Cisco Vulnerability Management Advantage At a Glance

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Updated:June 17, 2024

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Updated:June 17, 2024


Reduce risk efficiently with data-driven vulnerability prioritization

Cisco Vulnerability Management (formerly Kenna.VM) is a scalable SaaS solution that leverages real-world exploit data and predictive modeling to provide a real risk score of each vulnerability, helping security teams better prioritize their remediation strategies.

There are millions of vulnerabilities within your enterprise and patching each one isn’t possible. Your security team struggles to understand which vulnerabilities to prioritize, and your IT team faces long patch lists with little guidance. Meanwhile, executive management needs to understand the business’s risk posture and how to mitigate a future security disaster.

Cisco Vulnerability Management Advantage enables more effective vulnerability management by aligning Security, IT, and business leaders around a risk-based approach. Offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Cisco Vulnerability Management helps you understand the true risk profile of each vulnerability within your organization. With risk scoring powered by data science, machine learning, and patented approaches to predictive modeling, Cisco Vulnerability Management’s prioritization technology translates enterprise data and real-world exploit activity into actionable intelligence to guide remediation efforts and resource allocation. With Cisco Vulnerability Management, you can confidently prioritize the vulnerabilities that pose a real risk and confidently deprioritize the vast majority that do not.

Streamline and reduce remediation effort and significantly lower your business risk.

Focus on the vulnerabilities that matter

Cisco Vulnerability Management analyzes billions of pieces of information to understand what attackers are doing in the wild. This ground truth telemetry determines variables like the volume and velocity of exploitation in the wild, if a vulnerability has weaponized capabilities, and if it can be exploited by malware. Combining this information with internal security data, Cisco Vulnerability Management determines the risk score of each unique vulnerability and group of assets.

Cisco Vulnerability Management’s risk scoring accounts for the number of instances of each vulnerability in your environment, the potential severity, and the assets that are threatened. You will understand, in real time, your organization’s risk posture and—more importantly—the actions you can take to affect the greatest impact on risk reduction.

With Cisco Vulnerability Management Advantage, you can:

     Stay ahead of high-risk vulnerabilities using Cisco Vulnerability Management’s patented predictive modeling, which forecasts the weaponization of vulnerabilities with a confirmed 94 percent accuracy rate. This gives your organization the foresight needed to remediate high-risk vulnerabilities before attackers can mount an attack.

     Centralize your vulnerability data in one location and connect to your ticketing system so IT knows what to fix, how, and why. Cisco Vulnerability Management can ingest and analyze security data from a wide range of sources and transform it into actionable intelligence. Bi-directional communication and automated tracking keep security teams informed about ticket progress.

     Reduce risk fast with “Top Fix Groups” that guide you on which vulnerabilities should be fixed first and their impact on your risk score. Vulnerabilities are prioritized based on the risk score and not solely on how many assets will be impacted, which generates an increase in efficacy across all vulnerabilities.

     Investigate your risk score, benchmark against industry peers, and report using meaningful metrics and easy-to-understand color coding. Detailed, highly customizable reports with trendlines to show how the organization’s risk posture has changed over time to help build and maintain confidence in the security team’s capabilities and demonstrate measurable results.


     Measure risk by combining vulnerability data, asset information, and real-time threat intelligence.

     Prioritize and proactively manage high-risk vulnerabilities that pose the most risk to the organization.

     Predict the weaponization of vulnerabilities the instant they’re discovered with predictive modeling technology.

     Integrate with your vulnerability scanners, ticketing systems, and other security tools and maximize efficiency across the organization.

     Align IT and Security with evidence-based prioritization and self-service remediation workflows.

Risk Meter

Cisco Vulnerability Management’s risk scoring factors in the number of instances of each vulnerability in your environment, their potential severity, and the assets that are threatened as a result of each of those vulnerabilities.

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Features and capabilities

Cisco Vulnerability Management



Vulnerability Data Ingestion



Risk Meters (Asset Groups)



Scoring for Vulnerabilities, Assets, and Risk Meters



Top Fix Groups



Ticketing System Integration



Risk Meter Reporting



Peer Benchmarking (Risk Score, MTTR, Vulnerability Density)



Application Security module (Available Add-On)



Remediation Analytics and Scoring



Zero-Day Intelligence powered by Talos



Vulnerability Intelligence Tab within User Interface



Vulnerability Intelligence API




Application Security module



Private Deployment



Test Environments



If you’re ready to level-up you’re a demo today to see Cisco Vulnerability Management in action.

Learn more about Cisco Vulnerability Management Advantage at


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