The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document describes in detail the data flow between the Cisco Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) solution and the WxM platform. In addition, it provides the steps required to configure and integrate the solution in order to achieve a closed loop Deferred (SMS/Email) feedback system for voice calls.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
The information in this document is based on these software versions:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
WxM is Cisco’s next generation Customer Experience Management (CEM) solution that provides businesses with the ability to consolidate and analyze customer journey data from all digital touchpoints in real time --- before, during, and after the contact center interaction.
This data flow is based on the Customer Voice Portal (CVP) Comprehensive Call Flow.
you can use the link in Email/SMS and click START in order to fill in the survey questions. Once you answer all the questions and submit them, they are passed back to the WxM respository.
Cloud Connect interacts with WxM platform by the use of a new container service called CherryPoint. This service runs in active - active state mode in both nodes of cloud connect and enables it to access WxM platform.
To integrate cloud connect with WxM portal, WxM license needs to be purchased. This triggers the onboarding process by the WXM activation team. After a successful org creation these essentials are sent to the registered email address.
Once above information is received on the primary cloud connect server run the command set cloudconnect cherrypoint config in order to update the configuration details and integrate cloud connect to WxM.
After the configuration details are updated successfully reinitialize the cherrypoint contianer with the stop and start commands.
To check the configuration and connectivity to the WXM you can run these commands respectively.
Note: If there is a issue with the connection to the Internet, you see error with code 400.
1. Cloud Connect in Inventory Database
First step is to add cloud connect server into the Administration Workstation (AW) inventory database. To include the server, on the CCE Administration page in the inventory gadget of the infrastructure card, add the cloud connect server details.
Note: You can see ‘Internal Server Error’ on the page and this is due to lack of secure communication between the AW and the cloud connect servers.
To resolve this issue, ensure that proper certificates are exchanged between the servers. For more details on certificate exchange in self-signed environment for CCE solution please refer to this article: UCCE Self-signed Certificate Exchange. For CA-Signed refer to this article: CCE CA Signed Certificate.
2. ECC Variables
Ensure that these ECC variables are enabled in the ICM solution
Note: If the user.CxSurveyInfo variable and POD.ID variables are not set correctly, the CVP server fails to create an API request for the cloud connect server.
3. ICM Call Type and Survey Association
Deferred Survey: In this type of survey, after the customer call ends, the customer receives a survey link, either via SMS or email, which the customer can respond to at their convenience.
Depending on the business requirements, Deferred survey can be enabled on the call type associated with the ICM main script.
You can map the Call Type and Survey via the CCE administration page. Navigate to Call settings > Route settings > Call Type page and select the call type of the icm script where the survey association is needed, and check the Enable Experience Management box.
Note: When the user reaches call type page via CCEAdmin, AW sends a post request https://<cloudconnectFQDN >:8445/cherrypoint/status?details=true to cloud connect server to check the integration status of cherrypoint service. If the result states the service is up then Enable Experience Management is displayed in the UI, else the option is not visible.
In Experience Management tab select the deffered survey with the desired questionnaire that is configured in the WxM portal. The questionnaires populated in the Select Questionnaire page are the one configure in WxM portal. They get synched via cloud connect.
4. Main Call In Script Configuration:
In the main script ensure that user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey variable is set. For this script if WxM post call survey is needed set the variable to ‘Y’, 'N' flag disables the WxM PCS for the calls that come in to this main script.
POD.ID Value set to --> concatenate(Call.user.microapp.FromExtVXML[0],";",Call.user.microapp.FromExtVXML[1])
Note: If user.microapp.isPostCallSurvey set variable node is not configured in the script by default the CVP marks the call for post call survey but the survey only works with traditional PCS feature, WxM PCS call fails.
1. CloudConnect into NOAMP
For CVP VXML Server component to communicate with cloud connect first step is to add cloud connect server into the CVP New Operations Manager (NOAMP) portal. To add, on the NOAMP page in integration section click on cloud connect, select CVP Call Server from the device drop down list and add the cloud connect server details.
Note: As a best practise Fully Qualified Domain name (FQDN) of the cloud connect servers should be used.
You can see ‘Internal Server Error’ on the page and this is due to lack of secure communication between OAMP and CVP Call Servers.
To resolve this issue, ensure proper certificates are exchanged between the CVP Server and OAMP servers. For more details on certificate exchange in self-signed environment for CCE solution please refer to this article: UCCE Self-signed Certificate Exchange. For CA-Signed refer to this article: CCE CA Signed Certificate.
OAMP server pushes the cloud connect server details to all the CVP Call Servers and the information is adde in the file as shown in the image.
#Cloud connect Publisher Address SIP.CloudConnect.publisherAddress = #Cloud connect subscriber Address SIP.CloudConnect.subscriberAddress = #Cloud connect password SIP.CloudConnect.password = 2o3z18gCsJ*M2/ZWs/
#Cloud connect username
SIP.CloudConnect.username = administrator #Cloud connect HTTP request time out SIP.CloudConnect.RequestTimeout = 10000 #Cloud connect evapoint Endpoint API SIP.ClouConnect.CreateMeetingApi = /evapoint/meeting/create SIP.ClouConnect.DeleteMeetingApi = /evapoint/meeting/end SIP.ClouConnect.StatusApi = /evapoint/status #Cloud connect Survey Endpoint API SIP.ClouConnect.SurveyEndPointApi = /cherrypoint/surveyendpoint SIP.ClouConnect.AuthTokenApi = /cherrypoint/authtoken #CLoudCherry Customer ID SIP.CloudCherry.CustomerID = icm #CLoudCherry Email ID SIP.CloudCherry.CustomerEmailID = SIP.CloudCherry.SurveyValidityTime = 300000
Note: When you add cloudconnect in NOAMP, the system pushes cloudconnect nodes, username and passwords on to file, rest all fields in the above screenshot should be added manually to the file if that is not present.
Restart the CVP Call Server.
2. Create Call Studio Application for Collecting User Inputs:
External VXML 0 set to --> cc_CustomerId={Data.Element.OptSurvey.cid};;Mobile=1234567890;cc_language=en-us
External VXML 1 set to --> Optin={Data.Element.OptSurvey.value}
Note: In the above example, External VXML 0 variable is set manually. Real deployment can be done in many ways to find the called in Customer's Email/Mobile number via Database dips etc.
3. Deploy The Application
Deploy the app. Click on deployapp batch file.
WxM offers two different gadgets for call center agents and supervisors.
(a) Customer Experience Journey (CEJ) gadget: Displays all the past survey responses from a customer in a chronological list to agent when they accept a customer call.
(b) Customer Experience Analytics (CEA) gadget: CEA displays the information depending on the type of resources that are logged in to finesse.
Agent: Displays the overall pulse of the agents through industry-standard metrics such as NPS, CSAT, and CES.
Supervisor: Displays the overall pulse of the Team\Agents through industry-standard metrics such as NPS, CSAT, and CES.
In order to enable these gadgets on finesse these are the steps needed.
1. Certificate Exchange
The gadgets interact with WxM platform directly to get the required information. For WxM to accept the request from the gadget’s, authorization token is required which finesse servers fetch from cloud connect. Due to SRC compliance certificate exchange between the finesse and cloud connect servers are required for successful communication. For self-signed environment please follow the steps as stated in this document.
2. Cloud Connect in Finesse Admin
Finesse should be aware of the cloud connect server and this is achieved when you add cloud connect details into finesse administration page.
3. Gadget Enablement
CEJ gadget: To enable the CEJ gadget on finesse export the gadget code from WxM and copy it into the finesse admin desktop layout page for agent & supervisor. Steps to achieve this are as follows:
Step 1. Log in to WxM with the admin account.
Step 2. Download the CEJ gadget from spaces - Overall Experience - export Cisco Contact Center journey gadget.
Step 3. Copy the url.
Step 4. On the finesse CFAdmin desktop layout page include the url under the home tab of Agent layout.
Step 5. On the finesse CFAdmin desktop layout page include the same url under the home of Supervisor layout.
CEA Agent Gadget: Similar steps as CEJ gadget is needed to enable this application for agents in finesse.
Step 1. In WxM admin portal in space select Agent Dashboard and on the left side navigational bar opt for Customer Experience Analytics option. As the CEA wallboard loads press button and in drop down menu select export Cisco Contact Centre Gagdet option.
Step 2. Copy the url and modify the url: append the filter &filterTags=cc_AgentId to it.
Step 3. On the finesse CFAdmin desktop layout page include the url under the myStatistics tab of Agent role.
CEA supervisor Gadget: Similar steps as CEJ gadget is needed to enable this application for supervisor in finesse.
Step 1. In WxM admin portal in space select Supervisor Dashboard and on the left side navigational bar opt for Customer Experience Analytics option. As the CEA wallboard loads press : button and in drop down menu select Export Cisco Contact Centre Gadget option.
Step 2. Copy the url and modify the url: append the filter &filterTags=cc_TeamId to it.
Step 3. On the finesse CFAdmin desktop layout page include the url under teamData tab of Supervisor role
4. White List Finesse Servers Urls
To ensure API requests from finesse to WxM are authenticated, finesse server URL’s should be whitelisted in the WxM server.
In WxM admin portal - edit profile under CORS ORIGIN tab include finesse server url with port 8445.
Note: The urls can be FQDN of finesse server or wild card such as https://*
There is currently no verification procedure available for this configuration.
There is currently no specific steps availabe to troubleshoot this configuration.