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Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Secondary Database Query Support for LNP Feature, Release 6.0.3
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Secondary Database Query Support for LNP Feature, Release 6.0.3
Last Updated: August 10, 2011The Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Secondary Database Query Support for Local Number Portability (LNP) feature enables BTS 10200 to perform a secondary query to a backup database when a query to the primary Service Control Point (SCP) database fails.
The secondary database query support for LNP feature is an enhancement for the existing LNP feature in BTS 10200. For more information on the LNP feature, see the Local Number Portability section in the Cisco BTS 10200 Network and Subscriber Feature Descriptions Guide.
Currently, when a subscriber calls a ported-out number, the BTS 10200 checks the local database or the external Service Control Point (SCP) database to get the Location Routing Number (LRN). In an external database query, the BTS 10200 queries the SCP database using Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP) query to retrieve the LRN to route the call to the appropriate recipient switch. However, when the query to the external SCP database fails, or if the LRN is not returned in the TCAP response message, the call is not routed to the ported Directory Number (DN).
The secondary database query support for LNP feature enhances the LNP feature by allowing BTS 10200 to perform a TCAP query to a secondary (backup) database when the first query to the primary SCP database fails. The secondary query enables successful routing of the call, when the primary database is unavailable, timed-out, or when the BTS 10200 is unable to find the LRN in the database.
Note When the query to the secondary database fails, the system does not check the primary database again.Provisioning the Feature
This section explains how to provision the feature.
Note The commands shown in this section are only examples; you need to enter values that are appropriate for your network and service requirements. The CLI syntax allows you to use commands in uppercase or lowercase. It also allows you to enter hyphens (-) or underscores (_) interchangeably. (Exceptions, if any, are noted in the procedures.)
For a complete list of tokens for each CLI table, as well as the allowed values, default values, and detailed descriptions for each token, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database at this website: can configure the secondary database query using the CA_CONFIG table.
To enable this feature, set the SEC-DB-QUERY token in the CA_CONFIG table and provision the SLHR-ID for the SEC-LNP-SLHR-ID field in the CA_CONFIG table.
Note Use a hyphen (-) instead of an underscore (_) when specifying the SEC-DB-QUERY and SEC-LNP-SLHR-ID commands. Using an underscore in these commands results in command failure.SUMMARY STEPS
•add ca_config
Managing the Feature
This section provides information on BTS 10200 measurement counters for the feature.
AIN Services FS Measurements
For more information on BTS traffic measurements and how to use them, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide.
The following LNP secondary database query measurements are introduced for this feature:
•AINSVC_SEC_EXT_LNP_QUERY—LNP translation queries that resulted in an external query to a secondary database attempted on the reporting FS. Incremented when a secondary LNP query request is sent to the TCAP Signaling Adapter (TSA).
•AINSVC_SEC_EXT_LNP_QUERY_SUCC —LNP translation queries that resulted in a successful external query to a secondary database attempted on the reporting FS. Incremented when the secondary query for LNP results in a successful response from the TSA.
•AINSVC_SEC_EXT_LNP_FAIL_APP—LNP translation queries that resulted in a failed external query to a secondary database due to an application failure from the reporting FS. Incremented when the secondary query for LNP results in a failed query due to an application failure.
•AINSVC_SEC_EXT_LNP_FAIL_NETW—LNP translation queries that resulted in a failed external query to a secondary database due to a network communication failure from the reporting FS. Incremented when the secondary query for LNP results in a failure from the network.
•AINSVC_SEC_EXT_LNP_QUERY_LRN—LNP queries that resulted in a successful response from the secondary database with an LRN when attempted by the reporting FS. Incremented when the secondary query request for LNP returns the LRN.
•AINSVC_SEC_EXT_LNP_QUERY_FAIL—LNP queries that failed due to an secondary database timeout when attempted by the reporting FS. Incremented when the secondary query request for LNP results in a failure.
Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic Document TitleSummary of features and usage guidelines for this release
Reference listing of all CLI tables and tokens
LNP Feature
Cisco BTS 10200 Network and Subscriber Feature Descriptions Guide
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Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.
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