Table Of Contents
Getting Started with Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications
Modifying Your Provisioned Cisco WebEx Account
Installing the Productivity Tools Plug-In for Outlook and Cisco WebEx Connect
Setting Up the Productivity Tools on Your Computer
Setting Proxy Permissions in Cisco WebEx
Setting Proxy Permissions in Outlook Calendar
Scheduling Meetings on Behalf of Someone Else
Productivity Toolbars and Menus
Getting Started with Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications
Revised: September, 2010, OL-21352-01Contents
•Modifying Your Provisioned Cisco WebEx Account
•Productivity Toolbars and Menus
Modifying Your Provisioned Cisco WebEx Account
Once your account has been provisioned, you will receive a Welcome email notification containing your user ID and a temporary password. Refer to that email to set up your Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications account and complete the instructions in the following sections:
•Installing the Productivity Tools Plug-In for Outlook and Cisco WebEx Connect
•Setting Up the Productivity Tools on Your Computer
Changing Your Password
To change your Cisco WebEx password, follow these steps:
Step 1 Go to the Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications website at the following URL: 2 Click the My WebEx tab and log in to My WebEx with your user ID and the Cisco WebEx password that was sent to you by email.
Step 3 Click on the My Profile button in the left navigation panel.
Step 4 Click on the Change Password link below your user name.
Step 5 Enter the system-generated password, then enter and confirm a new password.
Step 6 Click OK.
Note Administrative Assistants must also set up proxy permissions in My Profile. See Setting Proxy Permissions.
Installing the Productivity Tools Plug-In for Outlook and Cisco WebEx Connect
The Productivity Tools Plug-in installs a Cisco WebEx toolbar in your Outlook Calendar, a One-Click Meeting option on your desktop, in Cisco WebEx Connect and in Sametime Connect (IM).
To install the Productivity Tools Plug-in, follow these steps:
Step 1 Close Outlook and Sametime Connect (IM).
Step 2 Go to the Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications website at the following URL: 3 Click the My WebEx tab and log in to My WebEx with your userID and Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications password.
Step 4 Click Productivity Tools Setup on the left navigation panel.
Step 5 Click the Install Productivity Tools button.
Step 6 Select Save to save it your Desktop.
Step 7 When you see the Download complete message, click Run. A security warning screen appears.
Step 8 Click Run again on the security warning screen to begin the installation.
Step 9 Follow the directions on the Installation Wizard and click Next to move through the screens.
Step 10 Accept the License Agreement, and the default Destination Folder.
Step 11 Click Finish to exit the Wizard.
Step 12 Restart your computer to complete the installation.
Setting Up the Productivity Tools on Your Computer
Before you can use the productivity tools, you must link them to your Cisco WebEx account. To link the Productivity Tools to your Cisco WebEx account, follow these steps:
Step 1 Double click on the Cisco WebEx ball icon on your Desktop. The Cisco WebEx One-Click window opens, as shown in Figure 6-1.
Figure 6-1 Cisco WebEx One-Click Window
Step 2 Click the Edit WebEx Settings link. The Cisco WebEx Settings window appears, as shown in Figure 6-2.
Figure 6-2 Cisco WebEx Settings Window
Step 3 Go to the Cisco WebEx Settings Account tab and enter the following in the Login Information fields:
•Site URL:
•User name: Your userID
•Password: Your Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications password
Step 4 Check the Remember my password option.
Step 5 Click Apply to save your account Information.
Step 6 Set your meeting defaults by clicking the Instant Meetings tab, as shown in Figure 6-3.
Figure 6-3 Cisco WebEx Settings Instant Meetings
Step 7 Set the following Instant Meetings preferences:
a. Choose MC: Meeting Center Default [A] as the default template. This will allow participants to attend with video.
b. Enter a Meeting Password [B] for your Instant Meetings—This can be any combination of letters and/or numbers but should be short and should not be the same as your Cisco WebEx password.
c. Select WebEx Audio [C] as the Conference type, and check the options [D] to allow attendees to display global call-in and toll-free numbers.
d. Select an Entry & exit tone [E] to play as people join the audio teleconference.
Step 8 Click Apply to save your Instant Meetings settings.
Step 9 Click the Scheduled Meetings tab and set your Scheduled Meeting preferences as you did for the Instant Meetings. On this tab, you should check the following, as shown in Figure 6-4:
•Attendees can join meeting [select the minutes] before starting time [A].
•Attendees can also join teleconference before starting time [B].
•Select an Entry & exit tone [C] to play as people join the audio teleconference.
Figure 6-4 Scheduled Mettings Settings
Step 10 Click Apply to save your Scheduled Meeting settings.
Step 11 Go to the One-Click tab to verify your One-Click window preferences.
Step 12 Go to the Tools tab to verify that all the software programs are checked in for which you wish to have Cisco WebEx One-Click available.
Step 13 Click OK to save your setup.
Setting Proxy Permissions
If you need to schedule Cisco WebEx meetings on behalf of someone else, they will need to give you permission to do this in both their Cisco WebEx account and the Outlook Calendar, as described in the following sections:
•Setting Proxy Permissions in Cisco WebEx
•Setting Proxy Permissions in Outlook Calendar
Setting Proxy Permissions in Cisco WebEx
To grant Cisco WebEx proxy permissions in Cisco WebEx, follow these steps:
Step 1 Go to the Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications website at the following URL:
https://cisco.webex.comStep 2 Click on the My WebEx tab at the top of the page.
Step 3 Log in to My WebEx with your UserID and your Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications password.
Step 4 Click on the My Profile button in the left navigation panel.
Step 5 Scroll down to Session Options and click on Select From Host List [A] next to Scheduling Permission, as shown in Figure 6-6. Figure 6-5 shows details from the Select From Host List field.
Figure 6-5 Proxy Schedule
Step 6 In the search field enter the userID of the person to whom you want to grant proxy permission and click Go.
Note You can only appoint proxy privileges to other users with active Cisco WebEx Meeting Applications accounts of their own.
Step 7 Select the email address of the person to whom you want to grant proxy permission from the search results list in the left column and click Add.
Tip To remove a name, select the email address in the right column and click Remove.
Step 8 Repeat steps 6-7 to add more proxies, if desired. When you have finished selecting people, click OK.
You will now see the email addresses of the people you have chosen as proxies in the Scheduling Permission field in Session Options [B], as shown in Figure 6-6.
Tip You can remove proxy permission by selecting the person's email address in this field and pressing the Delete key.
Figure 6-6 Proxy Options
Step 9 Scroll to the bottom of the My Profile page and click Update.
Step 10 Close the browser window.
Step 11 Click OK to close the Cisco WebEx Settings dialog box.
Setting Proxy Permissions in Outlook Calendar
You must now also grant proxy permission to your Outlook Calendar for the people you have nominated in Cisco WebEx. To grant proxy privileges in Outlook Calendar:
Step 1 Open Outlook. On the Tools menu, select Options. The Options dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 6-7.
Figure 6-7 Options: Proxy Deligates
Step 2 Click on the Delegates tab.
Step 3 Click the Add button and use the Directory to find the name of the person you want to make a proxy.
Step 4 Click OK.
Step 5 On the Delegate Permissions dialog box for the Calendar field, choose Editor or Author from the drop down list of permission options [A], as shown in Figure 6-8.
Figure 6-8 Proxy Edit
Step 6 Select the checkbox "Delegate automatically receives copies of meeting-related messages sent to me" [B].
Step 7 Select any additional permissions you want to grant to this person and click OK.
Step 8 Repeat steps 3 to 7 to add other delegates, if desired.
Step 9 Click OK to save your changes and close the Options dialog box.
Scheduling Meetings on Behalf of Someone Else
Note You must first have proxy permission to both their Outlook Calendar and Cisco WebEx accounts before you can schedule a meeting for someone else. Complete the steps in Setting Proxy Permissions before following the steps in this section.
To schedule a Cisco WebEx meeting for someone else, follow these steps:
Step 1 Open the individual's calendar in Outlook Calendar. If this is the first time you have opened their calendar, do the following:
a. Go to Other Calendars in the left navigation pane.
b. Click Open a Shared Calendar [A], as shown in Figure 6-9, and search for the person in the Directory.
Tip In the future, you will see the person as an option [B] in Other Calendars; simply check the box beside the name to open their calendar.
c. Click OK to select the person and to return to the Outlook Calendar main screen.
Figure 6-9 Open a Shared Proxy Calendar
Step 2 Schedule a meeting in the usual way and click Add Cisco WebEx Meeting in the Outlook toolbar.
Step 3 Complete the Cisco WebEx Settings dialog screen. You will notice that Cisco WebEx notifies you that you are scheduling for someone else, as shown in Figure 6-10.
Figure 6-10 Scheduling For Someone Else
Productivity Toolbars and Menus
The Cisco WebEx Productivity Plug-in installs toolbars or menus in the applications checked on the Tools Tab in Cisco WebEx Settings:
•Microsoft Office Applications
Microsoft Outlook Tools
Open Outlook Calendar. Locate the Cisco WebEx toolbar, as shown in Figure 6-11.
Figure 6-11 Microsoft Outlook Cisco WebEx Toolbar
You can do the following using the Cisco WebEx toolbar:
•Click on One-Click Meeting to start an instant meeting:
–Select a time in your calendar and click on Schedule Meeting.
–Complete the Meeting information and then click Add WebEx Meeting. See Chapter 7, "Cisco TelePresence WebEx OneTouch Meeting Scheduling Overview" for help with scheduling.
•Click the drop down arrow next to the Cisco WebEx tab to go to My WebEx, Account Settings, and more.
Microsoft Office Applications
In Microsoft Office Documents you should see the Cisco WebEx menu, as shown in Figure 6-12.
Figure 6-12 Microsoft Office Cisco WebEx Menu
You can do the following using the Cisco WebEx Menu:
•Select either Share As Document or Share As Application to start an Instant Meeting.
•If you already have the presenter ball in a Cisco WebEx meeting, using WebEx > Share as Document will share the document in the Meeting Center.
Using Cisco WebEx Connect
To use Cisco WebEx Connect to initiate a meeting, follow these steps:
Step 1 Hover your pointer over the Cisco WebEx ball at the bottom of your screen in Contacts or Spaces.
Step 2 Choose the right-most icon for Meetings and select Start WebEx Meeting. A web conference automatically opens.
Step 3 In the Join Teleconference dialog box, select or enter a phone number and click OK to receive a call back from the Cisco WebEx meeting room.
Step 4 Go to the Quick Start screen and click Invite by Email.
Step 5 Enter the email addresses of the invitees separated by commas and click Invite. Your One-Click Instant Meeting credentials will be sent as part of the email invitation to participants.
Step 6 As the Host you will receive an email to forward to additional Invitees.
Note If you only need to share your Desktop during a chat session, select a contact and choose Integrated Desktop Sharing to meet one-on-one without teleconferencing, as shown in Figure 6-13
Figure 6-13 Integrated Desktop Sharing
Where to Go Next
See Chapter 7, "Cisco TelePresence WebEx OneTouch Meeting Scheduling Overview" for more information about managing meetings and in-room meeting tools.