Table Of Contents
show ip bgp community exact-match
show ip eigrp route-map statistics
show ip ospf lsa-content-changed-list
show ip ospf policy statistics area
show ip ospf policy statistics redistribute
show ip ospf retransmission-list
Unicast Routing Show Commands
This chapter describes the Cisco NX-OS unicast routing show commands available on Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switches.
show bgp
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes, use the show bgp command.
show bgp {all | ipv4 {unicast | multicast} [addr | prefix [longer-prefixes]] [vrf vrf-name | all]}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show bgp command to display information about BGP.
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display an entry in the BGP table:
switch# show bgp ipv4 multicastBGP routing table information for VRF default, address family IPv4 MulticastBGP table version is 5, local router ID is s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-bestPath type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redistOrigin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete, | - multipathNetwork Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Pathl92.168.1.3 100 32768 iswitch#Related Commands
show bgp community
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a community, use the show bgp community command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} community [as-number]no-advertise] [no-export] [no-export-subconfed] [exact-match]} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match a community:
show bgp ip multicast community no-advertiseRelated Commands
show bgp community-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a community list, use the show bgp community-list command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} community-list commlist-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match a community list:
show bgp ip unicast community-list test1Related Commands
show bgp extcommunity
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community, use the show bgp extcommunity command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} extcommunity 4byteas-generic {non-transitive | transitive} [as4-number] [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match an extended community:
show bgp ip unicast extcommunity 4byteas-generic transitive 1.3:30Related Commands
show bgp extcommunity-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community list, use the show bgp extcommunity-list command.
show bgp {{ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast}} extcommunity-list commlist-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that match a community list:
show bgp ipv4 unicast extcommunity-list test1Related Commands
show bgp neighbors
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbors, use the show bgp neighbors command.
show bgp {ip | ipv4} {unicast | multicast} neighbors [addr [advertised-routes | flap-statistics | paths | received-routes | routes [advertised | dampened | received]]] [vrf {all | vrf-name}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP neighbors:
show bgp ip unicast neighborsRelated Commands
show bgp sessions
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) sessions, use the show bgp sessions command.
show bgp sessions [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP sessions:
show bgp sessionsTotal peers 2, established peers 0ASN 102VRF default, local ASN 102peers 2, established peers 0, local router-id I-Idle, A-Active, O-Open, E-Established, C-Closing, S-ShutdownNeighbor ASN Flaps LastUpDn|LastRead|LastWrit St Port(L/R) Notif(S/R) 64497 0 01:31:58|never |never I 0/0 0/0192.168.1.3 0 0 00:03:25|never |never I 0/0 0/0switch
#Related Commands
show bgp statistics
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) traffic statistics, use the show bgp statistics command.
show bgp statistics
Syntax Description
This command has no argument or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP traffic statistics:
show bgp statisticsNeighbor aggregated statistics (sent/received)Msgs Bytes Opens Updates0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0Keepalives Notifications Route-refresh Capabilities0/0 0/0 0/0 0/0BGP I/O InformationActive Open attempts : 0Passive Open attempts : 0BGP I/O Open loops : 117BGP I/O Open calls : 0BGP I/O Open recv calls : 0BGP I/O Send calls : 0BGP I/O Recv calls : 0BGP I/O Write calls : 0BGP I/O Write loops : 1BGP I/O Write loop yields : 0BGP I/O Read calls : 0BGP I/O Read loops : 117BGP I/O Read loop yields : 0BGP I/O process nlri yields : 0BGP I/O process withdraw yields : 0BGP Read time exceeded : 0BGP Update send pending : 0BGP Update buffer not available : 0BGP Update walk suspended : 0BGP Yielded in updates : 0BGP Yielded in packing : 0BGP No sendbuf for peer : 0BGP No withdraw buf for peer : 0BGP Yields in update peer loop : 0No updates pending or no buffers : 1No data to write : 1Msg queue recv errors : 0Sockets create/accept/close : 2/0/0Sockets create retries/failures : 0/0switch
#Related Commands
show forwarding
To display forwarding information, use the show forwarding command.
show forwarding [ip | ipv4] {adjacency | interfaces | route | trace [clear] | table id | pss | route} [module slot] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show forwarding command on the supervisor to view forwarding information on a module. Optionally, you can use the attach module command to attach to a module and use the show forwarding command on the module.
This example shows how to display forwarding information for module 2:
switch# show forwarding route module 2Related Commands
show forwarding distribution
To display forwarding distribution information, use the show forwarding distribution command.
show forwarding distribution [clients | fib-state]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays the forwarding distribution information for unicast clients.
(Optional) Displays the forwarding distribution state for unicast Forwarding Information Base (FIB).
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the forwarding information for unicast clients:
switch# show forwarding distribution clientsRelated Commands
show forwarding inconsistency
To display the results of the forwarding inconsistency checker, use the show forwarding inconsistency command.
show forwarding inconsistency [ip | ipv4] [unicast] module slot [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show forwarding inconsistency command to display the results of the test forwarding inconsistency command.
This example shows how to display the forwarding inconsistency information for module 2:
switch# show forwarding inconsistency module 2Related Commands
Command Descriptionclear forwarding inconsistency
Clears the forwarding inconsistency checker.
test forwarding inconsistency
Triggers the forwarding inconsistency checker.
show hsrp
To display Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) information for each HSRP group, use the show hsrp command.
show hsrp [interface {ethernet slot/port | port-channel number | vlan vlan-id}] [group group-number] [active | init | listen | standby] [all] [brief] [detail] [ipv4]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show hsrp command to display information about HSRP groups. The brief keyword displays a single line of information about each virtual gateway or virtual forwarder.
If you have not configured authentication, the show hsrp command will display the following string:
Authentication text "cisco"This is the default behavior of HSRP as defined in RFC 2281:
If no authentication data is configured, the RECOMMENDED defaultvalue is 0x63 0x69 0x73 0x63 0x6F 0x00 0x00 0x00.This command does not require a license.
Note Make sure the LAN Base Services license is installed on the switch to enable Layer 3 interfaces.
This example shows how to display the default information about HSRP:
switch# show hsrpVlan1 - Group 1 (HSRP-V1) (IPv4)Local state is Active, priority 150 (Cfged 150), may preemptForwarding threshold(for vPC), lower: 1 upper: 150Preemption Delay (Seconds) Reload:300Hellotime 3 sec, holdtime 10 secNext hello sent in 0.793000 sec(s)Virtual IP address is (Cfged)Active router is localStandby router is unknownAuthentication text "cisco"Virtual mac address is 0000.0c07.ac01 (Default MAC)17 state changes, last state change 1w0dIP redundancy name is hsrp-Vlan1-1 (default)...
Note The authentication text string in the preceding example indicates that authentication has not been configured on the interface.
This example shows how to display a brief summary of HSRP information:
switch# show hsrp briefP indicates configured to preempt.|Interface Grp Prio P State Active addr Standby addr Group addrVlan1 1 150 P Active local unknown (conf)Vlan2 2 150 P Active local unknown (conf)...Related Commands
show hsrp delay
To display the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) group delay information, use the show hsrp delay command.
show hsrp delay [interface {ethernet slot/port | port-channel number[.sub_if_number] | vlan vlan_id}] [group group-number] [all] [brief]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command does not require a license.
Note Make sure the LAN Base Services license is installed on the switch to enable Layer 3 interfaces.
This example shows how to display HSRP delay information:
switch# show hsrp delay---------------------------------Interface Minimum Reload---------------------------------Eth1/5 30 0switch#Related Commands
Command Descriptiondelay minimum
Configures the delay infromation for HSRP groups.
feature hsrp
Enables the HSRP feature.
hsrp delay
Configures the delay infromation for HSRP groups.
show hsrp summary
To display Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) summary information for each HSRP group, use the show hsrp summary command.
show hsrp summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command does not require a license.
Note Make sure the LAN Base Services license is installed on the switch to enable Layer 3 interfaces.
This example shows how to display a summary of HSRP information:
switch# show hsrp summaryHSRP Summary:Extended-hold (NSF) disabledGlobal HSRP-BFD disabledTotal Groups: 1Version:: V1-IPV4: 1 V2-IPV4: 0 V2-IPV6: 0State:: Active: 0 Standby: 0 Listen: 0State:: V6-Active: 0 V6-Standby: 0 V6-Listen: 0Total HSRP Enabled interfaces: 1Total Packets:Tx - Pass: 0 Fail: 0Rx - Good: 0Packet for unknown groups: 0Total MTS: Rx: 25switch#Related Commands
show ip adjacency
To display adjacency information, use the show ip adjacency command.
show ip adjacency [ip-addr | interface] [detail] [non-best] [statistics] [summary]
[vrf vrf-name | all | default | management]Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
The counter values in the output of show ip adjacency {statistics | detail} command are cleared after a supervisor module switchover.
This example shows how to display a summary of the adjacency information:
switch# show ip adjacency summaryIP Adjacency Table for VRF defaultTotal number of entries: 1Address MAC Address Pref Source Interface2.2.2.100 000a.000a.000a 1 Static Ethernet1/2switch#Related Commands
show ip adjacency summary
To display the IP adjacency summary, use the show ip adjacency summary command.
show ip adjacency summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command does not require a license.
This example shows how to display the IP adjacency summary:
switch# show ip adjacency summary
IIP AM Table - Adjacency SummaryStatic : 1Dynamic : 0Others : 0Total : 1switch#Related Commands
show ip arp
To display the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) information, use the show ip arp command.
show ip arp [ip-addr | {ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | mgmt mif_number | port-channel number}] [client] [static] [statistics] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the ARP information:
switch# show ip arpFlags: D - Static Adjacencies attached to down interfaceIP ARP Table for context defaultTotal number of entries: 1Address Age MAC Address Interface2.2.2.100 - 000a.000a.000a Ethernet1/2switch#Related Commands
show ip arp summary
To display ARP adjacency summary, use the show ip arp summary command.
show ip arp summary
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Global configuration mode
Command History
This example shows how to display ARP adjacency summary:
switch# show ip arp summary
IP ARP Table - Adjacency SummaryResolved : 0Incomplete : 0Unknown : 0Total : 0switch#Related Commands
show ip bgp
To display entries in the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) table, use the show ip bgp command.
show ip bgp [ip-addr | ip-prefix [longer-prefixes]] [received-paths] [regexp expression] [route-map map-name] [summary] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP route table:
switch(config-router)# show ip bgpRelated Commands
show ip bgp all
To display the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) entries for all address families, use the show ip bgp all command.
show ip bgp all [ip-addr | ip-prefix [longer-prefixes]] [filter-list list-name] [community-list commlist-name [exact-match]] [flap-statistics] [nexthop-database] [received-paths] [regexp expression][route-map map-name] [summary] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all community [comm-name] [{{internet | no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed} | exact-match}] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all extcommunity 4byteas-generic {non-transitive | transitive} [as4-number] [exact-match] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all dampening {dampened-paths [regexp expression] | flap-statistics | history-paths [regexp expression] | parameters} [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
show ip bgp all neighbors [ip-addr [advertised-routes | flap-statistics | paths | received-routes | routes [advertised | dampened | received]]] [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP entries for all address families:
switch# show ip bgp allBGP routing table information for VRF default, address family IPv4 MulticastBGP table version is 5, local router ID is s-suppressed, x-deleted, S-stale, d-dampened, h-history, *-valid, >-bestPath type: i-internal, e-external, c-confed, l-local, a-aggregate, r-redistOrigin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete, | - multipathNetwork Next Hop Metric LocPrf Weight Pathl92.168.1.3/2 100 32768 iswitch#This example shows how to display a summary of the state of the BGP route table:
switch# show ip bgp all summaryBGP summary information for VRF default, address family IPv4 MulticastBGP router identifier, local AS number 102BGP table version is 5, IPv4 Multicast config peers 2, capable peers 01 network entries and 1 paths using 104 bytes of memoryBGP attribute entries [1/124], BGP AS path entries [0/0]BGP community entries [0/0], BGP clusterlist entries [0/0]Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd10.0.0.100 4 64497 0 0 0 0 0 03:20:10 Idle192.168.1.3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 01:51:38 Idleswitch#Related Commands
show ip bgp community
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a community list, use the show ip bgp community command.
show ip bgp community {community-number] [{internet | no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed}} [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that are part of the 201 BGP community:
switch# show ip bgp community 201This example shows how to display the routes that are part of the no-advertise BGP community and all VRF:
switch# show ip bgp community no-advertiseRelated Commands
show ip bgp community exact-match
To display routes that matches a specific Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) community, use the show ip bgp community exact-match command.
show ip bgp community community-number exact-match [vrf {all | vrf-name}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the routes that have exactly the same specified BGP communities:
switch# show ip bgp community 201 exact-matchRelated Commands
show ip bgp community-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that are permitted by the BGP community list, use the show ip bgp community-list command.
show ip bgp [ipv4 {unicast | multicast} | all] community-list commlist-name [exact-match]} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a community list:
show ip bgp community-list test1Related Commands
show ip bgp dampening
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) dampening information, use the show ip bgp dampening command.
show ip bgp [ipv4 {unicast | multicast} | all] dampening {dampened-paths [regexp expression] | flap-statistics | history-paths [regexp expression] | parameters} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the dampening information:
show ip bgp dampening dampened-pathsRelated Commands
Command Descriptionaddress-family (BGP router)
Configures BGP parameters.
dampening (BGP)
Configures the route flap dampening.
show ip bgp extcommunity
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community, use the show ip bgp extcommunity command.
show ip bgp extcommunity generic {non-transitive | transitive} [as4-number] [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match an extended community:
show ip bgp extcommunity generic transitive 1.3:30Related Commands
show ip bgp extcommunity-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match an extended community list, use the show ip bgp extcommunity-list command.
show ip bgp extcommunity-list commlist-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a community list:
show ip bgp extcommunity-list test1Related Commands
show ip bgp filter-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a filter list, use the show ip bgp filter-list command.
show ip bgp filter-list list-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a filter list:
show ip bgp filter-list test1Related Commands
Command Descriptionfilter-list
Assigns an autonomous system (AS) path filter to a BGP peer.
show ip bgp all
Displays the BGP entries for all address families.
show ip bgp flap-statistics
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) flap statistics, use the show ip bgp flap-statistics command.
show ip bgp flap-statistics [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the flap statistics:
show ip bgp flap-statisticsRelated Commands
show ip bgp neighbors
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) neighbors, use the show ip bgp neighbors command.
show ip bgp neighbors [addr [advertised-routes | flap-statistics | paths | received-routes | routes [advertised | dampened | received]]] [vrf {all | vrf-name}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP neighbors:
show ip bgp neighborsRelated Commands
show ip bgp nexthop
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) next-hop information, use the show ip bgp nexthop command.
show ip bgp nexthop addr [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
IPv4 address. The format is x.x.x.x
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP next-hop information:
show ip bgp nexthop Commands
show ip bgp nexthop-database
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) next-hop database, use the show ip bgp nexthop-database command.
show ip bgp nexthop-database [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP next-hop database:
show ip bgp nexthop-databaseRelated Commands
show ip bgp paths
To display all the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) paths in the database, use the show ip bgp paths command.
show ip bgp paths
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP paths in the database:
show ip bgp pathsAddress Hash Refcount Metric Path0x5a5e46bc 2001 1 0 iswitch#Related Commands
show ip bgp peer-policy
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer policy template information, use the show ip bgp peer-policy command.
show ip bgp peer-policy name
Syntax Description
Name of a BGP template. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP peer policy:
show ip bgp peer-policy test1Related Commands
Command Descriptioninherit peer-policy
Inherits a peer policy template for a neighbor.
template peer-policy
Configures a peer policy template.
show ip bgp peer-session
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer session template information, use the show ip bgp peer-session command.
show ip bgp peer-session name
Syntax Description
Name of a BGP template. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP peer session:
show ip bgp peer-session test1Related Commands
Command Descriptioninherit peer-session
Inherits a peer session template for a neighbor.
template peer-session
Configures a peer session template.
show ip bgp peer-template
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer template information, use the show ip bgp peer-template command.
show ip bgp peer-template name
Syntax Description
Name of a BGP template. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP peer template:
show ip bgp peer-template peer1Related Commands
Command Descriptioninherit peer-template
Inherits a peer template for a neighbor.
template peer
Configures a peer template.
show ip bgp prefix-list
To display Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes that match a prefix list, use the show ip bgp prefix-list command.
show ip bgp prefix-list list-name [exact-match] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display routes that match a prefix list:
show ip bgp prefix-list test1Related Commands
Command Descriptionmaximum-prefix
Controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a BGP neighbor.
show ip bgp received-paths
To display the routes received from a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer, use the show ip bgp received-paths command.
show ip bgp received-paths [vrf vrf-name | all]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.
(Optional) Specifies all VRF.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the received routes from a BGP peer:
show ip bgp received-pathsRelated Commands
show ip bgp route-map
To display the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route maps from the BGP table, use the show ip bgp route-map command.
show ip bgp route-map route-map-name [vrf vrf-name | all]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the BGP route maps from the BGP table:
show ip bgp route-mapRelated Commands
show ip bgp summary
To display the status of all Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connections, use the show ip bgp summary command.
show ip bgp summary [vrf vrf-name | all]
Syntax Description
vrf vrf-name
(Optional) Specifies the virtual router context (VRF) name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.
(Optional) Specifies all VRF.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise Services license.
This example shows how to display the status of BGP connections:
show ip bgp summaryRelated Commands
Command Descriptionmaximum-prefix
Controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a BGP neighbor.
router bgp
Assigns an autonomous system (AS) number to a router.
show ip client
To display information about the internal IP clients, use the show ip client command.
show ip client [name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the IP client information for the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP):
switch(config)# show ip client arp
Related Commands
show ip community-list
To display community lists for the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), use the show ip community-list command.
show ip community-list [name]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Name of the community list. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the community lists:
switch(config)# show ip community-list
Related Commands
show ip eigrp
To display a summary of the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) processes, use the show ip eigrp command.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Name of the EIGRP instance. The instance-tag can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 20 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display all the EIGRP instances:
switch# show ip eigrpIP-EIGRP AS 65535 ID VRF defaultProcess-tag: Test1Status: runningAuthentication mode: noneAuthentication key-chain: noneMetric weights: K1=1 K2=0 K3=1 K4=0 K5=0IP proto: 88 Multicast group: distance: 90 Ext distance: 170Max paths: 8Number of EIGRP interfaces: 8 (0 loopbacks)Number of EIGRP passive interfaces: 0Number of EIGRP peers: 8Redistributing:direct route-map SVI-EIGRPGraceful-Restart: EnabledStub-Routing: DisabledNSF converge time limit/expiries: 120/0NSF route-hold time limit/expiries: 240/0NSF signal time limit/expiries: 20/0Redistributed max-prefix: Disabledswitch#Related Commands
Command Descriptionshow running-config eigrp
Displays EIGRP running configuration information.
router eigrp
Configures an EIGRP instance.
show ip eigrp accounting
To display prefix accounting information for the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) processes, use the show ip eigrp accounting command.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag] accounting [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display the EIGRP accounting information:
switch# show ip eigrp accountingIP-EIGRP Accounting Statistics for AS 65535 VRF defaultTotal Prefix Count: 3536States: A-Adjacency, P-Pending, D-DownState Address/Source Interface Prefix Restart Restart/Count Count Reset(s)A Redistributed ---- 118 0 0A Po2001 3413 0 0A Po2000 3418 0 0A Eth1/26 3419 0 0A Eth2/5 3419 0 0A Eth2/6 3419 0 0A Eth2/7 3419 0 0A Eth3/11 3419 0 0A Eth3/12 3419 0 0switch#Related Commands
Command Descriptionshow running-config eigrp
Displays EIGRP running configuration information.
router eigrp
Configures an EIGRP instance.
show ip eigrp interfaces
To display information about interfaces configured for the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show ip eigrp interfaces command.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag] interfaces [{ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number | vlan vlan-id}] [brief] [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
This command shows all interfaces for the default VRF if no VRF or no interface is specified.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip eigrp interfaces command to determine on which interfaces EIGRP is active and learn information about EIGRP related to those interfaces.
If you specify an interface, only that interface is displayed. Otherwise, all interfaces on which EIGRP is running are displayed.
If you specify an autonomous system, only the routing process for the specified autonomous system is displayed. Otherwise, all EIGRP processes are displayed.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display information about EIGRP interfaces:
switch# show ip eigrp interfaces briefIP-EIGRP interfaces for process 65535 VRF defaultXmit Queue Mean Pacing Time Multicast PendingInterface Peers Un/Reliable SRTT Un/Reliable Flow Timer RoutesEth1/26 1 0/0 16 0/1 64 0Eth2/5 1 0/0 16 0/1 64 0Eth2/6 1 0/0 16 0/1 64 0Eth2/7 1 0/0 13 0/1 50 0Eth3/11 1 0/0 18 0/1 80 0Eth3/12 1 0/0 14 0/1 64 0Po2000 1 0/0 13 0/1 72 0Po2001 1 0/0 20 0/1 128 0switch#This example shows how to display information about a particular EIGRP interface:
switch# show ip eigrp interfaces ethernet 2/5IP-EIGRP interfaces for process 65535 VRF defaultXmit Queue Mean Pacing Time Multicast PendingInterface Peers Un/Reliable SRTT Un/Reliable Flow Timer RoutesEth2/5 1 0/0 16 0/1 64 0Hello interval is 5 secHoldtime interval is 15 secNext xmit serial <none>Un/reliable mcasts: 0/178 Un/reliable ucasts: 292/17Mcast exceptions: 4 CR packets: 4 ACKs suppressed: 8Retransmissions sent: 8 Out-of-sequence rcvd: 146Authentication mode is not setswitch#Related Commands
Command Descriptionshow ip eigrp neighbors
Displays the neighbors discovered by EIGRP.
show running-config eigrp
Displays EIGRP running configuration information.
show ip eigrp neighbors
To display information about neighbors discovered by the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show ip eigrp neighbors command.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag] neighbors [detail] [{ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number | vlan vlan-id}] [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
This command displays all neighbors for the default VRF on all interfaces if no VRF or interface is specified.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip eigrp neighbors command to determine when neighbors become active and inactive. This command is also useful for debugging certain types of transport problems.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display information about EIGRP neighbors:
switch# show ip eigrp neighborsIP-EIGRP neighbors for process 65535 VRF defaultH Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq(sec) (ms) Cnt Num7 Po2001 12 03:44:02 20 200 0 103316 Po2000 14 03:44:02 13 200 0 1581575 Eth1/26 13 03:44:14 16 200 0 1581644 Eth2/5 12 03:44:14 16 200 0 1581663 Eth2/6 13 03:44:15 16 200 0 1581652 Eth2/7 11 03:44:15 13 200 0 1581671 Eth3/11 14 03:44:16 18 200 0 1581580 Eth3/12 11 03:44:17 14 200 0 158163switch#This example shows how to display detailed information about EIGRP neighbors:
switch# show ip eigrp neighbors detailIP-EIGRP neighbors for process 65535 VRF defaultH Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq(sec) (ms) Cnt Num7 Po2001 10 03:45:21 20 200 0 10331Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 4, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 34136 Po2000 12 03:45:22 13 200 0 158157Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 2, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 34185 Eth1/26 11 03:45:34 16 200 0 158164Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 5, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 34194 Eth2/5 12 03:45:34 16 200 0 158166Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 8, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 34193 Eth2/6 12 03:45:35 16 200 0 158165Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 4, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 34192 Eth2/7 13 03:45:35 13 200 0 158167Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 3, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 34191 Eth3/11 12 03:45:36 18 200 0 158158Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 7, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 34190 Eth3/12 10 03:45:36 14 200 0 158163Version 12.4/1.2, Retrans: 5, Retries: 0, Prefixes: 3419switch#Related Commands
Command Descriptionclear ip eigrp neighbors
Clears neighbors for EIGRP.
show running-config eigrp
Displays EIGRP running configuration information.
show ip eigrp route
To display the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) routes, use the show ip eigrp route-map statistics command in any mode.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag] route [ip-prefix/length] [active] [all-links] [detail-links] [pending] [summary] [zero-successors] [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires a LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display the EIGRP routes:
switch# show ip eigrp routeIP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(65535)/ID( VRF defaultCodes: P - Passive, A - Active, U - Update, Q - Query, R - Reply,r - reply Status, s - sia StatusP, 7 successors, FD is 13056via (13056/12800), Ethernet2/7via (13056/12800), Ethernet1/26via (13056/12800), Ethernet3/12via (13056/12800), Ethernet3/11via (13056/12800), port-channel2000via (13056/12800), Ethernet2/6via (13056/12800), Ethernet2/5P, 7 successors, FD is 13056via (13056/12800), Ethernet2/7via (13056/12800), Ethernet2/6via (13056/12800), Ethernet3/12via (13056/12800), port-channel2000via (13056/12800), Ethernet3/11via (13056/12800), Ethernet1/26via (13056/12800), Ethernet2/5P, 7 successors, FD is 13056via (13056/12800), Ethernet2/7<--Output truncated-->switch#Related Commands
show ip eigrp route-map statistics
To display the route redistribution statistics for the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), use the show ip eigrp route-map statistics command in any mode.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag] route-map statistics redistribute {bgp id | direct | eigrp id | ospf id | rip id | static} [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires a LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display route-map statistics for EIGRP:
switch# show ip eigrp route-map statistics redistribute directC: No. of comparisions, M: No. of matchesroute-map SVI-EIGRP permit 10match source-protocol direct C: 129 M: 0Total accept count for policy: 129Total reject count for policy: 0switch#Related Commands
show ip eigrp topology
To display the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) topology table, use the show ip eigrp topology command.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag] topology [ip-address/length] [active | all-links | detail-links | pending | summary | zero-successors] [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
This command displays information for the default VRF if no VRF is specified.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip eigrp topology command to determine Diffusing Update Algorithm (DUAL) states and to debug possible DUAL problems.
When you use the show ip eigrp topology command without any keywords or arguments, Cisco NX-OS displays only routes that are feasible successors.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display the EIGRP topology table. The EIGRP metrics for specified internal routes and external routes are displayed.
switch# show ip eigrp topology (AS 65535): Topology entry for is Passive, Query origin flag is 1, 7 Successor(s), FD is 13056Routing Descriptor Blocks: (Ethernet2/7), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13056/12800), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 310 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 1External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 0Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000) (Ethernet2/6), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13056/12800), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 310 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 1External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 40Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000) (Ethernet3/12), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13056/12800), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 310 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 1External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 40Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000) (Ethernet3/11), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13056/12800), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 310 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 1External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 40Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000) (port-channel2000), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13056/12800), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 310 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 1External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 40Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000) (Ethernet2/6), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13056/12800), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 310 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 1External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 40Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000) (Ethernet2/5), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13056/12800), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 310 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 1External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 40Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000) (port-channel2001), from, Send flag is 0x0Composite metric is (13312/13056), Route is ExternalVector metric:Minimum bandwidth is 500000 KbitTotal delay is 320 microsecondsReliability is 200/255Load is 1/255Minimum MTU is 1500Hop count is 2External data:Originating router is number of route is 0External protocol is OSPF, external metric is 40Administrator tag is 0 (0x00000000)switch#This example show how to display all the entries in the EIGRP topology table:
switch(config)# show ip eigrp topology all-linksThis example shows how to display the detailed information for all entries in the EIGRP topology table:
switch(config)# show ip eigrp topology detail-linksThis example shows how to display a summary of the topology table:
switch(config)# show ip eigrp topology summaryIP-EIGRP Topology Table for AS(65535)/ID( VRF defaultHead serial 3, next serial 156313536 routes, 0 pending replies, 0 dummiesIP-EIGRP(0) enabled on 8 interfaces, 8 neighbors present on 8 interfacesQuiescent interfaces: Eth3/11 Po2000 Po2001 Eth2/7 Eth2/5 Eth2/6 Eth1/26 Eth3/12switch#This example shows how to display the active entries in the topology table:
switch(config-if)# show ip eigrp topology activeThis example shows how to display zero-successors in the topology table:
switch(config-router)# show ip eigrp topology zero-successorsThis example shows how to display pending entries:
switch(config)# show ip eigrp topology pending
Related Commands
show ip eigrp traffic
To display the number of Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) packets sent and received, use the show ip eigrp traffic command.
show ip eigrp [instance-tag] traffic [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
This command displays information for the default VRF if no VRF is specified.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip eigrp traffic command to find the number of packets sent and received by this EIGRP instance.
In addition, this command is useful in determining whether packets from one node are not reaching the neighboring node due to connectivity or configuration problems.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display the EIGRP traffic statistics:
switch# show ip eigrp trafficIP-EIGRP Traffic Statistics for AS 65535 VRF defaultHellos sent/received: 29838/44756Updates sent/received: 1448/1775Queries sent/received: 33/47Replies sent/received: 31/31Acks sent/received: 1759/2061Input queue high water mark 33, 0 dropsSIA-Queries sent/received: 0/0SIA-Replies sent/received: 0/0Hello Process ID: (no process)PDM Process ID: (no process)switch#Related Commands
show ip fib
To display forwarding information, use the show ip fib command.
show ip fib {adjacency | interfaces | route} module slot
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip fib command on the supervisor to view forwarding information on a module. Optionally, you can use the attach module command to attach to a module and use the show ip fib command on the module.
This example shows how to display the forwarding information for module 1:
switch# show ip fib route module 1IPv4 routes for table default/base------------------+------------------+---------------------Prefix | Next-hop | Interface------------------+------------------+--------------------- Drop Null0255.255.255.255/32 Receive sup-eth1switch#Related Commands
show ip fib distribution
To display forwarding distribution information, use the show ip fib distribution command.
show ip fib distribution [clients | state]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Displays the forwarding distribution information for unicast clients.
(Optional) Displays the forwarding distribution state for unicast FIB.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the forwarding information for unicast clients:
switch# show ip fib distribution clientsRelated Commands
show ip interface
To display IP information for an interface, use the show ip interface command.
show ip interface [type number] [brief] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the IP information for Ethernet 1/5:
switch# show ip interface ethernet 1/5IP Interface Status for VRF "default"(1)Ethernet1/5, Interface status: protocol-down/link-down/admin-up, iod: 11,IP address:, IP subnet: broadcast address: multicast groups locally joined: noneIP MTU: 1500 bytes (using link MTU)IP primary address route-preference: 0, tag: 0IP proxy ARP : disabledIP Local Proxy ARP : disabledIP multicast routing: disabledIP icmp redirects: enabledIP directed-broadcast: disabledIP icmp unreachables (except port): disabledIP icmp port-unreachable: enabledIP unicast reverse path forwarding: noneIP load sharing: noneIP interface statistics last reset: neverIP interface software stats: (sent/received/forwarded/originated/consumed)Unicast packets : 0/0/0/0/0Unicast bytes : 0/0/0/0/0Multicast packets : 0/0/0/0/0Multicast bytes : 0/0/0/0/0Broadcast packets : 0/0/0/0/0Broadcast bytes : 0/0/0/0/0Labeled packets : 0/0/0/0/0Labeled bytes : 0/0/0/0/0switch#Related Commands
show ip load-sharing
To display IP load sharing information, use the show ip load-sharing command.
show ip load-sharing
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the IP load sharing information:
switch# show ip load-sharingRelated Commands
show ip ospf
To display general information about Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing instances, use the show ip ospf command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf command to display information about one or more OSPF instances.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display information all about OSPF instances:
switch# show ip ospfRouting Process 201 with ID VRF defaultStateful High Availability enabledGraceful-restart is configuredGrace period: 60 state: InactiveLast graceful restart exit status: NoneSupports only single TOS(TOS0) routesSupports opaque LSAThis router is an autonomous system boundaryRedistributing External Routes frombgp-1Maximum limit: 1000 (warning-only)Threshold: message 750Current count: 0Administrative distance 110Reference Bandwidth is 40000 MbpsInitial SPF schedule delay 3000.000 msecs,minimum inter SPF delay of 2000.000 msecs,maximum inter SPF delay of 4000.000 msecsInitial LSA generation delay 3000.000 msecs,minimum inter LSA delay of 6000.000 msecs,maximum inter LSA delay of 6000.000 msecsMinimum LSA arrival 2000.000 msecMaximum paths to destination 3Originating router LSA with maximum metricCondition: AlwaysNumber of external LSAs 0, checksum sum 0Number of opaque AS LSAs 0, checksum sum 0Number of areas is 3, 3 normal, 0 stub, 0 nssaNumber of active areas is 0, 0 normal, 0 stub, 0 nssaArea BACKBONE( (Inactive)Area has existed for 00:22:49Interfaces in this area: 1 Active interfaces: 0Passive interfaces: 0 Loopback interfaces: 0No authentication availableSPF calculation has run 3 timesLast SPF ran for 0.000036sArea ranges areNumber of LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0Area ( (Inactive)Area has existed for 00:41:30Interfaces in this area: 0 Active interfaces: 0Passive interfaces: 0 Loopback interfaces: 0Summarization is disabledSimple password authenticationSPF calculation has run 8 timesLast SPF ran for 0.000150sArea ranges are10.3.0.0/16 Passive (Num nets: 0) AdvertiseArea-filter in 'FilterLSAs'Number of LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0Area ( (Inactive)Area has existed for 00:49:30Interfaces in this area: 1 Active interfaces: 0Passive interfaces: 1 Loopback interfaces: 0No authentication availableSPF calculation has run 8 timesLast SPF ran for 0.000021sArea ranges areNumber of LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0switch#This example shows how to display information about one specific OSPF instance:
switch# show ip ospf 201Routing Process 201 with ID VRF defaultStateful High Availability enabledGraceful-restart is configuredGrace period: 60 state: InactiveLast graceful restart exit status: NoneSupports only single TOS(TOS0) routesSupports opaque LSAAdministrative distance 110Reference Bandwidth is 40000 MbpsInitial SPF schedule delay 200.000 msecs,minimum inter SPF delay of 1000.000 msecs,maximum inter SPF delay of 5000.000 msecsInitial LSA generation delay 0.000 msecs,minimum inter LSA delay of 5000.000 msecs,maximum inter LSA delay of 5000.000 msecsMinimum LSA arrival 1000.000 msecMaximum paths to destination 3Number of external LSAs 0, checksum sum 0Number of opaque AS LSAs 0, checksum sum 0Number of areas is 2, 1 normal, 1 stub, 0 nssaNumber of active areas is 0, 0 normal, 0 stub, 0 nssaArea ( (Inactive)Area has existed for 00:12:18Interfaces in this area: 0 Active interfaces: 0Passive interfaces: 0 Loopback interfaces: 0This area is a STUB areaGenerates stub default route with cost 25Simple password authenticationSPF calculation has run 1 timesLast SPF ran for 0.000122sArea ranges areArea-filter in 'FilterLSAs'Number of LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0Area ( (Inactive)Area has existed for 00:20:18Interfaces in this area: 1 Active interfaces: 0Passive interfaces: 1 Loopback interfaces: 0No authentication availableSPF calculation has run 1 timesLast SPF ran for 0.000020sArea ranges areNumber of LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0switch#Table 1 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show ip ospf border-routers
To display the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing table entries to an Area Border Router (ABR) and Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR), use the show ip ospf border-routers command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] border-routers [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf border-routers command to display information on ABRs. and ASBRs.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display information about border routers:
switch# show ip ospf border-routersRelated Commands
show ip ospf database
To display the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) database for a specific router, use the show ip ospf database command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database asbr-summary [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database database-summary [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database external [ext_tag value] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database network [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database nssa-external [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database opaque-area [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database opaque-as [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database opaque-link [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database router [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
show ip ospf [instance-tag] database summary [area-id] [link-state-id] [adv-router ip-address | self-originated] [detail] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the ip ospf database command to display information about different OSPF LSAs.
When the link state advertisement is describing a network, the link-state-id argument can take one of two forms:
•The network's IP address (such as Type 3 summary link advertisements and autonomous system external link advertisements).
•A derived address obtained from the link state ID. (Note that masking a network links advertisement's link state ID with the network's subnet mask yields the network's IP address.)
•When the link state advertisement is describing a router, the link state ID is always the described router's OSPF router ID.
•When an autonomous system external advertisement (LS Type = 5) is describing a default route, its link state ID is set to Default Destination (
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display the OSPF database:
switch# show ip ospf databaseThis example shows how to display a summary of autonomous system border routers:
switch# show ip ospf database asbr-summaryThis example shows how to display information about external links:
switch# show ip ospf database externalThis example shows how to display a summary of the OSPF database:
switch# show ip ospf database database-summaryRelated Commands
show ip ospf interface
To display Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)-related interface information, use the show ip ospf interface command.
show ip ospf interface [instance-tag] [{ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number}] [brief] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf interface command to display the OSPF status for the interface.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display OSPF information for Ethernet interface 1/5:
switch# show ip ospf interface ethernet 1/5Ethernet1/5 is up, line protocol is downIP address, Process ID 201 VRF RemoteOfficeVRF, area by interface configurationState DOWN, Network type BROADCAST, cost 4Index 1, Transmit delay 1 sec, Router Priority 1No designated router on this networkNo backup designated router on this network0 Neighbors, flooding to 0, adjacent with 0Timer intervals: Hello 10, Dead 40, Wait 40, Retransmit 5No authenticationNumber of opaque link LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0switch#Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
This example shows how to display OSPF information for all VRFs:
switch# show ip ospf interface vrf allVL1- is down, line protocol is downIP address, Process ID 201 VRF default, area DOWN, Network type P2P, cost 65535Index 2, Transmit delay 2 sec0 Neighbors, flooding to 0, adjacent with 0Timer intervals: Hello 25, Dead 50, Wait 50, Retransmit 50Message-digest authentication, using key id 21Number of opaque link LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0switch#This example shows how to display OSPF information in a brief format:
switch# show ip ospf interface briefOSPF Process ID 201 VRF defaultTotal number of interface: 1Interface ID Area Cost State Neighbors StatusVL1 2 65535 DOWN 0 downswitch#Related Commands
show ip ospf lsa-content-changed-list
To display a list of all link-state advertisements (LSAs) with changed content, use the show ip ospf lsa-content-changed-list command.
show ip ospf lsa-content-changed-list neighbor-id {ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display a list of LSAs that changed for Ethernet 2/1:
switch# show ip ospf lsa-content-changed-list ethernet 2/1Related Commands
show ip ospf neighbors
To display Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)-neighbor information on a per-interface basis, use the show ip ospf neighbors command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] neighbors [{ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number}] [neighbor-id] [detail] [summary] [vrf {vrf-name | all | default | management}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf neighbors command to display information about all or some of the neighbors for this OSPF instance.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display the summary information about the neighbor that matches the neighbor ID:
switch# show ip ospf neighbors example shows how to display the neighbors that match the neighbor ID on an interface:
switch# show ip ospf neighbors ethernet 2/1 example shows how to display detailed information about OSPF neighbors:
switch# show ip ospf neighbors detailRelated Commands
show ip ospf policy statistics area
To display Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) policy statistics for an area, use the show ip ospf policy statistics area command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] policy statistics area area-id filter-list {in | out} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf policy statistics area command to display information about the filter lists applied to an area.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display policy statistics for OSPF:
switch# show ip ospf policy statistics area 201 filter-list inRelated Commands
show ip ospf policy statistics redistribute
To display Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) policy statistics, use the show ip ospf policy statistics redistribute command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] policy statistics redistribute {bgp id | direct | eigrp id | ospf id | rip id | static} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf policy statistics redistribute command to display redistribution statistics.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display policy statistics for redistributed routes:
switch# show ip ospf policy statistics redistributeRelated Commands
show ip ospf request-list
To display a list of all link-state advertisements (LSAs) requested by a router, use the show ip ospf request-list command.
show ip ospf request-list neighbor-id {ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf request-list command to troubleshoot Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing operations.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display a list of all LSAs requested by a router:
switch# show ip ospf request-list 40.40.40 ethernet 2/1Related Commands
show ip ospf retransmission-list
To display a list of all link-state advertisements (LSAs) waiting to be resent to neighbors, use the show ip ospf retransmission-list command.
show ip ospf retransmission-list neighbor-id {ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number}
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf retransmission-list command to troubleshoot Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routing operations.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display all LSAs waiting to be resent to neighbors:
switch# show ip ospf retransmission-list ethernet 2/1Related Commands
show ip ospf route
To display the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) topology table, use the show ip ospf routes command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] routes [prefix/length | summary} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ospf routes command to display the OSPF private routing table (which contains only routes that are calculated by OSPF). If something is wrong with a route in the routing information base (RIB), then you should check the OSPF copy of the route to determine if it matches the RIB contents. If it does not match, a synchronization problem exists between OSPF and the RIB.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display OSPF routes:
switch# show ip ospf routeRelated Commands
show ip ospf statistics
To display Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) shortest path first (SPF) calculation statistics, use the show ip ospf statistics command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] statistics [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf statistics command to display information about link-state advertisements (LSAs). This information can be useful for both OSPF network maintenance and troubleshooting. For example, we recommend that you use the show ip ospf statistics command as the first troubleshooting step for LSA flapping.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display information about the SPF calculations:
switch# show ip ospf statistics
OSPF Process ID 201 VRF default, Event statistics (cleared 00:10:45 ago)Router ID changes: 1DR elections: 0Older LSAs received: 0Neighbor state changes: 0Neighbor dead postponed: 0Neighbor dead interval expirations: 0Neighbor bad lsreqs: 0Neighbor sequence number mismatches: 0SPF computations: 2 full, 0 summary, 0 externalLSA Type Generated Refreshed Flushed Aged outRouter 0 0 0 0Network 0 0 0 0Summary Net 0 0 0 0Summary ASBR 0 0 0 0AS External 0 0 0 0Opaque Link 0 0 0 0Opaque Area 0 0 0 0Opaque AS 0 0 0 0Following counters can not be reset:LSA deletions: 0 pending, 0 hwm, 0 deleted, 0 revived, 0 runsHello queue: 0/200, hwm 0, drops 0Flood queue: 0/350, hwm 0, drops 0LSDB additions failed: 0Buffers: in use hwm permanent alloc free128 bytes 0 0 0 0 0512 bytes 0 0 0 0 01520 bytes 0 0 0 0 04500 bytes 0 0 0 0 0huge 0 0 0 0 0switch#Table 3 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
show ip ospf summary-address
To display a list of all summary address redistribution information configured in an Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) instance, use the show ip ospf summary-address command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] summary-address [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display information about summary addresses:
switch# show ip ospf summary-addressRelated Commands
show ip ospf traffic
To display Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) traffic statistics, use the show ip ospf traffic command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] traffic [ethernet slot/port | loopback if_number | port-channel number] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf traffic command to display traffic statistics for one or more OSPF instances.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display OSPF traffic statistics for interface 1/5:
switch# show ip ospf traffic ethernet 1/5
OSPF Process ID 201 VRF RemoteOfficeVRF, Packet Counters (cleared 00:26:04 ago)Interface Ethernet1/5, Area 0 in, 0 outLSU transmissions: first 0, rxmit 0, for req 0, nbr xmit 0Flooding packets output throttled (IP/tokens): 0 (0/0)Ignored LSAs: 0, LSAs dropped during SPF: 0LSAs dropped during graceful restart: 0Errors: drops in 0, drops out 0, errors in 0,errors out 0, hellos in 0, dbds in 0,lsreq in 0, lsu in 0, lsacks in 0,unknown in 0, unknown out 0, no ospf 0,bad version 0, bad crc 0, dup rid 0,dup src 0, invalid src 0, invalid dst 0,no nbr 0, passive 0, wrong area 0,pkt length 0, nbr changed rid/ip addr 0bad auth 0hellos dbds lsreqs lsus acksIn: 0 0 0 0 0Out: 0 0 0 0 0switch#Table 4 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands
Command Descriptionclear ip ospf traffic
Clears OSPF traffic statistics.
show running-config ospf
Displays the OSPF running configuration information.
show ip ospf virtual-links
To display parameters and the current state of Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) virtual links, use the show ip ospf virtual-links command.
show ip ospf [instance-tag] virtual-links [brief] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show ip ospf virtual-links command to display information about configured virtual links.
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display information about virtual links:
switch# show ip ospf virtual-linksVirtual link VL1 to router is downTransit area, via interface (null), remote addr address, Process ID 201 VRF default, area DOWN, Network type P2P, cost 65535Index 2, Transmit delay 2 sec0 Neighbors, flooding to 0, adjacent with 0Timer intervals: Hello 25, Dead 50, Wait 50, Retransmit 50Message-digest authentication, using key id 21Number of opaque link LSAs: 0, checksum sum 0Adjacency Informationswitch#Table 5 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
This example shows how to display information about virtual links in brief format:
switch# show ip ospf virtual-links briefOSPF Process ID 201 VRF defaultTotal number of vlinks: 1Remote Router ID Transit Area Cost Status10.1.2.3 1 65535 downswitch#Related Commands
show ip prefix-list
To display prefix lists for the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), use the show ip prefix-list command.
show ip prefix-list [name]
Syntax Description
(Optional) Name of community list. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 63 characters.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the prefix lists:
switch(config)# show ip prefix-listRelated Commands
show ip process
To display formation about the IP process, use the show ip process command.
show ip process [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows details about the IP process:
switch(config)# show ip processVRF defaultVRF id is 1Base table id is 1Auto discard is disabledAuto discard is not addedAuto Null broadcast is configuredAuto Punt broadcast is configuredStatic discard is not configuredNumber of static default route configured is 0Number of ip unreachable configured is 0Iodlist: 73 74Local address list: ip rip
To display the configuration and status of the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), use the show ip rip command in any mode.
show ip rip [instance-tag] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the RIP configuration information:
switch(config-if)# show ip ripRelated Commands
show ip rip interface
To display interface entry information from the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) topology table, use the show ip rip interface command in any mode.
show ip rip interface [type slot/port] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
This command has no default settings.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the neighbor information for a specified interface from the RIP topology table:
switch(config-if)# show ip rip interface ethernet 1/2Related Commands
show ip rip neighbor
To display the neighbor information from the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) topology table, use the show ip rip neighbor command in any mode.
show ip rip neighbor [interface-type instance] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
The following is sample output from the show rip neighbor command:
switch(config-if)# show ip rip neighborRelated Commands
show ip rip policy statistics
To display the policy statistics for the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), use the show ip rip policy statistics command in any mode.
show ip rip policy statistics redistribute {bgp id | direct | eigrp id | ospf id | static} [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to show policy statistics for EIGRP:
switch# show ip rip policy statistics redistribute eigrp 201Related Commands
show ip rip route
To display route information from the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) topology table, use the show ip rip route command in any mode.
show ip rip route [prefix/length] [summary] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display route information from the RIP topology table:
switch# show ip rip routeRelated Commands
show ip rip statistics
To display statistical entry information from the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) topology table, use the show ip rip statistics command in any mode.
show ip rip statistics [interface-type instance] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the RIP statistics:
switch# show ip rip statisticsRelated Commands
show ip route
To display routes from the unicast Routing Information Base (RIB), use the show ip route command.
show ip route [all | addr | hostname | prefix | route-type | interface type number | next-hop addr]] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the route table:
switch(config)# show ip route allRelated Commands
show ip static-route
To display static routes from the unicast Routing Information Base (RIB), use the show ip static-route command.
show ip static-route [vrf {vrf-name | all}]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the static routes:
switch(config)# show ip static-routeRelated Commands
show ip traffic
To display IP traffic information, use the show ip traffic command.
show ip traffic
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the IP traffic information:
switch(config)# show ip trafficIP Software Processed Traffic Statistics----------------------------------------Transmission and reception:Packets received: 103598, sent: 32093, consumed: 2,Forwarded, unicast: 0, multicast: 0, Label: 0Opts:end: 0, nop: 0, basic security: 0, loose source route: 0timestamp: 0, record route: 0strict source route: 0, alert: 0,other: 0Errors:Bad checksum: 0, packet too small: 0, bad version: 0,Bad header length: 0, bad packet length: 0, bad destination: 0,Bad ttl: 0, could not forward: 990, no buffer dropped: 0,Bad encapsulation: 2, no route: 0, non-existent protocol: 0Stateful Restart Recovery: 0MBUF pull up fail: 0Fragmentation/reassembly:Fragments received: 0, fragments sent: 0, fragments created: 0,Fragments dropped: 0, packets with DF: 0, packets reassembled: 0,Fragments timed out: 0ICMP Software Processed Traffic Statistics------------------------------------------Transmission:Redirect: 2, unreachable: 0, echo request: 0, echo reply: 0,Mask request: 0, mask reply: 0, info request: 0, info reply: 0,Parameter problem: 0, source quench: 0, timestamp: 0,Timestamp response: 0, time exceeded: 0,Irdp solicitation: 0, irdp advertisement: 0Reception:Redirect: 2, unreachable: 22048, echo request: 0, echo reply: 0,Mask request: 0, mask reply: 0, info request: 0, info reply: 0,Parameter problem: 0, source quench: 0, timestamp: 0,Timestamp response: 0, time exceeded: 0,Irdp solicitation: 0, irdp advertisement: 0,Format error: 0, checksum error: 0Statistics last reset: neverswitch(config)#Related Commands
show mac-list
To display the entries in a MAC list, use the show mac-list command.
show mac-list [name]
Syntax Description
(Optional) MAC list name. The name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 32 characters.
Command Default
No match values are defined.
Command Modes
Global configuration mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Enterprise license.
This example shows how to display information about the Red MAC list:
switch(config)# show mac-list RedRelated Commands
Command Descriptionmac-list
Creates a MAC list.
match mac-list
Matches a MAC address in a MAC list.
show routing
To display routing information, use the show routing command.
show routing [ip | ipv4] [address | hostname | prefix | route-type | clients | hidden-nh interface type number | next-hop addr | recursive-next-hop [addr]] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the route table:
switch(config)# show ip routingRelated Commands
show routing memory estimate
To display an estimate of routing memory requirements, use the show routing memory estimate command.
show routing memory estimate [routes num-routes next-hops num-hop-addresses]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
Use the show routing memory estimate command to estimate the memory required for a selected number of routes and number of next-hop addresses per route.
This example shows how to display the route table:
switch# show routing memory estimate routes 1000 next-hops 1Shared memory estimates:Current max 32 MB; 27495 routes with 16 nhsin-use 1 MB; 11 routes with 1 nhs (average)Configured max 32 MB; 27495 routes with 16 nhsEstimate 0 MB; 1000 routes with 1 nhsshow routing-context
To display the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) scope for all EXEC commands, use the show routing-context command.
show routing-context
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
This example shows how display the current routing context:
switch%management# show routing-contextCurrent Route Context: defaultRelated Commands
show routing hash
To display the route selected for a particular source and destination address, use the show routing hash command.
show routing hash source-addr dest-addr [source-port dest-port]] [vrf vrf-name]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the route selected to reach from
switch# show routing hash Commands
show running-config arp
To display the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) configuration in the running configuration, use the show running-config arp command.
show running-config arp [all]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the ARP configuration:
switch# show running-config arp!Command: show running-config arp!Time: Mon Aug 23 07:33:15 2010version 5.0(2)N1(1)ip arp timeout 2100ip arp event-history errors size mediuminterface Vlan10ip arp 00C0.4F00.0000switch#This example shows how to display the ARP configuration with the default information:
switch# show running-config arp all!Command: show running-config arp all!Time: Mon Aug 23 07:33:52 2010version 5.0(2)N1(1)ip arp timeout 1500ip arp event-history cli size smallip arp event-history snmp size smallip arp event-history client-errors size smallip arp event-history client-event size smallip arp event-history lcache-errors size smallip arp event-history lcache size smallip arp event-history errors size smallip arp event-history ha size smallip arp event-history event size smallip arp event-history packet size smallinterface Vlan10ip arp 00C0.4F00.0000ip arp gratuitous updateip arp gratuitous requestswitch#Related Commands
show running-config eigrp
To display the running configuration for the Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) for IPv4 networks, use the show running-config eigrp command.
show running-config eigrp
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command requires the LAN Base Services license.
This example shows how to display the running configuration for EIGRP:
switch# show running-config eigrp
!Command: show running-config eigrp!Time: Mon Feb 28 05:47:18 2011version 5.0(3)N1(1)feature eigrprouter eigrp Test1autonomous-system 65535default-metric 500000 30 200 1 1500redistribute direct route-map SVI-EIGRPinterface port-channel2000ip router eigrp Test1interface port-channel2001ip router eigrp Test1interface Ethernet1/26ip router eigrp Test1interface Ethernet2/5ip router eigrp Test1interface Ethernet2/6ip router eigrp Test1interface Ethernet2/7ip router eigrp Test1interface Ethernet3/11ip router eigrp Test1interface Ethernet3/12ip router eigrp Test1switch#Related Commands
show running-config ospf
To display the running configuration for Open Shortest Path First version 2 (OSPFv2) for IPv4 networks, use the show running-config ospf command.
show running-config ospf
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Default
Command Modes
EXEC mode
Command History
Usage Guidelines
This command does not require a license.
This example shows how to display the running configuration for OSPF:
switch# show running-config ospf
!Command: show running-config ospf!Time: Tue Apr 15 09:09:15 2008version 5.0(3)N1(1)feature ospfrouter ospf 201router-id originate route-map DefaultRouteFilterarea virtual-link message-digestauthentication-key 3 15e76ee89406ccbfmessage-digest-key 21 md5 3 15e76ee89406ccbfdead-interval 50hello-interval 25retransmit-interval 50transmit-delay 2redistribute bgp 1 route-map FilterExtBGPredistribute maximum-prefix 1000 75 warning-onlyarea authenticationarea default-cost 25area filter-list route-map FilterLSAs inlog-adjacency-changesmaximum-paths 3default-metric 25interface Ethernet1/5ip ospf authentication key-chain Test1ip ospf authentication-key 3 15e76ee89406ccbfip ospf message-digest-key 21 md5 3 15e76ee89406ccbfip ospf cost 25ip ospf dead-interval 50ip ospf hello-interval 25ip ospf passive-interfaceip ospf priority 25ip ospf mtu-ignoreip router ospf 201 area Commands
show sockets client
To display information about the sockets clients, use the show sockets client command.
show sockets client [pid id] [raw | tcp | udp ] [detail]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the UDP socket client information:
switch# show sockets client udpTotal number of UDP clients: 9client: syslogd, pid: 4367, sockets: 2client: ntpd, pid: 4602, sockets: 3client: ntp, pid: 4591, sockets: 2client: radiusd, pid: 4586, sockets: 2client: dhcp_snoop, pid: 5260, sockets: 1client: pim, pid: 5296, sockets: 1client: mcecm, pid: 5265, sockets: 1client: snmpd, pid: 4609, sockets: 2client: hsrp_engine, pid: 9588, sockets: 2Statistics: Cancels 12777, Cancel-unblocks 11257, Cancel-misses 0Select-drops 1520, Select-wakes 11257,switch#Related Commands
show sockets connection
To display information about the sockets connection, use the show sockets connection command.
show sockets connection [pid id] [local address | foreign addres | raw | tcp | udp] [detail]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the TCP socket connection information:
switch# show sockets connection tcpTotal number of tcp sockets: 4Active connections (including servers)Protocol State/ Recv-Q/ Local Address(port)/Context Send-Q Remote Address(port)tcp6 LISTEN 0 *(22)Wildcard 0 *(*)tcp6 LISTEN 0 *(23)Wildcard 0 *(*)tcp LISTEN 0 *(161)Wildcard 0 *(*)tcp ESTABLISHED 0 4 Commands
Command Descriptionclear sockets statistics
Clears the socket statistics.
show sockets client
Displays information about the socket client.
show sockets statistics
Displays the socket statistics.
show sockets statistics
To display the socket statistics, use the show sockets statistics command.
show sockets statistics [all | raw | rawsum | tcp | tcpsum | udp | udpsum]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the TCP socket statistics:
switch# show sockets statistics tcpTCP v4 Received:11622 packets total0 checksum error, 0 bad offset, 0 too short, 0 MD5 error8782 packets (33566 bytes) in sequence0 duplicate packets (0 bytes)0 partially dup packets (0 bytes)0 out-of-order packets (0 bytes)0 packets (0 bytes) with data after window0 packets after close0 window probe packets, 0 window update packets2 duplicate ack packets, 0 ack packets with unsent data9349 ack packets (890960 bytes)TCP v4 Sent:9543 total, 0 urgent packets3 control packets9492 data packets (890955 bytes)0 data packets (0 bytes) retransmitted48 ack only packets0 window probe packets, 0 window update packetsTCP v4:0 connections initiated, 6 connections accepted, 6 connections established6 connections closed (including 2 dropped, 0 embryonic dropped)0 total rxmt timeout, 0 connections dropped in rxmt timeout0 keepalive timeout, 0 keepalive probe, 0 connections dropped in keepaliveswitch#Related Commands
show startup-config arp
To display the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) configuration in the startup configuration, use the show startup-config arp command.
show startup-config arp [all]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display the ARP startup configuration:
switch# show startup-config arp!Command: show running-config arp!Time: Mon Aug 23 07:33:15 2010version 5.0(2)N1(1)ip arp timeout 2100ip arp event-history errors size mediuminterface Vlan10ip arp 00C0.4F00.0000switch#Related Commands
show track
To show information about object tracking, use the show track command.
show track [object-id] [interface | ip route] [brief]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Display information for all tracked objects.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display information about tracked interfaces:
switch# show track interface
This example shows how to display information about tracked IP routes:
switch# show track ip routeThis example shows how to display brief information about tracked objects:
switch# show track briefRelated Commands
Command Descriptiontrack interface
Tracks the state of an interface.
track ip route
Tracks the state of an IP route.
show vrrp
To show information about the Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), use the show vrrp command.
show vrrp [detail | statistics | summary] [interface if-number] [vr id] [backup | init | master]
Syntax Description
Command Default
Display information for all VRRP groups.
Command Modes
Any command mode
Command History
This example shows how to display information about VRRP:
switch(config)# show vrrpInterface VR IpVersion Pri Time Pre State VR IP addr---------------------------------------------------------------Ethernet1/5 1 IPV4 200 200 s Y Init example shows how to display the detailed configuration information about VRRP:
switch(config)# show vrrp detailEthernet1/5 - Group 1 (IPV4)State is Init(Administratively down)Virtual IP address is 200, Configured 200Forwarding threshold(for VPC), lower: 1 upper: 200Advertisement interval 200Preemption enabledVirtual MAC address is 0000.5e00.0101Master router is Unknownswitch(config)#This example shows how to displayinformation about a specific virtual router:
switch# show vrrp vr 1Interface VR IpVersion Pri Time Pre State VR IP addr---------------------------------------------------------------Ethernet1/5 1 IPV4 200 200 s Y Init 6 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Related Commands L