The captive portal allows you to block clients connected to the WAP network. Clients see a special web page for authentication purposes before they are allowed to use the Internet normally. Captive Portal verification is for both guests and authenticated users. Captive portal makes use of the web browser and turns it into an authentication device. Captive portals are specially used at many Wi-Fi hotspots to charge users to get access to the internet. Captive portal instances are defined sets of configurations that are used to authenticate clients on the WAP network. These instances must be associated with Virtual Access Points (VAP). Different instances (maximum up to two) can be configured to respond differently to users as they attempt to access the associated virtual access point. VAPs are segmented wireless LANs in multiple broadcast domains that are wireless equivalents of Ethernet VLANs. This makes it so that multiple access points are simulated in one physical WAP device.
This article explains how to associate Captive Portal (CP) instances on the WAP321 access point.
• WAP321
Step 1. Log in to the web configuration utility and choose Captive Portal > Instance Association. The Instance Association page opens:
The following are the fields available under instance association.
• Network Interface — VAPs are segmented wireless LANs in multiple broadcast domains. This field shows the segmented domains; each segment is considered as different virtual access point.
• Instance Name — It shows the instance chosen for the network interface.
Step 2. Choose the instance for each VAP that you want to associate from the Instance Name drop-down list. The instance configurations will be effective and applies to the users who are in that network interface only.
Step 3. Click Save to save the changes made on the Instance Association page.