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Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch SIP TGRP Query Feature, Release 6.0.3
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch SIP TGRP Query Feature, Release 6.0.3
Last Updated: August 10, 2011The SIP Trunk Group Routing Protocol (TGRP) Query feature enables the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch to pass the egress trunk group information to a remote switch. The remote switch uses this information to route the call further into the network.
Note The feature is based on the IETF document RFC 4904: Representing trunk groups in tel/SIP Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).Contents
The BTS 10200 uses the existing ENUM infrastructure to launch a TGRP query before selecting the route for an incoming call. For more information on ENUM based query, see the Electronic Number Mapping and Routing chapter in the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Routing and Dial Plan Guide.
The BTS 10200 performs a TGRP query for a called subscriber number on the ENUM server.
•If the query results in a positive response containing the tgrp-ID, trunk-context and domain parameters, the Bts10200 Soft switch routes the call to the remote switch based on trunk-context and domain parameters. Additionally, the BTS 10200 sends the tgrp-ID and trunk-context parameters in the Req-URI of SIP INVITE message to the remote Switch. Subsequently, the remote switch routes the call to the specified trunk based on tgrp-ID parameter.
•If the query results in a negative response, the BTS10200 Softswitch routes the call based on destination routing.
Using this feature, the BTS 10200 does the following to route a call in the network.
Performs TGRP Query
The BTS10200 performs TGRP query on an ENUM server for a call, when the dialed number is not served by the same BTS10200. The BTS 10200 can perform TGRP query for all call types.
Note The BTS 10200 does not perform TGRP query when the ENUM query is already done.Routes a Call when TGRP Query Response is Received
After a response is received from the ENUM server, BTS 10200 Softswitch extracts the tgrp-ID and trunk-context parameters from the NAPTR records. It routes the call to the terminating switch based on the trunk group parameters received from ENUM server, and sends the trunk group parameters in the REQ-URI of the outgoing invite message.
The trunk-context parameter also represents the domain of the terminating switch that processes the outgoing invite having the trunk group information.
Receives TGRP Information in an External Invite
When the BTS 10200 receives trunk group information in an incoming invite, it checks if the trunk-context parameter in the invite is provisioned in the trunk-context table of BTS 10200. If it is provisioned, and the trunk-context value matches the one received in the invite, BTS 10200 routes the call to another BTS10200 based on the trunk-grp ID parameter found in the trunk group table.
The trunk group received in the REQ-URI is selected as the outgoing trunk group for the call to be routed out of the BTS 10200.
Note If the trunk-context information in the invite does not match the one provisioned in BTS 10200, BTS 10200 fails the call and does not route it to the default destination.Figure 1 shows how the TGRP query is performed and the trunk-group information is passed to the remote switch for further processing.
Figure 1 TGRP Query
Figure 1 is explained below.
Step 1 A call originates on the BTS-A switch.
Step 2 The BTS-A performs a TGRP ENUM lookup and receives a response from the ENUM server having:
•tgrp—Contains the egress trunk-group ID.
Note The BTS 10200 accepts only numerical values for trunk-group ID.•trunk-context—Contains the domain name of the terminating switch.
A response from an ENUM server may appear as given below:
$ORIGIN 10 100 "u" "E2U+pstn:sip""!^.*$!sip:+1-215-555-0123;tgrp=2;"Step 3 The destination switch (the switch having the domain name matching the value of the trunk-context parameter) in the network, is BTS-B switch, and the trunk group ID is 2.
The Req-URI in the invite message sent from BTS-A switch towards BTS-B contains the TGRP information (2) and trunk-context (btsb). The invite message appears as follows:
INVITE sip:+1-215-555-0123;tgrp=2;;
Call Routing
If the trunk-context information in the TGRP query response is different from the domain, BTS 10200 gives precedence to the domain over the trunk-context while routing the call. If a route is provisioned for the domain (in the DOMAIN2ROUTE table), the BTS 10200 uses that route to send the invite message with tgrp parameters.
An example of a TGRP query response is given below.
$ORIGIN NAPTR 10 100 "u" "E2U+pstn:sip" "!^.*$!sip:+1-215-555-0123;tgrp=1;".In the above example, trunk-context is bts2 and domain is bts1. If the route for is provisioned in DOMAIN2ROUTE table and route for is not provisioned in DOMAIN2ROUTE table, the BTS 10200 uses to send the invite message.
The SIP invite sent to would be,
INVITE sip:+1-215-555-0123;tgrp=1;;
Note If both and are provisioned only then invite trunk-context contains, although routing is on the basis of no route exists for the domain, the BTS 10200 uses the route provisioned for the trunk-context. If a route is not configured for both domain and trunk-context, the BTS 10200 uses the default destination-based routing to route the call.
Note The route type provisioned for and should be ROUTE or ROUTE_GUIDE in the DOMAIN2ROUTE table. Otherwise, call is routed using destination-based routing.Figure 2 shows a visual representation of TGRP query performed by the BTS 10200.
Figure 2 Visual Representation of TGRP Query
Provisioning the Feature
This section explains how to provision the feature.
Note The commands shown in this section are only examples; you need to enter values that are appropriate for your network and service requirements. The CLI syntax allows you to use commands in uppercase or lowercase. It also allows you to enter hyphens (-) or underscores (_) interchangeably. (Exceptions, if any, are noted in the procedures.)
For a complete list of tokens for each CLI table, as well as the allowed values, default values, and detailed descriptions for each token, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database at this website: following new tokens are introduced to support the feature:
Enabling TGRP Query
To enable the TGRP query in BTS 10200, do these steps.
1. change call_agent_profile
2. add ca_config (to enable tgrp query)
3. add ca_config (to add TGRP_ENUM_PROFILE_ID)
4. add destination
5. add domain2route domain
6. add trunk_context trunk_context
Provisioning SIP Trunk
Use the following steps to create a trunk group on BTS-A and associate it with the IP address of the BTS-B. The steps also show how to provision the originator's dial plan with the dialed digits associated with the trunk.
1. add softsw_tg_profile
2. add sip_element
3. add trunk_grp
4. add route
5. add route_guide
6. add destination
7. add dial_plan
8. add ndc
9. add exchange_code
10. add office_code
11. add serving_domain_name
12. add serving_domain_name
13. control sip_element
14. control trunk_grp
15. control trunk_grp
Similarly, the SIP trunk groups are configured on BTS-B and are associated with the IP address of BTS-A.
Managing the Feature
This section provides information on managing the feature.
Billing Information
When BTS 10200 performs a TGRP query and routes a call based on trunk group information, the billing record displays the OUTGOINGTRUNKCONTEXT field and also updates the existing OUTGOINGTRUNKNUMBER field.
When BTS 10200 receives an invite with the TGRP information, the billing record displays the INCOMINGTRUNKCONTEXT field.
Table 1 lists the new billing record fields introduced in this feature.
Additionally, the existing DATABASEQUERYRETURNEDDATA1 field in the billing record displays the TGRP parameter received from the TGRP query response. It also displays the trunk-context and the domain sent in the outgoing invite REQ-URI.
Note If TGRP query is performed but the call is routed based on destination instead of domain or trunk-context received in the response, the DATABASEQUERYRETURNEDDATA1 field displays the values present in the TGRP response that is received from the ENUM server.Table 2 lists the associated call detail block fields for the feature.
Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic Document TitleSummary of features and usage guidelines for this release
Reference listing of all CLI tables and tokens
ENUM Capability
SIP Trunks
Call Detail Block File Fields
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Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses. Any examples, command display output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.
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