Show Commands
This chapter describes the basic Cisco NX-OS system show commands.
show banner motd
To display the message-of-the-day (MOTD) banner, use the show banner motd command.
show banner motd
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the MOTD banner:
Unauthorized access is prohibited!
Related Commands
banner motd |
Configures the MOTD banner. |
show boot
To display the boot variable configuration, use the show boot command.
show boot [ variables ]
Syntax Description
variables |
(Optional) Displays a list of boot variables. |
Command Default
Displays all configured boot variables.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display all configured boot variables:
This example shows how to display the list of boot variable names:
switch# show boot variables
Related Commands
boot |
Configures the boot variable for the kickstart or system image. |
show cli alias
To display the command alias configuration, use the show cli alias command.
show cli alias [ name alias-name ]
Syntax Description
name alias-name |
(Optional) Specifies the name of a command alias. The alias name is not case sensitive. |
Command Default
Displays all configured command alias variables.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display all configured command aliases:
This example shows how to display a specific command alias:
switch# show cli alias name ethint
Related Commands
cli alias name |
Configures command aliases. |
show cli history
To display the command history, use the show cli history command.
show cli history [ lines ] [ unformatted ]
Syntax Description
lines |
(Optional) Last number of lines from the end of the command history. |
unformatted |
(Optional) Displays the commands without line numbers or time stamps. |
Command Default
Displays the entire formatted history.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display all of the command history:
This example shows how to display the last 10 lines of the command history:
switch# show cli history 10
This example shows how to display unformatted command history:
switch# show cli history unformatted
Related Commands
clear cli history |
Clears the command history. |
show cli variables
To display the configuration of the command-line interface (CLI) variables, use the show cli variables command.
show cli variables
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the CLI variables:
switch# show cli variables
Related Commands
cli var name |
Configures CLI variables. |
show clock
To display the current date and time, use the show clock command.
show clock [ detail ]
Syntax Description
detail |
(Optional) Displays the summer-time (daylight saving time) offset configuration. |
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the current clock setting:
This example shows how to display the current clock setting and the summer-time (daylight saving time) configuration:
switch# show clock detail
Related Commands
clock set |
Sets the clock time. |
clock summer-time |
Configures the summer-time (daylight saving time) offset. |
show configuration session
To display information about configuration sessions, use the show configuration session command.
show configuration session [ session-name | status | summary ]
Syntax Description
session-name |
(Optional) Configuration session name. The name can be a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters. |
status |
(Optional) Displays the status of the configuration session. |
summar |
(Optional) Displays summary information of the active configuration sessions. |
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display information about a specific configuration session:
switch# show configuration session mySession1
config session name mySession1
0001 ip access-list myACL
0003 statistics per-entry
This example shows how to display the status of the active configuration session:
switch# show configuration session status
Session Name : mySession1
Last Action Status : Success
Last Action Reason : -NA-
Last Action Timestamp : 19:03:49 UTC Sep 06 2009
This example shows how to display the summary information of the active configuration sessions:
switch# show configuration session summary
Session Manager Database:
Name Session Owner Creation Time
mySession1 root 18:09:03 UTC Sep 06 2009
Number of active configuration sessions = 1
Related Commands
configure session |
Creates a configuration session. |
show copyright
To display the Cisco NX-OS software copyright information, use the show copyright command.
show copyright
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the Cisco NX-OS copyright information:
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under
license. Certain components of this software are licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each
such license is available at and
show debug logfile
To display the contents of the debug logfile, use the show debug logfile command.
show debug logfile filename
Syntax Description
filename |
Name of the debug log file. |
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The log files are located in the log: file system.
This example shows how to display the contents of a debug log file:
switch# show debug logfile dmesg
Related Commands
debug logfile |
Configures the debug log file. |
show environment
To display information about the hardware environment status, use the show environment command.
show environment [ fan | power | temperature ]
Syntax Description
fan |
(Optional) Displays information about the fan environment. |
power |
(Optional) Displays information about the power capacity and distribution. |
temperature |
(Optional) Displays information about the temperature environment. |
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display information about the hardware environment:
Chassis-1 N5K-C5020-FAN -- ok
Chassis-3 N5K-C5020-FAN -- ok
Chassis-4 N5K-C5020-FAN -- ok
Chassis-5 N5K-C5020-FAN -- ok
PS-1 N5K-PAC-1200W -- failure
Module Sensor MajorThresh MinorThres CurTemp Status
(Celsius) (Celsius) (Celsius)
PS Model Power Power Status
2 N5K-PAC-1200W 1200.00 100.00 ok
Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status
Requested Requested Allocated Allocated
(Watts) (Amp) (Watts) (Amp)
--- -----------___-------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------
1 N5K-C5020P-BF-SUP 625.20 52.10 625.20 52.10 powered-
2 N5K-M1600 54.00 4.50 54.00 4.50 powered-
3 N5K-M1008 9.96 0.83 9.96 0.83 powered-
Power Supply redundancy mode: Redundant
Power Supply redundancy operational mode: Non-redundant
Total Power Capacity 1200.00 W
Power reserved for Supervisor(s) 625.20 W
Power currently used by Modules 63.96 W
Total Power Available 510.84 W
This example shows how to display information about the power environment:
switch# show environment power
PS Model Power Power Status
2 N5K-PAC-1200W 1200.00 100.00 ok
Mod Model Power Power Power Power Status
Requested Requested Allocated Allocated
(Watts) (Amp) (Watts) (Amp)
--- -----------___-------- ------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------
1 N5K-C5020P-BF-SUP 625.20 52.10 625.20 52.10 powered-
2 N5K-M1600 54.00 4.50 54.00 4.50 powered-
3 N5K-M1008 9.96 0.83 9.96 0.83 powered-
Power Supply redundancy mode: Redundant
Power Supply redundancy operational mode: Non-redundant
Total Power Capacity 1200.00 W
Power reserved for Supervisor(s) 625.20 W
Power currently used by Modules 63.96 W
Total Power Available 510.84 W
show feature
To display the status of features on a switch, use the show feature command.
show feature
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
5.0(2)N1(1) |
Support for HTTP server and privilege level was added. |
5.0(2)N2(1) |
Support for DHCP snooping was added. |
5.0(3)N1(1) |
Support for multicast and unicast routing features was added. |
5.0(3)N2(1) |
Support for Flex Links and Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) N-Port Virtualizer (NPV)) was added. |
5.1(3)N1(1) |
Support for Adapter Fabric Extender (Adapter-FEX), Virtual Machine Fabric Extender (VM-FEX), FabricPath, and Cisco TrustSec was added. |
This example shows how to display the state of all features on a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(2)N1(1):
Feature Name Instance State
-------------------- -------- --------
fabric-binding 1 disabled
fc-port-security 1 disabled
fport-channel-trunk 1 disabled
This example shows how to display the state of all features on a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(3)N1(1):
Feature Name Instance State
-------------------- -------- --------
fabric-binding 1 disabled
fc-port-security 1 disabled
fport-channel-trunk 1 disabled
This example shows how to display the state of all features on a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(3)N2(1):
Feature Name Instance State
-------------------- -------- --------
interface-vlan 1 disabled
Related Commands
feature |
Enables or disables a feature on the switch. |
show file
To display the contents of a file on the local memory, use the show file command.
show file [ filesystem :] [// server /] [ directory ] filename
Syntax Description
filesystem: |
(Optional) Name of the file system. Valid values are bootflash, modflash, or volatile. |
// server / |
(Optional) Name of the server. Valid values are ///, //module-1/, //sup-1/, //sup-active/, or //sup-local/. The double slash (//) is required. |
directory |
(Optional) Name of a directory. The directory name is case sensitive. |
filename |
Name of the file to delete. The filename is case sensitive. |
Note There can be no spaces in the filesystem://server/directory/filename string. Individual elements of this string are separated by colons (:) and slashes (/).
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the contents of a file:
switch# show file ent-mod.lic
If the file that you want to display is a directory, the command will return an error message:
switch# show file bootflash:///routing-sw
/bin/showfile: /bootflash/routing-sw: Is a directory
Related Commands
cd |
Changes the current working directory. |
dir |
Displays the directory contents. |
pwd |
Displays the name of the current working directory. |
show hardware internal
To display information about the physical device hardware, use the show hardware internal command.
show hardware internal
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display information about the physical device hardware:
switch# show hardware internal
Related Commands
show inventory |
Displays hardware inventory information. |
show module |
Displays information about the modules. |
show hostname
To display the hostname for the switch, use the show hostname command.
show hostname
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The show switchname command also displays the switch hostname.
This example shows how to display the hostname for the switch:
Related Commands
hostname |
Configures the hostname for the switch. |
show switchname |
Displays the hostname. |
switchname |
Configures the hostname for the switch. |
show incompatibility system
To display the configuration incompatibilities between the running system image and an earlier system image prior to downgrading the Cisco NX-OS software, use the show incompatibility system command.
show incompatibility system { filesystem : // server / [ directory ] filename }
Syntax Description
filesystem: |
Name of the file system. Valid values are bootflash or volatile. |
// server / |
Name of the server. Valid values are ///, //module-1/, //sup-1/, //sup-active/, or //sup-local/. The double slash (//) is required. |
directory |
(Optional) Name of a directory. The directory name is case sensitive. |
filename |
Name of the file to compare with the loaded software image. The filename is case sensitive. |
Note There can be no spaces in the filesystem://server/directory/filename string. Individual elements of this string are separated by colons (:) and slashes (/).
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the configuration incompatibilities:
switch# show incompatibility system bootflash://sup-local/old_image.bin
Related Commands
install all |
Installs the kickstart and system images. |
reload |
Reloads the device with the new Cisco NX-OS software. |
show version |
Displays information about the software version. |
show install all
To display information related to the operation of the install all command, use the show install all command.
show install all { failure-reason | impact [ kickstart | system ] | status }
Syntax Description
failure-reason |
Displays the software installation failure reason. |
impact |
Displays the impact of installing the images referred to in the boot variables. |
kickstart |
(Optional) Displays the impact of installing the kickstart image referred to in the kickstart boot variable. |
system |
(Optional) Displays the impact of installing the system image referred to in the kickstart boot variable. |
status |
Displays the status of the software installation process. |
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the installation failure reason:
switch# show install all failure-reason
No install all failure-reason
This example shows how to display the impact of installing new images:
switch# show install all impact
This example shows how to display the status of the software installation process:
switch# show install all status
There is an on-going installation...
Enter Ctrl-C to go back to the prompt.
This example shows how to display the impact of installing new images on a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(3)N1(1):
switch# show install all impact
Verifying image bootflash:/n5000-uk9-kickstart.5.0.3.N1.bin for boot variable "kickstart".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Verifying image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.5.0.3.N1.bin for boot variable "system".
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "system" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.5.0.3.N1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "kickstart" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9-kickstart.5.0.3.N1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "bios" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.5.0.3.N1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "fex" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.5.0.3.N1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Extracting "fexth" version from image bootflash:/n5000-uk9.5.0.3.N1.bin.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Performing module support checks.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Notifying services about system upgrade.
[####################] 100% -- SUCCESS
Compatibility check is done:
Module bootable Impact Install-type Reason
------ -------- -------------- ------------ ------
1 yes non-disruptive none
101 yes non-disruptive none
102 yes non-disruptive none
103 yes non-disruptive rolling
106 yes non-disruptive rolling
107 yes non-disruptive rolling
108 yes non-disruptive rolling
Images will be upgraded according to following table:
Module Image Running-Version New-Version Upg-Required
------ ---------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------
1 system 5.0(3)N1(1) 5.0(3)N1(1) no
1 kickstart 5.0(3)N1(1) 5.0(3)N1(1) no
1 bios v3.5.0(02/03/2011) v3.5.0(02/03/2011) no
1 SFP-uC v1.0.0.0 v1.0.0.0 no
101 fex 5.0(3)N1(1) 5.0(3)N1(1) no
102 fexth 5.0(3)N1(1) 5.0(3)N1(1) no
103 fexth 5.0(3u)N1(1u) 5.0(3)N1(1) yes
106 fexth 5.0(3u)N1(1u) 5.0(3)N1(1) yes
107 fex 5.0(3u)N1(1u) 5.0(3)N1(1) yes
108 fexth 5.0(3u)N1(1u) 5.0(3)N1(1) yes
1 uC v1.0.0.2 v1.0.0.2 no
Related Commands
install all |
Installs the software on the physical device. |
show boot |
Displays the boot variable configuration. |
show inventory
To display the physical inventory information for the switch hardware, use the show inventory command.
show inventory [ fex chassis_ID ]
Syntax Description
fex chassis_ID |
(Optional) Specifies the Fabric Extender chassis ID. The chassis ID is from 100 to 199. |
Command Default
Displays all hardware inventory information.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
4.0(1a)N2(1) |
This command was modified to provide Fabric Extender support. |
This example shows how to display the switch hardware inventory information:
NAME: "Chassis", DESCR: "Nexus5020 Chassis"
PID: N5K-C5020P-BF, VID: V04, SN: SSI13390FZT
NAME: "Module 1", DESCR: "40x10GE/Supervisor"
PID: N5K-C5020P-BF, VID: V04, SN: JAF1344BHNK
NAME: "Module 2", DESCR: "6x10GE Ethernet Module"
PID: N5K-M1600, VID: V01, SN: JAB1228018M
NAME: "Module 3", DESCR: "8x1/2/4G FC Module"
PID: N5K-M1008, VID: V01, SN: JAB1231020C
NAME: "Fan 1", DESCR: "Chassis fan module"
PID: N5K-C5020-FAN, VID: N/A, SN: N/A
NAME: "Fan 3", DESCR: "Chassis fan module"
PID: N5K-C5020-FAN, VID: N/A, SN: N/A
NAME: "Fan 4", DESCR: "Chassis fan module"
PID: N5K-C5020-FAN, VID: N/A, SN: N/A
NAME: "Fan 5", DESCR: "Chassis fan module"
PID: N5K-C5020-FAN, VID: N/A, SN: N/A
NAME: "Power supply 1", DESCR: "AC power supply"
PID: N5K-PAC-1200W, VID: V01, SN: DTM134200L5
NAME: "Power supply 2", DESCR: "AC power supply"
PID: N5K-PAC-1200W, VID: V01, SN: DTM134200L4
PID: N2K-C2148T-1GE, VID: V01, SN: FOX1252GQJR
NAME: "FEX 100 Module 1", DESCR: "Fabric Extender Module: 48x1GE, 4X10GE Supervi
PID: N2K-C2148T-1GE, VID: V01, SN: JAF1302ABDP
NAME: "FEX 100 Fan 1", DESCR: "Fabric Extender Fan module"
PID: N2K-C2148-FAN, VID: N/A, SN: N/A
NAME: "FEX 100 Power Supply 1", DESCR: "Fabric Extender AC power supply"
PID: N2K-PAC-200W, VID: V01, SN: PAC12493LQX
NAME: "FEX 100 Power Supply 2", DESCR: "Fabric Extender AC power supply"
This example shows how to display the hardware inventory information for an attached Fabric Extender:
switch# show inventory fex 101
PID: N2K-C2148T-1GE, VID: V01, SN: FOX1252GQJR
NAME: "FEX 100 Module 1", DESCR: "Fabric Extender Module: 48x1GE, 4X10GE Supervi
PID: N2K-C2148T-1GE, VID: V01, SN: JAF1302ABDP
NAME: "FEX 100 Fan 1", DESCR: "Fabric Extender Fan module"
PID: N2K-C2148-FAN, VID: N/A, SN: N/A
NAME: "FEX 100 Power Supply 1", DESCR: "Fabric Extender AC power supply"
PID: N2K-PAC-200W, VID: V01, SN: PAC12493LQX
NAME: "FEX 100 Power Supply 2", DESCR: "Fabric Extender AC power supply"
PID: N5K-PAC-200W, VID: 00V0, SN: PAC12423L1Q
Related Commands
show hardware internal |
Displays information about the physical hardware. |
show module |
Displays information about the modules. |
show license
To display license information, use the show license command.
show license [ brief | default | file filename ]
Syntax Description
brief |
(Optional) Displays a list of license files installed on a device. |
default |
(Optional) Displays the services that use the default license. |
file filename |
(Optional) Displays information for a specific license file. |
Command Default
Displays information about the installed licenses.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
5.1(3)N1(1) |
The default keyword was introduced. |
This example shows how to display a specific license installed on the switch:
switch# show license file fc5020.lic
This example shows how to display a list of license files installed on a device:
switch# show license brief
This example shows how to display the services that use the default license:
switch# show license default
Feature Default License Count
This example shows how to display all licenses installed on a device:
INCREMENT ENTERPRISE_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent uncounted \
<PAK></PAK>" SIGN=877DB4A06E0C
INCREMENT FC_FEATURES_PKG cisco 1.0 permanent uncounted \
<PAK></PAK>" SIGN=A075D610878C
Related Commands
install license |
Installs a license. |
show license host-id |
Displays the serial number of the chassis to use for licensing. |
show license usage |
Displays license usage information. |
show license host-id
To display the serial number (host ID) of the switch chassis to use for licensing, use the show license host-id command.
show license host-id
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The serial number is the entire string that appears after the colon (:) as shown in the example.
This example shows how to display the host ID that is required to request node-locked licenses:
switch# show license host-id
License hostid: VDH=FLC12300568
Related Commands
install license |
Installs a license. |
show license |
Displays license information. |
show license usage |
Displays license usage information. |
show license usage
To display license usage information, use the show license usage command.
show license usage [ PACKAGE ]
Syntax Description
(Optional) List of licensed features in use for the specified license package. |
Command Default
Displays license usage for the switch.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display information about the current license usage:
switch# show license usage
Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date Comments
FM_SERVER_PKG No - Unused -
ENTERPRISE_PKG Yes - Unused Never -
FC_FEATURES_PKG Yes - In use Never -
This example shows how to display information about the current license usage on a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(3)N2(1):
switch# show license usage
Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date Comments
FCOE_NPV_PKG No - In use Grace 115D 19H
FM_SERVER_PKG No - Unused -
ENTERPRISE_PKG No - Unused Grace 119D 22H
FC_FEATURES_PKG No - Unused Grace 54D 11H
LAN_BASE_SERVICES_PKG Yes - In use Never license missing
**** WARNING: License file(s) missing. ****
This example shows how to display information about the current license usage on a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.1(3)N1(1):
switch# show license usage
Feature Ins Lic Status Expiry Date Comments
FCOE_NPV_PKG No - Unused Grace 119D 22H
FM_SERVER_PKG No - Unused -
ENTERPRISE_PKG No - Unused Grace 109D 0H
FC_FEATURES_PKG No - Unused Grace 119D 23H
VMFEX_FEATURE_PKG No - In use Grace 106D 19H
ENHANCED_LAYER2_PKG No - In use Grace 72D 0H
Table 1 describes the columns used in the show license usage command output.
Table 1 show license usage Columns
Feature |
Name of the license package. |
Ins |
License installation status. “No” indicates that the license is not installed and “Yes” indicates that the license is installed. |
Lic Count |
License count. “-” indicates that the count is not used for this license package. A number in this field indicates that number of current usages of the license by features. This field is not supported. |
Status |
License status. “Unused” indicates that no features that require the license are enabled. “In use” indicates that one or more features are using the license. |
Expiry Date |
License expiry date. The field is blank if the license is not installed. If the license is installed, the field displays “Never” to indicate that the license has no time limit or displays the date of expiry for the license. |
Comments |
Additional information. “Grace” with a time period remaining in days (“D”) and hours (:H”) indicates that the grace license is in use and “license missing” indicates that an error has occurred. |
This example shows how to display a list of features in use for a specific license:
switch# show license usage FC_FEATURES_PKG
Related Commands
install license |
Installs a license. |
show license |
Displays license information. |
show license host-id |
Displays the serial number of the chassis to use for licensing. |
show line
To display terminal port configuration information, use the show line command.
show line [ console [ user-input-string ]]
Syntax Description
console |
(Optional) Displays only information about the console port configuration. |
user-input-string |
(Optional) Displays the user-input initialization string. |
Command Default
Displays information about the terminal port configuration.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
4.1(3)N1(1) |
The show line console user-input-string was added. |
This example shows how to display information about the terminal port configuration information:
Databits: 8 bits per byte
default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
Databits: 8 bits per byte
default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
This example shows how to display only the information about the console port configuration:
switch# show line console
Databits: 8 bits per byte
default : ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=1\015
This example shows how to display the user-input initialization string for a modem:
switch# show line console user-input-string
Console's user-input string is ATE0Q1&D2&C1S0=3\015
Related Commands
line console |
Enters the console port configuration mode. |
show module
To display module information, use the show module command.
show module [ module-number | fex [ chassis_ID | all ]]
Syntax Description
module-number |
(Optional) Number of the module. The valid range is from 1 to 3. |
fex |
(Optional) Displays information about the attached Fabric Extender units. |
chassis_ID |
(Optional) Fabric Extender chassis ID. The chassis ID is from 100 to 199. |
all |
(Optional) Displays information about all the attached Fabric Extender units. |
Command Default
Displays module information for all modules in the switch chassis.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
4.0(1a)N2(1) |
Support for Fabric Extender was added. |
5.1(3)N1(1) |
Support to display the ASIC version of Layer 3 daughter card and GEM card. |
This example shows how to display information for all modules in the chassis:
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- -------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------
1 40 40x10GE/Supervisor N5K-C5020P-BF-SUP active *
2 6 6x10GE Ethernet Module N5K-M1600 ok
3 8 8x1/2/4G FC Module N5K-M1008 ok
Mod Sw Hw World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)
--- -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------
3 4.2(1)N2(1) 0.200 20:81:00:0d:ec:e7:df:40 to 20:88:00:0d:ec:e7:df:40
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
1 000d.ece7.df48 to 000d.ece7.df6f JAF1344BHNK
2 000d.ece7.df70 to 000d.ece7.df77 JAB1228018M
3 000d.ece7.df78 to 000d.ece7.df7f JAB1231020C
This example shows how to display information for a specific module:
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- -------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------
2 6 6x10GE Ethernet Module N5K-M1600 ok
Mod Sw Hw World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)
--- -------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------
Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- -------------------------------------- ----------
2 000d.ece7.df70 to 000d.ece7.df77 JAB1228018M
This example shows how to display information about an attached Fabric Extender:
switch# show module fex 100
FEX Mod Ports Card Type Model Status.
--- --- ----- ---------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
100 1 48 Fabric Extender 48x1GE Module N2K-C2148T-1GE present
FEX Mod Sw Hw World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)
--- --- -------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------
FEX Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- --- -------------------------------------- ----------
100 1 000d.ecb1.ef00 to 000d.ecb1.ef2f JAF1302ABDP
This example shows how to display information about all attached Fabric Extender units:
switch# show module fex all
FEX Mod Ports Card Type Model Status.
--- --- ----- ---------------------------------- ------------------ -----------
100 1 48 Fabric Extender 48x1GE Module N2K-C2148T-1GE present
150 1 48 Fabric Extender 48x1GE + 4x10G Mod N2K-C2248TP-1GE present
151 1 48 Fabric Extender 48x1GE + 4x10G Mod N2K-C2248TP-1GE present
170 1 32 Fabric Extender 32x10G BaseT + 8x1 0 present
171 1 32 Fabric Extender 32x10G BaseT + 8x1 0 present
198 1 32 Fabric Extender 32x10GE + 8x10G Mo N2K-C2232PP-10GE present
199 1 32 Fabric Extender 32x10GE + 8x10G Mo N2K-C2232PP-10GE present
FEX Mod Sw Hw World-Wide-Name(s) (WWN)
--- --- -------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------
FEX Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
--- --- -------------------------------------- ----------
100 1 000d.ecb1.ef00 to 000d.ecb1.ef2f JAF1302ABDP
150 1 000d.ecfc.a140 to 000d.ecfc.a16f JAF1407AARL
151 1 000d.ecf4.f916 to 000d.ecf4.f945 JAF1352AHAL
170 1 68ef.bd62.1080 to 68ef.bd62.109f JAF1417BTEM
171 1 68ef.bd62.1680 to 68ef.bd62.169f JAF1421DMEA
198 1 000d.ecf7.d4a3 to 000d.ecf7.d4c2 JAF1352AQCH
199 1 68ef.bd61.d8c0 to 68ef.bd61.d8df JAF1409ATAM
This example shows how to display information for all modules in the chassis of a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.1(3)N1(1):
Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
--- ----- -------------------------------- ---------------------- ------------
1 48 O2 48X10GE/Modular Supervisor N5K-C5596UP-SUP active *
2 32 GEM with L3 ASIC N55-M160L3-V2 ok
Related Commands
show hardware internal |
Displays information about the physical hardware. |
show inventory |
Displays hardware inventory information. |
show processes
To display the process information for the switch, use the show processes command.
show processes
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Displays information for all processes running on the switch.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the process information for a device:
PID State PC Start_cnt TTY Process
----- ----- -------- ----------- ---- -------------
251 S 0 1 - SerrLogKthread
2127 S 0 1 - jffs2_gcd_mtd2
2644 S b7f8718e 1 - portmap
2667 S b7f89468 1 - rpc.mountd
2673 S b7f89468 1 - rpc.statd
2700 S b7df3468 1 - sysmgr
3344 S 0 1 - mping-thread
3892 S b7f4b468 1 - xinetd
3893 S b7f89468 1 - tftpd
Related Commands
show processes cpu |
Displays the CPU utilization information for processes. |
show processes log |
Displays the contents of the process log. |
show processes memory |
Displays the memory allocation information for processes. |
show processes cpu
To display the CPU utilization information for processes on the device, use the show processes cpu command.
show processes cpu
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Displays information for all processes in the local device.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the CPU utilization information for the processes:
switch# show processes cpu
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 1Sec Process
----- ----------- -------- ----- ------ -----------
1 1802 22973 78 0.0% init
2 440 44555 9 0.0% ksoftirqd/0
3 79 17021 4 0.0% desched/0
4 2097 92976 22 0.0% events/0
5 71 3224 22 0.0% khelper
169 5 669 8 0.0% kblockd/0
182 121 42 2885 0.0% khubd
248 326 20427 15 0.0% pdflush
251 0 1 1 0.0% SerrLogKthread
846 132 36789 3 0.0% usb-storage
1362 0 1 8 0.0% kjournald
1370 0 1 5 0.0% kjournald
2127 367 56 6560 0.0% jffs2_gcd_mtd2
2184 20 743 27 0.0% kjournald
2644 0 21 38 0.0% portmap
2667 0 1 71 0.0% rpc.mountd
2673 2 5 571 0.0% rpc.statd
2700 152 251559 0 0.0% sysmgr
3344 0 1 22 0.0% mping-thread
3511 1825 10196 179 0.0% insmod
3892 12 3 4105 0.0% xinetd
Related Commands
show processes |
Displays the process information for the switch. |
show processes log |
Displays the contents of the process log. |
show processes memory |
Displays the memory allocation information for processes. |
show processes log
To display the contents of the process log, use the show processes log command.
show processes log [ details | pid process-id ]
Syntax Description
details |
(Optional) Displays detailed information from the process log. |
pid process-id |
(Optional) Displays detailed information from the process log for a specific process. The process ID range is from 1 to 2147483647. |
Command Default
Displays summary information for all processes on the device.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display summary information from the process log:
switch# show processes log
Process PID Normal-exit Stack Core Log-create-time
--------------- ------ ----------- ----- ----- ---------------
afm 2948 N Y N Fri Dec 4 00:36:19 2009
afm 2997 N Y N Tue Dec 15 04:09:57 2009
afm 3871 N N N Sat Mar 20 18:22:14 2010
afm 3875 N N N Fri Mar 26 08:45:06 2010
afm 3877 N Y N Mon Mar 22 03:56:38 2010
afm 3886 N N N Fri Mar 26 08:45:06 2010
afm 3887 N N N Sat Mar 20 18:22:15 2010
afm 3889 N N N Sun Mar 21 06:15:00 2010
afm 3890 N N N Sat Mar 20 18:22:16 2010
afm 3895 N N N Fri Mar 26 08:45:08 2010
afm 3898 N N N Fri Mar 26 08:45:08 2010
afm 3904 N Y N Mon Apr 5 19:28:56 2010
afm 3915 N N N Sun Mar 21 06:15:01 2010
afm 3918 N Y N Mon Mar 22 03:43:42 2010
afm 3919 N N N Sun Mar 21 06:15:03 2010
afm 3922 N Y N Mon Mar 22 03:56:44 2010
afm 3930 N N N Sun Mar 21 06:15:03 2010
afm 3942 N Y N Wed Apr 7 18:47:39 2010
afm 3943 N Y N Tue Apr 6 00:09:46 2010
afm 3950 N Y N Mon Mar 22 03:43:45 2010
afm 3962 N Y N Mon Mar 22 03:43:47 2010
afm 3967 N Y N Tue Apr 6 21:57:55 2010
afm 4054 N Y N Tue Mar 23 07:30:21 2010
afm 4220 N N N Fri Mar 26 08:45:34 2010
afm 4224 N N N Sat Mar 20 18:22:45 2010
This example shows how to display detailed information from the process log:
switch# show processes log details
Description: Acl manager Daemon
Started at Fri Dec 4 00:36:05 2009 (209115 us)
Stopped at Fri Dec 4 00:36:19 2009 (274038 us)
Last heartbeat 0.00 secs ago
System image name: n5000-uk9.4.2.1.N1.0.173.bin
System image version: 4.2(1)N1(0.173) S0
Exit code: signal 11 (core dumped)
EBX B6FA2178 ECX 00000001 EDX 0836EF98
ESI 0000000C EDI 0836F040 EBP BFFFEB48
EAX BFFFEB70 XDS C010007B XES 0000007B
EAX FFFFFFFF (orig) EIP 00000000 XCS 00000073
EFL 00010296 ESP BFFFEB1C XSS 0000007B
Stack: 3956 bytes. ESP BFFFEB1C, TOP BFFFFA90
0xBFFFEB1C: B6F3B1EA BFFFEB70 B6568860 00000001....p...`.V.....
0xBFFFEB2C: B6F3B1CE 00000000 B6FA2294 0000024F........."..O...
0xBFFFEB3C: 00000007 0000000C 00000000 BFFFEBD8................
0xBFFFEB4C: 08107B82 0836F040 BFFFEB70 BFFFEB68.{..@.6.p...h...
0xBFFFEB5C: BFFFEB6C B6F71C64 00000000 BFFFEB88 l...d...........
0xBFFFEB6C: B6F4F72A 00000000 00000008 B6F75D71 *...........q]..
This example shows how to display detailed information from the process log for a specific process:
switch# show processes log pid 2948
Description: Acl manager Daemon
Started at Fri Dec 4 00:36:05 2009 (209115 us)
Stopped at Fri Dec 4 00:36:19 2009 (274038 us)
Last heartbeat 0.00 secs ago
System image name: n5000-uk9.4.2.1.N1.0.173.bin
System image version: 4.2(1)N1(0.173) S0
Exit code: signal 11 (core dumped)
EBX B6FA2178 ECX 00000001 EDX 0836EF98
ESI 0000000C EDI 0836F040 EBP BFFFEB48
EAX BFFFEB70 XDS C010007B XES 0000007B
EAX FFFFFFFF (orig) EIP 00000000 XCS 00000073
EFL 00010296 ESP BFFFEB1C XSS 0000007B
Stack: 3956 bytes. ESP BFFFEB1C, TOP BFFFFA90
0xBFFFEB1C: B6F3B1EA BFFFEB70 B6568860 00000001....p...`.V.....
0xBFFFEB2C: B6F3B1CE 00000000 B6FA2294 0000024F........."..O...
0xBFFFEB3C: 00000007 0000000C 00000000 BFFFEBD8................
0xBFFFEB4C: 08107B82 0836F040 BFFFEB70 BFFFEB68.{..@.6.p...h...
0xBFFFEB5C: BFFFEB6C B6F71C64 00000000 BFFFEB88 l...d...........
0xBFFFEB6C: B6F4F72A 00000000 00000008 B6F75D71 *...........q]..
Related Commands
show processes |
Displays the process information for the switch. |
show processes cpu |
Displays the CPU utilization information for processes. |
show processes memory |
Displays the memory allocation information for processes. |
show processes memory
To display the memory allocation information for processes, use the show processes memory command.
show processes memory [ shared [ detail ]]
Syntax Description
shared |
(Optional) Displays the shared memory allocation. |
detail |
(Optional) Displays the shared memory in bytes instead of the default kilobytes. |
Command Default
Displays memory allocated to the processes.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display information about the memory allocation for processes:
switch# show processes memory
PID MemAlloc StkSize RSSMem LibMem StackBase/Ptr Process
---- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------------- ---------
1 147456 86016 495616 1126400 bffffea0/bffff990 init
2 0 0 0 0 0/0 ksoftirqd/0
169 0 0 0 0 0/0 kblockd/0
251 0 0 0 0 0/0 SerrLogKthread
817 0 0 0 0 0/0 mtdblockd
845 0 0 0 0 0/0 scsi_eh_0
846 0 0 0 0 0/0 usb-storage
1362 0 0 0 0 0/0 kjournald
1370 0 0 0 0 0/0 kjournald
2127 0 0 0 0 0/0 jffs2_gcd_mtd2
2184 0 0 0 0 0/0 kjournald
2644 155648 86016 438272 1216512 bffffdf0/bffffcf0 portmap
This example shows how to display information about the shared memory allocation for processes:
switch# show processes memory shared
Component Shared Memory Size Used Available Reference
Address (kbytes) (kbytes) (kbytes) Count
smm 0X60000000 1024 3 1021 21
cli 0X60110000 30720* 13982 16738 6
npacl 0X61F20000 4096* 1 4095 1
u6rib-ufdm 0X62330000 320* 188 132 1
am 0X62390000 1024* 13 1011 4
urib 0X624A0000 32768* 700 32068 11
urib-redist 0X644B0000 4096* 0 4096 11
icmpv6 0X648C0000 1024 0 1024 1
u6rib 0X649D0000 16384* 665 15719 5
urib-ufdm 0X659E0000 2048* 0 2048 1
ip 0X65BF0000 2048 68 1980 10
u6rib-notify 0X65E00000 2048* 795 1253 5
ipv6 0X66010000 1024 59 965 3
igmp 0X66120000 1024 0 1024 1
Shared memory totals - Size: 98 MB, Used: 17 MB, Available: 82 MB
Related Commands
show processes |
Displays the process information for the switch. |
show processes cpu |
Displays the CPU utilization information for processes. |
show processes log |
Displays the contents of the process log. |
show running-config
To display the running configuration, use the show running-config command.
show running-config [ all ]
Syntax Description
all |
(Optional) Displays all the default and configured information. |
Command Default
Displays only the configured information.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the changes that you have made to the running configuration:
switch# show running-config
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Tue Jul 13 06:05:42 2010
snmp-server enable traps entity fru
description This is a system defined role and applies to all users.
rule 5 permit command feature environment
rule 4 permit command feature hardware
rule 3 permit command feature module
rule 2 permit command feature snmp
rule 1 permit command feature system
username admin password 5 $1$VrQsB2KX$4jkUcx3sXWU8lhI1mlwLa/ role network-admin
username oregon password 5 $1$p3VJ0/BY$Kp22A08NeqCQ0asxUKXq91 role network-oper
no password strength-check
ip host switch
ip host BEND-1
tacacs-server host key 7 "wawy1234"
aaa group server tacacs+ t1
aaa group server tacacs+ tacacs
radius-server host key 7 "KkwyCet" authentication accounting
aaa group server radius r1
logging event link-status default
errdisable recovery interval 30
no errdisable detect cause link-flap
errdisable recovery cause pause-rate-limit
This example shows how to display the entire running configuration, including the default values:
switch# show running-config all
Related Commands
copy running-config startup-config |
Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. |
show running-config diff |
Displays the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration. |
show startup-config |
Displays the startup configuration. |
show running-config diff
To display the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration, use the show running-config diff command.
show running-config diff
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Table 2 describes the notations used in the command output.
Table 2 show running-config diff Notations
line1, line2 ––––
line1, line2 ****
Indicates ranges of lines where differences occur. The range of lines indicated with asterisks (*) is for the startup configuration and the range indicated with dashes (–) is for the startup configuration. |
Indicates that the line is in the running configuration but is not in the startup configuration. |
Indicates that the line is not in the running configuration but it is in the startup configuration. |
Indicates that the line exists in both configurations but in different orders. |
This example shows how to display the difference between the running configuration and the startup configuration:
switch# show running-config diff
system cores tftp:// vrf management
+ vsan 700 wwn 10:00:00:00:00:15:43:e8 fcid 0x350000 dynamic
vsan 1 wwn 20:44:00:0d:ec:b0:fc:40 fcid 0x780000 dynamic
vsan 1 wwn 20:43:00:0d:ec:b0:fc:40 fcid 0x780001 dynamic
vsan 1 wwn 24:01:00:0d:ec:b0:fc:40 fcid 0x780002 dynamic
priority-flow-control mode on
service-policy type qos input 1
+ interface port-channel1932
+ switchport trunk allowed vlan 600
+ spanning-tree bpdufilter enable
bind mac-address 00:00:11:11:22:22
+ vsan 700 interface vfc199
Related Commands
copy running-config startup-config |
Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. |
show running-config |
Displays the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration. |
show startup-config |
Displays the startup configuration. |
show sprom
To display the contents of the serial PROM (SPROM) on the switch, use the show sprom command.
show sprom { all | backplane | fex { chassis_ID { all | backplane | powersupply ps-num } | all } | module module-number | powersupply ps-num | sup }
Syntax Description
all |
Displays the SPROM contents for all components on the physical device. |
backplane |
Displays the SPROM contents for the backplane. |
fex |
Displays information about the attached Fabric Extender units. |
chassis_ID |
(Optional) Fabric Extender chassis ID. The chassis ID is from 100 to 199. |
module module-number |
Displays the SPROM contents for an I/O module. The module number range is from 1 to 3. |
powersupply ps-num |
Displays the SPROM contents for a power supply module number. The power supply module number is 1 or 2. The unit of the power for the command is displayed in centi-amperes. |
sup |
Displays the SPROM contents for the active supervisor module. |
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
4.0(1a)N2(1) |
This command was modified to provide Fabric Extender support. |
Usage Guidelines
The SPROM on the switch contains detailed information about the hardware, including serial, part, and revision numbers. If you need to report a problem with a system component, you can extract serial number information using the show sprom command.
This example shows how to display SPROM information for all components on the physical device:
DISPLAY backplane sprom contents:
OEM String : Cisco Systems, Inc.
Product Number : N5K-C5020P-BF
Serial Number : SSI13390FZT
snmpOID :
MAC Addresses : 00-0d-ec-e7-df-40
WWN software-module specific block:
This example shows how to display SPROM information for the backplane:
switch# show sprom backplane
DISPLAY backplane sprom contents:
OEM String : Cisco Systems, Inc.
Product Number : N5K-C5020P-BF
Serial Number : SSI13390FZT
snmpOID :
This example shows how to display SPROM information for an attached Fabric Extender:
switch# show sprom fex 101 all
Related Commands
show hardware internal |
Displays information about the physical hardware. |
show inventory |
Displays hardware inventory information. |
show startup-config
To display the startup configuration, use the show startup-config command.
show startup-config
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the startup configuration:
switch# show startup-config
!Command: show startup-config
!Time: Tue Jul 13 06:14:51 2010
!Startup config saved at: Fri Jul 9 23:19:25 2010
snmp-server enable traps entity fru
description This is a system defined role and applies to all users.
rule 5 permit command feature environment
rule 4 permit command feature hardware
rule 3 permit command feature module
rule 2 permit command feature snmp
rule 1 permit command feature system
username admin password 5 $1$VrQsB2KX$4jkUcx3sXWU8lhI1mlwLa/ role network-admin
username oregon password 5 $1$p3VJ0/BY$Kp22A08NeqCQ0asxUKXq91 role network-oper
Related Commands
copy running-config startup-config |
Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration. |
show running-config |
Displays the running configuration. |
show running-config diff |
Displays the differences between the running configuration and the startup configuration. |
show switchname
To display the hostname for the device, use the show switchname command.
show switchname
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The show hostname command also displays the switch hostname.
This example shows how to display the hostname for the switch:
Related Commands
hostname |
Configures the hostname for the switch. |
show hostname |
Displays the hostname. |
switchname |
Configures the hostname for the switch. |
show system cores
To display the core filename, use the show system cores command.
show system cores
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the system cores command to configure the system core filename.
This example shows how to display destination information for the system core files:
switch# show system cores
Cores are transferred to tftp://
Related Commands
system cores |
Configures the system core filename. |
show system reset-reason
To display the reset history for the switch, use the show system reset-reason command.
show system reset-reason [ fex chassis_ID ]
Syntax Description
fex chassis_ID |
(Optional) Specifies the Fabric Extender chassis ID. The chassis ID is from 100 to 199. |
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
4.0(1a)N2(1) |
This command was modified to provide Fabric Extender support. |
This example shows how to display the reset-reason history for the switch:
switch# show system reset-reason
----- reset reason for Supervisor-module 1 (from Supervisor in slot 1) ---
3) At 543557 usecs after Fri Jul 9 18:20:45 2010
Reason: Reset due to upgrade
4) At 572283 usecs after Fri Jul 9 05:12:27 2010
Reason: Reset due to upgrade
This example shows how to display the reset-reason history for an attached Fabric Extender:
switch# show system reset-reason fex 100
----- reset reason for FEX 100 ---
1) At 0 usecs after Unknown time
Reset Reason: Unknown (0)
Service (Additional Info):
Image Version: 4.2(1)N2(1)
2) At 0 usecs after Unknown time
Reset Reason: Unknown (0)
Service (Additional Info):
Image Version: 4.2(1)N2(1)
3) At 713709 usecs after Fri Jul 9 18:36:32 2010
Reset Reason: Reset due to upgrade (88)
Service (Additional Info): Reset due to upgrade
Image Version: 4.2(1)N1(1)
4) At 702748 usecs after Fri Jul 9 05:27:06 2010
Reset Reason: Reset due to upgrade (88)
Service (Additional Info): Reset due to upgrade
Image Version: 4.2(1)N2(1)
show system resources
To display the system resources, use the show system resources command.
show system resources
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
4.2(1)N2(1) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command does not require a license.
This example shows how to display the system resources on a switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(3)N1(1):
switch(config)# show system resources
Load average: 1 minute: 3.31 5 minutes: 1.21 15 minutes: 0.58
Processes : 270 total, 2 running
CPU states : 4.0% user, 5.0% kernel, 91.1% idle
Memory usage: 2073416K total, 1386684K used, 686732K free
Related Commands
show processes cpu |
Displays the CPU utilization information for processes on the device. |
show system uptime
To display the amount of time since the last system restart, use the show system uptime command.
show system uptime
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display the amount of time since the last system restart:
switch# show system uptime
System start time: Mon Jul 12 01:37:08 2010
System uptime: 1 days, 4 hours, 42 minutes, 19 seconds
Kernel uptime: 1 days, 4 hours, 44 minutes, 19 seconds
Active supervisor uptime: 1 days, 4 hours, 42 minutes, 19 seconds
show tech-support
To display information for Cisco technical support, use the show tech-support command.
show tech-support [ brief | commands | feature ]
Syntax Description
brief |
(Optional) Displays information only about the status of the device. |
commands |
(Optional) Displays the complete list of commands that are executed by the show tech-support command. |
feature |
(Optional) Specific feature name. Use the command-line interface (CLI) context-sensitive help (for example, show tech-support ?) for the list of features. |
Command Default
Displays information for all features.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The output from the show tech-support command is very long. To better manage this output, you can redirect the output to a file (for example, show tech-support > filename) in the local writable storage file system or the remote file system.
You can use one of the following redirection methods:
- > filename —Redirects the output to a file.
- >> filename —Redirects the output to a file in append mode.
This example shows how to display technical support information:
switch# show tech-support
---- show tech-support ----
System start time: Mon Jul 12 01:37:08 2010
System uptime: 1 days, 4 hours, 42 minutes, 53 seconds
Kernel uptime: 1 days, 4 hours, 44 minutes, 54 seconds
Active supervisor uptime: 1 days, 4 hours, 42 minutes, 53 seconds
Hardware: GigabitEthernet, address: 000d.ece7.df40 (bia 000d.ece7.df40)
Internet Address is
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
1 minute input rate 5408 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec
1 minute output rate 1320 bits/sec, 1 packets/sec
465934 input packets 311703 unicast packets 73820 multicast packets
80411 broadcast packets 250277048 bytes
158490 output packets 155374 unicast packets 1725 multicast packets
1391 broadcast packets 13184030 bytes
Load average: 1 minute: 2.28 5 minutes: 1.77 15 minutes: 1.30
This example shows how to redirect the technical support information to a file:
switch# show tech-support > bootflash:TechSupport.txt
This example shows how to display the brief technical support information for the switch:
switch# show tech-support brief
Switch Type : 40x10GE/Supervisor
Kickstart Image : 4.2(1)N2(1) bootflash:/sanity-kickstart
System Image : 4.2(1)N2(1) bootflash:/sanity-system
IP Address/Mask :
VSAN 1: name:VSAN0001, state:active, interop mode:default
domain id:0x78(120), WWN:20:01:00:0d:ec:e7:df:41 [Principal]
active-zone:<NONE>, default-zone:deny
VSAN 700: name:VSAN0700, state:active, interop mode:default
domain id:0x35(53), WWN:22:bc:00:0d:ec:e7:df:41 [Principal]
active-zone:<NONE>, default-zone:permit
Interface Vsan Admin Admin Status SFP Oper Oper Port
Mode Trunk Mode Speed Channel
fc3/1 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- --
fc3/2 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- --
fc3/3 1 auto on down swl -- --
fc3/4 1 auto on down swl -- --
fc3/5 1 auto on sfpAbsent -- -- --
This example shows how to display the technical support information for a specific feature:
switch# show tech-support aaa
`show running-config aaa all`
!Command: show running-config aaa all
!Time: Tue Jul 13 06:23:49 2010
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authorization config-commands default local
aaa authorization commands default local
aaa accounting default local
no aaa authentication login error-enable
no aaa authentication login mschap enable
no aaa authentication login mschapv2 enable
no aaa authentication login ascii-authentication
no radius-server directed-request
no tacacs-server directed-request
`show system internal aaa event-history msgs`
1) Event:E_MTS_RX, length:60, at 932934 usecs after Tue Jul 13 06:23:49 2010
Src:0x00000101/7389, Dst:0x00000101/111, Flags:None
HA_SEQNO:0X00000000, RRtoken:0x011968A2, Sync:UNKNOWN, Payloadsize:216
0x0000: 01 00 2f 74 6d 70 2f 64 62 67 64 75 6d 70 31 39
This example shows how to display the commands used to generate the technical support information:
switch# show tech-support commands
show terminal
To display information about the terminal configuration for a session, use the show terminal command.
show terminal
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
This example shows how to display information about the terminal configuration for a session:
TTY: /dev/pts/1 Type: "ansi"
Length: 29 lines, Width: 80 columns
Session Timeout: 0 minutes
Event Manager CLI event bypass: no
Related Commands
terminal length |
Configures the terminal display length for the session. |
terminal session-timeout |
Configures the terminal inactive session timeout for a session. |
terminal type |
Configures the terminal type for a session. |
terminal width |
Configures the terminal display width for a session. |
show version
To display information about the software version, use the show version command.
show version [ fex chassis_ID | image filename ]
Syntax Description
fex chassis_ID |
(Optional) Specifies the Fabric Extender chassis ID. The chassis ID is from 100 to 199. |
image filename |
(Optional) Displays the version information for a system or kickstart image file. |
Command Default
Displays software version information for the running kickstart and system images.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
4.0(0)N1(1a) |
This command was introduced. |
4.0(1a)N2(1) |
This command was modified to provide Fabric Extender support. |
This example shows how to display the version information for the kickstart and system image running on the device:
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.
Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public
License. A copy of the license is available at
kickstart: version 4.2(1)N2(1)
system: version 4.2(1)N2(1)
BIOS compile time: 09/08/09
kickstart image file is: bootflash:/sanity-kickstart
kickstart compile time: 7/28/2010 11:00:00 [07/07/2010 22:20:39]
system image file is: bootflash:/sanity-system
system compile time: 7/28/2010 11:00:00 [07/07/2010 23:47:55]
cisco Nexus5020 Chassis ("40x10GE/Supervisor")
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU with 2074288 kB of memory.
Processor Board ID JAF1344BHNK
Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 9 hour(s), 9 minute(s), 7 second(s)
System version: 4.2(1)N2(1)
Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin, Fc Plugin
This example shows how to display the version information for an attached Fabric Extender:
switch# show version fex 100
System boot mode: primary
System image version: 4.2(1)N2(1) [build 4.2(1)N2(1)]
Module: Fabric Extender 48x1GE Module
Serial number: JAF1302ABDP
Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 9 hour(s), 9 minutes(s), 16 second(s)
Last reset at Fri Jul 02 04:27:04 2010
Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
Service: Reload requested by supervisor
This example shows how to display the version information for the kickstart and system image running on a device that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(2)N2(1):
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2010, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by
other third parties and are used and distributed under license.
Some parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public
License. A copy of the license is available at
kickstart: version 5.0(2)N2(1) [build 5.0(2)N2(1)]
system: version 5.0(2)N2(1) [build 5.0(2)N2(1)]
BIOS compile time: 09/08/09
kickstart image file is: bootflash:/sanity-kickstart
kickstart compile time: 12/6/2010 7:00:00 [12/06/2010 07:35:14]
system image file is: bootflash:/sanity-system
system compile time: 12/6/2010 7:00:00 [12/06/2010 08:56:45]
cisco Nexus5010 Chassis ("20x10GE/Supervisor")
Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU with 2073416 kB of memory.
Processor Board ID JAF1228BTAS
Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 3 hour(s), 30 minute(s), 45 second(s)
Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin, Fc Plugin