Cisco Full-Stack Observability in Financial Services

Turbocharging digital banking

Since the pandemic, 44% of banking customers say they are using their primary bank’s mobile app more often.
(Source: Deloitte)

61% of bank consumers interact weekly with their financial institutions’ digital channels.
(Source: PwC)

Customer expectations

40% of customers said the most important factor in choosing a banking partner is based on mobile and online banking capabilities.
(Source: Citizens Bank)

Companies with strong digital-first capabilities have an 89% customer retention rate.
(Source: Aberdeen)

Despite the higher rates of digital customer engagement, financial institutions must ensure that applications are stable, secure, and available in the moments that matter.

When a problem arises, it could be the app itself, a malware attack, the user’s network connection, a data center issue, a cloud service issue, or a range of other problems. All the customer wants to do is pay a bill.

That’s where Cisco Full-Stack Observability comes in, giving insights to find the problem and the intelligence to take action across the stack for performance, optimization, and security.

Benefits of Cisco Full-Stack Observability


Enhance application performance and end user experience by monitoring traditional, modern applications and the network.


Protect applications with business risk observability that provides expanded threat visibility and intelligent business risk prioritization.


Lower costs by increasing utilization of assets and optimize resource allocation for workloads. 


Empowers an extensible observability ecosystem and enables you to build use cases specific to your business and environment.

Cisco Full-Stack Observability gives your app everything you need to keep it running smoothly, and to keep customers satisfied