This document describes how to use the Embedded Event Manager (EEM) tool to troubleshoot issues on the network that are otherwise hard to pin point or do not have a regular frequency which allows normal troubleshooting.
EEM is a flexible system designed to customize Cisco IOS®, XR, and NX-OS. EEM allows you to automate tasks, perform minor enhancements, and create workarounds.
EEM scripts have two purposes:
In either case, in order to use EEM scripts it is necessary to identify a trigger event which you can then use to trigger the script.
Sample EEM scripts to help troubleshoot issues are included in this section.
Run commands every 30 seconds to the file in flash; show commands can be adapted to whatever you want to run:
event manager applet show-rtp-streams
event timer watchdog name timer time 30
action 0.5 cli command "enable"
action 1.0 cli command "show clock | append flash:filename.txt"
action 2.0 cli command "show ip cache flow | append flash:filename.txt"
action 3.0 cli command "show voip rtp conn" | append flash:filename.txt"
action 4.0 cli command "show call active voice br" | append flash:filename.txt"
Similarly, you can use a watchdog in order to dump the router log every X seconds to an FTP server or flash:
event manager applet dump-log
event timer watchdog name timer time 1800
action 0.5 cli command "enable"
action 1.0 cli command "show log | append ftp://user:pass@"
You can also use an Expect script on a UNIX device inside a cronjob to pull the log every X minutes. Instead of pushing it with EEM; replace the username and password with the proper strings for login credentials:
> dhcp-64-102-154-159:Desktop sholl$ cat login-script
> #!/usr/bin/expect
> set timeout 60
> spawn telnet -N
> # Uncomment these if you are prompted for a username by the router
> # expect "login:"
> # send "username\n"
> expect "Password: "
> send "password\n"
> expect ">"
> send "en\n"
> expect "Password:"
> send "password\n"
> expect "#"
> send "term len 0\n"
> expect "#"
> send "sh log\n"
> expect "#"
> send "exit\n"
> send "exit\n"
> dhcp-64-102-154-159:Desktop sholl$ crontab -e
> # min hour mday month wday command
> 0 4 0 0 0 Desktop/login-script >> outputlog.txt
Enable debugs at the boot of the router; change the debugs to whatever you want to enable:
event manager applet en-debugs-at-boot
event timer cron cron-entry "@reboot"
action 1.0 cli command "enable"
action 2.0 cli command "debug isdn q931"
action 2.2 cli command "debug isdn q921"
action 2.4 cli command "debug isdn standard"
Disable debugs after a specific debug message is detected in order to prevent the log from filling up. Disable the EEM script (itself) afterwards. Change the pattern to what matches your situation:
event manager applet disableDebugsOnError
event syslog occurs 1 pattern "Endpt not available"
action 3.0 cli command "enable"
action 3.2 cli command "un all"
action 3.3 cli command "config t"
action 3.4 cli command "no event manager applet disableDebugsOnError"
action 3.5 cli command "end"
While most forms of VPN issues do not generally require EEM in order to troubleshoot, in some cases the problem can be transient which makes it hard to obtain the necessary information. Relevant cases inlcude:
It is usually found that at times the CPU utilization spikes up for a very short period of time and at indeterminate times. Hence it becomes very difficult to run commands that need to be run at the time of the high CPU utilization. This is when an EEM script can be very useful. Set the CPU values at which it should get triggered and it obtains the command outputs.
This is an example script and should be customized for your requirements:
event manager applet capture_cpu_spike
event snmp oid get-type next entry-op ge entry-val 60
exit-time 10 poll-interval 1
action 001 syslog msg "CPU Utilization is high"
action 002 cli command "en"
action 003 cli command "show proc cpu sort | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 004 cli command "show proc cpu sort | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 005 cli command "show stack 236 | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 006 cli command "show call active voice brief | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 007 cli command "show voip rtp connection | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 008 cli command "show isdn call-rate | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 009 cli command "show log | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 010 cli command "show mem stat his | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 011 cli command "show proc cpu his | append flash:cpuinfo"
action 012 cli command "show align | append flash:cpuinfo"
The above script not only detects CPU utilization and runs the commands, it also appends the outputs to flash: or any other location of choice. It is triggered when the CPU utilization goes above 60 %. This should be customized to your requirements. However, caution should be exercised to consider the file system free space before you deploy the script.
Revision | Publish Date | Comments |
1.0 |
10-Oct-2013 |
Initial Release |