This document describes questions and answers related to Instance's Price and how it is defined in Cloud Center.
How is Instance's Price defined in Cloud Center?
The cost of CloudCenter Price is as per the non_Enterprise Licensing Agreement (ELA) general pricing. Moreover, if the cost of each instance type is not as per your pricing then you have to manually change the cost of each instance type from the User Interface (UI).
Where does Cloud Center stores the cost of each instance type?
The cost of each instance type for each cloud is stored in one of the cliqr repository (cloud.packages.url=, the URL for which can be located in file located under /usr/local/apache-tomcat-8.0.29/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/ folder in Cisco Call Manager (CCM).
How frequent this data is updated? Is the same ELA cost or the general cost, a non-ELA customer would see?
The price changes only when a new instance type is added or you manually make the changes to the instance type.