- show cfs
- show debug npv
- show device-alias
- show fabric-binding
- show fc2
- show fc-port-security
- show fcalias
- show fcdomain
- show fcdroplatency
- show fcflow stats
- show fcid-allocation
- show fcns database
- show fcns statistics
- show fcoe
- show fcoe-npv issu-impact
- show fcoe database
- show fcroute
- show fcs
- show fcsp
- show fctimer
- show fdmi
- show fex
- show flogi
- show fspf
- show in-order-guarantee
- show interface fcoe
- show interface san-port-channel
- show interface vfc
- show lldp
- show loadbalancing
- show npv flogi-table
- show npv status
- show npv traffic-map
- show port index-allocation
- show rlir
- show rscn
- show running-config fcoe_mgr
- show running-config interface san-port-channel
- show san-port-channel
- show scsi-target
- show startup-config fcoe_mgr
- show tech-support fcoe
- show topology
- show trunk protocol
- show vlan fcoe
- show vsan
- show wwn
- show zone
- show zone analysis
- show zoneset
Show Commands
This chapter describes the Cisco NX-OS Fibre Channel, virtual Fibre Channel, and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) show commands.
show cfs
To display Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) information, use the show cfs command.
show cfs {application [name app-name] | lock [name app-name [vsan vsan-id]] | merge status [name app-name [vsan vsan-id]] | peers [name app-name [vsan vsan-id]] | regions | status}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The show cfs application command displays only those applications that are registered with CFS. Conditional services that use CFS do not appear in the output unless those services are running.
This example shows how to display the CFS physical peer information for all applications:
switch# show cfs peers
This example shows how to display the CFS information for all applications on the switch:
switch# show cfs application
This example shows how to display the status of the CFS distribution:
switch# show cfs status
Related Commands
cfs |
Configures Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) information. |
show debug npv
To display the N Port Virtualization (NPV) debug commands configured on the switch, use the show debug npv command.
show debug npv
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The show debug npv command is available only when the switch is in NPV mode.
This example shows how to display all the NPV debug commands available on the switch:
switch# show debug npv
Related Commands
debug npv |
Enables the debugging of NPV configurations. |
show device-alias
To display the device name information, use the show device-alias command.
show device-alias {database | merge status | name device-name [pending] | pending | pending-diff | pwwn pwwn-id [pending] | session status | statistics | status}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To use fcaliases as device names instead of using the cryptic device name, add only one member per fcalias.
This example shows how to display the contents of the device alias database:
switch# show device-alias database
This example shows how to display all global fcaliases and all Virtual SAN (VSAN) dependent fcaliases:
switch# show device-alias name efg
This example shows how to display all global fcaliases and all VSAN dependent fcaliases:
switch# show device-alias statistics
Related Commands
device-alias name |
Configures device alias names. |
device-alias database |
Configures device alias information. |
device-alias distribute |
Enables device alias CFS distribution. |
show fabric-binding
To display configured fabric binding information, use the show fabric-binding command.
show fabric-binding {database [active] [vsan vsan-id] | efmd statistics [vsan vsan-id] | statistics [vsan vsan-id] | status [vsan vsan-id] | violations [last number]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configured fabric binding database information:
switch# show fabric-binding database
This example shows how to display the active fabric binding information:
switch# show fabric-binding database active
This example shows how to display the active VSAN-specific fabric binding information:
switch# show fabric-binding database active vsan 61
This example shows how to display the configured VSAN-specific fabric binding information:
switch# show fabric-binding database vsan 4
This example shows how to display the fabric binding statistics:
switch# show fabric-binding statistics
This example shows how to display the fabric binding status for each VSAN:
switch# show fabric-binding status
This example shows how to display the EFMD statistics:
switch# show fabric-binding efmd statistics
This example shows how to display the EFMD statistics for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fabric-binding efmd statistics vsan 4
This example shows how to display the fabric binding violations:
switch# show fabric-binding violations
Related Commands
fabric-binding |
Configures fabric binding in a VSAN. |
show fc2
To display FC2 information, use the show fc2 command.
show fc2 {bind | classf | exchange | exchresp | flogi | nport | plogi | plogi_pwwn | port [brief] | socket | sockexch | socknotify | socknport | vsan}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FC2 active socket information:
switch# show fc2 socket
This example shows how to display the FC2 socket binding information:
switch# show fc2 bind
This example shows how to display the FC2 local N port information:
switch# show fc2 nport
This example shows how to display the FC2 PLOGI session information:
switch# show fc2 plogi
This example shows how to display the FC2 physical port information:
switch# show fc2 port
This example shows how to display the FC2 local N port PLOGI notifications for each socket:
switch# show fc2 socknotify
This example shows how to display the FC2 local N ports for each socket:
switch# show fc2 socknport
This example shows how to display the FC2 VSAN table:
switch# show fc2 vsan
show fc-port-security
To display configured port security feature information, use the show fc-port-security command.
show fc-port-security {database [active [vsan vsan-id]] | fwwn fwwn-id vsan vsan-id | interface {fc slot/port | san-port-channel port} vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id | pending [vsan vsan-id] | pending-diff [vsan vsan-id] | session status [vsan vsan-id] | statistics [vsan vsan-id] | status [vsan vsan-id] | violations [last count | vsan vsan-id]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The access information for each port can be individually displayed. If you specify the fabric world wide name (fWWN) or interface options, all devices that are paired in the active database (at that point) with the given fWWN or the interface are displayed.
When you enter the show fc-port-security command with the last number option, only the specified number of entries that appear first are displayed.
This example shows how to display the contents of the port security database:
switch# show fc-port-security database
This example shows how to display the output of the active port security database in VSAN 1:
switch# show fc-port-security database vsan 1
This example shows how to display the active database:
switch# show fc-port-security database active
This example shows how to display the wildcard fWWN port security in VSAN 1:
switch# show fc-port-security database fwwn 20:85:00:44:22:00:4a:9e vsan 1
This example shows how to display the configured fWWN port security in VSAN 1:
switch# show fc-port-security database fwwn 20:01:00:05:30:00:95:de vsan 1
This example shows how to display the interface port information in VSAN 2:
switch# show fc-port-security database interface fc 2/1 vsan 2
This example shows how to display the port security statistics:
switch# show fc-port-security statistics
This example shows how to display the status of the active database and the autolearn configuration:
switch# show fc-port-security status
This example shows how to display the previous 100 violations:
switch# show fc-port-security violations
Related Commands
fc-port-security |
Configures port security parameters. |
show fcalias
To display the member name information in a Fibre Channel alias (fcalias), use the show fcalias command.
show fcalias [name fcalias-name] [pending] [vsan vsan-id]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Displays a list of all global fcaliases and all VSAN-dependent fcaliases.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
To make use of fcaliases as device names instead of using the cryptic device name, add only one member per fcalias.
This example shows how to display the fcalias configuration information:
switch# show fcalias vsan 1
Related Commands
fcalias name |
Configures fcalias names. |
show fcdomain
To display the Fibre Channel domain (fcdomain) information, use the show fcdomain command.
show fcdomain [address-allocation [cache] | allowed | domain-list | fcid persistent [unused] | pending [vsan vsan-id] | pending-diff [vsan vsan-id] | session-status [vsan vsan-id] | statistics [interface {fc slot/port [vsan vsan-id] } | san-port-channel port [vsan vsan-id]] | status | vsan vsan-id]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
When you enter the show fcdomain with no arguments, all VSANs appear. The VSANs should be active or you will get an error.
This example shows how to display the fcdomain information for VSAN 1:
switch# show fcdomain vsan 1
This example shows how to display the fcdomain domain-list information for VSAN 76:
switch# show fcdomain domain-list vsan 76
Number of domains: 3
Domain ID WWN
--------- -----------------------
0xc8(200) 20:01:00:05:30:00:47:df [Principal]
0x63(99) 20:01:00:0d:ec:08:60:c1 [Local]
0x61(97) 50:00:53:0f:ff:f0:10:06 [Virtual (IVR)]
Table 1 describes the significant fields shown in the show fcdomain domain-list command output.
This example shows how to display the allowed domain ID lists:
switch# show fcdomain allowed vsan 1
This example shows how to display the status of the CFS distribution for allowed domain ID lists:
switch# show fcdomain status
This example shows how to display the pending configuration changes:
switch# show fcdomain pending vsan 10
This example shows how to display the differences between the pending configuration and the current configuration:
switch# show fcdomain pending-diff vsan 10
This example shows how to display the status of the distribution session:
switch# show fcdomain session-status vsan 1
Related Commands
fcdomain |
Configures the Fibre Channel domain feature. |
show fcdroplatency
To display the configured Fibre Channel latency parameters, use the show fcdroplatency command.
show fcdroplatency [network | switch]
Syntax Description
network |
(Optional) Displays the network latency in milliseconds. |
switch |
(Optional) Displays the switch latency in milliseconds. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configured Fibre Channel latency parameters:
switch# show fcdroplatency
Related Commands
fcdroplatency |
Configures the network and switch Fibre Channel drop latency time. |
show fcflow stats
To display the configured Fibre Channel flow (fcflow) information, use the show fcflow stats command.
show fcflow stats [aggregated | usage] [index flow-index]
Syntax Description
aggregated |
(Optional) Displays aggregated fcflow statistics. |
usage |
(Optional) Displays flow index usage. |
index flow-index |
(Optional) Specifies an fcflow index. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the aggregated fcflow details:
switch# show fcflow stats aggregated
This example shows how to display the fcflow details:
switch# show fcflow stats
This example shows how to display the fcflow index usage:
switch# show fcflow stats usage
Related Commands
fcflow stats |
Configures fcflow statistics. |
show fcid-allocation
To display the Fibre Channel area list of company IDs, use the show fcid allocation command.
show fcid-allocation area | company-id-from-wwn wwn [company-id]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the Fibre Channel area company list of company IDs:
switch# show fcid-allocation area
Fcid area allocation company id info:
00:32:23 +
Total company ids: 7
+ - Additional user configured company ids.
* - Explicitly deleted company ids from default list.
Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
+ |
Indicates a company ID added to the default list. |
- |
Indicates a company ID deleted from the default list. |
Related Commands
fcid-allocation |
Adds a FCID to the default area company ID list. |
show fcns database
To display the results of the discovery, or to display the name server database for a specified Virtual SAN (VSAN) or for all VSANs, use the show fcns database command.
show fcns database {detail [vsan vsan-id] | domain domain-id [detail] [vsan vsan-range] | fcid fcid-id [detail] vsan vsan-range | local [detail] [vsan vsan-range] | vsan vsan-id}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The discovery can take several minutes to complete, especially if the fabric is large or if several devices are slow to respond.
Virtual enclosure ports can be viewed using the show fcns database command.
This example shows how to display the contents of the FCNS database:
switch# show fcns database
This example shows how to display the detailed contents of the FCNS database:
switch# show fcns database detail
This example shows how to display the management VSAN (VSAN 2):
switch# show fcns database vsan 2
This example shows how to display the database for all configured VSANs:
switch# show fcns database
Related Commands
fcns |
Specifies the configuration mode command for name server configuration. |
show fcns statistics
To display the statistical information for a specified Virtual SAN (VSAN) or for all VSANs, use the show fcns statistics command.
show fcns statistics [detail] [vsan vsan-id]
Syntax Description
detail |
(Optional) Displays detailed statistics. |
vsan vsan-id |
(Optional) Displays statistics for the specified VSAN ID. The range is from 1 to 4093. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the statistical information for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fcns statistics
Related Commands
fcns |
Specifies the configuration mode command for name server configuration. |
show fcoe
To display the status of Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) parameters on the switch, use the show fcoe command.
show fcoe
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FCoE status:
switch# show fcoe
Global FCF details
FCF-MAC is 00:0d:ec:a3:9d:80
FC-MAP is 0e:fc:00
FCF Priority is 128
FKA Advertisement period for FCF is 8 seconds
Related Commands
show fcoe-npv issu-impact
To display the configuration issues caused by the Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) N-Port Virtualizer (NPV) during a nondisruptive in-service software upgrade (ISSU), use the show fcoe-npv issu-impact command.
show fcoe-npv issu-impact
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
5.0(3)N2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Before you use this command, make sure that you enable Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) N-Port Virtualizer (NPV) on the switch by using the feature fcoe-npv command.
This command requires the FCoE NPV license.
This example shows how to display the configuration issues caused by the FCoE NPV feature:
switch# show fcoe-npv issu-impact
show fcoe-npv issu-impact
Please make sure to enable "disable-fka" on all logged in VFCs
Please increase the FKA duration to 60 seconds on FCF
Active VNP ports with no disable-fka set
ISSU downgrade not supported as feature fcoe-npv is enabled
Related Commands
show fcoe database
To display information about the Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) database, use the show fcoe database command.
show fcoe database
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FCoE database:
switch# show fcoe database
vfc1 0x580016 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:45 00:00:00:13:05:01
vfc1 0x580017 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:bf 00:00:00:13:05:01
vfc2 0x580020 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:46 00:00:00:13:05:02
vfc2 0x580033 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c0 00:00:00:13:05:02
vfc4 0x58001e 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:48 00:00:00:13:05:04
vfc4 0x580031 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c2 00:00:00:13:05:04
vfc5 0x58001d 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:49 00:00:00:13:05:05
vfc5 0x580030 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c3 00:00:00:13:05:05
vfc6 0x58001c 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:4a 00:00:00:13:05:06
vfc6 0x58002f 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c4 00:00:00:13:05:06
vfc7 0x58001b 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:4b 00:00:00:13:05:07
vfc7 0x58002e 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c5 00:00:00:13:05:07
vfc8 0x58001a 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:4c 00:00:00:13:05:08
vfc8 0x58002d 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c6 00:00:00:13:05:08
vfc9 0x580019 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:4d 00:00:00:13:05:09
vfc9 0x58002c 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c7 00:00:00:13:05:09
vfc10 0x580018 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:4e 00:00:00:13:05:0a
vfc10 0x58002a 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c8 00:00:00:13:05:0a
vfc11 0x580023 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:4f 00:00:00:13:05:0b
vfc11 0x580036 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c9 00:00:00:13:05:0b
vfc12 0x580022 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:50 00:00:00:13:05:0c
vfc12 0x580035 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:ca 00:00:00:13:05:0c
vfc13 0x580021 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:51 00:00:00:13:05:0d
vfc13 0x580034 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:cb 00:00:00:13:05:0d
vfc14 0x58002b 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:52 00:00:00:13:05:0e
vfc14 0x58003d 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:cc 00:00:00:13:05:0e
vfc15 0x580029 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:53 00:00:00:13:05:0f
vfc15 0x58003c 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:cd 00:00:00:13:05:0f
vfc16 0x580028 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:54 00:00:00:13:05:10
vfc16 0x58003b 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:ce 00:00:00:13:05:10
vfc17 0x580027 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:55 00:00:00:13:05:11
vfc17 0x580039 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:cf 00:00:00:13:05:11
vfc18 0x580026 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:56 00:00:00:13:05:12
vfc18 0x58003a 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:d0 00:00:00:13:05:12
vfc19 0x580025 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:57 00:00:00:13:05:13
vfc19 0x580038 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:d1 00:00:00:13:05:13
vfc20 0x580024 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:58 00:00:00:13:05:14
Related Commands
show fcroute
To view specific information about existing Fibre Channel and Fabric Shortest Path First (FSPF) configurations, use the show fcroute command.
show fcroute {distance | label [label] vsan vsan-id | multicast [fc-id vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id] | summary [vsan vsan-id] | unicast [[host] fc-id fc-mask vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
When the number of routes are displayed in the command output, both visible and hidden routes are included in the total number of routes.
This example shows how to display the administrative distance:
switch# show fcroute distance
This example shows how to display the multicast routing information:
switch# show fcroute multicast
This example shows how to display the FCID information for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fcroute multicast vsan 3
This example shows how to display the FCID and interface information for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fcroute multicast 0xffffff vsan 2
This example shows how to display the unicast routing information:
switch# show fcroute unicast
This example shows how to display the unicast routing information for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fcroute unicast vsan 4
This example shows how to display the unicast routing information for a specified FCID:
switch# show fcroute unicast 0x040101 0xffffff vsan 4
This example shows how to display the route database information:
switch# show fcroute summary
This example shows how to display the route database information for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fcroute summary vsan 4
Related Commands
fcroute |
Configures Fibre Channel routes and activates policy routing. |
show fcs
To display the status of the fabric configuration, use the show fcs commands.
show fcs {database [vsan vsan-id] | ie [nwwn wwn | vsan vsan-id] | platform {name string | vsan vsan-id} | port {pwwn wwn | vsan vsan-id} | statistics vsan vsan-id | vsan}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FCS database information:
switch# show fcs database
This example shows how to display the interconnect element object information for a specific VSAN:
switch# show fcs ie vsan 1
This example shows how to display the interconnect element object information for a specific WWN:
switch# show fcs ie nwwn 20:01:00:05:30:00:16:df vsan 1
This example shows how to display the platform information:
switch# show fcs platform name SamplePlatform vsan 1
This example shows how display to the platform information within a specified VSAN:
switch# show fcs platform vsan 1
This example shows how to display the FCS port information within a specified VSAN:
switch# show fcs port vsan 24
This example shows how to display the ports within a specified WWN:
switch# show fcs port pwwn 20:51:00:05:30:00:16:de vsan 24
This example shows how to display the FCS statistics:
switch# show fcs statistics
Related Commands
fcs |
Configures FCS platform attributes. |
show fcsp
To display the status of the Fibre Channel Security Protocol (FC-SP) configuration, use the show fcsp commands.
show fcsp [asciiwwn ascii-wwn | dhchap [database] | interface {fc slot/port | vfc vfc-id} [statistics | wwn]]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the DHCHAP configurations in FC interfaces:
switch# show fcsp interface fc2/3
This example shows how to display the DHCHAP statistics for an FC interface:
switch# show fcsp interface fc2/3 statistics
This example shows how to display the FC-SP WWN of the device connected through a specified interface:
switch# show fcsp interface fc 2/1 wwn
This example shows how to display the hash algorithm and DHCHAP groups configured for the local switch:
switch# show fcsp dhchap
This example shows how to display the DHCHAP local password database:
switch# show fcsp dhchap database
This example shows how to display the ASCII representation of the device WWN:
switch# show fcsp asciiwwn 30:11:bb:cc:dd:33:11:22
Related Commands
fcsp enable |
Enables the FC-SP feature for this switch. |
show fctimer
To display the Fibre Channel timers (fctimer), use the show fctimer command.
show fctimer [d_s_tov [vsan vsan-id] | e_d_tov [vsan vsan-id] | f_s_tov [vsan vsan-id] | r_a_tov [vsan vsan-id] | last action status | pending | pending-diff | session status | status | vsan vsan-id]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configured global TOVs:
switch# show fctimer
This example shows how to display the configured TOVs for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fctimer vsan 10
Related Commands
fctimer |
Configures fctimer parameters. |
show fdmi
To display the Fabric-Device Management Interface (FDMI) database information, use the show fdmi command.
show fdmi database [detail [hba-id {hba-id vsan vsan-id} | vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id] | suppress-updates
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display all HBA management servers:
switch# show fdmi database
This example shows how to display the VSAN1-specific FDMI information:
switch# show fdmi database detail vsan 1
This example shows how to display the details for the specified HBA entry:
switch# show fdmi database detail Hba-id 21:01:00:e0:8b:2a:f6:54 vsan 1
Related Commands
fdmi suppress-updates |
Suppresses FDMI updates. |
show fex
To display information about a specific Fabric Extender or all attached chassis, use the show fex command.
show fex [chassis_ID [detail]]
Syntax Description
chassis_ID |
(Optional) Fabric Extender chassis ID. The chassis ID range is from 100 to 199. |
detail |
(Optional) Displays a detailed listing. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(1a)N2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display information about all attached Fabric Extender chassis:
switch# show fex
Number Description State Model Serial
100 FEX0100 Online N5K-C5110T-BF-1GE JAF1237ABSE
101 FEX0101 Online N2K-C2248TP-1GE JAF11223333
102 FEX0102 Online N5K-C5110T-BF-1GE JAF1241BLHQ
105 FEX0105 Online N2K-C2232P-10GE JAF1331AKBM
This example shows how to display information about a specific Fabric Extender chassis:
switch# show fex 101
FEX: 101 Description: FEX0101 state: Online
FEX version: 4.2(1)N1(1) [Switch version: 4.2(1)N1(1)]
Extender Model: N2K-C2248TP-1GE, Extender Serial: JAF11223333
Part No: 73-12748-01
pinning-mode: static Max-links: 1
Fabric port for control traffic: Eth3/5
Fabric interface state:
Po5 - Interface Up. State: Active
Eth3/5 - Interface Up. State: Active
Eth3/6 - Interface Up. State: Active
Related Commands
fex |
Creates a Fabric Extender and enters fabric extender configuration mode. |
show flogi
To list all the fabric login (FLOGI) sessions through all interfaces across all Virtual SAN (VSANs), use the show flogi command.
show flogi {auto-area-list} | database {fcid fcid-id | interface {fc slot/port | vfc vfc-id} | vsan vsan-id}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The output of this command is sorted by interface numbers and then by VSAN IDs.
In a Fibre Channel fabric, each host or disk requires an FCID. Use the show flogi database command to verify if a storage device is displayed in the fabric login (FLOGI) table as in the examples below. If the required device is displayed in the FLOGI table, the fabric login is successful. Examine the FLOGI database on a switch that is directly connected to the host HBA and connected ports.
This example shows how to display the details on the FLOGI database:
switch# show flogi database
This example shows how to display the FLOGI interface:
switch# show flogi database interface fc 2/3
This example shows how to display the FLOGI VSAN:
switch# show flogi database vsan 1
This example shows how to display the FLOGI for a specific FCID:
switch# show flogi database fcid 0xef02e2
Related Commands
show fcns database |
Displays all the local and remote name server entries. |
show fspf
To display global Fibre Shortest Path First (FSPF) routing information, use the show fspf command.
show fspf [database [vsan vsan-id] [detail | domain domain-id detail] | interface | vsan vsan-id interface {fc slot/port | san-port-channel port-channel}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
If you enter the command without parameters, all the entries in the database are displayed.
This example shows how to display the FSPF interface information:
switch# show fspf vsan 1 fc2/1
This example shows how to display the FSPF database information:
switch# show fspf database vsan 1
FSPF Link State Database for VSAN 1 Domain 0xc6(198)
LSR Type = 1
Advertising domain ID = 0xc6(198)
LSR Age = 1050
LSR Incarnation number = 0x800007c5
LSR Checksum = 0x35d2
Number of links = 0
NbrDomainId IfIndex NbrIfIndex Link Type Cost
This command shows how to display the FSPF information for a specified VSAN:
switch# show fspf vsan 1
FSPF routing for VSAN 1
FSPF routing administration status is enabled
FSPF routing operational status is UP
It is an intra-domain router
Autonomous region is 0
SPF hold time is 0 msec
MinLsArrival = 1000 msec , MinLsInterval = 2000 msec
Local Domain is 0xc6(198)
Number of LSRs = 1, Total Checksum = 0x000035d2
Protocol constants :
LS_REFRESH_TIME = 30 minutes (1800 sec)
MAX_AGE = 60 minutes (3600 sec)
Statistics counters :
Number of LSR that reached MaxAge = 0
Number of SPF computations = 0
Number of Checksum Errors = 0
Number of Transmitted packets : LSU 0 LSA 0 Hello 0 Retranmsitted LSU 0
Number of received packets : LSU 0 LSA 0 Hello 0 Error packets 0
This command shows how to display the FSPF information for all interfaces:
switch# show fspf interface
FSPF interface vfc5 in VSAN 1
FSPF routing administrative state is active
Interface cost is 2100
Timer intervals configured, Hello 20 s, Dead 80 s, Retransmit 5 s
FSPF State is DOWN
Related Commands
fspf |
Configures FSPF. |
show in-order-guarantee
To display the present configured state of the in-order delivery feature, use the show in-order-guarantee command.
show in-order-guarantee
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the present configuration status of the in-order delivery feature:
switch# show in-order-guarantee
Related Commands
in-order-guarantee |
Enables in-order delivery. |
show interface fcoe
To display information about the Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) for an interface, use the show interface fcoe command.
show interface [interface number] fcoe
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.2(1)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FCoE information for Ethernet interfaces:
switch# show interface fcoe
Ethernet1/1 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/2 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/3 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/4 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/5 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/6 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/7 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/8 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/9 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/10 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/11 is FCoE down
Ethernet1/12 is FCoE down
Ethernet1/13 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/14 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/15 is FCoE down
Ethernet1/16 is FCoE down
Ethernet1/17 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/18 is FCoE down
Ethernet1/19 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/20 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/21 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/22 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/23 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/24 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/25 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/26 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/27 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/28 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/29 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/30 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/31 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/32 is FCoE UP
Ethernet1/33 is FCoE UP
vfc1 is Up
FCID is 0x580016
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:45
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:01
FCID is 0x580017
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:bf
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:01
vfc2 is Up
FCID is 0x580020
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:46
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:02
FCID is 0x580033
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c0
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:02
vfc4 is Up
FCID is 0x58001e
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:48
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:04
FCID is 0x580031
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c2
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:04
vfc5 is Up
FCID is 0x58001d
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:49
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:05
FCID is 0x580030
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c3
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:05
vfc6 is Up
FCID is 0x58001c
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:0e:4a
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:06
FCID is 0x58002f
PWWN is 10:00:00:00:07:f8:21:c4
MAC addr is 00:00:00:13:05:06
Ethernet1/34 is FCoE down
Ethernet1/35 is FCoE UP
<--Output truncated-->
This example shows how to display the FCoE information for a specific Ethernet interface:
switch# show interface ethernet 1/21 fcoe
Ethernet1/21 is FCoE UP
This example shows how to display the FCoE information for a specific EtherChannel interface:
switch# show interface port-channel 3 fcoe
port-channel3 is FCoE UP
Related Commands
show fcoe |
Displays the status of the FCoE parameters. |
show interface san-port-channel
To display the configuration information of SAN port channel interfaces, use the show interface san-port-channel command.
show interface san-port-channel port-num [brief | counters [brief] | trunk vsan [vsan-range]]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configuration information for a specified SAN port channel interface:
switch# show interface san-port-channel 101
san-port-channel 101 is down (No operational members)
Hardware is Fibre Channel
Port WWN is 24:65:00:05:9b:74:a6:c0
Admin port mode is NP, trunk mode is off
snmp link state traps are enabled
Port vsan is 1
1 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
1 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
0 frames input, 0 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
0 CRC, 0 unknown class
0 too long, 0 too short
0 frames output, 0 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
0 input OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits
0 output OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits
last clearing of "show interface" counters never
No members
This example shows how to display the summary information of the counters of a specified SAN port channel interface:
switch# show interface san-port-channel 101 counters brief
Interface Input (rate is 1 min avg) Output (rate is 1 min avg)
--------------------------- -----------------------------
Rate Total Rate Total
MB/s Frames MB/s Frames
san-port-channel 101 0 0 0 0
Related Commands
show interface vfc
To display the configuration information of virtual Fibre Channel interfaces, use the show interface vfc command.
show interface vfc vfc-id [brief] [counters]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configuration information for a specified virtual Fibre Channel interface:
switch# show interface vfc 1
vfc1 is down (Administratively down)
Bound MAC is 00:50:3e:8d:64:00
Hardware is Virtual Fibre Channel
Port WWN is 20:00:00:05:9b:23:40:7f
Admin port mode is F, trunk mode is on
snmp link state traps are enabled
Port vsan is 1
1 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
1 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
0 frames input, 0 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
0 frames output, 0 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
last clearing of "show interface" counters never
This example shows how to display a brief information for a specified virtual Fibre Channel interface:
switch# show interface vfc 5 brief
Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status SFP Oper Oper Port
Mode Trunk Mode Speed Channel
Mode (Gbps)
vfc5 1 E on down -- -- --
This example shows how to display the counters for a specified virtual Fibre Channel interface:
switch# show interface vfc 5 counters
5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
0 frames input, 0 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors, 0 CRC
0 too long, 0 too short
0 frames output, 0 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
0 input OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits
0 output OLS, 0 LRR, 0 NOS, 0 loop inits
0 link failures, 0 sync losses, 0 signal losses
0 BB credit transitions from zero
Related Commands
interface vfc |
Configures a virtual Fibre Channel interface. |
show lldp
To display information about the Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) configuration on the switch, use the show lldp command.
show lldp {interface {ethernet slot/port | mgmt intf-no} | neighbors [detail | interface] | timers | traffic [interface {ethernet slot/port | mgmt intf-no}]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display LLDP interface information:
switch# show lldp traffic interface ethernet 1/1
LLDP interface traffic statistics:
Total frames transmitted: 7490
Total entries aged: 0
Total frames received: 7458
Total frames received in error: 0
Total frames discarded: 0
Total unrecognized TLVs: 0
This example shows how to display LLDP management interface information:
switch# show lldp traffic interface mgmt 0
LLDP interface traffic statistics:
Total frames transmitted: 0
Total entries aged: 0
Total frames received: 0
Total frames received in error: 0
Total frames discarded: 0
Total unrecognized TLVs: 0
This example shows how to display LLDP timers configured on the switch:
switch# show lldp timers
LLDP Timers:
Holdtime in seconds: 120
Reinit-time in seconds: 2
Transmit interval in seconds: 30
This example shows how to display LLDP neighbor information:
switch# show lldp neighbors
Capability codes:
(R) Router, (B) Bridge, (T) Telephone, (C) DOCSIS Cable Device
(W) WLAN Access Point, (P) Repeater, (S) Station, (O) Other
Local Intf Chassis ID Port ID Hold-time Capability
Eth1/1 000d.eca3.6080 Eth1/1 120 B
Eth1/2 000d.eca3.6080 Eth1/2 120 B
Eth1/3 000d.eca3.6080 Eth1/3 120 B
Eth1/4 000d.eca3.6080 Eth1/4 120 B
Eth1/7 000d.ecf2.0880 Eth1/7 120 B
Eth1/8 000d.ecf2.0880 Eth1/8 120 B
Eth1/9 000d.ecf2.0b40 Eth1/9 120 B
Eth1/10 000d.ecf2.0b40 Eth1/10 120 B
This example shows how to display LLDP information for a specified interface:
switch# show lldp interface ethernet 1/1
Interface Information:
Enable (tx/rx/dcbx): Y/Y/Y Port Mac address: 00:0d:ec:b2:30:c8
Peer's LLDP TLVs:
Type Length Value
---- ------ -----
001 007 04000dec a36080
002 007 05457468 312f31
003 002 0078
004 009 4e354b2d 506f7274 00
005 013 45756765 6e652d4e 354b2d32 00
006 010 4e354b2d 53776974 6368
007 004 00040004
008 012 05010ac1 8303021a 00000000
128 055 001b2102 020a0000 00000001 00000001 06060000 80000808 080a0000
80008906 001b2108 04110000 80000001 00003232 00000000 000002
128 005 00014201 01
128 006 0080c201 0001
000 000
This example shows how to display LLDP traffic information:
switch# show lldp traffic
LLDP traffic statistics:
Total frames transmitted: 89743
Total entries aged: 0
Total frames received: 59300
Total frames received in error: 0
Total frames discarded: 0
Total unrecognized TLVs: 0
Related Commands
lldp |
Configures the global LLDP options on the switch. |
lldp (Interface) |
Configures the LLDP feature on an interface. |
show loadbalancing
To display load balancing status for specific unicast flows, use the show loadbalancing command.
show loadbalancing vsan vsan-id source-fcid dest-fcid [exchange-id]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the load-balancing information for the specified source and destination in VSAN 3:
switch# show loadbalancing vsan 3 0x3345 0x2546
Related Commands
vsan |
Configures VSAN information or membership. |
show npv flogi-table
To display the information about N port virtualization (NPV) Fabric login (FLOGI) session, use the show npv flogi-table command.
show npv flogi-table
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The show npv flogi-table command is available only when the switch is in NPV mode.
This example shows how to display the information on NPV FLOGI session:
switch# show npv flogi-table
Related Commands
show npv status |
Displays the NPV current status. |
show npv status
To display the N port virtualization (NPV) current status, use the show npv status command.
show npv status
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The show npv status command is available only when the switch is in NPV mode.
This example shows how to display the current status of NPV:
switch# show npv status
Related Commands
show npv flogi-table |
Displays the information about NPV FLOGI session. |
show npv traffic-map
To display N port virtualization (NPV) traffic maps, use the show npv traffic-map command.
show npv traffic-map
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The show npv traffic-map command is available only when the switch is in NPV mode.
This example shows how to display the current status of NPV:
switch# show npv traffic-map
Related Commands
show npv flogi-table |
Displays the information about an NPV FLOGI session. |
show port index-allocation
To display port index allocation information, use the show port index-allocation command.
show port index-allocation [startup]
Syntax Description
startup |
(Optional) Displays port index allocation information at startup. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
On a switch where the maximum number of port indexes is 256, any module that exceeds that limit does not power up. There is no startup module index distribution for the Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch.
This example shows how to display port index allocation information:
switch# show port index-allocation
show rlir
To display Registered Link Incident Report (RLIR) information, use the show rlir command.
show rlir {erl [vsan vsan-id] | history | recent {interface fc slot/port | portnumber port} | statistics [vsan vsan-id]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the RLIR information for VSAN 1:
switch# show rlir erl vsan 1
This example shows how to display the RLIR statistics:
switch# show rlir statistics vsan 1
Related Commands
rlir preferred-cond fcid |
Specifies a preferred host to receive RLIR frames. |
show rscn
To display Registered State Change Notification (RSCN) information, use the show rscn command.
show rscn {event-tov vsan vsan-id | pending vsan vsan-id | pending-diff vsan vsan-id | scr-table [vsan vsan-id] | session status vsan vsan-id | statistics [vsan vsan-id]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The SCR table cannot be configured. It is only populated if one or more N ports send SCR frames to register for RSCN information. If the show rscn scr-table command does not return any entries, no N port is interested in receiving RSCN information.
This example shows how to display the RSCN information:
switch# show rscn scr-table vsan 1
This example shows how to display the RSCN statistics:
switch# show rscn statistics vsan 1
This example shows how to display the RSCN event timeout value configured on VSAN 1:
switch# show rscn event-tov vsan 1
This example shows how to display the difference between the active RSCN configuration and the pending RSCN configuration on VSAN 1:
switch# show rscn pending-diff vsan 1
Related Commands
rscn |
Configures a registered state change notification (RSCN). |
show running-config fcoe_mgr
To display the running configuration information about Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), use the show running-config fcoe_mgr command.
show running-config fcoe_mgr [all]
Syntax Description
all |
(Optional) Displays the full operating information including default settings. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
5.0(3)N2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FCoE running configuration information:
switch# show running-config fcoe_mgr
!Command: show running-config fcoe_mgr
!Time: Fri Jan 2 06:33:11 2009
version 5.0(3)N2(1)
interface vfc1
bind mac-address 00:50:3e:8d:64:00
fcoe fka-adv-period 60
fcoe veloopback
This example shows how to display detailed information on the running configuration:
switch# show running-config fcoe_mgr all
!Command: show running-config fcoe_mgr all
!Time: Fri Jan 2 05:36:52 2009
version 5.0(3)N2(1)
logging level fcoe_mgr 3
interface vfc1
bind mac-address 00:50:3e:8d:64:00
fcoe fka-adv-period 60
fcoe veloopback
Related Commands
show running-config interface san-port-channel
To display the runninf system configuration information of SAN port channel interfaces, use the show running-config interface san-port-channel command.
show running-config interface san-port-channel port-num [all | expand-port-profile]
Syntax Description
all |
(Optional) Displays configured and default information. |
expand-port-profile |
(Optional) Displays the configuration information of port profiles. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the running configuration information for a specified SAN port channel interface:
switch# show running-config interface san-port-channel 101
!Command: show running-config interface san-port-channel 101
!Time: Mon Apr 11 09:14:20 2005
version 5.1(3)N1(1)
interface san-port-channel 101
channel mode active
switchport mode NP
Related Commands
show san-port-channel
To view information about existing SAN port channel configurations, use the show san-port-channel command.
show san-port-channel {compatibility-parameters | consistency [detail] | database [interface san-port-channel port] | summary | usage}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the SAN port channel summary:
switch# show san-port-channel summary
This example shows how to display the SAN port channel compatibility parameters:
switch# show san-port-channel compatibility-parameters
This example shows how to display the SAN port channel database:
switch# show san-port-channel database
This example shows how to display the consistency status of the SAN port channel database:
switch# show san-port-channel consistency
This example shows how to display detailed information about the consistency status of the SAN port channel database:
switch# show san-port-channel consistency detail
This example shows how to display details of the used and unused SAN port channel numbers:
switch# show san-port-channel usage
Related Commands
san-port-channel persistent |
Converts an autocreated SAN port channel to a persistent SAN port channel. |
show scsi-target
To display information about existing SCSI target configurations, use the show scsi-target command.
show scsi-target {auto-poll | custom-list | devices [vsan vsan-id] [fcid fcid-id] | disk [vsan vsan-id] [fcid fcid-id] | lun [vsan vsan-id] [fcid fcid-id] [os [aix | all | hpux | linux | solaris | windows] | pwwn | status | tape [vsan vsan-id] [fcid fcid-id] | vsan vsan-id}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the show scsi-target auto-poll command to verify automatic discovery of online SCSI targets.
This example shows how to display the status of a SCSI discovery:
switch# show scsi-target status
This example shows how to display the customized discovered targets:
switch# show scsi-target custom-list
This example shows how to display the discovered disk information:
switch# show scsi-target disk
This example shows how to display the discovered LUNs for all operating systems:
switch# show scsi-target lun os all
This example shows how to display the discovered LUNs for the Solaris operating system:
switch# show scsi-target lun os solaris
This example shows how to display the auto-polling information:
switch# show scsi-target auto-poll
This example shows how to display the port WWN that is assigned to each operating system (Windows, AIX, Solaris, Linux, or HPUX):
switch# show scsi-target pwwn
Related Commands
scsi-target |
Configures SCSI target discovery. |
show startup-config fcoe_mgr
To display the startup configuration information about Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), use the show startup-config fcoe_mgr command.
show startup-config fcoe_mgr
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
5.0(3)N2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FCoE startup configuration information:
switch# show startup-config fcoe_mgr
!Command: show startup-config fcoe_mgr
!Time: Fri Jan 2 05:41:38 2009
!Startup config saved at: Thu Jan 1 00:04:46 2009
version 5.0(3)N2(1)
logging level fcoe_mgr 3
interface vfc1
bind mac-address 00:50:3e:8d:64:00
fcoe fka-adv-period 60
fcoe veloopback
Related Commands
show tech-support fcoe
To display troubleshooting information about Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), use the show tech-support fcoe command.
show tech-support fcoe
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
5.0(3)N2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display Cisco technical support information for FCoE interfaces:
switch# show tech-support fcoe
******************** FCOE MGR tech-support start *****************
`show platform software fcoe_mgr event-history errors`
1) Event:E_DEBUG, length:71, at 269945 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:35:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_demux(535): (Warning) unexpected mts msg (opcode - 7972)
2) Event:E_DEBUG, length:64, at 269136 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:35:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5428): fka-adv-period: 60
3) Event:E_DEBUG, length:64, at 269107 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:35:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5427): fcf-priority : 128
4) Event:E_DEBUG, length:68, at 269076 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:35:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5426): fcmap : 0xefc00
5) Event:E_DEBUG, length:100, at 269036 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:35:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5425): fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_da
ta: Exiting, ret_val = 0
6) Event:E_DEBUG, length:88, at 268788 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:35:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5400): fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data: Entering
7) Event:E_DEBUG, length:63, at 567997 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:30:27 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5428): fka-adv-period: 8
8) Event:E_DEBUG, length:64, at 567965 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:30:27 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5427): fcf-priority : 128
9) Event:E_DEBUG, length:68, at 567932 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:30:27 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5426): fcmap : 0xefc00
10) Event:E_DEBUG, length:100, at 567891 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:30:27 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5425): fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_da
ta: Exiting, ret_val = 0
11) Event:E_DEBUG, length:88, at 567732 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:30:27 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_data(5400): fcoe_mgr_pss_add_global_cfg_da
ta: Entering
12) Event:E_DEBUG, length:88, at 567667 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:30:27 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_cli_set_ve_loopback(1562): Enabling VE loopback (will disable
VFID check)
13) Event:E_DEBUG, length:129, at 177534 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:25:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_mts_vfc_bind_check_resp_handler(2488): Bind Check Resp: if_in
dex: 0x0, status: (null): success (err_id 0x00000000)
14) Event:E_DEBUG, length:71, at 176687 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:25:17 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_demux(535): (Warning) unexpected mts msg (opcode - 7972)
15) Event:E_DEBUG, length:71, at 392038 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:16:00 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_mac_pool_bmp_to_tlv(143): mac_pool->mac_usage_bmp = NULL
16) Event:E_DEBUG, length:63, at 89603 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:16:00 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_get_eth_fcoe_info(58): sending lls down Eth1/31
17) Event:E_DEBUG, length:63, at 89509 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:16:00 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_get_eth_fcoe_info(58): sending lls down Eth1/29
18) Event:E_DEBUG, length:63, at 89405 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:16:00 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_get_eth_fcoe_info(58): sending lls down Eth1/18
19) Event:E_DEBUG, length:63, at 89310 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:16:00 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_get_eth_fcoe_info(58): sending lls down Eth1/17
20) Event:E_DEBUG, length:63, at 89212 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:16:00 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_get_eth_fcoe_info(58): sending lls down Eth1/15
21) Event:E_DEBUG, length:62, at 89101 usecs after Fri Jan 2 06:16:00 2009
[102] fcoe_mgr_get_eth_fcoe_info(58): sending lls down Eth1/8
<--Output truncated-->
Related Commands
show running-config fcoe_mgr |
Displays the running configuration information about FCoE. |
show topology
To display topology information for connected SAN switches, use the show topology command.
show topology [vsan vsan-id]
Syntax Description
vsan vsan-id |
(Optional) Displays information for a VSAN. The range is from 1 to 4093. |
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display topology information:
switch# show topology
Related Commands
show trunk protocol
To display the trunk protocol status, use the show trunk protocol command.
show trunk protocol
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the trunk protocol status:
switch# show trunk protocol
Related Commands
trunk protocol enable |
Configures the trunking protocol for Fibre Channel interfaces. |
show vlan fcoe
To display information about the Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCOE) VLAN to Virtual SAN (VSAN) mappings, use the show vlan fcoe command.
show vlan fcoe
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.2(1)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the FCoE VLAN to VSAN mappings on the switch:
switch# show vlan fcoe
-------- -------- --------
331 331 Operational
332 332 Operational
333 333 Operational
334 334 Operational
335 335 Non-operational
336 336 Operational
337 337 Operational
Related Commands
fcoe vsan |
Maps a FCoE VLAN to a VSAN. |
show vsan
To display information about a configured Virtual SAN (VSAN), use the show vsan command.
show vsan [vsan-id [membership] | membership [interface {fc slot/port | san-port-channel port | vfc vfc-id}] | usage]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
4.2(1)N1(1) |
The range of the VSAN ID is extended to 4094. |
Usage Guidelines
When you enter the show vsan membership interface command, interface information appears for interfaces that are configured in this VSAN.
The interface range must be in ascending order and nonoverlapping. You can specify a range using a hyphen and several interfaces using commas:
•The interface range format for a Fibre Channel interface range is
fcslot/port - port, fcslot/port, fcslot/port:
For example, show int fc2/1 - 3 , fc2/4 , fc3/2
This example shows how to display the configured VSAN information:
switch# show vsan 1
vsan 1 information
name:VSAN0001 state:active
interoperability mode:default
operational state:up
This example shows how to display the membership information for all VSANs:
switch # show vsan membership
vsan 1 interfaces:
vsan 331 interfaces:
fc2/3 fc2/4 san-port-channel 14 vfc1
vfc2 vfc3 vfc4 vfc5
vfc6 vfc7 vfc8 vfc9
vfc10 vfc11 vfc12 vfc13
vfc14 vfc15 vfc16 vfc17
vfc18 vfc19 vfc20
vsan 332 interfaces:
fc2/5 fc2/6 fc2/7 fc2/8
san-port-channel 8 san-port-channel 9 vfc21 vfc22
vfc23 vfc24 vfc25 vfc26
vfc27 vfc28 vfc29 vfc30
vfc31 vfc32 vfc33 vfc34
vfc35 vfc36 vfc37 vfc38
vfc39 vfc40
vsan 333 interfaces:
fc2/1 fc2/2 san-port-channel 13
vsan 334 interfaces:
vsan 336 interfaces:
vsan 337 interfaces:
vsan 4079(evfp_isolated_vsan) interfaces:
vsan 4094(isolated_vsan) interfaces:
This example shows how to display the membership information for a specified interface:
switch# show vsan membership interface fc2/1
allowed list:1-4078,4080-4093
Related Commands
vsan |
Configures a VSAN. |
show wwn
To display the status of the WWN configuration, use the show wwn command.
show wwn {status [block-id number] | switch | vsan-wwn}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the WWN of the switch:
switch# show wwn switch
This example shows how to display a user-configured VSAN WWN:
switch# show wwn vsan-wwn
Related Commands
wwn vsan |
Configures a WWN for a suspended VSAN that has interop mode 4 enabled. |
show zone
To display zone information, use the show zone command.
show zone [active [vsan vsan-id] | analysis {active vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id | zoneset zoneset-name} | ess [vsan vsan-id] | member {fcalias alias-name | fcid fc-id [active | lun lun-id | vsan vsan-id] | pwwn wwn [active | lun lun-id | vsan vsan-id]} | name string [active] [pending] [vsan vsan-id] | pending [active] [vsan vsan-id] | pending-diff [vsan vsan-id] | policy [pending] [vsan vsan-id] | statistics [vsan vsan-id] | status [vsan vsan-id]]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configured zone information:
switch# show zone
This example shows how to display the zone information for a specific VSAN:
switch# show zone vsan 1
This example shows how to display the members of a specific zone:
switch# show zone name Zone1
This example shows how to display all zones to which a member belongs using the FCID:
switch# show zone member pwwn 21:00:00:20:37:9c:48:e5
This example shows how to display the number of control frames exchanged with other switches:
switch# show zone statistics
This example shows how to display the status of the configured zones:
switch# show zone status
This example checks the status of the zoneset distribute vsan command and displays the default zone attributes of a specific VSAN or all active VSANs:
switch# show zone status vsan 1
VSAN:1 default-zone:deny distribute:active only Interop:default
mode:basic merge-control:allow session:none
Default zone:
qos:low broadcast:disabled ronly:disabled
Full Zoning Database :
Zonesets:0 Zones:0 Aliases:0
Active Zoning Database :
Database Not Available
Table 3 describes the significant fields shown in the show zone status vsan display.
Related Commands
zone |
Configures zone information. |
show zone analysis
To display detailed analysis and statistical information about the zoning database, use the show zone analysis command.
show zone analysis {active vsan vsan-id | vsan vsan-id | zoneset name vsan vsan-id}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the detailed statistics and analysis of the active zoning database:
switch# show zone analysis active vsan 1
This example shows how to display the detailed statistics and analysis of the full zoning database:
switch# sh zone analysis vsan 1
Zoning database analysis vsan 1
Full zoning database
Last updated at: 14:36:56 UTC Oct 04 2005
Last updated by: Local [CLI / SNMP / GS / CIM / INTERNAL] or
Merge [interface] or
Remote [Domain, IP-Address]
[Switch name]
Num zonesets: 1
Num zones: 1
Num aliases: 0
Num attribute groups: 0
Formatted database size: < 1 Kb / 2000 kb ( < 1% usage)
Unassigned zones:
zone name z1 vsan 1
Table 4 describes the fields displayed in the output of a show zone analysis command for the full zoning database.
This example shows how to display the zone set analysis information:
switch# show zone analysis zoneset zs1 vsan 1
Related Commands
zone compact database |
Compacts a zone database in a VSAN. |
show zoneset
To display the configured zone sets, use the show zoneset command.
show zoneset [active [vsan vsan-id] | brief [active [vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id] | name zoneset-name [active [vsan vsan-id] | brief [active [vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id] | pending [active [vsan vsan-id] | brief [active [vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id] | vsan vsan-id
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configured zone set information:
switch# show zoneset vsan 1
This example shows how to display the configured zone set information for a specific VSAN:
switch# show zoneset vsan 2-3
Related Commands
zoneset (Global configuration mode) |
Groups zones under one zone set. |
zoneset (EXEC mode) |
Merges zone set databases. |