Configuring Controller Settings

This chapter describes how to configure settings on the controller.

Installing and Configuring Licenses

Information About Installing and Configuring Licenses

You can order Cisco 5500 Series Controllers with support for 12, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 access points as the controller’s base capacity. You can add additional access point capacity through capacity adder licenses available at 25, 50, 100 and 250 access point capacities. You can add the capacity adder licenses to any base license in any combination to arrive at the maximum capacity of 500 access points. The base and adder licenses are supported through both rehosting and RMAs.

The base license supports the standard base software set, and the premium software set is included as part of the base feature set, which includes this functionality:

  • Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) data encryption for added security across remote WAN and LAN links.

  • The availability of data DTLS is as follows:
    • Cisco 5500 Series Controller—The Cisco 5500 Series Controller is available with two licensing options: One with data DTLS capabilities and another image without data DTLS.

    • 2500, WiSM2—These platforms by default do not contain DTLS. To turn on data DTLS, you must install a license. These platforms will have a single image with data DTLS turned off. To use data DTLS, you must have a license.

  • Support for OfficeExtend access points, which are used for secure mobile teleworking.

All features included in a Wireless LAN Controller WPLUS license are now included in the base license. There are no changes to Cisco Prime Infrastructure BASE and PLUS licensing. These WPlus license features are included in the base license:

  • OfficeExtend AP

  • Enterprise Mesh

  • CAPWAP Data Encryption

For information about upgrade and capacity adder licenses, see the product data sheet of your controller model.

Restrictions for Using Licenses

The following are the restrictions you must keep in mind when using licenses for the controllers:

  • The licensing change can affect features on your wireless LAN when you upgrade or downgrade software releases, so you should be aware of these guidelines:

    • If you have a WPlus license and you upgrade from 6.0.x.x to 7.x.x.x, your license file contains both Basic and WPlus license features. There is no disruption in feature availability and operation.

    • If you have a WPlus license and you downgrade from 7.x.x.x to or or, your license file contains only base license, and you will lose all WPlus features.

    • If you have a base license and you downgrade from to or, when you downgrade, you lose all WPlus features.

  • In the controller software and later releases, the AP association trap is ciscoLwappApAssociated. In prior releases, the trap was bsnAPAssociated.

  • The ap-count licenses and their corresponding image-based licenses are installed together. The controller keeps track of the licensed access point count and does not allow more than the number of access points to associate to it.

  • The Cisco 5500 Series Controller is shipped with both permanent and evaluation base and base-ap-count licenses. If desired, you can activate the evaluation licenses, which are designed for temporary use and set to expire after 60 days.

  • No licensing steps are required after you receive your Cisco 5500 Series Controller because the licenses you ordered are installed at the factory. In addition, licenses and product authorization keys (PAKs) are preregistered to serial numbers. However, as your wireless network evolves, you might want to add support for additional access points or upgrade from the standard software set to the base software set. To do so, you must obtain and install an upgrade license.

Obtaining an Upgrade or Capacity Adder License

This section describes how to get an upgrade or capacity adder license.

Information About Obtaining an Upgrade or Capacity Adder License

A certificate with a product authorization key (PAK) is required before you can obtain an upgrade license.

You can use the capacity adder licenses to increase the number of access points supported by the controller up to a maximum of 500 access points. The capacity adder licenses are available in access point capacities of 10, 25, 50, 100 and 250 access points. You can add these licenses to any of the base capacity licenses of 12, 25, 50, 100 and 250 access points.

For example, if your controller was initially ordered with support for 100 access points (base license AIR-CT5508-100-K9), you could increase the capacity to 500 access points by purchasing a 250 access point, 100 access point, and a 50 access point additive capacity license (LIC-CT5508-250A, LIC-CT5508-100A, and LIC-CT5508-50A).

You can find more information on ordering capacity adder licenses at this URL: http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​products/​wireless/​5500-series-wireless-controllers/​datasheet-listing.html


If you skip any tiers when upgrading (for example, if you do not install the -25U and -50U licenses along with the -100U), the license registration for the upgraded capacity fails.

For a single controller, you can order different upgrade licenses in one transaction (for example, -25U, -50U, -100U, and -250U), for which you receive one PAK with one license. Then you have only one license (instead of four) to install on your controller.

If you have multiple controllers and want to upgrade all of them, you can order multiple quantities of each upgrade license in one transaction (for example, you can order 10 each of the -25U, -50U, -100U, and -250 upgrade licenses), for which you receive one PAK with one license. You can continue to register the PAK for multiple controllers until it is exhausted.

For more information about the base license SKUs and capacity adder licenses, see the respective controller’s data sheet.

Obtaining and Registering a PAK Certificate

    Step 1   Order the PAK certificate for an upgrade license through your Cisco channel partner or your Cisco sales representative, or order it online at this URL:


    Step 2   If you are ordering online, begin by choosing the primary upgrade SKU L-LIC-CT5508-UPG or LIC CT5508-UPG. Then, choose any number of the following options to upgrade one or more controllers under one PAK. After you receive the certificate, use one of the following methods to register the PAK:
    • Cisco License Manager (CLM)—This method automates the process of obtaining licenses and deploying them on Cisco devices. For deployments with more than five controllers, we recommend using CLM to register PAKs and install licenses. You can also use CLM to rehost or RMA a license.


      You cannot use CLM to change the licensed feature set or activate an ap-count evaluation license. To perform these operations, you must follow the instructions in the Activating an AP-Count Evaluation License section. Because you can use CLM to perform all other license operations, you can disregard the remaining licensing information in this chapter except these two sections and the Configuring the License Agent section if you want your controller to use HTTP to communicate with CLM.


      You can download the CLM software and access user documentation at this URL:


    • Licensing portal—This alternative method enables you to manually obtain and install licenses on your controller. If you want to use the licensing portal to register the PAK, follow the instructions in Step 3.

    Step 3   Use the licensing portal to register the PAK as follows:
    1. Go to http:/​/​​SWIFT/​Licensing/​PrivateRegistrationServlet
    2. On the main Product License Registration page, enter the PAK mailed with the certificate in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) text box and click Submit.
    3. On the Validate Features page, enter the number of licenses that you want to register in the Qty text box and click Update.
    4. To determine the controller’s product ID and serial number, choose Controller > Inventory on the controller GUI or enter the show license udi command on the controller CLI.

      Information similar to the following appears on the controller CLI:

      Device#         PID                SN                   UDI
      -------  ------------------- ---------------  -----------------------
      *0          AIR-CT5508-K9      CW1308L030     AIR-CT5508-K9:FCW1308L030     
    5. On the Designate Licensee page, enter the product ID and serial number of the controller on which you plan to install the license, read and accept the conditions of the end-user license agreement (EULA), complete the rest of the text boxes on this page, and click Submit.
    6. On the Finish and Submit page, verify that all information is correct and click Submit.
    7. When a message appears indicating that the registration is complete, click Download License. The license is e-mailed within 1 hour to the address that you specified.
    8. When the e-mail arrives, follow the instructions provided.
    9. Copy the license file to your TFTP server.

    Installing a License

    Installing a License (GUI)

      Step 1   Choose Management > Software Activation > Commands to open the License Commands page.
      Step 2   From the Action drop-down list, choose Install License. The Install License from a File section appears.
      Step 3   In the File Name to Install text box, enter the path to the license (*.lic) on the TFTP server.
      Step 4   Click Install License. A message appears to show whether the license was installed successfully. If the installation fails, the message provides the reason for the failure, such as the license is an existing license, the path was not found, the license does not belong to this device, you do not have correct permissions for the license, and so on.
      Step 5   If the end-user license agreement (EULA) acceptance dialog box appears, read the agreement and click Accept to accept the terms of the agreement.

      Typically, you are prompted to accept the EULA for evaluation, extension, and rehost licenses. The EULA is also required for permanent licenses, but it is accepted during license generation.

      Step 6   Save a backup copy of all installed licenses as follows:
      1. From the Action drop-down list, choose Save License.
      2. In the File Name to Save text box, enter the path on the TFTP server where you want the licenses to be saved.

        You cannot save evaluation licenses.

      3. Click Save Licenses.
      Step 7   Reboot the controller.

      We recommend that you reset the system to ensure that the newly installed license file is saved in the WLC.

      Installing a License (CLI)

        Step 1   Install a license on the controller by entering this command:

        license install url

        where url is tftp://server_ip/path/filename.


        To remove a license from the controller, enter the license clear license_name command. For example, you might want to delete an expired evaluation license or any unused license. You cannot delete unexpired evaluation licenses, the permanent base image license, or licenses that are in use by the controller.

        Step 2   If you are prompted to accept the end-user license agreement (EULA), read and accept the terms of the agreement.

        Typically, you are prompted to accept the EULA for evaluation, extension, and rehost licenses. The EULA is also required for permanent licenses, but it is accepted during license generation.

        Step 3   Add comments to a license or delete comments from a license by entering this command:

        license comment {add | delete} license_name comment_string

        Step 4   Save a backup copy of all installed licenses by entering this command:

        license save url

        where url is tftp://server_ip/path/filename.

        Step 5   Reboot the controller by entering this command:

        reset system.


        We recommend that you reset the system to ensure that the newly installed license file is saved in the WLC.

        Viewing Licenses

        Viewing Licenses (GUI)

          Step 1   Choose Management > Software Activation > Licenses to open the Licenses page.

          This page lists all of the licenses installed on the controller. For each license, it shows the license type, expiration, count (the maximum number of access points allowed for this license), priority (low, medium, or high), and status (in use, not in use, inactive, or EULA not accepted).


          Controller platforms do not support the status of “grace period” or “extension” as a license type. The license status will always show “evaluation” even if a grace period or an extension evaluation license is installed.


          If you ever want to remove a license from the controller, hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for the license and click Remove. For example, you might want to delete an expired evaluation license or any unused license. You cannot delete unexpired evaluation licenses, the permanent base image license, or licenses that are in use by the controller.

          Step 2   Click the link for the desired license to view more details for a particular license. The License Detail page appears.

          This page shows the following additional information for the license:

          • The license type (permanent, evaluation, or extension)

          • The license version

          • The status of the license (in use, not in use, inactive, or EULA not accepted)

          • The length of time before the license expires


            Permanent licenses never expire.

          • Whether the license is a built-in license

          • The maximum number of access points allowed for this license

          • The number of access points currently using this license

          Step 3   If you want to enter a comment for this license, type it in the Comment text box and click Apply.
          Step 4   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.

          Viewing Licenses (CLI)

          Before You Begin
          • See the license level, license type, and number of access points licensed on the controller by entering this command:

            show sysinfo

            Information similar to the following appears:

            Manufacturer's Name.............................. Cisco Systems Inc.
            Product Name..................................... Cisco Controller
            Product Version.................................. 7.0
            RTOS Version..................................... 7.0
            Bootloader Version............................... 5.2
            Emergency Image Version.......................... N/A
            Build Type....................................... DATA + WPS
            System Name...................................... Cisco 69
            System Location.................................. na
            System Contact...................................
            System ObjectID..................................
            IP Address.......................................
            System Up Time................................... 3 days 1 hrs 12 mins 42 secs
            System Timezone Location.........................
            CurrentBoot License Level..........................base
            CurrentBoot License Type...........................Permanent
            NextBoot License Level............................base
            NextBoot License Type.............................Permanent
            Operating Environment............................ Commercial (0 to 40 C)
            Internal Temp Alarm Limits....................... 0 to 65 C
            Internal Temperature............................. +40 C
            State of 802.11b Network......................... Enabled
            State of 802.11a Network......................... Enabled
            Number of WLANs.................................. 4
            Number of Active Clients......................... 0
            Burned-in MAC Address............................ 00:1A:6D:DD:1E:40
            Crypto Accelerator 1............................. Absent
            Crypto Accelerator 2............................. Absent
            Power Supply 1................................... Absent
            Power Supply 2................................... Present, OK
            Maximum number of APs supported.................. 12


            The Operating Environment and Internal Temp Alarm Limits data are not displayed for Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controllers.

          • See a brief summary of all active licenses installed on the controller by entering this command:

            show license summary

            Information similar to the following appears:

            Index 1 Feature: wplus
                    Period left: 0 minute 0 second
            Index 2 Feature: wplus-ap-count
            		Period left: 0 minute 0 second
            Index3 		Feature: base
            		Period left: Life time
            		License Type: Permanent
            		License State: Active, In Use
            		License Count: Non-Counted
            		License Priority: Medium
            Index 4 Feature: base-ap-count
            		Period left: 6 weeks, 4 days
            		License Type: Evaluation
            		License State: Active, In Use
            		License Count: 250/250/0
            		License Priority: High

          • See all of the licenses installed on the controller by entering this command:

            show license all

            Information similar to the following appears:

            License Store: Primary License Storage
            StoreIndex:  1  Feature: base   Version: 1.0
                    License Type: Permanent
                    License State: Active, Not in Use
                    License Count: Non-Counted
                    License Priority: Medium
            StoreIndex:  3  Feature: base-ap-count   Version: 1.0
                    License Type: Evaluation
                    License State: Active, In Use
                        Evaluation total period:  8 weeks  4 days
                        Evaluation period left:  8 weeks  3 days
                    License Count: 250/0/0
                    License Priority: High

          • See the details for a particular license by entering this command:

            show license detail license_name

            Information similar to the following appears:

            Index:  1       Feature: base-ap-count   Version: 1.0
                    License Type: Permanent
                    License State: Active, Not in Use
                    License Count: 12/0/0
                    License Priority: Medium
                    Store Index: 0
                    Store Name: Primary License Storage
            Index:  2       Feature: base-ap-count   Version: 1.0
                    License Type: Evaluation
                    License State: Inactive
                        Evaluation total period:  8 weeks  4 days
                        Evaluation period left:  8 weeks  4 days
                    License Count: 250/0/0
                    License Priority: Low
                    Store Index: 3
                    			Store Name: Evaluation License Storage
          • See all expiring, evaluation, permanent, or in-use licenses by entering this command:

            show license {expiring | evaluation | permanent | in-use}

            Information similar to the following appears for the show license in-use command:

            StoreIndex:  2  Feature: base-ap-count   Version: 1.0
                    License Type: Permanent
                    License State: Active, In Use
                    License Count: 12/12/0
                    License Priority: Medium
            StoreIndex:  3  Feature: base Version: 1.0
                    License Type: Permanent
                    License State: Active, In Use
                    License Count: Non-Counted License Priority: Medium


            Controller platforms do not support the status of “grace period” or “extension” as a license type. The license status will always show “evaluation” even if a grace period or an extension evaluation license is installed.

          • See the maximum number of access points allowed for this license on the controller, the number of access points currently joined to the controller, and the number of access points that can still join the controller by entering this command:

            show license capacity

            Information similar to the following appears:

            Licensed Feature    Max Count      Current Count       Remaining Count
            ----------------    ---------      -------------       ---------------
            AP Count              250              4                    246
          • See statistics for all licenses on the controller by entering this command:

            show license statistics

          • See a summary of license-enabled features by entering this command:

            show license feature

          Troubleshooting Licensing Issues

          • Configure debugging of license agent by entering this command:

            debug license agent {errors | all} {enable | disable}

          • Configure debugging of licensing core events and core errors by entering this command:

            debug license core {all | errors | events} {enable | disable}

          • Configure debugging of licensing errors by entering this command:

            debug license errors {enable | disable}

          • Configure debugging of licensing events by entering this command:

            debug license events {enable | disable}

          Activating an AP-Count Evaluation License

          Information About Activating an AP-Count Evaluation License

          If you are considering upgrading to a license with a higher access point count, you can try an evaluation license before upgrading to a permanent version of the license. For example, if you are using a permanent license with a 50-access-point count and want to try an evaluation license with a 100-access-point count, you can try out the evaluation license for 60 days.

          AP-count evaluation licenses are set to low priority by default so that the controller uses the ap-count permanent license. If you want to try an evaluation license with an increased access point count, you must change its priority to high. If you no longer want to have this higher capacity, you can lower the priority of the ap-count evaluation license, which forces the controller to use the permanent license.


          To prevent disruptions in operation, the controller does not switch licenses when an evaluation license expires. You must reboot the controller in order to return to a permanent license. Following a reboot, the controller defaults to the same feature set level as the expired evaluation license. If no permanent license at the same feature set level is installed, the controller uses a permanent license at another level or an unexpired evaluation license.

          Activating an AP-Count Evaluation License (GUI)

            Step 1   Choose Management > Software Activation > Licenses to open the Licenses page.

            The Status column shows which licenses are currently in use, and the Priority column shows the current priority of each license.

            Step 2   Activate an ap-count evaluation license as follows:
            1. Click the link for the ap-count evaluation license that you want to activate. The License Detail page appears.
            2. Choose High from the Priority drop-down list and click Set Priority.

              You can set the priority only for ap-count evaluation licenses. AP-count permanent licenses always have a medium priority, which cannot be configured.

            3. Click OK when prompted to confirm your decision about changing the priority of the license.
            4. When the EULA appears, read the terms of the agreement and then click Accept.
            5. When prompted to reboot the controller, click OK.
            6. Reboot the controller in order for the priority change to take effect.
            7. Click Licenses to open the Licenses page and verify that the ap-count evaluation license now has a high priority and is in use. You can use the evaluation license until it expires.
            Step 3   If you decide to stop using the ap-count evaluation license and want to revert to using an ap-count permanent license, follow these steps:
            1. On the Licenses page, click the link for the ap-count evaluation license that is in use.
            2. Choose Low from the Priority drop-down list and click Set Priority.

              You can set the priority only for ap-count evaluation licenses. AP-count permanent licenses always have a medium priority, which cannot be configured.

            3. Click OK when prompted to confirm your decision about changing the priority of the license.
            4. When the EULA appears, read the terms of the agreement and then click Accept.
            5. When prompted to reboot the controller, click OK.
            6. Reboot the controller in order for the priority change to take effect.
            7. Click Licenses to open the Licenses page and verify that the ap-count evaluation license now has a low priority and is not in use. Instead, the ap-count permanent license should be in use.

            Activating an AP-Count Evaluation License (CLI)

              Step 1   See the current status of all the licenses on your controller by entering this command:

              show license all

              Information similar to the following appears:

              License Store: Primary License Storage
              StoreIndex:  0  Feature: base-ap-count   Version: 1.0
                      License Type: Permanent
                      License State: Active, In Use
                      License Count: 12/0/0
                      License Priority: Medium
              StoreIndex:  1  Feature: base   Version: 1.0
                      License Type: Permanent
                      License State: Active, In Use
                      License Count: Non-Counted
                      License Priority: Medium
              StoreIndex:  2  Feature: base   Version: 1.0
                      License Type: Evaluation
                      License State: Inactive
                          Evaluation total period:  8 weeks  4 days
                          Evaluation period left:  8 weeks  4 days
                      License Count: Non-Counted
                      License Priority: Low
              StoreIndex:  3  Feature: base-ap-count   Version: 1.0
                      License Type: Evaluation
		License State: Inactive
                          Evaluation total period:  8 weeks  4 days
                          Evaluation period left:  8 weeks  4 days
                      License Count: 250/0/0
                      		 	License Priority: Low


              The License State text box shows the licenses that are in use, and the License Priority text box shows the current priority of each license.


              In the release, the command output displays the full in-use count for active base-ap-count license even though there are no APs connected.

              Step 2   Activate an ap-count evaluation license as follows:
              1. Raise the priority of the base-ap-count evaluation license by entering this command:

                license modify priority license_name high


                You can set the priority only for ap-count evaluation licenses. AP-count permanent licenses always have a medium priority, which cannot be configured.

              2. Reboot the controller in order for the priority change to take effect by entering this command:

                reset system

              3. Verify that the ap-count evaluation license now has a high priority and is in use by entering this command:

                show license all

                You can use the evaluation license until it expires.

              Step 3   If you decide to stop using the ap-count evaluation license and want to revert to using an ap-count permanent license, follow these steps:
              1. Lower the priority of the ap-count evaluation license by entering this command:

                license modify priority license_name low

              2. Reboot the controller in order for the priority change to take effect by entering this command:

                reset system

              3. Verify that the ap-count evaluation license now has a low priority and is not in use by entering this command:

                show license all

                Instead, the ap-count permanent license should be in use.

              Configuring Right to Use Licensing

              Information About Right to Use Licensing

              Right to Use (RTU) licensing is a model in which licenses are not tied to a unique device identifier (UDI), product ID, or serial number. Use RTU licensing to enable a desired AP license count on the controller after you accept the End User License Agreement (EULA). This allows you to add AP counts on a controller interacting with external tools.

              RTU licensing is supported only on the following Cisco Wireless Controller platforms:
              • Cisco 5520 Wireless Controller

              • Cisco Flex 7510 Wireless Controller

              • Cisco 8510 Wireless Controller

              • Cisco 8540 Wireless Controller

              • Cisco Virtual Wireless Controller

              In the RTU licensing model, the following types of licenses are available:
              • Permanent or base licenses—These licenses are programmed into the controller hardware at the time of manufacturing. These licenses are base count licenses that cannot be deleted or transferred.

              • Adder licenses—These licenses are wireless access point count licenses that you can activate by accepting the RTU EULA. The EULA states that you are obliged to purchase the specified access point count licenses at the time of activation. You must activate these licenses for the purchased access points count and accept the EULA.

                You can remove an adder license from one controller and transfer the license to another controller in the same product family. For example, an adder license such as LIC-CT7500-100A can be transferred (partially or fully) from one Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controller to another Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controller.


                Licenses embedded in the controller at the time of shipment is not transferrable.

              • Evaluation licenses—These licenses are demo or trial mode licenses that are valid for 90 days. Fifteen days prior to the expiry of the 90-day period, you are notified about the requirement to buy the permanent license. These evaluation licenses are installed with the license image. You can activate the evaluation licenses anytime with a command. A EULA is prompted after you run the activation command on the controller CLI. The EULA states that you are obligated to pay for the specified license count within 90 days of usage. The countdown starts after you accept the EULA.

              Whenever you add or delete an access point adder license on the controller, you are prompted with an RTU EULA. You can either accept or decline the RTU EULA for each add or delete operation.

              For high-availability (HA) controllers when you enable HA, the controllers synchronize with the enabled license count of the primary controller and support high availability for up to the license count enabled on the primary controller.

              You can view the RTU licenses through the controller GUI or CLI. You can also view these licenses across multiple wireless controllers through Cisco Prime Infrastructure.

              With Release 8.1, the license management for Cisco Virtual Wireless Controller is changed from license-file based management to Right-to-Use-based management. The previous licenses are still valid, and when you upgrade to Release 8.1 from an earlier release, you are required to only accept an end-user license agreement again to the quantity installed before.

              Configuring Right to Use Licensing (GUI)

                Step 1   Choose Management > Software Activation > Licenses to open the Licenses page.
                Step 2   In the Adder License area, choose to add or delete the number of APs that an AP license can support, enter a value, and click Set Count.
                Step 3   Click Save Configuration.

                Configuring Right to Use Licensing (CLI)

                • Add or delete the number of APs that an AP license can support by entering this command:

                  license {add | delete} ap-count count

                • Add or delete a license for a feature by entering this command:

                  license {add | delete} feature license_name

                • Activate or deactivate an evaluation AP count license by entering this command:

                  license {activate | deactivate} ap-count eval


                  When you activate the license, you are prompted to accept or reject the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the given license. If you activate a license that supports fewer number of APs than the current number of APs connected to the controller, the activation command fails.

                • Activate or deactivate a feature license by entering this command:

                  license {activate | deactivate} feature license_name

                • See the licensing information by entering this command:

                  show license all

                Rehosting Licenses

                This section describes how to rehost licenses.

                Information About Rehosting Licenses

                Revoking a license from one controller and installing it on another is called rehosting. You might want to rehost a license in order to change the purpose of a controller. For example, if you want to move your OfficeExtend or indoor mesh access points to a different controller, you could transfer the adder license from one controller to another controller of the same model (intramodel transfer). This can be done in the case of RMA or a network rearchitecture that requires you to transfer licenses from one appliance to another. It is not possible to rehost base licenses in normal scenarios of network rearchitecture. The only exception where the transfer of base licenses is allowed is for RMA when you get a replacement hardware when your existing appliance has a failure.

                Evaluation licenses cannot be rehosted.

                In order to rehost a license, you must generate credential information from the controller and use it to obtain a permission ticket to revoke the license from the Cisco licensing site. Next, you must obtain a rehost ticket and use it to obtain a license installation file for the controller on which you want to install the license.


                A revoked license cannot be reinstalled on the same controller.


                Starting in the release 7.3, the Right-to-Use licensing is supported on the Cisco Flex 7500 Series Controllers, thereby the rehosting behavior changes on these controllers. If you require to rehost licenses, you need to plan rehosting the installed adder licenses prior to an upgrade.

                Rehosting a License

                Rehosting a License (GUI)

                  Step 1   Choose Management > Software Activation > Commands to open the License Commands page.
                  Step 2   From the Action drop-down list, choose Rehost. The Revoke a License from the Device and Generate Rehost Ticket area appears.
                  Step 3   In the File Name to Save Credentials text box, enter the path on the TFTP server where you want the device credentials to be saved and click Save Credentials.
                  Step 4   To obtain a permission ticket to revoke the license, follow these steps:
                  1. Click Cisco Licensing (https:/​/​​SWIFT/​Licensing/​PrivateRegistrationServlet).
                  2. On the Product License Registration page, click Look Up a License under Manage Licenses.
                  3. Enter the product ID and serial number for your controller.

                    To find the controller’s product ID and serial number, choose Controller > Inventory on the controller GUI.

                  4. Open the device credential information file that you saved in Step 3 and copy and paste the contents of the file into the Device Credentials text box.
                  5. Enter the security code in the blank box and click Continue.
                  6. Choose the licenses that you want to revoke from this controller and click Start License Transfer.
                  7. On the Rehost Quantities page, enter the number of licenses that you want to revoke in the To Rehost text box and click Continue.
                  8. On the Designate Licensee page, enter the product ID and serial number of the controller for which you plan to revoke the license, read and accept the conditions of the End User License Agreement (EULA), complete the rest of the text boxes on this page, and click Continue.
                  9. On the Review and Submit page, verify that all information is correct and click Submit.
                  10. When a message appears indicating that the registration is complete, click Download Permission Ticket. The rehost permission ticket is e-mailed within 1 hour to the address that you specified.
                  11. After the e-mail arrives, copy the rehost permission ticket to your TFTP server.
                  Step 5   Use the rehost permission ticket to revoke the license from this controller and generate a rehost ticket as follows:
                  1. In the Enter Saved Permission Ticket File Name text box, enter the TFTP path and filename (*.lic) for the rehost permission ticket that you generated in Step 4.
                  2. In the Rehost Ticket File Name text box, enter the TFTP path and filename (*.lic) for the ticket that will be used to rehost this license on another controller.
                  3. Click Generate Rehost Ticket.
                  4. When the End User License Agreement (EULA) acceptance dialog box appears, read the agreement and click Accept to accept the terms of the agreement.
                  Step 6   Use the rehost ticket generated in Step 5 to obtain a license installation file, which can then be installed on another controller as follows:
                  1. Click Cisco Licensing.
                  2. On the Product License Registration page, click Upload Rehost Ticket under Manage Licenses.
                  3. On the Upload Ticket page, enter the rehost ticket that you generated in Step 5 in the Enter Rehost Ticket text box and click Continue.
                  4. On the Validate Features page, verify that the license information for your controller is correct, enter the rehost quantity, and click Continue.
                  5. On the Designate Licensee page, enter the product ID and serial number of the controller on which you plan to use the license, read and accept the conditions of the End User License Agreement (EULA), complete the rest of the text boxes on this page, and click Continue.
                  6. On the Review and Submit page, verify that all information is correct and click Submit.
                  7. When a message appears indicating that the registration is complete, click Download License. The rehost license key is e-mailed within 1 hour to the address that you specified.
                  8. After the e-mail arrives, copy the rehost license key to your TFTP server.
                  9. Follow the instructions in the Installing a License section to install this on another controller.
                  Step 7   After revoking the license on original controller, correspondent evaluation licence appear with High pritority. Lower the priority of the evaluation license so that the parmanent license is in "In Use" status.

                  Rehosting a License (CLI)

                    Step 1   Save device credential information to a file by entering this command:

                    license save credential url

                    where url is tftp://server_ip/path/filename.

                    Step 2   Obtain a permission ticket to revoke the license as follows:
                    1. Go to https:/​/​​SWIFT/​Licensing/​PrivateRegistrationServlet. The Product License Registration page appears.
                    2. Under Manage Licenses, click Look Up a License.
                    3. Enter the product ID and serial number for your controller.
                      Note    To find the controller’s product ID and serial number, enter the show license udi command on the controller CLI.
                    4. Open the device credential information file that you saved in Step 1 and copy and paste the contents of the file into the Device Credentials text box.
                    5. Enter the security code in the blank box and click Continue.
                    6. Choose the licenses that you want to revoke from this controller and click Start License Transfer.
                    7. On the Rehost Quantities page, enter the number of licenses that you want to revoke in the To Rehost text box and click Continue.
                    8. On the Designate Licensee page, enter the product ID and serial number of the controller for which you plan to revoke the license, read and accept the conditions of the End-User License Agreement (EULA), complete the rest of the text boxes on this page, and click Continue.
                    9. On the Review and Submit page, verify that all information is correct and click Submit.
                    10. When a message appears indicating that the registration is complete, click Download Permission Ticket. The rehost permission ticket is e-mailed within 1 hour to the address that you specified.
                    11. After the e-mail arrives, copy the rehost permission ticket to your TFTP server.
                    Step 3   Use the rehost permission ticket to revoke the license from this controller and generate a rehost ticket as follows:
                    1. Revoke the license from the controller by entering this command:

                      license revoke permission_ticket_url

                      where permission_ticket_url is tftp://server_ip/path/filename.

                    2. Generate the rehost ticket by entering this command:

                      license revoke rehost rehost_ticket_url

                      where rehost_ticket_url is tftp://server_ip/path/filename.

                    3. If prompted, read and accept the terms of the End-User License Agreement (EULA).
                    Step 4   Use the rehost ticket generated in Step 3 to obtain a license installation file, which can then be installed on another controller as follows:
                    1. Go to https:/​/​​SWIFT/​Licensing/​PrivateRegistrationServlet.
                    2. On the Product License Registration page, click Upload Rehost Ticket under Manage Licenses.
                    3. On the Upload Ticket page, enter the rehost ticket that you generated in Step 3 in the Enter Rehost Ticket text box and click Continue.
                    4. On the Validate Features page, verify that the license information for your controller is correct, enter the rehost quantity, and click Continue.
                    5. On the Designate Licensee page, enter the product ID and serial number of the controller on which you plan to use the license, read and accept the conditions of the End-User License Agreement (EULA), complete the rest of the text boxes on this page, and click Continue.
                    6. On the Review and Submit page, verify that all information is correct and click Submit.
                    7. When a message appears indicating that the registration is complete, click Download License. The rehost license key is e-mailed within 1 hour to the address that you specified.
                    8. After the e-mail arrives, copy the rehost license key to your TFTP server.
                    9. Follow the instructions in the Installing a License (GUI) section to install this license on another controller.
                    Step 5   After revoking the license on original controller, correspondent evaluation licence appear with High pritority. Lower the priority of the evaluation license so that the parmanent license is in "In Use" status.

                    Transferring Licenses to a Replacement Controller after an RMA

                    Information About Transferring Licenses to a Replacement Controller after an RMA

                    If you return a Cisco 5500 Series Controller to Cisco as part of the Return Material Authorization (RMA) process, you must transfer that controller’s licenses within 60 days to a replacement controller that you receive from Cisco.

                    Replacement controllers come preinstalled with the following licenses: permanent base and evaluation base, base-ap-count. No other permanent licenses are installed. The SKU for replacement controllers is AIR-CT5508-CA-K9.

                    Because licenses are registered to the serial number of a controller, you can use the licensing portal on to request that the license from your returned controller be revoked and authorized for use on the replacement controller. After your request is approved, you can install the old license on the replacement controller. Any additional ap-count licenses if installed in the returned controller has to be rehosted on the replacement controller. Before you begin, you need the product ID and serial number of both the returned controller and the replacement controller. This information is included in your purchase records.


                    The evaluation licenses on the replacement controller are designed for temporary use and expire after 60 days. To prevent disruptions in operation, the controller does not switch licenses when an evaluation license expires. You must reboot the controller in order to return to a permanent license. If the evaluation licenses expire before you transfer the permanent licenses from your defective controller to your replacement controller, the replacement controller remains up and running using the permanent base license, but access points are no longer able to join the controller.

                    Transferring a License to a Replacement Controller after an RMA

                      Step 1   Browse to https:/​/​​SWIFT/​LicensingUI/​Quickstart.
                      Step 2   Log on to the site.
                      Step 3   In the Manage tab, click Devices.
                      Step 4   Choose Actions > Rehost/Transfer.
                      Step 5   Follow the on-screen instructions to generate the license file.

                      The license is provided online or in an e-mail.

                      Step 6   Copy the license file to the TFTP server.
                      Step 7   Install the license by choosing Management > Software Activation > Commands > Action > Install License.

                      Configuring the License Agent

                      Information About Configuring the License Agent

                      If your network contains various Cisco-licensed devices, you might want to consider using the Cisco License Manager (CLM) to manage all of the licenses using a single application. CLM is a secure client/server application that manages Cisco software licenses network wide.

                      The license agent is an interface module that runs on the controller and mediates between CLM and the controller’s licensing infrastructure. CLM can communicate with the controller using various channels, such as HTTP, Telnet, and so on. If you want to use HTTP as the communication method, you must enable the license agent on the controller.

                      The license agent receives requests from CLM and translates them into license commands. It also sends notifications to CLM. It uses XML messages over HTTP or HTTPS to receive the requests and send the notifications. For example, CLM sends a license install command, and the agent notifies CLM after the license expires.


                      You can download the CLM software and access user documentation at http:/​/​​go/​clm.

                      Configuring the License Agent (GUI)

                        Step 1   Choose Management > Software Activation > License Agent to open the License Agent Configuration page.
                        Step 2   Select the Enable Default Authentication check box to enable the license agent, or leave it unselected to disable this feature. The default value is unselected.
                        Step 3   In the Maximum Number of Sessions text box, enter the maximum number of sessions for the license agent. The valid range is 1 to 25 sessions (inclusive).
                        Step 4   Configure the license agent to listen for requests from the CLM as follows:
                        1. Select the Enable Listener check box to enable the license agent to receive license requests from the CLM, or unselect this check box to disable this feature. The default value is unselected.
                        2. In the Listener Message Processing URL text box, enter the URL where the license agent receives license requests (for example, The Protocol parameter indicates whether the URL requires HTTP or HTTPS.

                          You can specify the protocol to use on the HTTP Configuration page.

                        3. Select the Enable Authentication for Listener check box to enable authentication for the license agent when it is receiving license requests, or unselect this check box to disable this feature. The default value is unselected.
                        4. In the Max HTTP Message Size text box, enter the maximum size for license requests. The valid range is 0 to 9999 bytes, and the default value is 0.
                        Step 5   Configure the license agent to send license notifications to the CLM as follows:
                        1. Select the Enable Notification check box to enable the license agent to send license notifications to the CLM, or unselect this check box to disable this feature. The default value is unselected.
                        2. In the URL to Send the Notifications text box, enter the URL where the license agent sends the notifications (for example,
                        3. In the User Name text box, enter the username required in order to view the notification messages at this URL.
                        4. In the Password and Confirm Password text boxes, enter the password required in order to view the notification messages at this URL.
                        Step 6   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                        Step 7   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.

                        Configuring the License Agent (CLI)

                          Step 1   Enable the license agent by entering one of these commands:
                          • config license agent default authenticate—Enables the license agent default listener with authentication.

                          • config license agent default authenticate none—Enables the license agent default listener without authentication.


                            To disable the license agent default listener, enter the config license agent default disable command. The default value is disabled.

                          Step 2   Specify the maximum number of sessions for the license agent by entering this command:

                          config license agent max-sessions sessions

                          The valid range for the sessions parameter is 1 to 25 (inclusive), and the default value is 9.

                          Step 3   Enable the license agent to receive license requests from the CLM and to specify the URL where the license agent receives the requests by entering this command:

                          config license agent listener http {plaintext | encrypt} url authenticate [none] [max-message size] [acl acl]

                          The valid range for the size parameter is 0 to 65535 bytes, and the default value is 0.


                          To prevent the license agent from receiving license requests from the CLM, enter the config license agent listener http disable command. The default value is disabled.

                          Step 4   Configure the license agent to send license notifications to the CLM and to specify the URL where the license agent sends the notifications by entering this command:

                          config license agent notify url username password


                          To prevent the license agent from sending license notifications to the CLM, enter the config license agent notify disable username password command. The default value is disabled.

                          Step 5   Enter the save config command to save your changes.
                          Step 6   See statistics for the license agent’s counters or sessions by entering this command:

                          show license agent {counters | sessions}

                          Information similar to the following appears for the show license agent counters command:

                          License Agent Counters
                          Request Messages Received:10: Messages with Errors:1
                          Request Operations Received:9: Operations with Errors:0
                          Notification Messages Sent:12: Transmission Errors:0: Soap Errors:0

                          Information similar to the following appears for the show license agent sessions command:

                          License Agent Sessions: 1 open, maximum is 9


                          To clear the license agent’s counter or session statistics, enter the clear license agent {counters | sessions} command.

                          Configuring 802.11 Bands

                          Information About Configuring 802.11 Bands

                          You can configure the 802.11b/g/n (2.4-GHz) and 802.11a/n (5-GHz) bands for the controller to comply with the regulatory requirements in your country. By default, both 802.11b/g/n and 802.11a/n are enabled.

                          When a controller is configured to allow only 802.11g traffic, 802.11b client devices are able to successfully connect to an access point but cannot pass traffic. When you configure the controller for 802.11g traffic only, you must mark 11g rates as mandatory.

                          Configuring the 802.11 Bands (GUI)

                            Step 1   Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > Network to open the Global Parameters page.
                            Step 2   Select the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box to enable the 802.11a or 802.11b/g band. To disable the band, unselect the check box. The default value is enabled. You can enable both the 802.11a and 802.11b/g bands.
                            Step 3   If you enabled the 802.11b/g band in Step 2, select the 802.11g Support check box if you want to enable 802.11g network support. The default value is enabled. If you disable this feature, the 802.11b band is enabled without 802.11g support.
                            Step 4   Specify the period at which the SSID is broadcast by the access point by entering a value between 20 and 1000 milliseconds (inclusive) in the Beacon Period text box. The default value is 100 milliseconds.

                            The beacon period in controllers is listed in terms of milliseconds. The beacon period can also be measured in time units, where one time unit equals 1024 microseconds or 102.4 milliseconds. If a beacon interval is listed as 100 milliseconds in a controller, it is only a rounded off value for 102.4 milliseconds. Due to hardware limitation in certain radios, even though the beacon interval is, say 100 time units, it is adjusted to 102 time units, which roughly equals 104.448 milliseconds. When the beacon period is to be represented in terms of time units, the value is adjusted to the nearest multiple of 17.

                            Step 5   Specify the size at which packets are fragmented by entering a value between 256 and 2346 bytes (inclusive) in the Fragmentation Threshold text box. Enter a low number for areas where communication is poor or where there is a great deal of radio interference.
                            Step 6   Make access points advertise their channel and transmit power level in beacons and probe responses for CCX clients. Select the DTPC Support check box. Otherwise, unselect this check box. The default value is enabled.

                            Client devices using dynamic transmit power control (DTPC) receive the channel and power level information from the access points and adjust their settings automatically. For example, a client device used primarily in Japan could rely on DTPC to adjust its channel and power settings automatically when it travels to Italy and joins a network there.


                            On access points that run Cisco IOS software, this feature is called world mode.


                            DTPC and 801.11h power constraint cannot be enabled simultaneously.

                            Step 7   Specify the maximum allowed clients by entering a value between 1 to 200 in the Maximum Allowed Client text box. The default value is 200.
                            Step 8   Use the Data Rates options to specify the rates at which data can be transmitted between the access point and the client. These data rates are available:
                            • 802.11a—6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps

                            • 802.11b/g—1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, or 54 Mbps

                            For each data rate, choose one of these options:

                            • Mandatory—Clients must support this data rate in order to associate to an access point on the controller.

                            • Supported—Any associated clients that support this data rate may communicate with the access point using that rate. However, the clients are not required to be able to use this rate in order to associate.

                            • Disabled—The clients specify the data rates used for communication.

                            Step 9   Click Apply.
                            Step 10   Click Save Configuration.

                            Configuring the 802.11 Bands (CLI)

                              Step 1   Disable the 802.11a band by entering this command:

                              config 802.11a disable network


                              The 802.11a band must be disabled before you can configure the 802.11a network parameters in this section.

                              Step 2   Disable the 802.11b/g band by entering this command:

                              config 802.11b disable network


                              The 802.11b band must be disabled before you can configure the 802.11b network parameters in this section.

                              Step 3   Specify the rate at which the SSID is broadcast by the access point by entering this command:

                              config {802.11a | 802.11b} beaconperiod time_unit

                              where time_unit is the beacon interval in time units (TUs). One TU is 1024 microseconds. You can configure the access point to send a beacon every 20 to 1000 milliseconds.

                              Step 4   Specify the size at which packets are fragmented by entering this command:

                              config {802.11a | 802.11b} fragmentation threshold

                              where threshold is a value between 256 and 2346 bytes (inclusive). Specify a low number for areas where communication is poor or where there is a great deal of radio interference.

                              Step 5   Make access points advertise their channel and transmit power level in beacons and probe responses by entering this command:

                              config {802.11a | 802.11b } dtpc {enable | disable}

                              The default value is enabled. Client devices using dynamic transmit power control (DTPC) receive the channel and power level information from the access points and adjust their settings automatically. For example, a client device used primarily in Japan could rely on DTPC to adjust its channel and power settings automatically when it travels to Italy and joins a network there.


                              On access points that run Cisco IOS software, this feature is called world mode.

                              Step 6   Specify the maximum allowed clients that can be configured by entering this command:

                              config {802.11a | 802.11b} max-clients max_allow_clients

                              The valid range is between 1 to 200.

                              Step 7   Specify the rates at which data can be transmitted between the controller and the client by entering this command:

                              config {802.11a | 802.11b} rate {disabled | mandatory | supported} rate


                              • disabled—Clients specify the data rates used for communication.

                              • mandatory—Clients support this data rate in order to associate to an access point on the controller.

                              • supported—Any associated clients that support this data rate may communicate with the access point using that rate. However, the clients are not required to be able to use this rate in order to associate.

                              • rate—The rate at which data is transmitted:

                                • 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, and 54 Mbps (802.11a)

                                • 1, 2, 5.5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, or 54 Mbps (802.11b/g)

                              Step 8   Enable the 802.11a band by entering this command:

                              config 802.11a enable network

                              The default value is enabled.

                              Step 9   Enable the 802.11b band by entering this command:

                              config 802.11b enable network

                              The default value is enabled.

                              Step 10   Enable or disable 802.11g network support by entering this command:

                              config 802.11b 11gSupport {enable | disable}

                              The default value is enabled. You can use this command only if the 802.11b band is enabled. If you disable this feature, the 802.11b band is enabled without 802.11g support.

                              Step 11   Enter the save config command to save your changes.
                              Step 12   View the configuration settings for the 802.11a or 802.11b/g band by entering this command:

                              show {802.11a | 802.11b}

                              Information similar to the following appears:

                              802.11a Network............................... Enabled
                              11nSupport.................................... Enabled
                                    802.11a Low Band........................... Enabled
                                    802.11a Mid Band........................... Enabled
                                    802.11a High Band.......................... Enabled
                              802.11a Operational Rates
                                  802.11a 6M Rate.............................. Mandatory
                                  802.11a 9M Rate.............................. Supported
                                  802.11a 12M Rate............................. Mandatory
                                  802.11a 18M Rate............................. Supported
                                  802.11a 24M Rate............................. Mandatory
                                  802.11a 36M Rate............................. Supported
                                  802.11a 48M Rate............................. Supported
                                  802.11a 54M Rate............................. Supported
                              Beacon Interval.................................. 100
                              Default Channel............................... 36
                              Default Tx Power Level........................ 1
                              DTPC Status................................... Enabled
                              Fragmentation Threshold....................... 2346
                              Maximum Number of Clients per AP................. 200

                              Configuring 802.11n Parameters

                              Information About Configuring the 802.11n Parameters

                              This section provides instructions for managing 802.11n devices such as the Cisco Aironet 1140 and 3600 Series Access Points on your network. The 802.11n devices support the 2.4- and 5-GHz bands and offer high-throughput data rates.

                              The 802.11n high-throughput rates are available on all 802.11n access points for WLANs using WMM with no Layer 2 encryption or with WPA2/AES encryption enabled.


                              Some Cisco 802.11n APs may intermittently emit incorrect beacon frames, which can trigger false wIPS alarms. We recommend that you ignore these alarms. The issue is observed in the following Cisco 802.11n APs: 1140, 1250, 2600, 3500, and 3600.

                              Configuring the 802.11n Parameters (GUI)

                                Step 1   Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > High Throughput to open the (5 GHz or 2.4 GHz) High Throughput page.
                                Step 2   Select the 11n Mode check box to enable 802.11n support on the network. The default value is enabled.
                                Step 3   Select the check boxes of the desired rates to specify the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) rates at which data can be transmitted between the access point and the client. These data rates, which are calculated for a 20-MHz channel width using a short guard interval, are available:
                                • 0 (7 Mbps)

                                • 1 (14 Mbps)

                                • 2 (21 Mbps)

                                • 3 (29 Mbps)

                                • 4 (43 Mbps)

                                • 5 (58 Mbps)

                                • 6 (65 Mbps)

                                • 7 (72 Mbps)

                                • 8 (14 Mbps)

                                • 9 (29 Mbps)

                                • 10 (43 Mbps)

                                • 11 (58 Mbps)

                                • 12 (87 Mbps)

                                • 13 (116 Mbps)

                                • 14 (130 Mbps)

                                • 15 (144 Mbps)

                                  Any associated clients that support the selected rates may communicate with the access point using those rates. However, the clients are not required to be able to use this rate in order to associate. The MCS settings determine the number of spatial streams, the modulation, the coding rate, and the data rate values that are used.

                                Step 4   Click Apply.
                                Step 5   Use the 802.11n data rates that you configured by enabling WMM on the WLAN as follows:
                                1. Choose WLANs to open the WLANs page.
                                2. Click the ID number of the WLAN for which you want to configure WMM mode.
                                3. When the WLANs > Edit page appears, choose the QoS tab to open the WLANs > Edit (Qos) page.
                                4. From the WMM Policy drop-down list, choose Required or Allowed to require or allow client devices to use WMM. Devices that do not support WMM cannot join the WLAN.

                                  If you choose Allowed, devices that cannot support WMM can join the WLAN but will not benefit from the 802.11n rates.

                                5. Click Apply.
                                Step 6   Click Save Configuration.

                                To determine if an access point supports 802.11n, look at the 11n Supported text box on either the 802.11a/n (or 802.11b/g/n) Cisco APs > Configure page or the 802.11a/n (or 802.11b/g/n) AP Interfaces > Details page.

                                Configuring the 802.11n Parameters (CLI)

                                • Enable 802.11n support on the network by entering this command:

                                  config {802.11a | 802.11b} 11nsupport {enable | disable}

                                • Specify the modulation and coding scheme (MCS) rates at which data can be transmitted between the access point and the client by entering this command:

                                  config {802.11a | 802.11b} 11nsupport mcs tx {0-15} {enable | disable}

                                • Use the 802.11n data rates that you configured by enabling WMM on the WLAN as follows:

                                  config wlan wmm {allow | disable | require} wlan_id

                                  The require parameter requires client devices to use WMM. Devices that do not support WMM cannot join the WLAN.

                                  If set to allow, devices that cannot support WMM can join the WLAN but do not benefit from 802.11n rates.

                                • Specify the aggregation method used for 802.11n packets as follows:

                                  1. Disable the network by entering this command:

                                    config {802.11a | 802.11b} disable network

                                  2. Specify the aggregation method entering this command:

                                    config {802.11a | 802.11b} 11nsupport {a-mpdu | a-msdu} tx priority {0-7 | all} {enable | disable}

                                    Aggregation is the process of grouping packet data frames together rather than transmitting them separately. Two aggregation methods are available: Aggregated MAC Protocol Data Unit (A-MPDU) and Aggregated MAC Service Data Unit (A-MSDU). A-MSDU is performed in hardware and therefore is the default method.

                                    You can specify the aggregation method for various types of traffic from the access point to the clients. This table defines the priority levels (0-7) assigned per traffic type.

                                    Table 1 Traffic Type Priority Levels

                                    User Priority

                                    Traffic Type


                                    Best effort






                                    Excellent effort


                                    Controlled load


                                    Video, less than 100-ms latency and jitter


                                    Voice, less than 10-ms latency and jitter


                                    Network control

                                    You can configure each priority level independently, or you can use the all parameter to configure all of the priority levels at once. When you use the enable command, the traffic associated with that priority level uses A-MPDU transmission. When you use the disable command, the traffic associated with that priority level uses A-MSDU transmission. Configure the priority levels to match the aggregation method used by the clients. By default, A-MPDU is enabled for priority level 0, 4 and 5 and the rest are disabled. By default, A-MSDU is enabled for all priorities except 6 and 7.

                                  3. Reenable the network by entering this command:

                                    config {802.11a | 802.11b} enable network

                                • Configure the 802.11n-5 GHz A-MPDU transmit aggregation scheduler by entering this command:

                                  config 802.11{a | b} 11nsupport a-mpdu tx scheduler {enable | disable | timeout rt timeout-value}

                                  The timeout value is in milliseconds. The valid range is between 1 millisecond to 1000 milliseconds.

                                • Configure the guard interval for the network by entering this command: config 802.11{a | b} 11nsupport guard_interval {any | long}

                                • Configure the Reduced Interframe Space (RIFS) for the network by entering this command:

                                  config 802.11{a | b} 11nsupport rifs rx {enable | disable}

                                • Save your changes by entering this command: save config

                                • View the configuration settings for the 802.11 networks by entering this command:

                                  show {802.11a | 802.11b}

                                Additional References

                                For information about configuring radio resource management (RRM) parameters or statically assigning radio parameters for 802.11n access points, see Radio Resource Management

                                Configuring 802.11h Parameters

                                Information About Configuring 802.11h Parameters

                                802.11h informs client devices about channel changes and can limit the transmit power of those client devices.

                                Configuring the 802.11h Parameters (GUI)

                                  Step 1   Disable the 802.11 band as follows:
                                  1. Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n > Network to open the 802.11a Global Parameters page.
                                  2. Unselect the 802.11a Network Status check box.
                                  3. Click Apply.
                                  Step 2   Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n > DFS (802.11h) to open the 802.11h Global Parameters page.
                                  Step 3   In the Power Constraint area, enter the local power constraint. The valid range is between 0 dBm and 30 dBm.
                                  Step 4   In the Channel Switch Announcement area, select the Channel Announcement check box if you want the access point to announce when it is switching to a new channel and the new channel number, or unselect this check box to disable the channel announcement. The default value is disabled.
                                  Step 5   If you enabled the channel announcement, the Channel Quiet Mode check box appears. Select this check box if you want the access point to stop transmitting on the current channel, or unselect this check box to disable quiet mode. The default value is disabled.
                                  Step 6   Click Apply.
                                  Step 7   Reenable the 802.11a band as follows:
                                  1. Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n > Network to open the 802.11a Global Parameters page.
                                  2. Select the 802.11a Network Status check box.
                                  3. Click Apply.
                                  Step 8   Click Save Configuration.

                                  Configuring the 802.11h Parameters (CLI)

                                    Step 1   Disable the 802.11a network by entering this command:

                                    config 802.11a disable network

                                    Step 2   Enable or disable an access point to announce when it is switching to a new channel, and the new channel number by entering this command:

                                    config 802.11h channelswitch {enable | disable} switch_mode

                                    Enter either 0 or 1 for the switch_mode parameter to specify whether transmissions are restricted until the actual channel switch (0), or are not restricted (1). By default, this feature is in disabled state.

                                    Step 3   Configure a new channel using the 802.11h channel announcement by entering this command:

                                    config 802.11h setchannel channel channel

                                    Step 4   Configure the 802.11h power constraint value by entering this command:

                                    config 802.11h powerconstraint value

                                    Use increments of 3 dB for the value so that the AP goes down one power level at a time.

                                    Step 5   Reenable the 802.11a network by entering this command:

                                    config 802.11a enable network

                                    Step 6   View the status of the 802.11h parameters by entering this command:

                                    show 802.11h

                                    Information similar to the following appears:

                                    Power Constraint................................. 0
                                    Channel Switch................................... Disabled
                                    Channel Switch Mode.............................. 0


                                    Configuring DHCP Proxy

                                    Information About Configuring DHCP Proxy

                                    When DHCP proxy is enabled on the controller, the controller unicasts DHCP requests from the client to the configured servers. At least one DHCP server must be configured on either the interface associated with the WLAN or the WLAN itself.

                                    When DHCP proxy is disabled on the controller, those DHCP packets transmitted to and from the clients are bridged by the controller without any modification to the IP portion of the packet. Packets received from the client are removed from the CAPWAP tunnel and transmitted on the upstream VLAN. DHCP packets directed to the client are received on the upstream VLAN, converted to 802.11, and transmitted through a CAPWAP tunnel toward the client. As a result, the internal DHCP server cannot be used when DHCP proxy is disabled. The ability to disable DHCP proxy allows organizations to use DHCP servers that do not support Cisco’s native proxy mode of operation. It should be disabled only when required by the existing infrastructure.


                                    DHCP proxy is enabled by default.

                                    Restrictions on Using DHCP Proxy

                                    • DHCP proxy must be enabled in order for DHCP option 82 to operate correctly.

                                    • All controllers that will communicate must have the same DHCP proxy setting.

                                    • DHCP v6 Proxy is not supported.

                                    Configuring DHCP Proxy

                                    Configuring DHCP Proxy (GUI)

                                      Step 1   Choose Controller > Advanced > DHCP to open the DHCP Parameters page.
                                      Step 2   Select the Enable DHCP Proxy check box to enable DHCP proxy on a global basis. Otherwise, unselect the check box. The default value is selected.
                                      Step 3   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                                      Step 4   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.

                                      Configuring DHCP Proxy (GUI)

                                        Step 1   Choose Controller > Interfaces.
                                        Step 2   Select the interface you want to configure the DHCP proxy. You can configure the DHCP proxy on the management, virtual, ap manager, or dynamic interfaces in the controller. The Interfaces > Edit page is displayed with DHCP information on the primary and secondary DHCP servers configured in the controller. If the primary and secondary servers are not listed, you must enter values for the IP address of the DHCP servers in the text boxes displayed in this window.
                                        Step 3   Select from the following option of the proxy mode drop-down to enable DHCP proxy on the selected management interface:Global—Uses the global DHCP proxy mode on the controller.Enabled—Enables the DHCP proxy mode on the interface. When you enable DHCP proxy on the controller; the controller unicasts the DHCP requests from the client to the configured servers. You must configure at least one DHCP server on either the interface associated with the WLAN or on the WLAN.Disabled—Disables the DHCP proxy mode on the interface. When you disable the DHCP proxy on the controller, the DHCP packets transmitted to and from the clients are bridged by the controller without any modification to the IP portion of the packet. Packets received from the client are removed from the CAPWAP tunnel and transmitted on the upstream VLAN. DHCP packets directed to the client are received on the upstream VLAN, converted to 802.11, and transmitted through a CAPWAP tunnel toward the client. As a result, the internal DHCP server cannot be used when DHCP proxy is disabled.
                                        Step 4   Check the Enable DHCP option 82 checkbox to ensure additional security when DHCP is used to allocate network addresses, check the Enable DHCP option 82 checkbox.
                                        Step 5   Click Apply to save the configuration.

                                        Configuring DHCP Proxy (CLI)

                                          Step 1   Enable or disable DHCP proxy by entering this command:

                                          config dhcp proxy {enable | disable}

                                          Step 2   View the DHCP proxy configuration by entering this command:

                                          show dhcp proxy

                                          Information similar to the following appears:

                                          DHCP Proxy Behavior: enabled

                                          Configuring DHCP Proxy (CLI)

                                            Step 1   Configure the DHCP primary and secondary servers on the interface. To do this, enter the following commands:
                                            • config interface dhcp management primary primary-server
                                            • config interface dhcp dynamic-interface interface-name primary primary-s
                                            Step 2   Configure DHCP proxy on the management or dynamic interface of the controller. To do this, enter the following command:
                                            • config interface dhcp management proxy-mode enableglobaldisable
                                            • config interface dhcp dynamic-interface interface-name proxy-mode enableglobaldisable.
                                            Note    To ensure additional security when DHCP is configured, use the config interface dhcpinterface typeoption-82 enable command.
                                            Step 3   Enter the save config command.
                                            Step 4   To view the proxy settings of the controller interface enter the show dhcp proxy command.

                                            Configuring a DHCP Timeout (GUI)

                                              Step 1   Choose Controller > Advanced > DHCP to open the DHCP Parameters page.
                                              Step 2   Select the DHCP Timeout (5 - 120 seconds) check box to enable a DHCP timeout on a global basis. Otherwise, unselect the check box. The valid range is 5 through 120 seconds.
                                              Step 3   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                                              Step 4   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.

                                              Configuring a DHCP Timeout (CLI)

                                              Configure a DHCP timeout by entering this command:

                                              config dhcp timeout seconds

                                              Configuring Administrator Usernames and Passwords

                                              Information About Configuring Administrator Usernames and Passwords

                                              You can configure administrator usernames and passwords to prevent unauthorized users from reconfiguring the controller and viewing configuration information. This section provides instructions for initial configuration and for password recovery.

                                              Configuring Usernames and Passwords

                                              Configuring Usernames and Passwords (GUI)

                                                Step 1   Choose Management > Local Management Users.
                                                Step 2   Click New.
                                                Step 3   Enter the username and password, and confirm the password.

                                                Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive and can contain up to 24 ASCII characters. Usernames and passwords cannot contain spaces.

                                                Step 4   Choose the User Access Mode as one of the following:
                                                • ReadOnly

                                                • ReadWrite

                                                • LobbyAdmin

                                                Step 5   Click Apply.

                                                Configuring Usernames and Passwords (CLI)

                                                  Step 1   Configure a username and password by entering one of these commands:
                                                  • config mgmtuser add username password read-write—Creates a username-password pair with read-write privileges.

                                                  • config mgmtuser add username password read-only—Creates a username-password pair with read-only privileges.

                                                    Usernames and passwords are case-sensitive and can contain up to 24 ASCII characters. Usernames and passwords cannot contain spaces.


                                                    If you ever need to change the password for an existing username, enter the config mgmtuser password username new_password command.

                                                  Step 2   List the configured users by entering this command:

                                                  show mgmtuser

                                                  Restoring Passwords

                                                  Before You Begin

                                                  Ensure that you are accessing the controller CLI through the console port.

                                                    Step 1   After the controller boots up, enter Restore-Password at the User prompt.

                                                    For security reasons, the text that you enter does not appear on the controller console.

                                                    Step 2   At the Enter User Name prompt, enter a new username.
                                                    Step 3   At the Enter Password prompt, enter a new password.
                                                    Step 4   At the Re-enter Password prompt, reenter the new password. The controller validates and stores your entries in the database.
                                                    Step 5   When the User prompt reappears, enter your new username.
                                                    Step 6   When the Password prompt appears, enter your new password. The controller logs you in with your new username and password.

                                                    Configuring SNMP

                                                    Configuring SNMP (CLI)


                                                    To view the controller trap log, choose Monitor and click View All under “Most Recent Traps” on the controller GUI.
                                                    • Create an SNMP community name by entering this command: config snmp community create name

                                                    • Delete an SNMP community name by entering this command: config snmp community delete name

                                                    • Configure an SNMP community name with read-only privileges by entering this command: config snmp community accessmode ro name

                                                    • Configure an SNMP community name with read-write privileges by entering this command: config snmp community accessmode rw name

                                                    • For IPv4 configuration—Configure an IPv4 address and subnet mask for an SNMP community by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp community ipaddr ip-address ip-mask name


                                                      This command behaves like an SNMP access list. It specifies the IP address from which the device accepts SNMP packets with the associated community. An AND operation is performed between the requesting entity’s IP address and the subnet mask before being compared to the IP address. If the subnet mask is set to, an IP address of matches to all IP addresses. The default value is


                                                      The controller can use only one IP address range to manage an SNMP community.

                                                    • For IPv6 configuration—Configure an IPv6 address and prefix-length for an SNMP community by entering this command: config snmp community ipaddr ipv6-address ip-mask name

                                                    • Enable or disable a community name by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp community mode {enable | disable}

                                                    • Enable or disable a community name by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp community ipsec {enable | disable}

                                                    • Configure the IKE authentication methods by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp community ipsec ike auth-mode {certificate | pre-shared-key ascii/hex secret}

                                                      Authentication mode can be configured per trap receiver. By default, the authentication mode is set to certificate.

                                                    • Configure a destination for a trap by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp trapreceiver create name ip-address

                                                    • Delete a trap by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp trapreceiver delete name

                                                    • Change the destination for a trap by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp trapreceiver ipaddr old-ip-address name new-ip-address

                                                    • Configure the trap receiver IPSec session entering this command:

                                                      config snmp trapreceiver ipsec {enable | disable} community-name

                                                      Trap receiver IPSec must be in the disabled state to change the authentication mode.

                                                    • Configure the IKE authentication methods by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp trapreceiver ipsec ike auth-mode {certificate | pre-shared-key ascii/hex secret community-name}

                                                      Authentication mode can be configured per trap receiver. By default, the authentication mode is set to certificate.

                                                    • Enable or disable the traps by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp trapreceiver mode {enable | disable}

                                                    • Configure the name of the SNMP contact by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp syscontact syscontact-name

                                                      Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the contact name.

                                                    • Configure the SNMP system location by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp syslocation syslocation-name

                                                      Enter up to 31 alphanumeric characters for the location.

                                                    • Verify that the SNMP traps and communities are correctly configured by entering these commands:

                                                      show snmpcommunity

                                                      show snmptrap

                                                    • See the enabled and disabled trap flags by entering this command:

                                                      show trapflags

                                                      If necessary, use the config trapflags command to enable or disable trap flags.

                                                    • Configure the SNMP engine ID by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp engineID engine-id-string


                                                      The engine ID string can be a maximum of 24 characters.

                                                    • View the engine ID by entering this command:

                                                      show snmpengineID

                                                    • Configure the SNMP version by entering this command:

                                                      config snmp version {v1 | v2c | v3} {enable | disable}

                                                    SNMP Community Strings

                                                    The controller has commonly known default values of "public" and "private" for the read-only and read-write SNMP community strings. Using these standard values presents a security risk. If you use the default community names, and since these are known, the community names could be used to communicate to the controller using SNMP. Therefore, we strongly advise that you change these values.

                                                    Changing the SNMP Community String Default Values (GUI)

                                                      Step 1   Choose Management and then Communities under SNMP. The SNMP v1 / v2c Community page appears.
                                                      Step 2   If “public” or “private” appears in the Community Name column, hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired community and choose Remove to delete this community.
                                                      Step 3   Click New to create a new community. The SNMP v1 / v2c Community > New page appears.
                                                      Step 4   In the Community Name text box, enter a unique name containing up to 16 alphanumeric characters. Do not enter “public” or “private.”
                                                      Step 5   In the next two text boxes, enter the IPv4/IPv6 address and IP Mask/Prefix Length from which this device accepts SNMP packets with the associated community and the IP mask.
                                                      Step 6   Choose Read Only or Read/Write from the Access Mode drop-down list to specify the access level for this community.
                                                      Step 7   Choose Enable or Disable from the Status drop-down list to specify the status of this community.
                                                      Step 8   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                                                      Step 9   Click Save Configuration to save your settings.
                                                      Step 10   Repeat this procedure if a “public” or “private” community still appears on the SNMP v1 / v2c Community page.

                                                      Changing the SNMP Community String Default Values (CLI)

                                                        Step 1   See the current list of SNMP communities for this controller by entering this command:

                                                        show snmp community

                                                        Step 2   If "public" or "private" appears in the SNMP Community Name column, enter this command to delete this community:

                                                        config snmp community delete name

                                                        The name parameter is the community name (in this case, “public” or “private”).

                                                        Step 3   Create a new community by entering this command:

                                                        config snmp community create name

                                                        Enter up to 16 alphanumeric characters for the name parameter. Do not enter “public” or “private.”

                                                        Step 4   For IPv4 specific configuration, enter the IPv4 address from which this device accepts SNMP packets with the associated community by entering this command:

                                                        config snmp community ipaddr ip_address ip_mask name

                                                        Step 5   For IPv6 specific configuration, enter the IPv6 address from which this device accepts SNMP packets with the associated community by entering this command:

                                                        config snmp community ipaddr ip_address prefix_length name

                                                        Step 6   Specify the access level for this community by entering this command, where ro is read-only mode and rw is read/write mode:

                                                        config snmp community accessmode {ro | rw} name

                                                        Step 7   Enable or disable this SNMP community by entering this command:

                                                        config snmp community mode {enable | disable} name

                                                        Step 8   Enable or disable SNMP IPSec sessions for all SNMP communities by entering this command:

                                                        config snmp community ipsec {enable | disable} name

                                                        By default SNMP IPSec session is disabled. SNMP IPSec session must be disabled state to change the authentication mode.

                                                        Step 9   Configure the IKE authentication methods by entering this command:

                                                        config snmp community ipsec ike auth-mode {certificate | pre-shared-key ascii/hex secret}

                                                        • If authentication mode is configured as pre-shared-key, then enter a secret value. The secret value can either be an ASCII or a hexadecimal value. If auth-mode configured is certificate, then WLC will use the ipsecCaCert and ipsecDevCerts for SNMP over IPSEC.

                                                        • If authentication mode is configured as certificate, then controller uses the IPSEC CA and IPSEC device certificates for SNMP sessions. You need to download these certificates to the controller using the transfer download datatype {ipseccacert | ipsecdevcert} command.

                                                        Step 10   Save your changes by entering this command:

                                                        save config

                                                        Step 11   Repeat this procedure if you still need to change the default values for a “public” or “private” community string.

                                                        Changing the Default Values for SNMP v3 Users

                                                        Information About Changing the Default Values for SNMP v3 Users

                                                        The controller uses a default value of “default” for the username, authentication password, and privacy password for SNMP v3 users. Using these standard values presents a security risk. Therefore, Cisco strongly advises that you change these values.


                                                        SNMP v3 is time sensitive. Ensure that you configure the correct time and time zone on your controller.

                                                        Changing the SNMP v3 User Default Values (GUI)

                                                          Step 1   Choose Management > SNMP > SNMP V3 Users to open the SNMP V3 Users page.
                                                          Step 2   If “default” appears in the User Name column, hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired user and choose Remove to delete this SNMP v3 user.
                                                          Step 3   Click New to add a new SNMP v3 user. The SNMP V3 Users > New page appears.
                                                          Step 4   In the User Profile Name text box, enter a unique name. Do not enter “default.”
                                                          Step 5   Choose Read Only or Read Write from the Access Mode drop-down list to specify the access level for this user. The default value is Read Only.
                                                          Step 6   From the Authentication Protocol drop-down list, choose the desired authentication method: None, HMAC-MD5 (Hashed Message Authentication Coding-Message Digest 5), or HMAC-SHA (Hashed Message Authentication Coding-Secure Hashing Algorithm). The default value is HMAC-SHA.
                                                          Step 7   In the Auth Password and Confirm Auth Password text boxes, enter the shared secret key to be used for authentication. You must enter at least 12 characters that include both letters and numbers.
                                                          Step 8   From the Privacy Protocol drop-down list, choose the desired encryption method: None, CBC-DES (Cipher Block Chaining-Digital Encryption Standard), or CFB-AES-128 (Cipher Feedback Mode-Advanced Encryption Standard-128). The default value is CFB-AES-128.

                                                          In order to configure CBC-DES or CFB-AES-128 encryption, you must have selected either HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA as the authentication protocol in Step 6.

                                                          Step 9   In the Priv Password and Confirm Priv Password text boxes, enter the shared secret key to be used for encryption. You must enter at least 12 characters that include both letters and numbers.
                                                          Step 10   Click Apply.
                                                          Step 11   Click Save Configuration.
                                                          Step 12   Reboot the controller so that the SNMP v3 user that you added takes effect.

                                                          Changing the SNMP v3 User Default Values (CLI)

                                                            Step 1   See the current list of SNMP v3 users for this controller by entering this command:

                                                            show snmpv3user

                                                            Step 2   If “default” appears in the SNMP v3 User Name column, enter this command to delete this user:

                                                            config snmp v3user delete username

                                                            The username parameter is the SNMP v3 username (in this case, “default”).

                                                            Step 3   Create a new SNMP v3 user by entering this command:

                                                            config snmp v3user create username {ro | rw} {none | hmacmd5 | hmacsha} {none | des | aescfb128} auth_key encrypt_key


                                                            • username is the SNMP v3 username.

                                                            • ro is read-only mode and rw is read-write mode.

                                                            • none, hmacmd5, and hmacsha are the authentication protocol options.

                                                            • none, des, and aescfb128 are the privacy protocol options.

                                                            • auth_key is the authentication shared secret key.

                                                            • encrypt_key is the encryption shared secret key.

                                                              Do not enter “default” for the username, auth_key, and encrypt_key parameters.

                                                            Step 4   Enter the save config command.
                                                            Step 5   Reboot the controller so that the SNMP v3 user that you added takes effect by entering reset system command.

                                                            Configuring Aggressive Load Balancing

                                                            Information About Configuring Aggressive Load Balancing

                                                            Enabling aggressive load balancing on the controller allows lightweight access points to load balance wireless clients across access points. You can enable aggressive load balancing using the controller.


                                                            Clients are load balanced between access points on the same controller. Load balancing does not occur between access points on different controllers.

                                                            When a wireless client attempts to associate to a lightweight access point, association response packets are sent to the client with an 802.11 response packet including status code 17. The code 17 indicates that the AP is busy. The AP responds with an association response bearing 'success' if the AP threshold is not met, and with code 17 (AP busy) if the AP utilization threshold is reached or exceeded and another less busy AP heard the client request.

                                                            For example, if the number of clients on AP1 is more than the number of clients on AP2 plus the load-balancing window, then AP1 is considered to be busier than AP2. When a client attempts to associate to AP1, it receives an 802.11 response packet with status code 17, indicating that the access point is busy, and the client attempts to associate to a different access point.

                                                            You can configure the controller to deny client associations up to 10 times (if a client attempted to associate 11 times, it would be allowed to associate on the 11th try). You can also enable or disable load balancing on a particular WLAN, which is useful if you want to disable load balancing for a select group of clients (such as time-sensitive voice clients).


                                                            Voice Client does not authenticate when delay is configured more than 300 ms. To avoid this configure a Central-Auth, Local Switching WLAN with CCKM, configure a Pagent Router between AP and WLC with a delay of 600 ms (300 ms UP and 300 ms DOWN and try associating the voice client

                                                            Passive scanning clients will be able to associate to an AP irrespective of whether load balancing is enabled or not.


                                                            Cisco 600 Series OfficeExtend Access Points do not support client load balancing.

                                                            With the 7.4 release, FlexConnect access points do support client load balancing.

                                                            You can configure the controller to analyze the WAN interface utilization of neighboring APs and then load balance the clients across the lightly loaded APs. You can configure this by defining a load balancing threshold. By defining the threshold, you can measure the WAN interface utilization percentage. For example, a threshold value of 50 triggers the load balancing upon detecting utilization of 50% or more on an AP-WAN interface.


                                                            For a FlexConnect AP the association is locally handled. The load-balancing decisions are taken at the Cisco WLC. A FlexConnect AP initially responds to the client before knowing the result of calculations at the Cisco WLC. Load-balancing doesn't take effect when the FlexConnect AP is in standalone mode.

                                                            FlexConnect AP does not send (re)association response with status 17 for Load-Balancing as Local mode APs do; instead, it first sends (re)association with status 0 (success) and then deauth with reason 5.

                                                            Configuring Aggressive Load Balancing

                                                            Configuring Aggressive Load Balancing (GUI)

                                                              Step 1   Choose Wireless > Advanced > Load Balancing to open the Load Balancing page.
                                                              Step 2   In the Client Window Size text box, enter a value between 1 and 20.

                                                              The window size becomes part of the algorithm that determines whether an access point is too heavily loaded to accept more client associations:

                                                              load-balancing window + client associations on AP with the lightest load = load-balancing threshold

                                                              In the group of access points accessible to a client device, each access point has a different number of client associations. The access point with the lowest number of clients has the lightest load. The client window size plus the number of clients on the access point with the lightest load forms the threshold. Access points with more client associations than this threshold is considered busy, and clients can associate only to access points with client counts lower than the threshold.

                                                              Step 3   In the Maximum Denial Count text box, enter a value between 0 and 10.

                                                              The denial count sets the maximum number of association denials during load balancing.

                                                              Step 4   Click Apply.
                                                              Step 5   Click Save Configuration.
                                                              Step 6   To enable or disable aggressive load balancing on specific WLANs, do the following:
                                                              1. Choose WLANs > WLAN ID. The WLANs > Edit page appears.
                                                              2. In the Advanced tab, select or unselect the Client Load Balancing check box.
                                                              3. Click Apply.
                                                              4. Click Save Configuration.

                                                              Configuring Aggressive Load Balancing (CLI)

                                                                Step 1   Set the client window for aggressive load balancing by entering this command:

                                                                config load-balancing window client_count

                                                                You can enter a value between 0 and 20 for the client_count parameter.

                                                                Step 2   Set the denial count for load balancing by entering this command:

                                                                config load-balancing denial denial_count

                                                                You can enter a value between 1 and 10 for the denial_count parameter.

                                                                Step 3   Save your changes by entering this command: save config
                                                                Step 4   Enable or disable aggressive load balancing on specific WLANs by entering this command:

                                                                config wlan load-balance allow {enable | disable} wlan_ID

                                                                You can enter a value between 1 and 512 for wlan_ID parameter.

                                                                Step 5   Verify your settings by entering this command:

                                                                show load-balancing

                                                                Step 6   Save your changes by entering this command: save config

                                                                Configuring Band Selection

                                                                Information About Configuring Band Selection

                                                                Band selection enables client radios that are capable of dual-band (2.4- and 5-GHz) operation to move to a less congested 5-GHz access point. The 2.4-GHz band is often congested. Clients on this band typically experience interference from Bluetooth devices, microwave ovens, and cordless phones as well as co-channel interference from other access points because of the 802.11b/g limit of three nonoverlapping channels. To prevent these sources of interference and improve overall network performance, you can configure band selection on the controller.

                                                                Band selection is enabled globally by default.

                                                                Band selection works by regulating probe responses to clients. It makes 5-GHz channels more attractive to clients by delaying probe responses to clients on 2.4-GHz channels.


                                                                The client RSSI value (seen as sh cont d0 | beg RSSI) is the average of the client packets received, and the midRSSI feature is the instantaneous RSSI value of the probe packets. As a result, the client RSSI is seen as weaker than the configured midRSSI value (7 dB delta). The 802.11b probes from the client are suppressed to push the client to associate with the 802.11a band.

                                                                Restrictions on Band Selection

                                                                • Band-selection enabled WLANs do not support time-sensitive applications like voice and video because of roaming delays.

                                                                • Band selection can be used only with Cisco Aironet 1040, 1140, 1250, 1260, 1550, 2600, 3500, 3600, series access points.


                                                                  OEAP 600 Series access points do not support band select.

                                                                • Band selection operates only on access points that are connected to a controller. A FlexConnect access point without a controller connection does not perform band selection after a reboot.

                                                                • The band-selection algorithm directs dual-band clients only from the 2.4-GHz radio to the 5-GHz radio of the same access point, and it only runs on an access point when both the 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz radios are up and running.

                                                                • You can enable both band selection and aggressive load balancing on the controller. They run independently and do not impact one another.

                                                                • It is not possible to enable or disable band selection and client load balancing globally through the controller GUI or CLI. You can, however, enable or disable band selection and client load balancing for a particular WLAN. Band selection and client load balancing are enabled globally by default.

                                                                Configuring Band Selection

                                                                Configuring Band Selection (GUI)

                                                                  Step 1   Choose Wireless > Advanced > Band Select to open the Band Select page.
                                                                  Step 2   In the Probe Cycle Count text box, enter a value between 1 and 10. The cycle count sets the number of suppression cycles for a new client. The default cycle count is 2.
                                                                  Step 3   In the Scan Cycle Period Threshold (milliseconds) text box, enter a value between 1 and 1000 milliseconds for the scan cycle period threshold. This setting determines the time threshold during which new probe requests from a client come from a new scanning cycle. The default cycle threshold is 200 milliseconds.
                                                                  Step 4   In the Age Out Suppression (seconds) text box, enter a value between 10 and 200 seconds. Age-out suppression sets the expiration time for pruning previously known 802.11b/g/n clients. The default value is 20 seconds. After this time elapses, clients become new and are subject to probe response suppression.
                                                                  Step 5   In the Age Out Dual Band (seconds) text box, enter a value between 10 and 300 seconds. The age-out period sets the expiration time for pruning previously known dual-band clients. The default value is 60 seconds. After this time elapses, clients become new and are subject to probe response suppression.
                                                                  Step 6   In the Acceptable Client RSSI (dBm) text box, enter a value between –20 and –90 dBm. This parameter sets the minimum RSSI for a client to respond to a probe. The default value is –80 dBm.

                                                                  To disable band select based on RSSI add Mid RSSI. BandSelect is active only to mid_rssi when mid_rssi and min_rssi probes are not suppressed. New threshold mid_rssi is introduced in bandSelect this is between the AP and min_rssi (-80).

                                                                  Step 7   Click Apply.
                                                                  Step 8   Click Save Configuration.
                                                                  Step 9   To enable or disable band selection on specific WLANs, choose WLANs > WLAN ID. The WLANs > Edit page appears.
                                                                  Step 10   Click the Advanced tab.
                                                                  Step 11   In the Load Balancing and Band Select text area, if you want to enable band selection, select the Client Band Select check box. If you want to disable band selection, leave the check box unselected. The default value is disabled.
                                                                  Step 12   Click Save Configuration.

                                                                  Configuring Band Selection (CLI)

                                                                    Step 1   Set the probe cycle count for band select by entering this command:

                                                                    config band-select cycle-count cycle_count

                                                                    You can enter a value between 1 and 10 for the cycle_count parameter.

                                                                    Step 2   Set the time threshold for a new scanning cycle period by entering this command:

                                                                    config band-select cycle-threshold milliseconds

                                                                    You can enter a value for threshold between 1 and 1000 for the milliseconds parameter.

                                                                    Step 3   Set the suppression expire to the band select by entering this command:

                                                                    config band-select expire suppression seconds

                                                                    You can enter a value for suppression between 10 to 200 for the seconds parameter.

                                                                    Step 4   Set the dual band expire by entering this command:

                                                                    config band-select expire dual-band seconds

                                                                    You can enter a value for dual band between 10 and 300 for the seconds parameter.

                                                                    Step 5   Set the client RSSI threshold by entering this command:

                                                                    config band-select client-rssi client_rssi

                                                                    You can enter a value for minimum dBm of a client RSSI to respond to a probe between 20 and 90 for the client_rssi parameter.

                                                                    Step 6   Enter the save config command to save your changes.
                                                                    Step 7   Enable or disable band selection on specific WLANs by entering this command:

                                                                    config wlan band-select allow {enable | disable} wlan_ID

                                                                    You can enter a value between 1 and 512 for wlan_ID parameter.

                                                                    Step 8   Verify your settings by entering this command:

                                                                    show band-select

                                                                    Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                    Band Select Probe Response....................... Enabled
                                                                       Cycle Count................................... 3 cycles
                                                                       Cycle Threshold............................... 300 milliseconds
                                                                       Age Out Suppression........................... 20 seconds
                                                                       Age Out Dual Band............................. 20 seconds
                                                                       Client RSSI................................... -30 dBm
                                                                    Step 9   Enter the save config command to save your changes.

                                                                    Configuring Fast SSID Changing

                                                                    Information About Configuring Fast SSID Changing

                                                                    When fast SSID changing is enabled, the controller allows clients to move faster between SSIDs. When fast SSID is enabled, the client entry is not cleared and the delay is not enforced.

                                                                    When fast SSID changing is disabled, the controller enforces a delay before clients are allowed to move to a new SSID. When fast SSID is disabled and the client sends a new association for a different SSID, the client entry in the controller connection table is cleared before the client is added to the new SSID.

                                                                    Configuring Fast SSID

                                                                    Configuring Fast SSID Changing (GUI)

                                                                      Step 1   Choose Controller to open the General page.
                                                                      Step 2   From the Fast SSID Change drop-down list, choose Enabled to enable this feature or Disabled to disable it. The default value is disabled.
                                                                      Step 3   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                                                                      Step 4   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.

                                                                      Configuring Fast SSID Changing (CLI)

                                                                        Step 1   Enable or disable fast SSID changing by entering this command:

                                                                        config network fast-ssid-change {enable | disable}

                                                                        Step 2   Save your changes by entering this command: save config

                                                                        Enabling 802.3X Flow Control

                                                                        802.3X Flow Control is disabled by default. To enable it, enter the config switchconfig flowcontrol enable command.

                                                                        Configuring 802.3 Bridging

                                                                        Information About Configuring 802.3 Bridging

                                                                        The controller supports 802.3 frames and the applications that use them, such as those typically used for cash registers and cash register servers. However, to make these applications work with the controller, the 802.3 frames must be bridged on the controller.

                                                                        You can also configure 802.3 bridging using the Cisco Prime Network Control System. See the Cisco Prime Network Control System Configuration Guide for instructions.

                                                                        Restrictions on 802.3 Bridging

                                                                        • Support for raw 802.3 frames allows the controller to bridge non-IP frames for applications not running over IP.

                                                                          The raw 802.3 frame contains destination MAC address, source MAC address, total packet length, and payload.

                                                                        • By default, Cisco 5500 Series Controllers bridge all non-IPv4 packets (such as AppleTalk, IPv6, and so on). You can also use ACLs to block the bridging of these protocols.

                                                                        Configuring 802.3 Bridging

                                                                        Configuring 802.3 Bridging (GUI)

                                                                          Step 1   Choose Controller > General to open the General page.
                                                                          Step 2   From the 802.3 Bridging drop-down list, choose Enabled to enable 802.3 bridging on your controller or Disabled to disable this feature. The default value is Disabled.
                                                                          Step 3   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                                                                          Step 4   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.

                                                                          Configuring 802.3 Bridging (CLI)

                                                                            Step 1   See the current status of 802.3 bridging for all WLANs by entering this command:

                                                                            show network

                                                                            Step 2   Enable or disable 802.3 bridging globally on all WLANs by entering this command:

                                                                            config network 802.3-bridging {enable | disable}

                                                                            The default value is disabled.

                                                                            Step 3   Save your changes by entering this command:

                                                                            save config

                                                                            Configuring Multicast Mode

                                                                            Information About Multicast Mode

                                                                            If your network supports packet multicasting, you can configure the multicast method that the controller uses. The controller performs multicasting in two modes:

                                                                            • Unicast mode—In this mode, the controller unicasts every multicast packet to every access point associated to the controller. This mode is inefficient but might be required on networks that do not support multicasting.

                                                                            • Multicast mode—In this mode, the controller sends multicast packets to a CAPWAP multicast group. This method reduces overhead on the controller processor and shifts the work of packet replication to your network, which is much more efficient than the unicast method.

                                                                            When you enable multicast mode and the controller receives a multicast packet from the wired LAN, the controller encapsulates the packet using CAPWAP and forwards the packet to the CAPWAP multicast group address. The controller always uses the management interface for sending multicast packets. Access points in the multicast group receive the packet and forward it to all the BSSIDs mapped to the interface on which clients receive multicast traffic. From the access point perspective, the multicast appears to be a broadcast to all SSIDs.


                                                                            Until Release 7.5, the port number used for CAPWAP multicast was 12224. From Release 7.6 onwards, the port number used for CAPWAP is changed to 5247.

                                                                            The controller supports Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) v1 snooping for IPv6 multicast. This feature keeps track of and delivers IPv6 multicast flows to the clients that request them. To support IPv6 multicast, you must enable Global Multicast Mode.


                                                                            When you disable the Global Multicast Mode, the controller still forwards the IPv6 ICMP multicast messages, such as router announcements and DHCPv6 solicits, as these are required for IPv6 to work. As a result, enabling the Global Multicast Mode on the controller does not impact the ICMPv6 and the DHCPv6 messages. These messages will always be forwarded irrespective of whether or not the Global Multicast Mode is enabled.

                                                                            In controller software 4.2 or later releases, Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping is introduced to better direct multicast packets. When this feature is enabled, the controller gathers IGMP reports from the clients, processes them, creates unique multicast group IDs (MGIDs) from the IGMP reports after selecting the Layer 3 multicast address and the VLAN number, and sends the IGMP reports to the infrastructure switch. The controller sends these reports with the source address as the interface address on which it received the reports from the clients. The controller then updates the access point MGID table on the access point with the client MAC address. When the controller receives multicast traffic for a particular multicast group, it forwards it to all the access points, but only those access points that have active clients listening or subscribed to that multicast group send multicast traffic on that particular WLAN. IP packets are forwarded with an MGID that is unique for an ingress VLAN and the destination multicast group. Layer 2 multicast packets are forwarded with an MGID that is unique for the ingress interface.

                                                                            When IGMP snooping is disabled, the following is true:

                                                                            • The controller always uses Layer 2 MGID when it sends multicast data to the access point. Every interface created is assigned one Layer 2 MGID. For example, the management interface has an MGID of 0, and the first dynamic interface created is assigned an MGID of 8, which increments as each dynamic interface is created.

                                                                            • The IGMP packets from clients are forwarded to the router. As a result, the router IGMP table is updated with the IP address of the clients as the last reporter.

                                                                            When IGMP snooping is enabled, the following is true:

                                                                            • The controller always uses Layer 3 MGID for all Layer 3 multicast traffic sent to the access point. For all Layer 2 multicast traffic, it continues to use Layer 2 MGID.

                                                                            • IGMP report packets from wireless clients are consumed or absorbed by the controller, which generates a query for the clients. After the router sends the IGMP query, the controller sends the IGMP reports with its interface IP address as the listener IP address for the multicast group. As a result, the router IGMP table is updated with the controller IP address as the multicast listener.

                                                                            • When the client that is listening to the multicast groups roams from one controller to another, the first controller transmits all the multicast group information for the listening client to the second controller. As a result, the second controller can immediately create the multicast group information for the client. The second controller sends the IGMP reports to the network for all multicast groups to which the client was listening. This process aids in the seamless transfer of multicast data to the client.

                                                                            • If the listening client roams to a controller in a different subnet, the multicast packets are tunneled to the anchor controller of the client to avoid the reverse path filtering (RPF) check. The anchor then forwards the multicast packets to the infrastructure switch.


                                                                              The MGIDs are controller specific. The same multicast group packets coming from the same VLAN in two different controllers may be mapped to two different MGIDs.


                                                                              If Layer 2 multicast is enabled, a single MGID is assigned to all the multicast addresses coming from an interface.


                                                                              The number of multicast addresses supported per VLAN for a Cisco WLC is 100.

                                                                            Restrictions for Configuring Multicast Mode

                                                                            • The Cisco Unified Wireless Network solution uses some IP address ranges for specific purposes, and you should keep these ranges in mind when configuring a multicast group:

                                                                              • through—Reserved link local addresses

                                                                              • through—Globally scoped addresses

                                                                              • through 239.255.x.y /16—Limited scope addresses

                                                                            • When you enable multicast mode on the controller, you also must configure a CAPWAP multicast group address. Access points subscribe to the CAPWAP multicast group using IGMP.

                                                                            • Cisco 1100, 1130, 1200, 1230, and 1240 access points use IGMP versions 1, 2, and 3.

                                                                            • Access points in monitor mode, sniffer mode, or rogue detector mode do not join the CAPWAP multicast group address.

                                                                            • The CAPWAP multicast group configured on the controllers should be different for different controllers.

                                                                            • Lightweight Access Points transmit multicast packets at the highest configured mandatory data rate.

                                                                              Because multicast frames are not retransmitted at the MAC layer, clients at the edge of the cell might fail to receive them successfully. If reliable reception is a goal, multicast frames should be transmitted at a low data rate. If support for high data rate multicast frames is required, it might be useful to shrink the cell size and disable all lower data rates.

                                                                              Depending on your requirements, you can take the following actions:
                                                                              • If you need to transmit multicast data with the greatest reliability and if there is no need for great multicast bandwidth, then configure a single basic rate, that is low enough to reach the edges of the wireless cells.

                                                                              • If you need to transmit multicast data at a certain data rate in order to achieve a certain throughput, you can configure that rate as the highest basic rate. You can also set a lower basic rate for coverage of nonmulticast clients.

                                                                            • Multicast mode does not operate across intersubnet mobility events such as guest tunneling. It does, however, operate with interface overrides using RADIUS (but only when IGMP snooping is enabled) and with site-specific VLANs (access point group VLANs).

                                                                            • For LWAPP, the controller drops multicast packets sent to UDP control port 12223. For CAPWAP, the controller drops multicast packets sent to UDP control and data ports 5246 and 5247, respectively. Therefore, you may want to consider not using these port numbers with the multicast applications on your network.

                                                                            • We recommend that any multicast applications on your network not use the multicast address configured as the CAPWAP multicast group address on the controller.

                                                                            • For multicast to work on Cisco 2500 Series WLC, you have to configure the multicast IP address.

                                                                            • Multicast mode is not supported on Cisco Flex 7500 Series WLCs.

                                                                            • In a multicast group, when multicast audio is initiated, the recipients do not hear the first two seconds of the multicast audio. As a workaround, we recommend that you set the Cisco APs to FlexConnect + Local Switching mode for small-scale deployments.

                                                                            • To reduce join latency, we recommend disabling IPv6 on the Cisco WLC.

                                                                            • For 8.0 Release, there is a limitation - the FlexConnect APs do not join the multicast group when the Multicast mode is Multicast-Multicast and CAPWAP has IPV4 and IPV6. For Cisco 5500 and 8500 Series WLC, you can disable the Multicast-Multicast mode and enable the Multicast-Unicast mode. For Cisco 7500 Series WLC, there is no Multicast-Multicast configuration. For FlexConnect APs in Multicast-Multicast mode joined with central switching clients, there is reduction of 0-13% in data throughput.

                                                                            • While using Local and Flexconnect AP mode the WLC platform's multicast support differs for different platforms.

                                                                              The parameters that affect Multicast forwarding are:
                                                                              • WLC Platform.
                                                                              • Global AP multicast mode configuration at WLC.
                                                                              • Mode of the AP - Local, Flexconnect central switching.
                                                                              • For Local switching, it does not send/receive the packet to/from WLC, so it does not matter which Multicast mode is configured on WLC.
                                                                            • Multicast support on different WLC platform are:
                                                                              • WLC 5500/WiSM2/8500 supports both Multicast and Unicast mode.
                                                                              • WLC 2500 supports Multicast to Multicast only.
                                                                              • WLC 7500 & vWLC supports Multicast to Unicast only. It supports only Flex AP's.


                                                                              Flexconnect mode AP cannot join Multicast group address configured at WLC, so it cannot receive Multicast packets that are sent by WLC(Multicast packets sent by flex central switching is received by local mode AP's). If Multicast needs to be forwarded for flexconnect central switching you must configure AP mode Multicast to Unicast. This configuration is global since it is applicable to local mode AP.

                                                                            Configuring Multicast Mode

                                                                            Enabling Multicast Mode (GUI)

                                                                              Step 1   Choose Controller > Multicast to open the Multicast page.
                                                                              Step 2   Select the Enable Global Multicast Mode check box to configure sending multicast packets. The default value is disabled.

                                                                              FlexConnect supports unicast mode only.

                                                                              Step 3   If you want to enable IGMP snooping, select the Enable IGMP Snooping check box. If you want to disable IGMP snooping, leave the check box unselected. The default value is disabled.
                                                                              Step 4   To set the IGMP timeout, enter a value between 30 and 7200 seconds in the IGMP Timeout text box. The controller sends three queries in one timeout value at an interval of timeout/ 3 to see if any clients exist for a particular multicast group. If the controller does not receive a response through an IGMP report from the client, the controller times out the client entry from the MGID table. When no clients are left for a particular multicast group, the controller waits for the IGMP timeout value to expire and then deletes the MGID entry from the controller. The controller always generates a general IGMP query (that is, to destination address and sends it on all WLANs with an MGID value of 1.
                                                                              Step 5   Enter the IGMP Query Interval (seconds).
                                                                              Step 6   Select the Enable MLD Snooping check box to support IPv6 forwarding decisions.

                                                                              To enable MLD Snooping, you must enable Global Multicast Mode of the controller.

                                                                              Step 7   In the MLD Timeout text box, enter a value between 30 and 7200 seconds to set the MLD timeout.
                                                                              Step 8   Enter the MLD Query Interval (seconds). The valid range is between 15 and 2400 seconds.
                                                                              Step 9   Click Apply.
                                                                              Step 10   Click Save Configuration.

                                                                              Enabling Multicast Mode (CLI)

                                                                                Step 1   Enable or disable multicasting on the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                config network multicast global {enable | disable}

                                                                                The default value is disabled.


                                                                                The config network broadcast {enable | disable} command allows you to enable or disable broadcasting without enabling or disabling multicasting as well. This command uses the multicast mode currently on the controller to operate.

                                                                                Step 2   Perform either of the following:
                                                                                1. Configure the controller to use the unicast method to send multicast packets by entering this command:

                                                                                  config network multicast mode unicast

                                                                                2. Configure the controller to use the multicast method to send multicast packets to a CAPWAP multicast group by entering this command:

                                                                                  config network multicast mode multicast multicast_group_ip_address

                                                                                Step 3   Enable or disable IGMP snooping by entering this command:

                                                                                config network multicast igmp snooping {enable | disable}

                                                                                The default value is disabled.

                                                                                Step 4   Set the IGMP timeout value by entering this command:

                                                                                config network multicast igmp timeout timeout

                                                                                You can enter a timeout value between 30 and 7200 seconds. The controller sends three queries in one timeout value at an interval of timeout/3 to see if any clients exist for a particular multicast group. If the controller does not receive a response through an IGMP report from the client, the controller times out the client entry from the MGID table. When no clients are left for a particular multicast group, the controller waits for the IGMP timeout value to expire and then deletes the MGID entry from the controller. The controller always generates a general IGMP query (that is, to destination address and sends it on all WLANs with an MGID value of 1.

                                                                                Step 5   Enable or disable Layer 2 Multicast by entering this command: config network multicast l2mcast {enable {all | interface-name} | disable}
                                                                                Step 6   Enable or disable MLD snooping by entering this command:

                                                                                config network multicast mld snooping {enable | disable}

                                                                                The default value is disabled.


                                                                                To enable MLD snooping, you must enable global multicast mode of the controller.

                                                                                Step 7   Set the MLD timeout value by entering this command:

                                                                                config network multicast mld timeout timeout

                                                                                Enter the MLD Query Interval (seconds). The valid range is between 15 and 2400 seconds.

                                                                                Step 8   Save your changes by entering this command: save config

                                                                                Viewing Multicast Groups (GUI)

                                                                                  Step 1   Choose Monitor > Multicast. The Multicast Groups page appears.

                                                                                  This page shows all the multicast groups and their corresponding MGIDs.

                                                                                  Step 2   Click the link for a specific MGID (such as MGID 550) to see a list of all the clients joined to the multicast group in that particular MGID.

                                                                                  Viewing Multicast Groups (CLI)

                                                                                  Before You Begin
                                                                                  • See all the multicast groups and their corresponding MGIDs by entering this command:

                                                                                    show network multicast mgid summary

                                                                                    Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                    Layer2 MGID Mapping:
                                                                                    InterfaceName                    vlanId   MGID
                                                                                    -------------------------------- ------   ----
                                                                                    management                       0        0
                                                                                    test                             0        9
                                                                                    wired                            20       8
                                                                                    Layer3 MGID Mapping:
                                                                                    Number of Layer3 MGIDs........................... 1
                                                                                     Group address    Vlan  MGID
                                                                                     ---------------  ----  ----
                                                                             0     550

                                                                                  • See all the clients joined to the multicast group in a specific MGID by entering this command:

                                                                                    show network multicast mgid detail mgid_value

                                                                                    where the mgid_value parameter is a number between 550 and 4095.

                                                                                    Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                    Mgid........................................ 550
                                                                                    Multicast Group Address.....................
                                                                                    Vlan........................................ 0
                                                                                    Rx Packet Count............................. 807399588
                                                                                    No of clients............................... 1
                                                                                    Client List.................................
                                                                                            Client MAC             Expire Time (mm:ss)
                                                                                            00:13:02:23:82:ad      0:20

                                                                                  Viewing an Access Point’s Multicast Client Table (CLI)

                                                                                  To help troubleshoot roaming events, you can view an access point’s multicast client table from the controller by performing a remote debug of the access point.

                                                                                    Step 1   Initiate a remote debug of the access point by entering this command:

                                                                                    debug ap enable Cisco_AP

                                                                                    Step 2   See all of the MGIDs on the access point and the number of clients per WLAN by entering this command:

                                                                                    debug ap command “show capwap mcast mgid all” Cisco_AP

                                                                                    Step 3   See all of the clients per MGID on the access point and the number of clients per WLAN by entering this command:

                                                                                    debug ap command “show capwap mcast mgid id mgid_value Cisco_AP

                                                                                    Configuring Client Roaming

                                                                                    Information About Client Roaming

                                                                                    The Cisco UWN solution supports seamless client roaming across lightweight access points managed by the same controller, between controllers in the same mobility group on the same subnet, and across controllers in the same mobility group on different subnets. Also, in controller software release 4.1 or later releases, client roaming with multicast packets is supported.

                                                                                    You can adjust the default RF settings (RSSI, hysteresis, scan threshold, and transition time) to fine-tune the operation of client roaming using the controller GUI or CLI.

                                                                                    Inter-Controller Roaming

                                                                                    Multiple-controller deployments support client roaming across access points managed by controllers in the same mobility group and on the same subnet. This roaming is also transparent to the client because the session is sustained and a tunnel between controllers allows the client to continue using the same DHCP- or client-assigned IP address as long as the session remains active. The tunnel is torn down, and the client must reauthenticate when the client sends a DHCP Discover with a client IP address or a 169.254.*.* client auto-IP address or when the operator-set session timeout is exceeded.

                                                                                    Intra-Controller Roaming

                                                                                    Each controller supports same-controller client roaming across access points managed by the same controller. This roaming is transparent to the client as the session is sustained, and the client continues using the same DHCP-assigned or client-assigned IP address. The controller provides DHCP functionality with a relay function. Same-controller roaming is supported in single-controller deployments and in multiple-controller deployments.

                                                                                    Inter-Subnet Roaming

                                                                                    Multiple-controller deployments support client roaming across access points managed by controllers in the same mobility group on different subnets. This roaming is transparent to the client because the session is sustained and a tunnel between the controllers allows the client to continue using the same DHCP-assigned or client-assigned IP address as long as the session remains active. The tunnel is torn down, and the client must reauthenticate when the client sends a DHCP Discover with a client IP address or a 169.254.*.* client auto-IP address or when the operator-set user timeout is exceeded.

                                                                                    Voice-over-IP Telephone Roaming

                                                                                    802.11 voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephones actively seek out associations with the strongest RF signal to ensure the best quality of service (QoS) and the maximum throughput. The minimum VoIP telephone requirement of 20-millisecond or shorter latency time for the roaming handover is easily met by the Cisco Wireless solution, which has an average handover latency of 5 or fewer milliseconds when open authentication is used. This short latency period is controlled by controllers rather than allowing independent access points to negotiate roaming handovers.

                                                                                    The Cisco Wireless solution supports 802.11 VoIP telephone roaming across lightweight access points managed by controllers on different subnets, as long as the controllers are in the same mobility group. This roaming is transparent to the VoIP telephone because the session is sustained and a tunnel between controllers allows the VoIP telephone to continue using the same DHCP-assigned IP address as long as the session remains active. The tunnel is torn down, and the VoIP client must reauthenticate when the VoIP telephone sends a DHCP Discover with a VoIP telephone IP address or a 169.254.*.* VoIP telephone auto-IP address or when the operator-set user timeout is exceeded.

                                                                                    CCX Layer 2 Client Roaming

                                                                                    The controller supports five CCX Layer 2 client roaming enhancements:

                                                                                    • Access point assisted roaming—This feature helps clients save scanning time. When a CCXv2 client associates to an access point, it sends an information packet to the new access point listing the characteristics of its previous access point. Roaming time decreases when the client recognizes and uses an access point list built by compiling all previous access points to which each client was associated and sent (unicast) to the client immediately after association. The access point list contains the channels, BSSIDs of neighbor access points that support the client’s current SSID(s), and time elapsed since disassociation.

                                                                                    • Enhanced neighbor list—This feature focuses on improving a CCXv4 client’s roam experience and network edge performance, especially when servicing voice applications. The access point provides its associated client information about its neighbors using a neighbor-list update unicast message.

                                                                                    • Enhanced neighbor list request (E2E)—The End-2-End specification is a Cisco and Intel joint program that defines new protocols and interfaces to improve the overall voice and roaming experience. It applies only to Intel clients in a CCX environment. Specifically, it enables Intel clients to request a neighbor list at will. When this occurs, the access point forwards the request to the controller. The controller receives the request and replies with the current CCX roaming sublist of neighbors for the access point to which the client is associated.


                                                                                      To see whether a particular client supports E2E, choose Wireless > Clients on the controller GUI, click the Detail link for the desired client, and look at the E2E Version text box in the Client Properties area.

                                                                                    • Roam reason report—This feature enables CCXv4 clients to report the reason why they roamed to a new access point. It also allows network administrators to build and monitor a roam history.

                                                                                    • Directed roam request—This feature enables the controller to send directed roam requests to the client in situations when the controller can better service the client on an access point different from the one to which it is associated. In this case, the controller sends the client a list of the best access points that it can join. The client can either honor or ignore the directed roam request. Non-CCX clients and clients running CCXv3 or below must not take any action. No configuration is required for this feature.

                                                                                    Restrictions on Client Roaming

                                                                                    • Controller software release 4.2 or later releases support CCX versions 1 through 5. CCX support is enabled automatically for every WLAN on the controller and cannot be disabled. The controller stores the CCX version of the client in its client database and uses it to generate and respond to CCX frames appropriately. Clients must support CCXv4 or v5 (or CCXv2 for access point assisted roaming) in order to utilize these roaming enhancements.

                                                                                      The roaming enhancements mentioned above are enabled automatically, with the appropriate CCX support.

                                                                                    • FlexConnect access points in standalone mode do not support CCX Layer 2 roaming.

                                                                                    • Client roaming between 600 Series Access points is not supported.

                                                                                    • Seamless L2 and L3 roaming is not supported between a Cisco and a third-party wireless infrastructure, which also includes a Cisco IOS access point.

                                                                                    Configuring CCX Client Roaming Parameters

                                                                                    Configuring CCX Client Roaming Parameters (GUI)

                                                                                      Step 1   Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > Client Roaming. The 802.11a (802.11b) > Client Roaming page appears.
                                                                                      Step 2   If you want to fine-tune the RF parameters that affect client roaming, choose Custom from the Mode drop-down list and go to Step 3. If you want to leave the RF parameters at their default values, choose Default and go to Step 8.
                                                                                      Step 3   In the Minimum RSSI text box, enter a value for the minimum received signal strength indicator (RSSI) required for the client to associate to an access point. If the client’s average received signal power dips below this threshold, reliable communication is usually impossible. Therefore, clients must already have found and roamed to another access point with a stronger signal before the minimum RSSI value is reached.

                                                                                      The range is –90 to –50 dBm.

                                                                                      The default is –85 dBm.

                                                                                      Step 4   In the Hysteresis text box, enter a value to indicate how much greater the signal strength of a neighboring access point must be in order for the client to roam to it. This parameter is intended to reduce the amount of roaming between access points if the client is physically located on or near the border between two access points.

                                                                                      The range is 3 to 20 dB.

                                                                                      The default is 3 dB.

                                                                                      Step 5   In the Scan Threshold text box, enter the minimum RSSI that is allowed before the client should roam to a better access point. When the RSSI drops below the specified value, the client must be able to roam to a better access point within the specified transition time. This parameter also provides a power-save method to minimize the time that the client spends in active or passive scanning. For example, the client can scan slowly when the RSSI is above the threshold and scan more rapidly when the RSSI is below the threshold.

                                                                                      The range is –90 to –50 dBm.

                                                                                      The default is –72 dBm.

                                                                                      Step 6   In the Transition Time text box, enter the maximum time allowed for the client to detect a suitable neighboring access point to roam to and to complete the roam, whenever the RSSI from the client’s associated access point is below the scan threshold.

                                                                                      The Scan Threshold and Transition Time parameters guarantee a minimum level of client roaming performance. Together with the highest expected client speed and roaming hysteresis, these parameters make it possible to design a wireless LAN network that supports roaming simply by ensuring a certain minimum overlap distance between access points.

                                                                                      The range is 1 to 5 seconds.

                                                                                      The default is 5 seconds.

                                                                                      Step 7   Click Apply.
                                                                                      Step 8   Click Save Configuration.
                                                                                      Step 9   Repeat this procedure if you want to configure client roaming for another radio band.

                                                                                      Configuring CCX Client Roaming Parameters (CLI)

                                                                                      Configure CCX Layer 2 client roaming parameters by entering this command:

                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} l2roam rf-params {default | custom min_rssi roam_hyst scan_thresh trans_time}

                                                                                      Obtaining CCX Client Roaming Information (CLI)

                                                                                        Step 1   View the current RF parameters configured for client roaming for the 802.11a or 802.11b/g network by entering this command:

                                                                                        show {802.11a | 802.11b} l2roam rf-param

                                                                                        Step 2   View the CCX Layer 2 client roaming statistics for a particular access point by entering this command:

                                                                                        show {802.11a | 802.11b} l2roam statistics ap_mac

                                                                                        This command provides the following information:

                                                                                        • The number of roam reason reports received

                                                                                        • The number of neighbor list requests received

                                                                                        • The number of neighbor list reports sent

                                                                                        • The number of broadcast neighbor updates sent

                                                                                        Step 3   View the roaming history for a particular client by entering this command:

                                                                                        show client roam-history client_mac

                                                                                        This command provides the following information:

                                                                                        • The time when the report was received

                                                                                        • The MAC address of the access point to which the client is currently associated

                                                                                        • The MAC address of the access point to which the client was previously associated

                                                                                        • The channel of the access point to which the client was previously associated

                                                                                        • The SSID of the access point to which the client was previously associated

                                                                                        • The time when the client disassociated from the previous access point

                                                                                        • The reason for the client roam

                                                                                        Debugging CCX Client Roaming Issues (CLI)

                                                                                        If you experience any problems with CCX Layer 2 client roaming, enter this command:

                                                                                        debug l2roam [detail | error | packet | all] {enable | disable}

                                                                                        Configuring IP-MAC Address Binding

                                                                                        Information About Configuring IP-MAC Address Binding

                                                                                        In the controller software Release 5.2 or later releases, the controller enforces strict IP address-to-MAC address binding in client packets. The controller checks the IP address and MAC address in a packet, compares them to the addresses that are registered with the controller, and forwards the packet only if they both match. In previous releases, the controller checks only the MAC address of the client and ignores the IP address.

                                                                                        You must disable IP-MAC address binding to use an access point in sniffer mode if the access point is associated with a 5500 series controller, a 2500 series controller, or a controller network module. To disable IP-MAC address binding, enter the config network ip-mac-binding disable.

                                                                                        WLAN must be enabled to use an access point in sniffer mode if the access point is associated with a 5500 series controller, a 2500 series controller, or a controller network module. If WLAN is disabled, the access point cannot send packets.


                                                                                        If the IP address or MAC address of the packet has been spoofed, the check does not pass, and the controller discards the packet. Spoofed packets can pass through the controller only if both the IP and MAC addresses are spoofed together and changed to that of another valid client on the same controller.

                                                                                        Configuring IP-MAC Address Binding

                                                                                        Configuring IP-MAC Address Binding (CLI)

                                                                                          Step 1   Enable or disable IP-MAC address binding by entering this command:

                                                                                          config network ip-mac-binding {enable | disable}

                                                                                          The default value is enabled.


                                                                                          You might want to disable this binding check if you have a routed network behind a workgroup bridge (WGB).


                                                                                          You must disable this binding check in order to use an access point in sniffer mode if the access point is joined to a Cisco 5500 Series Controller.

                                                                                          Step 2   Save your changes by entering this command:

                                                                                          save config

                                                                                          Step 3   View the status of IP-MAC address binding by entering this command:

                                                                                          show network summary

                                                                                          Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                          RF-Network Name............................. ctrl4404
                                                                                          Web Mode.................................... Disable
                                                                                          Secure Web Mode............................. Enable
                                                                                          Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option High.......... Disable
                                                                                          Secure Web Mode Cipher-Option SSLv2......... Disable
                                                                                          IP/MAC Addr Binding Check ............... Enabled


                                                                                          Configuring Quality of Service

                                                                                          Information About Quality of Service

                                                                                          Quality of service (QoS) refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various technologies. The primary goal of QoS is to provide priority including dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and latency (required by some real-time and interactive traffic), and improved loss characteristics.

                                                                                          The controller supports four QoS levels:

                                                                                          • Platinum/Voice—Ensures a high quality of service for voice over wireless.

                                                                                          • Gold/Video—Supports high-quality video applications.

                                                                                          • Silver/Best Effort—Supports normal bandwidth for clients. This is the default setting.

                                                                                          • Bronze/Background—Provides the lowest bandwidth for guest services.


                                                                                            VoIP clients should be set to Platinum.

                                                                                          You can configure the bandwidth of each QoS level using QoS profiles and then apply the profiles to WLANs. The profile settings are pushed to the clients associated to that WLAN. In addition, you can create QoS roles to specify different bandwidth levels for regular and guest users. Follow the instructions in this section to configure QoS profiles and QoS roles. You can also define the maximum and default QoS levels for unicast and multicast traffic when you assign a QoS profile to a WLAN.

                                                                                          The wireless rate limits can be defined on both upstream and downstream traffic. Rate limits can be defined per SSID and/or specified as a maximum rate limit for all clients. These rate limits can be individually configured.

                                                                                          Configuring Quality of Service Profiles

                                                                                          You can configure the Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze QoS profiles.

                                                                                          Configuring QoS Profiles (GUI)

                                                                                            Step 1   Disable the 802.11a and 802.11b/g networks so that you can configure the QoS profiles.

                                                                                            To disable the radio networks, choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > Network, unselect the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply.

                                                                                            Step 2   Choose Wireless > QoS > Profiles to open the QoS Profiles page.
                                                                                            Step 3   Click the name of the profile that you want to configure to open the Edit QoS Profile page.
                                                                                            Step 4   Change the description of the profile by modifying the contents of the Description text box.
                                                                                            Step 5   Define the data rates on a per-user basis as follows:
                                                                                            1. Define the average data rate for TCP traffic per user by entering the rate in Kbps in the Average Data Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.
                                                                                            2. Define the peak data rate for TCP traffic per user by entering the rate in Kbps in the Burst Data Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.

                                                                                              The burst data rate should be greater than or equal to the average data rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic to and from the wireless client.

                                                                                              Ensure that you configure the average data rate before you configure the burst data rate.

                                                                                            3. Define the average real-time rate for UDP traffic per user by entering the rate in Kbps in the Average Real-Time Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.
                                                                                              Note    Average Data Rate is used to measure TCP traffic while Average Real-time rate is used for UDP traffic. They are measured in kbps for all the entries. The values for Average Data Rate and Average Real-time rate can be different because they are applied to different upper layer protocols such as TCP and UDP. These different values for the rates do not impact the bandwidth.
                                                                                            4. Define the peak real-time rate for UDP traffic per user by entering the rate in Kbps in the Burst Real-Time Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.

                                                                                              The burst real-time rate should be greater than or equal to the average real-time rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic to and from the wireless client.

                                                                                            Step 6   Define the data rates on a per-SSID basis as follows:
                                                                                            1. Define the average data rate TCP traffic per SSID by entering the rate in Kbps in the Average Data Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.
                                                                                            2. Define the peak data rate for TCP traffic per SSID by entering the rate in Kbps in the Burst Data Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.

                                                                                              The burst data rate should be greater than or equal to the average data rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic in the WLANs.

                                                                                            3. Define the average real-time rate for UDP traffic per SSID by entering the rate in Kbps in the Average Real-Time Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.
                                                                                            4. Define the peak real-time rate for UDP traffic per SSID by entering the rate in Kbps in the Burst Real-Time Rate text boxes. A value of 0 indicates that the value specified in the selected QoS profile will take effect.

                                                                                              The burst real-time rate should be greater than or equal to the average real-time rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic in the WLANs.

                                                                                            Step 7   Define the maximum and default QoS levels for unicast and multicast traffic when you assign a QoS profile to a WLAN.
                                                                                            1. From the Maximum Priority drop-down list, choose the maximum QoS priority for any data frames transmitted by the AP to any station in the WLAN.

                                                                                              For example, a QoS profile named ‘gold’ targeted for video applications has the maximum priority set to video by default.

                                                                                            2. From the Unicast Default Priority drop-down list, choose the QoS priority for unicast data frames transmitted by the AP to non-WMM stations in the WLAN
                                                                                            3. From the Multicast Default Priority drop-down list, choose the QoS priority for multicast data frames transmitted by the AP to stations in the WLAN,

                                                                                              The default unicast priority cannot be used for non-WMM clients in a mixed WLAN.

                                                                                            Step 8   Choose 802.1p from the Protocol Type drop-down list and enter the maximum priority value in the 802.1p Tag text box to define the maximum value (0–7) for the priority tag associated with packets that fall within the profile.

                                                                                            The tagged packets include CAPWAP data packets (between access points and the controller) and packets sent toward the core network.


                                                                                            If a QoS profile has 802.1p tagging configured and if this QoS profile is assigned to a WLAN that uses an untagged interface on the controller, the client traffic will be blocked.

                                                                                            Step 9   Click Apply.
                                                                                            Step 10   Click Save Configuration.
                                                                                            Step 11   Reenable the 802.11 networks.

                                                                                            To enable the radio networks, choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > Network, select the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply.

                                                                                            Step 12   Choose WLANs and select a WLAN ID to apply the new QoS profile to it.
                                                                                            Step 13   In the WLAN > Edit page, go to the QoS tab and select the QoS Profile type from the Quality of Service drop-down list. The QoS profile will add the rate limit values configured on the controller on per WLAN, per radio and per AP basis.

                                                                                            For example, if upstream rate limit of 5Mbps is configured for a QoS profile of type silver, then every WLAN that has silver profile will limit traffic to 5Mbps (5Mbps for each wlan) on each radio and on each AP where the WLAN is applicable.

                                                                                            Step 14   Click Apply.
                                                                                            Step 15   Click Save Configuration.

                                                                                            Configuring QoS Profiles (CLI)

                                                                                              Step 1   Disable the 802.11a and 802.11b/g networks so that you can configure the QoS profiles by entering these commands:

                                                                                              config 802.11{a | b} disable network

                                                                                              Step 2   Change the profile description by entering this command:

                                                                                              config qos description {bronze | silver | gold | platinum }description

                                                                                              Step 3   Define the average data rate for TCP traffic per user or per SSID by entering this command:

                                                                                              config qos average-data-rate {bronze | silver | gold | platinum} {per-ssid | per-client} {downstream | upstream} rate


                                                                                              For the rate parameter, you can enter a value between 0 and 512,000 Kbps (inclusive). A value of 0 imposes no bandwidth restriction on the QoS profile.

                                                                                              Step 4   Define the peak data rate for TCP traffic per user or per SSID by entering this command:

                                                                                              config qos burst-data-rate {bronze | silver | gold | platinum} {per-ssid | per-client} {downstream | upstream} rate

                                                                                              Step 5   Define the average real-time data rate for UDP traffic per user or per SSID by entering this command:

                                                                                              config qos average-realtime-rate {bronze | silver | gold | platinum} {per-ssid | per-client} {downstream | upstream} rate

                                                                                              Step 6   Define the peak real-time data rate for UDP traffic per user or per SSID by entering this command:

                                                                                              config qos burst-realtime-rate {bronze | silver | gold | platinum} {per-ssid | per-client} {downstream | upstream} rate

                                                                                              Step 7   Define the maximum and default QoS levels for unicast and multicast traffic when you assign a QoS profile to a WLAN by entering this command:

                                                                                              config qos priority {bronze | gold | platinum | silver} {maximum priority} {default unicast priority} {default multicast priority}

                                                                                              You choose from the following options for the maximum priority, default unicast priority, and default multicast priority parameters:

                                                                                              • besteffort

                                                                                              • background

                                                                                              • video

                                                                                              • voice

                                                                                              Step 8   Define the maximum value (0–7) for the priority tag associated with packets that fall within the profile, by entering these commands:

                                                                                              config qos protocol-type {bronze | silver | gold | platinum} dot1p

                                                                                              config qos dot1p-tag {bronze | silver | gold | platinum} tag

                                                                                              The tagged packets include CAPWAP data packets (between access points and the controller) and packets sent toward the core network.

                                                                                              The 802.1p tagging has impact only on wired packets. Wireless packets are impacted only by the maximum priority level set for a QoS profile.


                                                                                              If a QoS profile has 802.1p tagging configured and if this QoS profile is assigned to a WLAN that uses an untagged interface on the controller, the client traffic will be blocked.

                                                                                              Step 9   Reenable the 802.11a and 802.11b/g networks so that you can configure the QoS profiles by entering these commands:

                                                                                              config 802.11{a | b} enable network

                                                                                              Step 10   Apply the new QoS profile to a WLAN, by entering these commands: config wlan qos <WLAN ID> {bronze | silver | gold | platinum}

                                                                                              Configuring Quality of Service Roles

                                                                                              Information About Quality of Service Roles

                                                                                              After you configure a QoS profile and apply it to a WLAN, it limits the bandwidth level of clients associated to that WLAN. Multiple WLANs can be mapped to the same QoS profile, which can result in bandwidth contention between regular users (such as employees) and guest users. In order to prevent guest users from using the same level of bandwidth as regular users, you can create QoS roles with different (and presumably lower) bandwidth contracts and assign them to guest users.

                                                                                              You can configure up to ten QoS roles for guest users.


                                                                                              If you choose to create an entry on the RADIUS server for a guest user and enable RADIUS authentication for the WLAN on which web authentication is performed rather than adding a guest user to the local user database from the controller, you need to assign the QoS role on the RADIUS server itself. To do so, a “guest-role” Airespace attribute needs to be added on the RADIUS server with a datatype of “string” and a return value of “11.” This attribute is sent to the controller when authentication occurs. If a role with the name returned from the RADIUS server is found configured on the controller, the bandwidth associated to that role is enforced for the guest user after authentication completes successfully.

                                                                                              Configuring QoS Roles

                                                                                              Configuring QoS (GUI)

                                                                                                Step 1   Choose Wireless > QoS > Roles to open the QoS Roles for the Guest Users page.

                                                                                                This page shows any existing QoS roles for guest users.


                                                                                                If you want to delete a QoS role, hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for that role and choose Remove.

                                                                                                Step 2   Click New to create a new QoS role. The QoS Role Name > New page appears.
                                                                                                Step 3   In the Role Name text box, enter a name for the new QoS role. The name should uniquely identify the role of the QoS user (such as Contractor, Vendor, and so on).
                                                                                                Step 4   Click Apply.
                                                                                                Step 5   Click the name of the QoS role to edit the bandwidth of a QoS role. The Edit QoS Role Data Rates page appears.

                                                                                                The values that you configure for the per-user bandwidth contracts affect only the amount of bandwidth going downstream (from the access point to the wireless client). They do not affect the bandwidth for upstream traffic (from the client to the access point).

                                                                                                Note    The Access Points that support per-user bandwidth contracts for upstream (from the client to the access point) are - AP1140, AP1040, AP3500, AP3600, AP1250, and AP1260.
                                                                                                Step 6   Define the average data rate for TCP traffic on a per-user basis by entering the rate in Kbps in the Average Data Rate text box. You can enter a value between 0 and 60,000 Kbps (inclusive). A value of 0 imposes no bandwidth restriction on the QoS role.
                                                                                                Step 7   Define the peak data rate for TCP traffic on a per-user basis by entering the rate in Kbps in the Burst Data Rate text box. You can enter a value between 0 and 60,000 Kbps (inclusive). A value of 0 imposes no bandwidth restriction on the QoS role.

                                                                                                The burst data rate should be greater than or equal to the average data rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic to and from the wireless client.

                                                                                                Ensure that you configure the average data rate before you configure the burst data rate.

                                                                                                Step 8   Define the average real-time rate for UDP traffic on a per-user basis by entering the rate in Kbps in the Average Real-Time Rate text box. You can enter a value between 0 and 60,000 Kbps (inclusive). A value of 0 imposes no bandwidth restriction on the QoS role.
                                                                                                Step 9   Define the peak real-time rate for UDP traffic on a per-user basis by entering the rate in Kbps in the Burst Real-Time Rate text box. You can enter a value between 0 and 60,000 Kbps (inclusive). A value of 0 imposes no bandwidth restriction on the QoS role.

                                                                                                The burst real-time rate should be greater than or equal to the average real-time rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic to and from the wireless client.

                                                                                                Step 10   Click Apply.
                                                                                                Step 11   Click Save Configuration.
                                                                                                Step 12   Apply a QoS role to a guest user by following the instructions in the Configuring Local Network Users for the Controller (GUI) section.

                                                                                                Configuring QoS Roles (CLI)

                                                                                                  Step 1   Create a QoS role for a guest user by entering this command:

                                                                                                  config netuser guest-role create role_name


                                                                                                  If you want to delete a QoS role, enter the config netuser guest-role delete role_name command.

                                                                                                  Step 2   Configure the bandwidth contracts for a QoS role by entering these commands:
                                                                                                  • config netuser guest-role qos data-rate average-data-rate role_name rate—Configures the average data rate for TCP traffic on a per-user basis.

                                                                                                  • config netuser guest-role qos data-rate burst-data-rate role_name rate—Configures the peak data rate for TCP traffic on a per-user basis.


                                                                                                    The burst data rate should be greater than or equal to the average data rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic to and from the wireless client.

                                                                                                  • config netuser guest-role qos data-rate average-realtime-rate role_name rate—Configures the average real-time rate for UDP traffic on a per-user basis.

                                                                                                  • config netuser guest-role qos data-rate burst-realtime-rate role_name rate—Configures the peak real-time rate for UDP traffic on a per-user basis.


                                                                                                    The burst real-time rate should be greater than or equal to the average real-time rate. Otherwise, the QoS policy may block traffic to and from the wireless client.


                                                                                                    For the role_name parameter in each of these commands, enter a name for the new QoS role. The name should uniquely identify the role of the QoS user (such as Contractor, Vendor, and so on). For the rate parameter, you can enter a value between 0 and 60,000 Kbps (inclusive). A value of 0 imposes no bandwidth restriction on the QoS role.

                                                                                                  Step 3   Apply a QoS role to a guest user by entering this command:

                                                                                                  config netuser guest-role apply username role_name

                                                                                                  For example, the role of Contractor could be applied to guest user jsmith.


                                                                                                  If you do not assign a QoS role to a guest user, the Role text box in the User Details shows the role as “default.” The bandwidth contracts for this user are defined in the QoS profile for the WLAN.


                                                                                                  If you want to unassign a QoS role from a guest user, enter the config netuser guest-role apply username default command. This user now uses the bandwidth contracts defined in the QoS profile for the WLAN.

                                                                                                  Step 4   Save your changes by entering this command:

                                                                                                  save config

                                                                                                  Step 5   See a list of the current QoS roles and their bandwidth parameters by entering this command:

                                                                                                  show netuser guest-roles

                                                                                                  Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                                  Role Name........................................ Contractor
                                                                                                       Average Data Rate........................... 10
                                                                                                       Burst Data Rate............................. 10
                                                                                                       Average Realtime Rate....................... 100
                                                                                                       Burst Realtime Rate......................... 100
                                                                                                  Role Name........................................ Vendor
                                                                                                       Average Data Rate........................... unconfigured
                                                                                                       Burst Data Rate............................. unconfigured
                                                                                                       Average Realtime Rate....................... unconfigured
                                                                                                       Burst Realtime Rate...................... unconfigured

                                                                                                  Configuring Voice and Video Parameters

                                                                                                  Information About Configuring Voice and Video Parameters

                                                                                                  Three parameters on the controller affect voice and/or video quality:

                                                                                                  • Call admission control

                                                                                                  • Expedited bandwidth requests

                                                                                                  • Unscheduled automatic power save delivery

                                                                                                  Each of these parameters is supported in Cisco Compatible Extensions (CCX) v4 and v5.


                                                                                                  Traffic stream metrics (TSM) can be used to monitor and report issues with voice quality.

                                                                                                  Call Admission Control

                                                                                                  Call admission control (CAC) enables an access point to maintain controlled quality of service (QoS) when the wireless LAN is experiencing congestion. The Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) protocol deployed in CCXv3 ensures sufficient QoS as long as the wireless LAN is not congested. However, in order to maintain QoS under differing network loads, CAC in CCXv4 is required. Two types of CAC are available: bandwidth-based CAC and load-based CAC.


                                                                                                  CAC is not supported in Flexconnect local auth, resulting in voice traffic not getting properly tagged.

                                                                                                  Bandwidth-Based CAC

                                                                                                  Bandwidth-based, or static, CAC enables the client to specify how much bandwidth or shared medium time is required to accept a new call and in turn enables the access point to determine whether it is capable of accommodating this particular call. The access point rejects the call if necessary in order to maintain the maximum allowed number of calls with acceptable quality.

                                                                                                  The QoS setting for a WLAN determines the level of bandwidth-based CAC support. To use bandwidth-based CAC with voice applications, the WLAN must be configured for Platinum QoS. To use bandwidth-based CAC with video applications, the WLAN must be configured for Gold QoS. Also, make sure that WMM is enabled for the WLAN. See the Information About Configuring 802.3 Bridging section for QoS and WMM configuration instructions.


                                                                                                  You must enable admission control (ACM) for CCXv4 clients that have WMM enabled. Otherwise, bandwidth-based CAC does not operate properly.

                                                                                                  Load-Based CAC

                                                                                                  Load-based CAC incorporates a measurement scheme that takes into account the bandwidth consumed by all traffic types (including that from clients), co-channel access point loads, and collocated channel interference, for voice applications. Load-based CAC also covers the additional bandwidth consumption resulting from PHY and channel impairment.

                                                                                                  In load-based CAC, the access point continuously measures and updates the utilization of the RF channel (that is, the percentage of bandwidth that has been exhausted), channel interference, and the additional calls that the access point can admit. The access point admits a new call only if the channel has enough unused bandwidth to support that call. By doing so, load-based CAC prevents oversubscription of the channel and maintains QoS under all conditions of WLAN loading and interference.


                                                                                                  Load-based CAC is supported only on lightweight access points. If you disable load-based CAC, the access points start using bandwidth-based CAC.

                                                                                                  Expedited Bandwidth Requests

                                                                                                  The expedited bandwidth request feature enables CCXv5 clients to indicate the urgency of a WMM traffic specifications (TSPEC) request (for example, an e911 call) to the WLAN. When the controller receives this request, it attempts to facilitate the urgency of the call in any way possible without potentially altering the quality of other TSPEC calls that are in progress.

                                                                                                  You can apply expedited bandwidth requests to both bandwidth-based and load-based CAC. Expedited bandwidth requests are disabled by default. When this feature is disabled, the controller ignores all expedited requests and processes TSPEC requests as normal TSPEC requests.

                                                                                                  This table lists examples of TSPEC request handling for normal TSPEC requests and expedited bandwidth requests.

                                                                                                  Table 2 TSPEC Request Handling Examples

                                                                                                  CAC Mode

                                                                                                  Reserved bandwidth for voice calls


                                                                                                  Normal TSPEC Request

                                                                                                  TSPEC with Expedited 
Bandwidth Request

                                                                                                  Bandwidth-based CAC

                                                                                                  75% (default setting)

                                                                                                  Less than 75%



                                                                                                  Between 75% and 90% (reserved bandwidth for voice calls exhausted)



                                                                                                  More than 90%



                                                                                                  Load-based CAC

                                                                                                  Less than 75%



                                                                                                  Between 75% and 85% (reserved bandwidth for voice calls exhausted)



                                                                                                  More than 85%



                                                                                                  1 For bandwidth-based CAC, the voice call bandwidth usage is per access point and does not take into account co-channel access points. For load-based CAC, the voice call bandwidth usage is measured for the entire channel.
                                                                                                  2 Bandwidth-based CAC (consumed voice and video bandwidth) or load-based CAC (channel utilization [Pb]).


                                                                                                  Admission control for TSPEC g711-40ms codec type is supported.


                                                                                                  When video ACM is enabled, the controller rejects a video TSPEC if the non-MSDU size in the TSPEC is greater than 149 or the mean data rate is greater than 1 Kbps.


                                                                                                  Unscheduled automatic power save delivery (U-APSD) is a QoS facility defined in IEEE 802.11e that extends the battery life of mobile clients. In addition to extending battery life, this feature reduces the latency of traffic flow delivered over the wireless media. Because U-APSD does not require the client to poll each individual packet buffered at the access point, it allows delivery of multiple downlink packets by sending a single uplink trigger packet. U-APSD is enabled automatically when WMM is enabled.

                                                                                                  Traffic Stream Metrics

                                                                                                  In a voice-over-wireless LAN (VoWLAN) deployment, traffic stream metrics (TSM) can be used to monitor voice-related metrics on the client-access point air interface. It reports both packet latency and packet loss. You can isolate poor voice quality issues by studying these reports.

                                                                                                  The metrics consist of a collection of uplink (client side) and downlink (access point side) statistics between an access point and a client device that supports CCX v4 or later releases. If the client is not CCX v4 or CCXv5 compliant, only downlink statistics are captured. The client and access point measure these metrics. The access point also collects the measurements every 5 seconds, prepares 90-second reports, and then sends the reports to the controller. The controller organizes the uplink measurements on a client basis and the downlink measurements on an access point basis and maintains an hour’s worth of historical data. To store this data, the controller requires 32 MB of additional memory for uplink metrics and 4.8 MB for downlink metrics.

                                                                                                  TSM can be configured through either the GUI or the CLI on a per radio-band basis (for example, all 802.11a radios). The controller saves the configuration in flash memory so that it persists across reboots. After an access point receives the configuration from the controller, it enables TSM on the specified radio band.


                                                                                                  Access points support TSM entries in both local and FlexConnect modes.

                                                                                                  This table shows the upper limit for TSM entries in different controller series.

                                                                                                  TSM Entries



                                                                                                  MAX AP TSM entries



                                                                                                  MAX Client TSM entries



                                                                                                  MAX TSM entries




                                                                                                  Once the upper limit is reached, additional TSM entries cannot be stored and sent to Cisco Prime Infrastructure. If client TSM entries are full and AP TSM entries are available, then only the AP entries are stored, and vice versa. This leads to partial output. TSM cleanup occurs every one hour. Entries are removed only for those APs and clients that are not in the system.

                                                                                                  Configuring Voice Parameters (GUI)

                                                                                                    Step 1   Ensure that the WLAN is configured for WMM and the Platinum QoS level.
                                                                                                    Step 2   Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled and click Apply.
                                                                                                    Step 3   Choose Wireless and then Network under 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n, unselect the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply to disable the radio network.
                                                                                                    Step 4   Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > Media. The 802.11a (or 802.11b) > Media page appears. The Voice tab is displayed by default.
                                                                                                    Step 5   Select the Admission Control (ACM) check box to enable bandwidth-based CAC for this radio band. The default value is disabled.
                                                                                                    Step 6   Select the Admission Control (ACM) you want to use by choosing from the following choices:
                                                                                                    • Load-based—To enable channel-based CAC. This is the default option.

                                                                                                    • Static—To enable radio-based CAC.

                                                                                                    Step 7   In the Max RF Bandwidth text box, enter the percentage of the maximum bandwidth allocated to clients for voice applications on this radio band. Once the client reaches the value specified, the access point rejects new calls on this radio band.

                                                                                                    The range is 5% to 85%. The sum of maximum bandwidth percentage of voice and video should not exceed 85%.

                                                                                                    The default is 75%.

                                                                                                    Step 8   In the Reserved Roaming Bandwidth text box, enter the percentage of maximum allocated bandwidth that is reserved for roaming voice clients. The controller reserves this bandwidth from the maximum allocated bandwidth for roaming voice clients.

                                                                                                    The range is 0% to 25%.

                                                                                                    The default is 6%.

                                                                                                    Step 9   To enable expedited bandwidth requests, select the Expedited Bandwidth check box. By default, this text box is disabled.
                                                                                                    Step 10   To enable SIP CAC support, select the SIP CAC Support check box. By default, SIP CAC support is disabled.
                                                                                                    Step 11   From the SIP Codec drop-down list, choose one of the following options to set the codec name. The default value is G.711. The options are as follows:
                                                                                                    • User Defined

                                                                                                    • G.711

                                                                                                    • G.729

                                                                                                    Step 12   In the SIP Bandwidth (kbps) text box, enter the bandwidth in kilobits per second.

                                                                                                    The possible range is 8 to 64.

                                                                                                    The default value is 64.


                                                                                                    The SIP Bandwidth (kbps) text box is highlighted only when you select the SIP codec as User-Defined. If you choose the SIP codec as G.711, the SIP Bandwidth (kbps) text box is set to 64. If you choose the SIP codec as G.729, the SIP Bandwidth (kbps) text box is set to 8.

                                                                                                    Step 13   In the SIP Voice Sample Interval (msecs) text box, enter the value for the sample interval.
                                                                                                    Step 14   In the Maximum Calls text box, enter the maximum number of calls that can be made to this radio. The maximum call limit includes both direct and roaming-in calls. If the maximum call limit is reached, the new or roaming-in calls result in failure.

                                                                                                    The possible range is 0 to 25.

                                                                                                    The default value is 0, which indicates that there is no check for maximum call limit.


                                                                                                    If SIP CAC is supported and the CAC method is static, the Maximum Possible Voice Calls and Maximum Possible Roaming Reserved Calls fields appear.

                                                                                                    Step 15   Select the Metrics Collection check box to collect traffic stream metrics. By default, this box is unselected. That is, the traffic stream metrics is not collected by default.
                                                                                                    Step 16   Click Apply.
                                                                                                    Step 17   Reenable all WMM WLANs and click Apply.
                                                                                                    Step 18   Choose Network under 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n, select the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply to reenable the radio network.
                                                                                                    Step 19   Click Save Configuration.
                                                                                                    Step 20   Repeat this procedure if you want to configure voice parameters for another radio band.

                                                                                                    Configuring Voice Parameters (CLI)

                                                                                                    Before You Begin

                                                                                                    Ensure that you have configured SIP-based CAC.

                                                                                                      Step 1   See all of the WLANs configured on the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                                      show wlan summary

                                                                                                      Step 2   Make sure that the WLAN that you are planning to modify is configured for WMM and the QoS level is set to Platinum by entering this command:

                                                                                                      show wlan wlan_id

                                                                                                      Step 3   Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled prior to changing the voice parameters by entering the command:

                                                                                                      config wlan disable wlan_id

                                                                                                      Step 4   Disable the radio network by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} disable network

                                                                                                      Step 5   Save your settings by entering this command:

                                                                                                      save config

                                                                                                      Step 6   Enable or disable bandwidth-based voice CAC for the 802.11a or 802.11b/g network by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac voice acm {enable | disable}

                                                                                                      Step 7   Set the percentage of maximum bandwidth allocated to clients for voice applications on the 802.11a or 802.11b/g network by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac voice max-bandwidth bandwidth

                                                                                                      The bandwidth range is 5 to 85%, and the default value is 75%. Once the client reaches the value specified, the access point rejects new calls on this network.

                                                                                                      Step 8   Set the percentage of maximum allocated bandwidth reserved for roaming voice clients by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac voice roam-bandwidth bandwidth

                                                                                                      The bandwidth range is 0 to 25%, and the default value is 6%. The controller reserves this much bandwidth from the maximum allocated bandwidth for roaming voice clients.

                                                                                                      Step 9   Configure the codec name and sample interval as parameters and to calculate the required bandwidth per call by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac voice sip codec {g711 | g729} sample-interval number_msecs

                                                                                                      Step 10   Configure the bandwidth that is required per call by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac voice sip bandwidth bandwidth_kbps sample-interval number_msecs

                                                                                                      Step 11   Reenable all WLANs with WMM enabled by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config wlan enable wlan_id

                                                                                                      Step 12   Reenable the radio network by entering this command:

                                                                                                      config {802.11a | 802.11b} enable network

                                                                                                      Step 13   View the TSM voice metrics by entering this command:

                                                                                                      show [802.11a | 802.11b] cu-metrics AP_Name

                                                                                                      The command also displays the channel utilization metrics.

                                                                                                      Step 14   Enter the save config command to save your settings.

                                                                                                      Configuring Video Parameters

                                                                                                      Configuring Video Parameters (GUI)

                                                                                                        Step 1   Ensure that the WLAN is configured for WMM and the Gold QoS level.
                                                                                                        Step 2   Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled and click Apply.
                                                                                                        Step 3   Choose Wireless and then Network under 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n, unselect the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply to disable the radio network.
                                                                                                        Step 4   Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > Media. The 802.11a (or 802.11b) > Media page appears.
                                                                                                        Step 5   In the Video tab, select the Admission Control (ACM) check box to enable video CAC for this radio band. The default value is disabled.
                                                                                                        Step 6   From the CAC Method drop-down list, choose between Static and Load Based methods.

                                                                                                        The static CAC method is based on the radio and the load-based CAC method is based on the channel.


                                                                                                        For TSpec and SIP based CAC for video calls, only Static method is supported.

                                                                                                        Step 7   In the Max RF Bandwidth text box, enter the percentage of the maximum bandwidth allocated to clients for video applications on this radio band. When the client reaches the value specified, the access point rejects new requests on this radio band.

                                                                                                        The range is 5% to 85%. The sum of maximum bandwidth percentage of voice and video should not exceed 85%. The default is 0%.

                                                                                                        Step 8   In the Reserved Roaming Bandwidth text box, enter the percentage of the maximum RF bandwidth that is reserved for roaming clients for video.
                                                                                                        Step 9   Configure the SIP CAC Support by selecting or unselecting the SIP CAC Support check box.

                                                                                                        SIP CAC is supported only if SIP Snooping is enabled.


                                                                                                        You cannot enable SIP CAC if you have selected the Load Based CAC method.

                                                                                                        Step 10   Click Apply.
                                                                                                        Step 11   Reenable all WMM WLANs and click Apply.
                                                                                                        Step 12   Choose Network under 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n, select the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply to reenable the radio network.
                                                                                                        Step 13   Click Save Configuration.
                                                                                                        Step 14   Repeat this procedure if you want to configure video parameters for another radio band.

                                                                                                        Configuring Video Parameters (CLI)

                                                                                                        Before You Begin

                                                                                                        Ensure that you have configured SIP-based CAC.

                                                                                                          Step 1   See all of the WLANs configured on the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                                          show wlan summary

                                                                                                          Step 2   Make sure that the WLAN that you are planning to modify is configured for WMM and the QoS level is set to Gold by entering this command:

                                                                                                          show wlan wlan_id

                                                                                                          Step 3   Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled prior to changing the video parameters by entering this command:

                                                                                                          config wlan disable wlan_id

                                                                                                          Step 4   Disable the radio network by entering this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} disable network

                                                                                                          Step 5   Save your settings by entering this command:

                                                                                                          save config

                                                                                                          Step 6   Enable or disable video CAC for the 802.11a or 802.11b/g network by entering this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac video acm {enable | disable}

                                                                                                          Step 7   To configure the CAC method as either static or load-based, enter this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac video cac-method {static | load-based}

                                                                                                          Step 8   Set the percentage of maximum bandwidth allocated to clients for video applications on the 802.11a or 802.11b/g network by entering this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac video max-bandwidth bandwidth

                                                                                                          The bandwidth range is 5 to 85%, and the default value is 5%. However, the maximum RF bandwidth cannot exceed 85% for voice and video. Once the client reaches the value specified, the access point rejects new calls on this network.


                                                                                                          If this parameter is set to zero (0), the controller assumes that you do not want to do any bandwidth allocation and, therefore, allows all bandwidth requests.

                                                                                                          Step 9   To configure the percentage of the maximum RF bandwidth that is reserved for roaming clients for video, enter this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac video roam-bandwidth bandwidth

                                                                                                          Step 10   To configure the CAC parameters for SIP-based video calls, enter this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac video sip {enable | disable}

                                                                                                          Step 11   Process or ignore the TSPEC inactivity timeout received from an access point by entering this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac video tspec-inactivity-timeout {enable | ignore}

                                                                                                          Step 12   Reenable all WLANs with WMM enabled by entering this command:

                                                                                                          config wlan enable wlan_id

                                                                                                          Step 13   Reenable the radio network by entering this command:

                                                                                                          config {802.11a | 802.11b} enable network

                                                                                                          Step 14   Enter the save config command to save your settings.

                                                                                                          Viewing Voice and Video Settings

                                                                                                          Viewing Voice and Video Settings (GUI)

                                                                                                            Step 1   Choose Monitor > Clients to open the Clients page.
                                                                                                            Step 2   Click the MAC address of the desired client to open the Clients > Detail page.

                                                                                                            This page shows the U-APSD status (if enabled) for this client under Quality of Service Properties.

                                                                                                            Step 3   Click Back to return to the Clients page.
                                                                                                            Step 4   See the TSM statistics for a particular client and the access point to which this client is associated as follows:
                                                                                                            1. Hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired client and choose 802.11aTSM or 802.11b/g TSM. The Clients > AP page appears.
                                                                                                            2. Click the Detail link for the desired access point to open the Clients > AP > Traffic Stream Metrics page.

                                                                                                              This page shows the TSM statistics for this client and the access point to which it is associated. The statistics are shown in 90-second intervals. The timestamp text box shows the specific interval when the statistics were collected.

                                                                                                            Step 5   See the TSM statistics for a particular access point and a particular client associated to this access point, as follows:
                                                                                                            1. Choose Wireless > Access Points > Radios > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n. The 802.11a/n Radios or 802.11b/g/n Radios page appears.
                                                                                                            2. Hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow for the desired access point and choose 802.11aTSM or 802.11b/g TSM. The AP > Clients page appears.
                                                                                                            3. Click the Detail link for the desired client to open the AP > Clients > Traffic Stream Metrics page.

                                                                                                              This page shows the TSM statistics for this access point and a client associated to it. The statistics are shown in 90-second intervals. The timestamp text box shows the specific interval when the statistics were collected.

                                                                                                            Viewing Voice and Video Settings (CLI)

                                                                                                              Step 1   See the CAC configuration for the 802.11 network by entering this command:

                                                                                                              show ap stats {802.11a | 802.11b}

                                                                                                              Step 2   See the CAC statistics for a particular access point by entering this command:

                                                                                                              show ap stats {802.11a | 802.11b} ap_name

                                                                                                              Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                                              Call Admission Control (CAC) Stats
                                                                                                                Voice Bandwidth in use(% of config bw)......... 0
                                                                                                              Total channel MT free........................ 0
                                                                                                              Total voice MT free.......................... 0
                                                                                                              Na Direct.................................... 0
                                                                                                              Na Roam...................................... 0
                                                                                                                Video Bandwidth in use(% of config bw)......... 0
                                                                                                                Total num of voice calls in progress........... 0
                                                                                                                Num of roaming voice calls in progress......... 0
                                                                                                                Total Num of voice calls since AP joined....... 0
                                                                                                                Total Num of roaming calls since AP joined..... 0
                                                                                                              	Total Num of exp bw requests received.......... 5
                                                                                                                Total Num of exp bw requests admitted.......... 2
Num of voice calls rejected since AP joined...... 0
                                                                                                                Num of roam calls rejected since AP joined..... 0
                                                                                                                Num of calls rejected due to insufficient bw....0
                                                                                                                Num of calls rejected due to invalid params.... 0
                                                                                                                Num of calls rejected due to PHY rate.......... 0
                                                                                                                Num of calls rejected due to QoS policy..... 0


                                                                                                              In the example above, “MT” is medium time, “Na” is the number of additional calls, and “exp bw” is expedited bandwidth.


                                                                                                              Suppose an AP has to be rebooted when a voice client associated with the AP is on an active call. After the AP is rebooted, the client continues to maintain the call, and during the time the AP is down, the database is not refreshed by the controller. Therefore, we recommend that all active calls are ended before the AP is taken down.

                                                                                                              Step 3   See the U-APSD status for a particular client by entering this command:

                                                                                                              show client detail client_mac

                                                                                                              Step 4   See the TSM statistics for a particular client and the access point to which this client is associated by entering this command:

                                                                                                              show client tsm {802.11a | 802.11b} client_mac {ap_mac | all}

                                                                                                              The optional all command shows all access points to which this client has associated. Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                                              Client Interface Mac:               00:01:02:03:04:05
                                                                                                              Measurement Duration:               90 seconds
                                                                                                                Timestamp                           1st Jan 2006, 06:35:80
                                                                                                                  UpLink Stats
                                                                                                                     Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
                                                                                                                     Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
                                                                                                                    Total packet Count.........................................80
                                                                                                                    Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
                                                                                                                    Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
                                                                                                                    Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2
                                                                                                                  DownLink Stats
                                                                                                                     Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
                                                                                                                     Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
                                                                                                                    Total packet Count.........................................80
                                                                                                                    Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
                                                                                                                    Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
                                                                                                                    Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2

                                                                                                              The statistics are shown in 90-second intervals. The timestamp text box shows the specific interval when the statistics were collected.


                                                                                                              Clear the TSM statistics for a particular access point or all the access points to which this client is associated by entering this clear client tsm {802.11a | 802.11b} client_mac {ap_mac | all} command.

                                                                                                              Step 5   See the TSM statistics for a particular access point and a particular client associated to this access point by entering this command:

                                                                                                              show ap stats {802.11a | 802.11b} ap_name tsm {client_mac | all}

                                                                                                              The optional all command shows all clients associated to this access point. Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                                              AP Interface Mac:                   00:0b:85:01:02:03
                                                                                                              Client Interface Mac:               00:01:02:03:04:05
                                                                                                              Measurement Duration:               90 seconds
                                                                                                                Timestamp                           1st Jan 2006, 06:35:80
                                                                                                                  UpLink Stats
                                                                                                                     Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
                                                                                                                     Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
                                                                                                                    Total packet Count.........................................80
                                                                                                                    Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
                                                                                                                    Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
                                                                                                                    Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2
                                                                                                                  DownLink Stats
                                                                                                                     Average Delay (5sec intervals)............................35
                                                                                                                     Delay less than 10 ms.....................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 10 - 20 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay bet 20 - 40 ms......................................20
                                                                                                                     Delay greater than 40 ms..................................20
                                                                                                                    Total packet Count.........................................80
                                                                                                                    Total packet lost count (5sec).............................10
                                                                                                                    Maximum Lost Packet count(5sec)............................5
                                                                                                                    Average Lost Packet count(5secs)...........................2

                                                                                                              The statistics are shown in 90-second intervals. The timestamp text box shows the specific interval when the statistics were collected.

                                                                                                              Step 6   Enable or disable debugging for call admission control (CAC) messages, events, or packets by entering this command:

                                                                                                              debug cac {all | event | packet}{enable | disable}

                                                                                                              where all configures debugging for all CAC messages, event configures debugging for all CAC events, and packet configures debugging for all CAC packets.

                                                                                                              Step 7   Use the following command to perform voice diagnostics and to view the debug messages between a maximum of two 802.11 clients:

                                                                                                              debug voice-diag {enable | disable} mac-id mac-id2 [verbose]

                                                                                                              The verbose mode is an optional argument. When the verbose option is used, all debug messages are displayed in the console. You can use this command to monitor a maximum of two 802.11 clients. If one of the clients is a non-WiFi client, only the 802.11 client is monitored for debug messages.


                                                                                                              It is implicitly assumed that the clients being monitored are on call.


                                                                                                              The debug command automatically stops after 60 minutes.

                                                                                                              Step 8   Use the following commands to view various voice-related parameters:
                                                                                                              • show client voice-diag status

                                                                                                                Displays information about whether voice diagnostics is enabled or disabled. If enabled, will also displays information about the clients in the watch list and the time remaining for the diagnostics of the voice call.

                                                                                                                If voice diagnostics is disabled when the following commands are entered, a message indicating that voice diagnostics is disabled appears.

                                                                                                              • show client voice-diag tspec

                                                                                                                Displays the TSPEC information sent from the clients that are enabled for voice diagnostics.

                                                                                                              • show client voice-diag qos-map

                                                                                                                Displays information about the QoS/DSCP mapping and packet statistics in each of the four queues: VO, VI, BE, BK. The different DSCP values are also displayed.

                                                                                                              • show client voice-diag avrg_rssi

                                                                                                                Display the client’s RSSI values in the last 5 seconds when voice diagnostics is enabled.

                                                                                                              • show client voice-diag roam-history

                                                                                                                Displays information about the last three roaming calls. The output contains the timestamp, access point associated with roaming, roaming reason, and if there is a roaming failure, the reason for the roaming-failure.

                                                                                                              • show client calls {active | rejected} {802.11a | 802.11bg | all}

                                                                                                                This command lists the details of active TSPEC and SIP calls on the controller.

                                                                                                              Step 9   Use the following commands to troubleshoot video debug messages and statistics:
                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats {802.11b | 802.11a} ap-name multicast—Displays the access point’s supported multicast rates.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats {802.11b | 802.11a} ap-name load—Displays the access point’s QBSS and other statistics.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats {802.11b | 802.11a} ap-name tx-queue—Displays the access point’s transmit queue traffic statistics.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats {802.11b | 802.11a} ap-name client {all | video | client-mac}—Displays the access point’s client metrics.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats {802.11b | 802.11a} ap-name packet—Displays the access point’s packet statistics.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats {802.11b | 802.11a} ap-name video metrics—Displays the access point’s video metrics.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats video ap-name multicast mgid number —Displays an access point’s Layer 2 MGID database number.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats video ap-name admission—Displays an access point’s admission control statistics.

                                                                                                              • debug ap show stats video ap-name bandwidth—Displays an access point’s video bandwidth.

                                                                                                              Configuring SIP Based CAC

                                                                                                              Restrictions for SIP-Based CAC

                                                                                                              • SIPs are available only on the Cisco 5500 Series Controllers, Cisco 8500 Series Controllers, and on the 1240, 1130, and 11n access points.

                                                                                                              • SIP CAC should only be used for phones that support status code 17 and do not support TSPEC-based admission control.

                                                                                                              • SIP CAC will be supported only if SIP snooping is enabled.

                                                                                                              Configuring SIP-Based CAC (GUI)

                                                                                                              Before You Begin
                                                                                                              • Ensure that you have set the voice to the platinum QoS level.

                                                                                                              • Ensure that you have enabled call snooping for the WLAN.

                                                                                                              • Ensure that you have enabled the Admission Control (ACM) for this radio.

                                                                                                                Step 1   Choose Wireless > Advanced > SIP Snooping to open the SIP Snooping page.
                                                                                                                Step 2   Specify the call-snooping ports by entering the starting port and the ending port.
                                                                                                                Step 3   Click Apply and then click Save Configuration.

                                                                                                                Configuring SIP-Based CAC (CLI)

                                                                                                                  Step 1   Set the voice to the platinum QoS level by entering this command:

                                                                                                                  config wlan qos wlan-id Platinum

                                                                                                                  Step 2   Enable the call-snooping feature for a particular WLAN by entering this command:

                                                                                                                  config wlan call-snoop enable wlan-id

                                                                                                                  Step 3   Enable the ACM to this radio by entering this command:

                                                                                                                  config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac {voice | video} acm enable

                                                                                                                  Step 4   To configure the call snooping ports, enter this command:

                                                                                                                  config advanced sip-snooping-ports starting-port ending-port

                                                                                                                  Step 5   To troubleshoot SIP-based CAC events, enter this command:

                                                                                                                  debug sip event {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                  Configuring Media Parameters

                                                                                                                  Configuring Media Parameters (GUI)

                                                                                                                    Step 1   Ensure that the WLAN is configured for WMM and the Gold QoS level.
                                                                                                                    Step 2   Disable all WLANs with WMM enabled and click Apply.
                                                                                                                    Step 3   Choose Wireless and then Network under 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n, unselect the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply to disable the radio network.
                                                                                                                    Step 4   Choose Wireless > 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n > Media. The 802.11a (or 802.11b) > Media > Parameters page appears.
                                                                                                                    Step 5   Choose the Media tab to open the Media page.
                                                                                                                    Step 6   Select the Unicast Video Redirect check box to enable Unicast Video Redirect. The default value is disabled.
                                                                                                                    Step 7   In the Maximum Media Bandwidth (0-85%) text box, enter the percentage of the maximum bandwidth to be allocated for media applications on this radio band. Once the client reaches the specified value, the access point rejects new calls on this radio band.

                                                                                                                    The default value is 85%; valid values are from 0 to 85%.

                                                                                                                    Step 8   In the Client Phy Rate text box, enter the value for the rate in kilobits per second at which the client operates.
                                                                                                                    Step 9   In the Maximum Retry Percent (0-100%) text box, enter the percentage of the maximum retry. The default value is 80.
                                                                                                                    Step 10   Select the Multicast Direct Enable check box to enable the Multicast Direct Enable text box. The default value is enabled.
                                                                                                                    Step 11   From the Max Streams per Radio drop-down list, choose the maximum number of allowed multicast direct streams per radio. Choose a value between 1 to 20 or No Limit. The default value is set to No Limit.
                                                                                                                    Step 12   From the Max Streams per Client drop-down list, choose the maximum number of allowed clients per radio. Choose a value between 1 to 20 or No Limit. The default value is set to No Limit.
                                                                                                                    Step 13   If you want to enable the best radio queue for this radio, select the Best Effort QoS Admission check box. The default value is disabled.

                                                                                                                    Configuring Voice Prioritization Using Preferred Call Numbers

                                                                                                                    Information About Configuring Voice Prioritization Using Preferred Call Numbers

                                                                                                                    You can configure a controller to support calls from clients that do not support TSPEC-based calls. This feature is known as voice prioritization. These calls are given priority over other clients utilizing the voice pool. Voice prioritization is available only for SIP-based calls and not for TSPEC-based calls. If the bandwidth is available, it takes the normal flow and allocates the bandwidth to those calls.

                                                                                                                    You can configure up to six preferred call numbers. When a call comes to one of the configured preferred numbers, the controller does not check on the maximum call limit. It invokes the CAC to allocate bandwidth for the preferred call. The bandwidth allocation is 85 percent of the entire bandwidth pool, not just from the maximum configured voice pool. The bandwidth allocation is the same even for roaming calls.

                                                                                                                    Prerequisites for Configuring Voice Prioritization Using Preferred Call Numbers

                                                                                                                    You must configure the following before configuring voice prioritization:

                                                                                                                    • Set WLAN QoS to platinum.

                                                                                                                    • Enable ACM for the radio.

                                                                                                                    • Enable SIP call snooping on the WLAN.

                                                                                                                    Configuring a Preferred Call Number

                                                                                                                    Configuring a Preferred Call Number (GUI)

                                                                                                                      Step 1   Set the WLAN QoS profile to Platinum.
                                                                                                                      Step 2   Enable ACM for the WLAN radio.
                                                                                                                      Step 3   Enable SIP call snooping for the WLAN.
                                                                                                                      Step 4   Choose Wireless > Advanced > Preferred Call to open the Preferred Call page.

                                                                                                                      All calls configured on the controller appear.


                                                                                                                      To remove a preferred call, hover your cursor over the blue drop-down arrow and choose Remove.

                                                                                                                      Step 5   Click Add Number to add a new preferred call.
                                                                                                                      Step 6   In the Call Index text box, enter the index that you want to assign to the call. Valid values are from 1 through 6.
                                                                                                                      Step 7   In the Call Number text box, enter the number.
                                                                                                                      Step 8   Click Apply to add the new number.

                                                                                                                      Configuring a Preferred Call Number (CLI)

                                                                                                                        Step 1   Set the voice to the platinum QoS level by entering this command:

                                                                                                                        config wlan qos wlan-id Platinum

                                                                                                                        Step 2   Enable the ACM to this radio by entering this command:

                                                                                                                        config {802.11a | 802.11b} cac {voice | video} acm enable

                                                                                                                        Step 3   Enable the call-snooping feature for a particular WLAN by entering this command:

                                                                                                                        config wlan call-snoop enable wlan-id

                                                                                                                        Step 4   Add a new preferred call by entering this command:

                                                                                                                        config advanced sip-preferred-call-no call_index {call_number | none}

                                                                                                                        Step 5   Remove a preferred call by entering this command:

                                                                                                                        config advanced sip-preferred-call-no call_index none

                                                                                                                        Step 6   View the preferred call statistics by entering the following command:

                                                                                                                        show ap stats {802.11{a | b} | wlan} ap_name

                                                                                                                        Step 7   Enter the following command to list the preferred call numbers:

                                                                                                                        show advanced sip-preferred-call-no

                                                                                                                        Configuring EDCA Parameters

                                                                                                                        Information About EDCA Parameters

                                                                                                                        Enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) parameters are designed to provide preferential wireless channel access for voice, video, and other quality-of-service (QoS) traffic.

                                                                                                                        Configuring EDCA Parameters

                                                                                                                        Configuring EDCA Parameters (GUI)

                                                                                                                          Step 1   Choose Wireless and then Network under 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n, unselect the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply to disable the radio network.
                                                                                                                          Step 2   Choose EDCA Parametersunder 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n. The 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) > EDCA Parameters page appears.
                                                                                                                          Step 3   Choose one of the following options from the EDCA Profile drop-down list:
                                                                                                                          • WMM—Enables the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) default parameters. This is the default value. Choose this option when voice or video services are not deployed on your network.

                                                                                                                          • Spectralink Voice Priority—Enables SpectraLink voice priority parameters. Choose this option if SpectraLink phones are deployed on your network to improve the quality of calls.

                                                                                                                          • Voice Optimized—Enables EDCA voice-optimized profile parameters. Choose this option when voice services other than SpectraLink are deployed on your network.

                                                                                                                          • Voice & Video Optimized—Enables EDCA voice- and video-optimized profile parameters. Choose this option when both voice and video services are deployed on your network.

                                                                                                                          • Custom Voice—Enables custom voice EDCA parameters for 802.11a. The EDCA parameters under this option also match the 6.0 WMM EDCA parameters when this profile is applied.


                                                                                                                            If you deploy video services, admission control (ACM) must be disabled.

                                                                                                                          Step 4   If you want to enable MAC optimization for voice, select the Enable Low Latency MAC check box. Otherwise, leave this check box unselected, which is the default value. This feature enhances voice performance by controlling packet retransmits and appropriately aging out voice packets on lightweight access points, which improves the number of voice calls serviced per access point.

                                                                                                                          We do not recommend you to enable low latency MAC. You should enable low latency MAC only if the WLAN allows WMM clients. If WMM is enabled, then low latency MAC can be used with any of the EDCA profiles.

                                                                                                                          Step 5   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                                                                                                                          Step 6   To reenable the radio network, choose Network under 802.11a/n or 802.11b/g/n, select the 802.11a (or 802.11b/g) Network Status check box, and click Apply.
                                                                                                                          Step 7   Click Save Configuration.

                                                                                                                          Configuring EDCA Parameters (CLI)

                                                                                                                            Step 1   Disable the radio network by entering this command:

                                                                                                                            config {802.11a | 802.11b} disable network

                                                                                                                            Step 2   Save your settings by entering this command:

                                                                                                                            save config

                                                                                                                            Step 3   Enable a specific EDCA profile by entering this command:

                                                                                                                            config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} edca-parameters {wmm-default | svp-voice| optimized-voice| optimzed-voice-video| custom-voice}

                                                                                                                            • wmm-default—Enables the Wi-Fi Multimedia (WMM) default parameters. This is the default value. Choose this option when voice or video services are not deployed on your network.

                                                                                                                            • svp-voice—Enables SpectraLink voice priority parameters. Choose this option if SpectraLink phones are deployed on your network to improve the quality of calls.

                                                                                                                            • optimized-voice—Enables EDCA voice-optimized profile parameters. Choose this option when voice services other than SpectraLink are deployed on your network.

                                                                                                                            • optimized-video-voice—Enables EDCA voice- and video-optimized profile parameters. Choose this option when both voice and video services are deployed on your network.

                                                                                                                            • custom-voice—Enables custom voice EDCA parameters for 802.11a. The EDCA parameters under this option also match the 6.0 WMM EDCA parameters when this profile is applied.


                                                                                                                              If you deploy video services, admission control (ACM) must be disabled.

                                                                                                                            Step 4   View the current status of MAC optimization for voice by entering this command:

                                                                                                                            show {802.11a | 802.11b}

                                                                                                                            Information similar to the following appears:


                                                                                                                            Step 5   Enable or disable MAC optimization for voice by entering this command:

                                                                                                                            config advanced {802.11a | 802.11b} voice-mac-optimization {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                            This feature enhances voice performance by controlling packet retransmits and appropriately aging out voice packets on lightweight access points, which improves the number of voice calls serviced per access point. The default value is disabled.

                                                                                                                            Step 6   Reenable the radio network by entering this command:

                                                                                                                            config {802.11a | 802.11b} enable network

                                                                                                                            Step 7   Enter the save config command to save your settings.

                                                                                                                            Configuring the Cisco Discovery Protocol

                                                                                                                            Information About Configuring the Cisco Discovery Protocol

                                                                                                                            The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a device discovery protocol that runs on all Cisco-manufactured equipment. A device enabled with CDP sends out periodic interface updates to a multicast address in order to make itself known to neighboring devices.

                                                                                                                            The default value for the frequency of periodic transmissions is 60 seconds, and the default advertised time-to-live value is 180 seconds. The second and latest version of the protocol, CDPv2, introduces new time-length-values (TLVs) and provides a reporting mechanism that allows for more rapid error tracking, which reduces downtime.


                                                                                                                            Cisco recommends that you disable Cisco Discovery Protocol on the controller and access point when connected to non-Cisco switches as CDP is unsupported on non-Cisco switches and network elements.

                                                                                                                            Restrictions for Configuring the Cisco Discovery Protocol

                                                                                                                            • CDPv1 and CDPv2 are supported on the following devices:

                                                                                                                              • Cisco 2504 Wireless Controller

                                                                                                                              • Cisco 5508 Wireless Controller

                                                                                                                              • Cisco 5520 Wireless Controller

                                                                                                                              • Cisco 8510 Wireless Controller

                                                                                                                              • Cisco 8540 Wireless Controller

                                                                                                                              • CAPWAP-enabled access points

                                                                                                                              • An access point connected directly to a Cisco 2504 Wireless Controller


                                                                                                                                To use the Intelligent Power Management feature, ensure that CDPv2 is enabled on the Cisco 2504 Wireless Controller. CDP v2 is enabled by default.

                                                                                                                            • The Cisco 600 Series OEAP access points do not support CDP.

                                                                                                                            • The support of CDPv1 and CDPv2 enables network management applications to discover Cisco devices.

                                                                                                                            • The following TLVs are supported by both the controller and the access point:

                                                                                                                              • Device-ID TLV: 0x0001—The hostname of the controller, the access point, or the CDP neighbor.

                                                                                                                              • Address TLV: 0x0002—The IP address of the controller, the access point, or the CDP neighbor.

                                                                                                                              • Port-ID TLV: 0x0003—The name of the interface on which CDP packets are sent out.

                                                                                                                              • Capabilities TLV: 0x0004—The capabilities of the device. The controller sends out this TLV with a value of Host: 0x10, and the access point sends out this TLV with a value of Transparent Bridge: 0x02.

                                                                                                                              • Version TLV: 0x0005—The software version of the controller, the access point, or the CDP neighbor.

                                                                                                                              • Platform TLV: 0x0006—The hardware platform of the controller, the access point, or the CDP neighbor.

                                                                                                                              • Power Available TLV: 0x001a— The amount of power available to be transmitted by power sourcing equipment to permit a device to negotiate and select an appropriate power setting.

                                                                                                                              • Full/Half Duplex TLV: 0x000b—The full- or half-duplex mode of the Ethernet link on which CDP packets are sent out.

                                                                                                                            • These TLVs are supported only by the access point:

                                                                                                                              • Power Consumption TLV: 0x0010—The maximum amount of power consumed by the access point.

                                                                                                                              • Power Request TLV:0x0019—The amount of power to be transmitted by a powerable device in order to negotiate a suitable power level with the supplier of the network power.

                                                                                                                            • Changing the CDP configuration on the controller does not change the CDP configuration on the access points that are connected to the controller. You must enable and disable CDP separately for each access point.

                                                                                                                            • You can enable or disable the CDP state on all or specific interfaces and radios. This configuration can be applied to all access points or a specific access point.

                                                                                                                            • The following is the behavior assumed for various interfaces and access points:

                                                                                                                              • CDP is disabled on radio interfaces on indoor (nonindoor mesh) access points.

                                                                                                                              • Nonmesh access points have CDPs disabled on radio interfaces when they join the controller. The persistent CDP configuration is used for the APs that had CDP support in its previous image.

                                                                                                                              • CDP is enabled on radio interfaces on indoor-mesh and mesh access points.

                                                                                                                              • Mesh access points will have CDP enabled on their radio interfaces when they join the controller. The persistent CDP configuration is used for the access points that had CDP support in a previous image. The CDP configuration for radio interfaces is applicable only for mesh APs.

                                                                                                                            Configuring the Cisco Discovery Protocol

                                                                                                                            Configuring the Cisco Discovery Protocol (GUI)

                                                                                                                              Step 1   Choose Controller > CDP > Global Configuration to open the CDP > Global Configuration page.
                                                                                                                              Step 2   Select the CDP Protocol Status check box to enable CDP on the controller or unselect it to disable this feature. The default value is selected.

                                                                                                                              Enabling or disabling this feature is applicable to all controller ports.

                                                                                                                              Step 3   From the CDP Advertisement Version drop-down list, choose v1 or v2 to specify the highest CDP version supported on the controller. The default value is v1.
                                                                                                                              Step 4   In the Refresh-time Interval text box, enter the interval at which CDP messages are to be generated. The range is 5 to 254 seconds, and the default value is 60 seconds.
                                                                                                                              Step 5   In the Holdtime text box, enter the amount of time to be advertised as the time-to-live value in generated CDP packets. The range is 10 to 255 seconds, and the default value is 180 seconds.
                                                                                                                              Step 6   Click Apply to commit your changes.
                                                                                                                              Step 7   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.
                                                                                                                              Step 8   Perform one of the following:
                                                                                                                              • To enable or disable CDP on a specific access point, follow these steps:

                                                                                                                                Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs to open the All APs page.

                                                                                                                                Click the link for the desired access point.

                                                                                                                                Choose the Advanced tab to open the All APs > Details for (Advanced) page.

                                                                                                                                Select the Cisco Discovery Protocol check box to enable CDP on this access point or unselect it to disable this feature. The default value is enabled.


                                                                                                                                If CDP is disabled in Step 2, a message indicating that the Controller CDP is disabled appears.

                                                                                                                              • Enable CDP for a specific Ethernet interface, radio, or slot as follows:

                                                                                                                                Choose Wireless > Access Points > All APs to open the All APs page.

                                                                                                                                Click the link for the desired access point.

                                                                                                                                Choose the Interfaces tab and select the corresponding check boxes for the radios or slots from the CDP Configuration section.


                                                                                                                                Configuration for radios is only applicable for mesh access points.

                                                                                                                                Click Apply to commit your changes.

                                                                                                                              • To enable or disable CDP on all access points currently associated to the controller, follow these steps:

                                                                                                                                Choose Wireless > Access Points > Global Configuration to open the Global Configuration page.

                                                                                                                                Select the CDP State check box to enable CDP on all access points associated to the controller or unselect it to disable CDP on all access points. The default value is selected. You can enable CDP on a specific Ethernet interface, radio, or slot by selecting the corresponding check box. This configuration will be applied to all access points associated with the controller.

                                                                                                                                Click Apply to commit your changes.

                                                                                                                              Step 9   Click Save Configuration to save your changes.

                                                                                                                              Configuring the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CLI)

                                                                                                                                Step 1   Enable or disable CDP on the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                config cdp {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                CDP is enabled by default.

                                                                                                                                Step 2   Specify the interval at which CDP messages are to be generated by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                config cdp timer seconds

                                                                                                                                The range is 5 to 254 seconds, and the default value is 60 seconds.

                                                                                                                                Step 3   Specify the amount of time to be advertised as the time-to-live value in generated CDP packets by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                config cdp holdtime seconds

                                                                                                                                The range is 10 to 255 seconds, and the default value is 180 seconds.

                                                                                                                                Step 4   Specify the highest CDP version supported on the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                config cdp advertise {v1 | v2}

                                                                                                                                The default value is v1.

                                                                                                                                Step 5   Enable or disable CDP on all access points that are joined to the controller by entering the config ap cdp {enable | disable} all command.

                                                                                                                                The config ap cdp disable all command disables CDP on all access points that are joined to the controller and all access points that join in the future. CDP remains disabled on both current and future access points even after the controller or access point reboots. To enable CDP, enter the config ap cdp enable all command.


                                                                                                                                After you enable CDP on all access points joined to the controller, you may disable and then reenable CDP on individual access points using the command in Step 6. After you disable CDP on all access points joined to the controller, you may not enable and then disable CDP on individual access points.

                                                                                                                                Step 6   Enable or disable CDP on a specific access point by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                config ap cdp {enable | disable} Cisco_AP

                                                                                                                                Step 7   Configure CDP on a specific or all access points for a specific interface by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                config ap cdp {ethernet | radio} interface_number slot_id {enable | disable} {all | Cisco_AP}


                                                                                                                                When you use the config ap cdp command to configure CDP on radio interfaces, a warning message appears indicating that the configuration is applicable only for mesh access points.

                                                                                                                                Step 8   Save your changes by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                save config

                                                                                                                                Viewing Cisco Discovery Protocol Information

                                                                                                                                Viewing Cisco Discovery Protocol Information (GUI)

                                                                                                                                  Step 1   Choose Monitor > CDP > Interface Neighbors to open the CDP > Interface Neighbors page appears.

                                                                                                                                  This page shows the following information:

                                                                                                                                  • The controller port on which the CDP packets were received

                                                                                                                                  • The name of each CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The IP address of each CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The port used by each CDP neighbor for transmitting CDP packets

                                                                                                                                  • The time left (in seconds) before each CDP neighbor entry expires

                                                                                                                                  • The functional capability of each CDP neighbor, defined as follows: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge, S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, or M - Remotely Managed Device

                                                                                                                                  • The hardware platform of each CDP neighbor device

                                                                                                                                  Step 2   Click the name of the desired interface neighbor to see more detailed information about each interface’s CDP neighbor. The CDP > Interface Neighbors > Detail page appears.

                                                                                                                                  This page shows the following information:

                                                                                                                                  • The controller port on which the CDP packets were received

                                                                                                                                  • The name of the CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The IP address of the CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The port used by the CDP neighbor for transmitting CDP packets

                                                                                                                                  • The CDP version being advertised (v1 or v2)

                                                                                                                                  • The time left (in seconds) before the CDP neighbor entry expires

                                                                                                                                  • The functional capability of the CDP neighbor, defined as follows: Router, Trans Bridge,?Source Route Bridge, Switch, Host, IGMP, Repeater, or Remotely Managed Device

                                                                                                                                  • The hardware platform of the CDP neighbor device

                                                                                                                                  • The software running on the CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  Step 3   Choose AP Neighbors to see a list of CDP neighbors for all access points connected to the controller. The CDP AP Neighbors page appears.
                                                                                                                                  Step 4   Click the CDP Neighbors link for the desired access point to see a list of CDP neighbors for a specific access point. The CDP > AP Neighbors page appears.

                                                                                                                                  This page shows the following information:

                                                                                                                                  • The name of each access point

                                                                                                                                  • The IP address of each access point

                                                                                                                                  • The name of each CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The IP address of each CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The port used by each CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The CDP version being advertised (v1 or v2)

                                                                                                                                  Step 5   Click the name of the desired access point to see detailed information about an access point’s CDP neighbors. The CDP > AP Neighbors > Detail page appears.

                                                                                                                                  This page shows the following information:

                                                                                                                                  • The name of the access point

                                                                                                                                  • The MAC address of the access point’s radio

                                                                                                                                  • The IP address of the access point

                                                                                                                                  • The interface on which the CDP packets were received

                                                                                                                                  • The name of the CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The IP address of the CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The port used by the CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  • The CDP version being advertised (v1 or v2)

                                                                                                                                  • The time left (in seconds) before the CDP neighbor entry expires

                                                                                                                                  • The functional capability of the CDP neighbor, defined as follows: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge,?B - Source Route Bridge, S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater, or M - Remotely Managed Device

                                                                                                                                  • The hardware platform of the CDP neighbor device

                                                                                                                                  • The software running on the CDP neighbor

                                                                                                                                  Step 6   Choose Traffic Metrics to see CDP traffic information. The CDP > Traffic Metrics page appears.

                                                                                                                                  This page shows the following information:

                                                                                                                                  • The number of CDP packets received by the controller

                                                                                                                                  • The number of CDP packets sent from the controller

                                                                                                                                  • The number of packets that experienced a checksum error

                                                                                                                                  • The number of packets dropped due to insufficient memory

                                                                                                                                  • The number of invalid packets

                                                                                                                                  Viewing Cisco Discovery Protocol Information (CLI)

                                                                                                                                    Step 1   See the status of CDP and to view CDP protocol information by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                    show cdp

                                                                                                                                    Step 2   See a list of all CDP neighbors on all interfaces by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                    show cdp neighbors [detail]

                                                                                                                                    The optional detail command provides detailed information for the controller’s CDP neighbors.


                                                                                                                                    This command shows only the CDP neighbors of the controller. It does not show the CDP neighbors of the controller’s associated access points. Additional commands are provided below to show the list of CDP neighbors per access point.

                                                                                                                                    Step 3   See all CDP entries in the database by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                    show cdp entry all

                                                                                                                                    Step 4   See CDP traffic information on a given port (for example, packets sent and received, CRC errors, and so on) by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                    show cdp traffic

                                                                                                                                    Step 5   See the CDP status for a specific access point by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                    show ap cdp ap-name Cisco_AP

                                                                                                                                    Step 6   See the CDP status for all access points that are connected to the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                    show ap cdp all

                                                                                                                                    Step 7   See a list of all CDP neighbors for a specific access point by entering these commands:
                                                                                                                                    • show ap cdp neighbors ap-name Cisco_AP

                                                                                                                                    • show ap cdp neighbors detail Cisco_AP


                                                                                                                                      The access point sends CDP neighbor information to the controller only when the information changes.

                                                                                                                                    Step 8   See a list of all CDP neighbors for all access points connected to the controller by entering these commands:
                                                                                                                                    • show ap cdp neighbors all

                                                                                                                                    • show ap cdp neighbors detail all


                                                                                                                                      The access point sends CDP neighbor information to the controller only when the information changes.

                                                                                                                                    Getting CDP Debug Information

                                                                                                                                    • Get debug information related to CDP packets by entering by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                      debug cdp packets

                                                                                                                                    • Get debug information related to CDP events by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                      debug cdp events

                                                                                                                                    Configuring Authentication for the Controller and NTP Server

                                                                                                                                    Information About Configuring Authentication for the Controller and NTP/SNTP Server

                                                                                                                                    Cisco WLCs must synchronize time with an NTP/SNTP server by authentication. By default, an MD5 checksum is used.

                                                                                                                                    Configuring Authentication for the Controller and NTP Server

                                                                                                                                    Configuring the NTP/SNTP Server for Authentication (GUI)

                                                                                                                                      Step 1   Choose Controller > NTP > Server to open the NTP Severs page.
                                                                                                                                      Step 2   Click New to add a new NTP/SNTP Server.
                                                                                                                                      Step 3   In the Server Index (Priority) text box, enter the NTP/SNTP server index.

                                                                                                                                      The controller tries Index 1 first, then Index 2 through 3, in a descending order. Set this to 1 if your network is using only one NTP/SNTP server.

                                                                                                                                      Step 4   Enter the server IP address.
                                                                                                                                      Step 5   Enable or disable the NTP/SNTP Authentication.
                                                                                                                                      Step 6   If you enable the NTP/SNTP Authentication, enter the Key Index.
                                                                                                                                      Step 7   Click Apply.

                                                                                                                                      Configuring the NTP/SNTP Server for Authentication (CLI)

                                                                                                                                      • config time ntp auth enable server-index key-index—Enables NTP/SNTP authentication on a given NTP/SNTP server.

                                                                                                                                      • config time ntp key-auth add key-index md5 key-format key—Adds an authentication key. By default MD5 is used. The key format can be "ascii" or "hex".

                                                                                                                                      • config time ntp key-auth delete key-index—Deletes authentication keys.

                                                                                                                                      • config time ntp auth disable server-index—Disables NTP/SNTP authentication.

                                                                                                                                      • show ntp-keys—Displays the NTP/SNTP authentication related parameter.

                                                                                                                                      Configuring RFID Tag Tracking

                                                                                                                                      Information About Configuring RFID Tag Tracking

                                                                                                                                      The controller enables you to configure radio-frequency identification (RFID) tag tracking. RFID tags are small wireless devices that are affixed to assets for real-time location tracking. They operate by advertising their location using special 802.11 packets, which are processed by access points, the controller, and the mobility services engine.

                                                                                                                                      To know more about the tags supported by controller, see http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​products/​wireless/​compatible-extensions.html. The mobility services engine receives telemetry and chokepoint information from tags that are compliant with this CCX specification.

                                                                                                                                      Table 3 Cisco Compatible Extensions for RFID Tags Summary




                                                                                                                                      Pango (InnerWireless)

                                                                                                                                      Product Name



                                                                                                                                      Wheretag IV













                                                                                                                                      Motion Detection




                                                                                                                                      Number of Panic Buttons










                                                                                                                                      Battery Information





                                                                                                                                      Multiple-Frequency Tags




                                                                                                                                      3 For chokepoint systems, note that the tag can work only with chokepoints coming from the same vendor.


                                                                                                                                      The Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) runs on the mobility services engine. For NMSP to function, the TCP port (16113) over which the controller and the mobility services engine communicate must be open (not blocked) on any firewall that exists between these two devices.

                                                                                                                                      The Cisco-approved tags support these capabilities:

                                                                                                                                      • Information notifications—Enables you to view vendor-specific and emergency information.

                                                                                                                                      • Information polling—Enables you to monitor battery status and telemetry data. Many telemetry data types provide support for sensory networks and a large range of applications for RFID tags.

                                                                                                                                      • Measurement notifications—Enables you to deploy chokepoints at strategic points within your buildings or campuses. Whenever an RFID tag moves to within a defined proximity of a chokepoint, the tag begins transmitting packets that advertise its location in relation to the chokepoint.

                                                                                                                                      You can configure and view RFID tag tracking information through the controller CLI.

                                                                                                                                      Configuring RFID Tag Tracking

                                                                                                                                      Configuring RFID Tag Tracking (CLI)

                                                                                                                                        Step 1   Enable or disable RFID tag tracking by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                        config rfid status {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                        The default value is enabled.

                                                                                                                                        Step 2   Specify a static timeout value (between 60 and 7200 seconds) by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                        config rfid timeout seconds

                                                                                                                                        The static timeout value is the amount of time that the controller maintains tags before expiring them. For example, if a tag is configured to beacon every 30 seconds, we recommend that you set the timeout value to 90 seconds (approximately three times the beacon value). The default value is 1200 seconds.

                                                                                                                                        Step 3   Enable or disable RFID tag mobility for specific tags by entering these commands:
                                                                                                                                        • config rfid mobility vendor_name enable—Enables client mobility for a specific vendor’s tags. When you enter this command, tags are unable to obtain a DHCP address for client mode when attempting to select and/or download a configuration.

                                                                                                                                        • config rfid mobility vendor_name disable—Disables client mobility for a specific vendor’s tags. When you enter this command, tags can obtain a DHCP address. If a tag roams from one subnet to another, it obtains a new address rather than retaining the anchor state.


                                                                                                                                          These commands can be used only for Pango tags. Therefore, the only valid entry for vendor_name is “pango” in all lowercase letters.

                                                                                                                                        Viewing RFID Tag Tracking Information (CLI)

                                                                                                                                          Step 1   See the current configuration for RFID tag tracking by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                          show rfid config

                                                                                                                                          Step 2   See detailed information for a specific RFID tag by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                          show rfid detail mac_address

                                                                                                                                          where mac_address is the tag’s MAC address.

                                                                                                                                          Step 3   See a list of all RFID tags currently connected to the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                          show rfid summary

                                                                                                                                          Step 4   See a list of RFID tags that are associated to the controller as clients by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                          show rfid client

                                                                                                                                          Debugging RFID Tag Tracking Issues (CLI)

                                                                                                                                          If you experience any problems with RFID tag tracking, use these debug commands.

                                                                                                                                          • Configure MAC address debugging by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            debug mac addr mac_address


                                                                                                                                            We recommend that you perform the debugging on a per-tag basis. If you enable debugging for all of the tags, the console or Telnet screen is inundated with messages.

                                                                                                                                          • Enable or disable debugging for the 802.11 RFID tag module by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            debug dot11 rfid {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                          • Enable or disable RFID debug options by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            debug rfid {all | detail | error | nmsp | receive} {enable | disable}


                                                                                                                                            • all configures debugging of all RFID messages.

                                                                                                                                            • detail configures debugging of RFID detailed messages.

                                                                                                                                            • error configures debugging of RFID error messages.

                                                                                                                                            • nmsp configures debugging of RFID NMSP messages.

                                                                                                                                            • receive configures debugging of incoming RFID tag messages.

                                                                                                                                          Configuring and Viewing Location Settings

                                                                                                                                          Information About Configuring and Viewing Location Settings

                                                                                                                                          This section provides instructions to configure and view location settings from the controller CLI.

                                                                                                                                          Synchronizing the Controller and Mobility Services Engine

                                                                                                                                          If mobility services engine is installed on your network, the time zone must be set on the controller to ensure proper synchronization between the two systems. Also, the times must be synchronized on the two devices. We recommend that you set the time even for networks that do not have mobility services engine. See the Configuring 802.11 Bands section for instructions on setting the time and date on the controller.


                                                                                                                                          The time zone can be different for the controller and the location appliance, but the time zone delta must be configured accordingly, based on GMT.

                                                                                                                                          Configuring Location Settings

                                                                                                                                          Configuring Location Settings (CLI)

                                                                                                                                          The controller determines the location of client devices by gathering received signal strength indication (RSSI) measurements from access points all around the client of interest. The controller can obtain location reports from up to 16 access points for clients, RFID tags, and rogue access points.

                                                                                                                                          Improve location accuracy by configuring the path loss measurement (S60) request for normal clients or calibrating clients by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                          config location plm ?

                                                                                                                                          where ? is one of the following:

                                                                                                                                          • client {enable | disable} burst_interval—Enables or disables the path loss measurement request for normal, noncalibrating clients. The valid range for the burst_interval parameter is 1 to 3600 seconds, and the default value is 60 seconds.

                                                                                                                                          • calibrating {enable | disable} {uniband | multiband}—Enables or disables the path loss measurement request for calibrating clients on the associated 802.11a or 802.11b/g radio or on the associated 802.11a/b/g radio.

                                                                                                                                          If a client does not send probes often or sends them only on a few channels, its location cannot be updated or cannot be updated accurately. The config location plm command forces clients to send more packets on all channels. When a CCXv4 (or higher) client associates, the controller sends it a path loss measurement request, which instructs the client to transmit on the bands and channels that the access points are on (typically, channels 1, 6, and 11 for 2.4-GHz-only access points) at a configurable interval (such as 60 seconds) indefinitely.

                                                                                                                                          These four additional location CLI commands are available; however, they are set to optimal default values, so we do not recommend that you use or modify them:

                                                                                                                                          • Configure the RSSI timeout value for various devices by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            config location expiry ?

                                                                                                                                            where? is one of the following:

                                                                                                                                            • client timeout—Configures the RSSI timeout value for clients. The valid range for the timeout parameter is 5 to 3600 seconds, and the default value is 5 seconds.

                                                                                                                                            • calibrating-client timeout—Configures the RSSI timeout value for calibrating clients. The valid range for the timeout parameter is 0 to 3600 seconds, and the default value is 5 seconds.

                                                                                                                                            • tags timeout—Configures the RSSI timeout value for RFID tags. The valid range for the timeout parameter is 5 to 300 seconds, and the default value is 5 seconds.

                                                                                                                                            • rogue-aps timeout—Configures the RSSI timeout value for rogue access points. The valid range for the timeout parameter is 5 to 3600 seconds, and the default value is 5 seconds.

                                                                                                                                              Ensuring that recent, strong RSSIs are retained by the CPU is critical to location accuracy. The config location expiry command enables you to specify the length of time after which old RSSI averages expire.


                                                                                                                                              We recommend that you do not use or modify the config location expiry command.

                                                                                                                                          • Configure the RSSI half life for various devices by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            config location rssi-half-life ?

                                                                                                                                            where ? is one of the following:

                                                                                                                                            • client half_life—Configures the RSSI half life for clients. The valid range for the half_life parameter is 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, or 300 seconds, and the default value is 0 seconds.

                                                                                                                                            • calibrating-client half_life—Configures the RSSI half life for calibrating clients. The valid range for the half_life parameter is 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, or 300 seconds, and the default value is 0 seconds.

                                                                                                                                            • tags half_life—Configures the RSSI half life for RFID tags. The valid range for the half_life parameter is 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, or 300 seconds, and the default value is 0 seconds.

                                                                                                                                            • rogue-aps half_life—Configures the RSSI half life for rogue access points. The valid range for the half_life parameter is 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, or 300 seconds, and the default value is 0 seconds.

                                                                                                                                              Some client devices transmit at reduced power immediately after changing channels, and RF is variable, so RSSI values might vary considerably from packet to packet. The config location rssi-half-life command increases accuracy by averaging nonuniformly arriving data using a configurable forget period (or half life).


                                                                                                                                              We recommend that you do not use or modify the config location rssi-half-life command.

                                                                                                                                          • Configure the NMSP notification threshold for RSSI measurements by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            config location notify-threshold ?

                                                                                                                                            where ? is one of the following:

                                                                                                                                            • client threshold—Configures the NMSP notification threshold (in dB) for clients and rogue clients. The valid range for the threshold parameter is 0 to 10 dB, and the default value is 0 dB.

                                                                                                                                            • tags threshold—Configures the NMSP notification threshold (in dB) for RFID tags. The valid range for the threshold parameter is 0 to 10 dB, and the default value is 0 dB.

                                                                                                                                            • rogue-aps threshold—Configures the NMSP notification threshold (in dB) for rogue access points. The valid range for the threshold parameter is 0 to 10 dB, and the default value is 0 dB.


                                                                                                                                              We recommend that you do not use or modify the config location notify-threshold command.

                                                                                                                                          • Configure the algorithm used to average RSSI and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            config location algorithm ?

                                                                                                                                            where ? is one of the following:

                                                                                                                                            • simple—Specifies a faster algorithm that requires low CPU overhead but provides less accuracy.

                                                                                                                                            • rssi-average—Specifies a more accurate algorithm but requires more CPU overhead.


                                                                                                                                              We recommend that you do not use or modify the config location algorithm command.

                                                                                                                                          Viewing Location Settings (CLI)

                                                                                                                                          To view location information, use these CLI commands:

                                                                                                                                          • View the current location configuration values by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            show location summary

                                                                                                                                          • See the RSSI table for a particular client by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            show location detail client_mac_addr

                                                                                                                                          • See the location-based RFID statistics by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            show location statistics rfid

                                                                                                                                          • Clear the location-based RFID statistics by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            clear location statistics rfid

                                                                                                                                          • Clear a specific RFID tag or all of the RFID tags in the entire database by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            clear location rfid {mac_address | all}

                                                                                                                                          • See whether location presence (S69) is supported on a client by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            show client detail client_mac

                                                                                                                                            When location presence is supported by a client and enabled on a location appliance, the location appliance can provide the client with its location upon request. Location presence is enabled automatically on CCXv5 clients.

                                                                                                                                          Modifying the NMSP Notification Interval for Clients, RFID Tags, and Rogues (CLI)

                                                                                                                                          The Network Mobility Services Protocol (NMSP) manages communication between the mobility services engine and the controller for incoming and outgoing traffic. If your application requires more frequent location updates, you can modify the NMSP notification interval (to a value between 1 and 180 seconds) for clients, active RFID tags, and rogue access points and clients.


                                                                                                                                          The TCP port (16113) that the controller and mobility services engine communicate over must be open (not blocked) on any firewall that exists between the controller and the mobility services engine for NMSP to function.

                                                                                                                                            Step 1   Set the NMSP notification interval value for clients, RFID tags, and rogue clients and access points by entering these commands, where interval is a value between 1 and 180 seconds:
                                                                                                                                            • config nmsp notification interval rssi clients interval

                                                                                                                                            • config nmsp notification interval rssi rfid interval

                                                                                                                                            • config nmsp notification interval rssi rogues interval

                                                                                                                                            Step 2   See the NMSP notification intervals by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                            show nmsp notification interval

                                                                                                                                            Information similar to the following appears:

                                                                                                                                            NMSP Notification Interval Summary
                                                                                                                                                                               RSSI Interval:
                                                                                                                                             Client.......................................... 2 sec
                                                                                                                                             RFID............................................ 2 sec
                                                                                                                                             Rogue AP........................................ 2 sec
                                                                                                                                             Rogue Client.................................... 2 sec
                                                                                                                                            Spectrum Interval:
                                                                                                                                             Interferer device............................... 2 sec

                                                                                                                                            Viewing NMSP Settings (CLI)

                                                                                                                                            To view NMSP information, use these CLI commands:

                                                                                                                                            • See the status of active NMSP connections by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              show nmsp status

                                                                                                                                            • See the NMSP capabilities by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              show nmsp capability

                                                                                                                                            • See the NMSP counters by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              show nmsp statistics {summary | connection}


                                                                                                                                              • summary shows the common NMSP counters.

                                                                                                                                              • connection shows the connection-specific NMSP counters.

                                                                                                                                            • See the mobility services that are active on the controller by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              show nmsp subscription {summary | detail | detail ip_addr}


                                                                                                                                              • summary shows all of the mobility services to which the controller is subscribed.

                                                                                                                                              • detail shows details for all of the mobility services to which the controller is subscribed.

                                                                                                                                              • detail ip_addr shows details only for the mobility services subscribed to by a specific IP address.

                                                                                                                                            • Clear all NMSP statistics by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              clear nmsp statistics

                                                                                                                                            Debugging NMSP Issues

                                                                                                                                            Use these commands if you experience any problems with NMSP:

                                                                                                                                            • Configure NMSP debug options by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              debug nmsp ?

                                                                                                                                              where ? is one of the following:

                                                                                                                                              • all {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging for all NMSP messages.

                                                                                                                                              • connection {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging for NMSP connection events.

                                                                                                                                              • detail {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging for NMSP detailed events.

                                                                                                                                              • error {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging for NMSP error messages.

                                                                                                                                              • event {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging for NMSP events.

                                                                                                                                              • message {tx | rx} {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging for NMSP transmit or receive messages.

                                                                                                                                              • packet {enable | disable}—Enables or disables debugging for NMSP packet events.

                                                                                                                                            • Enable or disable debugging for NMSP interface events by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              debug dot11 nmsp {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                            • Enable or disable debugging for IAPP NMSP events by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              debug iapp nmsp {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                            • Enable or disable debugging for RFID NMSP messages by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              debug rfid nmsp {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                            • Enable or disable debugging for access point monitor NMSP events by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              debug service ap-monitor nmsp {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                            • Enable or disable debugging for wIPS NMSP events by entering this command:

                                                                                                                                              debug wips nmsp {enable | disable}

                                                                                                                                            Resetting the Controller to Default Settings

                                                                                                                                            Information About Resetting the Controller to Default Settings

                                                                                                                                            You can return the controller to its original configuration by resetting the controller to factory-default settings.

                                                                                                                                            Resetting the Controller to Default Settings

                                                                                                                                            Resetting the Controller to Default Settings (GUI)

                                                                                                                                              Step 1   Start your Internet browser.
                                                                                                                                              Step 2   Enter the controller IP address in the browser address line and press Enter. An Enter Network Password dialog box appears.
                                                                                                                                              Step 3   Enter your username in the User Name text box. The default username is admin.
                                                                                                                                              Step 4   Enter the wireless device password in the Password text box and press Enter. The default password is admin.
                                                                                                                                              Step 5   Choose Commands > Reset to Factory Default.
                                                                                                                                              Step 6   Click Reset.
                                                                                                                                              Step 7   When prompted, confirm the reset.
                                                                                                                                              Step 8   Reboot the controller without saving the configuration.
                                                                                                                                              Step 9   Use the configuration wizard to enter configuration settings. See the Configuring the Controller- Using the Configuration Wizard section section for more information.

                                                                                                                                              Resetting the Controller to Default Settings (CLI)

                                                                                                                                                Step 1   Enter the reset system command. At the prompt that asks whether you need to save changes to the configuration, enter N. The unit reboots.
                                                                                                                                                Step 2   When you are prompted for a username, enter the recover-config command to restore the factory-default configuration. The controller reboots and displays this message:
                                                                                                                                                Welcome to the Cisco WLAN Solution Wizard Configuration Tool
                                                                                                                                                Step 3   Use the configuration wizard to enter configuration settings. See the Configuring the Controller- Using the Configuration Wizard section for more information.