Table Of Contents
Administrative Tasks for the Sensor
Creating a Banner Login
Terminating CLI Sessions
Modifying Terminal Properties
Displaying Events
Clearing Events from the Event Store
System Clock
Displaying the System Clock
Manually Setting the Clock
Clearing the Denied Attackers List
Displaying Statistics
Displaying Tech Support Information
Displaying Version Information
Directing Output to a Serial Connection
Diagnosing Network Connectivity
Resetting the Appliance
Displaying Command History
Displaying Hardware Inventory
Tracing the Route of an IP Packet
Displaying Submode Settings
Administrative Tasks for the Sensor
This chapter contains procedures that will help you with the administrative aspects of your sensor. It contains the following sections:
Creating a Banner Login
Terminating CLI Sessions
Modifying Terminal Properties
System Clock
Clearing the Denied Attackers List
Displaying Statistics
Displaying Tech Support Information
Displaying Version Information
Directing Output to a Serial Connection
Diagnosing Network Connectivity
Resetting the Appliance
Displaying Command History
Displaying Hardware Inventory
Tracing the Route of an IP Packet
Displaying Submode Settings
Creating a Banner Login
Use the banner login command to create a banner login that will be displayed before the user and password login prompts. The maximum message length is 2500 characters. Use the no banner login command to remove the banner.
To create a banner login, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
Enter global configuration mode:
sensor# configure terminal
Step 3
Create the banner login:
sensor(config)# banner login
Step 4
Type your message:
Banner[]: This message will be displayed on banner login. ^M Thank you
To use a ? or a carriage return in the message, press Ctrl-V-? or Ctrl-V-Enter. They are represented by ^M.
Example of a completed banner login:
This message will be displayed on login.
Step 5
To remove the banner login:
sensor(config)# no banner login
The banner no longer appears at login.
Terminating CLI Sessions
Use the clear line cli-id [message] command to terminate another CLI session. If you use the message keyword, you can send a message along with the termination request to the receiving user. The maximum message length is 2500 characters.
The following options apply:
cli-id—CLI ID number associated with the login session. Use the show users command to find the CLI ID number.
message—Message to send to the receiving user.
Caution ![](../../../../../../../i/templates/blank.gif)
You can only clear CLI login sessions with the
clear line command. You cannot clear service logins with this command.
If an administrator tries to log in when the maximum sessions have been reached, the following message appears:
Error: The maximum allowed CLI sessions are currently open, would you like to terminate
one of the open sessions? [no]
If an operator or viewer tries to log in when the maximum sessions are open, the following message appears:
Error: The maximum allowed CLI sessions are currently open, please try again later.
To terminate a CLI session, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
Find the CLI ID number associated with the login session:
* 13533 jtaylor administrator
Step 3
Terminate the CLI session of jsmith:
sensor# clear line cli_id message
sensor# clear line 15689 message
Message{}: Sorry! I need to terminate your session.
Step 4
The user jsmith receives the following message from the administrator jtaylor:
*** Termination request from jtaylor
Sorry! I need to terminate your session.
Modifying Terminal Properties
Use the terminal [length] screen length command to modify terminal properties for a login session. The screen length option lets you set the number of lines that appear on the screen before the --more--
prompt is displayed. A value of zero results in no pause in the output. The default value is 24 lines.
You are not required to specify the screen length for some types of terminal sessions because the specified screen length can be learned by some remote hosts.
To modify the terminal properties, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
To have no pause between multi-screen outputs, use 0 for the screen length value:
sensor# terminal length 0
The screen length values are not saved between login sessions.
Step 3
To have the CLI pause and display the --more--
prompt every 10 lines, use 10 for the screen length value:
sensor# terminal length 10
This section describes how to display and clear events from the Event Store, and contains the following topics:
Displaying Events
Clearing Events from the Event Store
Displaying Events
Use the show events [{[alert [informational] [low] [medium] [high] [include-traits traits] [exclude-traits traits]] | error [warning] [error] [fatal] | NAC | status}] [hh:mm:ss [month day [year]] | past hh:mm:ss] command to display events from the Event Store.
Events are displayed beginning at the start time. If you do not specify a start time, events are displayed beginning at the current time. If you do not specify an event type, all events are displayed.
Events are displayed as a live feed until you cancel the request by pressing Ctrl-C.
The following options apply:
alert—Displays alerts. Provides notification of some suspicious activity that may indicate an attack is in process or has been attempted.
If no level is selected (informational, low, medium, or high), all alert events are displayed.
include-traits—Displays alerts that have the specified traits.
exclude-traits—Does not display alerts that have the specified traits.
traits—Trait bit position in decimal (0 to 15).
error—Displays error events. Error events are generated by services when error conditions are encountered.
NAC—Displays Network Access Controller (block) requests.
status—Displays status events.
past—Displays events starting in the past for the specified hours, minutes, and seconds.
hh:mm:ss—Hours, minutes, and seconds in the past to begin the display.
The show events command waits until a specified event is available. It continues to wait and display events until you exit by pressing Ctrl-C.
To display events from the Event Store, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Display all events starting now:
evError: eventId=1041472274774840147 severity=warning vendor=Cisco
time: 2003/01/07 04:41:45 2003/01/07 04:41:45 UTC
errorMessage: name=errWarning received fatal alert: certificate_unknown
evError: eventId=1041472274774840148 severity=error vendor=Cisco
time: 2003/01/07 04:41:45 2003/01/07 04:41:45 UTC
errorMessage: name=errTransport WebSession::sessionTask(6) TLS connection exce
ption: handshake incomplete.
The feed continues showing all events until you press Ctrl-C.
Step 3
Display the block requests beginning at 10:00 a.m. on February 9, 2005:
sensor#@ show events NAC 10:00:00 Feb 9 2005
evShunRqst: eventId=1106837332219222281 vendor=Cisco
appName: NetworkAccessControllerApp
time: 2005/02/09 10:33:31 2004/08/09 13:13:31
host: connectionShun=false
protocol: numericType=0 other
evAlertRef: hostId=esendHost 123456789012345678
Step 4
Display errors with the warning level starting at 10:00 a.m. February 9 2005:
sensor# show events error warning 10:00:00 Feb 9 2005
evError: eventId=1041472274774840197 severity=warning vendor=Cisco
time: 2003/01/07 04:49:25 2003/01/07 04:49:25 UTC
errorMessage: name=errWarning received fatal alert: certificate_unknown
Step 5
Display alerts from the past 45 seconds:
sensor# show events alert past 00:00:45
evIdsAlert: eventId=1109695939102805307 severity=medium vendor=Cisco
time: 2005/03/02 14:15:59 2005/03/02 14:15:59 UTC
signature: description=Nachi Worm ICMP Echo Request id=2156 version=S54
addr: locality=OUT
addr: locality=OUT
evIdsAlert: eventId=1109695939102805308 severity=medium vendor=Cisco
Step 6
Display events that began 30 seconds in the past:
sensor# show events past 00:00:30
evStatus: eventId=1041526834774829055 vendor=Cisco
time: 2003/01/08 02:41:00 2003/01/08 02:41:00 UTC
controlTransaction: command=getVersion successful=true
description: Control transaction response.
evStatus: eventId=1041526834774829056 vendor=Cisco
time: 2003/01/08 02:41:00 2003/01/08 02:41:00 UTC
description: session opened for user cisco by cisco(uid=0)
Clearing Events from the Event Store
Use the clear events command to clear Event Store.
To clear events from Event Store, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
Clear Event Store:
Warning: Executing this command will remove all events currently stored in the event
Step 3
Type yes to clear the events.
System Clock
This section explains how to display and manually set the system clock. It contains the following topics:
Displaying the System Clock
Manually Setting the Clock
Displaying the System Clock
Use the show clock [detail] command to display the system clock. You can use the detail option to indicate the clock source (NTP or system) and the current summertime setting (if any).
The system clock keeps an authoritative flag that indicates whether the time is authoritative (believed to be accurate). If the system clock has been set by a timing source, such as NTP, the flag is set.
Time is not authoritative.
Time is authoritative.
Time is authoritative, but NTP is not synchronized.
To display the system clock, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Display the system clock:
22:39:21 UTC Sat Jan 25 2003
Step 3
Display the system clock with details:
sensor# show clock detail
22:39:21 CST Sat Jan 25 2003
Summer time starts 02:00:00 CST Sun Apr 7 2004
Summer time ends 02:00:00 CDT Sun Oct 27 2004
This indicates that the sensor is getting its time from NTP and that is configured and synchronized.
sensor# show clock detail
*12:19:22 CST Sat Dec 04 2004
Summer time starts 02:00:00 CST Sun Apr 7 2004
Summer time ends 02:00:00 CDT Sun Oct 27 2004
This indicates that no time source is configured.
Manually Setting the Clock
Use the clock set hh:mm [:ss] month day year command to manually set the clock on the appliance. Use this command if no other time sources are available.
You do not need to set the system clock if your sensor is synchronized by a valid outside timing mechanism such as an NTP clock source.
For the procedure for configuring NTP, see Configuring NTP. For an explanation of the importance of having a valid time source for the sensor, see Time Sources and the Sensor. For an explanation of what to do if you set the clock incorrectly, see Correcting Time on the Sensor.
The clock set command does not apply to the following platforms:
To manually set the clock on the appliance, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
Set the clock manually:
sensor# clock set 13:21 July 29 2004
The time format is 24-hour time.
Clearing the Denied Attackers List
Use the clear denied-attackers command in service event action rules submode to delete the denied attackers list and clear the virtual sensor statistics.
If your sensor is configured to operate in inline mode, the traffic is passing through the sensor. You can configure signatures to deny packets, connections, and attackers while in inline mode, which means that single packets, connections, and specific attackers will be denied, that is, not transmitted, when the sensor encounters them.
When the signature fires, the attacker is denied and placed in a list. As part of sensor administration, you may want to delete the list or clear the statistics in the list.
To delete the list of denied attackers and clear the statistics, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
Display the list of denied IP addresses:
sensor# show statistics denied-attackers
Denied Attackers and hit count for each.
The statistics show that there are two IP addresses being denied at this time.
Step 3
Delete the denied attackers list:
sensor# clear denied-attackers
Warning: Executing this command will delete all addresses from the list of
attackers currently being denied by the sensor.
Continue with clear? [yes]:
Step 4
Type yes to clear the list.
Step 5
Verify that you have cleared the list:
sensor# show statistics virtual-sensor
Virtual Sensor Statistics
Statistics for Virtual Sensor vs0
Name of current Signature-Definition instance = sig0
Name of current Event-Action-Rules instance = rules0
List of interfaces monitored by this virtual sensor = mypair
Denied Address Information
Number of Active Denied Attackers = 0
Number of Denied Attackers Inserted = 2
Number of Denied Attackers Total Hits = 287
Number of times max-denied-attackers limited creation of new entry = 0
Number of exec Clear commands during uptime = 1
Denied Attackers and hit count for each.
There is no longer any information under the Denied Attackers and hit count for each category
Step 6
To clear only the statistics:
sensor# show statistics virtual-sensor clear
Step 7
Verify that you have cleared the statistics:
JWK-4255# show statistics virtual-sensor
Virtual Sensor Statistics
Statistics for Virtual Sensor vs0
Name of current Signature-Definition instance = sig0
Name of current Event-Action-Rules instance = rules0
List of interfaces monitored by this virtual sensor = mypair
Denied Address Information
Number of Active Denied Attackers = 2
Number of Denied Attackers Inserted = 0
Number of Denied Attackers Total Hits = 0
Number of times max-denied-attackers limited creation of new entry = 0
Number of exec Clear commands during uptime = 1
Denied Attackers and hit count for each.
The statistics have all been cleared except for the Number of Active Denied Attackers and Number of exec Clear commands during uptime categories. It is important to know if the list has been cleared.
Displaying Statistics
Use the show statistics virtual-sensor [clear] command to display the statistics for the virtual sensor. Use the show statistics [analysis-engine | authentication | denied-attackers | event-server | event-store | host | logger | network-access | notification | sdee-server | transaction-server | transaction-source | web-server] [clear] command to generate statistics for each of the sensor applications.
The clear option is not available for the analysis engine, host, or network access applications.
To display statistics for the sensor, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Display the statistics for the virtual sensor:
sensor# show statistics virtual-sensor
Virtual Sensor Statistics
Statistics for Virtual Sensor vs0
Name of current Signature-Definition instance = sig0
Name of current Event-Action-Rules instance = rules0
List of interfaces monitored by this virtual sensor = fe0_1
General Statistics for this Virtual Sensor
Number of seconds since a reset of the statistics = 1675
Measure of the level of resource utilization = 0
Total packets processed since reset = 241
Total IP packets processed since reset = 12
Total packets that were not IP processed since reset = 229
Total TCP packets processed since reset = 0
Total UDP packets processed since reset = 0
Total ICMP packets processed since reset = 12
Total packets that were not TCP, UDP, or ICMP processed since reset = 0
Total ARP packets processed since reset = 0
Total ISL encapsulated packets processed since reset = 0
Total 802.1q encapsulated packets processed since reset = 0
Total packets with bad IP checksums processed since reset = 0
Total packets with bad layer 4 checksums processed since reset = 0
Total number of bytes processed since reset = 22513
The rate of packets per second since reset = 0
The rate of bytes per second since reset = 13
The average bytes per packet since reset = 93
Denied Address Information
Number of Active Denied Attackers = 0
Number of Denied Attackers Inserted = 0
Number of Denied Attackers Total Hits = 0
Number of times max-denied-attackers limited creation of new entry = 0
Number of exec Clear commands during uptime = 0
Denied Attackers and hit count for each.
The Signature Database Statistics.
The Number of each type of node active in the system (can not be reset)
TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
UDP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
IP nodes keyed on both IP addresses = 0
The number of each type of node inserted since reset
Total nodes inserted = 28
TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
UDP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
IP nodes keyed on both IP addresses = 6
The rate of nodes per second for each time since reset
TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports per second = 0
UDP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports per second = 0
IP nodes keyed on both IP addresses per second = 0
The number of root nodes forced to expire because of memory constraints
TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
Fragment Reassembly Unit Statistics for this Virtual Sensor
Number of fragments currently in FRU = 0
Number of datagrams currently in FRU = 0
Number of fragments received since reset = 0
Number of fragments forwarded since reset = 0
Number of fragments dropped since last reset = 0
Number of fragments modified since last reset = 0
Number of complete datagrams reassembled since last reset = 0
Fragments hitting too many fragments condition since last reset = 0
Number of overlapping fragments since last reset = 0
Number of Datagrams too big since last reset = 0
Number of overwriting fragments since last reset = 0
Number of Initial fragment missing since last reset = 0
Fragments hitting the max partial dgrams limit since last reset = 0
Fragments too small since last reset = 0
Too many fragments per dgram limit since last reset = 0
Number of datagram reassembly timeout since last reset = 0
Too many fragments claiming to be the last since last reset = 0
Fragments with bad fragment flags since last reset = 0
TCP Normalizer stage statistics
Dropped packets from queue = 0
Dropped packets due to deny-connection = 0
Current Streams Closed = 0
Current Streams Closing = 0
Current Streams Embryonic = 0
Current Streams Established = 0
Current Streams Denied = 0
Statistics for the TCP Stream Reassembly Unit
Current Statistics for the TCP Stream Reassembly Unit
TCP streams currently in the embryonic state = 0
TCP streams currently in the established state = 0
TCP streams currently in the closing state = 0
TCP streams currently in the system = 0
TCP Packets currently queued for reassembly = 0
Cumulative Statistics for the TCP Stream Reassembly Unit since reset
TCP streams that have been tracked since last reset = 0
TCP streams that had a gap in the sequence jumped = 0
TCP streams that was abandoned due to a gap in the sequence = 0
TCP packets that arrived out of sequence order for their stream = 0
TCP packets that arrived out of state order for their stream = 0
The rate of TCP connections tracked per second since reset = 0
SigEvent Preliminary Stage Statistics
Number of Alerts received = 491
Number of Alerts Consumed by AlertInterval = 0
Number of Alerts Consumed by Event Count = 0
Number of FireOnce First Alerts = 6
Number of FireOnce Intermediate Alerts = 480
Number of Summary First Alerts = 0
Number of Summary Intermediate Alerts = 0
Number of Regular Summary Final Alerts = 0
Number of Global Summary Final Alerts = 0
Number of Alerts Output for further processing = 491
SigEvent Action Override Stage Statistics
Number of Alerts received to Action Override Processor = 0
Number of Alerts where an override was applied = 0
deny-connection-inline = 0
produce-verbose-alert = 0
request-block-connection = 0
SigEvent Action Filter Stage Statistics
Number of Alerts received to Action Filter Processor = 0
Number of Alerts where an action was filtered = 0
Number of Filter Line matches = 0
deny-connection-inline = 0
produce-verbose-alert = 0
request-block-connection = 0
SigEvent Action Handling Stage Statistics.
Number of Alerts received to Action Handling Processor = 491
Number of Alerts where produceAlert was forced = 0
Number of Alerts where produceAlert was off = 0
deny-connection-inline = 0
produce-verbose-alert = 0
request-block-connection = 0
Deny Actions Requested in Promiscuous Mode
deny-packet not performed = 0
deny-connection not performed = 0
deny-attacker not performed = 0
modify-packet not performed = 0
Number of Alerts where deny-connection was forced for deny-packet action = 0
Number of Alerts where deny-packet was forced for non-TCP deny-connection action
= 0
Per-Signature SigEvent count since reset
Step 3
Display the statistics for AnalysisEngine:
sensor# show statistics analysis-engine
Analysis Engine Statistics
Number of seconds since service started = 1999
Measure of the level of current resource utilization = 0
Measure of the level of maximum resource utilization = 0
The rate of TCP connections tracked per second = 0
The rate of packets per second = 0
The rate of bytes per second = 13
Total number of packets processed since reset = 290
Total number of IP packets processed since reset = 12
Total number of packets transmitted = 290
Total number of packets denied = 0
Total number of packets reset = 0
Fragment Reassembly Unit Statistics
Number of fragments currently in FRU = 0
Number of datagrams currently in FRU = 0
TCP Stream Reassembly Unit Statistics
TCP streams currently in the embryonic state = 0
TCP streams currently in the established state = 0
TCP streams currently in the closing state = 0
TCP streams currently in the system = 0
TCP Packets currently queued for reassembly = 0
The Signature Database Statistics.
TCP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
UDP nodes keyed on both IP addresses and both ports = 0
IP nodes keyed on both IP addresses = 0
Statistics for Signature Events
Number of SigEvents since reset = 491
Statistics for Actions executed on a SigEvent
Number of Alerts written to the IdsEventStore = 11
Step 4
Display the statistics for authentication:
sensor# show statistics authentication
totalAuthenticationAttempts = 2
failedAuthenticationAttempts = 0
Step 5
Display the statistics for the denied attackers in the system:
sensor# show statistics denied-attackers
Denied Attackers and hit count for each.
Step 6
Display the statistics for Event Server:
sensor# show statistics event-server
Step 7
Display the statistics for Event Store:
sensor# show statistics event-store
General information about the event store
The current number of open subscriptions = 2
The number of events lost by subscriptions and queries = 0
The number of queries issued = 0
The number of times the event store circular buffer has wrapped = 0
Number of events of each type currently stored
Log transaction events = 0
Error events, warning = 67
Alert events, informational = 60
Alert events, medium = 60
Step 8
Display the statistics for the host:
sensor# show statistics host
Last Change To Host Config (UTC) = 16:11:05 Thu Feb 10 2005
Command Control Port Device = FastEthernet0/0
fe0_0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0B:46:53:06:AA
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:1001522 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:469569 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:57547021 (54.8 MiB) TX bytes:63832557 (60.8 MiB)
Interrupt:9 Base address:0xf400 Memory:c0000000-c0000038
Usage over last 5 seconds = 0
Usage over last minute = 1
Usage over last 5 minutes = 1
Memory usage (bytes) = 500498432
Memory free (bytes) = 894976032
lastDirectoryReadAttempt = N/A
lastDownloadAttempt = N/A
Step 9
Display the statistics for the logging application:
sensor# show statistics logger
The number of Log interprocessor FIFO overruns = 0
The number of syslog messages received = 11
The number of <evError> events written to the event store by severity
The number of log messages written to the message log by severity
Step 10
Display the stat its tics for Network Access Controller:
sensor# show statistics network-access
LogAllBlockEventsAndSensors = true
MaxDeviceInterfaces = 250
Communications = ssh-3des
InterfaceName = ethernet0/1
InterfacePostBlock = Post_Acl_Test
InterfaceName = ethernet0/1
InterfacePreBlock = Pre_Acl_Test
InterfacePostBlock = Post_Acl_Test
InterfacePreBlock = Pre_Acl_Test
InterfacePostBlock = Post_Acl_Test
AclSupport = Does not use ACLs
AclSupport = Does not use ACLs
AclSupport = Does not use ACLs
AclSupport = uses Named ACLs
Step 11
Display the statistics for the notification application:
sensor# show statistics notification
Number of SNMP set requests = 0
Number of SNMP get requests = 0
Number of error traps sent = 0
Number of alert traps sent = 0
Step 12
Display the statistics for the SDEE server:
sensor# show statistics sdee-server
Blocked Subscriptions = 0
Maximum Available Subscriptions = 5
Maximum Events Per Retrieval = 500
Step 13
Display the statistics for the transaction server:
sensor# show statistics transaction-server
totalControlTransactions = 35
failedControlTransactions = 0
Step 14
Display the statistics for the transaction source:
sensor# show statistics transaction-source
totalControlTransactions = 0
failedControlTransactions = 0
Step 15
Display the statistics for Web Server:
sensor# show statistics web-server
number of server session requests handled = 61
number of server session requests rejected = 0
total HTTP requests handled = 35
maximum number of session objects allowed = 40
number of idle allocated session objects = 10
number of busy allocated session objects = 0
crypto library version = 6.0.3
Step 16
To clear the statistics for an application, for example, logger:
sensor# show statistics logger clear
The number of Log interprocessor FIFO overruns = 0
The number of syslog messages received = 141
The number of <evError> events written to the event store by severity
The number of log messages written to the message log by severity
The statistics were retrieved and cleared.
Step 17
Verify that the statistics have been cleared:
sensor# show statistics logger
The number of Log interprocessor FIFO overruns = 0
The number of syslog messages received = 0
The number of <evError> events written to the event store by severity
The number of log messages written to the message log by severity
The statistics all begin from 0.
Displaying Tech Support Information
Use the show tech-support [page] [password] [destination-url destination-url] command to display system information on the screen or have it sent to a specific URL. You can use the information as a troubleshooting tool with TAC.
The following parameters are optional:
page—Displays the output, one page of information at a time.
Press Enter to display the next line of output or use the spacebar to display the next page of information.
password—Leaves passwords and other security information in the output.
destination-url—Indicates the information should be formatted as HTML and sent to the destination that follows this command. If you use this keyword, the output is not displayed on the screen.
destination-url—Indicates the information should be formatted as HTML. The URL specifies where the information should be sent. If you do not use this keyword, the information is displayed on the screen.
To display tech support information, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
View the output on the screen:
sensor# show tech-support page
The system information appears on the screen, one page at a time. Press the spacebar to view the next page or press Ctrl-C to return to the prompt.
Step 3
To send the output (in HTML format) to a file, follow these steps:
Type the following command, followed by a valid destination:
sensor# show tech-support destination-url destination-url
You can specify the following destination types:
ftp:—Destination URL for FTP network server. The syntax for this prefix is ftp:[[//username@location]/relativeDirectory]/filename
or ftp:[[//username@location]//absoluteDirectory]/filename
scp:—Destination URL for the SCP network server. The syntax for this prefix is scp:[[//username@]location]/relativeDirectory]/filename
or scp:[[//username@]location]//absoluteDirectory]/filename
For example, to send the tech support output to the file /absolute/reports/sensor1Report.html
sensor# show tech support dest
The password:
prompt appears.
Type the password for this user account.
The Generating report:
message is displayed.
Displaying Version Information
Use the show version command to display version information for all installed operating system packages, signature packages, and IPS processes running on the system. To view the configuration for the entire system, use the more current-config command.
To display the version and configuration, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
View version information:
The following examples show sample version output for the appliance and the NM-CIDS.
Sample version output for the appliance:
Cisco Intrusion Prevention System, Version 5.0(0.29)S135.0
OS Version 2.4.26-IDS-smp-bigphys
Serial Number: JAB0815R017
Sensor up-time is 5 days.
Using 722145280 out of 3974291456 bytes of available memory (18% usage)
system is using 17.3M out of 29.0M bytes of available disk space (59% usage)
application-data is using 36.3M out of 166.8M bytes of available disk space (23% usage)
boot is using 39.4M out of 68.6M bytes of available disk space (61% usage)
MainApp 2005_Feb_18_03.00 (Release) 2005-02-18T03:13:47-0600 Running
AnalysisEngine 2005_Feb_18_03.00 (Release) 2005-02-18T03:13:47-0600 Running
CLI 2005_Feb_18_03.00 (Release) 2005-02-18T03:13:47-0600
IDS-K9-maj-5.0-0.29-S91-0.29-.pkg 03:00:00 UTC Mon Feb 16 2004
Recovery Partition Version 1.1 - 5.0(0.29)S91(0.29)
Sample version output for NM-CIDS:
Cisco Intrusion Prevention System, Version 5.0(0.27)S129.0
OS Version 2.4.26-IDS-smp-bigphys
Serial Number: JAD06490681
Using 485675008 out of 509448192 bytes of available memory (95% usage)
system is using 17.3M out of 29.0M bytes of available disk space (59% usage)
application-data is using 31.1M out of 166.8M bytes of available disk space (20% usage)
boot is using 39.5M out of 68.6M bytes of available disk space (61% usage)
application-log is using 529.6M out of 2.8G bytes of available disk space (20% usage)
MainApp 2005_Feb_09_03.00 (Release) 2005-02-09T03:22:27-0600 Running
AnalysisEngine 2005_Feb_09_03.00 (Release) 2005-02-09T03:22:27-0600 Running
CLI 2005_Feb_09_03.00 (Release) 2005-02-09T03:22:27-0600
IDS-K9-maj-5.0-0.27-S91-0.27-.pkg 03:00:00 UTC Thu Feb 05 2004
Recovery Partition Version 1.1 - 5.0(0.27)S91(0.27)
If the —-MORE-—
prompt is displayed, press the spacebar to see more information or Ctrl-C to cancel the output and get back to the CLI prompt.
Step 3
View configuration information:
You can use the more current-config or show configuration commands.
sensor# more current-config
! ------------------------------
! Current configuration last modified Wed Feb 16 03:20:54 2005
! ------------------------------
! ------------------------------
! ------------------------------
! ------------------------------
service event-action-rules rules0
! ------------------------------
login-banner-text This message will be displayed on banner login.
Directing Output to a Serial Connection
Use the display-serial command to direct all output to a serial connection. This lets you view system messages on a remote console (using the serial port) during the boot process. The local console is not available as long as this option is enabled. Use the no display-serial command to reset the output to the local terminal.
Caution ![](../../../../../../../i/templates/blank.gif)
If you are connected to the serial port, you will not get any feedback until Linux has fully booted and enabled support for the serial connection.
The display-serial command does not apply to the following platforms:
IPS- 4240
To direct output to the serial port, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
Direct the output to the serial port:
sensor# configure terminal
sensor(config)# display-serial
The default is not to direct the output to a serial connection.
Step 3
Reset the output to the local console:
sensor(config)# no display-serial
Diagnosing Network Connectivity
Use the ping ip-address [count] command to diagnose basic network connectivity.
Caution ![](../../../../../../../i/templates/blank.gif)
No command interrupt is available for this command. It must run to completion.
To diagnose basic network connectivity, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Ping the address you are interested in:
sensor# ping ip-address count
The count is the number of echo requests to send. If you do not specify a number, 4 requests are sent. The range is 1 to 10,000.
Example of a successful ping:
sensor# ping 6
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=61 time=0.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=61 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=61 time=0.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=61 time=0.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=61 time=0.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=61 time=0.2 ms
--- ping statistics ---
6 packets transmitted, 6 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.1/0.1/0.3 ms
Example of an unsuccessful ping:
sensor# ping 3
PING ( 56 data bytes
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
Resetting the Appliance
Use the reset [powerdown] command to gracefully shut down the applications running on the appliance and to reboot the appliance. You can include the powerdown option to power off the appliance, if possible, or to have the appliance left in a state where the power can be turned off.
To reset the modules, see the individual procedures: Resetting IDSM-2, Shutting Down, Reloading, and Resetting NM-CIDS, and Reloading, Shutting Down, Resetting, and Recovering AIP-SSM.
Shut down (stopping the applications) begins immediately after you execute the command. Shutdown can take a while, and you can still access CLI commands while it is taking place, but the session will be terminated without warning.
To reset the appliance, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI using an account with administrator privileges.
Step 2
To stop all applications and reboot the appliance, follow these steps. Otherwise, to power down the appliance, go to Step 4.
Warning: Executing this command will stop all applications and reboot the node.
Step 3
Type yes to continue the reset:
Step 4
To stop all applications and power down the appliance:
Warning: Executing this command will stop all applications and power off the node if
possible. If the node can not be powered off it will be left in a state that is safe to
manually power down.
Step 5
Type yes to continue with the reset and powerdown:
Displaying Command History
Use the show history command to obtain a list of the commands you have entered in the current menu. The maximum number of commands in the list is 50.
To obtain a list of the commands you have used recently, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Show the history of the commands you have used in EXEC mode:
Step 3
Show the history of the commands you have used in network access mode:
sensor# configure terminal
sensor (config)# service network-access
sensor (config-net)# show history
show settings | include profile-name|ip-address
Displaying Hardware Inventory
Use the show inventory command to display PEP information. This command displays the UDI information that consists of the PID, the VID, and the SN of your sensor.
PEP information provides an easy way to obtain the hardware version and serial number through the CLI.
The show inventory command does not apply to the following platforms:
To display PEP information, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Display the PEP information:
Name: "Chassis", DESCR: "IPS 4255 Intrusion Prevention Sensor"
PID: IPS-4255-K9, VID: V01 , SN: JAB0815R017
Name: "Power Supply", DESCR: ""
PID: ASA-180W-PWR-AC, VID: V01 , SN: 123456789AB
Name: "Module", DESCR: "ASA 5500 Series Security Services Module-20"
PID: AIP-SSM-20, VID: V01 , SN: JAB0815R036
sensor-4240# show inventory
Name: "Chassis", DESCR: "IPS 4240 Appliance Sensor"
PID: IPS-4240-K9, VID: V01 , SN: P3000000653
You can use this information when dealing with the TAC.
Tracing the Route of an IP Packet
Use the trace ip_address count command to display the route an IP packet takes to a destination. The ip_address option is the address of the system to trace the route to. The count option lets you define how many hops you want to take. The default is 4. The valid values are 1 to 256.
Caution ![](../../../../../../../i/templates/blank.gif)
There is no command interrupt available for this command. It must run to completion.
To trace the route of an IP packet, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Display the route of IP packet you are interested in:
traceroute to (, 4 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 0.267 ms 0.262 ms 0.236 ms
2 ( 0.24 ms * 0.399 ms
3 * ( 0.424 ms *
4 ( 0.408 ms * 0.406 ms
Step 3
To have the route take more hops than the default of 4, use the count option:
traceroute to (, 8 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ( 0.35 ms 0.261 ms 0.238 ms
2 ( 0.36 ms * 0.344 ms
3 * ( 0.465 ms *
4 ( 0.319 ms * 0.442 ms
5 * ( 0.304 ms *
6 ( 0.527 ms * 0.402 ms
7 * ( 0.39 ms *
8 ( 0.37 ms * 0.486 ms
Displaying Submode Settings
Use the show settings [terse] command in any submode to view the contents of the current configuration.
To display the current configuration settings for a submode, follow these steps:
Step 1
Log in to the CLI.
Step 2
Show the current configuration for Network Access Controller submode:
sensor# configure terminal
sensor (config)# service network-access
sensor (config-net)# show settings
log-all-block-events-and-errors: true <defaulted>
enable-nvram-write: false <defaulted>
enable-acl-logging: false <defaulted>
allow-sensor-block: false <defaulted>
block-enable: true <defaulted>
block-max-entries: 250 <defaulted>
max-interfaces: 250 default: 250
master-blocking-sensors (min: 0, max: 100, current: 0)
never-block-hosts (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
never-block-networks (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
block-hosts (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
block-networks (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
user-profiles (min: 0, max: 250, current: 11)
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
username: netrangr default:
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
enable-password: <hidden>
cat6k-devices (min: 0, max: 250, current: 1)
communication: telnet default: ssh-3des
nat-address: <defaulted>
block-vlans (min: 0, max: 100, current: 1)
pre-vacl-name: <defaulted>
post-vacl-name: <defaulted>
router-devices (min: 0, max: 250, current: 1)
communication: telnet default: ssh-3des
nat-address: <defaulted>
block-interfaces (min: 0, max: 100, current: 1)
pre-acl-name: <defaulted>
post-acl-name: <defaulted>
firewall-devices (min: 0, max: 250, current: 2)
communication: telnet default: ssh-3des
nat-address: <defaulted>
communication: ssh-3des <defaulted>
nat-address: <defaulted>
Step 3
Show the Network Access Controller settings in terse mode:
sensor(config-net)# show settings terse
log-all-block-events-and-errors: true <defaulted>
enable-nvram-write: false <defaulted>
enable-acl-logging: false <defaulted>
allow-sensor-block: false <defaulted>
block-enable: true <defaulted>
block-max-entries: 250 <defaulted>
max-interfaces: 250 default: 250
master-blocking-sensors (min: 0, max: 100, current: 0)
never-block-hosts (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
never-block-networks (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
block-hosts (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
block-networks (min: 0, max: 250, current: 0)
user-profiles (min: 0, max: 250, current: 11)
cat6k-devices (min: 0, max: 250, current: 1)
router-devices (min: 0, max: 250, current: 1)
firewall-devices (min: 0, max: 250, current: 2)
Step 4
You can use the include keyword to show settings in a filtered output, for example, to show only profile names and IP addresses in the Network Access Controller configuration:
sensor(config-net)# show settings | include profile-name|ip-address