Installing Cisco VSPT

Revised: March 17, 2010, OL-8907-06

The Cisco Voice Services Provisioning Tool (Cisco VSPT) provides an easy-to-use graphical tool that you can use to provision the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch running the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software.

Note In the previous release the Cisco VSPT was known as the Cisco MGC Node Manager Provisioning Tool (MNM-PT).

Individual releases of Cisco VSPT are designed to be used with specific releases of the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software. See the "Determine the Correct Provisioning Tool Release" section to identify the release of the Cisco VSPT that you need.

This chapter provides directions for installing the Cisco VSPT. It contains the following sections:

Installing Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3)

Installing an Earlier Version of Cisco VSPT

Upgrading Cisco VSPT

Uninstalling Cisco VSPT

Determine the Correct Provisioning Tool Release

You must install the provisioning tool release that is compatible with your Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch and Cisco BAMS software. Select the correct provisioning tool version by referring to Table 2-1. The following versions are included on the Cisco MGC Node Manager CD. Check the applicable release notes for possible later patches.

Table 2-1 Cisco VSPT and Cisco MGC Software Version Compatibility 

Cisco VSPT Release
Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Software Release
Cisco BAMS Software Release

Cisco VSPT 2.7(3)

Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.7(3)

Cisco BAMS Phase 3 (3.20 and 3.30)

Cisco VSPT 2.6(1)

Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.6(1)

Cisco BAMS Phase 3 (3.13)

Cisco VSPT 2.5(2)

Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.5(1)

Cisco BAMS Phase 3 (3.13)

Installing Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3)

The Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3) can be installed on the Solaris 8 and Solaris 10 (Opteron and Sparc) platform.

Before installing Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3), verify the following:

You want to provision the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch running Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch software Release 9.7(3). If you are provisioning an earlier version, see the "Determine the Correct Provisioning Tool Release" section.

You have met the workstation hardware and software requirements. See the "System Requirements" section of the associated release notes.

You have established network connectivity between your workstation and the network elements.

The network elements have the correct release of software installed.

You have selected an installation configuration, one of the options described in the "Determine the Correct Provisioning Tool Release" section.

You have decided if you are installing SSH for secure communications with SSH-enabled components.

Note A Cisco VSPT installation must be carried out from the Cisco VSPT server or a machine with X Window capability. Make sure you have root access on your Sun workstation.

Before you begin provisioning, you should have a list of components you want to provision, including the component names, IP addresses, properties, and other parameters. To create this list, use the instructions provided in the Cisco Media Gateway Controller Software Release 9 Provisioning Guide at

Tip Descriptions of the properties and values contained in Cisco VSPT are included in Appendix A of the Cisco Media Gateway Controller Software Release 9 Provisioning Guide and Table 2-2 of this document. Review this information before you begin provisioning, and keep it available for reference during provisioning.

To install Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3), follow this procedure:

Step 1 Verify that the requirements listed in the "Determine the Correct Provisioning Tool Release" section have been met.

Step 2 Open an X window.

Step 3 If you are not already logged in as root, become the root user by entering the following command:

% su - root

Step 4 Ensure that the X Windows display is set as follows:

In csh or tcsh: sentenv DISPLAY <hostname>:<display name>

In sh or ksh: DISPLAY=<hostname>:<display name> ; export $DISPLAY

Note The default value for the display number is 0. Replace the value <hostname> with the hostname of your machine.

Step 5 Insert the Cisco VSPT 2.7(3) CD in the CD-ROM drive.

Step 6 Change the directory using the following command.

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/dart 

Step 7 Enter the following command to run the installation script:

# ./setup

The Cisco VSPT InstallShield Wizard opens, displaying the Welcome window.

Step 8 Click Next.

The License Agreement window displays.

Step 9 Accept the license agreement and click Next.

The Destination Folder window displays, indicating the default destination directory.

Step 10 Click Next to accept the default destination directory, or select Change to provide a different directory path. If you want to use a directory destination other than the default, enter the appropriate directory path and click Next.

The Query Backup User Panel window displays.

Step 11 Optional: Enter the Backup User ID (your backup server login ID), and click Next.

Note During installation you are asked to designate a Backup User ID. Only a user logged in with this ID can carry out backup and restore operations. See the "Specify a Backup User ID During Installation" section for more information. This is applicable only if you are conducting backup operations. All other features of Cisco VSPT function without the entering of a backup user ID.

The Ready to Install window displays.

Step 12 Click Install Now.

Cisco VSPT 2.7(3) installation takes place and the Installation Summary window displays upon completion.

Step 13 Click Exit.

The Cisco VSPT InstallShield Wizard closes.

Step 14 If you are using the Cisco VSPT Backup and Restore feature, enable TFTP and FTP on the backup server. See the "Planning and Setting Up for Backup and Restore" section.

Step 15 If you are installing SSH for Cisco VSPT, see the "Enabling SSH on Cisco VSPT" section.

Step 16 Install FlexLM license control. (See the "Installing and Updating FlexLM License Control" section.)

Step 17 Go on to the "Starting Cisco VSPT" section.

Table 2-2 defines the default Cisco VSPT files and directories.

Table 2-2 Provisioning Tool Installation Files and Directories 

File or Directory



Provisioning tool application script


Class and property files


Configuration related to license



A tool used for automating interactive applications such as telnet, ftp, passwd, fsck, rlogin, tip, and so on


FlexLM software


Online help files


Images or logos used in Cisco VSPT


Java Runtime Environment


Netscape web browser files


Uninstall script directory


Utilities for Cisco VSPT


Provisioning Tool version

/var/opt/CSCOvsp27 (home directory)


Configuration files


Log files


XML files

Note The files and directories listed in Table 2-2 are for the most recent version of Cisco VSPT. Your directory structure may be different if you are using an older version. You can verify that all these files and directories are installed to make sure the installation is successful.

Planning and Setting Up for Backup and Restore

You typically use Cisco VSPT Backup to back up the configuration on a supported component, such as a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, onto a different server (the backup host). The configuration can then be restored if needed on the original machine.

For example, if you are backing up a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch host, Cisco VSPT logs in to the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch host, copies the configuration, and the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch transfers it to the backup host using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). The backup host must have TFTP and FTP enabled.

If you are going to use Backup and Restore, you should do the following:

Specify a Backup User ID During Installation

Select a Backup Host

Enable TFTP on the Backup Host

Specify a Backup User ID During Installation

During Cisco VSPT installation, you are prompted for a backup ID. The backup ID is the UNIX ID of a user account authorized to use Cisco VSPT to perform configuration backups. Depending on your security policy, this might be the ID of a particular individual, or an ID created specifically for the purpose and usable by one or more individuals authorized to perform backups.

In order for a user to schedule backups or perform immediate backups, Cisco VSPT must be started from a UNIX shell with the backup ID, in either of two ways:

If Cisco VSPT is launched from Cisco MGC Node Manager (Cisco MNM), the user must have started the Cisco EMF client with the backup ID. If the user's normal ID is different from the backup ID, the user must start a new Cisco MNM session with the backup ID.

From the command line in a UNIX shell opened with the backup ID.

If You Reinstall Cisco VSPT with a Different Backup ID

If you reinstall Cisco VSPT and select a different backup ID, you must manually delete two files that are not automatically removed in reinstallation. (This is because the files are read-only and owned by root.)

Step 1 Log in as root.

Step 2 Change the directory using the following command:

# cd /var/opt/CSCOvsp27/logs/

Step 3 Delete these two files, now.log and testValidTFTP, using the following command:

# rm now.log
# rm testValidTFTP

Select a Backup Host

The backup host to which configurations are copied can be any of the following:

The same machine where Cisco MGC Node Manager is installed (and typically Cisco VSPT is also installed), referred to as the network management host

The same machine where Cisco VSPT is installed, if this is different from the Cisco MGC Node Manager machine, and if this is not a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch host

A separate machine used for backups

Note Using a Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch host as a backup host is not recommended and is specifically not supported if you are using SSH.

Enable TFTP on the Backup Host

Cisco VSPT uses TFTP as the transfer utility to transfer configuration files from the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch (or Cisco BAMS) to the backup host. Although UNIX systems include TFTP, by default it is not enabled. To be able to send configuration files to a backup host, you must first enable TFTP on that host.

Before you begin, be sure that you are using a Solaris or Solaris-like TFTP server. Unlike some TFTP servers, the Sun Solaris TFTP server allows a file to be written to the server using TFTP only if the file already exists on the system and is writable by the root user.

TFTP software that has the behavior of the Solaris TFTP software must be used (the file must exist and have write permissions by the root user before the TFTP transfer can be successful). This is because Cisco VSPT creates the file with root write permission before attempting to back up the file using TFTP. TFTP server implementations that require the file not to exist before the backup is attempted do not work.

To Enable TFTP

Step 1 In the file /etc/inetd.conf, uncomment this line:

tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot


#tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/in.tftpd in.tftpd -s /tftpboot

Step 2 Create the tftp user home directory:

# mkdir /tftpboot
# chown root /tftpboot
# chmod 777 /tftpboot 

Step 3 Restart inetd:

# ps -ef | grep inetd*
# kill -HUP <inetd-pid>

Step 4 Verify that TFTP is working:

# cp /etc/hosts /tftpboot/.
# cd /tmp
# tftp <machine-name>
tftp> get hosts

Enabling SSH on Cisco VSPT

SSH on Cisco VSPT is available on Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch Release 9.7(3) on a Solaris 10 platform. Use the following command to check if you have the SSH on Cisco VSPT installed:

# pkginfo | grep ssh

system      SUNWsshcu                        SSH Common, (Usr)
system      SUNWsshdr                        SSH Server, (Root)
system      SUNWsshdu                        SSH Server, (Usr)
system      SUNWsshr                         SSH Client and utilities, (Root)
system      SUNWsshu                         SSH Client and utilities, (Usr)

Note If you cannot see the above output, please use the Solaris CD to install the SSH.

If you want to enable root access to the Cisco VSPT via SSH, follow these steps:

Step 1 Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and change the value of the PermitRootLogin parameter from no to yes.

Step 2 Save your changes to this file.

Step 3 Identify the process ID of the sshd process by entering the following command:

ps -ef | grep ssh

Step 4 Restart the sshd process and activate your changes by entering the following command:

kill -l process_id

The process_id is the ssh process ID number identified in the previous step.

Installing and Updating FlexLM License Control

Installing FlexLM License Control

Cisco VSPT 2.7(3) supports the FlexLM license control. After the Cisco VSPT is installed, you must install licenses before starting the Cisco VSPT.

Obtaining FlexLM License File

There are two ways to obtain the FlexLM license file for Cisco VSPT 2.7(3).

If the Cisco VSPT is installed alone or with the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, you get the license file after the purchase of the Cisco MGC Node Manager with Cisco VSPT included.

Follow the steps below to obtain a license key file.

Step 1 Go to Cisco Product License Registration site at

Step 2 Fill in the Product Authorization Key (PAK). The PAK is provided on the Cisco EMF product CD sleeve.

Step 3 Click Submit.

Step 4 Verify that the product information shown on the screen is correct, and then click Continue.

Step 5 Select the version of the Cisco VSPT product you are licensing in the Version number field.

Step 6 Enter the hostname of the server where the Cisco VSPT product is installed. You can obtain the server's hostname by entering the hostname command at the server's command line prompt.

Note The server hostname must not include a period (.).

Step 7 Enter the host ID of the server where the Cisco VSPT product is installed. (The host ID is a hexadecimal string that identifies the system; it is not the IP address.) You can obtain the server's host ID by entering the hostid command at the server's command line prompt.

Step 8 Read the End-User License Agreement and select I Accept. You must accept to get a license.

Step 9 Verify the registrant information shown on the screen.

Step 10 Click Continue.

Step 11 Verify the summarized information and click Submit.
The license request is submitted. The Cisco VSPT license key file is returned to you as an e-mail attachment.

If the Cisco VSPT is installed with CMNM, the license file for Cisco VSPT is the same as the license file for Cisco EMF license. You can find the related information in the section, "Obtain a Cisco EMF License", in the Cisco Media Gateway Controller Node Manager Installation Guide, 2.7(3) at

Installing FlexLM License File

Perform the following command to install the license file:

# cp license.lic /opt/CSCOvsp27/config/licenses/

Updating FlexLM License Control

You need to update the license file when the old license file expires.

Because Cisco VSPT can be installed alone or installed with the CMNM or the Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, steps for updating FlexLM license control vary depending on different Cisco VSPT installation.

If the Cisco VSPT is installed alone or with Cisco PGW 2200 Softswitch, follow the steps below to update licenses:

Step 1 Stop the licenses server:

# /opt/CSCOvsp27/flexlm/avlm stop 

A list of running license managers is displayed if you have several running servers.

Step 2 Enter the number of the ATL license manager if you have several running servers.

Step 3 Get updated license file:

# cp license.lic /opt/CSCOvsp27/config/licenses/ 

If the Cisco VSPT is installed with CMNM, follow the steps below to update licenses:

Step 1 Stop the licenses server:

# /opt/CSCOvsp27/flexlm/avlm stop 

A list of running license managers is displayed if you have several running servers.

Step 2 Enter the number of the ATL license manager if you have several running servers.

Step 3 Get updated license file:

# cp license.lic /opt/CSCOvsp27/config/licenses/ 
# cp license.lic /opt/cemf/config/licenses/ 

Step 4 Restart the CEMF.

# /opt/cemf/bin/cemf stop 
# /opt/cemf/bin/cemf start 

Starting Cisco VSPT

See the "Starting Cisco VSPT" section.

Exiting Cisco VSPT

See the "Exiting Cisco VSPT" section.

Installing an Earlier Version of Cisco VSPT

Follow the procedure described in "Installing Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3)" section by selecting the version you want to install. You must install the base version before installing a patch.

Upgrading Cisco VSPT

To upgrade Cisco VSPT, you install the new version as described in the "Installing Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3)" section. Depending on the version you are upgrading from, you may need to take some steps beforehand:

Because two versions of Cisco VSPT (such as Cisco VSPT 2.6(1) and 2.7(3)) can exist on the same system, when you are upgrading, the older version is not automatically removed. If you do not want to use both versions, you can manually uninstall the older version. See the "Uninstalling Cisco VSPT" section. (However, keeping the old version is harmless.) Uninstall removes the software, but not the configuration data files.

If you want to use configuration files created in a previous version, you must copy them to the new version. Of course, the configuration will not include components new in the 9.7(3) release.

Uninstalling Cisco VSPT

Uninstalling an Earlier Version of Cisco VSPT

The uninstallation process removes the /var/opt/<CSCOvsp2x> directory (where 2x is the Cisco VSPT release, such as 27 for Release 2.7(3)) created by the installation process. If a directory contains a file that was not created during the installation process, it is not removed and is logged in the uninstall.log file. This might occur in the data and logs directories. All application data stored in the /var/opt/<CSCOvsp2x> directory is retained.

Note Since the uninstall directory and files are removed during uninstall, do not change to the /opt/CSCOvsp2x directory to run the uninstall script.

If you upgrade to Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3) and no longer need an earlier version, follow these procedures to uninstall the earlier version.

Step 1 Enter the following commands:

# su - root
# cd /
# /opt/CSCOvsp2x/uninstall/uninstall

Step 2 Proceed with the new Cisco VSPT software installation (see the "Installing Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3)" section).

Note If your next installation specifies a different backup ID, you must manually delete two files, now.log and testValidTFTP. See the "If You Reinstall Cisco VSPT with a Different Backup ID" section.

Uninstalling Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3)

Perform the following steps to uninstall Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3):

Step 1 Log in as root.

Step 2 Go to the root directory:

# cd /

Step 3 Uninstall Cisco VSPT Release 2.7(3) using the following command:

# /opt/CSCOvsp27/uninstall/uninstall 

Step 4 (Optional) If Cisco VSPT is installed with Cisco MNM, restart CEMF

# /opt/cemf/bin/cemf stop 
# /opt/cemf/bin/cemf start