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This document describes how the Service Inventory (SI) reports are created in a Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS) 9.2.1 deployment and the interactions between Cisco Hosted Collaboration Mediation Fulfillment (HCM-F) Service inventory and Cisco Unified Communications Domain Manager (CUCDM) 8.1.X during this process.
There are no specific requirements for this document.
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Cisco HCS SI is an application that provides reports for service providers for billing purposes. These reports contain data on customers, subscribers, devices, and other details that are currently provisioned on CUCDM. In addition, SI can generate reports directly from Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection application servers for customers that are provisioned in Cisco HCM-F that do not have a CUCDM configured. SI automatically transfers the report files at regular configurable intervals to remote SFTP servers. The service providers use these reports in order to generate billing records for their customers.
HCM-F and CUCDM must be installed and configured. These services must be activated and started on HCM-F:
Use Cisco HCS North Bound Interface Web Service, if you plan to configure SI through the SI administrative interface. Use Cisco HCS Fulfillment Service, if you plan to configure SI through the Cisco HCM-F NBI. Ensure that Cisco HCS CUCDMSync Service is running if you plan to run Cisco HCS CUCDMSync Service. Use Cisco HCS Provisioning Adapter Service so that automatic synchronization can propagate CUCDM data to the Shared Data Repository. SI obtains the connection data for CUCDM from the Shared Data Repository. The Cisco HCS Provisioning Adapter Service provisions credentials and SNMP information, as well as provisions remote Syslog data on Cisco Unified Communications Manager devices.
Services required differ between a CUCDM report and a supported UC Application report.
For CUCDM reports, you need these services:
For supported UC Applications reports, you need these services:
Webservices must be activated and started on CUCDM 8.1.X.
=>[webservices] #
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
|------ |----- |----------- |
|Enabled |True |Enable Webservice |
|8.1.0 |True |Enable version 8.1.0 webservices interface |
|8.0.0 |False |Enable version 8.0.0 compatible webservices interface |
Note: Use the Command Lookup Tool (registered customers only) in order to obtain more information on the commands used in this section.
Ensure that you have added CUCDM as a management application instance in HCM-F. This is because HCM-F Service Inventory relies on data from CUCDM in order to generate SI reports, hence it needs to be added.
In order to do so, choose Infastructure Manager > Management Network > Management Application > Add New.
When you integrate with a CUCDM version earlier than 8.1.2, the API version must be set to 8.0. The API version can be set to either 8.0 or 8.1 when you integrate with CUCDM 8.1.2 or later. Also, note that if the 8.0 API version is configured, SIP trunks will not be synced and only the location name will be synced for Customer Location.
Note: This user also needs to exist in CUCDM with the same password. In order to check this, from the CUCDM GUI choose General Administration > Administration Users.
When you add/configure this user, ensure the Webservice access has been checked. (This user is used by HCM-F SI in order to send a WebService Request to CUCDM, hence it needs to be enabled.)
Report Generation sourced from CUCDM has now been covered. SI, however, can also generate reports directly from a supported UC Application, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and Cisco Unity Connection application servers for customers that are provisioned in Cisco HCM-F that do not have a CUCDM configured.
If you do not have a CUCDM configured, you need to add Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) and Cisco Unity Connection (CUC) application servers manually in order to run a Service Inventory report.
In order to add credentials,
Note: BOTH PLATFORM and ADMIN are required in order to run the UC Application Report Collection.
This is required for both Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity Connection.
Repeat all for the next Cluster Application.
Next, configure the Service Inventory piece on the Service Inventory Configuration Page on HCM-F, as shown in this image.
Here you can set the schedule that defines when you would like the report to begin.
Note: The Report Format Version is key here.
The Cisco HCS 9.1(1) report format version is only compatible with CUCDM Version 8.1 and later. The Cisco HCS 9.0(1) report format version is compatible with CUCDM Version 8.0 and later. If you run an earlier version of the CUCDM software, choose the 8.6(2) report format version.
The Username field is greyed out (hardcoded).
CUCDM uses the username, adminsftp, in order to transfer data to the SI application. You cannot update this field.
Note: CUCDM learns this password from SI when SI sends the original SOAP request.
This section provides information you can use in order to troubleshoot your configuration.
Important logs are:
Note: If you use SI without CUCDM, also review these logs:
- /var/log/active/hcs/chpa - Provisioning Adapter Service Log files
- /var/log/active/hcs/ucpa – ucpa Service Log files
Complete these steps in order to set the log levels to Detailed (debug) level:
set trace tracelevel[an error occurred while processing this directive]
The record(s) are updated successfully.
Once that is done, wait for the next report generation as per your schedule. The first thing to check is whether you can see the transaction in VOSS. Search for a transaction called CreateServiceInventory. This transaction should succeed.
Note that you can see the User ID in the transaction output is the hcmf user that was configured earlier both in HCM-F as well as on CUCDM.
Once that is done, check whether the files have made it into SI correctly. It is important to understand how the report data structure functions in SI. The format of a SI file is an ASCII-based file with the ".si" file extension. (The file extension for the UC Application Service Inventory Common Format is .ucsi)
So, under normal circumstances, CUCDM sends the raw SI files (compressed) to HCM-F. HCM-F (SI) then massages the data. (SI sees the new file(s), decompresses the file(s), and processes the file(s).) Within the file structure there are a number of directories and each of these have their own meaning dependent upon the state of the data. These folders can be accessed only by the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) during a troubleshooting session via the root account.
Specifically, all the files are stored here in SI: /opt/hcs/si/backup/
/opt/hcs/si/backup/dmuncompressed[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[root@hcmf921 dmuncompressed]#
20150522210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi 20150622121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi
20150523210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi 20150623121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi
20150524210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi 20150624121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi
20150525210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi 20150625121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi
20150526210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi 20150626121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.dsi
[root@hcmf921 dmuncompressed]#
/opt/hcs/si/backup/cntranslated[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[root@hcmf921 cntranslated]#
20150602210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi 20150703121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi
20150603210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi 20150704121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi
20150604210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi 20150705121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi
20150605210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi 20150706121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.tsi
[root@hcmf921 cntranslated]#
/opt/hcs/si/backup/cisco-normalized[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[root@hcmf921 cisco-normalized]#
10000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi 20150703121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi
20150603210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi 20150704121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi
20150604210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi 20150705121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi
20150605210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi 20150706121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi
20150606210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi 20150707121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi
20150607210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi 20150708121500GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi
20150608210000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi 20150709090000GMT+1+CUCDM+1+1.csi
/opt/hcs/si/backup/sp-normalized[an error occurred while processing this directive]
[root@hcmf921 sp-normalized]#
In order to pull the log files from SI, enter these commands
file get activelog tomcat/logs/catalina.out[an error occurred while processing this directive]
file get activelog tomcat/logs/si/log4j/XXXXXX (where XXXX are the filenames
you want to gather)
There is currently no verification procedure available for this configuration.