- Preface
- Chapter 1 - Starting and Shutting Down the BTS
- Chapter 2 - Managing BTS Users and Commands Using EMS
- Chapter 3 - Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS
- Chapter 4 - Operating the BTS
- Chapter 5 - Managing External Resources
- Chapter 6 - Using BTS Measurements
- Chapter 7 - Using the BTS SNMP Agent
- Appendix A - Feature Tones
- Appendix B - FIM/XML
Operating the BTS
This chapter tells you how to operate the BTS. This chapter assumes the following are true:
•Connecting components have been correctly installed.
•Connecting components have been successfully started.
•You are a system administrator with past BTS experience.
Managing Subscribers
Viewing Calls
These tasks allows you to view information related to call forwarding features.
If A calls B and the call is forwarded to C:
•Querying A shows A is connected to C and provide C's information.
•Querying C shows C is connected to A and provide A's information.
•Querying B shows A is calling C and the call is forwarded through B.
•Even when the call is forwarded through B, B can originate another call. B can also forward multiple calls.
When viewing Three-Way Call and Call Waiting calls remember the output shows both calls.
Using Status and Control Commands
Using Show and Change Commmands
Viewing subscriber-related batch data: subscribers, terminations, subscriber service profiles |
show subscriber limit=1000; start_row=<next page value>;display=id,sub_service_profile; order=id; Where •limit—Page size for the maximum number of rows (or lines) to display •start_row—Which page to display first •display=id—Sorts data by id column •order=id—Provides a key for ordering or sorting the data |
Viewing database usage statistics |
show db-usage table-name=dial_plan;
Note Do not use hyphens in table names; instead use underscores. or 1. Go to http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/voice_ip_comm/bts/6.0.3/command/CLI/CLI_Database.zip 2. From the first drop-list, select "Table Sizing Configuration". |
Changing database usage statistics |
change db-usage table-name=dial-plan;
minor-threshold=70;major-threshold=80; critical-threshold=95;
Using ERAC Commands
Using prepared SQL statements Extended Read Access Commands (ERAC) commands perform a complex read against the BTS database. This SQL optimization and multitable and nested SELECT(s) quickly return data that would otherwise take several database dips and a lot of back end data post processing. Use the following interfaces to access ERAC:
•CLI and MAINT shells
•CORBA/XML adapters
Directory number (DN) and telephone number (TN) refer to the same BTS entity but with different sources:
•TN—EC database value + the Office Code table's NDC field
•DN—DN2 Subscriber table's DN field
The TN/DN is a concatenation of 14 (or less) digits. Commands fail if a partial TN is supplied.
Note Commands allow for wild card support. When you enter a subscriber, subscriber account code, or DN , the value can have the wild card percent (%) search criteria. |
These are standard commands and their parameters. Several are associated with BTS tables. However, several parameters are derived from multiple sources and do not map directly to a table. They may have real database representation but be modified for ease of use or readability.
Viewing account IDs |
An account id can be assigned to one or more subscribers. An account id is used only for identification purposes. The account id is not associated with feature grouping behavior during call processing. The account id is included in billing record. This is for operational identification purpose only. This is an optional field of 1-20 text characters. |
Viewing DNs |
The DN is the telephone number. This number is a derived value composed of the office-code.ndc, office-code.ec and the dn2subscriber.dn fields. It is a concatenation to provide a consistent view of the primary directory number for a subscriber. It is 1-14 numbers. |
show 4692550529 |
Viewing DNs by subscriber |
This command returns a list of all DNs associated with a specified subscriber or account id. In this command, the subscriber id field or the new account-id field determines the DN(s) to list. Each row of data represents a DN entry. The additional data is supplied to provide further information about the DN. |
show sub-dn-list
Viewing line features by DN |
This command returns a list of all features associated with a specified DN. In this command the DN is supplied to qualify the data search. The data returned is not in the form of services and service packages. This query dips into the service packages and finds the actual features associated with each service assigned to the DN and its subscriber. |
show dn-line-feat dn=4692550529; sub-id=foo_123; account-id=-ABC123456789; |
Viewing feature summaries by DN |
This command returns the list of all features associated with a specified entity. In this command the DN, Subscriber ID or Account ID is supplied to qualify the data search. The command returns the list of all the services of the associated subscriber or DN and all features associated with each specific service package. This also includes the service profiles association. |
show dn-feat-list
Viewing speed dial settings by DN |
This command returns a list of all speed dial telephone numbers by the specified DN or primary subscriber directory number. All one digit speed dial values are returned as well as the feature state of speed dial. T Only a single row is returned with the complete list of speed dial numbers. If a number is not defined, it is left blank. |
show dn-sd-list dn=4692550529;
Viewing domestic long distance blocking by subscriber or account id |
This command returns the cos-restrict information for a specified subscriber. In this command the subscriber ID field or the new account-id field determines the subscriber. This command keys on the use of the Nature of Dial (NOD) means for restricting subscriber activity. |
show sub-id-block
Viewing international long distance blocking settings by subscriber or account id |
This command returns the COS_RESTRICT information for all DN(s) associated with a specified subscriber or account. In this command the subscriber ID field or the new ACCOUNT_ID field determines the subscriber. This command keys on the use of the NOD as the means for restricting subscriber activity. |
show sub-intl-block
Viewing DA blocking by subscriber or account id |
This command returns the cos-restrict information a specified subscriber or account. In this command the subscriber id field or the new account_id field determines the subscriber. This command keys on the use of the NOD as the means for restricting subscriber activity. |
show sub-da-block
Viewing OA blocking by subscriber or account id |
This command returns the Operator assistance blocking information for a specified subscriber or account. In this command the subscriber ID field or the new ACCOUNT_ID field determines the subscriber. One row of data exists for each actual BTS 10200 subscribers. |
show sub-oper-block
Viewing call hunt groups by subscriber or account id |
This command returns the list of one or more hunt groups associated with a specified subscriber. In this command the subscriber Id field or the new account_id field determines the subscriber. Each row of data represents a hunt group membership. |
show hg-dn-listdn=4692550529;
Viewing sequence by hunt group |
This command returns the hunt sequence as a list of telephone numbers (TNs) associated with a specified Hunt Group. Each row of data equates to a relative terminal in the hunt group. This avoids static lists with a fixed number of terminals. |
show hg-sequence
Viewing list DNs that not in a hunt group |
This command returns a list of all DNs associated with a specified subscriber and that are not associated with a hunt group. Under the present definition, the list can be long. Each row of the data indicates a TN with a free association. It is strongly recommended that some qualifications are provided to narrow the scope of the command. For example, list all free DNs in a particular account where the account ID is some specific value. |
show sub-dn-find
Viewing Outbound Caller ID with Name Value by DN |
This command returns the caller ID and NAME for a specified TN. Each row of data represents a separate subscriber TN. The read is based on the actual TN of a subscriber. |
show sub-cid sub-id=foo-123; account-id=ABC123456789; |
Managing Transactions
The Transaction Queue tracks updates to EMS database, and the shared memory of the CAs andFSs. Entries should remain in the transaction queue for a few seconds, unless an EMS, CA, or FS in an error state. In case of an error state, the transaction queue to stores entries for later updates.
Viewing transaction queue entries |
show transaction-queue target=CA146; status=pending;
Following is an example of the system response to this command. TRANSACTION_ID=901208641475967405 |
Deleting transaction queue entries |
delete transaction-queue target=CA146
Viewing maximum download capacity for transaction queuing |
show queue-throttle
Enabling/Disabling queue throttling |
1. Go to the bts.properties file. /opt/ems/etc/bts.properties 2. To enable throttling, set throttleEnable to Y. To disable throttling, set throttleEnable to N. throttleEnable=Y 3. Restart the platform. |
Viewing number of commands executed from CLI, MNT, FTP, CORBA, SNMP, or SOAP interfaces |
show config-interval;
Setting number of commands executed from CLI, MNT, FTP, CORBA, SNMP, or SOAP interfaces |
change command-throttle-threshold session-type=CORBA; threshold=2000; change command-throttle-threshold session=CORBA; enable=N;
Scheduling Commands
The Hour and Minute Command Scheduling feature allows you to schedule command execution for a specific hour and minute.
Using start-time and recurrence command tokens, schedule command time and frequency (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, etc.). You can remove the command at any time; if it is recurring and currently executing, it completes and is removed.
To prevent overload and subsequent EMS degradation, limit commands to 10, each taking less than a minute.
If you schedule a command to execute, but an earlier occurence of that command is still executing, the second might fail.
Adding scheduled commands using minutes |
add scheduled_command verb=report;noun=system_health;keys=period;key_values=720;recurrenc e=MINUTE;on_minute=3,10,25,59;start_time=2007-11-08 00:00:00; |
Adding scheduled commands using hours |
add scheduled_command verb=report; noun=system_health;start_time=2007-06-30 00:00:00; key_values=720;keys=period; recurrence=HOURLY; |
Viewing scheduled commands |
show scheduled_command recurrence=HOURLY;key_values=720;
Changing scheduled commands |
change scheduled_command