This document describes one scenario with MTP's that breaks the Cisco UCCE Mobile agent feature.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE)
- Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)
- Cisco Internetwork Operating System (IOS)
- Media Termination Point (MTP)
Components Used
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Background Information
In a mobile agent call flow. MTP's are mostly required to bridge Dual Tone Multi Frequency (DTMF) digits. However, incorrect MTP configuration breaks the call flow and calls do not establish. This can happen both in cases of Call by Call mode or Persistent mode on mobile agent.
Troubleshoot Mobile Agent MTP Pass-Through Issue
If MTP pass-through if enabled on the IOS software MTP used by mobile agent call, then you can expect to see this in your logs.
If you look in CUCM Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) logs, you see that CallStartTransmissionEvent occurs at same millisecond when CallStopTransmissionEvent occurs. However, expected behavior is that CallStartTransmissionEvent occurs after Open Logical Channel (OLC) in few milliseconds.
For example:
At 09:41:31:990 you can see a CallStopTransmissionEvent only not a stop reception event:
02440917.003 |09:41:31.990 |AppInfo |[CTI-APP] [CTIHandler::OutputCtiMessage ] CTI CallStopTransmissionEvent ( DH=6|1036 CH=6|101896749
And at 09:41:31:990 as well, instantaneously you see another Start Transmission Event:
02440918.003 |09:41:31.990 |AppInfo |[CTI-APP] [CTIHandler::OutputCtiMessage ] CTI CallStartTransmissionEvent ( DH=6|1036 CH=6|101896749
This is what it looks like UCCE JTAPI logs:
09:41:31:792 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: CiscoRTPOutputStoppedEv mediaStep: 0 Term: LCP5003F3892.
09:41:31:792 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: MediaMgr::CiscoRTPOutputStartedEv CID: 109025711 Term: LCP5003F3892 Address: / Port: 21850.
09:41:31:792 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: CiscoRTPOutputStartedEv CID:109025711 lcpH:null ncpH:null.
09:41:31:792 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: MsgEMSEventReport: MessageId: 2706702341 Arg1: 109025711 Arg2: 0 Arg3: 1112933892 Arg4: Arg5: .
For a good call, this is what the JTAPI events look like:
18:04:40:894 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: CiscoRTPOutputStoppedEv mediaStep: 0 Term: LCP5000F1001.
18:04:40:894 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: CiscoRTPOutputStoppedEv CID: 16780232 Term: LCP5000F1001.
18:04:40:925 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: MediaMgr::CiscoMediaOpenLogicalChannelEv CID: 16780232 Term: LCP5000F1001 handle: 33109212/1.
18:04:40:925 PG4A-jgw1 Trace: MediaMgr::CiscoRTPOutputStartedEv CID: 16780232 Term: LCP5000F1001 Address: / Port: 24730.
If you notice, there is no indication of an MTP in JTAPI or Cisco logs, however, this is one way, MTP pass-through issue can be detected.
To resolve it, remove MTP pass-through from MTP profile and reset it.