This document describes the procedure to change or transfer ownership of Dashboard or a Report in Cisco Unified Intelligence Center (CUIC), if the object was created by another user.
Components Used
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Background Information
There is a known limitation with CUIC to change ownership and permissions.
Ideally, reports and dashboards must be recreated however if there is no other way, proceed to perform this procedure.
How to change or transfer ownership of Dashboard or a Report in CUIC if the object was created by another user?
Note: Please exercise caution before performing the table update! Please take a complete DRF backup before you begin the activity.
Step 1.
SSH to the CUIC server (Publisher)
Step 2.
From the CUICUSER table find out userid for requested user. You can do that by name or firstname or by lastname
run sql Select * from cuic_data:cuicuser where firstname like '%AcuraTest%'
Output is:
cuicuser --> id, version, name, description, partition, defaultgroupid, sharingpermission, alias, firstname, lastname, organization, emailaddress, contactphone, cuicroles, timezoneid, isactive, startoftheweek, ssoenabled, samaccountname
Step 3.
Query tables for Dashboard, Reports, ReportsDefinition with filter where owner=userID
run sql Select * from cuic_data:cuicreport where Owner like '2614127410000164000000560AC9E249'
run sql Select * from cuic_data:cuicdashboard where Owner like '2614127410000164000000560AC9E249'
run sql Select * from cuic_data:cuicreportdefinition where Owner like '2614127410000164000000560AC9E249'
run sql Select * from cuic_data:cuicvaluelist where Owner like '2614127410000164000000560AC9E249'
run sql Select * from cuic_data:cuiccollection where Owner like '2614127410000164000000560AC9E249'
cuicreport --> id, parentcategoryid, name, description, version, reportdefinitionid, defaultfilterid, cisco, bypass, layout, partition, sharingpermission, owner, url, templatehelpid, entityversion, author, lastused, lastusedby
cuicdashboard --> id, parentcategoryid, name, description, version, partition, sharingpermission, enablepermalink, owner, lastused, lastusedby
cuicreportdefinition --> id, parentcategoryid, name, description, datasourceid, type, statementtext, keycriteriafieldid, historicalkey, refreshrate, historical, cisco, version, partition, sharingpermission, owner, entityversion, author, entitylocaleid, lastused, lastusedby
cuicvaluelist --> id, version, name, valuelistquery, collectionquery, description, datasourceid, type, partition, sharingpermission, owner, entityversion, entitylocaleid
cuiccollection --> id, version, name, description, valuelistid, collectiontype, collectionidentifier, wildcardstring, autoupdate, lastrefreshed, refreshperiod, partition, sharingpermission, owner, isactive, collectionorigin, replicated
Step 4.
Perform these steps for both the new and old user. Note the ownerID.
Step 5.
Please use the syntax for each table: cuicreport,cuicdashboard,cuicreportdefintion,cuicvaluelist,cuiccollection in order to the change ownership.
run sql update cuic_data:cuicdashboard set owner = newUserID WHERE id="dashboardID"