A natural evolution of Cisco's next-generation collaboration platform.
On December 17, 2013 Cisco announced the acquisition of Collaborate.com, a cloud-based team collaboration platform that unifies messaging, document sharing, and task management in a single, easy-to-use mobile app for iPhone, Android and the Web. Collaborate's cloud, mobile, and web software capabilities enable Cisco to extend and integrate its collaboration and communications platform. The acquisition of Collaborate, headquartered in Boston, MA, represents a natural evolution of Cisco's next generation collaboration platform.
Given the market transitions of mobility, cloud and the ever-increasing mobile worker population, the need to instantly connect, communicate, and collaborate is more important than ever. Organizations are seeking user-friendly, mobile-centric team collaboration tools that enable better informed, faster decisions to drive business results.
Cisco's offerings in collaboration software are ideal for organizations seeking to improve business productivity and collaborate more effectively in the workplace. The capabilities and technology development acquired through Collaborate will expand the functionality of Cisco's next generation collaboration software solutions and non-Cisco collaboration solutions to bring collaboration directly into enterprise applications. Cisco also expects to extend these capabilities to other business applications in the future.
As of March 1, 2014, Collaborate for iPhone, Android, and Web are no longer available for use. Collaborate is no longer available for sale via Collaborate.com, the App Store, or Google Play. If you are an existing Collaborate customer and have questions about support, please contact support@collaborate.com.
Together Cisco and Collaborate will drive a comprehensive solution that enables the mobile workforce to work smarter and more efficiently from virtually anywhere.