call progress tone country

To specify the country code for retrieving the call progress tone parameters from the call progress tone database, use the call progress tone country command in global configuration mode. To cancel the previous setting and to generate the call progress tones according to modem settings, use the no version of this command.

call progress tone country country-name

no call progress tone country country-name

Syntax Description


Selects default call progress tones (ring and cadence settings) for the specified country. Valid entries are: argentina, australia, austria, belgium, brazil, canada, china, colombia, cyprus, czech-republic, denmark, finland, france, germany, greece, hongkong, hungary, iceland, india, indonesia, ireland, israel, italy, japan, korea, luxembourg, malaysia, mexico, netherlands, peru, philippines, poland, portugal, russia, singapore, slovakia, slovenia, south-africa, spain, sweden, switzerland, taiwan, thailand, turkey, unitedkingdom, usa, and venezuela.

Command Default

Default modem settings. (The country-name keyword northamerica was the default in Cisco IOS releases earlier than release 12.0(3)XG; usa is the default country keyword for Cisco IOS Release 12.0(3)XG and later releases.)

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was enhanced with additional country keywords.

Usage Guidelines

Use the call progress tone country configuration to specify the country for call progress tone generation. While in many cases the country is chosen automatically on the basis of the modem setting, automatic selection does not work for all users because many modems do not support all countries and many users choose the “us” or “default-t1” or “default-e1” setting on their modem.

This command affects the tones generated at the local interface and does not affect any information passed to the remote end of a connection or any tones generated at the remote end of a connection.

For dial platforms (AS5200, AS5300, and AS5800), call progress tones are used only for the resource pool management application. Resource pool management assumes that the call progress tone selection is global. Select only one call progress tone set, and it will globally override country settings on all ports.


The following example shows the call progress tone set for Japan tone parameters:

call progress tone country japan

Related Commands


show call progress tone

Displays the contents of the internal CP tone database for a specific country.

callback forced-wait

To force the Cisco IOS software to wait before initiating a callback to a requesting client, use the callback forced-wait command in global configuration mode. To disable the forced waiting period, use the no form of this command.

callback forced-wait

no callback forced-wait

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The forced waiting period is not set.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when the router is calling back a modem that initiated a call, then dropped the connection, but requires a rest period before subsequent input is accepted.


The following example sets a waiting period during which a callback chat script is delayed from being sent on an outgoing target line:

callback forced-wait

Related Commands


arap callback

Enables an ARA client to request a callback from an ARA client.


Places calls over a modem and logs in to remote systems.

debug callback

Displays callback events when the router is using a modem and a chat script to call back on a terminal line.

ppp callback (DDR)

Enables a dialer interface that is not a DTR interface to function either as a callback client that requests callback or as a callback server that accepts callback requests.

server (RLM)

Defines the IP addresses of the server.

virtual-profile aaa

Enables virtual profiles by AAA configuration.

callback nodsr-wait

To set the time period for which an asynchronous callback waits to see the DSR signal go low after the router signals a hang-up request on the incoming call, use the callback nodsr-wait command in line configuration mode. To negate or change the line setting, use the no form of this command.

callback nodsr-wait milliseconds

no callback nodsr-wait

Syntax Description


The timeout value in a range from 5000 to 30,000 milliseconds (ms). Default is 5000 ms.


5000 ms

Command Modes

Line configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the callback nodsr-wait command when the dial-out modem takes longer than 5000 ms to drop a carrier after the router signals a hang-up on the incoming call.

Increase the duration of the callback if the debug callback command displays the following failed callback attempt message:

callback process fail - timeout with DSR up


The following example sets the callback duration to 10 seconds for lines 1/0 to 1/107:

line 1/0 1/107
callback nodsr-wait 10000

Related Commands


callback forced-wait

Sets a waiting period when DSR signals decrease after a callback, before the router attempts another callback.

debug callback

Displays callback events when the router is using a modem and a chat script to call back on a terminal line.

called-number (modem pool)

To assign a called party number to a pool of modems, use the called-number command in modem pool configuration mode. To remove a number from a modem pool, use the no form of this command.

called-number number [ max-conn number ]

no called-number number [ max-conn number ]

Syntax Description


Called number for a modem pool.

max-conn number

(Optional) Maximum number of simultaneous connections allowed for the called party number.

Command Default


Command Modes

Modem pool configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A called party number is a telephone number that is used to reach a remote destination. For example, a mobile laptop dials a called party number to reach the POP of an ISP. Some ISPs set up several called party numbers to enable remote clients to dial in, but to the end user, it appears and functions as one unified service.

Cisco’s implementation of a called party number is based on the dialed number identification service (DNIS). You can configure multiple DNIS numbers in a single modem pool. However, the same DNIS number cannot be used in multiple modem pools. Each modem pool must be assigned different DNIS numbers.

Use the max-conn option to provide overflow protection, which specifies a maximum number of simultaneous connections that a called party number can consume. For example, if you create one modem pool to serve two or more services or customers, this option guarantees how many modems each service or customer can have access to at any given time.

The Cisco IOS software also includes a feature that simplifies the called number configuration. By using an x variable as the last digit in a called telephone number (for example, issuing the called-number 408555121x command), clients dialing different called numbers such as 4085551214 or 4085551215 will automatically be sent to the same modem pool. The x variable is a floating place holder for digits 1 through 9.

Note Modem pools using MICA technologies or Microcom modems support incoming analog calls over ISDN PRI. However, only MICA modems support modem pooling for CT1 and CE1 configurations with channel associated signaling.


In the following example, the modem pool called v90service is virtually partitioned between two customers using different DNIS numbers. The pool-range command assigns modems 1 to 110 to the shared modem pool. The called-number 5550112 max-conn 55 command assigns the DNIS number 5550112 to the v90service modem pool. The total number of simultaneous connections is limited to 55. The called-number 5550132 max-conn 55 command assigns the DNIS number 5550132, which is for a different customer, to the same v90service modem pool. The total number of simultaneous connections is also set to 55.

modem-pool v90service
pool-range 1-110
called-number 5550112 max-conn 55
called-number 4440132 max-conn 55

The following configuration rejects the pool-range 30 command because modem TTY line 30 is already a member of the modem pool v90service, which was configured in the previous example. Each modem in the access server is automatically assigned to a unique TTY line. TTY line numbers are assigned according to your shelf, slot, or port hardware configuration.

modem-pool v34service
# pool-range 30

Related Commands


clear modempool-counters

Clears active or running counters associated with one or more modem pools.


Creates a new modem pool or specifies an existing modem pool, which allows you to physically or virtually partition your access server for dial-in and dial-out access.


Assigns a range of modems to a modem pool.

show modem-pool

Displays the configuration and connection status for one or more modem pools.

calltracker call-record

To enable call record system logging (syslog) generation for the purpose of debugging, monitoring, or externally saving detailed call record information, use the calltracker call-record command in global configuration mode. To disable call record syslog generation, use the no form of this command.

calltracker call-record { terse | verbose } [ quiet ]

no calltracker call-record { terse | verbose } [ quiet ]

Syntax Description


Generates a brief set of call records containing a subset of the data stored within Call Tracker used primarily to manage calls.


Generates a complete set of call records containing all of the data stored within Call Tracker used primarily to debug calls.


(Optional) Call record will be sent only to the configured syslog server and not to the console.

Command Default

Call Tracker call record logging is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Syslog call records will be generated in the order of ten seconds of call termination. A small delay is needed to ensure that all subsystems finish reporting all appropriate information on call termination. Furthermore, the process of logging is considered a very low priority with respect to normal call processing and data routing. As such, logging all call records can be guaranteed if Call Tracker is properly configured. However, the delay from the time a call actually terminated can vary if the CPU is busy handling higher-priority processes.

Call Tracker records must be found within the History table for at least one minute after call termination for this capability to work. As such, one must ensure that Call Tracker history collection is not disabled with the calltracker history configuration options.

Because the call rates possible on a high-capacity access server can be rather large and the information provided by the call records is substantial, simply enabling normal syslog call records can make the use of the console difficult. As such, by using the quiet option and having a syslog server configured to capture the call records, the console can be freed from displaying any call records, yet still have the call records captured by a syslog server.

The following informational logs are available:

  • CALL_RECORD provides generic data information shared for all call categories. This record is generated for both terse and verbose configuration options.
  • MODEM_CALL_RECORD provides overall modem call information for modem calls only. This record is generated for both terse and verbose configuration options.
  • MODEM_LINE_CALL_REC provides modem transport physical layer information used to debug modem connection problems for modem calls only. This record is generated for the verbose configuration option only.
  • MODEM_INFO_CALL_REC provides modem status information used to debug modem problems for modem calls only. This record is generated for the verbose configuration option only.
  • MODEM_NEG_CALL_REC provides client-host negotiation information used to debug modem negotiation problems for modem calls only. This record is generated for the verbose configuration option only.


The following example reports the Verbose Call Records for a normal modem call termination:

*Nov 16 18:30:26.097: %CALLTRKR-3-CALL_RECORD: ct_hndl=5, service=PPP, origin=Answer, category=Modem, DS0 slot/cntr/chan=0/0/22, called=71071, calling=6669999, resource slot/port=1/0, userid=maverick5200, ip=, mask=, account id=5, setup=10/16/1999 18:29:20, conn=0.10, phys=17.12, srvc=23.16, auth=23.16, init-rx/tx b-rate=31200/33600, rx/tx chars=246/161, time=53.50, disc subsys=ModemDrvr, disc code=0xA220, disc text= Rx (line to host) data flushing - not OK/EC condition - locally detected/received DISC frame -- normal LAPM termination
*Nov 16 18:30:26.097: %CALLTRKR-3-MODEM_CALL_REC: ct_hndl=5, prot: last=LAP-M, attempt=LAP-M, comp: last=V.42bis-Both, supp= V.42bis-RX V.42bis-TX, std: last=V.34+, attempt=V.34+, init=V.34+, snr=38, sq=3, rx/tx: chars=246/161, ec: rx/tx=22/12, rx bad=46, rx/tx b-rate: last=33600/33600, low=31200/33600, high=33600/33600, desired-client=33600/33600, desired-host=33600/33600, retr: local=0, remote=0, fail=0, speedshift: local up/down=1/0, remote up/down=0/0, fail=0, v90: stat=No Attempt, client=(n/a), fail=None, time(sec)=52, disc reason=0xA220
*Nov 16 18:30:26.101: %CALLTRKR-3-MODEM_LINE_CALL_REC: ct_hndl=5, rx/tx levl=-17/-16, phase-jit: freq=0, levl=0, far-end echo-levl=-71, freq offst=0, phase-roll=-98, round-trip=1, d-pad=None, d-pad comp=0, rbs=0, const=16, rx/tx: sym-rate=3429/3429, carr-freq=1959/1959, trel-code=0/0, preemph-index=6/0, rx/tx: const-shape=Off/On, nonlin-encode=Off/On, precode=Off/On, xmit levl-reduct=2/3, shape=0x1920212120202120202020202020202020202020201F1D191100
*Nov 16 18:30:26.101: %CALLTRKR-3-MODEM_INFO_CALL_REC: ct_hndl=5, general info=0x0, rx/tx link-layer=264/182, NAKs=0/0, rx/tx ppp-slip=5/7, bad ppp-slip=0, proj max rx b-rate: client=19200, host=24000, rx/tx: max neg I frame=128/128, neg window=15/15, T401 timeouts=1, tx window closures=0, rx overruns=0, retrans frames=0, v110: rx good=0, rx bad=0, tx=0, sync-lost=0, ss7/cot=0x00, v42bis size: dict=1024, test err=0, reset=0, v0 synch-loss=0, mail lost: host=0, sp=0, diag=0x00000000000000000000000000000000
*Nov 16 18:30:26.101: %CALLTRKR-3-MODEM_NEG_CALL_REC: ct_hndl=5, v8bis cap=0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, v8bis mod-sl=0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, v8 jnt-menu=0x01E0C14513942A000000000000000000000000000000, v8 call-menu=0x01C14513942A00000000000000000000000000000000, v90 train=0x00000000, v90 sgn-ptrn=0x00000000, state trnsn=0x000102030410204042430451FF00000000000000000000000000000000000000, phase2=0x010000F4EF221FF37E0001E4EFA21FF2E30001A4EF980101B7CF98003C0000000034EF40000502160AE0301FFFFE1C07A707A70D650D6500

Related Commands


calltracker history max-size

Sets the maximum calls saved in the history table.

calltracker history retain-mins

Sets the number of minutes to save calls in the history table.

show call calltracker history

Displays all information stored within the Call Tracker history database table for the most recent disconnected calls.

show call calltracker summary

Displays Call Tracker activity and configuration information such as the number of active calls and the history table attributes.

calltracker enable

To enable Call Tracker on the access server, use the calltracker enable command in global configuration mode. To restore the default condition, use the no form of this command.

calltracker enable

no calltracker enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Call Tracker is not enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To enable real-time call statistics from the MICA technologies modem to Call Tracker, you must configure the modem link-info poll time command.


The following example shows how to enable the Call Tracker feature:

calltracker enable
calltracker history max-size number
calltracker history retain-mins minutes
calltracker call-record terse
snmp-server packetsize byte-count
snmp-server queue-length length
snmp-server enable traps calltracker
snmp-server host host community-string calltracker

Related Commands


calltracker history max-size

Sets the maximum calls saved in the history table.

calltracker history retain-mins

Sets the number of minutes to save calls in the history table.

debug calltracker

Displays debug messages tracing the Call Tracker processing flow.


Enables Call Tracker SYSLOG support for generating detailed Call Records.

modem link-info poll time

Sets the polling interval at which link statistics are retrieved from the MICA modem.

show call calltracker active

Displays all information stored within the Call Tracker active database for all active calls.

show call calltracker history

Displays all information stored within the Call Tracker history database table for the most recent disconnected calls.

show call calltracker summary

Displays Call Tracker activity and configuration information such as the number of active calls and the history table attributes.

snmp-server host

Specifies the host to receive Call Tracker traps.

calltracker history max-size

To set the maximum number of call entries stored in the Call Tracker history table, use the calltracker history max-size command in global configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

calltracker history max-size number

no calltracker history max-size number

Syntax Description


Maximum call entries to store in the Call Tracker history table. The valid range is from 0 through 10 times the maximum DS0 supported on a platform. A value of 0 prevents any history from being saved.

Command Default

The default maximum is dynamically calculated to be 1 times the maximum DS0 supported on a platform.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Be careful when extending the maximum number of call entries stored in the Call Tracker history table, as this activity causes Call Tracker to use more memory resources to store the additional call data. Network access server memory consumption must be considered when increasing this parameter. The active call table is not affected by this command.


The following example sets the history table size to 50 calls:

calltracker history max-size 50

Related Commands


calltracker history retain-mins

Sets the number of minutes to save calls in the history table.

show call calltracker history

Displays all information stored within the Call Tracker history database table for the most recent disconnected calls.

show call calltracker summary

Displays Call Tracker activity and configuration information such as the number of active calls and the history table attributes.

calltracker history retain-mins

To set the number of minutes for which call entries are stored in the Call Tracker history table, use the calltracker history retain-mins command in global configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

calltracker history retain-mins minutes

no calltracker history retain-mins minutes

Syntax Description


The length of time to store calls in the Call Tracker history table. The valid range is from 0 through 26,000 minutes. A value of 0 prevents any history from being saved.


The default number of minutes is 5000.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Active calls are not affected by this command. Entries in the active table are retained as long as the calls are connected.


The following example sets the retention time for the history table to 5000 minutes:

calltracker history retain-mins 5000

Related Commands


calltracker history max-size

Sets the maximum calls saved in the history table.

show call calltracker history

Displays all information stored within the Call Tracker history database table for the most recent disconnected calls.

show call calltracker summary

Displays Call Tracker activity and configuration information such as the number of active calls and the history table attributes.

calltracker timestamp

To display the millisecond value of the call setup time in the Call Record (CDR) on the access server, use the calltracker timestamp command in global configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.

calltracker timestamp msec

no calltracker timestamp msec

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

The default value of the call setup time does not contain milliseconds. It is in the hh:mm:ss form.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3.T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.4.

Usage Guidelines

This AS5400 command is used to add a milliseconds time stamp ( to call detail records. These call records of originating and terminating calls are written to flat files on the subscriber server. These files may be passed periodically from the subscriber to the publisher server. Third-party applications such as billing and accounting use CDR data.

All calltracker commands (including calltracker timestamp) are only supported for dial services and not for voice.


The following configuration example shows calltracker options and a display of calltracker active including time stamp:

u5400# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
u5400(config)# calltracker ?
call-record Generate a SYSLOG Call Record at end of call
enable start calltracker
history Aspects of the CT History Table
timestamp CDR timestamp config
u5400(config)# calltracker timestamp ?
msec Shows millisecond value in timestamp
u5400(config)# calltracker timestamp msec ?
u5400# show call calltracker active
-------------------------- call handle = 206 -------------------------------
status-Active, service=PPP, origin=Anser, category-Modem
DSO slot/port/dsl/chan=7/0/0/19, called=40852 68222,calling=(n/a)
userid=myusername, ip=, mask=
setup=08/05/2003, conn=0.01,phys=23.73,service=16.33,authen=26.33
init rx/tx b-rate=28800/28800,rx/tx chars=0/0
resource slot/port=4/97, mp bundle=0,charged units=0,accontid=198
ibd handle=0x0,tty handle=0x63B4F010,tcb handle=0x0

Related Commands


calltracker enable

Enables Call Tracker on the access server.

calltracker history retain-mins

Sets the number of minutes to save calls in the history table.

show call calltracker history

Displays all information stored within the Call Tracker history database table for the most recent disconnected calls.

show call calltracker summary

Displays Call Tracker activity and configuration information such as the number of active calls and the history table attributes.


To reject particular types of calls, use the call-type command in call discriminator profile configuration mode. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

call-type { all | digital | speech | v110 | v120 }

no call-type { all | digital | speech | v110 | v120 }

Syntax Description


All calls.


Digital calls.


Speech calls.


V.110 calls.


V.120 calls.

Command Default

All calls are accepted by the network access server.

Command Modes

Call discriminator profile configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the call-type call discriminator command to reject particular types of calls. Call type all is mutually exclusive for all other call types. If call type all is set in the discriminator, no other call types are allowed. Also, once a DNIS is associated with a call type in a discriminator, it cannot be used in any other discriminator.


The following example shows the call discriminator being configured to reject speech calls for the call discriminator profile named “userd3”:

resource-pool profile discriminator userd3
call-type speech

call-type cas

To statically set the call-type override for incoming channel-associated signaling (CAS) calls, use the call-type cas command in DNIS group configuration mode. To disable this service, use the no form of this command.

call-type cas { digital | speech }

no call-type cas { digital | speech }

Syntax Description


Override call type to digital. The incoming call with the DNIS in the called group is treated as a digital call type.


Override call-type to speech. The incoming call with the DNIS in the called group is treated as a speech call type.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

DNIS group configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the call-type cas DNIS group configuration command to set the call-type override. From the resource pooling call-type perspective, use CT1 (CAS) to support either analog calls (speech) or digital calls (switched 56K).

Switched 56K calls are digital calls that connect to High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) framers. Unlike ISDN, it is impossible to communicate the call type in CT1. Therefore, switched 56K services in CT1 can be differentiated by the DNIS numbers. This command identifies that the call arriving with the DNIS in the DNIS group is assigned to the call type specified in the command.


The following example shows the DNIS group configuration mode being accessed to use the call-type cas command to set the call type override for CAS to speech :

dialer dnis group modem-group1
call-type cas speech


To customize signaling parameters for a particular E1 or T1 channel group on a channelized line, use the cas-custom command in controller configuration mode. To disable the signaling customization, use the no form of this command.

cas-custom channel

no cas-custom channel

Syntax Description


For E1, specifies a single channel group number; the range is from 0 to 30. This channel group number must match the channel number specified in the cas-group command.

For T1, specifies a single channel group number between 0 and 23.

Command Default

No customized signaling parameters are set. If you do not specify a country name using the country name command, which is described in Table 1 , ITU is the selected default signal.

Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History



This command was introduced to support E1 channel groups.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 11.3(2)T. Support was added for an additional Cisco access server and device platforms.


This command was modified. Support was added for T1 channel groups on Cisco 3600 series.


This command was modified. Support was added for for T1 channel groups on Cisco 3600 series.


This command was modified. Support was added for defining the collect call digit pattern and the time-out value for double-answer duration on Cisco 3900 series.

Usage Guidelines

The customization parameters set by the cas-custom channel command are applied to the same channel group number used in the cas-group channel timeslots range type signal command. These channel group numbers must match. Otherwise, the customized features specified by the cas-custom command will not be applied to the cas-group command’s configuration. The signaling customization will not take effect. See Example 1 (T1).

However, you will not need to configure or set more than one channel group number per E1 line in most cases. Though rarely used, it is possible to split a single E1 (time slots from 1 to 31) into two groups (for example, time slots from 1 to 15 on group 1 and time slots from 17 to 31 in group 2).

Cisco strongly recommends that you use the optional use-defaults keyword when specifying a particular country type; see the country name command in Table 1 . This additional keyword ensures that all the local country settings are correctly enabled. For example, issue the country greece use-defaults command. If the use-defaults option is not specified, generic ITU will be the default setting for all countries. See Example 2 (E1 on AS5800).

You can configure the system to deviate from a country’s default settings as defined by Cisco. To do this, choose from the following list of commands described in Table 1 : ani-digits min number max number, answer-signal { group-a | group-b } number, caller-digits number, category number, dnis-digits min number max number, invert-abcd, ka number, kd number, metering, nc-congestion, and unused-abcd value. To return a country back to its country specific default settings, issue the country name use-defaults command. To return a country back to the ITU standard, issue the default country name use-defaults command. See Example 4 (Localized E1 R2) and Example 7 (E1 R2 Country Defaults).

From Cisco IOS Release 12.3(11)YK and Cisco IOS Release 12.4(2)T, you can block incoming collect calls for in-line signaling with the double-answer feature, which is activated by entering the double-answer keyword. The double-answer feature sends the incoming collect call through a series of answer functions that can last up to two seconds and which causes the switch to drop the collect call while the normal calls stay connected.

See Example 8 (E1 Collect Call Blocking).

Note Incoming collect calls in Brazil send a II-8 response and to block such calls, a category B-7 response is sent instead of the usual answer signal. This is known as category based blocking. Brazil is the only country that supports category based call blocking. If the double-answer feature is configured for Brazil, it will overwrite the category blocking and will not send the category B7 response.

From Cisco IOS Release 15.3(1)T, calls will be considered as collect calls based on the user dialed numbers. If the dialed numbers have a specific pattern (9090xxxx, in case of Brazil), these calls will be classified as collect calls. Whenever an Interrupt Service Router (ISR) receives collect calls over Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunks with the request uniform resource identifier (URI) having the unique pattern, on the E1 R2 side, the caller category is indicated with a II-8 response. For this, a configurable dial pattern needs to be added to the ISR device.

The Collect Call Digit Pattern feature is limited to Brazil only; hence, the position of the ISR device in the Brazilian telecom network is moved slightly closer to the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) so that the ISR device can initiate the outbound collect call on the E1 R2 side towards the customer premises equipment (CPE). See Example 6 (E1 Collect Call Digit Pattern).

Note Only integrated Cisco MICA technologies modems support E1 R2 signaling on Cisco 5000 series access servers and Cisco 3600 series devices.

Table 1 shows a list of command options in cas-custom mode, which is used to customize R2 signaling settings.


Table 1 Available Commands in cas-custom Mode

CAS Options

ani-digits min number max number

Expected number of ANI digits. The minimum number of collected digits is set by min number. Replace number with a value between 0 and 64. The maximum number of collected digits is set by max number. Replace number with a value between 3 and 64. The default is 0, which is the ITU default.

answer-signal { group-a | group-b } number

Answer signal to be used. You can specify the group A signal or the group B signal. The signal number can be from 1 to 15. Default is group-b 6, which is the ITU default.

caller-digits number

Specifies the number of digits the access server needs to collect before it requests ANI or CallerID information. The range is from 1 to 10. Default is 1, which is the ITU default.


Specifies the collect call digit pattern. For example, 9090xxxx.

For calls that do not match a dialed number, and that do not match the cc-pattern; the calls would be considered as non-collect calls.


Specifies the time out value, in milliseconds (ms), for double answer duration. The range is from 1000 to 120000. Default value is 3000 ms (3 seconds).

The default value can be changed only if the double-answer comes in later than three seconds during the lab testing.

category number

Specifies the type of incoming call, which is mapped to a group signal number. The range of signal numbers are from 1 to 1. Default is 1, which is the ITU default.

country name

Specifies local country settings to use with R2 signaling. Replace the name variable with one of the following supported country names. Cisco strongly recommends that you include the use-defaults option, which enables the default settings for a specific country. Default country setting is ITU.

  • argentina [ use-defaults ]
  • australia [ use-defaults ]
  • brazil [ use-defaults ]
  • china [ use-defaults ]
  • columbia [ use-defaults ]
  • costarica [ use-defaults ]
  • easteurope [ use-defaults ]

The easteurope option supports Croatia, Russia, and the Slovak Republic.


  • ecuador-itu [ use-defaults ]
  • ecuador-lme [ use-defaults ]
  • greece [ use-defaults ]
  • guatemala [ use-defaults ]
  • hongkong-china [ use-defaults ]

The Hong Kong options uses the China variant.

  • indonesia [ use-defaults ]
  • israel [ use-defaults ]
  • itu

ITU is the signaling default. ITU provides support for the following list of countries: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Russia (ITU variant), Hong Kong (ITU variant), and South Africa (ITU variant).

The expression “ITU variant” means that there are multiple R2 signaling types deployed in the specified country, but Cisco supports the ITU variant.

  • korea [ use-defaults ]
  • malaysia [ use-defaults ]
  • newzealand [ use-defaults ]


  • paraguay [ use-defaults ]
  • peru [ use-defaults ]
  • philippines [ use-defaults ]
  • saudiarabia [ use-defaults ]
  • singapore [ use-defaults ]
  • southafrica-panaftel [ use-defaults ]

The South Africa option uses the Panaftel variant.

  • telmex [ use-defaults ]
  • telnor [ use-defaults ]

The telemex and telnor options are used in Mexico.

  • thailand [ use-defaults ]
  • uruguay [ use-defaults ]
  • venezuela [ use-defaults ]
  • vietnam [ use-defaults ]


Sets a command to its default setting.

dnis-digits min number max number

Expected number of DNIS digits. The minimum number of collected digits is set by min number. Replace number with a value between 3 and 64. The maximum number of collected digits is set by max number. Replace number with a value between 3 and 64. The default is 0 digits, which is the ITU default.


Enables collect call blocking on E1 with R2 digital signaling. By default, the double-answer feature is turned off.


Takes you out of cas custom mode.


Inverts the ABCD bits before tx and after rx. This feature is disabled by default, which is the ITU default.

ka number

Specifies the KA signal code. The range is from 1 to 15. Default is 0, which is the ITU default.

kd number

Specifies the KD signal code. The range is from 1 to 15. Default is 0, which is the ITU default.


Specifies sending a metering pulse when the access server is making an outgoing call. By default, metering is turned off, which is the ITU default.


Specifies the noncompelled congestion signal. This signal is sent to the central office when the access server is congested and cannot accept the call. The default is B4, which is the ITU default.


Negates a command or sets its default.


Specifies a range from 1 to 64; you can either turn on the request-category or turn it off by removing the line in your configuration.

unused-abcd value

Specifies unused ABCD bit values, which can have a zero or one bit value. This feature is disabled by default, which is the ITU default.


Example 1 (T1)

The following example shows how to configure this feature on channel 1:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller T1 1/0/1
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 1

Example 2 (E1 on AS5800)

The following example shows how to configure the available signaling parameters after you enter cas-custom mode; the same channel group 1 is specified in the ds0-group command and the cas-custom command.

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller e1 1/0/1
Device(config-controller)# ds0-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 1
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# ?
CAS custom commands:
ani-digits Expected number of ANI digits
answer-signal Answer signal to be used
caller-digits Digits to be collected before requesting CallerID
category Category signal
country Country Name
default Set a command to its defaults
dnis-digits Expected number of DNIS digits
exit Exit from cas custom mode
invert-abcd invert the ABCD bits before tx and after rx
ka KA Signal
kd KD Signal
metering R2 network is sending metering signal
nc-congestion Non Compelled Congestion signal
no Negate a command or set its defaults
unused-abcd Unused ABCD bit values

Example 3 (E1)

The following is sample output from available signaling parameters in cas-custom mode; the same channel group 1 is specified in the cas-group command and the cas-custom command.

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller e1 1
Device(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 1
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# ?
CAS custom commands:
ani-digits Expected number of ANI digits
answer-signal Answer signal to be used
caller-digits Digits to be collected before requesting CallerID
category Category signal
country Country Name
default Set a command to its defaults
dnis-digits Expected number of DNIS digits
exit Exit from cas custom mode
invert-abcd invert the ABCD bits before tx and after rx
ka KA Signal
kd KD Signal
metering R2 network is sending metering signal
nc-congestion Non Compelled Congestion signal
no Negate a command or set its defaults
unused-abcd Unused ABCD bit values

Example 4 (Localized E1 R2)

You can localize your R2 configuration for a specific country. Do not forget to include the use-defaults option as described in Table 1 . For example, use the country argentina use-defaults command for a R2 scenario in Argentina.

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller e1 1
Device(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 1
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# country ?
argentina Argentina
australia Australia
bolivia Bolivia
brazil Brazil
bulgaria Bulgaria
china China
colombia Colombia
costarica Costa Rica
croatia Croatia
easteurope East Europe
ecuador-itu Ecuador ITU
ecuador-lme Ecuador LME
greece Greece
guatemala Guatemala
hongkong-china Hong Kong (China variant)
india India
indonesia Indonesia
israel Israel
itu ITU
korea Korea
laos LAOS Network (Thailand Variant)
malaysia Malaysia
malta Malta
newzealand New Zealand
paraguay Paraguay
peru Peru
philippines Philippines
saudiarabia Saudi Arabia
singapore Singapore
southafrica-panaftel South Africa Panaftel
telmex Telmex
telnor Telnor
thailand Thailand
uruguay Uruguay
venezuela Venezuela
vietnam Vietnam
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# country argentina ?
use-defaults Use Country defaults
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# country argentina use-defaults

Example 5 (Collect ANI Digits)

The following example shows how to customize the signaling for channel group 1. The configuration collects three digits before it requests ANI information for analog calls received on a Cisco AS5800 in Argentina.

DDevice# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller e1 1
Device(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 1
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# country argentina use-defaults
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# caller-digits 3
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# ^z

Example 6 (E1 Collect Call Digit Pattern)

The following example shows how to configure the collect call digit pattern and the time out value for the double answer duration. The timer value determines the waiting time for the second answer after receiving the first answer signal for collect call scenarios.

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller e1 1
Device(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 20
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# country Brazil use-defaults
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# metering
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# cc-pattern 9090
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# cc-reanswer-to 1500
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# category 2
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# answer-signal group-b 1

Example 7 (E1 R2 Country Defaults)

Because cas-custom mode gives you the flexibility to customize R2 parameters, the margin for user error increases. Therefore, the Cisco IOS software enables you to return a country back to its default R2 settings using the use-defaults option. The following configuration brings up the Argentina default settings, changes a few customization parameters, then returns the Argentina R2 setting back to its original state.

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller e1 1
Device(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 1
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# country argentina use-defaults
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# caller-digits 3
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# unused-abcd 1
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# metering
Device(config-ctrl-cas)# country argentina use-defaults

Example 8 (E1 Collect Call Blocking)

The following example shows how to configure the double-answer feature for incoming collect call blocking on the Cisco 2801 with R2 digital signaling with DTMF. The call blocking feature is for all countries.

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# controller e1 4/0
Device(config-controller)# ds0-group 1 timeslot 1 type r2-digital compelled
Device(config-controller)# cas-custom 1
Device(config-controller)# double-answer

To disable call blocking, use the no form of this command:

Device(config-controller)# no double-answer

Related Commands


cas-group (E1 controller)

Configures CAS on an E1 controller.

profile incoming

Defines a template formed by directives guiding the CSM to process the digit sequence for a signaling class.

signaling-class cas

Defines a signaling class which specifies the template that processes the ANI/DNIS delimiter.

cas-group (E1 controller)

To configure channel-associated signaling (CAS) on an E1 controller, use the cas-group command in controller configuration mode. To disable CAS for one or more time slots, use the no form of this command.

cas-group channel timeslots range type signal

no cas-group channel timeslots range type signal

Syntax Description


Single channel group number from 0 to 30.

timeslots range

Time slot or time slot range, which can be from 1 to 31. You can specify a time slot range (for example, 1-29), individual time slots separated by commas (for example 1, 3, 5), or a combination of the two (for example 1-14, 15, 17-31). The 16th time slot is reserved for out-of-band signaling.

type signal

Type of CAS. Configure the signal type that your central office uses.

For Cisco 5800 series access servers, replace the signal keyword with one of the following signal types:

  • e&m-fgb [ dtmf [ dnis ] | mf [ dnis ] ] —Specifies ear and mouth channel signaling with feature group B support, which includes the wink-start protocol. The optional signal tones are DTMF and MF with the option of provisioning DNIS.
  • e&m-fgd —Specifies ear and mouth channel signaling with feature group D support, which includes the wink-start protocol.
  • e&m-immediate-start —Specifies ear and mouth channel signaling with immediate-start support.
  • fxs-ground-start —Specifies Foreign Exchange Station ground-start signaling support.
  • fxs-loop-start —Specifies Foreign Exchange Station loop-start signaling support.
  • p7 —Specifies the P7 switch type.
  • r2-analog [ dtmf | r2-compelled [ ani ] | r2-non-compelled [ ani ] | r2-semi-compelled [ ani ]]
  • r2-digital [ dtmf | r2-compelled [ ani ] | r2-non-compelled [ ani ] | r2-semi-compelled [ ani ]]
  • r2-pulse [ dtmf | r2-compelled [ ani ] | r2-non-compelled [ ani ] | r2-semi-compelled [ ani ]]
  • sas-ground-start Specifies Special Access Station ground-start signaling support.
  • sas-loop-start —Specifies Special Access Station loop-start signaling support.

type signal

For the Cisco 3600 series access servers, replace the signal variable with one of the following signal types:

  • r2-analog { r2-compelled [ ani ] | r2-non-compelled [ ani ] | r2-semi-compelled [ ani ]}
  • r2-digital { r2-compelled [ ani ] | r2-non-compelled [ ani ] | r2-semi-compelled [ ani ]}
  • r2-pulse { r2-compelled [ ani ] | r2-non-compelled [ ani ] | r2-semi-compelled [ ani ]}



The following descriptions are provided for the previous R2 syntax bullets:

  • r2-analog —Specifies R2 ITU Q411 analog line signaling, which reflects the on/off switching of a tone in frequency-division multiplexing circuits (before TDM circuits were created). The tone is used for line signaling.
  • r2-digital —Specifies R2 ITU Q421 digital line signaling, which is the most common signaling configuration. The A and B bits are used for line signaling.
  • r2-pulse —Specifies R2 ITU supplement 7 pulse line signaling, which is a transmitted pulse that indicates a change in the line state.
  • dtmf —Specifies the DTMF tone signaling (Cisco 5800 series access server only).
  • r2-compelled [ ani ]— Specifies R2 compelled register signaling. You can also specify provisioning the ANI address option.
  • r2-non-compelled [ ani ]— Specifies R2 noncompelled register signaling.
  • r2-semi-compelled [ ani ]— Specifies R2 semicompelled register signaling.

Command Default

No CAS is configured on the controller. All R2 signaling types have DNIS turned on by default.

Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was implemented on the Cisco 3600 series.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure support for incoming and outgoing call signals (such as on-hook and off-hook) on each E1 controller.

If you specify the time slot range 1-31, the system software automatically uses the 16th time slot to transmit the channel associated signaling.

The signaling you configure on the access server must match the signaling used by the central office. For example if the central office switch is forwarding R2 analog signaling to a Cisco AS5800, then the access server’s E1 controller must also be configured for R2 analog signaling ( r2-analog).

All R2 signaling options have DNIS support turned on by default. If you enable the ani option, the collection of DNIS information is still performed. Specifying the ani option does not disable DNIS. DNIS is the number being called. ANI is the caller’s number. For example, if you are configuring router A to call router B, then the DNIS number is router B, the ANI number is router A. ANI is very similar to Caller ID.

To customize the R2 signaling parameters, refer to the cas-custom controller configuration command. When you enable the cas-group command, the cas-custom command is automatically setup to be polled for configuration information. However, unless you enable or turn on specific features with the cas-custom command, the cas-custom feature has an empty set of signaling parameters.

Note Only integrated MICA modems support E1 R2 signaling on Cisco access servers.

DNIS is automatically collected for modem pools and R2 tone signaling. You do not need to specify the collection of DNIS information with the cas-group command. However, if you are using non-R2 tone signaling, the system must be manually configured to collect DNIS information. For non-R2 cas signaling, DNIS collection is done only for E&M-fgb.


In most cases, you will configure the same channel-associated signaling on each E1 controller. The following examples configure signaling and customized parameters on controller E1 2 using the cas-group and cas-custom controller configuration commands.

The following example configures the E1 controller on a Cisco 5800 series access server.
To configure a Cisco 3600 series access server, replace the command:

controller e1 2/1/0

with the command:

controller e1 2

Note The actual channel associated signaling is configured on the 16th time slot, which is the reason why this time slot does not come up in the following output.

Router(config-controller)# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config-controller)# controller e1 2/1/0
Router(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled ani
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 1 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 2 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 3 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 4 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 5 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 6 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 7 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 8 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 9 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 10 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 11 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 12 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 13 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 14 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 15 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 17 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 18 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 19 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 20 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 21 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 22 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 23 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 24 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 25 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 26 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 27 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 28 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 29 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 30 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 0 timeslot 31 is up

The following example shows all the supported E1 signaling types on a Cisco AS5800:

Router(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type ?
e&m-fgb E & M Type II FGB
e&m-fgd E & M Type II FGD
e&m-immediate-start E & M Immediate Start
fxs-ground-start FXS Ground Start
fxs-loop-start FXS Loop Start
p7 P7 Switch
r2-analog R2 ITU Q411
r2-digital R2 ITU Q421
r2-pulse R2 ITU Supplement 7
sas-ground-start SAS Ground Start
sas-loop-start SAS Loop Start
Router(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-31 type r2-analog ?
dtmf DTMF tone signaling
r2-compelled R2 Compelled Register signaling
r2-non-compelled R2 Non Compelled Register signaling
r2-semi-compelled R2 Semi Compelled Register signaling

R2 signaling parameters can be customized with the cas-custom controller configuration command:

Router(config-controller)# cas-custom 1?
CAS custom commands:
caller-digits Digits to be collected before requesting CallerID
category Category signal
country Country Name
default Set a command to its defaults
exit Exit from cas custom mode
invert-abcd invert the ABCD bits before tx and after rx
metering R2 network is sending metering signal
nc-congestion Non Compelled Congestion signal
no Negate a command or set its defaults

cas-group (T1 controller)

To configure channelized T1 time slots with robbed-bit signaling, and R1 channel-associated signaling, use the cas-group command in controller configuration mode. To disable signaling for one or more time slots, use the no form of this command.

Cisco AS5200, Cisco AS5300, and Cisco AS5800 Series Access Servers

cas-group channel timeslots range type signal

no cas-group channel timeslots range type signal

R1 Channel-Associated Signaling

cas-group channel timeslots range type r1-modified { ani-dnis | dnis }

no cas-group channel timeslots range type r1-modified { ani-dnis | dnis }

Syntax Description


Single channel group number from 0 to 30.

timeslots range

Time slot or time slot range, which can be from 1 to 24 for T1, and from 1 to 31 for E1. You can specify a time slot range (for example, 1-31), individual time slots separated by commas (for example 1, 3, 5), or a combination of the two (for example 1-7, 8, 17-31). The 16th time slot is reserved for out-of-band signaling.

type signal

Type of robbed-bit signaling. Replace the signal variable with one of the following signal types. The keywords service, data, and voice are used for switched 56K configuration. These keywords are described at the end of this syntax description table.

  • e&m-fgb [ dtmf [ dnis ] | [ service { data | voice }]] | [ service { data | voice }] | [ mf [ dnis ] | [ service { data | voice }]] —Specifies ear and mouth channel signaling with feature group B support, which includes the wink-start protocol. Use the options dtmf [ dnis ] to configure dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) tone signaling with optional dialed number information server (DNIS) provisioning. Use the options mf [ dnis ] to configure MF tone signaling with optional DNIS provisioning. Use the options service { data | voice } for switched 56K configurations. (See the end of this syntax description table for more information about these switched 56K keywords.)


  • e&m-fgd [ service { data | voice }] —Specifies ear and mouth channel signaling with feature group D support, which includes the wink-start protocol. Use the options service { data | voice } for switched 56K configurations. (See the end of this syntax description table for more information.)


  • e&m-immediate-start [ service { data | voice }] —Specifies ear and mouth channel signaling with immediate-start support. Use the options service { data | voice } for switched 56K configurations. (See the end of this syntax description table for more information.) fxs-ground-start [ service { data | voice }] —Specifies Foreign Exchange Station ground-start signaling support. Use the options [ service { data | voice } for switched 56K configurations. (See the end of this syntax description table for more information.)

type signal

  • fxs-loop-start [ service { data | voice }] —Specifies Foreign Exchange Station loop-start signaling support. Use the options service { data | voice } for switched 56K configurations. (See the end of this syntax description table for more information.)


  • r1-modified ani-dnis —Indicates R1 signaling will collect ani and dnis information.
  • r1-modified dnis —Indicates R1 signaling will collect only dnis information.
  • sas-ground-start [ service { data | voice }] —Specifies Special Access Station ground-start signaling support. Use the options service { data | voice } for switched 56K configurations. (See the end of this syntax description table for more information.)
  • sas-loop-start [ service { data | voice }] —Specifies Special Access Station loop-start signaling support. Use the options service { data | voice } for switched 56K configurations.
  • service —(Optional) Specifies the type of services provided for scenarios involving switched 56K connections. Do not include this option in the cas-group command statement if you are not using the access server to provide switched 56K connections.
  • data —Enables switched 56K digital data services on the specified range of time slots. The data is directly read from the time slot or channel. Time slots configured with this option will not accept analog modem calls.
  • voice —Enables analog modem services on the specified range of time slots. The call is forwarded to the modems for demodulation. Time slots configured with this option will not accept switched 56K digital calls.

Command Default

For ISDN PRI, the cas-group command is disabled.

If the channelized T1 is not configured as a PRI, the default value for line signaling is e&m-fgb and the default value for tone signaling is DTMF.

The R1 signaling default value is ani-dnis.

Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


The following signaling keywords were added:

  • service
  • data
  • voice

The R1 keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the cas-group command to configure T1 controllers with different types of robbed-bit signaling, such as on-hook and off-hook for E&M feature group B ( e&m-fgb).

If you want to collect DNIS information on a T1 controller, you must manually configure it on the access server. DNIS collection is performed only for E&M-fgb. To collect DTMF DNIS for E&M-fgb under a controller T1 configuration, enter the cas-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgb dtmf dnis command. To collect MF DNIS for E&M-fgb, enter the cas-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgb mf dnis command.


The following example configures all 24 channels with ear and mouth robbed-bit signaling with feature group B support:

Router(config-controller)# controller T1 0
Router(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgb
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 1 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 2 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 3 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 4 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 5 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 6 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 7 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 8 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 9 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 10 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 11 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 12 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 13 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 14 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 15 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 16 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 17 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 18 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 19 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 20 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 21 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 22 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 23 is up
%DSX0-5-RBSLINEUP: RBS of controller 1 timeslot 24 is up

The following example configures the required signaling to support modem pooling and the digital number identification service (DNIS) over channelized T1 lines on a Cisco AS5300. The only supported signaling and tone types for modem pooling over CT1 RBS are E&M feature group B, DTMF tones, and MF tones. By configuring DNIS as part of the cas-group command, the system can collect DNIS digits for incoming calls, which can be redirected to specific modem pools setup for different customers or services. Additionally, you must be running MICA modems in the system and have at least 10% of your total modems in the default modem pool. Free modems are needed in the default pool to detect the incoming called number or DNIS before handing the call off to the appropriate modem pool. Therefore, two modems are actually needed to handle each incoming call.

Note Make sure that your switch provides inband address information for incoming analog calls before you enable this feature.

controller t1 0
cas-group 0 timeslots 1-24 type e&m-fgb dtmf dnis
modem-pool accounts1
pool-range 30-50
called-number 2000 max-conn 21

The following example configures a Cisco AS5200 to accept switched 56K digital calls on both of its T1 controllers:

copy running-config startup-config

The following example configures switched 56K digital services and analog modem services on one controller. Each service is assigned its own range of timeslots. Switched 56K calls are assigned to timeslots 1 through 15. Analog modem calls are assigned to timeslots 16 through 24. However, you must use different channel group numbers in each cas-group command entry.

controller T1 0
cas-group 0 timeslots 1-15 type e&m-fgb service data
cas-group 1 timeslots 16-24 type e&m-fgb service voice
framing esf
clock source line secondary
linecode b8zs

The following example configures R1 signaling on a Cisco AS5200 (T1 interface) and specifies the collection of both ANI and DNIS information:

cas-group 1 timeslots 1-24 type r1-modified ani-dnis

The following example configures R1 modified signaling on a Cisco AS5800 (T1 interface) and specifies the collection of both ANI and DNIS information:

Router(config-controller)# cas-group 1 timeslots 1-24 type r1-modified ani-dnis
Router(config-controller)# ^Z
Router(config-controller)# debug csm
Call Switching Module debugging is on
1d16h:%CONTROLLER-5-UPDOWN:Controller E1 1/1/0, changed state to up
*Dec 17 11:27:47.946:allocate slot 4 and port 2 is allocated
*Dec 17 11:27:47.946:CSM v(4/2) c(E1 1/1/0:0):CSM_PROC_IDLE: ev_DSX0_CALL.
*Dec 17 11:27:47.961:CSM v(4/2) c(E1 1/1/0:0):CSM_PROC_IC1_RING: ev_MODEM_OFFHOOK.
*Dec 17 11:27:49.413:CSM v(4/2) c(E1 1/1/0:0):CSM_PROC_IC2_COLLECT_ADDR_INFO: ev_IC_DNIS_INFO_COLLECTED.
*Dec 17 11:27:50.265:CSM v(4/2) c(E1 1/1/0:0):CSM_PROC_IC2_COLLECT_ADDR_INFO: ev_IC_ADDR_INFO_COLLECTED.
*Dec 17 11:27:50.265:CSM v(4/2) c(E1 1/1/0:0):CSM_PROC_IC4_WAIT_FOR_CARRIER: ev_DSX0_CONNECTED.
Router# show modem csm 1/4/2
VDEV_INFO:slot 4, port 2
csm_state(0x00000205)=CSM_IC5_CONNECTED, csm_event_proc=0x60665CB0, current call thru Channelize line
invalid_event_count=0, wdt_timeout_count=0
watchdog timer is not activated
wait_for_dialing:False, wait_for_bchan:
pri_chnl=(E1 1/1/0:0), vdev_chnl=(s4, c2)
start_chan_p=0, chan_p=61994BC4, time_slot=0
The calling party phone number =
The called party phone number = 6789
ring_no_answer=0, ic_failure=0, ic_complete=1
dial_failure=0, oc_failure=0, oc_complete=0
oc_busy=0, oc_no_dial_tone=0, oc_dial_timeout=0
remote_link_disc=0, busyout=0, modem_reset=0
call_duration_started=1d16h, call_duration_ended=00:00:00, total_call_duration=00:00:00
Router# debug mica msm
MICA modems state machine debugging is on
1d16h:Msm2:MSM_IN_SERVICE:n_ring_ind:cc0x200 si5 dc3 ms0 cr56000,75
1d16h:Msm2:MSM_PREPARE:m_state_trans:newst MODEM_STATE_SETUP
1d16h:Msm2:MSM_TRAING_NEGNG:m_state_trans:newst MODEM_STATE_CONNECT
1d16h:Msm2:MSM_TRAING_NEGNG:m_state_trans:newst MODEM_STATE_LINK
1d16h:Msm2:MSM_TRAING_NEGNG:m_state_trans:newst MODEM_STATE_TRAINUP
1d16h:Msm2:MSM_TRAING_NEGNG:m_state_trans:newst MODEM_STATE_STEADY_STATE

cellular lte profile

To create, modify, or delete a modem data profile, use the cellular lte profile command in privileged EXEC mode.

cellular unit lte profile [ create | delete ] profile-number [ apn [ username [ password [ ipv4 ]]]

Syntax Description


EHWIC Router slot, WIC slot, and port separated by slashes (for example, 0/1/0.

For a fixed platform, the number is 0.


Keyword used to create a new profile.


Keyword used to delete a profile.


Number for the profile you are creating. You can create up to 16 profiles.


The Access Point Name (APN) is given by your service provider.

Only a single APN can be specified in a single profile.


The username provided by your service provider.


The password provided by your service provider.


The IPv4 network protocol IPv4 is currently supported.


The modem data profile is not configured.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History


Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M

This command was modified. In Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M, multiple profiles are now supported on both the 819 ISR and EHWICs.

Usage Guidelines

Multiple Profiles are supported on both the 819 ISR and EHWICs.


The following example shows how to create a modem profile:

Device# cellular 0/0/0 lte profile create 2 ipv4

Related Commands


lte sim authenticate

Configures an encrypted or unencrypted PIN used to activate the CHV1 code that authenticates a modem.

lte sim max-retry

Specifies the maximum number of failover retries.

lte sim primary

Specifies the slot number for the primary SIM.

lte sim profile

Applies the configured profile number to a SIM.

lte sim profile 3gpp 3gpp2

Applies the configured 3GPP and 3GPP2 profile numbers to a SIM.

cellular lte sms delete

To delete one message ID or all of the stored SMS messages from memory, use the cellular lte sms delete command in privileged EXEC mode.

cellular unit lte sms delete { all | ID }

Syntax Description


EHWIC Router slot, WIC slot, and port separated by slashes (for example, 0/1/0.

For a fixed platform, the number is 0.


Deletes all text messages received by the modem.


Deletes the message contents for a specified ID (cellular phone number) of an incoming text message.



Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History


Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M

This command was introduced.


The following example shows the deletion of all SMS messages in memory:

Device# cellular 0/1/0 lte sms delete all

Related Commands


cellular lte profile

Creates, modifies, or deletes a modem data profile.

cellular lte sms send

Enables a user to send a 4G LTE band SMS message to other valid recipients.

cellular lte sms view summary

Displays the message contents of incoming texts received by a modem.

lte sms archive

Specifies an FTP server folder path to send all incoming and outgoing SMS messages.

debug cellular messages sms

Debug SMS data path errors received on the modem.

show cellular sms

Displays all information from SMS text messages that are sent and received on the modem.

cellular lte sms delete

To delete one message ID or all of the stored SMS messages from memory, use the cellular lte sms delete command in privileged EXEC mode.

cellular unit lte sms delete { all | ID }

Syntax Description


EHWIC Router slot, WIC slot, and port separated by slashes (for example, 0/1/0.

For a fixed platform, the number is 0.


Deletes all text messages received by the modem.


Deletes the message contents for a specified ID (cellular phone number) of an incoming text message.



Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History


Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M

This command was introduced.


The following example shows the deletion of all SMS messages in memory:

Device# cellular 0/1/0 lte sms delete all

Related Commands


cellular lte profile

Creates, modifies, or deletes a modem data profile.

cellular lte sms send

Enables a user to send a 4G LTE band SMS message to other valid recipients.

cellular lte sms view summary

Displays the message contents of incoming texts received by a modem.

lte sms archive

Specifies an FTP server folder path to send all incoming and outgoing SMS messages.

debug cellular messages sms

Debug SMS data path errors received on the modem.

show cellular sms

Displays all information from SMS text messages that are sent and received on the modem.

cellular lte sms send

To enable a user to send a 4G LTE band SMS message to other valid recipients, use the cellular lte sms send command in privileged EXEC mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.

cellular unit lte sms sent destination-number message-contents

no cellular unit lte sms sent destination-number message-contents

Syntax Description


EHWIC Router slot, WIC slot, and port separated by slashes (for example, 0/1/0.

For a fixed platform, the number is 0.


Telephone number of SMS message recipient.


SMS message text that is sent to recipient, which can be no more than 160 characters long.

Note 10 or 11 digit (phone) numbers are the proper numerical format for sending a text. For example ###-###-#### or 1-###-###-####. Seven digits are not supported.



Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History


Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A user is allowed to send a 4G LTE band SMS message to other valid recipients only if they have a valid text message plan.


The following example shows how the cellular lte sms send command can be configured:

Device# cellular 0/1/0 lte sms send 15554443333

Related Commands


cellular lte sms delete

Deletes one or all message IDs from memory.

cellular lte sms view summary

Displays the message contents of incoming texts received by a modem.

lte sms archive

Specifies an FTP server folder path to send all incoming and outgoing SMS messages.

debug cellular messages sms

Debug SMS data path errors received on the modem.

show cellular sms

Displays all information from SMS text messages that are sent and received on the modem.

cellular lte sms view summary

To display the message contents of incoming texts received by a modem, use the cellular lte sms view summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

cellular unit lte sms view summary { all | ID }

Syntax Description


EHWIC Router slot, WIC slot, and port separated by slashes (for example, 0/1/0.

For a fixed platform, the number is 0.


Displays the message contents of up to 255 incoming texts received by the modem.


Displays the message contents for a specified ID (cellular phone number) of an incoming text message.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History


Cisco IOS Release 15.3(3)M

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the all keyword is used, messages are truncated to show a preview. If the specific ID of a text message is used, then the full contents of the text are displayed.


The following example shows how to set the DBE to deactivate in quiesce mode to prepare the device for hardware maintenance:

Device# cellular 0/0/0 lte sms view summary
0 4442235525 12/05/29 10:50:13 137 Your entry last month has...
2 5553337777 13/08/01 10:24:56 5 First
3 5553337777 13/08/01 10:25:02 6 Second

Related Commands


cellular lte sms delete

Deletes one or all message IDs from memory.

cellular lte sms send

Enables a user to send a 4G LTE band SMS message to other valid recipients.

lte sms archive

Specifies an FTP server folder path to send all incoming and outgoing SMS messages.

debug cellular messages sms

Debug SMS data path errors received on the modem.

show cellular sms

Displays all information from SMS text messages that are sent and received on the modem.


To configure serial WAN on a T1 or E1 interface, use the channel-group command in controller configuration mode. To clear a channel group, use the no form of this command.

Cisco 2600 Series

channel-group channel-group-number timeslots range [ speed { 56 | 64 } ] [ aim aim-slot-number ]

no channel-group channel-group-number

Cisco 2611 (Cisco Signaling Link Terminal [SLT])

channel-group channel-number

no channel-group channel-number

Cisco 2600XM Series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745

channel - group channel-group-number { timeslots range [ speed { 56 | 64 }] | unframed }
[ aim aim-slot-number ]

no channel - group [ channel-group-number timeslots range ]

Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 Series

channel-group channel-group-number

no channel-group channel-group-number

Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers

channel-group channel-group-number timeslots range

no channel-group channel-group-number

Cisco MC3810

channel-group channel - number timeslots range [ speed { 56 | 64 } ]

no channel-group [ channel - number timeslots range ]

Syntax Description


Channel-group number on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, Cisco 3745 routers, and Cisco ASR 901 Aggregation Services Routers. When a T1 data line is configured, channel-group numbers can be values from 0 to 23. When an E1 data line is configured, channel-group numbers can be values from 0 to 30.

Valid values can be 0 or 1 on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.

timeslots range

Specifies one or more time slots separated by commas, and spaces or ranges of time slots belonging to the channel group separated by a dash. The first time slot is numbered 1.

  • For a T1 controller, the time slots range from 1 to 24.
  • For an E1 controller, the time slots range from 1 to 31.

You can specify a time slot range (for example, 1-29), individual time slots separated by commas (for example 1, 3, 5), or a combination of the two (for example 1-14, 15, 17-31). See the “Examples” section for samples of different timeslot ranges.

speed { 56 | 64 }

(Optional) Specifies the speed of the underlying DS0s in kilobits per second. Valid values are 56 and 64.

The default line speed when configuring a T1 controller is 56 kbps on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, Cisco 3745, and Cisco MC3810.

The default line speed when configuring an E1 controller is 64 kbps on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, Cisco 3745, and Cisco MC3810.

The line speed controls real-time (VBR-RT) traffic shaping, and the maximum burst size (MBS) is 255 cells.

aim aim-slot-number

(Optional) Directs HDLC traffic from the T1/E1 interface to the AIM-ATM-VOICE-30 digital signaling processor (DSP) card on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745.


Number of the channel. Valid values can be 0 or 1 on the Cisco SLT
(Cisco 2611).


Specifies the use of all 32 time slots for data. None of the 32 time slots is used for framing signals on the Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745. This keyword is applicable to E1 only.

Command Default

The T1/E1 line is connected to the Motorola MPC-860x processor serial communication controller (SCC) or network module with two voice or WAN interface card (VIC or WIC) slots and 0/1/2 FastEthernet ports DSCC4 by default on Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745 routers.

There is no default behavior or values on the Cisco SLT (Cisco 2611).

The serial interface object encapsulation is set to HDLC on a network access server (NAS) (Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 series routers).

The default line speed is 56 kbps when a T1 controller is configured on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, Cisco 3745, and the Cisco MC3810.

The default line speed is 64 kbps when an E1 controller is configured on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, Cisco 3745, and the Cisco MC3810.

Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.0 on the Cisco MC3810.


This command was implemented on the Catalyst 6000 family switches.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.1(1)E.


This command was modified to accommodate two channel groups on a port on 1- and 2-port T1/E1 multiflex voice or WAN interface cards on the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 3600 series routers.


The number of valid values for the kbps argument was changed on the Cisco MC3810; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400.


The aim keyword was added for use on the Cisco 2600 series (including the Cisco 2691), Cisco 2600XM, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745.


The unframed keyword was added for use on the Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.


This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to direct HDLC traffic from the T1/E1 interface to the AIM-ATM-VOICE-30 DSP card. A channel group is created using Advanced Integration Module (AIM) HDLC resources when a channel-group command with the aim keyword is parsed during system initialization or when the command is entered during configuration. You must specify the aim keyword under a T1/E1 controller port to direct HDLC traffic from the T1/E1 interface to the AIM-ATM-VOICE-30 DSP card on the Cisco 2600 series, Cisco 2600XM series, Cisco 2691, Cisco 3631, Cisco 3660, Cisco 3725, and Cisco 3745.

Note Neither the Cisco AS5400 series NAS nor the Cisco MC3810 is supported with the integrated voice and data WAN on T1/E1 interfaces using the AIM-ATM-VOICE-30 module.

If previous channel-group commands are configured with the aim keyword, subsequent channel-group commands without the aim keyword are rejected. Similarly, if a regular channel-group command is followed by another channel-group command with the aim keyword implemented, the second command is rejected on the Cisco 2600 and Cisco 2600XM.

A channel group using AIM HDLC resources is deleted only when a no channel-group command is entered.

By default, the channel-group command on a NAS sets the serial interface object encapsulation to HDLC. You must override the default by entering the encapsulation ss7 command for that serial interface object. Once you override the default, encapsulation cannot be changed again for that object. The SS7 encapsulation option is new to the Integrated Signaling Link Terminal feature and is available only for interface serial objects created by the channel-group command. The Integrated Signaling Link Terminal feature added SLT functionality on Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 platforms.

A digital SS7 link can be deleted by entering the no channel-group channel-group-number command on the associated T1/E1 controller. The link must first be stopped using the no shutdown command. It is not necessary to remove the channel ID association first.

Use the channel-group command in configurations where the router or access server must communicate with a T1 or E1 fractional data line. The channel group number may be arbitrarily assigned and must be unique for the controller. The time-slot range must match the time slots assigned to the channel group. The service provider defines the time slots that comprise a channel group.

Note Channel groups, channel-associated signaling (CAS) voice groups, DS0 groups, and time-division multiplexing (TDM) groups all use group numbers. All group numbers configured for channel groups, CAS voice groups, and TDM groups must be unique on the local Cisco MC3810 concentrator. For example, you cannot use the same group number for a channel group and for a TDM group. Furthermore, on the Cisco MC3810, only one channel group can be configured on a controller.

The channel group number can be 0 or 1 on the Cisco SLT (Cisco 2611) and Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Routers.

The channel-group command also applies to Voice over Frame Relay, Voice over ATM, and Voice over HDLC on the Cisco MC3810.


The following example shows basic configuration directing HDLC traffic from the T1/E1 interface to the AIM-ATM-VOICE-30 DSP card, starting in global configuration mode:

Router(config)# controller e1 1/0
Router(config-controller)# clock source internal
Router(config-controller)# channel-group 0 timeslots 1-31 aim 0

The following example explicitly sets the encapsulation type to PPP to override the HDLC default:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# controller t1 6/0
Router(config-controller)# channel-group 2 timeslots 3 aim 0
Router(config-controller)# exit
Router(config)# interface serial 6/0:2
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ppp
Router(config-if)# ip address
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# end

The following example shows how to explicitly set the encapsulation type to SS7 to override the HDLC default using the Integrated Signaling Link Terminal feature. This example uses an 8PRI DFC card inserted into slot 7, and DS0-timeslot 3 on trunk 5 of that card is used as an SS7 link:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# controller t1 7/5
Router(config-controller)# channel-group 2 timeslots 3
Router(config-controller)# exit
Router(config)# interface serial 7/5:2
Router(config-if)# encapsulation ss7
Router(config-if)# channel-id 0
Router(config-if)# no shutdown
Router(config-if)# end

The following example defines three channel groups. Channel-group 0 consists of a single time slot, channel-group 8 consists of seven time slots and runs at a speed of 64 kbps per time slot, and channel-group 12 consists of two time slots.

Router(config-controller)# channel-group 0 timeslots 1
Router(config-controller)# channel-group 8 timeslots 5,7,12-15,20 speed 64
Router(config-controller)# channel-group 12 timeslots 2

The following example configures a channel group on controller T1 0 on a Cisco MC3810:

Router(config)# controller T1 0
Router(config-controller)# channel-group 10 timeslots 10-64

The following example configures a channel group on controller E1 1 and specifies that all time slots are used for data:

controller e1 1
channel-group 1 unframed

The following example configures a channel group on controller T1 0/0 and specifies the time slots:

card type t1 0 0
controller t1 0/0
framing esf
linecode b8zs
channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
interface serial 0/0:0
no keepalive
ip address
! select SSM option2
network-clock synchronization ssm option 2 gen1

Note SS7 digital F-link support for the 8PRI line card requires use of a third onboard TDM stream to route trunk DS0 messages to the onboard MGCs.

Related Commands



Sets the encapsulation type.


Specifies the frame type for the T1 or E1 data line.

invert data

Enables channel inversion.


Specifies the line code type for the T1 or E1 line.


Configures a card with voice processing resources and enters voice card configuration mode.


To create a script that will place a call over a modem, use the chat-script command in global configuration mode. To disable the specified chat script, use the no form of this command.

chat-script script-name expect-send

no chat-script script-name expect-send

Syntax Description


Name of the chat script.


Pairs of information elements: an item to expect and an item to send in response.

Command Default

No chat scripts are defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Chat scripts are used in dial-on-demand routing (DDR) to give commands to dial a modem and commands to log on to remote systems. The defined script will be used to place a call over a modem.

Some characteristics of chat scripts are as follows:

  • Chat scripts are case sensitive.
  • You can have any number of ABORT sequences active at once.
  • When a chat script starts, the default timeout is 5 seconds. Changes to the timeout persist until the next time you change them in the script.
  • A string within quotation marks is treated as a single entity.

We recommend that one chat script (a “modem” chat script) be written for placing a call and another chat script (a “system” or “login” chat script) be written to log on to remote systems, where required.

Suggested Chat Script Naming Conventions

A suggested chat script naming convention is vendor-type-modulation. If you follow this convention, the syntax of the chat-script command becomes chat-script vendor-type-modulation expect-send.

For example, if you have a Telebit T3000 modem that uses V.32 bis modulation, you would name your chat script telebit-t3000-v32bis.

The chat-script command could be written as follows:

chat-script telebit-t3000-v32bis ABORT ERROR ABORT BUSY ABORT "NO ANSWER" "" "AT H" OK "AT DT \T" DIALING \c TIMEOUT 30 CONNECT \c

Adhering to this naming convention allows you to use partial chat script names with regular expressions to specify a range of chat scripts that can be used. This capability is particularly useful for dialer rotary groups and is explained further in the next section.

Chat scripts are in the form expect-send, where the send string following the hyphen (-) is executed if the preceding expect string fails. Each send string is followed by a return unless it ends with the escape sequence \c. The sequence ^ x is translated into the appropriate control character, and the sequence \ x is translated into x if \ x is not one of the special sequences listed in Table 2 .

See the book titled Managing uucp and Usenet by Tim O’Reilly and Grace Todino for more information about chat scripts.

Escape Sequences

The escape sequences used in chat scripts are listed in Table 2 .


Table 2 Chat Script Send String Escape Sequences

Escape Sequence


Sends the ASCII character with its octal value.


Sends a backslash (\) character.


Sends a double-quote (“) character (does not work within double quotes).


Suppresses a new line at the end of the send string.


Delays for 2 seconds.


Inserts a BREAK.


Sends a newline or linefeed character.


Sends a null character.


Pauses for 0.25 second.


Reserved, not yet used.


Sends a return.


Sends a space character.


Sends a tab character.


Replaced by phone number.

“ ”

Expects a null string.


Causes a BREAK. This sequence is sometimes simulated with line speed changes and null characters. May not work on all systems.


Sends an end-of-transmission character.

Expect-Send Pairs

Sample supported expect-send pairs are described in Table 3 .


Table 3 Sample Supported Expect-Send Pairs

Expect and Send Pair

ABORT string

Designates a string whose presence in the input indicates that the chat script has failed.


Sets the time to wait for input, in seconds. The default is 5 seconds and a timeout of 60 seconds is recommended for V.90 modems.

For example, if a modem reports BUSY when the number dialed is busy, you can indicate that you want the attempt stopped at this point by including ABORT BUSY in your chat script.

Alternate Handlers

If you use the expect-send pair ABORT SINK instead of ABORT ERROR, the system terminates abnormally when it encounters SINK instead of ERROR.

Missed Characters

After the connection is established and you press the Return key, you must often press Return a second time before the prompt appears.

For example, you might include the following as part of your chat script:


This part of the script specifies that, after the connection is established, you want ssword to be displayed. If it is not displayed, you must press Return again after the timeout passes.


The following example shows the chat-script command being used to create a chat script named t3000 :


Related Commands


dialer map

Configures a serial interface or ISDN interface to call one or multiple sites or to receive calls from multiple sites.

script dialer

Specifies a default modem chat script.

class (controller)

To create a signaling class structure that can be referred to by its name, use the class command in controller configuration mode. To remove the structure, use the no form of this command.

class name

no class name

Syntax Description


The signaling class name which specifies the template that processes the automatic number identification/dialed number identification service (ANI/DNIS) delimiter.

Command Default

No signaling class structures are defined.

Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A signaling class allows the Cisco AS5300 and Cisco AS5800 universal access servers to provide the ANI/DNIS delimiter on incoming T1/CAS trunk lines. The digit collection logic in the call switching module (CSM) for incoming T1 CAS calls in dual tone multifrequency (DTMF) is modified to process the delimiters, the ANI digits, and the DNIS digits.

For this feature to work, a CAS signaling class with the template to process ANI/DNIS delimiters has to be defined. This creates a signaling class structure which can be referred to by its name. The name argument must match the name configured in the signaling-class cas command.


The following example defines a CAS signaling class with the template to process ANI/DNIS delimiters on channel 1:

Router(config)# signaling-class cas test
Router(config-sig-class)# profile incoming S<*a<*d<*n
Router(config)# controller T1 1/0/1
Router(config-controller)# class test

Related Commands


profile incoming

Defines a template formed by directives guiding the CSM to process the digit sequence for a signaling class.

signaling-class cas

Defines a signaling class which specifies the template that processes the ANI/DNIS delimiter.

clear cot summary

To reset the counters, use the clear cot summary command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear cot summary

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


There is no display generated, but the counters in the show cot summary command would be all zeros.

Related Commands


show cot dsp

Displays information about the COT DSP configuration or current status.

show cot request

Displays COT request information.

show cot summary

Displays information about the COT activity.

clear counters (async)

To clear the counters of a specified asynchronous interface or specified asynchronous interface group, as displayed by the show interface async command, use the clear counters command in EXEC mode.

clear counters { async async-interface-number | group-async group-async-interface-number }

Syntax Description


Counters in a specified asynchronous interface.


Required async interface number of the asynchronous interface that has been previously created with this number specification. The range is from 1 through 49.


Counters in a specified asynchronous interface group.


Required group-async interface number that has been previously created with this number specification. The range is from 0 through 49.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before using this command, use the show interface async command to display the asynchronous related counters on the specified asynchronous interface.


The following example uses the show interface async command to display the asynchronous related counters on the asynchronous interface named 1. The example then uses the clear counters group-async command to clear the counters. After the counters are cleared, the configuration file for the interface is displayed.

Router# show interface async 1
Async1 is down, line protocol is down
modem(slot/port)=1/0, state=IDLE
dsx1(slot/unit/channel)=NONE, status=VDEV_STATUS_UNLOCKED
Hardware is Async Serial
Interface is unnumbered. Using address of Ethernet0 (
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 115 Kbit, DLY 100000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255
Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set, keepalive not set
DTR is pulsed for 5 seconds on reset
LCP Closed
Last input never, output never, output hang never
Last clearing of "show interface" counters 00:03:46
Input queue: 0/10/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 0/////
Queueing strategy: weighted fair
Output queue: 0/1000/64/0 (size/max total/threshold/drops)
Conversations 0/0/256 (active/max active/max total)
Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated)
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec
0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles
0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort
0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets
0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out
0 carrier transitions
Router# clear counters group-async 1
Clear "show interface" counters on this interface [confirm]
*Oct 17 00:42:27.083: %CLEAR-5-COUNTERS: Clear counter on interface Group-Asynce

Related Commands


clear modem counters

Clears the statistical counters on one or more manageable modems on access servers or routers.

show interface async

Displays the asynchronous related counters on the specified asynchronous interface.

clear counters line

To clear line counters, use the clear counters line command in EXEC mode.

clear counters line { type | number }

Syntax Description


Line type: aux, console, tty, or vty.


First line number to clear, which can be between 0 and 54.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command clears the line counters shown by the show line command.


The following example shows the available options under the clear counters line command. When you issue this command, the counters (for example, Uses and Noise) displayed by the show line command are cleared.

Router# clear counters line ?
<0-54> First Line number
aux Auxiliary line
console Primary terminal line
tty Terminal controller
vty Virtual terminal
Router# exit
Router> show line
Tty Typ Tx/Rx A Modem Roty AccO AccI Uses Noise Overruns
* 0 CTY - - - - - 0 4 0/0
A 1 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
A 2 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
A 3 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
* 4 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 5 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 6 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 7 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 8 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 9 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 10 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 11 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 12 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 13 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 14 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
* 15 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 0 0 0/0
A 16 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
A 17 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
A 18 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
A 19 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
A 20 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0
A 21 TTY 115200/115200 - inout - - - 1 0 0/0

Related Commands


show line

Displays the parameters of a terminal line.

clear dialer

To clear the values of dialer statistics for one or more serial interfaces or BRIs configured for dial-on-demand routing (DDR), use the clear dialer privileged EXEC mode command

clear dialer [ interface type number ]

Cisco 7500 Series Routers Only

clear dialer [ interface serial slot / port ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Indicates that one interface will be specified.


(Optional) Interface type: async, serial, or bri.


(Optional) Interface number.

slot / port

(Optional) Backplane slot number and port number on the interface. See your hardware installation manual for the specific slot and port numbers.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the interface keyword and the arguments are not used, dialer statistics are cleared on all interfaces.


The following example clears the dialer statistics on serial interface 1:

Router# clear dialer interface serial 1

clear dialer dnis

To reset the counter statistics associated with a specific dialed number identification service (DNIS) group or number, use the clear dialer dnis command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear dialer dnis { group name | number number }

Syntax Description

group name

Dialer DNIS group statistics.

number number

Dialer DNIS number statistics.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the clear dialer dnis EXEC command to reset the counter statistics associated with a specific DNIS group or number. This command clears the counters for a DNIS group to reset the counter statistics associated with a specific DNIS group or number. If an ISP is charging a customer for the number of calls to a DNIS, it can clear the number after a week or month by using this command.


The following example shows the result of using the clear dialer dnis command for the DNIS group named “dg1”. Note that the counters have been cleared after the clear dialer dnis command has been entered.

Router# show dialer dnis group dg1
DNIS Number:71028
4 total connections
3 peak connections
1 calltype mismatches
DNIS Number:4156266541
8 total connections
5 peak connections
0 calltype mismatches
DNIS Number:4085541628
3 total connections
2 peak connections
0 calltype mismatches
DNIS Number:71017
2 total connections
1 peak connections
0 calltype mismatches
Router# clear dialer dnis group dg1
Router# show dialer dnis group dg1
DNIS Number:71028
0 total connections
0 peak connections
0 calltype mismatches
DNIS Number:4156266541
0 total connections
0 peak connections
0 calltype mismatches
DNIS Number:4085541628
0 total connections
0 peak connections
0 calltype mismatches
DNIS Number:71017
0 total connections
0 peak connections
0 calltype mismatches

Related Commands


show dialer dnis

Displays the number of calls DNIS groups have had.

clear dialer sessions

To remove all dialer sessions and disconnect links when connected, use the clear dialer sessions command in EXEC mode.

clear dialer sessions

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to use the clear dialer sessions command:

Router# clear dialer sessions

Related Commands


show dialer sessions

Displays all dialer sessions.

clear dsip tracing

To clear Distributed System Interconnect Protocol (DSIP) tracing statistics (trace logging), use the clear dsip tracing command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear dsip tracing { counters | tracing } [ control | data | ipc ]

Syntax Description


DSIP counters.


DSIP tracing buffers.


(Optional) Control counters or tracing buffers.


(Optional) Data counters or tracing buffers.


(Optional) Inter-process communication counters or tracing buffers.

Command Default

If no option is specified, all control, data, and inter-process communication counters or tracing buffers are cleared.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to clear the counters displayed with the show dsip tracing EXEC command.


In the following example, the DSIP counters are cleared (including data, control, and ipc counters):

Router# clear dsip tracing

Related Commands


show dsip tracing

Displays DSIP tracing buffer information.

show dsip version

Displays DSIP version information.

clear interface virtual-access

To tear down the virtual access interface and free the memory for other dial-in uses, use the clear interface virtual-access command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear interface virtual-access number

Syntax Description


Virtual access interface number.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.0(1)M.

Usage Guidelines

This command does not free the memory for uses unrelated to dial-in access.


The following example clears a specified virtual access interface. You can use the show interfaces virtual-access command to display the interface numbers before you clear any specific one.

Router# clear interface virtual-access 2.1

Related Commands


interface virtual-template

Creates a virtual template interface that can be configured and applied dynamically in creating virtual access interfaces.

show interfaces

Displays statistics for the interfaces configured on a router or access server.

clear ip route download

To clear static routes downloaded from an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server, use the clear ip route download command in EXEC mode.

clear ip route download { * | network-number network-mask | reload }

Syntax Description


All routes.

network-number network-mask

Destination network route and mask in standard IP address notation. For example,


Delete all routes, then reload static routes from the AAA server and reset the timer configured by the aaa route download command.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command forces the router to reload static routes from the AAA server before the update timer expires.


The following example shows how to clear all routes:

Router# clear ip route download *

Related Commands


aaa authorization configuration default

Downloads static route configuration information from the AAA server using TACACS+ or RADIUS.

aaa route download

Enables the download static route feature and sets the amount of time between downloads.

show ip route

Displays all static IP routes, or those installed using the AAA route download function.

clear line

To return a terminal line to idle state, use the clear line command in EXEC mode.

clear line line-number

Syntax Description


Absolute line number.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to log out of a specific session running on another line. If the line uses a modem, the modem will be disconnected.


The following example resets line 3 to idle state:

Router# clear line 3

clear line async-queue

To reset the connections currently waiting to use a rotary line in the queue, use the clear line async-queue command in EXEC mode.

clear line async-queue [ rotary-group ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Rotary group.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command without any argument to remove all rotary line queues and terminate the asynchronous queue manager. Use the clear line async-queue command with the rotary-group argument to reset only the specified rotary group.


The following example clears all the rotary queues and shows the resulting output:

Router# clear line async-queue
Clearing queued connections for ALL rotary groups ! [confirm]
Clearing rotary group 1
Clearing line 69
Clearing line 70
Clearing rotary group 2
Clearing line 66
Clearing line 67
Clearing line 68

clear modem

To reset the hardware for one or more manageable modems on an access server or router, use the clear modem command in EXEC mode.

clear modem { slot / port | all | group group-number | at-mode slot / port | test }

Syntax Description

slot / port

Slot and modem port number. (Include the slash mark when entering this variable, for example: 1/1.)


All modems. This command disconnects any active calls.

group group-number

Group of modems. The modem group number is the number of the group you have previously created.

at-mode slot / port

AT directly connected session. The variable, slot / port, is required. This EXEC command clears an attention (AT) directly connected session to a manageable Microcom modem from a second Telnet session.


Log or test report that is displayed by the show modem test command. If you do not clear the test regularly, eventually the oldest test report will replace the current test report.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The modem hardware is reset for modems that are idle or busied out for long periods of time.

An AT directly connected session is usually initiated and closed from the same Telnet session when you enter the modem at-mode command and press Ctrl-C. However, you can clear an AT directly connected session that was mistakenly left open by enabling the clear modem at-mode command from a second Telnet session in to the access server.


The following example of the clear modem slot / port command resets the hardware for manageable modem 1/1:

Router# clear modem 1/1

The following is an example of using the clear modem all command:

Router# clear modem all
This command will disconnect any active calls.
Clear (reset) all modems? [confirm]
Clearing modems................................................

The following examples of the clear modem group command clear the manageable modems in group 1:

Router# clear modem group 1
Router# clear modem group1

The following example executes the clear modem at-mode command from a Telnet session:

modem at-mode 1/1

The following example executes the clear modem at-mode command from a second Telnet session while the first Telnet session is connected to the modem:

Router# clear modem at-mode 1/1
clear "modem at-mode" for modem 1/1 [confirm]

The following output is displayed in the first Telnet session after the modem is cleared by the second Telnet session:

Direct connect session cleared by vty0 (

Related Commands


clear modem counters

Clears the statistical counters on one or more manageable modems on access servers or routers.

interface group-async

Creates a group interface that will serve as master, to which asynchronous interfaces can be associated as members.

show modem at-mode

Opens a directly connected session and enters AT command mode, which is used for sending AT commands to Microcom manageable modems.

show modem test

Displays the modem test log.

clear modem counters

To clear the statistical counters on one or more manageable modems installed in an access server, use the clear modem counters command in EXEC mode.

clear modem counters [ slot / port-number | group [ group-number ]]

Syntax Description

slot / port-number

(Optional) Slot and modem port number. ( Include the slash mark when entering this variable, for example: 1/1.)

group [ group-number ]

(Optional) One or all groups of modems. The optional modem group number is the number of a group-async interface. The group number range is from 1 to 1002.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Entering the clear modem counters command without specifying an optional keyword or argument resets the modem statistics on each modem and the summary statistics displayed in the show modem summary command.

The subcommand clear modem counters group without the group number clears counters in all modem groups. The optional modem group number is the number of a group you have previously created.


The following example of the clear modem counters slot / port command clears the statistical counters on manageable modem 1/1:

Router# clear modem counters 1/1

The following example of the clear modem counters group command clears the statistical counters on all manageable modem groups:

Router# clear modem counters group
Clear "show modem" counters for all modem groups [confirm]
*Oct 17 20:20:24.974: %CLEAR-5-COUNTERS: Clear counter on modems in all groups e

Related Commands


clear cot summary

Clears the counters of a specified asynchronous interface or specified asynchronous interface group.

show modem summary

Displays a high-level report for all manageable modems dialing into and out of the network.

clear modem log

To reset the log for one or more manageable modems installed in a Cisco AS5800 series access server, use the clear modem log command in EXEC mode.

clear modem log [ shelf / slot / port [ shelf / slot / port... ] | group [ group-number ]]

Syntax Description

shelf / slot / port [ shelf / slot / port... ]

(Optional) One or several modem shelves listed in the order shelf, slot, and port. ( Include the slash mark when entering the values.) The s helf value is the shelf ID of the dial shelf. The slot values range from 2 to 11 and the port values range from 0 to 323 on the UP324 modem card, and from 0 to 143 on the Double Density Modem Module (DMM) card.

group [ group-number ]

(Optional) One or all groups of modems. The optional modem group number is the number of a group-async interface. The group number range is from 1 to 1002.

Command Default

Reset logs for all modems.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Entering the clear modem log command without specifying an optional keyword or argument resets the log for all modems. Entering the clear modem log command and the grou p keyword without an argument clears the log for all modem groups. Use the optional shelf / slot / port or group-number argument to clear the log of a specific modem or modem group.

The group-number argument is the number of a group you have previously created using the interface group-async global configuration and group range interface configuration commands. These commands create a group of asynchronous interfaces that are associated with a group asynchronous interface on the same device.


The following example clears the modem log for shelf 1, slot 4, port 0:

Router# clear modem log 1/4/0
Clear Modem log for modem 1/4/00 [confirm]y

Use the show modem log command to verify that the modem log for shelf 1, slot 4, port 0 is cleared:

Router# show modem log 1/4/0
Modem 1/4/00 Events Log:

The following example clears the modem logs for shelf 1, slot 4, port 0 and shelf 1, slot 4, port 2:

Router# clear modem log 1/4/1 1/4/2
Clear modem log for modems 1/4/01 to 1/4/02 [confirm]y

Use the show modem log command to verify the modem logs for shelf 1, slot 4, port 0 and shelf 1, slot 4, port 2 are cleared:

Router# show modem log 1/4/1 1/4/2
Modem 1/4/01 Events Log:
Modem 1/4/02 Events Log:

The following example clears the log for all modems:

Router# clear modem log
Clear modem log for all modems [confirm]y

The following example clears the log for all modem groups:

Router# clear modem log group
Clear modem log for modems in all groups [confirm]y

The following example clears the log for modem group 0:

Router# clear modem log group 0
Clear modem log for modems in group 0 [confirm]y

Related Commands


group range

Creates a list of member asynchronous interfaces (associated with a group interface).

interface group-async

Creates a group interface that will serve as master, to which asynchronous interfaces can be associated as members.

show modem log

Displays the modem history event status performed on a manageable modem or group of modems.

clear modempool-counters

To clear the active or running counters associated with one or more modem pools, use the clear modempool-counters command in EXEC mode.

clear modempool-counters [ name ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Modem pool name. If you do not include this option, all counters for all modem pools will be cleared.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The clear modempool-counters command clears the counters that are displayed in the show modem-pool command. This command is used only with MICA technologies digital modems.


The following examples show three modem pools set up on the access server: System-def-Mpool, v90service, and v34service:

Router# show modem-pool
modem-pool: System-def-Mpool
modems in pool: 20 active conn: 15
0 no free modems in pool
modem-pool: v90service
modems in pool: 50 active conn: 43
3 no free modems in pool
called_party_number: 4441000
max conn allowed: 50, active conn: 43
3 max-conn exceeded, 3 no free modems in pool
modem-pool: v34service
modems in pool: 50 active conn: 30
1 no free modems in pool
called_party_number: 4443000
max conn allowed: 50, active conn: 30
0 max-conn exceeded, 0 no free modems in pool

In the following example, the clear modempool-counters v90service command clears the running counters for the v90services modem pool:

Router# clear modempool-counters v90service
Router# show modem-pool
modem-pool: System-def-Mpool
modems in pool: 20 active conn: 15
0 no free modems in pool
modem-pool: v90service
modems in pool: 50 active conn: 0
0 no free modems in pool
called_party_number: 4441000
max conn allowed: 50, active conn: 0
0 max-conn exceeded, 0 no free modems in pool
modem-pool: v34service
modems in pool: 50 active conn: 30
1 no free modems in pool
called_party_number: 4443000
max conn allowed: 50, active conn: 30
0 max-conn exceeded, 0 no free modems in pool

Related Commands


called-number (modem pool)

Assigns a called party number to a pool of modems.


Creates a new modem pool or specifies an existing modem pool, which allows you to physically or virtually partition your access server for dial-in and dial-out access.


Assigns a range of modems to a modem pool.

show modem-pool

Displays the configuration and connection status for one or more modem pools.

clear port

To reset the NextPort port and clear any active call to the port, use the clear port command in EXEC mode.

Cisco AS5400 with the NextPort Dial Feature Card (DFC)

clear port [ slot | slot / port ]

Cisco AS5800 with the Universal Port Card (UPC)

clear port [ shelf / slot | shelf / slot / port ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5400, slot values range from 1 to 7.

slot / port

(Optional) The slot and port number to be cleared. For the Cisco AS5400, slot values range from 1 to 7 and port values range from 0 to one less than the number of ports supported by the card. You must type in the slash mark.

shelf / slot

(Optional) The shelf and slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified shelf and slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1 and UPC slot values range from 2 to 11. You must type in the slash mark.

shelf / slot / port

(Optional) The shelf, slot, and port number to be cleared. For the Cisco AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1, slot values range from 2 to 11, and port values range from 0 to 323. You must type in the slash mark.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

If you specify the shelf, slot, and port, you clear that port on that SPE. If you specify only the shelf and slot, you clear all active ports on that particular shelf and slot. If you do not specify a shelf, slot, or port, you clear all the ports on the access server.

This command also clears the Bad state on a port and resets it. However, the port is not cleared if the SPE was previously in a Bad state due to an SPE firmware download.


The following example shows output from the clear port command on the Cisco AS5400 with the NextPort DFC. This example clears slot 1, port 1:

Router# clear port 1/1
This will clear port 1/01[confirm]y

The following example shows output from the clear port command on the Cisco AS5800 with the UPC. This example clears shelf 1, slot 3, port 0:

Router# clear port 1/3/0
This will clear port 1/03/00[confirm]y

Related Commands



Informs the central-office switch that a channel is out of service.

clear line

Returns a terminal line to idle state.

clear spe

Reboots all specified SPEs.

show port digital log

Displays the data event log for digital modems.

show port modem log

Displays the events generated by the modem sessions

show spe

Displays SPE status.

shutdown (port)

Disables a port.

clear port log

To clear all event entries in the port level history event log, use the clear port log command in EXEC mode.

Cisco AS5400 with NextPort DFC

clear port log [ slot | slot / port ]

Cisco AS5800 with Universal Port Card

clear port log [ shelf / slot | shelf / slot / port ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) All ports on the specified slot. For the AS5400, slot values range from 0 to 7.

slot / port

(Optional) All ports on the specified slot and SPE. For the AS5400, slot values range from 0 to 7 and port values range from 0 to 107. Be sure to include the slash mark.

shelf / slot

(Optional) All ports on the specified shelf and slot. For the AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1 and UPC slot values range from 2 to 11. Be sure to include the slash mark.

shelf / slot / port

(Optional) All ports on the specified SPE. For the AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1, slot values range from 2 to 11, and port values range from 0 to 323. Be sure to include the slash mark.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.

Usage Guidelines

The clear port log command clears the entire port log. You cannot remove individual service events from the port log. On the Cisco AS5400 only, you can use show port modem log or the show port digital log to display specific service events, but you must use clear port log to clear the entire port event log.


The following example shows output from the clear port log command on the Cisco AS5400 with NextPort DFC. This example clears slot 1, port 1:

Router# clear port log 1/1
This will clear log event history for port(s)1/01 - 1/01[confirm]y

The following example shows output from the clear port log command on the Cisco AS5800 with universal port card. This example clears shelf 1, slot 3, port 0:

Router# clear port log 01/03/00
This will clear port 1/03/00[confirm]y

Related Commands


show port digital log

Displays the data event log for digital modems.

show port modem log

Displays the events generated by the modem sessions.

clear resource-pool

To reset the counter statistics associated with a specific customer profile, call discriminator, or physical resource, use the clear resource-pool command in privileged EXEC mode.

clear resource-pool { customer | discriminator | resource } { name | all }

Syntax Description


Customer profile.


Call discriminator.


Physical resource. Checks the counters maintained for resource groups.


Specific customer profile, discriminator, or physical resource in the access server.


All customer profiles, discriminators, or physical resources in the access server.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the clear resource-pool privileged EXEC command to reset the counter statistics associated with a specific customer profile, call discriminator, or physical resource.


The following example shows the use of the clear resource-pool command for the specific customer named “customer-isp”:

Router# clear resource-pool customer ?
WORD Customer profile name
all Clear all customer profiles
Router# clear resource-pool customer customer-isp

Related Commands


show resource-pool call

Displays all active call information for all customer profiles and resource groups.

show resource-pool customer

Displays the contents of one or more customer profiles.

show resource-pool resource

Displays the resource groups configured in the NAS.

clear snapshot quiet-time

To end the quiet period on a client router within two minutes, use the clear snapshot quiet-time command in EXEC mode.

clear snapshot quiet-time interface-type interface-number

Syntax Description

interface-type interface-number

Interface type and number.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The clear snapshot quiet-time command places the client router in a state to reenter the active period within two minutes. The two-minute hold period ensures a quiet period of at least two minutes between active periods.


The following example ends the quiet period on dialer interface 1:

Router# clear snapshot quiet-time dialer 1

Related Commands


show snapshot

Displays snapshot routing parameters associated with an interface.

snapshot client

Configures a client router for snapshot routing.

clear spe

To reboot all specified service processing elements (SPEs), use the clear spe command in EXEC mode.

Cisco AS5400 with the NextPort Dial Feature Card (DFC)

clear spe [ slot | slot / spe ]

Cisco AS5800 with the Universal Port Card (UPC)

clear spe [ shelf / slot | shelf / slot / spe ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5400, slot values range from 1 to 7.

slot / spe

(Optional) The slot and service processing element (SPE) number to be cleared. All ports on the specified slot and SPE will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5400, slot values range from 1to 7 and SPE values range from 1 to 17. You must type in the slash mark.

shelf / slot

(Optional) The shelf and slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified shelf and slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1 and UPC slot values range from 2 to 11. You must type in the slash mark.

shelf / slot / spe

(Optional) The shelf, slot and SPE number to be cleared. All ports on the specified SPE will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1, slot values range from 2 to 11, and SPE values range from 0 to 53. You must type in the slash marks.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

Execution of the clear spe command causes the configured firmware to be downloaded to the specified SPE or the range of SPEs and causes the power-on self-test (POST) to be executed. This command can be executed regardless of the state of the SPEs.

Note All active ports running on the SPE are prematurely terminated and messages are logged into the appropriate log.

This command downloads configured SPEs with firmware as configured. Unconfigured SPEs download with the default firmware, which is the bundled version. To configure and manage the downloading of firmware without abruptly terminating SPEs, use the firmware location or firmware upgrade commands as appropriate.


The following example clears SPEs when the clear spe command is entered on the Cisco AS5400 with the NextPort DFC. This example performs a coldstart on slot 1, SPE 1.

Router# clear spe 1/1
Router# This will tear all active calls on the SPE(s), if any.[confirm]y

The following example clears SPEs when the clear spe command is entered on the Cisco AS5800 with the UPC. This example performs a coldstart on shelf 1, slot 8, SPE 0.

Router# clear spe 1/8/0
Router# This will tear all active calls on the SPE(s), if any.[confirm]y

Related Commands



Disables a port by waiting for the active services on the specified port to terminate.

clear line

Returns a line to its idle state.

clear port

Resets the NextPort port and clears any active call.

show spe

Displays SPE status.

shutdown (port)

Disables a port.

clear spe counters

To clear all statistics, use the clear spe counters command in EXEC mode.

Cisco AS5350 and Cisco AS5400 with the NextPort Dial Feature Card (DFC)

clear spe counters [ slot | slot / spe ] [ slot | slot / spe ]

Cisco AS5800 with the Universal Port Card (UPC)

clear spe counters [ slot / spe | shelf / slot | shelf / slot / spe ] [ slot / spe | shelf / slot | shelf / slot / spe ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5350 slot values range from 1 to 3. For the Cisco AS5400, slot values range from 1 to 7. A range of slots can be cleared by entering a second value for the slot argument.

slot / spe

(Optional) The slot and service processing element (SPE) number to be cleared. All ports on the specified slot and SPE will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5350 slot values range from 1 to 3. For the Cisco AS5400, slot values range from 1 to 7. The SPE values range from 0 to 17.You must type in the slash mark. A range of SPEs can be cleared by entering by entering a second value for the slot / spe argument.

shelf / slot

(Optional) The shelf and slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified shelf and slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1 and UPC slot values range from 2 to 11. You must type in the slash mark. A range of slots can be cleared by entering by entering a second value for the shelf / slot argument.

shelf / slot / spe

(Optional) The shelf, slot and SPE number to be cleared. All ports on the specified SPE will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1, slot values range from 2 to 11, and SPE values range from 0 to 53. You must type in the slash marks. A range of SPEs can be cleared by entering by entering a second value for the shelf / slot / spe argument.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

The clear spe counters command clears statistical counters of all service types for the specified SPE, range of SPEs, or all the SPEs. If you do not set a parameter, you clear all SPE statistical counters.


The following example shows how to clear all statistics by entering the clear spe counters command on the Cisco AS5350 with the NextPort DFC:

Router# clear spe counters 1/3 1/7
This will clear statistic counters for SPEs 1/03 - 1/07 [confirm]y

The following example shows how to clear all statistics by entering the clear spe counters command on the Cisco AS5800 with the UPC. This example clears shelf 1, slot 3, ports 0 to 11.

Router# clear spe counters 1/3/0 1/3/11
This will clear statistic counters for SPEs 1/03/00 - 1/03/11[confirm]y

clear spe log

To clear event entries in the slot history event log, use the clear spe log command in EXEC mode.

Cisco AS5400 with the NextPort Dial Feature Card (DFC)

clear spe log [ slot ] [ slot ]

Cisco AS5800 with the Universal Port Card (UPC)

clear spe log [ shelf / slot ] [ shelf / slot ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5400, slot values range from 1 to 7. A range of slots can be cleared by entering a second value for the slot argument.

shelf / slot

(Optional) The shelf and slot number to be cleared. All ports on the specified shelf and slot will be cleared. For the Cisco AS5800, shelf values range from 0 to 1 and UPC slot values range from 2 to 11. You must type in the slash mark. A range of slots can be cleared by entering a second value for the shelf / slot argument.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced on the Cisco AS5400.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5800.


This command was implemented on the Cisco AS5350.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(11)T.

Usage Guidelines

The clear spe log command clears event entries in the slot history event log. If you do not specify the shelf/slot range, all service processing element (SPE) event entries clear.

If you specify the shelf/slot, only the event entries for that slot clear.


The following example shows output from the clear spe log command on the Cisco AS5400 with the NextPort DFC. This example clears the SPE log from shelf 1, 2 and 3:

Router# clear spe log 1 3
This will clear slot event history for slot(s) 1 - 3[confirm]y

The following example shows output from the clear spe log command on the Cisco AS5800 with the UPC. This example clears shelf 1, slot 8:

Router# clear spe log 1/8
This will clear slot event history for slot(s) 8 - 8[confirm]y

Related Commands


show spe log

Displays the SPE system log.

clid group

To add a calling line identifier (CLID) group to a discriminator, use the clid group command in CLID configuration mode. To remove a CLID group from a discriminator, use the no form of this command.

clid group { clid-group-name | default }

no clid group { clid-group-name | default }

Syntax Description


Name of the CLID group added to the discriminator. You can add an existing CLID group or one that is to be defined. Discrimination does not happen until the CLID group is defined.


Default discrimination profile. Any CLID number coming in on a call is in its respective default group unless it is specifically assigned a CLID group name.

Command Default

CLID screening is not used.

Command Modes

CLID configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the clid group command to add a CLID group (which specifies the calls to reject) to the discriminator. If you use the default option, CLID call screening is not used.


The following example shows a call discriminator named “clidElim” created and configured to block digital calls from the CLID group named “group1”:

resource-pool profile discriminator clidElim
call-type digital
clid group group1

Related Commands



Specifies the type of calls you want to block.

resource-pool profile discriminator

Creates a call discrimination profile and assigns it a name.

clock source line

To set the E1 line clock source for the Cisco AS5200 access server, use the clock source line command in controller configuration mode. To change or remove the clocking source, use the no form of this command.

clock source line { primary | secondary }

no clock source line { primary | secondary }

Syntax Description


Primary TDM clock source.


Secondary TDM clock source.

Command Default

Primary TDM clock source is taken from the E1 controller 0 on the Cisco AS5200.

Secondary TDM clock source is taken from the E1 controller 1 on the Cisco AS5200.

Command Modes

Controller configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Configure the clock source line primary command on the controller that takes the most reliable clocking from an E1 line. Configure the clock source line secondary command on the controller that has the next best known clocking. With this configuration, the primary line clocking is backed up to the secondary line if the primary clocking shuts down.


The following example configures the Cisco AS5200 to use E1 controller 0 as the primary clocking source and the E1 controller 1 as the secondary clocking source:

controller e1 0
framing esf
linecode hdb3
pri-group timeslots 1-23
clock source line primary
controller e1 1
framing esf
linecode hdb3
pri-group timeslots 1-23
clock source line secondary

Related Commands


clear controller

Resets the T1 or E1 controller.


Configures a T1 or E1 controller and enters controller configuration mode.


Selects the linecode type for T1 or E1 line.

show controllers e1

Displays information about the E1 links supported by the NPM
(Cisco 4000) or MIP (Cisco 7500 series).

copy modem

To copy modem firmware to integrated modems in an access server, use the copy modem command in EXEC mode.

copy { flash | tftp | rcp } modem

Syntax Description


Flash memory.


Local TFTP server.


Local rcp server.

Command Modes


Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Note The copy modem command is no longer available for MICA portware and 56K Microcom modems on Cisco AS5200 and AS5300 access servers. Use the spe command instead.

The Microcom V.34 modems and Cisco AS5200 V.110 terminal adapter will continue to use the copy modem command. On bootup, because these modems do not require download, the command displays the location of the firmware as "feature_card_flash."

After you enable this command, you are asked to provide the download destination (a slot/port or all), the remote host name, and the path leading to the source modem firmware.

If a modem that you want to upgrade is busy with a call when the copy modem command is enabled, the upgrade for that modem yields until the active call is dropped. All other idle modems in the upgrade range proceed with the downloading operation.


The following example copies the modem firmware file cal led modem_upgrade from the TFTP server calle d Modem_Server to modem 2/0, which is installed in a Cisco AS5200 access server:

Router# copy tftp modem
Modem Numbers (<slot>/<port>[-<slot>/<port>] | group <number> | all)? 2/0
Address or name of remote host [UNKNOWN]? Modem_Server
Source file name? file1/elem/modem_upgrade
Accessing file 'file1/elem/modem_upgrade on Modem_Server...
Loading file1/elem/modem_upgrade.from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK]
Loading file1/elem/modem_upgrade from (via Ethernet0): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 237503/278528 bytes]
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/0) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/0) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85

As shown in this example, you might want to upgrade and test one modem’s firmware before upgrading the firmware of all the modems on the access server, as shown in the next example.

The following example downloads the same modem firmware file from the TFTP server to all the modems in the Cisco AS5200 access server:

Router# copy tftp modem
Modem Numbers (<slot>/<port>[-<slot>/<port>] | group <number> | all)? all
Address or name of remote host [UNKNOWN]? Modem_Server
Source file name? file1/elem/modem_upgrade
Accessing file 'file1/elem/modem_upgrade on Modem_Server...
Loading file1/elem/modem_upgrade.from (via Ethernet0): ! [OK]
Loading file1/elem/modem_upgrade from (via Ethernet0): !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[OK - 237503/278528 bytes]
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/0) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/1) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/2) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/3) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/4) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/5) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/6) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/7) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/8) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/9) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/10) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/11) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/12) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/13) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/14) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/15) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/16) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/17) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/18) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/19) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/20) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/21) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/22) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (2/23) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/2) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/10) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/4) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/6) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/7) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/12) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/11) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/13) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/1) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/14) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/19) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/22) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/5) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/8) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/9) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/17) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/0) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/3) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/21) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/16) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/15) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/18) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/20) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (2/23) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85

The following example copies the modem firmware file called STAR.M from Flash memory to the integrated modem 1/2:

Router# copy flash modem
Modem Numbers (<slot>/<port> | group <number> | all)? 1/2
System flash directory:
File Length Name/status
1 3539820 as5200-i-m.allcookies
2 239203 STAR.M
3 23072 BOOT.105 [3802288 bytes used, 4586320 available, 8388608 total]
Source file name? STAR.M
%MODEM-5-DL_START: Modem (1/2) started firmware download
%MODEM-5-DL_GOOD: Modem (1/2) completed firmware download: MNPClass10V.34/V.FCModemRev1.0.23/85.23/85

Related Commands



Copies any file from a source to a destination.


Enters SPE configuration mode and sets the range of SPEs.

corlist incoming

To specify the class of restrictions (COR) list to be used when a specified dial peer acts as the incoming dial peer, use the corlist incoming command in dial peer configuration mode. To clear the previously defined incoming COR list in preparation for redefining the incoming COR list, use the no form of this command.

corlist incoming cor-list-name

no corlist incoming cor-list-name

Syntax Description


Name of the dial peer COR list that defines the capabilities that the specified dial peer has when it is used as an incoming dial peer.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Dial peer configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The dial-peer cor list and member commands define a set of capabilities (a COR list). These lists are used in dial peers to indicate the capability set that a dial peer has when it is used as an incoming dial peer (the corlist incoming command) or to indicate the capability set that is required for an incoming dial peer to make an outgoing call through the dial peer (the corlist outgoing command). For example, if dial peer 100 is the incoming dial peer and its incoming COR list name is list100, dial peer 200 has list200 as the outgoing COR list name. If list100 does not include all the members of list200 (that is, if list100 is not a superset of list200), it is not possible to have a call from dial peer 100 that uses dial peer 200 as the outgoing dial peer.


In the following example, incoming calls from 526.... are blocked from being switched to outgoing calls to 1900.... because the COR list for the incoming dial peer (list2) is not a superset of the COR list for the outgoing dial peer (list1):

dial-peer list list1
member 900call
dial-peer list list2
member 800call
member othercall
dial-peer voice 526 pots
answer-address 408555....
corlist incoming list2
dial-peer voice 900 pots
destination pattern 1900.......
trunkgroup 101
prefix 333
corlist outgoing list1

Related Commands


corlist outgoing

Specifies the COR list to be used by outgoing dial peers.

dial-peer cor list

Defines a COR list name.


Adds a member to a dial peer COR list.

corlist outgoing

To specify the class of restrictions (COR) list to be used by outgoing dial peers, use the corlist outgoing command in dial peer configuration mode. To clear the previously defined outgoing COR list in preparation for redefining the outgoing COR list, use the no form of this command.

corlist outgoing cor-list-name

no corlist outgoing cor-list-name

Syntax Description


Required name of the dial peer COR list for outgoing calls to the configured number using this dial peer.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Dial peer configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the COR list for the incoming dial peer is not a superset of the COR list for the outgoing dial peer, calls from the incoming dial peer cannot use that outgoing dial peer.


In the following example, incoming calls from 526.... are blocked from being switched to outgoing calls to 1900.... because the COR list for the incoming dial peer (list2) is not a superset of the COR list for the outgoing dial peer (list1):

dial-peer list list1
member 900call
dial-peer list list2
member 800call
member othercall
dial-peer voice 526 pots
answer-address 408555....
corlist incoming list2
dial-peer voice 900 pots
destination pattern 1900.......
trunk group 101
prefix 333
corlist outgoing list1

cpp authentication

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T, the cpp authentication command is no longer available in Cisco IOS software.

To enable negotiation of authentication with a router or bridge that supports the Combinet Proprietary Protocol (CPP) and that is calling in to this router, use the cpp authentication command in interface configuration mode. To disable negotiation of CPP authentication, use the no form of this command.

cpp authentication

no cpp authentication

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was removed and is no longer available in Cisco IOS software.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command for authenticating the device that is calling in to this router.

Use this command to communicate over an ISDN interface with Cisco 700 and 800 series (formerly Combinet) routers that do not support PPP but do support the CPP.

Since most Cisco routers support PPP, Cisco routers can communicate over ISDN with CPP devices by using PPP encapsulation, which supports both routing and fast switching.

This command is supported on ISDN and dialer interfaces.

This command uses names and passwords from the username password command. It does not support TACACS.


The following example configures a PRI to communicate with a bridge that does not support PPP:

controller t1 1/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-23
isdn switchtype primary-4ess
interface Serial1/1:23
encapsulation cpp
cpp callback accept
cpp authentication

The following example configures a BRI to communicate with a bridge that does not support PPP:

interface bri 0
encapsulation cpp
cpp callback accept
cpp authentication

Related Commands


cpp callback accept

Enables the router to accept callback from a router or bridge that supports the CPP.

encapsulation cpp

Enables encapsulation for communication with routers or bridges using the CPP.

virtual-profile aaa

Enables virtual profiles by AAA configuration.

cpp callback accept

Note Effective with Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T, the cpp callback accept command is no longer available in Cisco IOS software.

To enable the router to accept callback from a router or bridge that supports the Combinet Proprietary Protocol (CPP), use the cpp callback accep t command in interface configuration mode. To disable callback acceptance, use the no form of this command.

cpp callback accept

no cpp callback accept

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.



Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History



This command was introduced.


This command was removed and is no longer available in Cisco IOS software.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to communicate over an ISDN interface with Cisco 700 and 800 series (formerly Combinet) routers that do not support PPP but do support CPP.

Currently, most Cisco routers do support PPP. Cisco routers can communicate over ISDN with these devices by using PPP encapsulation, which supports both routing and fast switching.

This command is supported on ISDN and dialer interfaces.


The following example configures the PRI serial interface 1/1:23 to communicate with a router or bridge that does not support PPP:

controller t1 1/1
framing esf
linecode b8zs
pri-group timeslots 1-23
isdn switchtype primary-4ess
interface Serial1/1:23
encapsulation cpp
cpp callback accept
cpp authentication

The following example configures BRI 0 to communicate with a router or bridge that does not support PPP:

interface bri 0
encapsulation cpp
cpp callback accept
cpp authentication

Related Commands


cpp authentication

Enables negotiation of authentication with a router or bridge that supports the CPP and that is calling in to this router.

encapsulation cpp

Enables encapsulation for communication with routers or bridges using the CPP.