This document describes the troubleshooting process of Peripheral Gateway Log Analysis For Enterprise Chat and Email - Chat work flow.
ECE 11.6 (applies to cloud deployment as well)
UCCE 11.6
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE)
Components Used
The information in this document is based on UCCE 11.6 and ECE 11.6.1 ES 6 ES6_1A.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Case 1. Agent marks available for chat.
Logs to review : Listener from ECE.
CTIServer and Agent PG OPC logs from ICM.
Snippet for ICM CTIServer logs:
"MAKE_AGENT_ROUTABLE_IND" received from Listener process from ECE
10:06:31:759 cg1a-ctisvr Session 1: MsgType:MAKE_AGENT_ROUTABLE_IND (InvokeID:0xa233 MRDID:5001 ICMAgentID:5001 MaxTasks:1 )
10:06:31:759 cg1a-ctisvr Trace: ProcessMakeAgentRoutableInd - sessionID 1
10:06:31:759 cg1a-ctisvr Trace: SendARMMsg -- InvokeID = 41523, MRDID = 5001, ICMAgentID = 5001, MaxTasks = 1, SessionID = 1
10:06:31:759 cg1a-ctisvr Session 1: MsgType:MAKE_AGENT_READY_IND (InvokeID:0xa234 MRDID:5001 ICMAgentID:5001 MakeRoutable:True )
10:06:31:759 cg1a-ctisvr Trace: ProcessMakeAgentReadyInd - sessionID 1
10:06:31:759 cg1a-ctisvr Trace: SendARMMsg -- InvokeID = 41524, MRDID = 5001, ICMAgentID = 5001, MakeRoutable = 1, SessionID = 1
Agent marked NOT_ACTIVE from NOT_READY.
10:06:31:774 cg1a-ctisvr Session 8: SkillGroupNumber:117497 SkillGroupID:5006 SkillGroupPriority:0 AgentState:NOT_ACTIVE
10:06:31:774 cg1a-ctisvr Session 8: EventReasonCode:0 MRDID:5001 NumTasks:0 AgentMode:1 MaxTaskLimit:1 ICMAgentID:5001
10:06:31:774 cg1a-ctisvr Session 5: SkillGroupNumber:2 SkillGroupID:5009 SkillGroupPriority:0 AgentState:NOT_ACTIVE
10:06:31:774 cg1a-ctisvr Session 5: EventReasonCode:0 MRDID:5001 NumTasks:0 AgentMode:1 MaxTaskLimit:1 ICMAgentID:5001
NOT_ACTIVE here implies that the agent is ready to accept chat; and is not "actively" working prior any prior chat activity.
Case 2. When ECE sends a new activity to be routed to an available agent.
PIM logs :
1. NEW_TASK is received from ECE EASS
Events from June 13, 2019:
13:52:51:838 pg3a-pim2 Trace: Application->PG:
Message = NEW_TASK; Length = 78 bytes
DialogueID = (11) Hex 0000000b
SendSeqNo = (1) Hex 00000001
MRDomainID = (5001) Hex 00001389
PreviousTask = -1:-1:-1
PreferredAgent = Undefined
Service = (0) Hex 00000000
CiscoReserved = (0) Hex 00000000
ScriptSelector: chat_dn
ServiceRequested = (0) Hex 00000000
ECC Variable Name:
Value: 1012
(Notice the values of ECC variable Name and ScriptSelector)
13:52:51:838 pg3a-pim2 Trace: Send INRCMSGNewCall to Router : :
NEW_CALL RCID=5005 PID=5001 DID=11 DIDRelSeq#=1 GrpDelKey=5004 CRS(RtrDate=-1,RtrCID=-1) RCKSeq#=-1 NICCallID={N/A} PGCallID={N/A} OperationCode=CLASSIC OperationFlags=COOP_NONE CalledParty#=chat_dn CallingParty#= CED= MsgOrigin=1 RouteDevType=6 Originator=ece NICCalledParty#= NetDelay=0 Priority=0 OrigType=0 atVRU=T CLIDRestrict=F PrefAGSTID=-1 MRDomainID=5001 LegacyPreCallMsgEnabled=F CID=0, ServiceReq=0 PV1= PV2= PV3= PV4= PV5= PV6= PV7= PV8= PV9= PV10=
Name Type Index Value Scalar 1012
13:52:51:838 pg3a-pim2 Trace: MR_Peripheral::On_Router_RunScript
RUN_SCRIPT RCID=5005 PID=5001 DID=11 DIDRelSeq#=0 InvokeID=14 CRS(RtrDate=152834,RtrCID=406) RCKSeq#=0 CallTypeID=5003 NICCalledParty#=chat_dn ScriptID=NVRUM_Script ScriptConfig= CallingParty#= CED= PV1= PV2= PV3= PV4= PV5= PV6= PV7= PV8= PV9= PV10= EstimatedWaitTime=0
Name Type Index Value Scalar 1012
13:52:51:838 pg3a-pim2 Trace: PG->Application:
Message = RUN_APPLICATION_SCRIPT_REQ; Length = 80 bytes
DialogueID = (11) Hex 0000000b
SendSeqNo = (1) Hex 00000001
InvokeID = (14) Hex 0000000e
ScriptID: NVRUM_Script
EstimatedWaitTime = (0) Hex 00000000
Call Variable 1:
Call Variable 2:
Call Variable 3:
Call Variable 4:
Call Variable 5:
Call Variable 6:
Call Variable 7:
Call Variable 8:
Call Variable 9:
Call Variable 10:
ECC Variable Name:
Value: 1012
13:52:51:838 pg3a-pim2 Trace: Application->PG:
Message = RUN_APPLICATION_SCRIPT_RESULT; Length = 16 bytes
4. DO_THIS_WITH_TASK received:
13:52:51:838 pg3a-pim2 Trace: PG->Application:
Message = DO_THIS_WITH_TASK; Length = 90 bytes
DialogueID = (11) Hex 0000000b
SendSeqNo = (2) Hex 00000002
IcmTaskID = 152834:406: 1
SkillGroup = (5009) Hex 00001391
Service = Undefined
Agent = (5001) Hex 00001389
AgentInfo: 1004
Call Variable 1:
Call Variable 2:
Call Variable 3:
Call Variable 4:
Call Variable 5:
Call Variable 6:
Call Variable 7:
Call Variable 8:
Call Variable 9:
Call Variable 10:
ECC Variable Name:
Value: 1012
RTR logs :
NewCall is received:
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: (11 x 0 : 0 0) NewCall: CID=(152834,406), DN=chat_dn, ANI=, CED=, RCID=5005, MRDID=5001, CallAtVRU=1, OpCode=0
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: RCKSeqNum=-1, NIC_DN=
Route Complete is received:
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: (11 x 0 : 0 0) RouteComplete:
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: Route: DN=chat_dn, ANI=, CED=, Label=
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: Route: CID=(152834,406), Labels=1
DeviceTargetPreCall is generated:
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: (11 x 0 : 0 0) DeviceTargetPreCall_V12: CID=(152834,406), PerID=5000, SGSTID=5009, AGSTID=5001 NetworkCallFlags=0, InvokeID=343, GREET=
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: DN=chat_dn, ANI=, CED=, CustDBProvidedDigits=, RouteID=5002, NetworkTargetID=0
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: RCKSeqNum=0, DelayQTime=0, DelayRouterTime=0, SGDelayQTime=0
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: CallGUID=, CustomerID=1
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: LocationParamPKID=, LocationParamName=, SIPHeader=
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: NIC_CalledPartyNumber=chat_dn
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: PV1= PV2= PV3= PV4= PV5=
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: PV6= PV7= PV8= PV9= PV10=
13:52:51:838 ra-rtr Trace: (11 x 0 : 0 0) Connect: CID=(152834,406), EventSelect=0, ServiceType=0, RCID=5005, Label(s)=
From OPC logs:
NEW_CALL request
13:52:51:838 pg3a-opc Trace: SendINRCMessage: NEW_CALL RCID=5005 PID=5001 DID=11 DIDRelSeq#=1 GrpDelKey=5004 CRS(RtrDate=-1,RtrCID=-1) RCKSeq#=-1 NICCallID={N/A} PGCallID={N/A} OperationCode=CLASSIC OperationFlags=COOP_NONE CalledParty#=chat_dn CallingParty#= CED= MsgOrigin=1 RouteDevType=6 Originator=ece NICCalledParty#= NetDelay=0 Priority=0 OrigType=0 atVRU=T CLIDRestrict=F PrefAGSTID=-1 MRDomainID=5001 LegacyPreCallMsgEnabled=F CID=0, ServiceReq=0 PV1= PV2= PV3= PV4= PV5= PV6= PV7= PV8= PV9= PV10=
Name Type Index Value Scalar 1012
13:52:51:838 pg3a-opc Trace: SendPIMINRCMessage: RUN_SCRIPT RCID=5005 PID=5001 DID=11 DIDRelSeq#=0 InvokeID=14 CRS(RtrDate=152834,RtrCID=406) RCKSeq#=0 CallTypeID=5003 NICCalledParty#=chat_dn ScriptID=NVRUM_Script ScriptConfig= CallingParty#= CED= PV1= PV2= PV3= PV4= PV5= PV6= PV7= PV8= PV9= PV10= EstimatedWaitTime=0
Name Type Index Value Scalar 1012
13:52:51:838 pg3a-opc Trace: SendINRCMessage: SCRIPT_RESP RCID=5005 PID=5001 DID=11 DIDRelSeq#=2 InvokeID=14 ResultCode=0 CED= PV1= PV2= PV3= PV4= PV5= PV6= PV7= PV8= PV9= PV10=
Name Type Index Value Scalar 1012
CONNECT is generated
13:52:51:838 pg3a-opc Trace: SendPIMINRCMessage: CONNECT RCID=5005 PID=5001 DID=11 DIDRelSeq#=1 CRS(RtrDate=152834,RtrCID=406) RCKSeq#=0 ErrorCode=0 TRTargetID=-1 CorrID= EventSel=0 SvcType=0 NICCallID={N/A} PGCallID={N/A}
OperationCode=CLASSIC OperationFlags=COOP_NONE NetworkTransferEnabled=F NICCalledParty#=chat_dn SGSTID=5009 SvcSTID=-1 AGSTID=5001 AGInfo=1004, MRDID=5001 Interruptible=0 PV1= PV2= PV3= PV4= PV5= PV6= PV7= PV8= PV9= PV10=
Name Type Index Value Scalar 1012
Case 3. When an Agent receives the chat work and starts responding; AgentState changes to ACTIVE. In this scenario CTIServer reports the below in the logs.
CTIServer logs :
10:26:41:486 cg1a-ctisvr Session 5: MsgType:AGENT_STATE_EVENT (MonitorID:0 PeripheralID:5000 SessionID:0x0
10:26:41:486 cg1a-ctisvr Session 5: PeripheralType:EnterpriseAgent SkillGroupState:ACTIVE StateDuration:0 SkillGroupNumber:2
10:26:41:486 cg1a-ctisvr Session 5: SkillGroupID:5009 SkillGroupPriority:0 AgentState:ACTIVE EventReasonCode:0 MRDID:5001
OPC logs:
10:26:41:486 pg1a-opc Trace: RemoveFromSkillGroupStats: AGSTID=5001 Periph#=1011 SGSTID=5009, SG#=2 State=AS_RESERVED AgentObj=0x4640040
10:26:41:486 pg1a-opc Trace: AddToSkillGroupStats: AGSTID=5001 Periph#=1011 SGSTID=5009, SG#=2 State=AS_ACTIVE AgentObj=0x4640040
10:26:41:486 pg1a-opc Trace: SetAgentState: ASTID=5001 Periph#=1011 MRDomainID=5001 SGSTID=5009 SG#=2(0x2) OldState=AS_RESERVED NewState=AS_ACTIVE Duration=0 CurLine=-1 ReasonCode=0 AgentObj=0x4640040