- Index
- Preface
- Overview
- Using the Command-Line Interface
- Assigning the Switch IP Address and Default Gateway
- Configuring Cisco IOS CNS Agents
- Managing Switch Stacks
- Clustering Switches
- Administering the Switch
- Configuring SDM Templates
- Configuring Switch-Based Authentication
- Configuring IEEE 802.1x Port-Based Authentication
- Configuring Interface Characteristics
- Configuring Smartports Macros
- Configuring VLANs
- Configuring VTP
- Configuring Voice VLAN
- Configuring Private VLANs
- Configuring IEEE 802.1Q and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling
- Configuring STP
- Configuring MSTP
- Configuring Optional Spanning-Tree Features
- Configuring Flex Links and the MAC Address-Table Move Update Feature
- Configuring DHCP Features and IP Source Guard
- Configuring Dynamic ARP Inspection
- Configuring IGMP Snooping and MVR
- Configuring Port-Based Traffic Control
- Configuring CDP
- Configuring LLDP and LLDP-MED
- Configuring UDLD
- Configuring SPAN and RSPAN
- Configuring RMON
- Configuring System Message Logging
- Configuring SNMP
- Configuring Embedded Event Manager
- Configuring Network Security with ACLs
- Configuring QoS
- Configuring EtherChannels and Link-State Tracking
- Configuring IP Unicast Routing
- Configuring IPv6 Unicast Routing
- Configuring IPv6 MLD Snooping
- Configuring IPv6 ACLs
- Configuring HSRP
- Configuring Cisco IOS IP SLAs Operations
- Configuring Enhanced Object Tracking
- Configuring Web Cache Services By Using WCCP
- Configuring IP Multicast Routing
- Configuring MSDP
- Configuring Fallback Bridging
- Troubleshooting
- Configuring Online Diagnostics
- Configuring the Catalyst 3750G Integrated Wireless LAN Controller Switch
- Supported MIBs
- Working with the Cisco IOS File System, Configuration Files, and Software Images
- Unsupported Commands in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(46)SE
- Access Control Lists
- Archive Commands
- ARP Commands
- Boot Loader Commands
- Embedded Event Manager
- FallBack Bridging
- High Availability
- IGMP Snooping Commands
- Interface Commands
- IP Multicast Routing
- IP Unicast Routing
- IPv6
- Layer 3
- MAC Address Commands
- Miscellaneous
- Multicast
- NetFlow Commands
- Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands
- QoS
- SNMPv3
- Spanning Tree
Unsupported Commands in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(46)SE
This appendix lists some of the command-line interface (CLI) commands that appear when you enter the question mark (?) at the Catalyst 3750 switch prompt but are not supported in this release, either because they are not tested or because of Catalyst 3750 switch hardware limitations. This is not a complete list. These unsupported commands are listed by software feature and command mode:
•Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands
Access Control Lists
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
access-enable [host] [timeout minutes]
access-template [access-list-number | name] [dynamic-name] [source] [destination] [timeout minutes]
clear access-template [access-list-number | name] [dynamic-name] [source] [destination].
show access-lists rate-limit [destination]
show accounting
show ip accounting [checkpoint] [output-packets | access violations]
show ip cache [prefix-mask] [type number]
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
access-list rate-limit acl-index {precedence | mask prec-mask}
access-list dynamic extended
Unsupported Route-Map Configuration Commands
match ip address prefix-list prefix-list-name [prefix-list-name...]
Archive Commands
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
archive config
logging persistent
show archive config
show archive log
ARP Commands
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
arp ip-address hardware-address smds
arp ip-address hardware-address srp-a
arp ip-address hardware-address srp-b
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
arp probe
ip probe proxy
Boot Loader Commands
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
boot buffersize
Embedded Event Manager
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
event manager update user policy [policy-filename | group [group name expression] ] | repository [url location]
Parameters are not supported for this command:
event manager run [policy name] |<paramater1>|... <paramater15>|
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
no event manager directory user repository [url location ]
event manager applet [applet-name] maxrun
Unsupported Commands in Applet Configuration Mode
no event interface name [interface-name ] parameter [counter-name] entry-val [entry counter value] entry-op {gt|ge|eq|ne|lt|le} [entry-type {increment | rate | value] [exit-val [exit value] exit-op {gt|ge|eq|ne|lt|le} exit-type { increment | rate | value}][average-factor <average-factor-value>]
no trigger
FallBack Bridging
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
clear bridge [bridge-group] multicast [router-ports | groups | counts] [group-address] [interface-unit] [counts]
clear vlan statistics
show bridge [bridge-group] circuit-group [circuit-group] [src-mac-address] [dst-mac-address]
show bridge [bridge-group] multicast [router-ports | groups] [group-address]
show bridge vlan
show interfaces crb
show interfaces {ethernet | fastethernet} [interface | slot/port] irb
show subscriber-policy range
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
bridge bridge-group acquire
bridge bridge-group address mac-address {forward | discard} [interface-id]
bridge bridge-group aging-time seconds
bridge bridge-group bitswap_l3_addresses
bridge bridge-group bridge ip
bridge bridge-group circuit-group circuit-group pause milliseconds
bridge bridge-group circuit-group circuit-group source-based
bridge cmf
bridge crb
bridge bridge-group domain domain-name
bridge irb
bridge bridge-group mac-address-table limit number
bridge bridge-group multicast-source
bridge bridge-group protocol dec
bridge bridge-group route protocol
bridge bridge-group subscriber policy policy
subscriber-policy policy [|no | default] packet [permit | deny]]
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
bridge-group bridge-group cbus-bridging
bridge-group bridge-group circuit-group circuit-number
bridge-group bridge-group input-address-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group input-lat-service-deny group-list
bridge-group bridge-group input-lat-service-permit group-list
bridge-group bridge-group input-lsap-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group input-pattern-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group input-type-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group lat-compression
bridge-group bridge-group output-address-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group output-lat-service-deny group-list
bridge-group bridge-group output-lat-service-permit group-list
bridge-group bridge-group output-lsap-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group output-pattern-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group output-type-list access-list-number
bridge-group bridge-group sse
bridge-group bridge-group subscriber-loop-control
bridge-group bridge-group subscriber-trunk
bridge bridge-group lat-service-filtering
frame-relay map bridge dlci broadcast
interface bvi bridge-group
x25 map bridge x.121-address broadcast [options-keywords]
High Availability
Unsupported SSO-Aware HSRP Commands
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
interface Async
interface BVI
interface Dialer
interface Group-Async
interface Lex
interface Multilink
interface Virtual-Template
interface Virtual-Tokenring
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
standby mac-refresh seconds
standby use-bia
IGMP Snooping Commands
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
ip igmp snooping tcn
Interface Commands
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
show interfaces [interface-id | vlan vlan-id] [crb | fair-queue | irb | mac-accounting | precedence | irb | random-detect | rate-limit | shape]
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
interface tunnel
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
transmit-interface type number
IP Multicast Routing
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
clear ip rtp header-compression [type number]
The debug ip packet command displays packets received by the switch CPU. It does not display packets that are hardware-switched.
The debug ip mcache command affects packets received by the switch CPU. It does not display packets that are hardware-switched.
The debug ip mpacket [detail] [access-list-number [group-name-or-address] command affects only packets received by the switch CPU. Because most multicast packets are hardware-switched, use this command only when you know that the route will forward the packet to the CPU.
debug ip pim atm
show frame-relay ip rtp header-compression [interface type number]
The show ip mcache command displays entries in the cache for those packets that are sent to the switch CPU. Because most multicast packets are switched in hardware without CPU involvement, you can use this command, but multicast packet information is not displayed.
The show ip mpacket commands are supported but are only useful for packets received at the switch CPU. If the route is hardware-switched, the command has no effect because the CPU does not receive the packet and cannot display it.
show ip pim vc [group-address | name] [type number]
show ip rtp header-compression [type number] [detail]
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
ip multicast-routing [vrf vrf-name] [distributed]
ip pim accept-rp {address | auto-rp} [group-access-list-number]
ip pim message-interval seconds
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
frame-relay ip rtp header-compression [active | passive]
frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci [broadcast] compress
frame-relay map ip ip-address dlci rtp header-compression [active | passive]
ip multicast helper-map {group-address | broadcast} {broadcast-address | multicast-address} extended-access-list-number
ip multicast rate-limit {in | out} [video | whiteboard] [group-list access-list] [source-list access-list] kbps
ip multicast ttl-threshold ttl-value (instead, use the ip multicast boundary access-list-number interface configuration command)
ip multicast use-functional
ip pim minimum-vc-rate pps
ip pim multipoint-signalling
ip pim nbma-mode
ip pim vc-count number
ip rtp compression-connections number
ip rtp header-compression [passive]
Unsupported MPLS Health Monitor Commands
Unsupported Ethernet Gatekeeper Registration Commands
Unsupported VoIP Call Setup Probe Commands
IP Unicast Routing
Unsupported Privileged EXEC or User EXEC Commands
clear ip accounting [checkpoint]
clear ip bgp address flap-statistics
clear ip bgp prefix-list
debug ip cef stats
show cef [drop | not-cef-switched]
show ip accounting [checkpoint] [output-packets | access-violations]
show ip bgp dampened-paths
show ip bgp inconsistent-as
show ip bgp regexp regular expression
show ip prefix-list regular expression
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
ip accounting precedence {input | output}
ip accounting-list ip-address wildcard
ip as-path access-list
ip accounting-transits count
ip cef accounting [per-prefix] [non-recursive]
ip cef traffic-statistics [load-interval seconds] [update-rate seconds]]
ip flow-aggregation
ip flow-cache
ip flow-export
ip gratuitous-arps
ip local
ip prefix-list
ip reflexive-list
router egp
router iso-igrp
router mobile
router odr
router static
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
ip accounting
ip load-sharing [per-packet]
ip mtu bytes
ip verify
ip unnumbered type number
All ip security commands
Unsupported BGP Router Configuration Commands
address-family vpnv4
default-information originate
neighbor advertise-map
neighbor allowas-in
neighbor default-originate
neighbor description
network backdoor
Unsupported VPN Configuration Commands
Unsupported Route Map Commands
match route-type for policy-based routing (PBR)
set as-path {tag | prepend as-path-string}
set automatic-tag
set dampening half-life reuse suppress max-suppress-time
set default interface interface-id [interface-id.....]
set interface interface-id [interface-id.....]
set ip default next-hop ip-address [ip-address.....]
set ip destination ip-address mask
set ip next-hop verify-availability
set ip precedence value
set ip qos-group
set metric-type internal
set origin
set metric-type internal
set tag tag-value
IPv4-v6 Tunneling Commands
Layer 3
All commands for these features:
•BGP Support for Dual AS Configuration for Network AS Migrations
•BGP Support for IP Prefix Import from Global Table into a VRF Table
•BGP Support for Named Extended Community Lists
•BGP Support for Sequenced Entries in Extended Community Lists
•BGP Support for TTL Security Check
•BGP Route-Map Policy List Support
•BGP Next Hop Propagation
•BGP Policy Accounting
•BGP Policy Accounting output interface accounting
•BGP Link Bandwidth
•BGP Hybrid CLI Support
•BGP Cost Community
•BGP Dynamic Update Peer-Groups
•BGP Conditional Route Injection
•BGP Configuration Using Peer Templates
•BGP Increased Support of Numbered as-path Access Lists to 500
Other Unsupported BGP Commands
address-family l2vpn
address-family vpnv4
bgp-policyclear bgp nsapaddress-family nsap
clear bgp nsap dampening
clear bgp nsap external
clear bgp nsap flap-statistics
clear bgp nsap peer-group
clear ip bgp ipv6
clear ip bgp l2vpn
clear ip bgp vpnv4
clear ip bgp vpnv6
ha-mode graceful-restartip extcommunity-list redistribute (BGP to ISO IS-IS)
ip policy-listredistribute (ISO IS-IS to BGP)
match extcommunity
neighbor ha-mode graceful-restart
neighbor sooredistribute dvmrp
neighbor ttl-securityset extcommunity
set extcommunity cost
show bgp nsap
show bgp nsap community
show bgp nsap community-list
show bgp nsap dampening
show bgp nsap dampened-paths
show bgp nsap filter-list
show bgp nsap flap-statistics
show bgp nsap inconsistent-as
show bgp nsap neighbors
show bgp nsap paths
show bgp nsap quote-regexp
show bgp nsap regexp
show bgp nsap summary
show ip bgp ipv4 multicast
show ip bgp ipv4 multicast summary
show ip bgp l2vpn
show ip bgp vpnv4
show ip extcommunity-list
show ip policy-list
area sham-link
ignore lsa mospf
nsf ietf
nsf ietf helper disable
nsf ietf helper strict-lsa-checking
show ip ospf sham-links
VRF aware AAA
MAC Address Commands
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
show mac-address-table
show mac-address-table address
show mac-address-table aging-time
show mac-address-table count
show mac-address-table dynamic
show mac-address-table interface
show mac-address-table multicast
show mac-address-table notification
show mac-address-table static
show mac-address-table vlan
show mac address-table multicast
Note Use the show ip igmp snooping groups privileged EXEC command to display Layer 2 multicast address-table entries for a VLAN.
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
mac-address-table aging-time
mac-address-table notification
mac-address-table static
Unsupported User EXEC Commands
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
file verify auto
show cable-diagnostics prbs
test cable-diagnostics prbs
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
errdisable recovery cause unicast flood
l2protocol-tunnel global drop-threshold
service compress-config
track object-number rtr
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
show access-expression
show exception
show location
show pm LINE
show smf [interface-id]
show subscriber-policy [policy-number]
show template [template-name]
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
ip msdp default-peer ip-address | name [prefix-list list] (Because BGP/MBGP is not supported, use the ip msdp peer command instead of this command.)
Unsupported BiDirectional PIM Commands
Unsupported Multicast Routing Manager Commands
Unsupported IP Multicast Rate Limiting Commands
Unsupported UDLR Commands
Unsupported Multicast Over GRE Commands
NetFlow Commands
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
ip flow-aggregation cache
ip flow-cache entries
ip flow-export
Network Address Translation (NAT) Commands
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
show ip nat statistics
show ip nat translations
Unsupported Global Configuration Command
Unsupported Interface Configuration Commands
Unsupported Policy-Map Configuration Command
class class-default where class-default is the class-map-name.
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
aaa nas port extended
aaa authentication feature default enable
aaa authentication feature default line
aaa nas port extended
radius-server attribute nas-port
radius-server configure
radius-server extended-portnames
Unsupported Global Configuration Commands
snmp-server enable informs
snmp-server ifindex persist
Unsupported 3DES Encryption Commands
Spanning Tree
Unsupported Global Configuration Command
spanning-tree pathcost method {long | short}
Unsupported Interface Configuration Command
spanning-tree stack-port
Unsupported Global Configuration Command
vlan internal allocation policy {ascending | descending}
Unsupported User EXEC Commands
show running-config vlan
show vlan ifindex
Unsupported Privileged EXEC Commands
vtp {password password | pruning | version number}
Note This command has been replaced by the vtp global configuration command.