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Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Call Forward Multiple Redirection Feature, Release 6.0.4
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Call Forward Multiple Redirection Feature, Release 6.0.4
Last Updated: May 14, 2012The support for the Call Forward on Multiple Redirection (CFMR) feature is designed to support redirection to multiple contacts, one at a time, till the call is successful, or the contact list is exhausted.
Overview of the Feature
Currently, the BTS 10200 softswitch only redirects the call to the first contact received in first 3xx response and ignores the rest of the contacts.
If a redirection response is received with multiple contacts, CFMR attempts multiple redirections for those contacts whose hostname matches with the hostname of the BTS softswitch. The system does not differentiate between 300, 301, 302, and 305 SIP response messages, and applies the same call processing logic to all these responses.
Upon receiving 3XX messages from the least cost routing (LCR) engine, the BTS 10200 softswitch processes contact headers, removes carrier-identifying prefixes, and routes calls to the defined destination. It preserves all the routing information from the previous call process. The preserved routing-information is restored in the outgoing signaling message, if the trunk-group properties specify so. However, BTS does not make use of this preserved call-information for further call-processing.
BTS uses the dial-plan ID assigned to the LCR trunk-group to process the number received in the contact header of a 3XX message, and routes the calls to redirected contacts based on longest-match criteria.
The BTS 10200 softswitch processes the contact received in 3xx response of the form It ignores the contacts of the form contact: (without the user part). It also ignores the "expires" as well as "q" values parameter received in the 3xx contacts.
Following restrictions apply to the CFMR feature:
•CFMR stores the maximum provisioned contacts for re-routing a call.
•The contact list for CFMR is created from the initial 3xx messages.
•Both CFR and CFMR can be provisioned for a trunk group in the TRUNK_GRP_SERVICE_PROFILE. However, based on the flag set to Y in the SOFTSW_TG_PROFILE table, only one of these would be activated (either CFMR_SUPPORT for CFMR or RECV_3XX_ USE_CF_METHOD for CFR).
•Only 4xx and 5xx cause codes can be provisioned in the CFMR_CAUSE_CODE table.
CFMR Call Procedure
When a 3xx redirection message is received from the network with multiple contacts, the call agent (CA) reports a T_EXCEPTION_DP.
CA passes the contact list received in 3xx response as part of a new Contacts line in feature control protocol(FCP)message. The contact list received is then used to redirect the call.
Only those contacts received in the initial 3XX responses are stored and the rest are discarded.
FSPTC uses contacts one by one to reroute the call. It keeps trying to attempt call till contact list is empty or the call is successful.
The BTS 10200 softswitch does not attempt calling the next option in the contact list, if the 4xx or 5xx responses received after sending INVITE (for CFMR) are not provisioned by the operator in CFMR_CAUSE_CODE table.
Provisioning the Feature
This section explains how to provision the feature. In this procedure, "you" refers to the service provider.
Note The commands shown in this section are only examples; you need to enter values that are appropriate for your network and service requirements. The CLI syntax allows you to use commands in uppercase or lowercase. It also allows you to enter hyphens (-) or underscores (_) interchangeably. (Exceptions, if any, are noted in the procedures.)
For a complete list of tokens for each CLI table, as well as the allowed values, default values, and detailed descriptions for each token, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database at this website:
1. add feature fname
2. add service id
3. add feature_config type
4. add trunk_grp_service_profile tgn_id
5. add softsw_tg_profile id
Managing the Feature
Table 1 shows how CFMR is managed through specific measurement counters and how these are used.
Table 1 Measurement Counters
Additional References
Related Documents
Related Topic Document TitleSummary of features and usage guidelines for this release
Reference listing of all CLI tables and tokens
SIP Trunks and SIP Trunk Provisioning Example
SIP Subscribers
Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Provisioning Guide, Release 6.0.4
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