Becoming a Cisco Supplier


All new supplier requests must be initiated by a Cisco representative via engagement with Cisco Global Procurement Services.

Cisco Smart Buy

Cisco Smart Buy spans the source-to-pay lifecycle for selected goods and services suppliers.

All new Purchase Order-based suppliers will be onboarded through Smart Buy, where suppliers must complete the registration form and onboarding questionnaire in Smart Buy to proceed with onboarding. The Global Supplier Enrollment Package (GSEP) form will no longer be accepted as part of the onboarding activity. For non PO-based transactions, the GSEPs will be utilized during the onboarding process.

The GSEP is available in the following languages:

Cisco requires all suppliers to be registered with Dun and Bradstreet (D&B). First verify if you already have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS#). If you are not registered with D&B or do not know your DUNS#, visit the D&B official website and register to receive your 9-digit DUNS#. If you are an international supplier, select your respective country to obtain the DUNS#. This number must be provided in the onboarding questionnaire.

Please make sure that the company name and address stated on the onboarding questionnaire match those on the supporting documentation provided and provide the following required information:

  • Business license
  • Legal registration form (from the country's government company registration authorities)
  • Registration form from the Chamber of Commerce
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS #)
  • Official tax document
  • Active contract between supplier and Cisco
  • Financial statement (Japan only)
  • Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Certification (South Africa Only)
  • Approval letter from an accounting firm of BEE Certification (South Africa only)

Make sure that you select the proper tax form for the Cisco entity with which you will do business, if applicable, and submit the tax to your Cisco representative. For more details, see the tax requirements page.


  • Cisco prefers the use of an email alias (managed group email address) for the recipients of the Purchase Orders (POs), which will facilitate the delivery/transmission of POs.
  • For any changes to the data on the onboarding questionnaire, please inform your Cisco contact to update our records to avoid any disruption to business.