- A through B
- C
- debounce-time rai through dialer rotor
- dialer string through group-range
- interface bri through isdn busy
- isdn call interface through isdn send-alerting
- isdn sending-complete through loopback remote (controller)
- map-class dialer through modem inout
- modem cts-alarm
- peer default ip address through ppp iphc max-header
- ppp iphc max-period through ppp multilink slippage
- ppp pap wait through rotary-group
- script activation through show dial-shelf
- show dial-shelf split through show nbf cache
- show nbf sessions through show tech-support spe
- show tgrm through x25 map ppp
- aaa authorization configuration default
- aaa route download
- arap callback
- async default routing
- async dynamic address
- async dynamic routing
- async mode dedicated
- async mode interactive
- autodetect encapsulation
- autohangup
- autoselect
- backup delay
- backup interface
- backup interface dialer
- backup load
- bu syout (port)
- busyout (privileged EXEC)
- busyout (spe)
Dial Commands
aaa authorization configuration default
To download static route configuration information from the authorization, authentication, and accounting (AAA) server using TACACS+ or RADIUS, use the aaa authorization configuration default command in global configuration mode. To remove static route configuration information, use the no form of this command.
aaa authorization configuration default { radius | tacacs + }
no aaa authorization configuration default
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example downloads static route information using a TACACS+ server:
Related Commands
Enables the download static route feature and sets the amount of time between downloads. |
Displays all static IP routes, or those installed using the AAA route download function. |
aaa route download
To enable the static route download feature and set the amount of time between downloads, use the aaa route download command in global configuration mode. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.
aaa route download [ time ] [ authorization method-list ]
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default period between downloads (updates) is 720 minutes.
Command Modes
Command History
The authorization keyword was added; the method-list argument was added. |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB. |
Usage Guidelines
This command is used to download static route details from the authorization, authentication, and accounting (AAA) server if the name of the router is hostname. The name passed to the AAA server for static routes is hostname-1, hostname-2... hostname-n —the router downloads static routes until it fails an index and no more routes can be downloaded.
The following example sets the AAA route update period to 100 minutes:
The following example sets the AAA route update period to 10 minutes and sends static route download requests to the servers specified by the method list name “list1”:
Related Commands
arap callback
To enable an AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA) client to request a callback, use the arap callback command in global configuration mode. To disable callback requests, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Callback requests are not accepted on lines configured for ARA.
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command enables the router to accept callback requests from ARA clients. You first have to enable AppleTalk routing on the router and then enable automatic ARA startup on the line. You can use this command with either local username authentication or TACACS+ authentication.
The following example accepts a callback request from an ARA client:
Related Commands
async default routing
Note Beginning in Cisco IOS Release 12.3(11)T, the async default routing command is replaced by the routing dynamic command. See the routing dynamic command for more information.
To enable the router to pass routing updates to other routers over an asynchronous interface, use the async default routing command in interface configuration mode. To disable dynamic addressing, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the async default routing command to define the default behavior for router-to-router communication over connections to the AUX port configured as an asynchronous interface. This command is commonly used to enable two routers to communicate over an async dial backup link.
To require a remote user to manually configure routing over connections to the AUX port configured as an asynchronous interface, use the async dynamic routing command.
The following example enables routing over asynchronous interface 0:
Related Commands
Enables manually configured routing on an asynchronous interface. |
async dynamic address
To specify dynamic asynchronous addressing, use the async dynamic address command in interface configuration mode. To disable dynamic addressing, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
You can control whether addressing is dynamic (the user specifies the address at the EXEC level when making the connection) or whether default addressing is used (the address is forced by the system). If you specify dynamic addressing, the router must be in interactive mode and the user will enter the address at the EXEC level.
It is common to configure an asynchronous interface to have a default address and to allow dynamic addressing. With this configuration, the choice between the default address or dynamic addressing is made by users when they enter the slip or ppp EXEC command. If the user enters an address, it is used, and if the user enters the default keyword, the default address is used.
The following example shows dynamic addressing assigned to asynchronous interface six.
interface ethernet 0
ip address
interface async 6
async dynamic address
Related Commands
Specifies an IP address, an address from a specific IP address pool, or an address from the DHCP mechanism to be returned to a remote peer connecting to this interface. |
async dynamic routing
To enable manually configured routing on an asynchronous interface, use the async dynamic routing command in interface configuration mode. To disable routing protocols, use the no form of this command; static routing is still used.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The async dynamic routing command is commonly used to manually bring up PPP from an EXEC session.
The following example shows how to enable manually configured routing on asynchronous interface 1. The ip tcp header-compression passive command enables Van Jacobson TCP header compression and prevents transmission of compressed packets until a compressed packet arrives from the asynchronous link.
A remote user who establishes a PPP or SLIP connection to this asynchronous interface can enable routing by using the /routing switch or the ppp/routing command. However, if you want to establish routing by default on connections to an asynchronous interface, use the async default routing command when you configure the interface.
Related Commands
async mode dedicated
To place a line into dedicated asynchronous mode using Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) or PPP encapsulation, use the async mode dedicated command in interface configuration mode. To return the line to interactive mode, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
With dedicated asynchronous network mode, the interface will use either SLIP or PPP encapsulation, depending on which encapsulation method is configured for the interface. An EXEC prompt does not appear, and the router is not available for normal interactive use.
If you configure a line for dedicated mode, you will not be able to use the async dynamic address command because there is no user prompt.
The following example assigns an IP address to an asynchronous line and places the line into network mode. Setting the stop bits to 1 enhances performance.
Related Commands
Returns a line that has been placed into dedicated asynchronous network mode to interactive mode, thereby enabling the slip and ppp EXEC commands. |
async mode interactive
To return a line that has been placed into dedicated asynchronous network mode to interactive mode, thereby enabling the slip and ppp EXEC commands, use the async mode interactive command in interface configuration mode. To prevent users from implementing Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) and PPP at the EXEC level, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Interactive mode enables the slip and ppp EXEC commands. In dedicated mode, there is no user EXEC level. The user does not enter any commands, and a connection is automatically established when the user logs in, according to the configuration.
The following example places asynchronous interface 6 into interactive asynchronous mode:
Related Commands
Places a line into dedicated asynchronous mode using SLIP or PPP encapsulation. |
autodetect encapsulation
To enable automatic detection of the encapsulation types operating over a point-to-point link to a specified serial or ISDN interface or dialer interface under Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) network access server (NAS) packages, use the autodetect encapsulation command in interface configuration mode. To disable automatic dynamic detection of the encapsulation types on a link, use the no form of this command.
autodetect encapsulation {[ lapb-ta ] [ ppp ] [ v120 ]}
no autodetect encapsulation {[ lapb-ta ] [ ppp ] [ v120 ]}
Syntax Description
Link Access Procedure, Balanced (LAPB) for an ISDN terminal adapter. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Support for MGCP NAS packages was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4(6)T. |
Usage Guidelines
At least one encapsulation type must be specified, but you can specify multiple encapsulation types. Encapsulation types can be specified in any order.
Use this command to enable the specified serial or ISDN interface or dialer interface under an MGCP NAS package to accept calls and dynamically change the encapsulation in effect on the interface when the remote device does not signal the call type. For example, if an ISDN call does not identify the call type in the Lower Layer Compatibility fields and is using an encapsulation that is different from the one configured on the interface, the interface can change its encapsulation type dynamically.
This command enables interoperation with ISDN terminal adapters that use V.120 encapsulation but do not signal V.120 in the call setup message. An ISDN interface that by default answers a call as synchronous serial with PPP encapsulation can change its encapsulation and answer such calls.
Autodetection of LAPB traffic on an ISDN terminal adapter is possible by issuing the lapb-ta keyword. This allows recognition of incoming LAPB-terminal adapter (TA) calls.
Automatic detection is attempted for 10 seconds after the link is established or the first five packets exchanged over the link, whichever is first.
The following example configures BRI 0 to call and receive calls from two sites, use PPP encapsulation on outgoing calls, and use Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) authentication on incoming calls. This example also enables BRI 0 to configure itself dynamically to answer calls that use V.120 but that do not signal V.120.
The following example enables the LAPB-TA and V.120 protocols for autodetection on the serial interface after you have configured the virtual terminals to handle asynchronous traffic:
The following example enables PPP encapsulation and LAPB-TA and V.120 protocols for autodetection on the dialer interface under an MGCP NAS package:
Related Commands
To configure automatic line disconnect, use the autohangup command in line configuration mode. To disable automatic line disconnect, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command causes the EXEC to issue the exit command when the last connection closes. The autohangup command is useful for the UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Program (UUCP) applications that automatically disconnect lines because UUCP scripts cannot issue the exit command to hang up the telephone.
The following example enables automatic line disconnect on lines 5 through 10:
Related Commands
Closes an active terminal session by logging off the router. |
To configure a line to start an Appletalk Remote Access (ARA), PPP, or Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) session, use the autoselect command in line configuration mode. To disable this function on a line, use the no form of this command.
autoselect { arap | ppp | slip | during-login | timeout seconds }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command eliminates the need for users to enter an EXEC command to start an ARA, PPP, or SLIP session.
Note SLIP does not support authentication. For PPP and ARAP, you must enable authentication.
The autoselect command configures the Cisco IOS software to identify the type of connection being requested. For example, when a user on a Macintosh running ARA selects the Connect button, the Cisco IOS software automatically starts an ARAP session. If, on the other hand, the user is running SLIP or PPP and uses the autoselect ppp or autoselect slip command, the Cisco IOS software automatically starts a PPP or SLIP session, respectively. This command is used on lines making different types of connections. You should configure autoselect ppp when the gateway is configured for interactive PPP authentication. You do not need to configure autoselect ppp for dedicated PPP configurations.
Note If you configure autoselect ppp, you should not configure a no exec under the same line; these processes are mutally exclusive.
A line that does not have autoselect configured views an attempt to open a connection as noise. The router does not respond and the user client times out.
When a timeout period is configured and the initial sample byte is not received before that timeout period, a default EXEC process (if configured) is initiated.
Note After the modem connection is established, a Return is required to evoke a response, such as to get the username prompt. You might need to update your scripts to include this requirement. Additionally, the activation character should be set to the default and the exec-character-bits set to 7. If you change these defaults, the application cannot recognize the activation request.
The following example enables ARA on a line:
The following example enables a timeout of 30 seconds on a PPP-enabled line:
The following example enables ARA on a line and allows logins from users with a modified CCL script and an unmodified script to log in:
Related Commands
backup delay
To define how much time should elapse before a secondary line status changes after a primary line status has changed, use the backup delay command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default so that as soon as the primary fails, the secondary is immediately brought up without delay, use the no form of this command.
backup delay { enable-delay-period | never } { disable-delay-period | never }
no backup delay { enable-delay-period | never } { disable-delay-period | never }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1. |
Usage Guidelines
For environments in which spurious signal disruptions appear as intermittent lost carrier signals, we recommend that you enable some delay before activating and deactivating a secondary line.
For the Cisco 7600 Backup Interface for Flexible UNI feature to work correctly, the enable and disable backup delay must be 0.
The following example sets a 10-second delay on deactivating the secondary line (serial interface 0); however, the line is activated immediately.
backup interface
To configure an interface as a secondary or dial backup, use the backup interface command in interface configuration mode. To disable the interface from serving as a backup, use the no form of this command.
Cisco 7200 Series and Cisco 7500 Series Routers Only
backup interface slot / port-adapter / port
no backup interface slot / port-adapter / port
no backup interface type number
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1. |
Usage Guidelines
The interface you define with this command can back up only one other interface.
Routers support only serial and ISDN backup interfaces. Access servers support both asynchronous and serial backup interfaces.
In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1 and later releases, you can configure a backup interface for Gigabit Ethernet on the Cisco 7600 router. The configurations on the primary and backup interfaces must match or the backup interface does not work. Note, however, that if the interface configuration includes the xconnect command, you must specify a different virtual circuit ID (VCID) on the primary and backup interfaces.
The following example sets serial 1 as the backup line to serial 0:
The following example sets gigabitEthernet4/0/1 as the backup interface for gigabitEthernet3/0/1 on the Cisco 7600 router:
Related Commands
Configures a pseudowire for transporting data over the network. |
backup interface dialer
To configure a dialer interface as a secondary or dial backup, use the backup interface dialer command in interface configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.
backup interface dialer number
no backup interface dialer number
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Multiple dialer interfaces can use the same dialer pool, which might have a single ISDN interface as a member. Thus, that ISDN interface can back up different serial interfaces and can make calls to different sites.
The following example shows the configuration of a site that backs up two leased lines using one BRI. Two dialer interfaces are defined. Each serial (leased line) interface is configured to use one of the dialer interfaces as a backup. Both of the dialer interfaces use dialer pool 1, which has BRI 0 as a member. Thus, BRI 0 can back up two different serial interfaces and can make calls to two different sites.
backup load
To set a traffic load threshold for dial backup service, use the backup load command in interface configuration mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
backup load { enable-threshold | never } { disable-load | never }
no backup load { enable-threshold | never } { disable-load | never }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRB1. |
Usage Guidelines
When the transmitted or received load on the primary line is greater than the value assigned to the enable-threshold argument, the secondary line is enabled.
The secondary line is disabled when one of the following conditions occurs:
- The transmitted load on the primary line plus the transmitted load on the secondary line is less than the value entered for the disable-load argument.
- The received load on the primary line plus the received load on the secondary line is less than the value entered for the disable-load argument.
If the never keyword is used instead of an enable-threshold argument, the secondary line is never activated because of traffic load. If the never keyword is used instead of a disable-load argument, the secondary line is never activated because of traffic load.
The following example sets the traffic load threshold to 60 percent of the primary line serial 0. When that load is exceeded, the secondary line is activated and will not be deactivated until the combined load is less than 5 percent of the primary bandwidth.
busyout (port)
To disable a port by waiting for the active services on the specified port to terminate, use the busyout command in port configuration mode. To reenable the ports, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T. |
Usage Guidelines
The busyout command disables a port by waiting for the active services on the specified port to terminate. Use the no form of this command to reenable the ports.
The following example will disable service processing element (SPE) ports 1 to 10 on slot 1 once active services have terminated:
Related Commands
busyout (privileged EXEC)
To inform a central-office switch that a channel is out-of-service, and to busyout an entire card on a dial shelf and remove it from dial services, use the busyout (privileged EXEC) command in privileged EXEC mode. To cancel busyout, use the no form of this command.
no busyout shelf / slot / port
Syntax Description
Shelf number, slot number, and port number. You must include the slash marks. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was enhanced to support E1 and DMM HMM (Double Modem Module [12] Hex Modem Module [6]). |
Usage Guidelines
This command does not terminate an existing call; instead, after you hang up or end a call, a new call cannot be established on a channel that has received a busyout command instruction.
Use the busyout command before you remove a card from a shelf. The maintenance LED on the card goes ON after all the channels (or calls) have been terminated. The ON LED indicates that it is safe to remove the card from the shelf.
Use this command to busyout digital signal level 0s (DS0s) on a trunk card or all modems on a modem card.
To busyout an individual DS0, use the ds0 busyout controller configuration command.
To display the busyout information, use the show busyout privileged EXEC command.
If the trunk card is using ISDN signaling, there is a limit on the amount of traffic that the exchange can accept on the signaling channel. The restrictions are as follows:
The following example enables busyout on the card in dial shelf 5, slot 4, port 1:
Related Commands
busyout (spe)
To disable active calls on the specified service processing elements (SPEs), use the busyout command in SPE configuration mode. To reenable the SPEs, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T. |
Usage Guidelines
You can perform autodiagnostic tests and firmware upgrades when you put the SPEs in the Busiedout state. Active ports on the specified SPE will change the state of the specified range of SPEs to the BusyoutPending state. The state changes from BusyoutPending to Busiedout when all calls end. Use the show spe command to display the state of the range of SPEs. Use the shutdown command to override the busyout command. Use the no busyout command to reenable the SPEs.
The following example shows all active ports on SPE 1 to 10 on slot 1 being busied out:
Related Commands