- Preface
- Cisco ONS Documentation Roadmap for Release 9.6.x
- New and Changed Information
- Chapter 1, Install the Cisco ONS 15454, ONS 15454 M2, and ONS 15454 M6 Shelf
- Chapter 2, Connecting the PC and Logging into the GUI
- Chapter 3, Install the Control Cards
- Chapter 4, Setup Optical Service Channel Cards
- Chapter 5, Optical Amplifier Cards
- Chapter 6, Provision Multiplexer and Demultiplexer Cards
- Chapter 7, Setup Tunable Dispersion Compensating Units
- Chapter 8, Provision Protection Switching Module
- Chapter 9, Optical Add/Drop Cards
- Chapter 10, Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Cards
- Chapter 11, Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards
- Chapter 12, Node Reference
- Chapter 13, Network Reference
- Chapter 14, Turn Up a Node
- Chapter 15, Perform Node Acceptance Tests
- Chapter 16, Turn Up a Network
- Chapter 17, Create Optical Channel Circuits and Provisionable Patchcords
- Chapter 18, Monitor Performance
- Chapter 19, Manage the Node
- Chapter 20, Alarm and TCA Monitoring and Management
- Chapter 21, Change DWDM Card Settings
- Chapter 22, Manage Network Connectivity
- Chapter 23, Upgrade, Add, and Remove Cards and Nodes
- Chapter 24, Maintain the Node
- Chapter 25, Security Reference
- Chapter 26, Timing Reference
- Chapter 27, SNMP
- Appendix A, CTC Operation, Information, and Shortcuts
- Appendix B, Hardware Specifications
- Appendix C, Administrative and Service States
- Appendix D, Configure GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE Cards Using PCLI
- Appendix E, Pseudo Command Line Interface Reference
- Appendix F, Fiber and Connector Losses in Raman Link Configuration
- Appendix G, Card Features
- Appendix H, Network Element Defaults
Maintain the Node
This chapter provides procedures for maintaining the Cisco ONS 15454, including database backup and restoration, removing and replacing cards, viewing the ONS 15454 audit trail, and hardware maintenance procedures such as cleaning fibers, changing the fan tray filter, and other maintenance procedures.
Note The procedures and tasks described in this chapter for the Cisco ONS 15454 platform is applicable to the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 and Cisco ONS 15454 M6 platforms, unless noted otherwise.
Note Unless otherwise specified, “ONS 15454” refers to both ANSI and ETSI shelf assemblies.
Note In this chapter, “100G-LC-C card” refers to the 15454-M-100G-LC-C card. “10x10G-LC” refers to the 15454-M-10x10G-LC card. “CFP-LC” refers to the 15454-M-CFP-LC card.
Before You Begin
Before performing any of the following procedures, investigate all alarms and clear any trouble conditions. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide as necessary for general troubleshooting information and alarm or error descriptions.
This section lists the chapter procedures (NTPs). Turn to a procedure to view its tasks (DLPs).
1. G103 Back Up the Database—Complete as needed.
2. G104 Restore the Database—Complete as needed.
3. G105 Restore the Node to Factory Configuration—Complete as needed to clear the database and upload a blank database and the latest software.
4. G273 Change the System Mode—Complete as needed to change the Cisco ONS 15454 M2 or ONS 15454 M6 node software from ANSI to ETSI or vice-versa.
5. G133 View and Manage OSI Information—Complete as needed.
6. G106 Reset Cards Using CTC—Complete as needed to reset the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards and the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) cards.
7. G108 Viewing the Audit Trail Records—Complete as needed.
8. G109 Off-Load the Audit Trail Record—Complete as needed.
9. G110 Off-Load the Diagnostics File—Complete as needed.
10. G135 Edit Network Element Defaults—Complete as needed to edit the factory-configured (default) network element (NE) settings for the Cisco ONS 15454.
11. G136 Import Network Element Defaults—Complete as needed to import the factory-configured (default) NE settings for the Cisco ONS 15454.
12. G137 Export Network Element Defaults—Complete as needed to export the factory-configured (default) NE settings for the Cisco ONS 15454.
13. G166 View the Facilities—Complete as needed to view all facilities for the Cisco ONS 15454.
14. G119 Power Down the Node—Complete as needed to power down the node.
Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task at the node you want to back up. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Database tabs.
Step 4 Save the database on the workstation’s hard drive or on network storage. Use an appropriate file name with the DB file extension; for example, database.db.
Step 6 Click OK in the confirmation dialog box.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
This procedure restores the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card software database, either partially or completely. |
Note You must back up and restore the database for each node on a circuit path in order to maintain a complete circuit.
Note The following parameters are restored only when the Complete Database (System and Provisioning) checkbox is checked: node name, IP address, subnet mask and gateway, and IIOP port. If you change the node name and then restore a backed up database on this node, the circuits automatically map to the newly renamed node. It is recommended to keep a record of the old and new node names.
Step 1 Complete the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task at the node where you are restoring the database. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Circuits tab. Verify that no optical channel network connection (OCHNC) circuits have a PARTIAL_OOS state. If so, investigate and resolve the partial state before continuing.
Step 3 Complete the DLP-G157 Disable Automatic Power Control task
Step 4 In multishelf view (multishelf mode) or in node view (single-shelf mode), click the Maintenance > Database tabs.
Step 6 Locate the database file stored on the workstation hard drive or on network storage.
Note To clear all existing provisioning, locate and upload the database found on the latest ONS 15454 software CD.
Step 7 Click the database file to highlight it.
Step 8 Click Open. The DB Restore dialog box appears.
Step 9 If you need a complete database restore, check the Complete database (System and Provisioning) checkbox. Continue with Step 11.
Note Complete database restore may be used only on a node that is removed from the network, and does not carry live provisioning traffic. This operation needs to be done by a live operator onsite, and must not use a remote connection.
Step 10 If you need to restore only the provisioning database (partial restore), do not check the Complete database (System and Provisioning) checkbox.
The Restore Database dialog box monitors the file transfer.
Step 12 Wait for the file to complete the transfer to the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card.
Step 13 Click OK when the “Lost connection to node, changing to Network View” dialog box appears. Wait for the node to reconnect.
Step 14 Complete the DLP-G158 Enable Automatic Power Control task.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
Note During the database restore process, GMPLS circuits provisioned after the database was backed up may go into the partial state. When this occurs, delete and recreate the GMPLS circuits to revert to the discovered state.
NTP-G105 Restore the Node to Factory Configuration
Note The following parameters are not backed up and restored when you delete the database and restore the factory settings: node name, IP address, subnet mask and gateway, and IIOP port. If you change the node name and then restore a backed up database with a different node name, the circuits map to the new renamed node. Cisco recommends keeping a record of the old and new node names.
Note A node will remain locked in secure mode even if it is restored with the factory database. A node locked in secure mode can only be unlocked by Cisco Technical Support.
Step 1 If you need to install or replace one or more TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards, see the G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card. If you need to install one or more TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards, see the G604 Install the TNC, TNCE, TSC, or TSCE Card.
Step 2 If you are using Microsoft Windows, complete the G248 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (Windows).
Step 3 If you are using UNIX, complete the G249 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (UNIX).
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G248 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (Windows)
Note The ONS 14545 Software CD is if the Reinit.jar file, the CISCO 15454 package file, and the NE default file are not stored on your computer.
Note A node will remain locked in secure mode after the node’s database is deleted, even if it is restored with the factory database. A node locked in secure mode can only be unlocked by Cisco Technical Support.
Step 1 Insert the ONS 15454 System Software CD, Version 9.2, into the computer CD-ROM drive. If the CTC Installation Wizard appears, click Cancel.
Step 2 From the Windows Start menu, choose Run. In the Run dialog box, click Browse and navigate to the CISCO15454 or CISCO15454SDH folder on the software CD.
Step 3 In the Browse dialog box Files of Type field, choose All Files.
Step 4 Choose the RE-INIT.jar file and click Open. The NE Re-Initialization window appears.
Step 5 Complete the following fields:
- GNE IP—If the node you are reinitializing is accessed through another node configured as a gateway network element (GNE), enter the GNE IP address. If you have a direct connection to the node, leave this field blank.
- Node IP—Enter the node name or IP address of the node that you are reinitializing.
- User ID—Enter the user ID needed to access the node.
- Password—Enter the password for the user ID.
- Upload Package—Check this box to send the software package file to the node. If unchecked, the software stored on the node is not modified.
- Force Upload—Check this box to send the software package file to the node even if the node is running the same software version. If unchecked, reinitialization will not send the software package if the node is already running the same version.
- Activate/Revert—Check this box to activate the uploaded software (if the software is a later than the installed version) or revert to the uploaded software (if the software is earlier than the installed version) as soon as the software file is uploaded. If unchecked, the software is not activated or reverted after the upload, allowing you to initiate the functions later from the node view Maintenance > Software tab.
- Re-init Database—Check this box to send a new database to the node. (This is equivalent to the CTC database restore operation.) If unchecked, the node database is not modified.
- Confirm—Check this box if you want a warning message displayed before any operation is performed. If unchecked, reinitialization does not display a warning message.
- Search Path—Enter the path to the CISCO15454 folder on the CD drive.
Step 7 Review the information in the Confirm NE Re-Initialization dialog box, then click Yes to start the reinitialization.
The reinitialization begins. After the software is downloaded and activated, and the database is uploaded to the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards, “Complete” appears in the status bar, and the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards reboot. Wait a few minutes for the reboot to complete.
Step 8 After the reboot is complete, log into the node using the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task.
Step 9 Complete the G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information and the G26 Set Up CTC Network Access.
Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G249 Use the Reinitialization Tool to Clear the Database and Upload Software (UNIX)
Note A node will remain locked in secure mode after the node’s database is deleted, even if it is restored with the factory database. A node locked in secure mode can only be unlocked by Cisco Technical Support.
Step 1 Insert the system software CD containing the reinitialization tool, software, and defaults database into the computer CD-ROM drive. If the CTC Installation Wizard appears, click Cancel.
Step 2 To find the recovery tool file, go to the CISCO15454 directory on the CD (usually /cdrom/cdrom0/CISCO15454 or /cdrom/cdrom0/CISCO15454SDH).
Step 3 If you are using a file explorer, double-click the RE-INIT.jar file. If you are working with a command line, run java -jar RE-INIT.jar. The NE Re-Initialization window appears.
Step 4 Complete the following fields:
- GNE IP—If the node you are reinitializing is accessed through another node configured as a GNE, enter the GNE IP address. If you have a direct connection to the node, leave this field blank.
- Node IP—Enter the node name or IP address of the node that you are reinitializing.
- User ID—Enter the user ID needed to access the node.
- Password—Enter the password for the user ID.
- Upload Package—Check this box to send the software package file to the node. If unchecked, the software stored on the node is not modified.
- Force Upload—Check this box to send the software package file to the node even if the node is running the same software version. If unchecked, reinitialization will not send the software package if the node is already running the same version.
- Activate/Revert—Check this box to activate the uploaded software (if the software is a later than the installed version) or revert to the uploaded software (if the software is earlier than the installed version) as soon as the software file is uploaded. If unchecked, the software is not activated or reverted after the upload, allowing you to initiate the functions later from the node view Maintenance > Software tab.
- Re-init Database—Check this box to send a new database to the node. (This is equivalent to the CTC database restore operation.) If unchecked, the node database is not modified.
- Confirm—Check this box if you want a warning message displayed before any operation is performed. If unchecked, reinitialization does not display a warning message.
- Search Path—Enter the path to the CISCO15454 or CISCO15454SDH folder on the CD drive.
Step 6 Review the information in the Confirm NE Re-Initialization dialog box, then click Yes to start the reinitialization.
The reinitialization begins. After the software is downloaded and activated and the database is uploaded to the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards, “Complete” appears in the status bar and the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards will reboot. Wait a few minutes for the reboot to complete.
Step 7 After the reboot is complete, log into the node using the DLP-G46 Log into CTC task.
Step 8 Complete the G24 Set Up Name, Date, Time, and Contact Information and the G26 Set Up CTC Network Access.
Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G273 Change the System Mode
Step 1 (ONS 15454 M6 only) Ensure that the ONS 15454 M6 chassis is in simplex and standalone mode contains only one controller card (active TNC, TNCE, TSC, or TSCE card).
Step 2 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 3.
Step 3 In the node view, click the Provisioning > General > General tabs. The System Mode field displays the system mode as ANSI or ETSI.
Step 4 Click Change System Mode to toggle the system mode between ANSI and ETSI. Changing the system mode erases all the provisioned data and the system will revert to the factory default settings.
Step 5 Click Yes. The node reboots after the system mode change is completed. This takes about 5 minutes.
Step 6 Exit CTC. Click File > Exit menu option to exit CTC.
Step 7 Verify that the system mode has changed:
a. Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task on the ONS 15454 M2 or 15454 M6 chassis where you changed the system mode.
b. In the node view, click the Provisioning > General > General tabs. The System Mode field indicates if the system mode has changed.
Step 8 (ONS 15454 M6 only) Insert the standby controller card (TNC, TNCE, TSC, or TSCE card). This synchronizes the software from the active controller card to the standby controller card.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-G133 View and Manage OSI Information
Note Additional information about the ONS 15454 implementation of OSI is provided in “Chapter22, “Manage Network Connectivity”
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 Perform any of the following tasks as needed:
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
DLP-G298 View IS-IS Routing Information Base
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > OSI > IS-IS RIB tabs.
Step 2 View the following RIB information for Router 1:
- Subnet Type—Indicates the OSI subnetwork point of attachment type used to access the destination address. Subnet types include SDCC, LDCC, GCC, OSC, and LAN.
- Location—Indicates the OSI subnetwork point of attachment. For data communications channel (DCC) subnets, the slot and port are displayed. LAN subnets are shown as LAN.
- Destination Address—The destination Network Service Access Point (NSAP) of the IS.
- MAC Address—For destination NEs that are accessed by LAN subnets, the NE’s MAC address.
Step 3 If additional routers are enabled, you can view their RIBs by choosing the router number in the Router field and clicking Refresh.
Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G299 View ES-IS Routing Information Base
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > OSI > ES-IS RIB tabs.
Step 2 View the following RIB information for Router 1:
- Subnet Type—Indicates the OSI subnetwork point of attachment type used to access the destination address. Subnet types include SDCC, LDCC, GCC, OSC, and LAN.
- Location—Indicates the subnet interface. For DCC subnets, the slot and port are displayed. LAN subnets are shown as LAN.
- Destination Address—The destination IS NSAP.
- MAC Address—For destination NEs that are accessed by LAN subnets, the NE’s MAC address.
Step 3 If additional routers are enabled, you can view their RIBs by choosing the router number in the Router field and clicking Refresh.
Step 4 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G300 Manage the TARP Data Cache
This task allows you to view and manage the TARP data cache (TDC). The TDC facilitates TARP processing by storing a list of TID to NSAP mappings. |
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > OSI > TDC tabs.
Step 2 View the following TDC information:
– Dynamic—The entry was created through the TARP propagation process.
– Static—The entry was manually created and is a static entry.
Step 3 If you want to query the network for an NSAP that matches a TID, complete the following steps. Otherwise, continue with Step 4.
Note The TID to NSAP function is not available if the TDC is not enabled on the Provisioning > OSI > TARP subtab.
a. Click the TID to NSAP button.
b. In the TID to NSAP dialog box, enter the TID you want to map to an NSAP.
c. Click OK, then click OK in the information message box.
d. On the TDC tab, click Refresh.
If TARP finds the TID in its TDC, it returns the matching NSAP. If not, TARP sends protocol data units (PDUs) across the network. Replies will return to the TDC later, and a check TDC later message is displayed.
Step 4 If you want to delete all the dynamically generated TDC entries, click the Flush Dynamic Entries button. If not, continue with Step 5.
Step 5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G106 Reset Cards Using CTC
This procedure resets the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE and DWDM cards using CTC. |
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you are performing the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE reset. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 As needed, complete the G250 Reset the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE Card.
Step 3 As needed, complete the G251 Reset DWDM Cards Using CTC.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
This task resets the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card and switches the node to the redundant TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card. |
G33 Install the TCC2, TCC2P, or TCC3 Card |
Warning Do not reach into a vacant slot or chassis while you install or remove a module or a fan. Exposed circuitry could constitute an energy hazard. Statement 206
Note Before you reset the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card, you should wait at least 60 seconds after the last provisioning change you made to avoid losing any changes to the database.
Note The ONS 15454 M2 chassis do not have a redundant controller card.
Note (On ONS 15454 shelf) When a software reset is performed on an active TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3, the AIC-I card goes through an initialization process and also resets. The AIC-I card reset is normal and happens each time an active TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card goes through a software-initiated reset.
Step 1 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Alarms tab.
a. Verify that the alarm filter is not on. See the DLP-G128 Disable Alarm Filtering task as necessary.
b. Verify that no unexplained alarms appear on the network. If alarms appear, investigate and resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide for procedures.
Step 2 In node view, right-click the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card to reveal a shortcut menu.
Step 3 For TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 cards, click Reset Card to initiate a soft reset.
For TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE cards, click Soft-Reset Card to initiate a soft reset.
Note To initiate a hard reset on the TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card, right-click the card and click Hard-Reset Card when the card is in OOS-MT state. See Equipment Inventory for more information.
Step 4 Click Yes when the confirmation dialog box appears.
Step 5 Click Close when the “Lost connection to node, changing to Network View” dialog box appears.
Step 6 Return to node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode) and confirm that the TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3/TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card LED is amber (standby).
Step 7 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-G251 Reset DWDM Cards Using CTC
This task resets the OSCM, OSC-CSM, 32MUX-O, 40-MUX-C, 32DMX-O, 32DMX, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, 32WSS, 40-WSS-C, 40-WSS-CE, 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, TDC-CC, TDC-FC, OPT-BST, OPT-PRE, OPT-AMP-17-C, 40-WXC-C, 80-WXC-C, AD-xC.xx.x, AD-xB.xx.x, transponder (TXP), muxponder (MXP), and ADM-10G cards using CTC. |
G179 Install the TXP, MXP, AR_MXP, AR_XP, AR_XPE, 100G-LC-C, 10x10G-LC, CFP-LC, ADM-10G, and OTU2_XP Cards |
Warning Do not reach into a vacant slot or chassis while you install or remove a module or a fan. Exposed circuitry could constitute an energy hazard. Statement 206
Note ONS 15454 cards normally do not need to be reset. However, you might occasionally need to reset a card for testing or as an initial trouble-clearing step. For additional information, refer to the Cisco ONS 15454 DWDM Troubleshooting Guide.
Note A software reset of the TXP and MXP card leads to removal of PM data from the PM counters. As a result, the PM counters do not display any PM data.
Step 1 If you will switch an active TXP or MXP card that is in a Y-cable protection group, complete the DLP-G179 Apply a Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch task. If not, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 Right-click the card that you want to reset to reveal a shortcut menu.
Step 4 Click Yes when the confirmation dialog box appears.
The card LED on the ONS 15454 shelf graphic will go through the following sequence: Fail (white LED), Ldg (white LED), and Act (green LED). The reset should complete within 1 to 2 minutes.
Step 5 If you performed a Y-cable protection group switch in Step 1, complete the DLP-G180 Clear a Manual or Force Y-Cable or Splitter Protection Switch task. If not, continue with Step 6.
Step 6 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
NTP-G108 Viewing the Audit Trail Records
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you want to view the audit trail log. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Audit tabs.
A window containing the most recent audit trail records appears.
A definition of each column in the audit trail log is listed in Table 24-1 .
Date when the action occurred in the format MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss |
Left-click the column headings to display the list in ascending-to-descending or descending-to-ascending order.
Right-click the column heading to display the following options:
- Reset Sorting—Resets the column to the default setting.
- Hide Column—Hides the column from view.
- Sort Column—Sorts the table by the column’s values.
- Sort Column (incremental)—Sorts the table incrementally by multiple columns.
- Reset Columns Order/Visibility—Displays all hidden columns.
- Row Count—Provides a numerical count of log entries.
Shift-click the column heading for an incremental sort of the list.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-G109 Off-Load the Audit Trail Record
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you want to off-load the audit trail log. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click, click the Maintenance > Audit tabs.
Step 5 In the Archive Audit Trail dialog box, navigate to the directory (local or network) where you want to save the file.
Step 6 Enter a name in the File Name field.
You do not have to give the archive file a particular extension. It is readable in any application that supports text files, such as WordPad, Microsoft Word (imported), etc.
The 640 entries are saved in this file. The next entries continue with the next number in the sequence, rather than starting over.
Note Archiving does not delete entries from the CTC audit trail log. However, entries can be self-deleted by the system after the log maximum is reached. If you archived the entries, you cannot reimport the log file back into CTC and will have to view the log in a different application.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-G110 Off-Load the Diagnostics File
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you want to off-load the diagnostics file. If you are already logged in, continue with Step 2.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > Diagnostic tabs.
Step 3 Click Node Diagnostic Logs. The Node Diagnostics dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 In the Select a Filename for the Node Diagnostics Zip Archive dialog box, navigate to the directory (local or network) where you want to save the file.
Step 6 Enter a name in the File Name field.
You do not have to give the archive file a particular extension. It is a compressed file (.zip) that can be unzipped and read by Cisco Technical Support.
The status window shows a progress bar indicating the percentage of the file being saved.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-G135 Edit Network Element Defaults
Note For a list of NE defaults, see the “Network Element Defaults document.
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you want to edit NE defaults.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Defaults tabs. Wait for the Defaults selector frame to load the defaults. This could take several minutes.
Step 3 Under Defaults Selector, choose either a card (if editing card-level defaults) or NODE (if editing node-level defaults). Clicking on the node name (at the top of the Defaults Selector column) lists all available NE defaults (both node- and card-level) under Default Name.
Step 4 Locate a default that you want to change under Default Name.
Step 5 Click in the Default Value column for the default property that you are changing and either choose a value from the drop-down list (when available), or type in the desired new value.
Note If you click Reset before you click Apply, all values will return to their original settings.
Step 6 Click Apply (click in the Default Name column to activate the Apply button if it is unavailable). You can modify multiple default values before applying the changes.
A pencil icon will appear next to any default value that will be changed as a result of editing the defaults file.
Step 7 If you are modifying node-level defaults, a dialog box appears telling you that defaults were successfully applied to the node. Click Yes.
If you are modifying the IIOP Listener Port setting, a dialog box appears warning you that the node will reboot and asks if you want to continue. Click Yes.
Note Changes to most node defaults reprovision the node when you click Apply. Changes made to card settings using the Defaults Editor do not change the settings for cards that are already installed or slots that are preprovisioned for cards, but rather, change only cards that are installed or preprovisioned thereafter. To change settings for installed cards or preprovisioned slots, see Chapter21, “Change DWDM Card Settings” To change settings for transponder or muxponder cards see Chapter11, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”
Note Changing some NE defaults can cause CTC disconnection or a reboot of the node in order for the default to take effect. Before you change a default, view the Side Effects column of the Defaults editor (right-click a column header and select Show Column > Side Effects) and be prepared for the occurrence of any side effects listed for that default.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-G136 Import Network Element Defaults
Note For a list of NE defaults, refer to the “Network Element Defaults” document.
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you want to import NE defaults.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Defaults tabs.
Step 4 If the correct file name and location of the desired file do not appear in the Import Defaults from File dialog box, click Browse and browse to the file that you are importing.
Step 5 When the correct file name and location appear in the dialog box, click OK. If you are importing the factory defaults, the correct file name is 15454-defaults.txt for ANSI shelves and 15454SDH-defaults.txt for ETSI shelves.
A pencil icon will appear next to any default value that will be changed as a result of importing the new defaults file.
Step 7 If the imported file fails to pass all edits, the problem field shows the first encountered problem default value that must be fixed. Change the problem default value and click Apply. Repeat until the imported file passes all edits successfully.
Step 8 If you are modifying node-level defaults, a dialog box appears telling you that defaults were successfully applied to the node. Click Yes.
Step 9 If you are modifying the IIOP Listener Port setting, a dialog box appears warning you that the node will reboot and asks if you want to continue. Click Yes.
Note Changes to most node defaults reprovision the node when you click Apply. Changes made to card settings using the Defaults Editor do not change the settings for cards that are already installed or slots that are preprovisioned for cards, but rather, change only cards that are installed or preprovisioned thereafter. To change settings for installed cards or preprovisioned slots, seeChapter21, “Change DWDM Card Settings” To change settings for transponder or muxponder cards, see Chapter11, “Provision Transponder and Muxponder Cards”
Note Changing some NE defaults can cause CTC disconnection or a reboot of the node in order for the default to take effect. Before you change a default, view the Side Effects column of the Defaults editor (right-click a column header and select Show Column > Side Effects) and be prepared for the occurrence of any side effects listed for that default.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
NTP-G137 Export Network Element Defaults
This procedure exports the NE defaults using the NE Defaults editor. The exported defaults can be imported to other nodes. |
Note The defaults currently displayed are exported whether or not they have been applied to the current node.
Note The NE defaults can also be exported from the File > Export menu. These exported defaults are for reference only and cannot be imported.
Note For a list of NE defaults, refer to the “Network Element Defaults” document.
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you want to export NE defaults.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Defaults editor tabs.
Step 4 If the location where you want to export the file does not appear in the Export Defaults to File dialog box, click Browse and browse to the location.
Step 5 Change the file name to something that is easy to remember (the file name has no extension).
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
This procedure displays DWDM facility information for all facilities in a node (single-shelf mode), shelf view (multishelf mode), or multishelf node (multishelf mode). |
Step 1 Complete the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task at the node where you want to view DWDM facilities.
Step 2 In node view (single-shelf mode), shelf view (multishelf mode), or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Maintenance > DWDM> All Facilities tabs.
- Marked—Displays a check mark if you have designated the facility for logical grouping. To mark a facility to group it with others, go to Step 3.
- Location—Displays the slot number, slot type, port number, and port type of the facility.
- Admin State—Displays the administrative state of the facility.
- Service State—Displays the service state of the facility.
- Power—Displays the power level of the facility.
Step 3 To mark certain facilities to group during column sorting, click the desired row and click Mark. A check mark appears in the Marked column. Click the Marked column header to group all of the checked facilities in ascending order. Click the Marked header again to sort in descending order.
Step 4 To sort the facilities by the Location, Admin State, Service State, or Power columns in ascending order, click on the desired column header. Click the column header again to sort in descending order.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.
Warning Do not reach into a vacant slot or chassis while you install or remove a module or a fan. Exposed circuitry could constitute an energy hazard. Statement 206
Note Always use the supplied ESD wristband when working with the Cisco ONS 15454. Plug the wristband into the ESD jack located on the fan-tray assembly or on the lower right outside edge of the shelf on the NEBS 3 shelf assembly. To access the ESD plug on the NEBS 3 shelf assembly, open the front door of the Cisco ONS 15454. The front door is grounded to prevent electrical shock. For detailed instructions on how to wear the ESD wristband, see the Electrostatic Discharge and Grounding Guide for Cisco CPT and Cisco ONS Platforms.
Note The CTC views referenced in this procedure depend on the mode. For more information about CTC views, see CTC Operation, Information, and Shortcuts.
Step 1 Identify the node that you want to power down. If no cards are installed, go to Step 20. If cards are installed, log into the node. See the “DLP-G46 Log into CTC” task for instructions.
Step 2 Choose Go to Network View from the View menu.
Step 3 Verify that the node is not connected to a network.
a. If the node is part of a Software R4.7 or later dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) configuration, see the NTP-G130 Remove a DWDM Node and continue with Step 4.
b. If the node is not connected to a working network and the current configurations are no longer required, proceed to Step 4.
Note Before the power-down of a DWDM node, the fiber spans connected around it must be disconnected from the network. This is to prevent the accidental disconnection of wavelengths that pass through the shelf. A good indication that the shelf has been disconnected from the network is optical service channel (OSC) alarms, or no OSC channels provisioned.
Note Current configurations will be saved if Steps 4 to 20 are skipped.
Step 4 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Circuits tab and verify that no circuits appear, then proceed to Step 5. If circuits appear, delete all the circuits that originate or terminate in the node. Complete the “G106 Delete Optical Channel Network Connections” section, the “G347 Delete Optical Channel Client Connections” section, or the “G112 Delete Overhead Circuits” section as needed.
Note When deleting circuits from a node, make sure that the node is not connected to any network.
Step 5 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Protection tabs and delete all protection groups:
a. Click the protection group that needs to be deleted and click Delete.
Repeat until no protection groups appear.
Step 6 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click the Provisioning > Comm Channels tabs and delete all communications channel terminations:
a. Click the section data communications channel (SDCC), line data communications channel (LDCC), generic communications channel (GCC), link management protocol (LMP), provisionable (external) patchcords (PPC), or OSC termination that needs to be deleted and click Delete.
Repeat until no SDCC, LDCC, GCC, or OSC terminations are present.
Step 7 Before deleting any installed DWDM cards, the optical sides and the optical patchcords must be deleted. In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Optical Side tabs.
a. Select all the connections and click Delete.
Repeat until no optical sides and the optical patchcords are present.
Step 8 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Internal Patchcords tabs.
a. Select all the connections and click Delete.
Repeat until no internal patchcords are present.
Step 9 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Provisioning tabs and delete all the ANS parameters.
a. Select all the ANS parameters and click Remove. The Network Type parameter cannot be deleted.
Step 10 In node view (single-shelf mode) or multishelf view (multishelf mode), click Provisioning > WDM-ANS > Passive Cards tabs, and delete all the passive cards.
a. Click the passive card you want to delete.
b. Click Delete, then click Yes.
Step 11 Repeat Step a and Step b for each installed passive card.
Step 12 For each installed channel-bearing card (AD-1C-xx.x, AD-2C-xx.x, and AD-4C-xx.x, where xx.x refers to the specific wavelengths), make sure all lines and bands are not in IS-NR (ANSI) or Unlocked-Enabled (ETSI) service state:
a. In card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.
b. In the Admin State column for each line, make sure that the default state IS, AINS (ANSI), or Unlocked,automaticInservice (ETSI) is selected.
c. Click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs.
d. In the Admin State column for each line, make sure that the default state IS, AINS (ANSI), or Unlocked,automaticInservice (ETSI) is selected.
Step 13 For each installed DWDM band-bearing card (AD-1B-xx.x and AD-4B-xx.x, where xx.x refers to the specific wavelengths), make sure all lines and bands are not in the IS-NR (ANSI) or Unlocked-Enabled (ETSI) service state:
a. In card view, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.
b. In the Admin State column for each line, make sure that the default state IS, AINS (ANSI), or Unlocked,automaticInservice (ETSI) is selected.
c. Click the Provisioning > Optical Band > Parameters tabs.
d. In the Admin State column for each line, make sure that the default state IS, AINS (ANSI), or Unlocked,automaticInservice (ETSI) is selected.
Step 14 For each installed transponder (TXP), muxponder (MXP), multiplexer, demultiplexer, amplifier, OSC-CSM, OSCM, wavelength switch, or single module ROADM card (32MUX-O, 32DMX-0, 32DMX, 32WSS, 4MD-xx.x, 40-WSS-C, 40-WSS-CE, 40-WXC-C, 80-WXC-C, 40-DMX-C, 40-DMX-CE, 40-MUX-C, TDC-CC, TDC-FC, 40-SMR1-C, 40-SMR2-C, OPT-BST, OPT-PRE, TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, TXP_MR_2.5G, TXPP_MR_2.5G, 40E-TXP-C, 40ME-TXP-C, MXP_2.5G_10G, MXP_2.5G_10E, MXP_MR_2.5G, MXPP_MR_2.5G, 40G-MXP-C, 40E-MXP-C, 40ME-MXP-C, 100G-LC-C, 10x10G-LC, CFP-LC, GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, 10GE_XPE, or ADM-10G), make sure all lines are not in the IS-NR (ANSI) or Unlocked-enabled (ETSI) service state:
a. In card view, click the appropriate tab depending on the card:
- For MXP_2.5G, MXP_2.5G_10G, TXP_MR_10G, TXP_MR_10E, click the Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs if the card was provisioned for a SONET payload, or the Provisioning > Line > SDH tabs if the card was provisioned for an SDH payload.
- For TXP_MR_2.5G, TXPP_MR_2.5G, and MXPP_MR_2.5G cards, click the Provisioning > Line > SONET tabs.
- For MXP_2.5G_10E cards, click the Provisioning > Line > Trunk tabs.
- For MXP_MR_2.5G cards, click the Provisioning > Line > Client tabs.
- For ADM-10G, OTU2_XP, 40E-TXP-C, 40ME-TXP-C, 40G-MXP-C, 40E-MXP-C, 40ME-MXP-C, 100G-LC-C, 10x10G-LC, and CFP-LC cards, click the Provisioning > Line > Ports tabs.
- For 32MUX-O, 32DMX-0, 32DMX, 32WSS, 40MUX, 40DMUX-C, TDC-CC, TDC-FC, OPT-BST, OPT-PRE cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.
- For 32DMX, 32DMX-O, 40-DMX-C, 40-MUX-C, 40-DMX-CE, 4MD cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Chn > Parameters tabs.
- For 40-WSS-C/40-WSS-CE cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Chn: Optical Connector x > Parameters tabs.
- For 40-WXC-C cards, click the Provisioning > WXC Line > Parameters tabs.
- For 40-DMX-C, 40-MUX-C, and 40-DMX-CE cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.
- For 4MD-xx.x cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Band > Parameters tabs.
- For GE_XP, 10GE_XP, GE_XPE, and 10GE_XPE cards, click the Provisioning > Ether Ports > Ports tabs.
- For OPT-BST and OPT-PRE cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Ampli Line > Parameters tabs.
- For the 40-SMR1-C and 40-SMR2-C cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs and Provisioning > Opt. Ampli. Line > Parameters tabs.
- For OSC-CSM and OSCM cards, click the Provisioning > Optical Line > Parameters tabs.
- For ADM_10G cards, click the Provisioning > Line > Ports tabs.
b. In the Admin State column for each line, make sure that the default state IS, AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInservice (ETSI) is selected.
c. Repeat Steps a and b for each installed DWDM card.
Note Ports are put in service when circuits are provisioned, and put out of service when circuits are deleted. When circuits are deleted the Admin State displays as IS, AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked,automaticInservice (ETSI) and the Service State displays OOS-AU,AINS (ANSI) or Unlocked-disabled,automaticInService (ETSI).
Step 15 Remove all fiber connections to the cards.
Step 16 In node view (single-shelf mode) or shelf view (multishelf mode), right-click an installed card and click Delete.
Step 18 After you have deleted the card, open the card ejectors and remove it from the node.
Step 19 Repeat Step 15 through Step 18 for each installed card.
Note You cannot delete a TCC2/TCC2P/TCC3 card in Cisco Transport Controller (CTC). Physically remove it after all the other cards have been deleted and removed.
Note (On 15454 M2 and 15454 M6) You cannot delete an active TNC/TNCE/TSC/TSCE card in Cisco Transport Controller (CTC). Physically remove it after all the other cards have been deleted and removed.
Step 20 Shut off the power from the power supply that feeds the node.
Step 21 Disconnect the node from its external fuse source.
Step 22 Store all of the cards that you removed and update inventory records according to local site practice.
Stop. You have completed this procedure.