This document describes how to do prechecks on PIM module when it is deployed and to confirm that the cellular interface is assigned an IP address.
Cisco recommends that you have basic knowledge of these topics:
- 5G Cellular Network Basics
- Cisco P-5GS6-GL module
- Cisco IOS® XE and Cisco IOS® CG
Components Used
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
- Cisco C8300 with Cisco IOS® XE version 17.06.03a with a P-5GS6-GL module plugged in.
This applies to a P-5GS6-GL module connected to a router in a controller mode in SD-WAN.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Device not Attached to 5G Band
Ensure with the carrier that the acquired network plan is activated for 5G band.
- Confirm with the carrier about 5G coverage area in the zone the 5G device is placed.
Confirm the Cellular Interface of the Device is not Assigned an IP Address
ISR#sh ip int brief
Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol
GigabitEthernet0/0/0 YES other up up
GigabitEthernet0/0/1 unassigned YES unset up up
Gi0/0/1.2989 YES other up up
GigabitEthernet0/0/2 unassigned YES unset down down
GigabitEthernet0/0/3 YES other up up
GigabitEthernet0/0/4 unassigned YES unset down down
GigabitEthernet0/0/5 unassigned YES unset down down
Cellular0/2/0 unassigned YES IPCP up up
Cellular0/2/1 unassigned YES IPCP administratively down down
Sdwan-system-intf YES unset up up
Loopback65528 YES other up up
NVI0 unassigned YES unset up up
Tunnel0 YES TFTP up up
Tunnel2989001 YES TFTP up up
Confirm the Device Detects the SIM
ISR#sh controllers cellular 0/X/0 details
Cellular Dual SIM details:
SIM 0 is present
SIM 1 is not present
SIM 0 is active SIM
ISR#sh cellular 0/X/0 security
Active SIM = 0
SIM switchover attempts = 0
Card Holder Verification (CHV1) = Disabled
SIM Status = OK
SIM User Operation Required = None
Number of CHV1 Retries remaining = 3
Confirm the Device Actively Uses Required SIM
ISR#sh controllers cellular 0/2/0 details
Cellular Dual SIM details:
SIM 0 is present
SIM 1 is not present
SIM 0 is active SIM
Verify the Modem Firmware is Updated and SIM Information is Populated
If the SIM information is not populated, ensure the SIM is inserted and not defective:
isr#show cellular 0/X/0 all
Hardware Information
Modem Firmware Version = M0H.020202
Host Firmware Version = A0H.000292
Device Model ID = FN980
International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services
Digital Network-Number (MSISDN) = XXXXXXXXXX
Check the Radio values
If radio values are out of valid ranges, ensure all antennas are connected and not defective.
Valid Radio Ranges
RSSI: “Good” value is greater than -80 dBm (such as 79 is greater than -80)
RSRP: “Good” value is greater than -105 dBm (such as-104 is greater than -105)
RSRQ: “Good” value is greater than -12 dBm (such as 11 is greater than -12)
SNR: “Good” value is greater than 5 dBm (6 is better than 5)
The RSSI = -128 dBm usually means that the modem is down or the antennas are not connected. No radio signal at all.
Isr#sh cellular 0/2/0 radio
Current RSSI = -65 dBm
Current RSRP = -94 dBm
Current RSRQ = -12 dB
Current SNR = 8.4 dB
Confirm Whether the PS State is Attached or not
If PS state is not attached, make sure the correct APN is in use and provisioned on carrier side:
isr#sh cellular 0/2/0 network
Current System Time = Sun Jan 6 3:11:7 1980
Current Service Status = No service
Current Service = Unknown
Current Roaming Status = Home
Network Selection Mode = Automatic
Network = 420 212
Mobile Country Code (MCC) = 420
Mobile Network Code (MNC) = 4
Packet switch domain(PS) state = Not attached
Registration state(EMM) = Searching/Not Registered
EMM Sub State = No IMSI
Tracking Area Code (TAC) = 0
Cell ID = 0
Network MTU = Not Available
Check Profile Configuration and Correct APN is in Use
isr#show cellular 0/x/0 profile
Profile password Encryption level = 7
Profile 1 = INACTIVE* **
PDP Type = IPv4
Access Point Name (APN) = SAMIS.M2M
Authentication = None
Profile 2 = INACTIVE
PDP Type = IPv4v6
Access Point Name (APN) = ims
Authentication = None
Profile 5 = INACTIVE
PDP Type = IPv4
Access Point Name (APN) = SAMIS.M2M
Authentication = None
* - Default profile
** - LTE attach profile
Configured default profile for active SIM 0 is profile 1.
Confirm that the Detected Network, MCC and MNC Values are Correct
isr#sh cellular 0/2/0 network
Current System Time = Sun Jan 6 3:11:7 1980
Current Service Status = No service
Current Service = Unknown
Current Roaming Status = Home
Network Selection Mode = Automatic
Network = 420 212
Mobile Country Code (MCC) = 420
Mobile Network Code (MNC) = 4
Packet switch domain(PS) state = Not attached
Registration state(EMM) = Searching/Not Registered
EMM Sub State = No IMSI
Tracking Area Code (TAC) = 0
Cell ID = 0
Network MTU = Not Available
If the values shown are incorrect, confirm using
Force Change to Correct MCC and MNC Values
1. Shutdown the cellular interface:
conf t
int cellular 0/X/0
2. Perform a PLMN search, this forces the modem search for available networks in the area:
cellular 0/X/0 lte plmn search //This command is entered in PRIV mode, no config mode.
3. Once the PLMN search is completed, see the available networks with:
show cellular 0/X/0 network
4. Select the desired network with:
cellular 0/X/0 lte plmn select manual MCC MNC INDX RAT //Enter the desired MCC,MNC,INDX and RAT from above output
5. To force select the desired network :
cellular 0/X/0 lte plmn select force MCC MNC INDX RAT //Enter the desired MCC,MNC,INDX and RAT from above output
Check the Available PLMNs
isr#sh cellular 0/2/0 network
Current System Time = Tue Jan 8 23:43:48 1980
Current Service Status = No service
Current Service = Unknown
Current Roaming Status = Roaming
Network Selection Mode = Automatic
Network = Zain KSA
Mobile Country Code (MCC) = 420
Mobile Network Code (MNC) = 4
Packet switch domain(PS) state = Not attached
Registration state(EMM) = Not registered
EMM Sub State = Attach needed
Tracking Area Code (TAC) = 0
Cell ID = 0
Available PLMNs at = 11:31:30 AST Thu Nov 21 2024
1 420 1 lte stc
2 420 3 lte Mobily
3 420 4 lte Zain KSA
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