In diesem Dokument wird beschrieben, wie Sie einen E-Mail-Server, der auf der Geolokalisierung basiert, mithilfe der Absendergruppe auf der E-Mail-Security-Appliance (ESA), die in AsyncOS 11.0.0-264 eingeführt wurde, auf eine Blacklist setzen und ablehnen.
Cisco empfiehlt, dass Sie über Kenntnisse in folgenden Bereichen verfügen:
- ESA-Konfiguration der Absendergruppe und HAT Overview Table.
Hinweis: Weitere Informationen finden Sie im ESA-Benutzerhandbuch oder in der Online-Hilfe der ESA-GUI.
Verwendete Komponenten
Die Informationen in diesem Dokument basierend auf folgenden Software- und Hardware-Versionen:
- ESA, alle Hardware und virtuellen Appliances mit AsyncOS 11.0.0-264 oder höher
Die Informationen in diesem Dokument beziehen sich auf Geräte in einer speziell eingerichteten Testumgebung. Alle Geräte, die in diesem Dokument benutzt wurden, begannen mit einer gelöschten (Nichterfüllungs) Konfiguration. Wenn Ihr Netz Live ist, überprüfen Sie, ob Sie die mögliche Auswirkung jedes möglichen Befehls verstehen.
Über die GUI
- Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Mail-Richtlinien.
- Wählen Sie im Abschnitt Host Access Table (Host-Zugriffstabelle) die Option HAT Overview (HAT-Übersicht),
- Stellen Sie im Dropdown-Menü Listener sicher, dass der richtige Listener derzeit für die Konfiguration ausgewählt ist.
- Klicken Sie in der Spalte "Absendergruppe" unten auf BLACKLIST,
- Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Absender hinzufügen.
- Klicken Sie auf die Option Geolocation.
- Wählen Sie das Land aus, das von der BLACKLIST-Absendergruppe abgelehnt werden soll.
Wenn Sie die Einträge hinzugefügt haben, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Senden und dann auf die Schaltfläche Änderungen bestätigen, um die Änderungen zu speichern.
Über die Kommandozeile
msesa1.cisco.com> listenerconfig
Currently configured listeners:
1. IncomingMail (on Management, SMTP TCP Port 25 Public
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new listener.
- EDIT - Modify a listener.
- DELETE - Remove a listener.
- SETUP - Change global settings.
[]> edit
Enter the name or number of the listener you wish to edit.
[]> 1
Name: IncomingMail
Type: Public
Interface: Management ( TCP Port 25
Protocol: SMTP
Default Domain:
Max Concurrent Connections: 300 (TCP Queue: 50)
Domain Map: Disabled
SMTP Authentication: Enabled with profile test
Bounce Profile: Default
Use SenderBase For Reputation Filters and IP Profiling: Yes
Footer: None
Heading: None
SMTP Call-Ahead: Disabled
LDAP: ldapaccept (test.accept)
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NAME - Change the name of the listener.
- INTERFACE - Change the interface.
- CERTIFICATE - Choose the certificate.
- LIMITS - Change the injection limits.
- SETUP - Configure general options.
- HOSTACCESS - Modify the Host Access Table.
- RCPTACCESS - Modify the Recipient Access Table.
- BOUNCECONFIG - Choose the bounce profile to use for messages injected on this listener.
- MASQUERADE - Configure the Domain Masquerading Table.
- DOMAINMAP - Configure domain mappings.
- LDAPACCEPT - Configure an LDAP query to determine whether a recipient address should be accepted or bounced/dropped.
- SMTPAUTH - Configure an SMTP authentication.
Default Policy Parameters
Maximum Message Size: 10M
Maximum Number Of Concurrent Connections From A Single IP: 10
Maximum Number Of Messages Per Connection: 10
Maximum Number Of Recipients Per Message: 50
Directory Harvest Attack Prevention: Enabled
Maximum Number Of Invalid Recipients Per Hour: 25
Maximum Number Of Recipients Per Hour: Disabled
Maximum Number of Recipients per Envelope Sender: Disabled
Use SenderBase for Flow Control: Yes
Spam Detection Enabled: Yes
Virus Detection Enabled: Yes
Allow TLS Connections: No
Allow SMTP Authentication: No
Require TLS To Offer SMTP authentication: No
DKIM/DomainKeys Signing Enabled: No
DKIM Verification Enabled: No
S/MIME Public Key Harvesting Enabled: No
S/MIME Decryption/Verification Enabled: No
SPF/SIDF Verification Enabled: No
DMARC Verification Enabled: No
Envelope Sender DNS Verification Enabled: Yes
Domain Exception Table Enabled: No
Accept untagged bounces: No
There are currently 5 policies defined.
There are currently 6 sender groups.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Create a new entry.
- EDIT - Modify an entry.
- DELETE - Remove an entry.
- MOVE - Move an entry.
- DEFAULT - Set the defaults.
- PRINT - Display the table.
- IMPORT - Import a table from a file.
- EXPORT - Export the table to a file.
- RESET - Remove senders and set policies to system default.
[]> edit
1. Edit Sender Group
2. Edit Policy
[1]> 1
Currently configured HAT sender groups:
2. WHITELIST (My trusted senders have no anti-spam scanning or rate limiting)
3. BLACKLIST (Spammers are rejected)
4. SUSPECTLIST (Suspicious senders are throttled)
5. UNKNOWNLIST (Reviewed but undecided, continue normal acceptance)
6. (no name, first host = ALL) (Everyone else)
Enter the sender group number or name you wish to edit.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- NEW - Add a new host.
- DELETE - Remove a host.
- MOVE - Reorder the hosts.
- COUNTRY - Add and delete countries.
- POLICY - Change the policy settings and options.
- PRINT - Display the current definition.
- RENAME - Rename this sender group.
Choose the operation you want to perform:
- ADD - Add countries
[]> ADD
1. Afghanistan [af]
2. Aland Islands [ax]
3. Albania [al]
4. Algeria [dz]
5. American Samoa [as]
6. Andorra [ad]
7. Angola [ao]
8. Anguilla [ai]
9. Antarctica [aq]
10. Antigua and Barbuda [ag]
11. Argentina [ar]
12. Armenia [am]
13. Aruba [aw]
14. Asia/Pacific Region [ap]
15. Australia [au]
16. Austria [at]
17. Azerbaijan [az]
18. Bahamas [bs]
19. Bahrain [bh]
20. Bangladesh [bd]
21. Barbados [bb]
22. Belarus [by]
23. Belgium [be]
24. Belize [bz]
25. Benin [bj]
26. Bermuda [bm]
27. Bhutan [bt]
28. Bolivia [bo]
29. Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba [bq]
30. Bosnia and Herzegovina [ba]
31. Botswana [bw]
32. Bouvet Island [bv]
33. Brazil [br]
34. British Indian Ocean Territory [io]
35. Brunei Darussalam [bn]
36. Bulgaria [bg]
37. Burkina Faso [bf]
38. Burundi [bi]
39. Cambodia [kh]
40. Cameroon [cm]
41. Canada [ca]
42. Cape Verde [cv]
43. Cayman Islands [ky]
44. Central African Republic [cf]
45. Chad [td]
46. Chile [cl]
47. China [cn]
48. Christmas Island [cx]
49. Cocos (Keeling) Islands [cc]
50. Colombia [co]
51. Comoros [km]
52. Congo [cg]
53. Congo, The Democratic Republic of the [cd]
54. Cook Islands [ck]
55. Costa Rica [cr]
56. Cote d'Ivoire [ci]
57. Croatia [hr]
58. Cuba [cu]
59. Curacao [cw]
60. Cyprus [cy]
61. Czech Republic [cz]
62. Denmark [dk]
63. Djibouti [dj]
64. Dominica [dm]
65. Dominican Republic [do]
66. Ecuador [ec]
67. Egypt [eg]
68. El Salvador [sv]
69. Equatorial Guinea [gq]
70. Eritrea [er]
71. Estonia [ee]
72. Ethiopia [et]
73. Europe [eu]
74. Falkland Islands (Malvinas) [fk]
75. Faroe Islands [fo]
76. Fiji [fj]
77. Finland [fi]
78. France [fr]
79. French Guiana [gf]
80. French Polynesia [pf]
81. French Southern Territories [tf]
82. Gabon [ga]
83. Gambia [gm]
84. Georgia [ge]
85. Germany [de]
86. Ghana [gh]
87. Gibraltar [gi]
88. Greece [gr]
89. Greenland [gl]
90. Grenada [gd]
91. Guadeloupe [gp]
92. Guam [gu]
93. Guatemala [gt]
94. Guernsey [gg]
95. Guinea [gn]
96. Guinea-Bissau [gw]
97. Guyana [gy]
98. Haiti [ht]
99. Heard Island and McDonald Islands [hm]
100. Holy See (Vatican City State) [va]
101. Honduras [hn]
102. Hong Kong [hk]
103. Hungary [hu]
104. Iceland [is]
105. India [in]
106. Indonesia [id]
107. Iran, Islamic Republic of [ir]
108. Iraq [iq]
109. Ireland [ie]
110. Isle of Man [im]
111. Israel [il]
112. Italy [it]
113. Jamaica [jm]
114. Japan [jp]
115. Jersey [je]
116. Jordan [jo]
117. Kazakhstan [kz]
118. Kenya [ke]
119. Kiribati [ki]
120. Korea, Democratic People's Republic of [kp]
121. Korea, Republic of [kr]
122. Kuwait [kw]
123. Kyrgyzstan [kg]
124. Lao People's Democratic Republic [la]
125. Latvia [lv]
126. Lebanon [lb]
127. Lesotho [ls]
128. Liberia [lr]
129. Libyan Arab Jamahiriya [ly]
130. Liechtenstein [li]
131. Lithuania [lt]
132. Luxembourg [lu]
133. Macao [mo]
134. Macedonia [mk]
135. Madagascar [mg]
136. Malawi [mw]
137. Malaysia [my]
138. Maldives [mv]
139. Mali [ml]
140. Malta [mt]
141. Marshall Islands [mh]
142. Martinique [mq]
143. Mauritania [mr]
144. Mauritius [mu]
145. Mayotte [yt]
146. Mexico [mx]
147. Micronesia, Federated States of [fm]
148. Moldova, Republic of [md]
149. Monaco [mc]
150. Mongolia [mn]
151. Montenegro [me]
152. Montserrat [ms]
153. Morocco [ma]
154. Mozambique [mz]
155. Myanmar [mm]
156. Namibia [na]
157. Nauru [nr]
158. Nepal [np]
159. Netherlands [nl]
160. New Caledonia [nc]
161. New Zealand [nz]
162. Nicaragua [ni]
163. Niger [ne]
164. Nigeria [ng]
165. Niue [nu]
166. Norfolk Island [nf]
167. Northern Mariana Islands [mp]
168. Norway [no]
169. Oman [om]
170. Pakistan [pk]
171. Palau [pw]
172. Palestinian Territory [ps]
173. Panama [pa]
174. Papua New Guinea [pg]
175. Paraguay [py]
176. Peru [pe]
177. Philippines [ph]
178. Pitcairn [pn]
179. Poland [pl]
180. Portugal [pt]
181. Puerto Rico [pr]
182. Qatar [qa]
183. Reunion [re]
184. Romania [ro]
185. Russian Federation [ru]
186. Rwanda [rw]
187. Saint Bartelemey [bl]
188. Saint Helena [sh]
189. Saint Kitts and Nevis [kn]
190. Saint Lucia [lc]
191. Saint Martin [mf]
192. Saint Pierre and Miquelon [pm]
193. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines [vc]
194. Samoa [ws]
195. San Marino [sm]
196. Sao Tome and Principe [st]
197. Saudi Arabia [sa]
198. Senegal [sn]
199. Serbia [rs]
200. Seychelles [sc]
201. Sierra Leone [sl]
202. Singapore [sg]
203. Sint Maarten [sx]
204. Slovakia [sk]
205. Slovenia [si]
206. Solomon Islands [sb]
207. Somalia [so]
208. South Africa [za]
209. South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands [gs]
210. South Sudan [ss]
211. Spain [es]
212. Sri Lanka [lk]
213. Sudan [sd]
214. Suriname [sr]
215. Svalbard and Jan Mayen [sj]
216. Swaziland [sz]
217. Sweden [se]
218. Switzerland [ch]
219. Syrian Arab Republic [sy]
220. Taiwan [tw]
221. Tajikistan [tj]
222. Tanzania, United Republic of [tz]
223. Thailand [th]
224. Timor-Leste [tl]
225. Togo [tg]
226. Tokelau [tk]
227. Tonga [to]
228. Trinidad and Tobago [tt]
229. Tunisia [tn]
230. Turkey [tr]
231. Turkmenistan [tm]
232. Turks and Caicos Islands [tc]
233. Tuvalu [tv]
234. Uganda [ug]
235. Ukraine [ua]
236. United Arab Emirates [ae]
237. United Kingdom [gb]
238. United States Minor Outlying Islands [um]
239. United States [us]
240. Uruguay [uy]
241. Uzbekistan [uz]
242. Vanuatu [vu]
243. Venezuela [ve]
244. Vietnam [vn]
245. Virgin Islands, British [vg]
246. Virgin Islands, U.S. [vi]
247. Wallis and Futuna [wf]
248. Western Sahara [eh]
249. Yemen [ye]
250. Zambia [zm]
251. Zimbabwe [zw]
Enter the indices separated by commas or specify the range.
Denken Sie daran, den Befehl commit auszuführen, um Ihre Änderungen zu speichern.
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