The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document describes steps to understand and troubleshoot an ACI Multi-Pod Forwarding Scenario.
The material from this document was extracted from the Troubleshooting Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure, Second Edition book, specifically the Intra-Fabric fowarding - Multi-Pod Forwarding chapter.
This chapter will cover how to troubleshoot scenarios in which connectivity is not working correctly across Pods in a Multi-Pod environment
Before looking at specific troubleshooting examples, it is important to take a moment to understand the Multi-Pod components at a high level.
Similar to a traditional ACI fabric, a Multi-Pod fabric is still considered to be a single ACI fabric and relies on a single APIC cluster for management.
Within each individual Pod, ACI leverages the same protocols in the overlay as a traditional fabric. This includes IS-IS for exchange of TEP information as well as multicast Outgoing Interface (OIF) selection, COOP for a global endpoint repository, and BGP VPNv4 for the distribution of external routers through the fabric.
Multi-Pod builds on those components as it must connect each Pod together.
A large portion of the Multi-Pod troubleshooting scenarios and workflows are similar to Single Pod ACI fabrics. This Multi-Pod section will mostly focus on the differences between Single Pod and Multi-Pod forwarding.
As with troubleshooting any scenario, it is important to begin by understanding what the expected state is. Reference this topology for this chapter's examples.
At a high level, when debugging a multi-pod forwarding issue, the following steps can be evaluated:
If the flow is Layer 3 unicast:
If the flow is Layer 2 unicast:
Since the troubleshooting outputs would be considerably different for unicast compared to BUM, working outputs and scenarios for unicast will be considered before and then move to BUM.
Following the topology, walk through the flow from on leaf205 to on leaf101.
Note, before proceeding here, it is important to confirm whether the source has ARP resolved for the gateway (for a routed flow) or the destination MAC address (for a bridged flow)
module-1# debug platform internal tah elam asic 0
module-1(DBG-elam)# trigger reset
module-1(DBG-elam)# trigger init in-select 6 out-select 1
module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# set outer ipv4 src_ip dst_ip
module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# start
module-1(DBG-elam-insel6)# status
Asic 0 Slice 0 Status Armed
Asic 0 Slice 1 Status Triggered
Note that the ELAM triggered which confirms the packet was received on the ingress switch. Now look at a couple of fields in the report since the output is extensive.
Captured Packet
Outer Packet Attributes
Outer Packet Attributes : l2uc ipv4 ip ipuc ipv4uc
Opcode : OPCODE_UC
Outer L2 Header
Destination MAC : 0022.BDF8.19FF
Source MAC : 0000.2222.2222
802.1Q tag is valid : yes( 0x1 )
CoS : 0( 0x0 )
Access Encap VLAN : 1021( 0x3FD )
Outer L3 Header
L3 Type : IPv4
IP Version : 4
DSCP : 0
IP Packet Length : 84 ( = IP header(28 bytes) + IP payload )
Don't Fragment Bit : not set
TTL : 255
IP Protocol Number : ICMP
IP CheckSum : 10988( 0x2AEC )
Destination IP :
Source IP :
There is much more info in the ereport about where the packet is going but the ELAM Assistant App is currently more useful for interpreting this data. The ELAM Assistant output for this flow will be shown later in this chapter.
a-leaf205# show endpoint ip detail
s - arp H - vtep V - vpc-attached p - peer-aged
R - peer-attached-rl B - bounce S - static M - span
D - bounce-to-proxy O - peer-attached a - local-aged m - svc-mgr
L - local E - shared-service
VLAN/ Encap MAC Address MAC Info/ Interface Endpoint Group
Domain VLAN IP Address IP Info Info
No output in the above command means the destination IP is not learned. Next check the routing table.
a-leaf205# show ip route vrf Prod:Vrf1
IP Route Table for VRF "Prod:Vrf1"
'*' denotes best ucast next-hop
'**' denotes best mcast next-hop
'[x/y]' denotes [preference/metric]
'%<string>' in via output denotes VRF <string>, ubest/mbest: 1/0, attached, direct, pervasive
*via, [1/0], 01:55:37, static, tag 4294967294
recursive next hop:
In the above output, the pervasive flag is seen which indicates this is a Bridge Domain subnet route. The next-hop should be an anycast proxy address on the spines.
a-leaf205# show isis dtep vrf overlay-1 | grep SPINE N/A PHYSICAL,PROXY-ACAST-V4
Note that if the endpoint is learned on a tunnel or physical interface, this will take precedence, causing the packet to be forwarded directly there. Refer to the "External forwarding" chapter of this book for more details.
Use the ELAM Assistant to confirm the forwarding decisions seen in the above outputs.
The above output shows that the ingress leaf is forwarding the packet to the IPv4 spine proxy address. This is what is expected to happen.
There are multiple ways to get the COOP output on the spine, for example, look at it with a 'show coop internal info ip-db' command:
a-spine4# show coop internal info ip-db | grep -B 2 -A 15 ""
IP address :
Vrf : 2392068 <-- This vnid should correspond to vrf where the IP is learned. Check operational tab of the tenant vrfs
Flags : 0x2
EP bd vnid : 15728642
EP mac : 00:00:11:11:11:11
Publisher Id :
Record timestamp : 12 31 1969 19:00:00 0
Publish timestamp : 12 31 1969 19:00:00 0
Seq No: 0
Remote publish timestamp: 09 30 2019 20:29:07 9900483
URIB Tunnel Info
Num tunnels : 1
Tunnel address : <-- When learned from a remote pod this will be an External Proxy TEP. We'll cover this more
Tunnel ref count : 1
Other commands to run on the spine:
Query COOP for l2 entry:
moquery -c coopEpRec -f 'coop.EpRec.mac=="00:00:11:11:22:22"
Query COOP for l3 entry and get parent l2 entry:
moquery -c coopEpRec -x rsp-subtree=children 'rsp-subtree-filter=eq(coopIpv4Rec.addr,"")' rsp-subtree-include=required
Query COOP for l3 entry only:
moquery -c coopIpv4Rec -f 'coop.Ipv4Rec.addr==""'
The useful thing about the multiple moquery is that they can also be run directly on an APIC and the user can see every spine that has the record in coop.
If the spine's COOP entry points to a tunnel in the local Pod then forwarding is based on traditional ACI behavior.
Note that owner of a TEP can be verified in the fabric by running from an APIC: moquery -c ipv4Addr -f 'ipv4.Addr.addr=="<tunnel address>"'
In the proxy scenario, the tunnel next-hop is Who is the owner of this IP address?:
a-apic1# moquery -c ipv4Addr -f 'ipv4.Addr.addr==""' | grep dn
dn : topology/pod-1/node-1002/sys/ipv4/inst/dom-overlay-1/if-[lo9]/addr-[]
dn : topology/pod-1/node-1001/sys/ipv4/inst/dom-overlay-1/if-[lo2]/addr-[]
This IP is owned by both spine nodes in Pod 1. This is a specific IP called an External Proxy address. In the same way that ACI has proxy addresses owned by the spine nodes within a Pod (see step 2 of this section), there are also proxy addresses assigned to the Pod itself. This interface type can be verified by running:
a-apic1# moquery -c ipv4If -x rsp-subtree=children 'rsp-subtree-filter=eq(ipv4Addr.addr,"")' rsp-subtree-include=required
# ipv4.If
mode : anycast-v4,external
# ipv4.Addr
addr :
dn : topology/pod-1/node-1002/sys/ipv4/inst/dom-overlay-1/if-[lo9]/addr-[]
The 'external' flag indicates this is an external proxy TEP.
The coop endpoint record should be imported from BGP EVPN on the spine. The following command can be used to verify that it is in EVPN (though if it is already in COOP with a next-hop of the remote Pod external proxy TEP it can be assumed it came from EVPN):
a-spine4# show bgp l2vpn evpn vrf overlay-1
Route Distinguisher: 1:16777199
BGP routing table entry for [2]:[0]:[15728642]:[48]:[0000.1111.1111]:[32]:[]/272, version 689242 dest ptr 0xaf42a4ca
Paths: (2 available, best #2)
Flags: (0x000202 00000000) on xmit-list, is not in rib/evpn, is not in HW, is locked
Multipath: eBGP iBGP
Path type: internal 0x40000018 0x2040 ref 0 adv path ref 0, path is valid, not best reason: Router Id, remote nh not installed
AS-Path: NONE, path sourced internal to AS (metric 7) from (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 0
Received label 15728642 2392068
Received path-id 1
Router MAC:0200.0000.0000
Advertised path-id 1
Path type: internal 0x40000018 0x2040 ref 1 adv path ref 1, path is valid, is best path, remote nh not installed
AS-Path: NONE, path sourced internal to AS (metric 7) from (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 0
Received label 15728642 2392068
Received path-id 1
Router MAC:0200.0000.0000
Path-id 1 not advertised to any peer
Note that the above command can be run for a MAC address as well.
- is the dataplane TEP configured during Multi-Pod setup. Note however that even though it is advertised in BGP as the NH, the actual next-hop will be the external proxy TEP.
- and .102 are the Pod 1 spine nodes advertising this path.
The same command as earlier can be used:
a-spine2# show coop internal info ip-db | grep -B 2 -A 15 ""
IP address :
Vrf : 2392068
Flags : 0
EP bd vnid : 15728642
EP mac : 00:50:56:81:3E:E6
Publisher Id :
Record timestamp : 10 01 2019 15:46:24 502206158
Publish timestamp : 10 01 2019 15:46:24 524378376
Seq No: 0
Remote publish timestamp: 12 31 1969 19:00:00 0
URIB Tunnel Info
Num tunnels : 1
Tunnel address :
Tunnel ref count : 1
Verify who owns the tunnel address by running the following command on an APIC:
a-apic1# moquery -c ipv4Addr -f 'ipv4.Addr.addr==""'
Total Objects shown: 1
# ipv4.Addr
addr :
childAction :
ctrl :
dn : topology/pod-1/node-101/sys/ipv4/inst/dom-overlay-1/if-[lo0]/addr-[]
ipv4CfgFailedBmp :
ipv4CfgFailedTs : 00:00:00:00.000
ipv4CfgState : 0
lcOwn : local
modTs : 2019-09-30T18:42:43.262-04:00
monPolDn : uni/fabric/monfab-default
operSt : up
operStQual : up
pref : 0
rn : addr-[]
status :
tag : 0
type : primary
vpcPeer :
The above command shows that the tunnel from COOP points to leaf101. This means that leaf101 should have the local learn for the destination endpoint.
This can be done via a 'show endpoint' command:
a-leaf101# show endpoint ip detail
s - arp H - vtep V - vpc-attached p - peer-aged
R - peer-attached-rl B - bounce S - static M - span
D - bounce-to-proxy O - peer-attached a - local-aged m - svc-mgr
L - local E - shared-service
VLAN/ Encap MAC Address MAC Info/ Interface Endpoint Group
Domain VLAN IP Address IP Info Info
341 vlan-1075 0000.1111.1111 LV po5 Prod:ap1:epg1
Prod:Vrf1 vlan-1075 LV po5
Note that the endpoint is learned. The packet should be forwarded based out port-channel 5 with VLAN tag 1075 set.
As discussed in the "Tools" section of this chapter, fTriage can be used to map out an existing flow end-to-end and understand what every switch in the path is doing with the packet. This is particularly useful in larger and more complex deployments such as Multi-Pod.
Note that fTriage will take some time to fully run (potentially 15 minutes).
When running fTriage on the example flow:
a-apic1# ftriage route -ii LEAF:205 -dip -sip
fTriage Status: {"dbgFtriage": {"attributes": {"operState": "InProgress", "pid": "7297", "apicId": "1", "id": "0"}}}
Starting ftriage
Log file name for the current run is: ftlog_2019-10-01-16-04-15-438.txt
2019-10-01 16:04:15,442 INFO /controller/bin/ftriage route -ii LEAF:205 -dip -sip
2019-10-01 16:04:38,883 INFO ftriage: main:1165 Invoking ftriage with default password and default username: apic#fallback\\admin
2019-10-01 16:04:54,678 INFO ftriage: main:839 L3 packet Seen on a-leaf205 Ingress: Eth1/31 Egress: Eth1/53 Vnid: 2392068
2019-10-01 16:04:54,896 INFO ftriage: main:242 ingress encap string vlan-1021
2019-10-01 16:04:54,899 INFO ftriage: main:271 Building ingress BD(s), Ctx
2019-10-01 16:04:56,778 INFO ftriage: main:294 Ingress BD(s) Prod:Bd2
2019-10-01 16:04:56,778 INFO ftriage: main:301 Ingress Ctx: Prod:Vrf1
2019-10-01 16:04:56,887 INFO ftriage: pktrec:490 a-leaf205: Collecting transient losses snapshot for LC module: 1
2019-10-01 16:05:22,458 INFO ftriage: main:933 SIP DIP
2019-10-01 16:05:22,459 INFO ftriage: unicast:973 a-leaf205: <- is ingress node
2019-10-01 16:05:25,206 INFO ftriage: unicast:1215 a-leaf205: Dst EP is remote
2019-10-01 16:05:26,758 INFO ftriage: misc:657 a-leaf205: DMAC(00:22:BD:F8:19:FF) same as RMAC(00:22:BD:F8:19:FF)
2019-10-01 16:05:26,758 INFO ftriage: misc:659 a-leaf205: L3 packet getting routed/bounced in SUG
2019-10-01 16:05:27,030 INFO ftriage: misc:657 a-leaf205: Dst IP is present in SUG L3 tbl
2019-10-01 16:05:27,473 INFO ftriage: misc:657 a-leaf205: RwDMAC DIPo( is one of dst TEPs ['']
2019-10-01 16:06:25,200 INFO ftriage: main:622 Found peer-node a-spine3 and IF: Eth1/31 in candidate list
2019-10-01 16:06:30,802 INFO ftriage: node:643 a-spine3: Extracted Internal-port GPD Info for lc: 1
2019-10-01 16:06:30,803 INFO ftriage: fcls:4414 a-spine3: LC trigger ELAM with IFS: Eth1/31 Asic :3 Slice: 1 Srcid: 24
2019-10-01 16:07:05,717 INFO ftriage: main:839 L3 packet Seen on a-spine3 Ingress: Eth1/31 Egress: LC-1/3 FC-24/0 Port-1 Vnid: 2392068
2019-10-01 16:07:05,718 INFO ftriage: pktrec:490 a-spine3: Collecting transient losses snapshot for LC module: 1
2019-10-01 16:07:28,043 INFO ftriage: fib:332 a-spine3: Transit in spine
2019-10-01 16:07:35,902 INFO ftriage: unicast:1252 a-spine3: Enter dbg_sub_nexthop with Transit inst: ig infra: False glbs.dipo:
2019-10-01 16:07:36,018 INFO ftriage: unicast:1417 a-spine3: EP is known in COOP (DIPo =
2019-10-01 16:07:40,422 INFO ftriage: unicast:1458 a-spine3: Infra route present in RIB
2019-10-01 16:07:40,423 INFO ftriage: node:1331 a-spine3: Mapped LC interface: LC-1/3 FC-24/0 Port-1 to FC interface: FC-24/0 LC-1/3 Port-1
2019-10-01 16:07:46,059 INFO ftriage: node:460 a-spine3: Extracted GPD Info for fc: 24
2019-10-01 16:07:46,060 INFO ftriage: fcls:5748 a-spine3: FC trigger ELAM with IFS: FC-24/0 LC-1/3 Port-1 Asic :0 Slice: 1 Srcid: 40
2019-10-01 16:08:06,735 INFO ftriage: unicast:1774 L3 packet Seen on FC of node: a-spine3 with Ingress: FC-24/0 LC-1/3 Port-1 Egress: FC-24/0 LC-1/3 Port-1 Vnid: 2392068
2019-10-01 16:08:06,735 INFO ftriage: pktrec:487 a-spine3: Collecting transient losses snapshot for FC module: 24
2019-10-01 16:08:09,123 INFO ftriage: node:1339 a-spine3: Mapped FC interface: FC-24/0 LC-1/3 Port-1 to LC interface: LC-1/3 FC-24/0 Port-1
2019-10-01 16:08:09,124 INFO ftriage: unicast:1474 a-spine3: Capturing Spine Transit pkt-type L3 packet on egress LC on Node: a-spine3 IFS: LC-1/3 FC-24/0 Port-1
2019-10-01 16:08:09,594 INFO ftriage: fcls:4414 a-spine3: LC trigger ELAM with IFS: LC-1/3 FC-24/0 Port-1 Asic :3 Slice: 1 Srcid: 48
2019-10-01 16:08:44,447 INFO ftriage: unicast:1510 a-spine3: L3 packet Spine egress Transit pkt Seen on a-spine3 Ingress: LC-1/3 FC-24/0 Port-1 Egress: Eth1/29 Vnid: 2392068
2019-10-01 16:08:44,448 INFO ftriage: pktrec:490 a-spine3: Collecting transient losses snapshot for LC module: 1
2019-10-01 16:08:46,691 INFO ftriage: unicast:1681 a-spine3: Packet is exiting the fabric through {a-spine3: ['Eth1/29']} Dipo and filter SIP DIP
2019-10-01 16:10:19,947 INFO ftriage: main:716 Capturing L3 packet Fex: False on node: a-spine1 IF: Eth2/25
2019-10-01 16:10:25,752 INFO ftriage: node:643 a-spine1: Extracted Internal-port GPD Info for lc: 2
2019-10-01 16:10:25,754 INFO ftriage: fcls:4414 a-spine1: LC trigger ELAM with IFS: Eth2/25 Asic :3 Slice: 0 Srcid: 24
2019-10-01 16:10:51,164 INFO ftriage: main:716 Capturing L3 packet Fex: False on node: a-spine2 IF: Eth1/31
2019-10-01 16:11:09,690 INFO ftriage: main:839 L3 packet Seen on a-spine2 Ingress: Eth1/31 Egress: Eth1/25 Vnid: 2392068
2019-10-01 16:11:09,690 INFO ftriage: pktrec:490 a-spine2: Collecting transient losses snapshot for LC module: 1
2019-10-01 16:11:24,882 INFO ftriage: fib:332 a-spine2: Transit in spine
2019-10-01 16:11:32,598 INFO ftriage: unicast:1252 a-spine2: Enter dbg_sub_nexthop with Transit inst: ig infra: False glbs.dipo:
2019-10-01 16:11:32,714 INFO ftriage: unicast:1417 a-spine2: EP is known in COOP (DIPo =
2019-10-01 16:11:36,901 INFO ftriage: unicast:1458 a-spine2: Infra route present in RIB
2019-10-01 16:11:47,106 INFO ftriage: main:622 Found peer-node a-leaf101 and IF: Eth1/54 in candidate list
2019-10-01 16:12:09,836 INFO ftriage: main:839 L3 packet Seen on a-leaf101 Ingress: Eth1/54 Egress: Eth1/30 (Po5) Vnid: 11470
2019-10-01 16:12:09,952 INFO ftriage: pktrec:490 a-leaf101: Collecting transient losses snapshot for LC module: 1
2019-10-01 16:12:30,991 INFO ftriage: nxos:1404 a-leaf101: nxos matching rule id:4659 scope:84 filter:65534
2019-10-01 16:12:32,327 INFO ftriage: main:522 Computed egress encap string vlan-1075
2019-10-01 16:12:32,333 INFO ftriage: main:313 Building egress BD(s), Ctx
2019-10-01 16:12:34,559 INFO ftriage: main:331 Egress Ctx Prod:Vrf1
2019-10-01 16:12:34,560 INFO ftriage: main:332 Egress BD(s): Prod:Bd1
2019-10-01 16:12:37,704 INFO ftriage: unicast:1252 a-leaf101: Enter dbg_sub_nexthop with Local inst: eg infra: False glbs.dipo:
2019-10-01 16:12:37,705 INFO ftriage: unicast:1257 a-leaf101: dbg_sub_nexthop invokes dbg_sub_eg for ptep
2019-10-01 16:12:37,705 INFO ftriage: unicast:1784 a-leaf101: <- is egress node
2019-10-01 16:12:37,911 INFO ftriage: unicast:1833 a-leaf101: Dst EP is local
2019-10-01 16:12:37,912 INFO ftriage: misc:657 a-leaf101: EP if(Po5) same as egr if(Po5)
2019-10-01 16:12:38,172 INFO ftriage: misc:657 a-leaf101: Dst IP is present in SUG L3 tbl
2019-10-01 16:12:38,564 INFO ftriage: misc:657 a-leaf101: RW seg_id:11470 in SUG same as EP segid:11470
fTriage Status: {"dbgFtriage": {"attributes": {"operState": "Idle", "pid": "0", "apicId": "0", "id": "0"}}}
fTriage Status: {"dbgFtriage": {"attributes": {"operState": "Idle", "pid": "0", "apicId": "0", "id": "0"}}}
There is a large amount of data in the fTriage. Some of the most important fields are highlighted. Note that that the path of the packet was 'leaf205 (Pod 2) > spine3 (Pod 2) > spine2 (Pod 1) > leaf101 (Pod 1)'. All forwarding decisions and contract lookups made along the way are also visible.
Note that if this was a Layer 2 flow, the syntax of the fTriage would need to be set to something like:
ftriage bridge -ii LEAF:205 -dmac 00:00:11:11:22:22
Before considering specific failure scenarios, there is one more piece to discuss related to unicast forwarding over Multi-Pod. What happens if the destination endpoint is unknown, the request is proxied, and the endpoint is not in COOP?
In this scenario, the packet/frame is sent to the spine and a glean request is generated.
When the spine generates a glean request, the original packet is still preserved in the request however, the packet receives ethertype 0xfff2 which is a Custom Ethertype reserved for gleans. For this reason, it will not be easy to interpret these messages in packet capture tools such as Wireshark.
The outer Layer 3 destination is also set to which is a reserved multicast group specifically for glean messages. These should be flooded across the fabric and any egress leaf switches that have the destination subnet of the glean request deployed will generate an ARP request to resolve the destination. These ARPs are sent from the BD Subnet IP Address configured (therefore proxy requests can't resolve the location of Silent/Unknown endpoints if Unicast Routing is disabled on a Bridge Domain).
The reception of the glean message on the egress leaf and the subsequently generated ARP and received ARP response can be verified through the following command:
a-leaf205# show ip arp internal event-history event | grep -F -B 1
73) Event:E_DEBUG_DSF, length:127, at 316928 usecs after Wed May 1 08:31:53 2019
Updating epm ifidx: 1a01e000 vlan: 105 ip:, ifMode: 128 mac: 8c60.4f02.88fc <<< Endpoint is learned
75) Event:E_DEBUG_DSF, length:152, at 316420 usecs after Wed May 1 08:31:53 2019
log_collect_arp_pkt; sip =; dip =; interface = Vlan104;info = Garp Check adj:(nil) <<< Response received
77) Event:E_DEBUG_DSF, length:142, at 131918 usecs after Wed May 1 08:28:36 2019
log_collect_arp_pkt; dip =; interface = Vlan104;iod = 138; Info = Internal Request Done <<< ARP request is generated by leaf
78) Event:E_DEBUG_DSF, length:136, at 131757 usecs after Wed May 1 08:28:36 2019 <<< Glean received, Dst IP is in BD subnet
log_collect_arp_glean;dip =;interface = Vlan104;info = Received pkt Fabric-Glean: 1
79) Event:E_DEBUG_DSF, length:174, at 131748 usecs after Wed May 1 08:28:36 2019
log_collect_arp_glean; dip =; interface = Vlan104; vrf = CiscoLive2019:vrf1; info = Address in PSVI subnet or special VIP <<< Glean Received, Dst IP is in BD subnet
For reference, glean messages being sent to is why this group needs to be included in the Bidirectional PIM group range on the IPN.
In the following topology, EP B cannot communicate with EP A.
Note that many of the problems seen for Multi-Pod forwarding are identical to problems seen in a Single Pod. For this reason, problems specific to Multi-Pod are focused on.
While following the unicast troubleshooting workflow described earlier, note that the request is proxied but the spine nodes in Pod 2 do not have the destination IP in COOP.
As discussed earlier, COOP entries for remote Pod endpoints are populated from BGP EVPN information. As a result, it is important to determine:
a.) Does the source Pod (Pod 2) spine have it in EVPN?
a-spine4# show bgp l2vpn evpn vrf overlay-1
<no output>
b.) Does the remote Pod (Pod 1) spine have it in EVPN?
a-spine1# show bgp l2vpn evpn vrf overlay-1
Route Distinguisher: 1:16777199 (L2VNI 1)
BGP routing table entry for [2]:[0]:[15728642]:[48]:[0050.5681.3ee6]:[32]:[]/272, version 11751 dest ptr 0xafbf8192
Paths: (1 available, best #1)
Flags: (0x00010a 00000000) on xmit-list, is not in rib/evpn
Multipath: eBGP iBGP
Advertised path-id 1
Path type: local 0x4000008c 0x0 ref 0 adv path ref 1, path is valid, is best path
AS-Path: NONE, path locally originated (metric 0) from (
Origin IGP, MED not set, localpref 100, weight 32768
Received label 15728642 2392068
Path-id 1 advertised to peers:
The Pod 1 spine has it and the next-hop IP is; this means it was exported from COOP locally. Note, however, that the 'Advertised to peers' section does not include the Pod 2 spine nodes.
c.) Is BGP EVPN up between Pods?
a-spine4# show bgp l2vpn evpn summ vrf overlay-1
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 65000 57380 66362 0 0 0 00:00:21 Active 4 65000 57568 66357 0 0 0 00:00:22 Active
Notice in the above output that the BGP EVPN peerings are down between Pods. Anything besides a numeric value in the State/PfxRcd column indicates that the adjacency is not up. Pod 1 EPs aren't learned through EVPN and aren't imported into COOP.
If this issue is seen verify the following:
If the endpoint is not in the COOP database of any Pod and the destination device is a silent host (not learned on any leaf switch in the fabric), verify that the fabric glean process is working correctly. For this to work:
The multicast portion is covered more in the next section.
In ACI, traffic is flooded via overlay multicast groups in many different scenarios. For example, flooding occurs for:
Many features and functionality rely on BUM forwarding.
Within ACI, all Bridge Domains are allocated a multicast address known as a Group IP Outer (or GIPo) address. All traffic that must be flooded within a Bridge Domain is flooded on this GIPo.
The object can be queried directly on one of the APICs.
BD GIPo in Moquery
a-apic1# moquery -c fvBD -f '"Bd1"'
Total Objects shown: 1
# fv.BD
name : Bd1
OptimizeWanBandwidth : no
annotation :
arpFlood : yes
bcastP :
childAction :
configIssues :
descr :
dn : uni/tn-Prod/BD-Bd1
epClear : no
epMoveDetectMode :
extMngdBy :
hostBasedRouting : no
intersiteBumTrafficAllow : no
intersiteL2Stretch : no
ipLearning : yes
ipv6McastAllow : no
lcOwn : local
limitIpLearnToSubnets : yes
llAddr : ::
mac : 00:22:BD:F8:19:FF
mcastAllow : no
modTs : 2019-09-30T20:12:01.339-04:00
monPolDn : uni/tn-common/monepg-default
mtu : inherit
multiDstPktAct : bd-flood
nameAlias :
ownerKey :
ownerTag :
pcTag : 16387
rn : BD-Bd1
scope : 2392068
seg : 15728642
status :
type : regular
uid : 16011
unicastRoute : yes
unkMacUcastAct : proxy
unkMcastAct : flood
v6unkMcastAct : flood
vmac : not-applicable
The above information about GIPo flooding is true regardless whether Multi-Pod is used or not. The additional portion of this that pertains to Multi-Pod is the multicast routing on the IPN.
IPN Multicast Routing involves the following:
The only means of RP redundancy with PIM Bidir is to use Phantom. This is covered in detail within the Multi-Pod Discovery portion of this book. As a quick summary, note that with Phantom RP:
The flow will be flooded in the BD in these common examples:
The easiest way to determine which forwarding decision will be made is with an ELAM.
Refer to the section earlier in this chapter that talks about this. Spine ELAMs can also be run through the ELAM Assistant App to verify that the flooded traffic is being received.
The outputs to do this would vary depending on the IPN platform in use, but at a high level:
This scenario would cover any scenario that involves ARP not being resolved across Multi-Pod or BUM scenarios (unknown unicast, etc.).
There are several common possible causes here.
With this scenario, the ingress leaf floods the traffic (verify with ELAM), the source Pod receives and floods the traffic, but the remote Pod does not get it. For some BDs, flooding works, but for others it doesn't.
On the IPN, run 'show ip mroute <GIPo address>' for the GIPo to see that the RPF tree points to multiple, different routers.
If this is the case check the following:
In the same way as the first possible cause, here the flooded traffic is failing to leave the IPN. The output of 'show ip route <rp address>' on each IPN router would show the locally configured prefix-length only rather than what the other routers are advertising.
The result of this is that each device thinks it is the RP even though the real RP IP address isn't configured anywhere.
If this is the case. check the following:
As mentioned earlier, ACI does not run PIM on its IPN-facing links. This means that the IPN's best path towards the RP should never point to ACI. The scenario where this could happen would be if multiple IPN routers are connected to the same spine and a better OSPF metric is seen through the spine than directly between IPN routers.
RPF interface toward ACI
To resolve this issue:
Prior to ACI software 4.0, some challenges were experienced regarding the usage of COS 6 by external devices. Most of these issues have been addressed through 4.0 enhancements but for more info, please refer to CiscoLive session "BRKACI-2934 - Troubleshooting Multi-Pod" and the "Quality of Service" section.
Revision | Publish Date | Comments |
1.0 |
08-Aug-2022 |
Initial Release |