infra-p2-3#show version
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 03.09.19.EMP EARLY DEPLOYMENT ENGINEERING NOVA_WEEKLY BUILD, synced to DSGS_PI2_POSTPC_FLO_DSBU7_NG3K_1105
Copyright (c) 1986-2012 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 15-Nov-12 01:45 by udonthi
BOOTLDR: C3850 Boot Loader (C3850-HBOOT-M) Version 1.2, engineering software (D)
infra-p2-3 uptime is 5 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 7 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "flash:packages.conf"
Last reload reason: Reload command
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
License Level: Ipservices
License Type: Permanent
Next reload license Level: Ipservices
cisco WS-C3850X-24P-PROTO2 (MIPS) processor with 2097152K bytes of physical memory.
Processor board ID FHH1515P03Y
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
56 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
8 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
2048K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
2097152K bytes of physical memory.
160618K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:.
160618K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo-1:.
706860K bytes of Flash at flash:.
698827K bytes of Flash at flash-1:.
3915670K bytes of USB Flash at usbflash0:.
0K bytes of Dummy USB Flash at usbflash0-1:.
0K bytes of at webui:.
Base Ethernet MAC Address : 64:00:f1:25:11:00
Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-12240-03
Motherboard Serial Number : FHH15130010
Model Revision Number : 01
Motherboard Revision Number : 02
Model Number : WS-C3850X-24P-PROTO2
System Serial Number : FHH1515P03Y
Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image Mode
------ ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ----
1 32 WS-C3850X-24P-PROT 03.09.19.EMP cat3k_caa-universalk9 INSTALL
2 32 WS-C3850X-24P-PROT 03.09.19.EMP cat3k_caa-universalk9 INSTALL
Switch 01
Switch uptime : 7 minutes
Base Ethernet MAC Address : 64:00:f1:25:1a:00
Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-12240-03
Motherboard Serial Number : FHH1513000T
Model Revision Number : 01
Motherboard Revision Number : 02
Model Number : WS-C3850X-24P-PROTO2
System Serial Number : FHH1515P047
Configuration register is 0x2 (will be 0x102 at next reload)
In the following
example, the show version running command is entered on a Cisco Catalyst 3850
Series Switch to view information about the packages currently running on both
switches in a 2-member stack:
infra-p2-3#show version running
Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi
In the following
example, the show version provisioned and show version committed commands are
entered on a Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switch that is the active switch in a
2-member stack. The show version committed commands displays information about
the packages in the committed package set that will be running on the next
reload. The show version provisioned command displays information about the
packages in the provisioned package set.
In most cases,
the show version provisioned and show version committed output will display the
same information, since the provisioned and committed packages sets include the
same packages. The provisioned package set may differ from the committed
package set in cases where a
install operation was performed with the
auto-rollback command option, and the
commit command has not yet been entered. This is the case in the
sample output below, where the packages from the 03.09.19.EMP were installed
with the
auto-rollback command option, but the 'software
commit' command has not yet been entered.
The show version
provisioned and show version committed commands are not applicable when the
switch is booted in bundle mode.
infra-p2-3#show version provisioned
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: packages.conf, on: Switch1
Built: n/a, by: n/a
Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: packages.conf, on: Switch2
Built: n/a, by: n/a
Package: Base, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:52:19 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Infra, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:08 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Platform, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:53:39 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: IOS, version: 150-9.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:09 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: WCM, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:34 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.19.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.19.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Thu Nov 15 01:54:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi
infra-p2-3#show version committed
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: packages.conf, on: Switch1
Built: n/a, by: n/a
Package: Base, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:27:51 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Infra, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:28:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Platform, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:33 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: IOS, version: 150-9.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:58 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: WCM, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:30:29 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch1
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:31:01 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active
File: packages.conf, on: Switch2
Built: n/a, by: n/a
Package: Base, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-base.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:27:51 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Infra, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-infra.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:28:53 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Platform, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-platform.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:33 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: IOS, version: 150-9.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-iosd-universalk9.SSA.150-9.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:29:58 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: WCM, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-wcm.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:30:29 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Package: Drivers, version: 03.09.17.EMP, status: active
File: cat3k_caa-drivers.SSA.03.09.17.EMP.pkg, on: Switch2
Built: Mon Nov 12 20:31:01 PST 2012, by: udonthi
Table 16. Table 5,Cisco Catalyst
3850 Series Switches and Cisco 5760 Series Wireless Controllers show version
running Field Descriptions
individual sub-package name.
individual sub-package version.
if the package is active or inactive for the specific Supervisor module.
filename of the individual package file.
slot number of the Active or Standby Supervisor that this package is running
date the individual package was built.
The following is
sample output from the show version command on a Cisco Catalyst 4500e Series
Switch running IOS XE software:
Switch#show version
Cisco IOS Software, IOS-XE Software, Catalyst 4500 L3 Switch Software
(cat4500e-UNIVERSALK9-M), Experimental Version 3.1.0.SG
[/nobackup/xxxx/cwab/build/arch_ppc/buildtree-ios/vob/ios/sys 100] Copyright (c)
1986-2010 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 19-Apr-10 09:19 by xxxx
Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2010 by cisco Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are licensed under the
GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The software code licensed under GPL
Version 2.0 is free software that comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute
and/or modify such GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see
the documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software, or the
applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE software.
Image text-base: 0x100D9954, data-base: 0x14B379D8
ROM: 12.2(54r)XO(0.246)
Jawa Revision 7, Snowtrooper Revision 0x0.0x14
gsgsw-g9-35 uptime is 4 minutes
Uptime for this control processor is 5 minutes System returned to ROM by reload System
image file is "tftp://"
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local
country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic
products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and
local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and
regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
License Information for 'iosd'
License Level: entservices Type: Evaluation
Next reboot license Level: entservices
cisco WS-C4510R-E (MPC8572) processor (revision 2) with 786516K/16384K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID SPE1046002Q
MPC8572 CPU at 1.5GHz, Supervisor 7
Last reset from Reload
1 Virtual Ethernet interface
84 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
14 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
Configuration register is 0x920
In the following
example, the show version running command is entered on a Cisco Catalyst 4500e
Series Switch to view the list of packages contained in the IOS XE software
bundle currently loaded on the system.
Switch# show version running
Package: Base, version: 3.0.0, status: active
File: cat4500e-base.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot5
From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG
Built: Mon Apr 19 10:08:38 PDT 2010, by: xxxx
Package: Infra, version: 3.0.0, status: active
File: cat4500e-infra.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot5
From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG
Built: Mon Apr 19 10:09:30 PDT 2010, by: xxxx
Package: IOS, version: 150-1.XO, status: active
File: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.150-1.XO.pkg, on: Slot5
From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG
Built: Mon Apr 19 10:10:02 PDT 2010, by: xxxx
Package: Base, version: 3.0.0, status: active
File: cat4500e-base.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot6
From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG
Built: Mon Apr 19 10:08:38 PDT 2010, by: xxxx
Package: Infra, version: 3.0.0, status: active
File: cat4500e-infra.SSA.3.0.0.pkg, on: Slot6
From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG
Built: Mon Apr 19 10:09:30 PDT 2010, by: xxxx
Package: IOS, version: 150-1.XO, status: active
File: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.150-1.XO.pkg, on: Slot6
From Bundle: cat4500e-universalk9.SSA.3.1.0.SG
Built: Mon Apr 19 10:10:02 PDT 2010, by: xxxx
Table 17. Table 6,Cisco Catalyst
4500e Series Switches show version running Field Descriptions
individual sub-package name.
individual sub-package version.
if the package is active or inactive for the specific Supervisor module.
filename of the individual package file.
slot number of the Active or Standby Supervisor that this package is running
name of the IOS XE software bundle that includes this package.
date the individual package was built.