- 100rel inbound through critical-alert-size
- deact-mode (billing) through group
- h225 address through overload-time-threshold
- packetcable-em transport radius through show monitor event-trace sbc ha
- show platform hardware qfp active feature sbc sfx through show sbc sbe media-gateways
- show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats through xml (billing)
- show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats
- show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats dst-account
- show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats dst-adjacency
- show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats src-account
- show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats src-adjacency
- show sbc sbe qos-profiles
- show sbc sbe radius-client-accounting accounting
- show sbc sbe radius-client-accounting authentication
- show sbc sbe radius-client-stats
- show sbc sbe radius-server-stats
- show sbc sbe redirect-limit
- show sbc sbe resource-priority-sets
- show sbc sbe script-set
- show sbc sbe sdp-h245-mapping
- show sbc sbe sdp-match-table
- show sbc sbe sdp-policy-table
- show sbc sbe sip body-editor
- show sbc sbe sip body-profile
- show sbc sbe sip delegate-profiles
- show sbc sbe sip error-profile
- show sbc sbe sip essential-headers
- show sbc sbe sip essential-methods
- show sbc sbe sip essential-options
- show sbc sbe sip fast-register-stats
- show sbc sbe sip header-editor
- show sbc sbe sip header-profile
- show sbc sbe sip header-profiles
- show sbc sbe sip ip-fqdn-mapping
- show sbc sbe sip method-editor
- show sbc sbe sip method-profile
- show sbc sbe sip method-profiles
- show sbc sbe sip method-stats
- show sbc sbe sip option-editor
- show sbc sbe sip option-profile
- show sbc sbe sip option-profiles
- show sbc sbe sip parameter-editor
- show sbc sbe sip sdp-match-table
- show sbc sbe sip sdp-media-profile
- show sbc sbe sip sdp-policy-table
- show sbc sbe sip statistics
- show sbc sbe sip subscribers
- show sbc sbe sip timers
- show sbc sbe stream-list
- show sbc sbe subscriber-stats
- show sbc sbe transcoding-stats
- show sbc services
- signaling-address
- signaling-peer-port
- signaling-peer-priority
- signaling-peer-switch
- signaling-peer
- signaling-port
- sip-contact
- sipi
- sip adjacency
- sip body-editor
- sip body-profile
- sip default body-profile
- sip dns
- sip editor-type
- sip encryption key
- sip error-profile
- sip header-editor
- sip header-profile
- sip home network identifier
- sip hunting-trigger
- sip inherit profile
- sip ip-fqdn-mapping
- sip max-connections
- sip method-editor
- sip method-profile
- sip option-editor
- sip option-profile
- sip parameter-editor
- sip parameter-profile
- sip sdp-match-table
- sip sdp-media-profile
- sip sdp-policy-table
- sip sdp origin-user-name
- sip timer
- sip visited network identifier
- snmp-server enable traps sbc
- softswitch-shield
- src-address
- src-address (editor)
- srtp-fallback
- srtp branch
- srtp callee
- srtp caller
- srtp interworking
- srtp media interworking
- srtp response downgrade
- srtp retry rtp
- srtp support allow
- standard
- start
- statistics-setting
- statistics
- store-rule
- stream-list
- subscriber
- sync
- table-type
- tcp-connect-timeout
- tcp-idle-timeout
- tcp (blacklist)
- tcp timer giveup
- tcs-extra-codecs
- tech-prefix (session border controller)
- test sbc message sip filename script-set editors
- test sbc profile-to-editor sip
- test script-set
- tgid-context
- tgid-routing
- time-offset
- timeout
- timezone-offset
- tls mutual authentication
- total resource maximum
- trace filter endpoint address ipv4 (session border controller)
- transcode-deny
- transcoder
- transcode cost
- transcode maximum
- transcoding-stats enable
- transcoding
- translate (session border controller)
- transport (session border controller)
- transport (SBE H.248)
- transrate audio cost
- transrate audio maximum
- transrating
- trigger-period
- trigger-size
- trunk trusted
- type (media policy)
- type (script)
- udp-first-retransmit-interval
- udp-max-retransmit-interval
- udp-response-linger-period
- udp-retransmit-interval
- udp (blacklist)
- unexpected-source-alerting (session border controller)
- uri username parameters parse
- use-any-local-port
- use-time-offset
- variant
- variant (codec variant profile)
- vdbe (session border controller)
- vpn (session border controller)
- vrf
- vrf (session border controller)
- warrant match-order
- warrant match-order (h323)
- weight (session border controller)
- whitelist (editor)
- xml (billing)
show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats
To list the statistics for all of the policy failures on a specific SBE, use the show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe policy-failure-stats period
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics are collected at 5 minute intervals past the hour (that is, at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes, and so on past the hour). For example, the periods covered by the various buckets at 12:43 would be as follows:
The following example shows the complete policy failure statistics for source adjacency glophone and source account 200 for the current day:
Table 1 describes the important fields shown in the output of the command.
Related Commands
show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats dst-account
To list policy failure statistics for a specified target account for a specified time period, use the show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats dst-account command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe policy-failure-stats dst-account name period time-period
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics are collected at 5 minute intervals past the hour (that is, at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes, and so on past the hour). For example, the periods covered by the various buckets at 12:43 would be as follows:
The following example lists the policy failure statistics for an adjacent account named AA for the current hour:
Table 2 describes the important fields shown in the output of the command.
Related Commands
show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats dst-adjacency
To list policy failure statistics for a specified target adjacency for a specified time period use the show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats dst-adjacency command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe policy-failure-stats dst-adjacency name period time-period
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics are collected at 5 minute intervals past the hour (that is, at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes, and so on past the hour). For example, the periods covered by the various buckets at 12:43 would be as follows:
The following example shows the policy failure statistics for an adjacency named ZZ for the current hour:
Table 3 describes the important fields shown in the output of the command.
Related Commands
show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats src-account
To list policy failure statistics for a specified source account for a specified time period use the show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats src-account command in Privileged EXEC mode .
show sbc sbc-name sbe policy-failure-stats src-account name period time-period
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics are collected at 5 minute intervals past the hour (that is, at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes, and so on past the hour). For example, the periods covered by the various buckets at 12:43 would be as follows:
The following example shows the policy failure statistics for a source account named BB for the current hour:
Table 4 describes the important fields shown in the output of the command.
Related Commands
show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats src-adjacency
To list policy failure statistics for a specified source adjacency for a specified time period use the show sbc sbe policy-failure-stats src-adjacency command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe policy-failure-stats src-adjacency name period time-period
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics are collected at 5 minute intervals past the hour (that is, at 0, 5, 10, 15 minutes, and so on past the hour). For example, the periods covered by the various buckets at 12:43 would be as follows:
The following example displays policy failure statistics for a source adjacency named YY for the current hour:
Table 5 describes the important fields shown in the output of the command.
Related Commands
show sbc sbe qos-profiles
To list all QoS profiles, use the show sbc sbe qos-profiles command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe qos-profiles [profile-name]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Specifies the profile name. If you specify a QoS profile, the details of that profile are shown. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how to list all of the QoS profiles on the SBE:
The show sbc test sbe qos-profiles command is invalid when displaying one profile. Correct usage is singular as shown below.
show sbc sbe radius-client-accounting accounting
To list the parameters configured for the account, use the show sbc sbe radius-client-accounting accounting command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe radius-client-accounting accounting client-name
Syntax Description
Clears all statistics for the specified local RADIUS client. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example lists the parameters configured for accounting:
Router# show sbc uut105-1 sbe radius-client-accounting accounting SBC1-account-1
show sbc sbe radius-client-accounting authentication
To list the parameters configured for the authentication, use the show sbc sbe radius-client-accounting authentication command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe radius-client-accounting authentication
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example lists the parameters configured for the authentication:
Router# show sbc mysbc sbe radius-client-accounting authentication
show sbc sbe radius-client-stats
To list the RADIUS accounting client statistics for all accounting clients configured on an SBE, use the show sbc sbe radius-client-stats command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe radius-client-stats radius-client [accounting client-name | authentication]
Syntax Description
Specifies the name to assign to the accounting RADIUS client. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how to list the RADIUS accounting server statistics for all accounting servers configured on an SBE:
The following example shows how to list the RADIUS accounting server statistics for all authentication servers configured on an SBE:
show sbc sbe radius-server-stats
To list the RADIUS server statistics for all accounting servers configured on a RADIUS client on an SBE, use the show sbc sbe radius-server-stats command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe radius-server-stats radius-client [accounting client-name | authentication]
Syntax Description
Specifies the name to assign to the accounting RADIUS client. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how to list the RADIUS server statistics for all accounting servers configured on a radius client on an SBE:
The following example shows how to list the RADIUS server statistics for all authentication servers configured on a radius client on an SBE:
show sbc sbe redirect-limit
To display the current limit on the maximum number of redirections that a call can undergo, use the show sbc sbe redirect-limit command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe redirect-limit
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example displays the limit on the maximum number of redirections that a call can undergo:
show sbc sbe resource-priority-sets
To display the resource priority sets, use the show sbc sbe resource-priority-sets command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe resource-priority-sets
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
Lists the high-level status and capabilities of each instantiated SBE or DBE.
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe resource-priority-sets command is used to display the resource priority sets:
show sbc sbe script-set
To display a summary of the details pertaining to all the configured script sets or show the details of a specified script set, use the show sbc sbe script-set command in the privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe script-set script-set-number [program [line-numbers] | script script-name [line-numbers] | statistics]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 100 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the privileged EXEC mode. The Examples section shows the output of the command for each output mode (program, script, and statistics) that the command supports.
In the following example, the program output mode has been specified in the show sbc sbe script-set command:
In the following example, the script output mode has been specified in the show sbc sbe script-set command:
In the following example, the statistics output mode has been specified in the show sbc sbe script-set command:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sdp-h245-mapping
To display the mapping for codec strings between SDP (SIP) and H245 (H323), use the show sbc sbe sdp-h245-mapping command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sdp-h245-mapping
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
Lists the high-level status and capabilities of each instantiated SBE or DBE.
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sdp-h245-mapping command is used.
show sbc sbe sdp-match-table
This command was deprecated in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.
To show the SDP match table configured on the SBC, use the show sbc sbe sdp-match-table command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sdp-match-table [detail]
Syntax Description
Shows the SDP attribute configured on a given SDP match table. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sdp-match-table command is used to display SDP match table:
Related Commands
Displays the mapping for codec strings between SDP (SIP) and H245 (H323). |
show sbc sbe sdp-policy-table
This command was deprecated in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.
To show the SDP policy table configured on the SBC, use the show sbc sbe sdp-policy-table command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sdp-policy-table
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sdp-policy-table command is used to display the SDP policy table:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip body-editor
To display all the body editors of the non-SDP message bodies or the details for a specific body editor, use the show sbc sbe sip body-editor command in the Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip body-editor [ editor-name ]
Syntax Description
Name of the editor. Also, displays details about the specified editor. If omitted, information pertaining to all the SIP body editors is displayed. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how to display all the non-SDP message body editors that are in use:
The following example shows how to display the details of a specific non-SDP message body editor named editor2:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip body-profile
To display all body profiles of non-SDP message bodies or to show details for a specified body profile, use the show sbc sbe sip body-profile command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip body-profile [ body_profile-name ]
Syntax Description
Optional. Specifies the name of the body profile and displays details about the specified body profile. If omitted, the command shows information about all body profiles. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example displays all the non-SDP message body profiles in use:
The following example displays the details of the specified non-SDP message body profile named “profile2”:
show sbc sbe sip delegate-profiles
To display delegate profiles for subscribers for whom Provisioned Delegate Registration has been configured, use the show sbc sbe sip delegate-profiles command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip delegate-profiles
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example displays delegate profiles for subscribers for whom delegate registration has been configured:
show sbc sbe sip error-profile
To display the configuration information of an error profile, use the show sbc sbe sip error-profile command in privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip error-profile error-profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
If the error-profile-name is not given, information for all error profiles is displayed.
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to display the configuration information of an error profile:
Example 1: Default Error profile
Example 2: Specific Error profile
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip essential-headers
To display a list of the essential SIP headers, use the show sbc sbe sip essential-headers command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip essential-headers
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip essential-headers command is used to display a list of all essential headers:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip essential-methods
To display a list of the essential SIP methods, use the show sbc sbe sip essential-methods command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip essential-methods
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip essential-methods command is used to display a list of all essential methods:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip essential-options
To show the options that are vital for base SBC operation, use the show sbc sbe sip essential-options command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip essential-options
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip essential-options command is used to display a list of all essential methods:
show sbc sbe sip fast-register-stats
To show how many subscribers have been afforded fast register status by the application, use the show sbc sbe sip fast-register-stats command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip fast-register-stats
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
A register message in the context of this command is counted as a unique combination of the pair of address-of-record (AOR) and Contact-URI (CURI). Thus, a single REGISTER message from the subscriber, identified by an AOR with two contact URI will translate to a count of 2.
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip essential-options command is used to display a list of all essential methods:
show sbc sbe sip header-editor
To display a summary of all the configured header editors or the details pertaining to a specific header editor, use the show sbc sbe sip header-editor command in the Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip header-editor [ editor-name ]
Syntax Description
Name of the editor. Also, displays details about the specified editor. If omitted, information pertaining to all the SIP header editors is displayed. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip header-editor command is used to display the details of a specific header editor:
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip header-editor command is used to display a list of all the configured header editors:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip header-profile
To display all SIP header profiles or to show details for a specified header profile, use the show sbc sbe sip header-profile command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip header-profile [ profile-name ]
Syntax Description
Optional. Specifies the name of the profile and displays details about the specified profile. If omitted, the command shows information about all SIP header profiles. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip header-profile command is used to display details of the specified header profile:
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip header-profile command is used to display a list of all configured header profiles:
show sbc sbe sip header-profiles
To display a list of all configured SIP header profiles, use the show sbc sbe sip header-profiles command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip header-profiles
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip header-profiles command is used to display a list of all configured header profiles:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip ip-fqdn-mapping
To display the IP-FQDN mapping table, use the show sbc sbe sip ip-fqdn-mapping command in the privileged EXEC mode .
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip ip-fqdn-mapping
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows the IP-FQDN mappings (IPv4) that are configured on SBEs:
The “Up?” column in the output shows whether an entry is active or inactive. Inactive entries are often caused by mappings that clash with each other.
The following example shows the IP-FQDN mappings (IPv6) that are configured on SBEs:
show sbc sbe sip method-editor
To display all the SIP method editors or the details pertaining to a specific method editor, use the show sbc sbe sip method-editor command in the Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip method-editor [ editor-name ]
Syntax Description
Name of the editor. Also, displays details about the specified editor. If omitted, information pertaining to all the SIP method editors is displayed. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip method-editor command is used to display a specific method editor:
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip method-editor command is used to display a list of all the configured method editors:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip method-profile
To display all SIP method profiles or to show details for a specified method profile, use the show sbc sbe sip method-profile command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip method-profile [ prof-name ]
Syntax Description
Optional. Name of profile. If omitted, the command shows information about all profiles. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip method-profile command is used to display a specific method profile:
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip method-profile command is used to display a list of all configured method profiles:
show sbc sbe sip method-profiles
This command was deprecated in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.
To display a list of all SIP method profiles, use the show sbc sbe sip method-profiles command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip method-profiles
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip method-profiles command is used to display a list of all configured method profiles:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip method-stats
To show the summary or detailed statistics for a SIP method, use the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command in Privileged EXEC mode.

NoteThis command name was changed slightly in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5. This command name was changed slightly in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip method-stats adj-name sip-req-name sip-response-code summery-period
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The statistics-setting command must be configured before using the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command to display SIP method statistics.
- Use the statistics-setting summary command to allow the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command to display statistics about SIP request names only.
- Use the statistics-setting detail command to allow the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command to display statistics about SIP response codes and SIP request names.
Summary statistics display all the response codes sent and received for a specific SIP method.
Detailed statistics display the statistics for specific SIP method and response code. You must use the sip-response-code string to view detailed statistics.
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command is used to display summary statistics for a specific SIP method. The statistics-setting summary command was configured on the adjacency before executing the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command.
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command is used to display detailed statistics for a specific SIP method. The statistics-setting detail command was configured on the adjacency before executing the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command.
The following example shows that the statistics-setting detail command was not configured on the adjacency before executing the show sbc sbe sip method-stats command:
Related Commands
Clears the SIP method statistics counters and resets them to zero. |
Lists the adjacencies configured on signaling border elements (SBEs). |
show sbc sbe sip option-editor
To display all the SIP option editors or the details pertaining to a specific option editor, use the show sbc sbe sip option-editor command in the Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip option-editor [ editor-name ]
Syntax Description
Name of the editor. Also, displays details about the specified editor. If omitted, information pertaining to all the SIP option editors is displayed. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip option-editor command is used to display the details of a specific option editor:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip option-profile
To display all SIP option profiles or to show details for a specified option profile, use the show sbc sbe sip option-profile command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip option-profile [ profile-name ]
Syntax Description
Optional. Specifies the name of the profile. If omitted, the command shows information about all SIP option profiles. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip option-profile command is used to display details of the specified option profile:
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip option-profile command is used to display details of the specified header profile:
show sbc sbe sip option-profiles
This command was deprecated in Cisco IOS XE Release 2.5.
To display a summary of the configured option profiles, use the show sbc sbe sip option-profiles command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip option-profiles
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip option-profiles command is used to display details of the specified header profile:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip parameter-editor
To display all the SIP parameter editors or the details pertaining to a specific parameter editor, use the show sbc sbe sip parameter-editor command in the Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip parameter-editor [ editor-name ]
Syntax Description
Name of the editor. Also, displays details about the specified editor. If omitted, information pertaining to all the SIP parameter editors is displayed. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip parameter-editor command is used to display the details of a specific parameter editor:
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip parameter-editor command is used to display a list of all the configured parameter editors:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip sdp-match-table
To show the SDP match table configured on the SBC, use the show sbc sbe sip sdp-match-table command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip sdp-match-table [detail]
Syntax Description
Shows the SDP attribute configured on a given SDP match table. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip sdp-match-table command is used to display SDP match table:
Related Commands
Displays the mapping for codec strings between SDP (SIP) and H245 (H323). |
show sbc sbe sip sdp-media-profile
To show all SDP media profiles in an SBC service or details for a specified profile, use the show sbc sbe sip sdp-media-profile command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip sdp-media-profile [ profile-name ]
Syntax Description
Specifies the name of the profile. If omitted, the command lists all profiles in the SBC service. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows a list of SDP media profiles configured under an SBC:
The following example shows the contents of a named SDP media profile:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip sdp-policy-table
To show the SDP policy table configured on the SBC, use the show sbc sbe sip sdp-policy-table command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip sdp-policy-table
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip sdp-policy-table command is used to display the SDP policy table:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe sip statistics
To display the aggregated SIP statistics handled by the Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) process on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, use the show sbc sbe sip statistics command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc service-name sbe sip statistics [ global | adjacency adj-name method sip-req-name ] sip-response-code period
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Added new parameters to show the summary or detailed statistics for a SIP method. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics-setting command must be configured before using the show sbc sbe sip statistics command to display SIP method statistics.
- Use the statistics-setting summary command to allow the show sbc sbe sip statistics command to display statistics about SIP request names only.
- Use the statistics-setting detail command to allow the show sbc sbe sip statistics command to display statistics about SIP response codes and SIP request names.
Summary statistics display all the response codes sent and received for a specific SIP method.
Detailed statistics display the statistics for specific SIP method and response code. You must use the sip-response-code string to view detailed statistics.
The following example shows the aggregated SIP statistics handled by the Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) process on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers:
Table 6 describes the important fields shown in the output of the command.
Related Commands
Clears aggregated SIP statistics handled by the Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition). |
show sbc sbe sip subscribers
To display details of all SIP endpoints that have registered with the SBC, use the show sbc sbe sip subscribers command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe sip subscribers [filter prefix] [adjacency adj-name] [delegate]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how the show sbc sbe sip subscribers command is used to display details of the SIP endpoints that have registered with the SBC:
The following show example displays subscribers for which delegate registration have been configured. The delegate keyword displays the associated URI contact information for subscribers.
show sbc sbe sip timers
To show the current configuration of SIP-related timers, use the show sbc sbe sip timers command in Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc service-name sbe sip timers
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how to list the configurations of SIP-related timers:
show sbc sbe stream-list
To list the stream lists on the signaling border element (SBE), use the show sbc sbe stream-list command in Privileged EXEC configuration mode.
show sbc service-name sbe stream-list [stream-list-name detail ]
Syntax Description
Displays detailed configuration information about a stream list. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode.
The following example shows how to display the stream lists on the SBE:
Related Commands
show sbc sbe subscriber-stats
To display the statistics pertaining to the subscribers registered on an SBC, use the show sbc sbe subscriber-stats command in the privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe subscriber-stats {all | dst-account name | dst-adjacency name | global | src-account name | src-adjacency name | } [current15mins | current5mins | currentday | currenthour | currentindefinite | previous15mins | previous5mins | previousday | previoushour]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Router. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics are collected at 5-minute intervals past the hour, that is, 0, 5, 10, 15, and so on. The system maintains a bucket for each of the over 5-minutes counts. Each bucket is started at 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55-minutes past the hour according to the system clock. The show sbc sbe call-stats command then combines a number of these buckets and displays the sum of these buckets.
For example, if the current time is 12:34, currenthour will apply to the statistics collected since 11:35, and current15mins will apply to the statistics collected since 12:20. In this example, previoushour would be 10:35 to 11:35, and previous15mins would be 12:05 to 12:20.

NoteCall statistics for rejection of calls based on the memory threshold is not tracked based on time intervals. Call statistics for rejection of calls based on the memory threshold is not tracked based on time intervals.
The following example shows how to display all the subscriber statistics for the current day:
Subscriber high water mark = 15
Timestamp when stats for this summary period were reset = 2011/01/25 23:26:03
Table 7 describes the important fields shown in the output of the command.
Related Commands
Configures the memory threshold and reject rate for new calls. |
show sbc sbe transcoding-stats
To display the voice transcoding-related statistics pertaining to the Session Border Controller (SBC), use the show sbc sbe transcoding-stats command in the Privileged EXEC mode.
show sbc sbc-name sbe transcoding-stats { adjacency adjacency-name | global } { current15mins | current5mins | currentday | currenthour | currentindefinite | previous15mins | previous5mins | previousday | previoushour }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode.
The following example shows how to display the voice transcoding-related statistics pertaining to the SIPP1 adjacency for the current 15-minute interval:
Table 8 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
The combination of codecs between which the active calls are transcoded. |
Related Commands
show sbc services
To display lists all of the SBC services on the chassis, use the show sbc services command in Privileged EXEC mode.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
Lists the high-level status and capabilities of each instantiated SBE or DBE.
The following example shows how the show sbc services command is used to display lists of all the SBC services on the chassis.
To define the local signaling address of an H.323 or SIP adjacency, use the signaling-address command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.
signaling-address {ipv4 ipv4_IP_address | ipv6 ipv6_IP_address }
Syntax Description
Specifies the IPv4 address for the signaling address of the SIP or H.323 adjacency. |
Specifies the IPv6 address for the signaling address of the SIP adjacency. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)—for IPv4 IP addresses only.
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)—for IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses.
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
When defined, the SBE listens on this address for inbound call signaling from the adjacency. If two adjacencies share the same signaling address, a different remote domain name must be specified for each one.
The following example shows how to configure the H.323 adjacency h323ToIsp42 to listen on IPv4 signaling address
The following example shows how to configure the SIP adjacency adjSip1 to listen on IPv4 signaling address
The following example shows how to configure the SIP adjacency adjSip1 to listen on IPv6 signaling address 2001:A401::33:33:36:1:
To configure an H.323 or SIP adjacency to use the given remote signaling-peer’s port, use the signaling-peer-port command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the number of the signaling port. Range is 1 to 65535. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure the H.323 adjacency h323ToIsp42 to use port 123 on the signaling peer:
The following example shows how to configure the SIP adjacency SipToIsp42 to port 123 as the signaling peer’s port:
To configure the priority of a signaling peer in a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) adjacency, use the signaling-peer-priority command in adjacency SIP configuration mode. To deconfigure the priority, use the no form of this command.
signaling-peer-priority priority
no signaling-peer-priority priority
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes and modes required to run the command.

NoteThe main peer address in an adjacency share the same priority values, ranging from 1 to 6, with the redundant peer addresses. The main peer address in an adjacency share the same priority values, ranging from 1 to 6, with the redundant peer addresses.
The following example shows how the signaling-peer-priority command is used to configure the priority of a signaling peer on a SIP adjacency:
Related Commands
Configures a SIP adjacency to switch a signaling peer to an available destination. |
To configure a method for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) adjacency, enabling it to switch a signaling peer to an available destination, use the signaling-peer-switch command in adjacency SIP configuration mode. To deconfigure a signaling peer from switching to an available destination, use the no form of this command.
signaling-peer-switch { always | on-fail }
no signaling-peer-switch { always | on-fail }
Syntax Description
Switches to a new destination when a current peer failure occurs. |
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes and modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the signaling-peer-switch command is used to configure a method for SIP adjacency, enabling it to switch the signaling peer to a destination having the highest priority:
Related Commands
Configures the priority of a signaling peer in a SIP adjacency. |
To configure an H.323 or SIP adjacency to use the given remote signaling-peer, use the signaling-peer command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure the H.323 adjacency h323ToIsp42 to use gatekeeper andrew:
Router(config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)# signaling-peer gk andrew

NoteYou can use the signaling-peer command to configure the SIP adjacency using the IP address or the host name of the given remote signaling-peer. You can use the signaling-peer command to configure the SIP adjacency using the IP address or the host name of the given remote signaling-peer.
The following example shows how to configure SIP adjacency using the IP address of the given remote signaling-peer:
The following example shows how to configure SIP adjacency using the hostname of the given remote signaling-peer:
Related Commands
Configures an H.323 or SIP adjacency to use the given remote signaling-peer’s port. |
To define the local port of signaling address of an H.323 or SIP adjacency, use the signaling-port command in the appropriate configuration mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
signaling-port port-num [max-port-num]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The SBE will listen on this port for inbound call signaling from the adjacency. The port will also be appended to the SBE’s contact header on outbound SIP requests and responses.
If both port-num and max-port-num are specified, then the port-num indicates the lower boundary of the range and max-port-num indicates the upper boundary of the range. If no max-port-num is specified, then the adjacency listens only on the single port-num. Max-port-num only needs to be set if a range of local listen ports is required for this adjacency.
For the Contact Username Passthrough feature for non-IMS networks—the signaling-port command configures a range of valid signaling ports (on the same registrar-facing SIP adjacency where the registration contact username passthrough command was configured) to allow the SBC to disambiguate subscribers that register from different devices with the same username.
The port-num and max-port-num cannot be changed while the adjacency is active.
The number of ports in the range (max-port-num – port-num + 1) must be less than or equal to 10. Also max-num-port should not be specified if this is an IPsec-enabled adjacency.
The following example shows how to configure the SIP adjacency SipToIsp42 to listen on signaling port 5000:
The following is an example showing that a signaling port range of 5060 to 5062 (3 local ports) is configured for a SIP adjacency where registration contact username passthrough is configured:
Related Commands
Configures a SIP adjacency to use the given remote signaling-peer. |
Specifies if the contact username in a SIP REGISTER request is passed through unchanged |
To configure the SIP contact information for a specified Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for a delegate subscriber, use the sip-contact command in subscriber-entry configuration mode. To remove the SIP contact information for an URI for a delegate subscriber, use the no sip-contact command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
subscriber-entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-subscriber-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
This command configures the SIP contact information for a specified URI IP address location or address of record. The contact information is used to provision the SBC with client device information, so the SBC can register the device.
A delegate subscriber must have one or more SIP contacts or Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) associated with it. For every delegate registration configured with the delegate-registration hostname command, one or more SIP contacts/URIs must be configured in the SIP Contacts table (amb_mw_sudb_local_id). After a SIP contact is configured, the client adjacency is also defined in a subsequent step.
The following rules apply to configuring SIP contact information:
The following example configures a SIP contact information for a subscriber, for whom a subscriber detail table exists, and for whom, after the SIP contact is configured, delegate registration can be configured:
The following example configures a SIP contact information for a delegate subscriber at the address of record, where aor= sip:bob@isp.example, and configures delegate registration for the subscriber:
Related Commands
To configure the SIP-I commands on a SIP adjacency, use the sipi command in adjacency SIP configuration mode. To deconfigure the SIP-I commands, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the sipi command is used to configure a SIP adjacency for SIP-I passthrough:
Related Commands
sip adjacency
To configure a SIP adjacency for a Session Border Controller (SBC) service, use the sip adjacency command in the SBE configuration mode. To deconfigure the SIP adjacency, use the no form of this command.
no sip adjacency adjacency-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how to configure a SIP adjacency named sipGW:
Related Commands
sip body-editor
To create a body editor to filter the non-SDP message bodies from the incoming and outgoing SIP messages, use the sip body-editor command in the Signaling Border Element (SBE) configuration mode. To remove a body editor, use the no form of this command.
no sip body-editor editor-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
When you use this command to create a body editor, you must also use the body and the description commands under the SIP Body Editor configuration mode to complete the configuration.
The following example shows how to create a body editor named bodyeditor1 in the SBE configuration mode:
Related Commands
sip body-profile
To create a body profile to filter non-SDP message bodies from incoming and outgoing SIP messages, use the sip body-profile command in SBE configuration mode. To remove the body profile, use the no sip body-profile command.
sip body-profile {profile_name}
no sip body-profile {profile_name}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
When you use this command to create a body profile under the SBE mode, you must also use the body {body_name} and the action commands to complete the configuration.
After creating a body profile with the sip body-profile {profile_name} command, you can associate the body profile at the following levels and configuration modes:
- At the SIP signaling entity level (ingress or egress), under SBE mode, using the sip default body-profile [[inbound|outbound] {profle_name}] command. The body profile is associated for the entire signaling instance (that is all messages, either ingress or egress, passing through the SBC).
- SIP adjacency level, under SIP adjacency mode, using the body-profile [[inbound|outbound] {profle_name}] command. The body profile is associated to an adjacency.
- At SIP method profile level, under method profile mode, using the body-profile {profle_name} command. The body profile is associated to a method profile.
The SBC uses a body profile that you create and associate to filter non-SDP bodies from incoming and outgoing SIP messages, based on the Content-Type header field. A body profile allows a message containing a specific non-SDP body to be either passed (without altering the message), stripped of the body (and pass the rest of the message), or be rejected.
The following example does the following: creates a body profile named bodyprofile1; associates the body profile at the SIP signaling level for all inbound calls passing through the SBC; describes the body type, that is to act on messages with Content-Type header “application/ISUP”; and instructs SBC to strip that particular message body and pass the rest of the message:
Related Commands
sip default body-profile
To associate a body profile at the SIP signaling level and for the entire signaling instance, use the sip default body-profile command in SBE configuration mode. To remove the body profile, use the no sip default body-profile command.
sip default body-profile [ inbound | outbound] {profile_name}
no sip default body-profile [inbound | outbound] {profile_name}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
“For the entire signaling instance” means all messages, either ingress or egress, passing through the SBC.
After creating a body profile with the sip body-profile {profile_name} command, you can associate the body profile at the following additional levels and configuration modes:
- SIP adjacency level, under SIP adjacency mode, using the body-profile [[inbound|outbound] {profle_name}] command. The body profile is associated to an adjacency.
- At SIP method profile level, under method profile mode, using the body-profile {profle_name} command. The body profile is associated to a method profile.
SBC uses a body profile that you create and associate to filter non-SDP bodies from incoming and outgoing SIP messages, based on the Content-Type header field. A body profile allows a message containing a specific non-SDP body to be either passed (without altering the message), stripped of the body (and pass the rest of the message), or be rejected.
The following example does the following: creates a body profile named bodyprofile1; describes the body type, that is to act on messages with Content-Type header “application/ISUP”; instructs SBC to strip that particular message body and pass the rest of the message; and associates the body profile at the SIP signaling level for all inbound calls passing through the SBC:
Related Commands
sip dns
To enter the SIP DNS configuration mode, use the sip dns command in the SBE configuration mode. To exit this mode, use the exit command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure limits on DNS entries:
Related Commands
Configures the maximum number of entries that are permitted in the DNS cache. |
sip editor-type
To set a default editor type to be applied to an adjacency that has not been explicitly set, use the sip editor-type command in the SBE configuration mode. To remove the default editor type, use the no form of this command.
sip editor-type { editor | profile }
Syntax Description
Sets the default to use the method, header, option, parameter, or body editor. |
Sets the default to use the method, header, option, parameter, or body profile. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to set a default editor type:
Related Commands
sip encryption key
To configure a global encryption key on a SIP Interconnection Border Control Function (IBCF) adjacency, use the sip encryption key command in the SIP adjacency mode. To deconfigure the global encryption key, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the sip encryption key command is used to configure a global encryption key on a SIP IBCF adjacency:
Related Commands
Configures a global inherit profile in the SIP adjacency mode. |
sip error-profile
To create an error profile and enter error profile configuration mode, use the sip error-profile command in SBE configuration mode. To remove an error profile, use the no form of this command.
sip error-profile profile-name
no sip error-profile profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure
Related Commands
sip header-editor
To configure a header editor in the mode of an signaling border element (SBE) entity, use the sip header-editor command in the SBE configuration mode. To remove a header editor, use the no form of this command.
sip header-editor { editor-name | default }
no sip method-editor { editor-name | default }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
Use the sip header-editor command to enter the SBE SIP header configuration mode.
If you use the default keyword, the default editor is configured. This editor is used for all the adjacencies that do not have a specific editor configured.
The following example shows how the sip header-editor command configures a header editor named test1:
Related Commands
Creates a body editor to filter the non-SDP message bodies from the incoming and outgoing SIP messages. |
sip header-profile
To configure a header profile in the mode of an SBE entity, use the sip header-profile command in SBE configuration mode. To remove the method profile, use the no form of this command.
sip header-profile profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the sip header-profile command configures a method profile with the name of test1:
sip home network identifier
To configure a home network identifier on all IBCF adjacencies, use the sip home network identifier command in the SBE configuration mode. To deconfigure the home network identifier, use the no form of this command.
sip home network identifier network-name
no sip home network identifier
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the home network identifier command is used to configure a home network identifier on all IBCF adjacencies:
Related Commands
Configures a visited network identifier on a SIP Proxy-Call Session Control Function (P-CSCF) adjacency. |
sip hunting-trigger
To configure failure return codes to trigger hunting in SBE configuration mode, use the sip hunting-trigger command in SBE configuration mode.
The no form of the command clears all error codes.
If you specify no sip hunting-trigger x y, then just codes x and y are removed from the configured list.
sip hunting-trigger {error-codes | disable} error-codes
no sip hunting-trigger {error-codes | disable} error-codes
Syntax Description
Signifies a space-separated list of SIP numeric error codes. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
If you enter sip hunting-trigger x followed by sip hunting-trigger y, the value of x is replaced with y.
To set both x and y to be hunting triggers, you must enter sip hunting-trigger x y.
The related command hunting-trigger is used to configure failure return codes to trigger hunting in H.323 (global H.323 scope), adjacency SIP (destination SIP adjacency), and adjacency h323 (destination H.323 adjacency) modes. The hunting-trigger command does not apply in global SIP mode; instead the sip hunting-trigger command is used in global SIP mode.
The following example shows how to configure SIP to retry routing if it receives a 415 (media unsupported) or 480 (temporarily unavailable) error:
Related Commands
Shows the H.323 or SIP hunting triggers at the global level. |
sip inherit profile
To configure a global inherit profile, use the sip inherit profile command in the SBE configuration mode. To deconfigure the global inherit profile, use the no form of this command.
sip inherit profile { preset-access | preset-core | preset-ibcf-ext-untrusted | preset-ibcf-external | preset-ibcf-internal | preset-p-cscf-access | preset-p-cscf-core | preset-peering | preset-standard-non-ims}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
The command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the sip inherit profile command is used to configure a P-CSCF-access inherit profile on a SBE configuration mode:
Related Commands
sip ip-fqdn-mapping
To configure SIP IP-to-FQDN mapping on signaling border elements (SBEs), use the sip ip-fqdn-mapping command in the SBE configuration mode.
sip ip-fqdn-mapping index { ipv4 | ipv6 } ip-address fqdn {both-ways | ip-to-fqdn}
Syntax Description
Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 address for the signaling address of the SIP |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure the both ways mapping between IP and FQDN for IPv4 address:
The following example shows how to configure the one way IP-to-FQDN mapping for IPv4 address:
sip max-connections
To configure the maximum number of SIP connections that will be made to each remote address, use the sip max-channels command in SBE configuration mode. To set this to an unlimited number of connections, use the no form of this command.
sip max- connections number-of-connections
no sip max- connections number-of-connections
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the maximum number of connections to each remote address to 1:
Related Commands
sip method-editor
To configure a method editor in the mode of an SBE entity, use the sip method-editor command in the Signaling Border Element (SBE) configuration mode. To remove a method editor, use the no form of this command.
sip method-editor { editor-name | default }
no sip method-editor { editor-name | default }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
Use the sip method-editor command to enter the SIP method configuration mode.
The following example shows how the sip method-editor command configures a method editor named test1:
Related Commands
sip method-profile
To configure a method profile in the mode of an SBE entity, use the sip method-profile command in SBE configuration mode. To remove the method profile, use the no form of this command.
sip method-profile profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the sip method-profile command configures a method profile with the name of test1:
sip option-editor
To configure an option editor in the mode of an Signaling Border Element (SBE) entity for a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) option whitelist editor or blacklist editor, use the sip option-editor command in the SBE configuration mode. To remove an option editor, use the no form of this command.
sip option-editor { editor-name | default }
no sip option-editor { editor-name | default }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
Use the sip option-editor command to enter the SBE SIP option configuration mode.
If you use the default keyword, the default editor is configured. This editor is used for all the adjacencies that do not have a specific editor configured.
The following example shows how to configure an option editor named test1:
Related Commands
sip option-profile
To configure a option profile in the mode of an SBE entity for a SIP option whitelist or blacklist profile, use the sip option-profile command in SBE configuration mode. To remove the option profile, use the no form of this command.
sip option-profile { profile-name | default }
no sip option-profile { profile-name | default }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
If a configuration is loaded on top of an active configuration, warnings are generated to notify that the configuration cannot be modified. If you must modify the entire configuration by loading a new one, please remove the existing configuration first.
Use the sip option-profile command to enter SBE SIP option configuration mode.
If you use the default keyword, the default profile is configured. This profile is used for all adjacencies which do not have a specific profile configured.
The following example shows how to configure a option profile with the name of test1.
Related Commands
sip parameter-editor
To configure a parameter editor in the signaling border element (SBE) entity mode, use the sip parameter-editor command in the SBE configuration mode. To remove a parameter editor, use the no form of this command.
sip parameter-editor editor-name
no sip parameter-editor editor-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
Use the sip parameter-editor command to enter the SBE SIP parameter configuration mode.
The following example shows how to configure a parameter editor named paramedit1:
Related Commands
Creates a body editor to filter the non-SDP message bodies from the incoming and outgoing SIP messages. |
sip parameter-profile
To configure a parameter profile for a method profile in the mode of an SBE entity, use the sip parameter-profile command in SBE configuration mode. To remove the parameter profile, use the no form of this command.
sip parameter-profile profile-name
no sip parameter-profile profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure a parameter profile with the name of paramprof1:
Router(config-sbc-sbe-sip-prm-ele)# action add-not-present value phone
Related Commands
sip sdp-match-table
To create an SDP match table, use the sip sdp-match-table command in SBE configuration mode. To remove an SDP match table, use the no form of this command.
sip sdp-match-table table-name
no sip sdp-match-table table-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
The sdp-match-table command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
One policy can only hold one sdp-match-table.
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the SDP match table foo:
Related Commands
sip sdp-media-profile
To create or modify an SDP media profile, or to associate an SDP media profile to a CAC policy, use the sip sdp-media-profile command in SBE configuration mode or in SBE CAC policy CAC table entry mode. Use the no form of the command to remove an SDP media profile.
sip sdp-media-profile profile-name
no sip sdp-media-profile profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
SBE CAC policy CAC table entry (sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the sip sdp-media-profile command to configure media descriptions for customized offers for late-to-early media interworking. After creating an SDP media profile, associate the profile to a signal by adding the profile name to a CAC policy. You can add a maximum of ten entries for each sdp-media-profile.
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to create a new SDP profile for customizing media descriptions in late-to-early interworking offers:
The following example associates the profile to an existing CAC policy:
Related Commands
sip sdp-policy-table
To configure an SDP policy table, use the sip sdp-policy-table command in the SBE configuration mode. To de configure an SDP policy table, use the no form of this command.
sip sdp-policy-table table_name
no sip sdp-policy-table table_name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
The sdp-policy-table command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the SDP policy table foo:
Related Commands
sip sdp origin-user-name
To configure the originating user name that is filled in generated SDPs, use the sdp origin-user-name command in the SBE configuration mode. To reset this user name such that received user name from an SDP is the user name used on the generated SDP, use the no form of this command.
sip sdp origin-user-name user-name
no sip sdp origin-user-name user-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
The sdp origin-user-name command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the SDP username to use on generated SDPs to foo:
sip timer
To enter the mode of the SIP timer function, use the sip timer command in SBE configuration mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to enter the SIP timer mode:
sip visited network identifier
To configure a visited network identifier on a SIP P-CSCF adjacency, use the sip visited network identifier command in SBE configuration mode. To deconfigure the visited network identifier, use the no form of this command.
sip visited network identifier network-name
no sip visited network identifier
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to use the sip visited network identifier command to configure a visited network identifier on a P-CSCF-access adjacency:
Related Commands
Configures a home network identifier on all IBCF adjacencies. |
snmp-server enable traps sbc
To enable SBC notification types, use the snmp-server enable traps sbc command in global configuration mode without keywords. To disable all SBC notification types, use the no form of this command without keywords.
snmp-server enable traps sbc [adj-status | blacklist | congestion-alarm | h248-ctrlr-status | media-source | qos-statistics | radius-conn-status | sla-violation | svc-state]
no snmp-server enable traps sbc [adj-status | blacklist | congestion-alarm | h248-ctrlr-status | media-source | qos-statistics | radius-conn-status | sla-violation | svc-state]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
Use the snmp-server enable traps sbc command to enable or disable all of the SNMP traps. Use specific keywords to enable or disable specific SNMP traps.
After you enable a trap, specify the recipient of a SNMP notification operation by using the snmp-server host command.
The following example shows how to enable only SNMP blacklist notification:
Related Commands
Specifies the percentage of calls that must be used to calculate the MOS-CQE score. |
To enable the softswitch shielding on the SIP, use the softswitch-shield command in adjacency SIP configuration mode. To diable the softswitch shielding, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to enable the softswitc shielding on the SIP adjacency:
Related Commands
Displays all the detailed field output pertaining to a specified Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) adjacency. |
To enter the source address mode to set the priority of the header or headers from which to derive a calling party address (inbound only), use the src-address command in SIP header configuration mode. To exit the source address mode, use the no form of this command or the exit command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP header configuration (config-sbc-sbe-sip-hdr)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
This command puts you in the source address mode where you use the header-prio header-name command to set the priority of the header or headers from which a calling party address is derived.

NoteThe header list is for inbound calls only. The header list is for inbound calls only.
The following example shows how to enter the source address mode:
Related Commands
src-address (editor)
To enter the Source address mode to set the priority of the header or headers from which to derive a calling party address (inbound only), use the src-address command in the SIP Header Editor configuration mode. To exit the Source address mode, use the no form of this command or the exit command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP Header Editor configuration (config-sbc-sbe-mep-hdr)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
This command puts you in the Source address mode from where you can use the header-prio header-name command to set the priority of the header or headers from which a calling party address is derived.

NoteThe header list is for inbound calls only. The header list is for inbound calls only.
The following example shows how to enter the Source address mode:
Related Commands
To configure support for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) X-cisco-srtp-fallback header, use the srtp-fallback command in SBE configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the srtp-fallback command is used to configure support for SIP X-cisco-srtp-fallback header in SBE configuration mode:
srtp branch
To configure SRTP for a caller or a callee in a CAC policy, use the srtp branch command in the CAC table entry configuration mode. To unconfigure SRTP for a caller or a callee, use the no form of this command.
srtp branch forbid | mandate | allow | prefer
no srtp branch forbid | mandate | allow | prefer
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure SRTP in a CAC policy:
Related Commands
srtp callee
To configure SRTP for the callee in a CAC policy, use the srtp callee command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the SRTP configuration, use the no form of this command.
srtp callee forbid | mandate | allow
no srtp callee forbid | mandate | allow
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure SRTP for the callee in a CAC policy:
Related Commands
srtp caller
To configure SRTP for the caller in a CAC policy, use the srtp caller command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the SRTP configuration, use the no form of this command.
srtp caller forbid | mandate | allow | prefer
no srtp caller forbid | mandate | allow | prefer
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure SRTP for the caller in a CAC policy:
Related Commands
srtp interworking
To configure SRTP to RTP interworking in a CAC policy, use the srtp interworking command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the SRTP interworking configuration, use the no form of this command.
srtp interworking forbid | allow
no srtp interworking forbid | allow
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure SRTP to RTP interworking in a CAC policy:
Related Commands
srtp media interworking
To configure SRTP to RTP media interworking in a CAC policy, use the srtp media interworking command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the SRTP media interworking configuration, use the no form of this command.
srtp media interworking forbid | allow
no srtp media interworking forbid | allow
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure SRTP to RTP media interworking in a CAC policy:
Related Commands
srtp response downgrade
To configure a SIP endpoint to support a non-standard offer/answer SRTP downgrade (in which an SRTP offer is responded to with an RTP answer), use the srtp response downgrade command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the SRTP response downgrade configuration, use the no form of this command.
srtp {callee | caller} response downgrade
no srtp {callee | caller} response downgrade
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
If this is set, SBC may respond to an SRTP (RTP/SAVP) offer with an RTP (RTP/AVP) answer. If this is not set, SBC will provide strict adherence to the offer/answer protocol and reject an SRTP offer that is not supported.
The following example shows how to configure a SIP endpoint to support a non-standard offer/answer SRTP downgrade:
Related Commands
srtp retry rtp
To configure SBC to retry to enable SRTP to RTP interworking after it has rejected an SRTP offer, use the srtp retry rtp command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the SRTP retry configuration, use the no form of this command.
srtp { callee | caller } retry rtp
no srtp { callee | caller } retry rtp
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
If this is set on the side that has generated a 415/488 Reject to an SRTP (RTP/SAVP) offer, SBC reissues the offer using RTP (RTP/AVP) enabling RTP/SRTP interworking (as long as the SRTP configuration allows this.
The following example shows how to configure SBC to retry to enable SRTP to RTP interworking on the callee side after it has rejected an SRTP offer:
Related Commands
srtp support allow
To configure SRTP support in a CAC policy, use the srtp caller command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the SRTP support configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure SRTP support:
Related Commands
To define a standard codec variant name, use the standard command in the Codec variant configuration mode. To remove a standard codec variant name, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Codec variant configuration (config-sbc-sbe-codec-var-codec)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to define the standard codec variant name using the standard command in the Codec variant configuration mode:
To configure either the H.323 slow start or H.323 fast start mode of operation for an adjacency, use the start command in adjacency h323 configuration mode. The no form of the command resets to the default of outgoing call start mode is the same as the incoming call start mode.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Default is outgoing call start mode is the same as the incoming call start mode
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
When the fast start mode is configured, the SBC only uses the fast start mode for outgoing calls. However, incoming slow start calls are converted to fast start mode as they cross the SBC.
When the slow start mode is configured, the SBC only uses the slow start mode for outgoing calls. However, incoming fast start calls are converted to slow start as they cross the SBC.
If neither fast start nor slow start mode is configured on the adjacency, the default is that the outgoing call start is the same as the incoming call start. The mode of operation can be modified while the adjacency is active but the change will only affect new calls.
The following example shows how to configure slow start mode of operation on the adjacency h323:
Related Commands
To configure an adjacency to support SIP method statistics, use the statistics-setting command in adjacency SIP configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.
statistics-setting { detail | summary }
no statistics-setting { detail | summary }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Adjacencies are not configured to support SIP method statistics.
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The statistics-setting command must be configured on an adjacency before using the show sbc sbe sip-method-stats command to display SIP method statistics.
The following example configures the sipGW adjacency to support detailed SIP method statistics:
Related Commands
Clears the SIP method statistics counters and resets them to zero. |
To specify the QoS statistic for which alert levels must be set, use the statistics command in the SBE configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
statistics {lcl-jit | mos-cqe | mpd-pct | mpl-pct | rmt-jit | rtd | ucr}
no statistics [lcl-jit | mos-cqe | mpd-pct | mpl-pct | rmt-jit | rtd | ucr]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run this command.
In the following example, the statistics command is used to specify that you want to configure alert levels for the average local packet jitter:
Related Commands
To create a store rule to extract variables from headers, use the store-rule command in the SIP Header Editor configuration mode. To remove a store rule, use the no form of this command.
store-rule [ entry entry-number ]
no store-rule [ entry entry-number ]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP Header Editor configuration (config-sbc-sbe-mep-hdr)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to create a store rule:
Related Commands
Configures a SIP header or method blacklist editor on a SIP message. |
To configure a stream list, use the stream-list command in the signaling border element (SBE) configuration mode. To remove the stream list, use the no form of this command.
no stream-list stream-list-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure a stream list:
Related Commands
To define a unique subscriber for whom you want to configure Provisioned Delegate Registration, use the subscriber command in SBE configuration mode. To remove a subscriber for whom you have configured Provisioned Delegate Registration, use the no subscriber command.
Syntax Description
This is the address of record of the delegate client and defines the unique subscriber for whom you want to configure Provisioned Delegate Registration. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
Delegate registration is done underneath the SBE configuration for globally unique subscribers. The subscriber must have one or more SIP contacts or Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) associated with it.
The following example configures a delegate registration profile that can be applied to a delegate registration subscriber:
The following example configures a SIP contact for a subscriber, for whom a subscriber detail table exists, and for whom, after the SIP contact is configured, Provisioned Delegate Registration can be configured:
The following example configures a delegate registration aor= sip:bob@isp.example
Related Commands
To synchronize the configuration file from active box to standby box, use the sync command in inter-chassis redundancy mode.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBC configuration mode (config-sbc)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
Customer need to use sync command in the active box to sync the configuration file from active box to standby box in inter-chassis redundancy mode so that the latest configuration of CUBE-SP will be synchronized in the running configuration file in the standby box.
The following example shows how to synchronize the configuration file from active box to standby box:
To configure a Call Admission Control (CAC) table type that enables the priority of the call to be used as a criterion in CAC policy, use the table-type command in CAC table configuration mode. To delete the CAC Policy Set or Limit table, use the no form of this command.
table-type {policy-set | limit { list of limit tables}}
no table-type {policy-set | limit { list of limit tables}}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The sub-category and sub-category-pfx Limit table types were added. |
Usage Guidelines
When creating a CAC table, you must configure the table type parameter as a Policy Set table type or Limit table type.
You cannot modify the table type if entries are currently configured for a different table type. You will receive the error message “Cannot modify table-type with entries currently configured for previous type.”
For Policy Set tables, the event is applied to all entries in the Policy Set table. You can define the scope at which CAC limits are applied within each entry with the cac-scope command. The cac-scope command is only available to entries defined within a Policy Set table type.
For Limit tables, the event matches only a single entry. With Limit tables, you can define the match-value within the entry with the match-value command. A Limit table inherits its scope from its parent table.
To define a CAC policy, you must define the limit and the scope at which the policy is applied. For example, you can define a policy such that not more than 10 concurrent calls (limit) could ever be made from a single account (scope).
The following example shows how to configure the CAC policy-set table TAB1:
Related Commands
Allows you to choose a scope at which CAC limits are applied within each entry in a Policy Set table. |
To configure the time that SBC waits for a SIP TCP connection to a remote peer to complete before failing that connection, use the tcp-connect-timeout command in SIP timer mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Specifies the time, in milliseconds, that the SIP TCP connection to a remote peer stays alive before timing out. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP timer (config-sbc-sbe-sip-tmr)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to set the TCP connection timeout to 30 seconds:
To configure the length of time that the TCP connection should stay active when in the idle state, use the tcp-idle-timeout command in SIP timer mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP timer (config-sbc-sbe-sip-tmr)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure the minimum TCP idle timeout value to 10000 ms:
tcp (blacklist)
To enter the mode for configuring blacklisting for TCP protocol only, use the tcp command in the SBE blacklist IPv4 configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE blacklist IPv4 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-ipv4)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to enter the mode for configuring blacklisting for TCP protocol only:
Related Commands
tcp timer giveup
To configure a giveup time period that controls how long a TCP connection retries active connections, use the tcp timer giveup command in SBE configuration mode. To disable the giveup timer, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Specifies number of seconds that a TCP connection continues to retry on active connections. The TCP connection is dropped when the giveup time period is reached. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
You use the tcp timer giveup command to specify a time period in seconds that controls how long a TCP connection continues to retry on active connections before giving up. On the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers, TCP connections will retry for a few minutes due to excessive default retry counts and retry intervals. If the giveup time period is reached without a reply from the peer, the TCP connection is dropped. By default, the giveup timer is disabled which means TCP retries based on the platform default.
Because the TCP connection timeout may vary depending on the network, a recommended timeout value must be based on how the endpoints are configured. It is recommended that the timeout value is chosen, such that it is not less than the timer B value that is used by the endpoints and defined in section of RFC3261.
The following example shows that a giveup timer has been configured for 40 seconds:
Related Commands
To configure a codec list used to announce media capabilities on behalf of either the SIP caller or callee in a SIP to H.323 or H.323 to SIP interworking call, use the tcs-extra-codecs command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To remove the codec list, use the no tcs-extra-codecs command.
tcs-extra-codecs {code-list-name}
no tcs-extra-codecs {code-list-name}
Syntax Description
This is a string text of a maximum length of 30 characters. Describes the extra codecs that a SIP callee or SIP caller can announce to the H.323 side. |
Command Default
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
This command configures a codec list and assigns the list to a CAC table.
Once a codec list has been assigned, it may not be deleted until it is removed from the CAC table entry. A codec list must exist before it can be assigned to an entry in a CAC table.
For a description of the “H.323 TCS Codecs” feature, see the “Codec Handling” chapter in the Cisco Unified Border Element (SP Edition) Configuration Guide: Unified Model .
The following example configures a codec list called “tcs-extra-caps-list” and assigns that list to the CAC table “cac-tbl-1” in entry 1 to announce extra codecs capability on behalf of the SIP side, whether it is the SIP caller or callee:
Related Commands
tech-prefix (session border controller)
To configure the RAS tech prefix on an H.323 adjacency, use the tech-prefix command in adjacency H.323 configuration mode. To deconfigure RAS Tech Prefix, use the no form of this command.
no tech-prefix tech-prefix name
Syntax Description
Specifies the name of the tech prefix. Use a combination of the numbers from 0-9 and the special characters star (*), hash (#), and comma (,). |
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the tech-prefix command is used to configure RAS tech prefix on an H.323 adjacency named H323ToIsp42:
test sbc message sip filename script-set editors
To test the message editing functionality of the SBC, use the test sbc message sip filename script-set editors command in the privileged EXEC mode.
test sbc message sip filename device-type:file-name script-set script-set-number {after-send | before-receive} editors { editor1-name [ editor2-name ] [ editor3-name ] . . . [ editor8-name ]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 100 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the privileged EXEC mode.
In the following test sbc message sip filename script-set editors command, sdp_add_after has been defined in script-set 123 and my_header_editor has been configured by using the sip header-editor command. In the output of this command, the lines highlighted in bold show the actions performed by the editors.
Related Commands
test sbc profile-to-editor sip
To display the editor that is inherited from a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) profile when the SIP profile is enabled instead of the SIP editor, use the test sbc profile-to-editor command in the privileged EXEC mode.
test sbc profile-to-editor sip profile-type profile-name
Syntax Description
Command Modes
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
We recommend that you enable SIP editor instead of SIP profile. Customers who have already deployed SIP profile can use the test sbc profile-to-editor sip command during the transition from SIP profile to SIP editor.

NoteThe test sbc profile-to-editor sip command only displays the editor that is inherited from the SIP profile for customers’ reference when migrating from SIP profile to SIP editor. Customers must configure the editor manually using the sip editor-type command. The test sbc profile-to-editor sip command only displays the editor that is inherited from the SIP profile for customers’ reference when migrating from SIP profile to SIP editor. Customers must configure the editor manually using the sip editor-type command.
The following is a sample output of the test sbc profile-to-editor sip command:
Related Commands
Sets a default editor type to be applied to an adjacency that has not been explicitly set. |
test script-set
To perform live testing of script-based editors, use the test script-set command in the adjacency SIP configuration mode.
test script-set script-set-number
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 100 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run this command.
The script set on which you run this command need not be the one that is currently active. The only criterion is that the script set must be one that is operational. In other words, when the show sbc sbe script-set command is run on the script set, the Status field must display ok
In the following example, the test script-set command is run on script set 10:
Related Commands
To define trunk-group ID context and trunk-group ID values to match the entries of the routing table, use the tgid-context command in RTG routing table configuration mode. To delete the TGID values of the given entry in the routing table, use the no form of this command.
tgid-context tgid-context-name {tgid tgid-name }
no tgid-context tgid-context-name {tgid tgid-name }
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
RTG routing table configuration (config-sbc-sbe-rtgpolicy-rtgtable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example configures the trunk-group ID context and trunk-group ID to match in the new routing table MyRtgTable:
Related Commands
To enable parsing the trunk-group identifier for call routing, use the tgid-routing command in adjacency SIP configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable the parsing.
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command enables parsing the trunk-group identifier for call routing.
Related Commands
Use the time-offset specified by the timezone-offset command. To disable using the time-offset specified by the timezone-offset command, use the no form of this command.
time-offset hour hr min min [negative]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
RTG routing table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-rtgpolicy-rtgtable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
Without this command the time-offset specified by the timezone-offset command under the SBE configuration mode is unused.
The following example shows how to configure the destination adjacency of an entry in the new routing table MyRtgTable to softswitch1:
Related Commands
Configures the number of hours and minutes that the desired time zone is ahead of or behind the local time. |
To define the length of time that packets from the source are blocked if the number of authentication requests exceed the set limit, use the timeout command in blacklist reason mode. The no form of this command releases the limit duration for blacklisting the source.
Syntax Description
Duration for which the source is blacklisted after activation of blacklisting. |
Command Default
- The address-default value defaults to its initial settings. The port-default values default to zero.
- If this field is omitted on explicit ports, it defaults to the value given in the port-default for this address.
- If this field is omitted on explicit addresses, this field defaults to the value in the address-default for this address.
- If this field is omitted for VPN, it defaults to the value for global addresses.
- If this field is omitted for the global address space, it defaults to the initial settings.
Command Modes
Blacklist address-default mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-addr-default-reason)
Blacklist global mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-global-reason)
Blacklist ipv4 mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-ipv4-reason)
Blacklist vpn mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-vpn-reason)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures a new blacklist on the SBE to affect all packets arriving from address for three minutes:
Related Commands
To configure the number of hours and minutes that the desired time zone is ahead of or behind the local time, use the timezone-offset command in SBE configuration mode. To remove the time-zone offset, use the no form of this command.
timezone-offset h:hour_offset m: minute_offset {positive | negative}
no timezone-offset h:hour_offset m: minute_offset
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure the offset timezone to 11 hours and 45 minutes behind the local time:
Related Commands
Uses the time-offset specified by the timezone-offset command. |
tls mutual authentication
To enable TLS Mutual Authentication on a SIP adjacency, use the tls mutual-authentication command. Use the no form of this command to disable TLS Mutual Authentication on a SIP adjacency.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Configure SBC SBE Adjacency SIP (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
This command helps the SBC to decide whether to send a CertificateRequest message to the client side to get the client's certificate for client authentication.
This configuration is valid only when the SBC acts as the TLS Server Side. When SBC acts as a TLS Client Side, you need not configure the SBC explicitly to respond to mutual authentication request.
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command enables TLS mutual-authentication on the SIP adjacency adj1:
total resource maximum
To specify the total number of video and audio streams that can use transcoding, transrating, inband DTMF interworking, and SRTP encryption and decryption—weighted by the costs assigned to each of these resources, use the total resource maximum command in the SBE media policy configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Maximum total number of video and audio streams that can use transcoding, transrating, inband DTMF interworking, and SRTP encryption and decryption. |
Command Default
The default weighted number of video and audio streams that can use transcoding, transrating, inband DTMF interworking, and SRTP encryption and decryption at any point of time is 4294967295. When you use the no form of this command, any maximum limit set earlier is changed to this default value.
Command Modes
SBE media policy configuration (config-sbc-sbe-media-pol)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
In the following example, the total resource number is set to 800. The maximum number of calls that can use audio transcoding, video transcoding, and SRTP interworking are also set in this example.
Related Commands
trace filter endpoint address ipv4 (session border controller)
To configure the trace filter for the H.248 Border Access Controller (BAC) on the Session Border Controller (SBC), use the trace filter endpoint address ipv4 command in the H248 BAC configuration mode. To unconfigure the trace filter for the H.248 BAC, use the no form of this command.
trace filter endpoint address ipv4 ip-address port [vrf vrf-name]
no trace filter endpoint address ipv4 ip-address port [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
H248 BAC configuration (config-h248-bac)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The vrf-name should match the name configured using the ip vrf command or the ip vrf forwarding command in the Gi interface.
To support VRF, enable Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) switching on the router, using the ip cef command.
If you are also configuring the DHCP services at the access point name (APN), use the dhcp-server ip-address vrf command.
The following example shows how to configure the trace filter for the H.248 BAC on the SBC:
To forbid transcoding for an entry in the admission control table, use the transcode-deny command in CAC table entry configuration mode. To allow transcoding for this entry in the admission control table, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
By default, transcoding for this entry in the admission control table is allowed.
Command Modes
CAC table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-cacpolicy-cactable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure the entry to forbid transcoding in the new admission control table MyCacTable:
To configure that the media gateway is a transcoder , use the transcoder command in media gateway codecs configuration mode. To return to the default behavior, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
By default, this command assumes the media gateway has no transcoding features.
Command Modes
Media gateway codecs configuration (config-sbc-sbe-mg-codecs)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to set media gateway to be a transcoder:
transcode cost
To specify the resource cost for transcoding an audio or video stream, use the transcode cost command in the SBE media policy configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
transcode {audio | video} cost number
no transcode {audio | video} cost
Syntax Description
Specifies that the resource cost is to be set for an audio stream. |
Specifies that the resource cost is to be set for an video stream. |
Command Default
The default resource cost for transcoding an audio stream is 10. Similarly, the default resource cost for transcoding a video stream is 50. When you use the no form of this command, the resource cost is changed to the default value.
Command Modes
SBE media policy configuration (config-sbc-sbe-media-pol)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
In the following example, the transcode cost command is used to set the resource cost for transcoding audio and video to 5 and 15, respectively.
Related Commands
transcode maximum
To specify the maximum number of audio or video streams that can use the transcoding resource, use the transcode maximum command in the SBE media policy configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
transcode {audio | video} maximum number
no transcode {audio | video} maximum
Syntax Description
Maximum number of audio or video streams that can use the transcoding resource at any point of time. |
Command Default
The default number of audio or video streams that can use the transcoding resource, at any point of time, is 4294967295. When you use the no form of this command, any maximum limit set earlier is changed to this default value.
Command Modes
SBE media policy configuration (config-sbc-sbe-media-pol)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
In the following example, the maximum number of media streams that can use audio transcoding is set to 200. Similarly, the maximum number of media streams that can use video transcoding is also set to 200.
Related Commands
transcoding-stats enable
To enable the transcoding-related statistics on a router, use the transcoding-stats enable command in the Signaling Border Element (SBE) configuration mode. To disable the transcoding-related statistics, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration mode (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to disable the transcoding-related statistics:
Related Commands
To configure the transcoding options, use the transcoding command in virtual data border element (VDBE) configuration mode. To prevent the Session Border Controller (SBC) from performing a transcoding check of the incoming Session Description Protocol (SDP) and to disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.
transcoding check { match | none | overlap }
Syntax Description
Command Default
By default, the transcoding check overlap command is configured.
Command Modes
VDBE configuration (config-sbc-dbe-vdbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to disable the transcoding options in VDBE configuration mode:
translate (session border controller)
To configure IP-to-FQDN or FQDN-to-IP translation on signaling border elements (SBEs), use the translate command in the adjacency SIP configuration mode.
translate {request-uri | to | from} {inbound | outbound} {ip-fqdn | fqdn-ip}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure the IP-to-FQDN translation on Request-URI for inbound request:
The following example shows how to configure the FQDN-to-IP translation on To header for outbound request:
The following example shows how to configure the FQDN-to-IP translation on From header for inbound request:
transport (session border controller)
To configure a data border element (DBE) to use either UDP or TCP for H.248 control signaling with the specified H.248 controller and to configure the Interim Authentication Header (IAH) to authenticate and check the integrity of packets, use the transport command in Controller H.248 configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.
transport { udp | tcp } [interim-auth-header] [ah-md5-hmac | ah-sha-hmac]
Syntax Description
Command Default
If the transport command is not specified, UDP transport is used for H.248 signaling.
Command Modes
Controller H.248 configuration (config-sbc-dbe-vdbe-h248)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The transport (session border controller) command is used in conjunction with the inbound and outbound commands. The three commands are used together to enable Interim Authentication Header (IAH) authentication of inbound and outbound call packets. If you specify a hashing scheme (ah-md5-hmac or ah-sha-hmac authentication) using the transport (session border controller) command, you need to configure incoming and outgoing call packets using both inbound and outbound commands. The inbound and outbound commands are used to specify the Security Parameters Index (SPI) and hex-key.
MD5 hashing is faster to calculate, but provides less secure authentication than SHA hashing does. The hash calculation includes a synthesized IP header consisting of a 32 bit source IP address, a 32 bit destination address, and a 16 bit UDP or TCP destination port encoded as 20 hexadecimal digits.
For the MD5 or SHA hashing scheme to work, both inbound and outbound SPI need to be configured. If only the inbound or outbound SPI key or neither inbound or outbound SPI key is configured, the authentication reverts back to zero authentication and the DBE issues a warning message “Both inbound and outbound keys must be configured to enable authentication.” In this event, the DBE sets all fields in the IAH header to zeroes and accepts any IAH without authentication.
The following example creates a DBE service on an SBC called “mySbc,” enters into SBC-DBE configuration and VDBE configuration modes, creates an H.248 controller with index 1, enters into Controller H.248 configuration mode, and configures the H.248 controller to use TCP as the transport:
The following example shows you how to configure the DBE to specify TCP for H.248 control signaling, and to configure the IAH to use the HMAC-SHA hashing scheme, set the inbound Security Parameters Index (SPI) to 300 and the outbound SPI to 400, and hash key to “myInboundKey45” and “myOutboundKey89” respectively:
Related Commands
transport (SBE H.248)
To configure an SBE to use a transport for H.248 communications when acting as a media gateway controller, use the transport command in H.248 control address mode. To delete a given IPv4 H.248 transport, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
H.248 control address (config-sbc-sbe-ctrl-h248)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure an SBE to use udp transport:
Related Commands
Configures an SBE to use a given IPv4 H.248 control address. |
transrate audio cost
To specify the resource cost for transrating an audio stream, use the transrate audio cost command in the SBE media policy configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default resource cost for transrating an audio stream is 6. Similarly, the default resource cost for transcoding a video stream is 50. When you use the no form of this command, the resource cost is changed to the default value.
Command Modes
SBE media policy configuration (config-sbc-sbe-media-pol)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
In the following example, the transrate audio cost command is used to set the resource cost for transrating audio to 10.
Related Commands
transrate audio maximum
To specify the maximum number of audio streams that can use the transrating resource, use the transrate command in the SBE media policy configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
transrate audio maximum number
Syntax Description
Maximum number of audio streams that can use the transrating resource at any point of time. |
Command Default
The default number of audio streams that can use the transrating resource, at any point of time, is 4294967295. When you use the no form of this command, any maximum limit set earlier is changed to this default value.
Command Modes
SBE media policy configuration (config-sbc-sbe-media-pol)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
In the following example, the maximum number of audio streams that can use the transrating resource is set to 300:
Related Commands
To configure the transrating options, use the transrating command in controller H.248 configuration mode. To prevent the Session Border Controller (SBC) from performing a transrating check of the incoming Session Description Protocol (SDP) to disable the configuration, use the no form of this command.
transrating { check [ none | remote ] | exit }
Syntax Description
Command Default
By default, the transrating check none command is configured. After the associate dspfarm profile command is also configured, transrating check remote becomes the default configuration.
Command Modes
Controller H.248 configuration (sbc-dbe-vdbe-h248)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
The following example shows how to disable the transrating options in virtual data border element (VDBE) configuration mode:
Related Commands
Configures an H.248 controller for a data border element (DBE). |
To define the period over which events are considered, use the trigger-period command in blacklist reason mode. For more detailed information, see the related trigger-size command description.
The no form of this command releases the previously configured trigger period in which events should be considered.
Syntax Description
The number of milliseconds for the trigger period. This can be any value from 0 to 65535. |
Command Default
- The address-default value defaults to its initial settings. The port-default values default to zero.
- If this field is omitted on explicit ports, it defaults to the value given in the port-default for this address.
- If this field is omitted on explicit addresses, this field defaults to the value in the address-default for this address.
- If this field is omitted for VPN, it defaults to the value for global addresses.
- If this field is omitted for the global address space, it defaults to the initial settings.
Command Modes
Blacklist address-default mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-addr-default-reason)
Blacklist global mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-global-reason)
Blacklist ipv4 mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-ipv4-reason)
Blacklist vpn mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-vpn-reason)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the source to be blacklisted if authentication failures have occurred at a recent steady rate of over 200 per second (or 40 in a 100-ms burst):
Related Commands
To define the allowable number of events from the specified source before blacklisting is triggered, and to block all packets from reaching the source, use the trigger-size command in blacklist reason mode.
The no form of this command releases the previously configured number of allowable events before blacklisting is triggered.
Syntax Description
The minimum number of consecutive events that must occur faster on average than the trigger rate to activate the blacklist. Can be any value from 0 to 65535. |
Command Default
- The address-default value defaults to its initial settings. The port-default values default to zero.
- If this field is omitted on explicit ports, it defaults to the value given in the port-default for the given address.
- If this field is omitted on explicit addresses, it defaults to the value given in the address-default for the given address.
- If this field is omitted for VPN, it defaults to the values of global addresses.
- If this field is omitted for the global address space, it defaults to the initial settings.
Command Modes
Blacklist address-default mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-addr-default-reason)
Blacklist global mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-global-reason)
Blacklist ipv4 mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-ipv4-reason)
Blacklist vpn mode (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-vpn-reason)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The number of events recorded decays linearly to zero to give a leaky bucket average over the trigger period. The steady-state maximum event rate therefore equals this trigger size divided by the trigger period. See also the description of the trigger-period command. The maximum number of events in a much shorter period is this trigger size.
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the source to be blacklisted if a burst of more than 20 authentication failures enter within a time period smaller than the trigger period:
Related Commands
trunk trusted
To configure an H.323 adjacency as trusted, use the trunk trusted command in the H.323 Adjacency configuration mode. To change an H.323 adjacency to untrusted, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
H.323 Adjacency configuration mode (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The Secure SIP calls over an H.323 interface is implemented logically by defining the H.323 adjacency as trusted using the trunk trusted command in the H.323 Adjacency configuration mode. By default, all the H.323 adjacencies are untrusted.

NoteSBC does not signal secure H.323 calls using the procedures described in H.235. Moreover, the SBC does not use a TLS or IPSec connection to send call signalling for the secure H.323 calls. SBC does not signal secure H.323 calls using the procedures described in H.235. Moreover, the SBC does not use a TLS or IPSec connection to send call signalling for the secure H.323 calls.
To mark an H.323 adjacency as untrusted, use the no trunk trusted command from the H.323 Adjacency configuration mode.

NoteTo change an H.323 adjacency from trusted to untrusted, configure the inbound calls as insecure using the To change an H.323 adjacency from trusted to untrusted, configure the inbound calls as insecure using the no inbound secure command.
The following example shows how to configure an H.323 adjacency as trusted, which is helpful to handle the Secure SIP calls received from a SIP adjacency and routed to an H.323 adjacency:
Related Commands
Configures the incoming calls from an H.323 adjacency as secure calls. |
type (media policy)
To configure a media policy as a CAC-policy type policy or a gateway type policy, use the type command in the SBE media policy configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
no type {cac-policy | gateway}
Syntax Description
Specifies that the media policy is a CAC-policy type policy. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE media policy configuration (config-sbc-sbe-media-pol)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
In the following example, the type command is used to specify that the media policy table is of the gateway type:
Related Commands
type (script)
To specify the type of a script written using the Lua programming language, use the type command in the SBE script-set script configuration mode. To set the type to the default type (full), use the no form of this command.
type {full | wrapped edit-point {after-send | before-receive | both}}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE script-set script configuration (config-sbc-sbe-scrpset-script)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 100 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run this command.
In the following example, the type command specifies that the script is to be autogenerated from the file and that the edit points for editing the message are both after the message is sent and before it is received:
Related Commands
To configure the time that the SBC waits for a UDP response or ACK before sending a retransmission of the relevant signal, use the udp-first-retransmit-interval command in SIP timer mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
udp-first-retransmit-interval interval
no udp-first-retransmit-interval interval
Syntax Description
Time to wait, in milliseconds, before sending the first retransmission of a UDP signal. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP timer (config-sbc-sbe-sip-tmr)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The interval set by the udp-first-retransmit-interval command corresponds to the T1 interval detailed in RFC 3261. Similarly, the interval set by the udp-max-retransmit-interval command corresponds to the T2 interval detailed in the same RFC. The SBC uses these two intervals as follows:
- If the SBC sends an INVITE request and does not receive a response, the retransmission interval is first set to udp-first-retransmit-interval (T1) and then doubled each time until the interval reaches 64 times T1.
- If the SBC sends a non-INVITE request and does not receive a response, the retransmission interval is first set to udp-first-retransmit-interval (T1) and then doubled each time until the interval reaches udp-max-retransmit-interval (T2).
- If the SBC sends 300(INVITE) to 699(INVITE) response and does not receive an ACK, the retransmission interval is first set to udp-first-retransmit-interval (T1) and then doubled each time until the interval reaches udp-max-retransmit-interval (T2).
To use the udp-first-retransmit-interval command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the SBC to send the first UDP retransmission after waiting for 1000 milliseconds.
To configure the maximum interval at which the SBC will retransmit, use the udp-max-retransmit-interval command in SIP timer mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
udp-max-retransmit-interval interval
no udp-max-retransmit-interval interval
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP timer (config-sbc-sbe-sip-tmr)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The interval set by the udp-first-retransmit-interval command corresponds to the T1 interval detailed in RFC 3261. Similarly, the interval set by the udp-max-retransmit-interval command corresponds to the T2 interval detailed in the same RFC. The SBC uses these two intervals as follows:
- If the SBC sends an INVITE request and does not receive a response, the retransmission interval is first set to udp-first-retransmit-interval (T1) and then doubled each time until the interval reaches 64 times T1.
- If the SBC sends a non-INVITE request and does not receive a response, the retransmission interval is first set to udp-first-retransmit-interval (T1) and then doubled each time until the interval reaches udp-max-retransmit-interval (T2).
- If the SBC sends 300(INVITE) to 699(INVITE) response and does not receive an ACK, the retransmission interval is first set to udp-first-retransmit-interval (T1) and then doubled each time until the interval reaches udp-max-retransmit-interval (T2).
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command sets the maximum retransmission interval to 8000 milliseconds:
To configure the period for which SBC will retain negative UDP responses to INVITE requests, use the udp-response-linger-period command in SIP timer mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.
udp-response-linger-period interval
no udp-response-linger-period interval
Syntax Description
The time to retain negative INVITE responses, in milliseconds. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP timer (config-sbc-sbe-sip-tmr)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command sets negative INVITE responses to be retained for 10 seconds:
To configure the time that the session border controller (SBC) waits for a UDP response or ACK before sending a retransmission of the relevant signal and the maximum interval up to which the SBC will retransmit, use the udp-retransmit-interval command in SIP timer mode. To return to the default value of the retransmit time and interval, use the no form of this command.
udp-retransmit-interval [first first-interval ] [maximum max-interval ]
no udp-retransmit-interval [first] [maximum]
Syntax Description
Command Default
The default is that the SBC waits for 500 milliseconds before first retransmitting and then continues retransmitting at every 500 milliseconds intervals for up to 4000 milliseconds.
Command Modes
SIP timer (config-sbc-sbe-sip-tmr)
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The interval set by the first-interval argument of the command corresponds to the T1 interval detailed in RFC 3261. Similarly, the interval set by the max-interval argument of the command corresponds to the T2 interval detailed in the same RFC. The SBC uses these two intervals as follows:
- If the SBC sends an INVITE request and does not receive a response, the retransmission interval is first set to T1 and then doubled each time until the interval reaches 64 times T1.
- If the SBC sends a non-INVITE request and does not receive a response, the retransmission interval is first set to T1 and then doubled each time until the interval reaches T2.
- If the SBC sends 300(INVITE) to 699(INVITE) response and does not receive an ACK, the retransmission interval is first set to T1 and then doubled each time until the interval reaches T2.
To use the udp-retransmit-interval command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following command configures the SBC to send the first UDP retransmission after waiting for 500 milliseconds and to continue retransmission up to 8000 milliseconds:
udp (blacklist)
To enter the mode for configuring blacklisting for UDP protocol only, use the udp command in the SBE blacklist IPv4 configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE blacklist IPv4 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist-ipv4)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to enter the mode for configuring blacklisting for UDP protocol only:
Related Commands
unexpected-source-alerting (session border controller)
To enable the generation of alerts when media packets for a call are received from an unexpected source address and port, use the unexpected-source-alerting command in VDBE configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete the unexpected-source-alerting.
Syntax Description
Command Default
If the unexpected-source-alerting command is not specified, unexpected source alerting is disabled.
Command Modes
VDBE configuration (config-sbc-dbe-vdbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The vdbe unexpected-source-alerting command should be enabled only on trusted networks, where any occurrence of packets from an unexpected source might indicate a threat to network security.
Alerts on the same flow and the total number of alerts reported at any one time are both rate-limited to ensure management systems are not flooded with reports. (As a result, there is not a one-to-one correspondence between alerts and incorrect packets.)
Diagnosing and resolving the issue of rogue packets is beyond the scope of SBC function; SBC simply serves as the messenger to notify you of the existence of the rogue packets.
The following example creates a DBE service on an SBC called mySbc, enters into DBE configuration and VDBE configuration modes, and enables the generation of alerts when unexpected source address packets are received by a virtual data border element (vDBE):
Related Commands
uri username parameters parse
To parse and search the user names in the SIP and SIPS URIs for the user name parameters, use the uri username parameters parse command in SBC SBE Adjacency SIP mode. Use the no form of this command to disable parsing.
no uri username parameters parse
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBC SBE Adjacency SIP (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
User name parameters in SIP and SIPS URIs in messages received on an adjacency are treated as regular URI parameters. The username is taken to exclude the username parameters. This applies to SIP and SIPS URIs within the Request-URI, and the To and From headers for INVITE requests and out-of-dialog requests.
The following command parses the SIP and SIPS URIs in messages received on the adjacency mySIP:
To configure a DBE to use any available local port when connecting to the default Media Gateway Control (MGC), use the use-any-local-port command in VDBE configuration mode. To disable this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
VDBE configuration (config-sbc-dbe-vdbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The local port cannot be modified once any controller has been configured on the vDBE. You must delete the controller before you can modify or configure the local port.

NoteDo not use the Do not use the use-any-local-port command when there is a redundant SBC because the connection to the MGC may be lost with an SBC switch over.
The following example creates a DBE service on an SBC called “mySbc,” enters into SBC-DBE configuration and VDBE configuration modes, and configures the DBE to use any local port:
Related Commands
Configures a DBE to use a specific local port when connecting to the default Media Gateway Control (MGC). |
Use the time-offset specified by the timezone-offset command. To disable using the time-offset specified by the timezone-offset command, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
RTG routing table entry configuration (config-sbc-sbe-rtgpolicy-rtgtable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
Without this command the time-offset specified by the timezone-offset command under the SBE configuration mode is unused.
The following example shows how to configure the destination adjacency of an entry in the new routing table MyRtgTable to softswitch1:
Related Commands
Configures the number of hours and minutes that the desired time zone is ahead of or behind the local time. |
To define an encoded codec variant name, use the variant command in the Codec variant configuration mode. To remove an encoded codec variant name, use the no form of this command.
variant variant-codec-encoded-name
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Codec variant configuration (config-sbc-sbe-codec-var-codec)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.

Note# is reserved for base variants. Therefore, the variant name cannot start with # # is reserved for base variants. Therefore, the variant name cannot start with #
The following example shows how to define the codec variant using the variant command in the Codec variant configuration mode:
variant (codec variant profile)
To add the variant name, use the variant command in the codec variant profile configuration mode. To remove the encoded codec variant name, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Codec variant profile configuration (config-sbc-sbe-codec-var-prf)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.

Note‘#’ is reserved for base variants. Therefore, the variant name cannot start with ‘#’ ‘#’ is reserved for base variants. Therefore, the variant name cannot start with ‘#’
The following example shows how to add the codec variant using the variant command in the codec variant profile configuration mode:
vdbe (session border controller)
To enter into VDBE configuration mode, use the vdbe command in SBC-DBE or SBE configuration mode. To delete the entire virtual data border element (vDBE) from the running configuration, use the no form of this command
Syntax Description
The name of the DBE that is configured. Only one DBE can be configured. This is given the name global. If specified, the DBE name must be global. If not specified, global is assumed. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE configuration (config-sbc-sbe)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
In the initial release only one DBE (the global DBE) is supported, and DBE resources cannot be partitioned. As such, the vdbe name is not required. If specified it must be global.
The following example enters into the VDBE configuration mode:
Related Commands
vpn (session border controller)
To enter the mode for configuring the event limits for a given VPN, use the vpn command in the SBE blacklist configuration mode.
Syntax Description
Optional. VPN name or default for the global VPN. Maximum size is 80 characters. |
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE blacklist configuration (config-sbc-sbe-blacklist)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how the vpn command is used to enter the mode for configuring the event limits for a given VPN:
Related Commands
To configure an H.323 or SIP adjacency as tied to a specific VPN, use the vrf command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The adjacency will only receive incoming signaling from this VPN. The adjacency’s outgoing signaling is routed in the relevant VRF.
The following example shows how to assign the H.323 adjacency h323ToIsp42 to VRF vpn3:
The following example shows how to configure the SIP adjacency SipToIsp42 to VPN using VRF vpn3:
vrf (session border controller)
To configure virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) on a Border Access Controller (BAC) adjacency, use the vrf command in the H248 BAC adjacency configuration mode. To disable VRF on a BAC adjacency, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
H248 BAC adjacency configuration (config-h248-bac-adj)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
The vrf-name should match the name configured using the ip vrf command or the ip vrf forwarding command in the Gi interface.
To support VRF, enable Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) switching on the router, using the ip cef command.
If you are also configuring the DHCP services at the access point name (APN), use the dhcp-server ip-address vrf command.
The following example shows how to configure VRF on a BAC adjacency.:
warrant match-order
To configure lawful inforcement warrant information in a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) adjacency, and to specify the order of the fields used to match the corresponding warrant, use the warrant match-order command in adjacency SIP configuration mode. To deconfigure the lawful inforcement warrant information, use the no form of this command.
warrant match-order [ destination [ source [ diverted-by ] | diverted-by [ source ]]]
warrant match-order [ source [ destination [ diverted-by ] | diverted-by [ destination ]]]
warrant match-order [ diverted-by [ destination [ source ] | source [ destination ]]]
Syntax Description
Command Default
By default, the incoming Access adjacency matches the source information and the Core adjacency matches the destination information.
Command Modes
Adjacency SIP configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-sip)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes and modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure lawful inforcement warrant information in a SIP adjacency, and specifies that the warrant will be matched to the destination field, a source field, and diverted-by field, in that order:
warrant match-order (h323)
To configure lawful inforcement warrant information in an H.323 adjacency, and to specify the order of fields used for matching the corresponding warrant, use the warrant match-order command in adjacency H.323 configuration mode. To deconfigure the lawful inforcement warrant information, use the no form of this command.
warrant match-order [ destination [ source [ destination ]]]
warrant match-order [ source [ destination [ source ]]]
Syntax Description
Command Default
By default, the incoming Access adjacency matches the source information, and the Core adjacency matches the destination information.
Command Modes
Adjacency H.323 configuration (config-sbc-sbe-adj-h323)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section that follows shows the hierarchy of the modes and modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to configure lawful inforcement warrant information in an H.323 adjacency, and specifies that the warrant will be matched first to the destination field, and then to the source field:
weight (session border controller)
To assign a weight to this route, use the weight command in RTG routing table configuration entry configuration mode. To remove this configuration, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
RTG routing table configuration entry (config-sbc-sbe-rtgpolicy-rtgtable-entry)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how.
Related Commands
whitelist (editor)
To set an editor to be whitelisted, use the whitelist command in the appropriate editor configuration mode. To remove whitelist from this editor, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SIP Method Editor configuration (config-sbc-sbe-mep-mth)
SIP Option Editor configuration (config-sbc-sbe-mep-opt)
SIP Header Editor configuration (config-sbc-sbe-mep-hdr)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Aggregation Services Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
To use this command, you must be in the correct configuration mode. The Examples section shows the hierarchy of the modes required to run the command.
The following example shows how to whitelist an option editor:
The following example shows how to whitelist a method editor:
The following example shows how to whitelist a header editor:
Related Commands
xml (billing)
To configure an XML billing instance, use the xml method-index command in the SBE billing configuration mode. To disable an XML instance, use the no form of this command.
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
SBE billing configuration (config-sbc-sbe-billing)
Command History
This command was introduced on the Cisco ASR 1000 Series Routers. |
Usage Guidelines
After configuring an XML billing method, an XML instance is defined using the xml method-index command to attach the parameters to the XML instance. Configuring the XML method index changes the command mode to SBE XML billing (config-sbc-sbe-billing-xml) mode. If the Billing Manager does not have an XML method configured, xml method-index command will not succeed.

NoteA maximum of only one XML instance can be defined. A maximum of only one XML instance can be defined.
The following example defines an XML instance:
Related Commands
Indicates the path in which to store the CDR billing records. |
Configures the time at which long duration records are checked. |