This document describes the usage of different CVP bat files ordered based on their location.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Cisco IOS Voce eXtensible Markup Language ( VXML) Gateway
Components Used
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
CVP Batch Files
CVP General: (Location: C:\Cisco\CVP\bin)
- capture.bat
- Description: This program finds the live NIC to listen on for the windump program.
- capture_stats
- Description: Utility function: To capture all the Diag portal info.
- clean_cvp_logs.bat:
- Description: Deletes logs from CVP Folder: VXML , Operation Resource manager (ORM) , Web Services Manager (WSM) , Call Server etc..
- clean_cvp_logs.bat:
- Description: Deletes Logs from VXML Server Applications ( Activity Logs , TOMCAT logs etc..)
- csim
- Description: Tool to generate SIP calls.
- How to invoke: Open a command prompt and type csim. The usage and list of examples is displayed.
- capture
- Description: Tool to capture packets from an indicated network interface and save them to a file in the CVP logs directory by default.
- How to invoke: Open a command prompt and type capture. The usage and list of examples is displayed.
- extractguid
- Description: Tool to filter the call ids given a GUID(s) and save to a new PCAP file.
- How to invoke: Open a command prompt and type extractguid. The usage and list of examples is displayed.
- debug
- Description: Tool to set the CVP trace levels.
- How to invoke: Opens a command prompt and type debug. The usage and list of examples is displayed.
- show
- Description: Tool to show CVP tech support.
- How to invoke: Open a command prompt and type show. The usage and list of examples is displayed.
- tailt
- Description: Unix tail command on the CVP log.
- How to invoke: Open a command prompt and type tailt. CTRL-C to stop.
- location:
- How to invoke: Opens a command prompt and type location. The usage and list of examples is displayed.
- install_cs_cert , install_vxml_cert.bat and install ORM_NT.bat:
- Description: These files are used to create a CallServer, XML Server and ORM key and certificate files for HTTPS support. The original .keystore and server.xml files are saved to a backup location prior to tamper with them.
- propertiesMerger.bat:
- Description: Used by installer of CVP for some basic system install function.
- runcvp.bat:
- Description : Used by the installer to set TOMCAT registry entries.
- sendSignal.bat:
- Description: Generates a heapdump of the program with the given Process ID.
- uninstall_cs_cert.bat , uninstall_vxml_cert.bat and uninstallORM_NT.bat:
- Description: These files are used to delete a CallServer, XML Server and ORM key and certificate files for HTTPS support. The original .keystore and server.xml files are saved to a backup location prior to tamper with them.
- upgradeorm.bat, upgradeWSM.bat:
- Description: Sets up the classpath for execution of a class in ORM which automatically handles the upgrade procedure for wrapper.conf
CVP Reimage: (C:\Cisco\CVP\bin\TAC)
- Reimage.bat
- Description: Utility batch to restore the configuration (wrapper.conf,, orm.xml and to installer.
- updatermiserverip.bat
- Description: Utility file to update RMI Server IP in registry entry.
VXML Server: (C:\Cisco\CVP\VXMLServer\admin)
- changeAppAdminPerm.bat
- Description: For dvanced Interactive eXecutive( AIX) systems only.
- deployAllNewApps.bat
- Description: Loads all new CVP applications to memory.
- flushAllOldApps.bat
- Description: Unloads old CVP applications from memory if their folder was deleted and they were not released.
- getVersions.bat
- Description: Shows versions of different VXML components (not very useful)
- suspendServer.bat
- Description: Gracefully suspends all CVP applications.
- resumeServer.bat
- Description: Resumes all CVP applications.
- status.bat
- Description: Shows license info; CVP applications and their state and number of calls.
- updateAllApps.bat
- Description: Gracefully updates all CVP applications.
- updateCommonClasses.bat
- Description: Updates common classes for CVP applications.
CVP TOMCAT : (C:\Cisco\CVP\CallServer\Tomcat\bin, C:\Cisco\CVP\wsm\Server\Tomcat\bin, C:\Cisco\CVP\VXML\Server\Tomcat\bin
- All the batch files in this folder are shipped along with TOMCAT and used for TOMCAT administration.