A factory reset is an entire reset of a device to factory defaults. It eliminates all custom configurations. This is useful when you want to remove all configurations stored on a device, troubleshoot errors, or start off with a device like new. Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is a voice response activated on the SPA8000 to configure specific setups desired by the user. IVR is an alternative to the web Graphic User Interface (GUI). The objective of this document is to reset a SPA8000 to factory defaults by the use of the IVR system.
Step 1. Connect an analog phone to one of the eight available voice lines on a SPA8000.
Step 2. Access the IVR by pressing the asterisk key four times (i.e. ****) on the keypad of the analog phone. The IVR is initiated and you hear the voice prompt give instructions.
Step 3. Press the appropriate codes on the keypad of the analog phone to navigate the IVR.
Step 4. After the code is entered in to the IVR; press 1 on the phone to confirm the operation, otherwise press * to cancel the operation. When 1 is pressed, you will hear "Option Successful". Hang up the phone and the SPA8000 phone adapter will reboot and all settings will be reset to their defaults.
Note: By default, both user and admin account have no passwords when you access SPA8000 via the web configuration utility.