Cisco Corporate Environmental Policy

A commitment from leadership to employees, customers, and the community

Cisco’s Corporate Environmental Policy outlines our high level framework, driving continuous improvement of Cisco Environmental performance. We use our annual Purpose Report and ESG Reporting Hub to detail our environmental polices. Our Environmental Management System (EMS) drives continual improvement in our business processes, product, and services to address our environmental impacts:

Our approach to protecting the environment is to set long-term goals to address the environmentally significant impacts from our products and business operations. Our most material environmental issues are energy and greenhouse gases, managing product end-of-life, and implementing circular principles to conserve the Earth’s resources.

Cisco is committed to:

  1. Reduce impact: Cisco addresses negative environmental impacts from our operations, extended operations (supply chain) including distribution and logistics, and throughout the lifecycle of our products. Governance of our environment-related efforts use our externally certified ISO 14001 environmental management system.
  2. Expand policy coverage: We will continue efforts to implement our environmental policies consistently across all Cisco operations and legal entities worldwide, all extended operations, and all products.
  3. Govern with ISO 14001: Governance of our environment-related efforts use our externally certified ISO 14001 environmental management system.
  4. Maintain compliance: We maintain compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations and other obligations. When our own requirements are more stringent, we operate to these higher standards. We expect this same compliance of our key business partners and contractors.
  5. Take a broad approach: The scope of our EMS includes energy management and GHG emissions, product and packaging materials, impact of products, water, biodiversity and land use, solid waste from operations, liquid effluents, and non-GHG emissions.
  6. Collaborate: We will work with suppliers, industry organizations, customers, employees, advocacy groups, academia and other stakeholders to address environmental impact.
  7. Prioritize actions: We will identify key environmental topics using our ESG materiality assessment1, conducted every two years.
  8. Evaluate and improve: We will continue to evaluate and review annually, using our EMS, the impact of our business on the environment, set goals to reduce these impacts, and measure our progress; and report performance in our annual Purpose Report and on our ESG Reporting Hub.
  9. Drive progress with goal: We will set unambiguous, public environmental goals to drive improvement and demonstrate accountability.

For more information about Cisco's EMS, please contact Please visit Cisco's Purpose Report and ESG hub for more information pertaining to relevant information and data related to many aspects of our environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives, performance, and policies: