Cisco Nexus Dashboard At-a-Glance

At a Glance

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Updated:June 4, 2024

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Updated:June 4, 2024


Transform data-center network operations with simplicity, automation, and analytics

The network plays a huge role in meeting business demands, and provisioning reliable data-center networking services as fast as possible, when and where organizations need it, is a must. However, network infrastructure management is becoming more complex, diverse, and distributed, with multiple configuration points, monitoring tools, and vast amounts of data being generated every second.

Included with every Cisco Nexus® 9000 switch tiered licensing purchase,* Cisco Nexus Dashboard provides a single focal point to unite disparate network configurations and views of multiple switches and data centers (Figure 1).

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Figure 1.               

Cisco Nexus® Dashboard transforms data-center network operations with simplicity, automation, and analytics

Cisco Nexus Dashboard provides a unified and seamless experience for common data center services (Figure 2) to your networks, whether Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco ACI®), Cisco NX-OS (through its Cisco Nexus Dashboard Fabric Controller service and/or running in standalone mode). To learn about the services, please visit the Our Experts Recommend section below.

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Figure 2.               

Cisco Nexus Dashboard services

Business outcomes: what you can expect

Automate and operate your data-center networks with the intuitive and centralized management console, Cisco Nexus Dashboard, to streamline and rapidly change, scale, troubleshoot, and help ensure operations. With Cisco Nexus Dashboard, you can:

     Unify operations: Avoid managing and monitoring individual devices and fabrics independently by consolidating a powerful and consistent operational model under a single pane of glass.

     Accelerate innovation: Make the most out of built-in and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) network automation to deliver connectivity faster to your switches (across fabrics (through Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator).

     Minimize downtime: Leverage Cisco Nexus Dashboard Insights to increase visibility and identify potential issues and recommendations to fix them, gathering years of experience under a single network-operations platform.

     Increase environmental sustainability: Learn your network’s impact on KWh, cost, and CO2 emissions through Cisco Nexus Dashboard Insights sustainability reports.

     Ensure business compliance: Reduce time spent on release notes and guidelines by getting embedded software recommendations to keep your networks running under support and following your own configuration and communication rules.

Start your journey

Cisco Nexus Dashboard software does not require a license and it is included with all Cisco Nexus 9000 switch tiered-license purchases. Service and feature access is based on the purchased licensing tier.

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Figure 3.               

Cisco Nexus Dashboard Insights monitors network health across Cisco ACI and Cisco NX-OS fabrics.

Learn more from the Cisco Nexus Dashboard data sheet and ordering guide.

Partner quotes

“Together, Cisco and Panduit help our joint customers build resilient, energy efficient, and high-performance data centers.

Our collaboration has grown beyond network infrastructure to the strategic area of power and sustainability.

We have partnered with Cisco to streamline data from our intelligent PDU (iPDU) into Sustainability Insights on Cisco Nexus Dashboard. We are dedicated to driving greater visibility into sustainability innovations with Cisco, enabling customers to monitor and forecast their future energy needs, costs, as well as carbon emissions through our integration with Cisco Nexus Dashboard.”

Holly Garcia,

VP Data Center, Panduit


“Cisco and Vertiv share a common vision for building energy efficient data center solutions. Cisco’s Sustainability Insights on Nexus Dashboard helps customers gain visibility into energy consumption, optimized usage, performance, and costs across their data center infrastructure. With the Cisco Nexus Dashboard – Vertiv PDU solution, our customers’ investments are future-ready, with the ability to forecast energy consumption, emissions, and costs, while meeting the ever-increasing operational requirements of their data center applications.”

Stephen Liang,

Chief Technology Officer and EVP Infrastructure and Solutions, Vertiv

Our experts recommend

Learn more about the Cisco Nexus Dashboard.

Learn more from the Cisco Nexus Dashboard data sheet and ordering guide. Try the Cisco Nexus Dashboard today.




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