- Finding Feature Information
- Restrictions for Media Services Proxy
- Information About Media Services Proxy
- How to Configure Media Services Proxy
- Configuration Examples for Media Services Proxy
- Example: Providing MSP Flow Services Using EEM Scripts
- Example: Providing MSP Flow Services Using MSP Profiles
- Example: Manually Configuring Flow Metadata Attributes
- Example: Manually Configuring RSVP Parameters
- Example: Configuring User-Defined Port Numbers for Protocols
- Sample Deployment Scenario for MSP Implementation
- Additional References
- Feature Information for Media Services Proxy
Media Services Proxy
Media Services Proxy (MSP) is one of the features of the Medianet Media Awareness capability. MSP makes the network intelligent by automatically identifying various media endpoints and rendering media services such as admission control, flow metadata, and auto smart ports accordingly. It acts as a layer that automatically connects devices with their respective network services.
Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Toolkit and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Restrictions for Media Services Proxy
Information About Media Services Proxy
MSP follows a network-centric model, where access switches and routers learn information about devices and flow automatically. The figure below shows a high level view of device and flow identification mechanism used by MSP. The figure below illustrates the interaction of Cisco IOS device sensor framework with the device classifier to identify the device type. The Cisco IOS device sensor feature gleans endpoint device information from protocols such as Cisco Discovery Protocol, Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), and Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP). MSP leverages the Cisco IOS device sensor framework to glean information from additional protocols such as Multicast Domain Name System (mDNS), H323, and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

Based on the type of device identified, the physical interface to which the device is connected can be configured using auto smart ports with minimal configuration by network administrator. Based on the types of media flows identified, MSP provides services such as CAC and QoS to the network devices. The Device Identification and Flow Identification sections provide more information about the mechanisms used to identify devices and media flows.
- Benefits of MSP
- Device Identification
- Device Services
- Flow Identification
- Flow Services
- Device Identification Mechanisms
- Flow Identification Mechanisms
- User-Defined Port Configuration
Benefits of MSP
Device Identification
MSP leverages the Cisco IOS device sensor infrastructure to facilitate device identification and classification. Device sensor provides device identification for media endpoints through Cisco Discovery Protocol, DHCP, and LLDP. MSP aids in device identification through additional protocols such as mDNS, H.323, and SIP. Video conference systems use H.323 and SIP control packets for voice or video call setup. IP cameras use mDNS control packets to register or exchange initial control information with the surveillance manager.
You can use the profile flow command to enable MSP, which automatically enables the device identification and classification on the access switch or router. Use the show profile device command to view the devices that are automatically identified.
How Does Device Identification and Classification Work
- Collector--Gathers endpoint data from the endpoint network devices through protocols such as Cisco Discovery Protocol, LLDP, and DHCP subject to statically configured filters, and makes this information available to its registered clients.
- Analyzer--Processes the data and determines the type, model, and class of the device. The analyzer is either embedded within IOS or by using an external device called Positron.
The endpoint device has its own lifecycle from the time it comes up till the time it goes down, which is managed using a session manager. One session is created per endpoint device attached to the network element. The session manager interfaces with the device classifier to analyze the information collected. The device classifier is a collection of rules that are applied to the device metadata attributes. Device metadata attributes are evaluated against a set of profiles available to the device classifier to determine the best match. Based on the best-matched profile, the device type is determined, thus creating device visibility. Device visibility helps in understanding the ongoings of the network, without actually impacting the network unless the network administrator prefers.
In the MSP feature, media endpoints are identified by parsing initial control packet exchange between the endpoints or the media server. These control packets are copied by MSP and original packets are forwarded to the destination. MSP parses the protocol packets and derives type, length, values (TLV) tables. These TLV tables are used to identify the media endpoints.
For more information on device identification media endpoints through device sensor, refer to the Device Sensor Configuration Guide.
Device Services
Based on the type of device identified, you can choose to configure auto smart ports.
Auto Smartports macros dynamically configure ports based on the device type detected on the port. When the access switch or router detects a new device on a port, it applies the appropriate macro on the port. When there is a link-down event on the port, the macro is removed. For example, when you connect a Cisco IP phone to a port, Auto Smartports automatically applies the IP phone macro. The IP phone macro enables quality of service (QoS), security features, and a dedicated voice VLAN to ensure proper treatment of delay-sensitive voice traffic. Auto Smartports uses event triggers to map devices to port macros.
You can also manually configure and apply global macros. The macros embedded in the Cisco device software are groups of command-line interface (CLI) commands.
You can also create user-defined macros by using the Cisco IOS Shell scripting capability, which is a BASH-like language syntax for command automation and variable replacement.
For more information on configuring auto smart ports, see Auto Smart Port Configuration Guide.
Flow Identification
MSP facilitates automatic identification of media flows by using protocols such as SIP, H.323, and RTSP. MSP maintains a database of 5-tuple media flow and associated flow metadata attributes (such as application type, vendor, version, and audio or video media type) after flow identification. These metadata attributes are used to classify the types of media flows and render media services such as CAC and QoS.
You can use the profile flow command to enable MSP, which automatically enables flow identification on the access router or switch. The show profile flow command displays all the media flows that have been automatically identified.
Flow Services
After the media flows have been identified, the 5-tuple flow identifier and the associated flow metadata attributes that have been extracted out of protocol exchange are stored in the metadata database. These attributes can be used to provide network services such as RSVP CAC and QoS.
MSP derives the desired media bandwidth from the initial protocol exchange between the endpoints. You can also manually configure RSVP bandwidth, which overrides the bandwidth that is automatically identified. When RSVP signaling is configured as part of MSP, access routers or switches generate RSVP packets for bandwidth reservation and forward them to the downstream routers. Actual bandwidth reservation or CAC is carried over at the downstream routers that are connected to the access routers or switches. Catalyst 4500 series do not support RSVP CAC.
Quality of services such as controlling, policing, classification, and marking can be provided to the automatically identified media flows by using metadata attributes extracted from the media flows.
You can use EEM scripts to contain the required flow services to be applied on specific media flows. MSP flow services are applied to the network devices that are directly connected to the Layer 2 (L2) physical interfaces of the media endpoints. You can also create MSP profiles containing the required services to be applied to the flow globally or on a per-interface basis.
For instance, you can create an MSP profile where a SIP flow matching payload type 96, bandwidth of 64 kb/s, and an audio codec of G.711 can initiate RSVP bandwidth reservations.
Device Identification Mechanisms
mDNS Based Device Discovery
The following figure shows the mDNS device discovery mechanism.

The figure shows an IP camera connected to the networking device (on which MSP is enabled). The IP camera sends mDNS messages to the multicast IP address on standard mDNS port 5353. The networking device listens to these messages on the standard mDNS port and derives the device type and class. Based on these attribues, the device classifier looks up the best match and completes the profiling. Following is sample packet capture, which highlights the device name and class.
Frame 48: 561 bytes on wire (4488 bits), 561 bytes captured (4488 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: AxisComm_ad:c9:93 (00:40:8c:ad:c9:93), Dst: IPv4mcast_00:00:fb (01:00:5e:00:00:fb)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: mdns (5353), Dst Port: mdns (5353)
Domain Name System (response)
[Request In: 45]
[Time: 1.290247000 seconds]
Transaction ID: 0x0000
Flags: 0x8400 (Standard query response, No error)
1... .... .... .... = Response: Message is a response
.000 0... .... .... = Opcode: Standard query (0)
.... .1.. .... .... = Authoritative: Server is an authority for domain
.... ..0. .... .... = Truncated: Message is not truncated
.... ...0 .... .... = Recursion desired: Don't do query recursively
.... .... 0... .... = Recursion available: Server can't do recursive queries
.... .... .0.. .... = Z: reserved (0)
.... .... ..0. .... = Answer authenticated: Answer/authority portion was not authenticated by the server
.... .... ...0 .... = Non-authenticated data: Unacceptable
.... .... .... 0000 = Reply code: No error (0)
Questions: 0
Answer RRs: 16
Authority RRs: 0
Additional RRs: 0
axis-00408cadc993.local: type A, class IN, cache flush, addr type PTR, class IN, cache flush, axis-00408cadc993.local
axis-00408cadc993.local: type A, class IN, cache flush, addr type PTR, class IN, cache flush, axis-00408cadc993.local
AXIS M1114 - 00408CADC993._http._tcp.local: type SRV, class IN, cache flush, priority 0, weight 0, port 80, target axis-00408cadc993.local
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
49 31.063350 DHCP 590 DHCP Discover - Transaction ID 0x2a5dad4a
H.323-Based Device Discovery
The following figure shows the H.323 device based discovery.

Frame 53: 266 bytes on wire (2128 bits), 266 bytes captured (2128 bits) Ethernet II, Src: Viavideo_0c:99:c7 (00:e0:db:0c:99:c7), Dst: Cisco_44:b4:bf (d0:d0:fd:44:b4:bf) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 49152 (49152), Dst Port: h323hostcall (1720), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 200 TPKT, Version: 3, Length: 200 Q.931 H.225.0 CS H323-UserInformation h323-uu-pdu h323-message-body: setup (0) setup protocolIdentifier: (Version 4) sourceAddress: 2 items Item 0 AliasAddress: h323-ID (1) h323-ID: Polycom2 Item 1 AliasAddress: h323-ID (1) h323-ID: Polycom2 sourceInfo vendor vendor t35CountryCode: United States (181) t35Extension: 0 manufacturerCode: 9009 H.221 Manufacturer: ViaVideo (0xb5002331) productId: HDX 7000 versionId: HF. terminal ..0. .... mc: False ...0 .... undefinedNode: False destCallSignalAddress: ipAddress (0) 0... .... activeMC: False conferenceID: 02344ebe-3c00-1000-1ed2-c9ceeffc85db conferenceGoal: create (0) callType: pointToPoint (0) sourceCallSignalAddress: ipAddress (0) callIdentifier 0... .... mediaWaitForConnect: False 0... .... canOverlapSend: False 0... .... multipleCalls: False 0... .... maintainConnection: False presentationIndicator: presentationAllowed (0) presentationAllowed: NULL screeningIndicator: userProvidedVerifiedAndFailed (2) 0... .... h245Tunnelling: False user-data
SIP-Based Device Discovery
The following figure shows the SIP-based device discovery.

The SIP client, which is a round table video phone sends out SIP Register messages to the call manager. The call manager is responsible for routing the call across the enterprise network. Following sample packet capture highlights the UserAgent field in the SIP Register message, which identifies the device name and the device version.
Frame 24: 602 bytes on wire (4816 bits), 602 bytes captured (4816 bits)
Ethernet II, Src: Viavideo_0c:96:de (00:e0:db:0c:96:de), Dst: Cisco_f7:12:00 (d0:d0:fd:f7:12:00)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: sip (5060), Dst Port: sip (5060)
Session Initiation Protocol
Request-Line: REGISTER sip: SIP/2.0
Request-URI: sip:
Request-URI Host Part:
[Resent Packet: False]
Message Header
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK10048000-287329697
Transport: UDP
Sent-by Address:
Sent-by port: 5060
Branch: z9hG4bK10048000-287329697
Max-Forwards: 70
Supported: ms-forking,replaces
From: 1020 <sip:1020@> ;epid=8210200C96DECN;tag=plcm_10050000-287329698
SIP Display info: 1020
SIP from address: sip:1020@
SIP from address User Part: 1020
SIP from address Host Part:
SIP tag: plcm_10050000-287329698
To: <sip:1020@>
SIP to address: sip:1020@
SIP to address User Part: 1020
SIP to address Host Part:
Call-ID: 10047000-287329696
Sequence Number: 1
Expires: 300
Contact: 1020 <sip:1020@;transport=udp> ;proxy=replace
SIP Display info: 1020
Contact-URI: sip:1020@;transport=udp
Contactt-URI User Part: 1020
Contact-URI Host Part:
Contact-URI Host Port: 5060
Contact parameter: transport=udp>
Contact parameter: proxy=replace
User-Agent: Polycom HDX 7000 (HF -
Content-Length: 0
No. Time Source Destination Protocol Length Info
25 29.812516 SIP 602 Request: REGISTER sip:
Flow Identification Mechanisms
- SIP-Based Flow Identification
- H.323-Based Flow Identification
- H.323 Fast Connect
- RTSP-Based Flow Identification
SIP-Based Flow Identification
The SIP is an application-level signaling protocol used for controlling multimedia communication sessions such as voice and video calls. SIP enables one party to place a call to another party and negotiates the parameters of a multimedia session. The actual audio, video, or other multimedia content is exchanged between session participants using the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP).
SIP incorporates the use of a Session Description Protocol (SDP), which defines the session content. SIP is used to invite one or more participants to a session, and the SDP-encoded body of the SIP message contains information about what media encoding (for example, voice or video) the parties use.
The figure below displays the SIP message exchange process.

In the message exchange process for SIP, the INVITE message, which is used to establish a media session between user agents, carries SDP from the sender to the receiver. The associated SDP provides information about the bandwidth, the application name, and the sender port number. It also signals RTP, which is used as the protocol for communications.
The receiver sends the OK response along with the SDP, which includes the audio port of the destination. The complete 5-tuple information is derived from the INVITE and the OK message exchanges. This information is then used by flow metadata or RSVP proxy to provide the necessary services in the forward direction of the RTP flow.
Frame 1216: 146 bytes on wire (1168 bits), 146 bytes captured (1168 bits) Ethernet II, Src: Viavideo_0c:96:de (00:e0:db:0c:96:de), Dst: Cisco_f7:12:00 (d0:d0:fd:f7:12:00) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: sip (5060), Dst Port: sip (5060) Session Initiation Protocol Request-Line: INVITE sip:1009@ SIP/2.0 Method: INVITE Request-URI: sip:1009@ [Resent Packet: False] Message Header Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK51903000-287329707 Max-Forwards: 70 From: 1020 <sip:1020@> ;epid=8210200C96DECN;tag=plcm_51345000-287329705 To: <sip:1009@> Call-ID: 51344000-287329703 CSeq: 3 INVITE Min-SE: 1800 Session-Expires: 1800 Supported: ms-forking,timer Contact: 1020 <sip:1020@;transport=udp> ;proxy=replace Content-Type: application/sdp Authorization: Digest username="1020@",realm="ccmsipline",nonce="eC2sMLqcT/XlsQlSZVPiLklUnkEfUynF",uri="sip:1009@",response="a7d7e99b964e6d14e04eae2a0dc092b3",algorithm=MD5 User-Agent: Polycom HDX 7000 (HF - Content-Length: 826 Message Body Session Description Protocol Session Description Protocol Version (v): 0 Owner/Creator, Session Id (o): bangalore 1804537739 0 IN IP4 Session Name (s): - Connection Information (c): IN IP4 Bandwidth Information (b): CT:1920 Time Description, active time (t): 0 0 Media Description, name and address (m): audio 49154 RTP/AVP 115 102 9 15 0 8 18 119 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:115 G7221/32000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:115 bitrate=48000 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:102 G7221/16000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:102 bitrate=32000 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:9 G722/8000 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:15 G728/8000 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:18 G729/8000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:18 annexb=no Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:119 telephone-event/8000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:119 0-15 Media Attribute (a): sendrecv Media Description, name and address (m): video 49156 RTP/AVP 109 96 34 31 Bandwidth Information (b): TIAS:384000 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:109 H264/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:109 profile-level-id=42800d; max-mbps=47520; max-fs=1584; max-br=1600; sar=13 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:96 H263-1998/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:96 CIF4=2;CIF=1;QCIF=1;SQCIF=1;F;J;T Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:34 H263/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:34 CIF4=2;CIF=1;QCIF=1;SQCIF=1;F Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:31 H261/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:31 CIF=1;QCIF=1 Media Attribute (a): sendrecv Media Attribute (a): rtcp-fb:* ccm fir tmmbr
The first line of the message contains the method name (INVITE), the SIP Universal Resource Indicator (URI), and the version number.
The message header lists various details of the message including the content type that indicates the type of the message body.
The message body for this particular SIP message lists the contents of SDP such as bandwidth information, application name, and the clock frequency.
A sample OK message is as follows:
Ethernet II, Src: Cisco_f7:12:00 (d0:d0:fd:f7:12:00), Dst: Viavideo_0c:96:de (00:e0:db:0c:96:de) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: sip (5060), Dst Port: sip (5060) Session Initiation Protocol Status-Line: SIP/2.0 200 OK Status-Code: 200 [Resent Packet: False] [Request Frame: 53] [Response Time (ms): 16079] Message Header Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK51903000-287329707 From: 1020 <sip:1020@> ;epid=8210200C96DECN;tag=plcm_51345000-287329705 To: <sip:1009@> ;tag=5bc4d0f5-acc3-43e2-a11d-3ea8aae3458a-25577575 Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 15:12:08 GMT Call-ID: 51344000-287329703 CSeq: 3 INVITE Allow: INVITE, OPTIONS, INFO, BYE, CANCEL, ACK, PRACK, UPDATE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY Allow-Events: presence Contact: <sip:1009@> Supported: replaces Send-Info: conference Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas Require: timer Remote-Party-ID: <sip:1009@>;party=called;screen=yes;privacy=off Content-Type: application/sdp Content-Length: 514 Message Body Session Description Protocol Session Description Protocol Version (v): 0 Owner/Creator, Session Id (o): CiscoSystemsCCM-SIP 2000 1 IN IP4 Session Name (s): SIP Call Time Description, active time (t): 0 0 Media Description, name and address (m): audio 21426 RTP/AVP 9 101 Connection Information (c): IN IP4 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:9 G722/8000 Media Attribute (a): ptime:20 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:101 0-15 Media Description, name and address (m): video 0 RTP/AVP 31 34 96 97 Connection Information (c): IN IP4 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:31 H261/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:31 MAXBR=128 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:34 H263-1998/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:34 SQCIF=1;QCIF=1;CIF=1;CIF4=2;F=1;J=1;T=1 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:96 H263-1998/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:96 SQCIF=1;QCIF=1;CIF=1;CIF4=2;F=1 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:97 H264/90000 Media Attribute (a): fmtp:97 parameter-add=0 Media Attribute (a): inactive
The first line of the OK message contains the version number of SIP used and the 200 OK response code and name. The message header lists various details of the message, including the content type, which indicates the type of the message body.
The message body lists the contents of the SDP, which contains the audio port of the destination.
The sample 5-tuple derived from the message headers for the RTP session are listed in the table below.
Table 1 | Tuple Values Derived from the Headers for the Sample SIP Session |
Tuple |
Values |
Source IP | |
Destination IP | |
Source Port |
5060 |
Destination Port |
5060 |
Protocol |
H.323-Based Flow Identification
H.323 is a system specification that describes the use of several ITU-T and IETF protocols that provide audio, video, and data communications in any IP-based network.
- Registration, Admission, and Status (RAS) (H.225) signaling--used between an H.323 endpoint and a gatekeeper to provide address resolution and admission control services.
- Call Control/Call Setup (H.225)--used between any two H.323 entities to establish communication. This happens over port 1720 and provides the necessary flow metadata required to establish CAC or a flow metadata session.
- H.245 Media Control and Transport Signaling--used for multimedia communication that describes the messages and procedures used for capability exchange, opening and closing logical channels for audio, video and data control, and indications. This happens in parallel to a separate TCP session but on a dynamic port.
The figure below shows a sample H.323 message exchange process. H.323 version 1 is used. The Catalyst 4500 series switches support only up to 13 simultaneous H.323 v1 calls.

The packet captures for the sample message exchange process and the corresponding flow metadata attributes extracted are described in the following section.
Ethernet II, Src: Viavideo_0c:96:de (00:e0:db:0c:96:de), Dst: Radvisio_01:14:93 (00:03:d6:01:14:93) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 35965 (35965), Dst Port: h323hostcall (1720), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 242 TPKT, Version: 3, Length: 242 Q.931 H.225.0 CS H323-UserInformation h323-uu-pdu h323-message-body: setup (0) setup protocolIdentifier: (Version 4) sourceAddress: 2 items sourceInfo vendor vendor t35CountryCode: United States (181) t35Extension: 0 manufacturerCode: 9009 H.221 Manufacturer: ViaVideo (0xb5002331) productId: HDX 7000 versionId: HF - terminal ..0. .... mc: False ...0 .... undefinedNode: False destinationAddress: 1 item destCallSignalAddress: ipAddress (0) ipAddress ip: ( port: 1720 0... .... activeMC: False conferenceID: 02324671-8f87-1140-1312-7b98f1d65745 conferenceGoal: create (0) callType: pointToPoint (0) sourceCallSignalAddress: ipAddress (0) ipAddress ip: ( port: 35965 callIdentifier 0... .... mediaWaitForConnect: False 0... .... canOverlapSend: False endpointIdentifier: 206D3CB800000002 0... .... multipleCalls: False 0... .... maintainConnection: False presentationIndicator: presentationAllowed (0) screeningIndicator: userProvidedVerifiedAndFailed (2) 0... .... h245Tunnelling: False user-data
The following table lists the flow metadata attributes derived from the headers of the H.225 call control signaling for the sending device.
Table 2 | Flow Metadata Attributes Derived from the Headers for the Sample H.323 Session (Source) |
Flow Metadata Attributes |
Values |
Source Model |
HDX 7000 |
Source Version |
HF - |
Source IP | |
Source Port |
35965 |
H.245 Tunneling |
Destination IP | |
Destination Port |
1720 |
H.225.0 CS H323-UserInformation h323-uu-pdu h323-message-body: connect (2) connect protocolIdentifier: (Version 5) h245Address: ipAddress (0) ipAddress ip: ( port: 39161 destinationInfo vendor vendor t35CountryCode: Italy (89) t35Extension: 0 manufacturerCode: 44547 H.221 Manufacturer: viavideo (0xb5002331) productId: RV XT1000 versionId: V1.0.19 Mon May 31 16:02:37 2010 terminal ..0. .... mc: False ...0 .... undefinedNode: False conferenceID: 02324671-8f87-1140-1312-7b98f1d65745 callIdentifier guid: 02324671-8f87-1140-1311-7b98f1d65745 0... .... multipleCalls: False 1... .... maintainConnection: True presentationIndicator: presentationAllowed (0) presentationAllowed: NULL screeningIndicator: userProvidedVerifiedAndFailed (2) 0... .... h245Tunnelling: False
Table 3 | Flow Metadata Attributes Derived from the Headers for the Sample H.323 Session (Receiver) |
Flow Metadata Attributes |
Values |
Receiver Model |
RV XT1000 |
Receiver Version |
V1.0.19 |
H245 Tunneling |
Frame 76: 111 bytes on wire (888 bits), 111 bytes captured (888 bits) Ethernet II, Src: Viavideo_0c:96:de (00:e0:db:0c:96:de), Dst: Radvisio_01:14:93 (00:03:d6:01:14:93) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 35940 (35940), Dst Port: 39161 (39161), Seq: 619, TPKT, Version: 3, Length: 45 H.245 PDU Type: request (0) request: openLogicalChannel (3) openLogicalChannel forwardLogicalChannelNumber: 2 forwardLogicalChannelParameters dataType: audioData (3) audioData: genericAudioCapability (20) genericAudioCapability capabilityIdentifier: standard (0) standard: (itu-t.0.7.7221.1.1.0) maxBitRate: 480 collapsing: 2 items Item 0 collapsing item parameterIdentifier: standard (0) standard: 1 parameterValue: unsignedMin (2) unsignedMin: 1 Item 1 collapsing item parameterIdentifier: standard (0) standard: 2 parameterValue: booleanArray (1) booleanArray: 16 multiplexParameters: h2250LogicalChannelParameters (3) h2250LogicalChannelParameters sessionID: 1 mediaControlChannel: unicastAddress (0) unicastAddress: iPAddress (0) iPAddress network: ( tsapIdentifier: 49155 dynamicRTPPayloadType: 115 Frame 1045: 110 bytes on wire (880 bits), 110 bytes captured (880 bits) Ethernet II, Src: Radvisio_01:14:93 (00:03:d6:01:14:93), Dst: Viavideo_0c:96:de (00:e0:db:0c:96:de) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: filenet-rpc (32769), Dst Port: 49155 (49155) Real-time Transport Control Protocol (Sender Report) [Stream setup by H245 (frame 83)] [Setup frame: 83] [Setup Method: H245] 10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2) ..0. .... = Padding: False ...0 0001 = Reception report count: 1 Packet type: Sender Report (200) Length: 12 (52 bytes) Sender SSRC: 0x055fcc01 (90164225) Timestamp, MSW: 2208993651 (0x83aa9173) Timestamp, LSW: 1584094718 (0x5e6b5dfe) [MSW and LSW as NTP timestamp: Jan 1, 1970 01:20:51.368825000 UTC] RTP timestamp: 1319200 Sender's packet count: 250 Sender's octet count: 33000 Source 1 Identifier: 0x419cbb01 (1100790529) SSRC contents Fraction lost: 0 / 256 Cumulative number of packets lost: 0 Extended highest sequence number received: 245 Sequence number cycles count: 0 Highest sequence number received: 245 Interarrival jitter: 30 Last SR timestamp: 0 (0x00000000) Delay since last SR timestamp: 0 (0 milliseconds) Real-time Transport Control Protocol (Source description) [Stream setup by H245 (frame 83)] [Setup frame: 83] [Setup Method: H245] 10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2) ..0. .... = Padding: False ...0 0001 = Source count: 1 Packet type: Source description (202) Length: 3 (16 bytes) Chunk 1, SSRC/CSRC 0x55FCC01 Identifier: 0x055fcc01 (90164225) SDES items Type: CNAME (user and domain) (1) Length: 5 Text: AUDIO Type: END (0)
Table 4 | Flow Metadata Attributes Derived from a Sample H.245 Audio Session |
Flow Metadata Attributes |
Values |
Application Name |
audio |
Media Protocol |
max Bit Rate (Bandwidth, in bits per second (b/s)) |
480 |
dynamicRTPPayloadType |
115 |
Session ID |
1 |
Ethernet II, Src: Viavideo_0c:96:de (00:e0:db:0c:96:de), Dst: Radvisio_01:14:93 (00:03:d6:01:14:93) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 35940 (35940), Dst Port: 39161 (39161), Seq: 664, H.245 PDU Type: request (0) request: openLogicalChannel (3) openLogicalChannel forwardLogicalChannelNumber: 3 forwardLogicalChannelParameters dataType: videoData (2) videoData: genericVideoCapability (5): ITU-T Rec. H.241 H.264 Video Capabilities genericVideoCapability capabilityIdentifier: standard (0) standard: (h264 generic-capabilities) - ITU-T Rec. H.241 H.264 Video Capabilities maxBitRate: 3360 collapsing: 5 items multiplexParameters: h2250LogicalChannelParameters (3) h2250LogicalChannelParameters sessionID: 2 mediaControlChannel: unicastAddress (0) unicastAddress: iPAddress (0) iPAddress network: ( tsapIdentifier: 49157 dynamicRTPPayloadType: 109 mediaPacketization: rtpPayloadType (1) rtpPayloadType payloadDescriptor: oid (2) oid: (iPpacketization_h241AnnexA(single NAL unit mode)) payloadType: 109
Table 5 | Flow Metadata Attributes Derived from a Sample H.245 Video Session |
Flow Metadata Attributes |
Values |
Application Name |
video |
Media Protocol |
max Bit Rate (Bandwidth in b/s) |
3360 |
dynamicRTPPayloadType |
109 |
Video Codec |
H.264 |
Session ID |
2 |
H.323 Fast Connect
Fast Connect is a means of establishing an H.323 call with as few as two messages, which is achieved by tunneling H.245 messages along with H.225 messages (Setup/Connect).
Fast Connect allows endpoints to establish media channels without waiting for separate H.245 logical connections to be opened. This streamlines the number of messages that are exchanged and the amount of processing that must be done before endpoint connections can be established.
Following is an illustration of H.323-Fast Connect. The flow metadata attributes captured for Fast Connect remains similar to that of the H.323 process.

RTSP-Based Flow Identification
RTSP is an application-level protocol that provides a mechanism to control on-demand delivery of real-time data such as audio and video. It is independent of the transport protocol being used (TCP or UDP).
RTSP allows media clients to control selected, noncontiguous sections of media presentations, rendering those streams with an RTP media layer. SDP is one of the protocols used to describe streams or presentations in RTSP.
The following illustration shows the working of RTSP-based flow identification:

The client (which is the surveillance manager) sends a control request to the server (which is the IP camera), listing the source and destination IP addresses, and the source and destination port numbers.
Before establishing the session, the client must get the session description from the web server by using HTTP. The server retrieves the description of the presentation or the media object and sends the DESCRIBE message to the client. According to the information available in the description, the client sends a SETUP request to the server, specifying the transport mechanism used. The server responds to the client with an OK message along with the SDP indicating that the stream has been prepared successfully. The SDP contains the tuple values along with other flow metadata attributes that can be used to provide additional services.
The client starts the streaming (audio, video, or both) with a PLAY request and ends the streaming session with a TEARDOWN request.
Ethernet II, Src: Cisco_f0:76:76 (00:24:97:f0:76:76), Dst: AxisComm_94:12:d3 (00:40:8c:94:12:d3)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 48587 (48587), Dst Port: rtsp (554), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 164
Real Time Streaming Protocol
Request: DESCRIBE rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n
URL: rtsp://
CSeq: 1\r\n
Accept: application/sdp\r\n
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46QyFzYzAxMjM=\r\n
User-Agent: BroadWare\r\n
Frame 120: 1011 bytes on wire (8088 bits), 1011 bytes captured (8088 bits) Ethernet II, Src: AxisComm_94:12:d3 (00:40:8c:94:12:d3), Dst: Cisco_f0:76:76 (00:24:97:f0:76:76) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: rtsp (554), Dst Port: 48587 (48587), Seq: 1, Ack: 165, Len: 945 Real Time Streaming Protocol Response: RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Status: 200 CSeq: 1\r\n Content-Base: rtsp://\r\n Content-type: application/sdp Content-length: 806 \r\n Session Description Protocol Session Description Protocol Version (v): 0 Owner/Creator, Session Id (o): - 1289587955180222 1289587955180226 IN IP4 Owner Username: - Session ID: 1289587955180222 Session Version: 1289587955180226 Owner Network Type: IN Owner Address Type: IP4 Owner Address: Session Name (s): Media Presentation E-mail Address (e): NONE Connection Information (c): IN IP4 Connection Network Type: IN Connection Address Type: IP4 Connection Address: Bandwidth Information (b): AS:8064 Bandwidth Modifier: AS [Application Specific (RTP session bandwidth)] Bandwidth Value: 8064 kb/s Time Description, active time (t): 0 0 Session Start Time: 0 Session Stop Time: 0 Session Attribute (a): control:* Session Attribute Fieldname: control Session Attribute Value: * Session Attribute (a): range:npt=now- Session Attribute Fieldname: range Session Attribute Value: npt=now- Session Attribute (a) [truncated]: mpeg4-iod: "data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64,AoF/AE8BAf71AQOBEgABQHRkYXRhOmFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL21wZWc0LW9kLWF1O2Jhc2U2NCxBVGdCR3dVZkF4Y0F5U1FBWlFRTklC RUVrK0FBZWhJQUFIb1NBQVlCQkFFWkFwOERGUUJsQlFRTlFCVUFDN2dBQV Session Attribute Fieldname: mpeg4-iod Session Attribute Value [truncated]: "data:application/mpeg4-iod;base64,AoF/AE8BAf71AQOBEgABQHRkYXRhOmFwcGxpY2F0aW9uL21wZWc0LW9kLWF1O2Jhc2U2NCxBVGdCR3dVZkF4Y0F5U1FBWlFRTklCRUVrK0FBZWhJQUFIb1NBQVlCQkFFWkFwOERGUUJsQlFRTlFCVUFDN2dBQVBvQUFBRD Media Description, name and address (m): video 0 RTP/AVP 96 Media Type: video Media Port: 0 Media Protocol: RTP/AVP Media Format: DynamicRTP-Type-96 Bandwidth Information (b): AS:8000 Bandwidth Modifier: AS [Application Specific (RTP session bandwidth)] Bandwidth Value: 8000 kb/s Media Attribute (a): framerate:15.0 Media Attribute Fieldname: framerate Media Attribute Value: 15.0 Media Attribute (a): control:trackID=1 Media Attribute Fieldname: control Media Attribute Value: trackID=1 Media Attribute (a): rtpmap:96 MP4V-ES/90000 Media Attribute Fieldname: rtpmap Media Format: 96 MIME Type: MP4V-ES Sample Rate: 90000
The RTSP response message sent by the recipient contains the protocol version followed by the status code and the content type. The SDP contains the bandwidth information, application name, clock frequency, and other flow metadata attributes.
The following table contains the flow metadata attributes that are extracted from the sample RTSP message exchange process.
Table 6 | Flow Metadata Attributes Derived from the Sample RTSP Session |
Flow Metadata Attributes |
Values |
Application Name |
video |
Media Protocol |
max Bit Rate (Bandwidth, in kb/s) |
8064 |
Frame Rate |
15 |
dynamicRTPPayloadType |
96 |
MIME Type |
Clock Frequency |
90000 |
Frame 122: 244 bytes on wire (1952 bits), 244 bytes captured (1952 bits) Ethernet II, Src: Cisco_f0:76:76 (00:24:97:f0:76:76), Dst: AxisComm_94:12:d3 (00:40:8c:94:12:d3) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 48587 (48587), Dst Port: rtsp (554), Seq: 165, Ack: 946, Len: 178 Real Time Streaming Protocol Request: SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n Method: SETUP URL: rtsp:// CSeq: 2\r\n Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46QyFzYzAxMjM=\r\n Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast User-Agent: BroadWare\r\n \r\n Frame 123: 186 bytes on wire (1488 bits), 186 bytes captured (1488 bits) Ethernet II, Src: AxisComm_94:12:d3 (00:40:8c:94:12:d3), Dst: Cisco_f0:76:76 (00:24:97:f0:76:76) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: rtsp (554), Dst Port: 48587 (48587), Seq: 946, Ack: 343, Len: 120 Real Time Streaming Protocol Response: RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Status: 200 CSeq: 2\r\n Session: 1312017293;timeout=60 Transport: RTP/AVP/TCP;unicast;interleaved=0-1;mode="PLAY" \r\n
Frame 124: 239 bytes on wire (1912 bits), 239 bytes captured (1912 bits) Ethernet II, Src: Cisco_f0:76:76 (00:24:97:f0:76:76), Dst: AxisComm_94:12:d3 (00:40:8c:94:12:d3) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 48587 (48587), Dst Port: rtsp (554), Seq: 343, Ack: 1066, Len: 173 Real Time Streaming Protocol Request: PLAY rtsp:// RTSP/1.0\r\n Method: PLAY URL: rtsp:// CSeq: 3\r\n Session: 1312017293 Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46QyFzYzAxMjM=\r\n Range: npt=now-\r\n User-Agent: BroadWare\r\n \r\n
The RTP 5-tuple values that are extracted from the sample RTSP message exchange process are listed in the table below.
Table 7 | RTP Tuple Values Derived |
RTP Tuple |
Values |
Source IP | |
Destination IP | |
Source Port |
48587 |
Destination Port |
554 |
Protocol |
14E59BAE |
Timeout |
60 |
Frame 324: 186 bytes on wire (1488 bits), 186 bytes captured (1488 bits) Ethernet II, Src: AxisComm_94:12:d3 (00:40:8c:94:12:d3), Dst: Cisco_f0:76:76 (00:24:97:f0:76:76) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: rtsp (554), Dst Port: mpnjsc (1952), Seq: 1108, Ack: 536, Len: 120 Real Time Streaming Protocol Response: RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\n Status: 200 CSeq: 3\r\n Session: 0141143570 Range: npt=now-\r\n RTP-Info: url=trackID=1;seq=36491;rtptime=3364651885\r\n \r\n Frame 325: 1514 bytes on wire (12112 bits), 1514 bytes captured (12112 bits) Ethernet II, Src: AxisComm_94:12:d3 (00:40:8c:94:12:d3), Dst: Cisco_f0:76:76 (00:24:97:f0:76:76) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: ( User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 50420 (50420), Dst Port: 16412 (16412) Source port: 50420 (50420) Destination port: 16412 (16412) Length: 1480 Checksum: 0xaf6d [validation disabled] [Good Checksum: False] [Bad Checksum: False] Real-Time Transport Protocol [Stream setup by RTSP (frame 322)] [Setup frame: 322] [Setup Method: RTSP] 10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2) ..0. .... = Padding: False ...0 .... = Extension: False .... 0000 = Contributing source identifiers count: 0 0... .... = Marker: False Payload type: DynamicRTP-Type-96 (96) Sequence number: 36491 [Extended sequence number: 36491] Timestamp: 3364650907 Synchronization Source identifier: 0x3459d33f (878302015) Payload: 000001b0f5000001b509000001000000012008d495880325...
User-Defined Port Configuration
TCP or UDP ports can be opened globally at the device level or on a per-physical port basis. The Catalyst 4500 series switches support ports only at the global level.
TCP or UDP ports can be nonstandard depending on the endpoint device. Standard ports are opened by the device by default. Users can dynamically change the port numbers using the CLI, if required.
The following table lists the standard port numbers for different protocols.
Table 8 | Standard Port Numbers |
Protocol |
Transport Protocol |
Standard Port Numbers |
H.225 |
1720 |
H.323 RAS |
1718 |
mDNS |
5353 |
TCP and UDP |
554 |
TCP and UDP |
5060 |
You can use the profile flow port-map command to configure a user-defined port number for the protocols.
All ports must be opened as the system gets powered up or at least before the physical port goes to the UP state. If the ports are opened after the physical port is set to UP state, the initial synch or handshake can get lost and device or flow identification can get obstructed. A link flap, or the shutdown command followed by the no shutdown command, should restart the initial handshake messages for device and flow identification.
The Catalyst 4500 switches support only one port number for a protocol. For example, if you specify 5070 as a SIP port number, the platform replaces the standard port of 5060 with 5070 in the hardware.
How to Configure Media Services Proxy
- Enabling Media Services Proxy
- Providing MSP Flow Services
- Manually Configuring Flow Metadata Attributes
- Manually Configuring RSVP CAC Parameters
- Configuring User-Defined Port Numbers for Protocols
- Verifying the MSP Configuration
Enabling Media Services Proxy
Providing MSP Flow Services
You can provide MSP flow services using following methods:
Providing MSP Flow Services Using EEM Script
Providing Flow Services by Using MSP Profiles
MSP profiles identify the actions that must be taken on every flow. You can configure MSP profiles and customize them with flow metadata and RSVP parameters for each flow.
You can attach the MSP profiles to the media flow either globally or per interface.
If you attach a profile globally, RSVP and flow metadata attributes in the MSP profile are associated to all the flows identified.
If you attach a profile to an interface, RSVP and flow metadata attributes that are configured in the profile are associated with each unique flow identified on that interface.
Perform the following task to provide flow services by using MSP profiles.DETAILED STEPS
Command or Action | Purpose | |||
Example: Device> enable |
Example: Device# configure terminal |
Enters global configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config)# media-proxy services profile profile1 |
Creates an MSP profile and enters media proxy services configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config-ms)# rsvp |
Enters media proxy services RSVP configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config-ms-rsvp)# params media-rsvp |
Associates the manually configured RSVP parameters with the MSP profile. For more information about creating RSVP parameters manually, refer to Configuring RSVP CAC Parameters. |
Example: Device(config-ms-rsvp)# exit |
Returns to media proxy services configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config-ms)# metadata |
Enters media proxy services metadata configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config-ms-md)# paramas metadata1 |
Associates the manually configured flow metadata attributes with the MSP profile. For more information about creating metadata attributes manually, refer to Manually Configuring Flow Metadata Attributes. |
Example: Device(config-ms-md)# exit |
Enters media proxy services configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config-ms)# exit |
Enters global configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1 |
Enters interface configuration mode. |
Example: Device(config-if)# media-proxy services profile1 |
Example: Device(config-if)# end |
Returns to privileged EXEC mode. |
Manually Configuring Flow Metadata Attributes
By default, MSP identifies the endpoints and the flow by using flow identifying mechanisms and gleans the flow and device-related flow metadata attributes. You can perform the following task to manually configure flow metadata attributes. Any flow metadata attribute configured manually overrides the attribute that has been identified automatically.
Manually Configuring RSVP CAC Parameters
MSP triggers RSVP requests on behalf of the endpoints. Bandwidth reservation is performed automatically for media flow after the endpoint and flow details are detected by MSP.
You can perform the following task to manually configure RSVP CAC parameters when an RSVP CAC session is initiated by a router or a switch. Manually configured RSVP parameters override automatically detected RSVP CAC parameters.
Configuring User-Defined Port Numbers for Protocols
By default, standard TCP or UDP ports are used for device and flow identification. You can perform the following task to override the standard port numbers and configure user-defined port numbers for the specified protocols.
Verifying the MSP Configuration
Use the following commands to verify the MSP configuration. You can use the show commands in any order:
Configuration Examples for Media Services Proxy
- Example: Providing MSP Flow Services Using EEM Scripts
- Example: Providing MSP Flow Services Using MSP Profiles
- Example: Manually Configuring Flow Metadata Attributes
- Example: Manually Configuring RSVP Parameters
- Example: Configuring User-Defined Port Numbers for Protocols
- Sample Deployment Scenario for MSP Implementation
Example: Providing MSP Flow Services Using EEM Scripts
The following example shows how to provide MSP flow services using EEM scripts:
enable configure terminal event manager directory user policy flash:/policy1 event manager policy test-1-1.tcl type user
Following sample EEM script illustrates how the required services can be provided to a media flow. The aim of this script is to apply different profiles based on the type of flow and bandwidth. All audio flows with bandwidth less than 128 kps will have one profile attached to them, whereas all video flows with bandwidth more than 128 kbps will have another profile attached to them.
//Defines the header of the script. This determines when exactly the script will be called. When you configure the event manager policy policy-filename type user command, only the header is read. This indicates that the script must be called for the event type 'add' and the flow detection protocol 'sip'. ::cisco::eem::event_register_msp type add flow_detect_protocol sip namespace import ::cisco::eem::* namespace import ::cisco::lib::* //Fetches flow tuple and flow metadata attributes, which are then stored in the array 'arr_einfo'. #query the info reg the event array set arr_einfo [event_reqinfo] if {$_cerrno != 0} { set result [format "msp_event=%s; msp_src_ip=%i; msp_src_port=%d; msp_dest_ip=%i; msp_dest_port=%d; msp_l4_proto=%d; msp_attr_bw=%d; \n%s" \ $_msp_event $_msp_src_ip $_msp_src_port $_msp_dest_ip $_msp_dest_port $_msp_l4_proto $_msp_attr_bw $_cerr_str] error $result } //Defines global variables in which the values set in the "arr_einfo" are stored. This is optional. # if query is successful global msp_event global msp_src_ip msp_src_port msp_dest_ip msp_dest_port msp_l4_proto msp_attr_bw global msp_attr_clock_freq msp_attr_user_name msp_attr_email global msp_attr_bw_cnsmd msp_attr_fl_detect_proto global msp_attr_client_device_name msp_attr_client_device_model msp_attr_client_device_vendor global msp_attr_server_device_name msp_attr_server_device_model msp_attr_server_device_vendor msp_attr_local_flow_id msp_attr_callid //Assigns values to global variables. set msp_event $arr_einfo(msp_event) set msp_src_ip $arr_einfo(msp_src_ip) set msp_src_port $arr_einfo(msp_src_port) set msp_dest_ip $arr_einfo(msp_dest_ip) set msp_dest_port $arr_einfo(msp_dest_port) set msp_l4_proto $arr_einfo(msp_l4_proto) set msp_attr_bw $arr_einfo(msp_attr_bw) set msp_attr_clock_freq $arr_einfo(msp_attr_clock_freq) set msp_attr_user_name $arr_einfo(msp_attr_user_name) set msp_attr_email $arr_einfo(msp_attr_email) set msp_attr_ssrc $arr_einfo(msp_attr_ssrc) set msp_attr_bw_cnsmd $arr_einfo(msp_attr_bw_cnsmd) set msp_attr_fl_detect_proto $arr_einfo(msp_attr_fl_detect_proto) set msp_attr_client_device_name $arr_einfo(msp_attr_client_device_name) set msp_attr_client_device_model $arr_einfo(msp_attr_client_device_model) set msp_attr_client_device_vendor $arr_einfo(msp_attr_client_device_vendor) set msp_attr_server_device_name $arr_einfo(msp_attr_server_device_name) set msp_attr_server_device_model $arr_einfo(msp_attr_server_device_model) set msp_attr_server_device_vendor $arr_einfo(msp_attr_server_device_vendor) set msp_attr_local_flow_id $arr_einfo(msp_attr_local_flow_id) set msp_attr_call_id $arr_einfo(msp_attr_call_id) //Displays the values received by the script. puts "****** Running SIP Script ******" puts "Src ip $msp_src_ip Src port $msp_src_port dest_ip $msp_dest_ip dest_port $msp_dest_port l4 proto $msp_l4_proto bw $msp_attr_bw" puts "Clock Freq: $msp_attr_clock_freq, User Name: $msp_attr_user_name, Email: $msp_attr_email, Bw consumed: $msp_attr_bw_cnsmd, Flow detect proto: $msp_attr_fl_detect_proto" puts "Client Device: Name: $msp_attr_client_device_name Model: $msp_attr_client_device_model Vendor: $msp_attr_client_device_vendor" puts "Server Device: Name: $msp_attr_server_device_name Model: $msp_attr_server_device_model Vendor: $msp_attr_server_device_vendor" //Calls the Cisco IOS CLI. if [catch {cli_open} result] { error $result $errorInfo } else { array set cli $result } if [catch {cli_exec $cli(fd) "enable"}\ result] { error $result $errorInfo } else { set cmd_output $result } //Calls the MSP CLI based on the attributes. if { $msp_attr_bw < 128 } { # if [catch {cli_exec $cli(fd) "msp services attach $msp_attr_local_flow_id $msp_attr_call_id audio-profile"}\ result] { error $result $errorInfo } else { set cmd_output $result } } else { if [catch {cli_exec $cli(fd) "msp services attach $msp_attr_local_flow_id $msp_attr_call_id video-profile"}\ result] { error $result $errorInfo } else { set cmd_output $result } } //Closes the CLI mode. # if [catch {cli_close $cli(fd) $cli(tty_id)} result] { error $result $errorInfo }
Example: Providing MSP Flow Services Using MSP Profiles
The following example shows how to provide flow services using MSP profiles on a per-interface basis. Note that you must have previously configured the RSVP parameters and metadata attributes manually in the media-rsvp and metadata1 arguments:
enable configure terminal media-proxy services profile profile1 rsvp params media-rsvp exit metadata params metadata1 exit exit interface gigabitethernet 0/1 media-proxy services profile1 end
enable configure terminal media-proxy services profile profile1 rsvp params media-rsvp exit metadata params metadata1 exit exit media-proxy services profile1 end
Example: Manually Configuring Flow Metadata Attributes
The following example shows how to manually configure flow metadata attributes of application app1, bandwidth 10,000 kb/s, payload-type 7, and session ID 23 that can be applied to a flow:
enable configure terminal media-proxy services metadata m1 application name app1 bandwidth 10000 payload-type 7 session-id 23 end
Example: Manually Configuring RSVP Parameters
The following example shows how to manually configure RSVP parameters of bandwidth 1056 kb/s, max burst 3000, and a defending priority 2 that can be applied to a flow:
enable configure terminal media-proxy services rsvp rs1 bandwidth 1056 max-burst 3000 priority defending 2 end
Example: Configuring User-Defined Port Numbers for Protocols
The following example shows how to configure the RTSP protocol to use port number 1051:
enable configure terminal profile flow port-map rtsp udp 1051 end
Sample Deployment Scenario for MSP Implementation
The following section describes a video conference deployment model that uses the H.323 protocol. The illustration below provides a topology of a typical video conference system.

As depicted in the figure above, two users from two different locations are involved in a video conference through two video conference systems, Video Conference A and Video Conference C. Two networking devices, Switch A and Switch C are connected to L2 interfaces of the video conference systems.
All H.323 media register with a gatekeeper. This gatekeeper provides RAS signaling, thus achieving address resolution and admission control services.
Multiple video or audio streams can originate from these media endpoints. The video streams may have media monitoring enabled, and the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) markings can be different for data and audio streams.
- To automatically identify the H.323 flow that exceeds bandwidth of 2 Mbps and sets up QoS policy of marking to appropriate DSCP values.
- To automatically identify H.323 flow matching payload type 96, bandwidth of 64 kb/s, and an audio codec of G.711, and also to provide RSVP bandwidth reservations for the same.
Applying the following configuration on Switch A and Switch C enables MSP:
Device> enable Device# configure terminal Device(config)# profile flow
MSP, when enabled on Switch A and Switch C detects and identifies the type of device and the flow. Each audio or video stream is uniquely identified with the 5-tuple information (source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port, and protocol).
The following EEM script lets the system automatically identify the H.323 flow that exceeds bandwidth of 2 Mbps and sets up QoS policy of marking to appropriate DSCP values.
::cisco::eem::event_register_msp type add flow_detect_protocol h323 //This is the EEM script that will be executed when signaling protocol(or flow detection protocol) is H.323 and it is an add event //It attaches a profile that provides RSVP services, if the bandwidth required is greater than or equal to 2 Mbps namespace import ::cisco::eem::* namespace import ::cisco::lib::* //query the info reg the event array set arr_einfo [event_reqinfo] if {$_cerrno != 0} { set result [format "msp_event=%s; msp_src_ip=%i; msp_src_port=%d; msp_dest_ip=%i; msp_dest_port=%d; msp_l4_proto=%d; msp_attr_bw=%d; \n%s" \ $_msp_event $_msp_src_ip $_msp_src_port $_msp_dest_ip $_msp_dest_port $_msp_l4_proto $_msp_attr_bw $_cerr_str] error $result } //if query is successful global msp_attr_bw global msp_attr_local_flow_id msp_attr_callid set msp_attr_bw $arr_einfo(msp_attr_bw) set msp_attr_local_flow_id $arr_einfo(msp_attr_local_flow_id) set msp_attr_call_id $arr_einfo(msp_attr_call_id)
The following EEM script lets the system automatically the H.323 flow matching payload type 96, bandwidth of 64 kb/s, and an audio codec of G.711, and also to provide RSVP bandwidth reservations:
::cisco::eem::event_register_msp type add flow_detect_protocol h323 //This is the EEM script that will be executed when signaling protocol (or flow detection protocol) is h323 and it is an add event //This attaches a profile that provides rsvp services, if: - the bandwidth required is greater than or equal to 64 kbps - payload-type is 96 - mime-type is G711 namespace import ::cisco::eem::* namespace import ::cisco::lib::* //query the info reg the event array set arr_einfo [event_reqinfo] if {$_cerrno != 0} { set result [format "msp_event=%s; msp_src_ip=%i; msp_src_port=%d; msp_dest_ip=%i; msp_dest_port=%d; msp_l4_proto=%d; msp_attr_bw=%d; \n%s" \ $_msp_event $_msp_src_ip $_msp_src_port $_msp_dest_ip $_msp_dest_port $_msp_l4_proto $_msp_attr_bw $_cerr_str] error $result } //if query is successful global msp_attr_bw global msp_attr_local_flow_id msp_attr_callid set msp_attr_bw $arr_einfo(msp_attr_bw) set msp_attr_payload_type $arr_einfo(msp_attr_payload_type) "h323-64kbps-bw_96-pt_g711-mt.tcl" [Read only] 76 lines, 2096 characters
Applying the following configuration on Switch A and Switch C attaches the EEM scripts to the media flow that are automatically identified by MSP:
Device> enable Device# configure terminal Device(config)# event manager directory user policy flash:/policy1 Device(config)# event manager policy h323-2mbps-bw.tcl type user Device(config)# event manager policy h323-64kbps-bw_96-pt_g711-mt.tcl type user
Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic | Document Title |
Cisco IOS commands |
QoS commands: complete command syntax, command mode, defaults, usage guidelines, and examples |
Flow metadata overview, flow metadata properties, flow metadata entries |
Metadata Configuration Guide |
Standards and RFCs
Standard/RFC | Title |
No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been modified by this feature. |
-- |
MIB | MIBs Link |
No new or modified MIBs are supported by this feature, and support for existing MIBs has not been modified by this feature. |
To locate and download MIBs for selected platforms, Cisco software releases, and feature sets, use Cisco MIB Locator found at the following URL: |
Technical Assistance
Description | Link |
The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a Cisco.com user ID and password. |
Feature Information for Media Services Proxy
The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 9 | Feature Information for Media Services Proxy |
Feature Name | Releases | Feature Information |
Media Services Proxy |
15.1(1)SG |
MSP automatically identifies various media endpoints in the network and renders services based on the device identified. It acts as a layer that automatically connects appropriate devices with their respective network services. The following commands were introduced or modified: media-proxy services metadata, media-proxy services, media-proxy services rsvp, profile flow, profile flow port-map, show profile device, show profile flow. |