Provisioning parameters control resync actions, with the exception of firmware upgrades.
The objective of this document is to show you how to change provisioning parameters in order to adjust when certain resync actions take place.
• SPA112
• SPA122
Step 1. Choose Voice > Provisioning from the Phone Adapter Configuration Utility. This opens the Provisioning window.
Step 2. Choose Yes from the Provision Enable drop-down list.
Step 3. Choose Yes from the Resync On Reset drop-down list. This triggers a resync after every reboot.
Note: Resync will not be triggered after reboots caused by parameter updates or firmware upgrades.
Step 4. Enter a value for the Resync Random Delay field. Default value is 2.
Note: The field is in units of 20 seconds (i.e. The default value of 2, represents 40 seconds)
Step 5. Enter a value for the Resync Periodic field. The default is 3600 seconds.
Note: If zero is entered in the Resync Period field, periodic resyncing is disabled.
Step 6. Enter a value for the Resync Error Retry Delay field. The default is 3600 seconds.
Step 7. Enter a value for the Forced Resync Delay field. The default value is 14,400 seconds.
Step 8. Choose Yes from the Resync From SIP drop-down list.
Step 9. To trigger a resync after all firmware upgrade attempts, enable Resync After Upgrade Attempts
Step 10. Enter values for the Resync Trigger 1 and Resync Trigger 2 fields.
Note: When the logic equation in these two parameters evaluates to TRUE, a resync is triggered.
Step 11. Choose Yes from the Resync Fails on FNF drop-down list to activate the error resync timer when a file-not-found response is determined to be a failed resync attempt.
Step 12. Click the Submit button to save changes.
Step 1. Choose Voice > Provisioning from the Phone Adapter Configuration Utility. This opens the Provisioning window.
Step 2. To enable firmware upgrade operations, choose Yes from the Upgrade Enable drop-down list.
Step 3. Enter a value in the Upgrade Error Retry Delay field, to set the retry interval in the case of a failed upgrade attempt. The default value is 3600 seconds.
Step 4. Enter a value in the Downgrade Rev Limit field. This enforces a lower limit on the acceptable version number during a firmware upgrade or downgrade. The default setting is empty.
Step 5. Enter a value in the Upgrade Rule field. This parameter defines upgrade conditions and associated firmware URLs.
Step 6. Enter a value for the Log Upgrade Request Msg field. This is the syslog message issued at the start of a firmware upgrade attempt.
Step 7. Enter a value for the Log Upgrade Success Msg field. This is the syslog message issued after a firmware upgrade attempt completes successfully.
Step 8. Enter a value for the Log Upgrade Failure Msg field. This is the syslog message issued after a failed firmware upgrade attempt.
Step 9. Click the Submit button to save changes.
Step 1. Choose Voice > Provisioning from the Phone Adapter Configuration Utility. This opens the Provisioning window.
Note: These parameters can be used as variables in provisioning and upgrade rules. They are referenced by prepending the variable name with a "$" character, such as $GPP_A $GPP_B.