This document describes how to add the Service URL label in Cisco Unified Communication Domain Manager (CUCDM).
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Cisco Hosted Collaboration Solution (HCS)
- Cisco Unified Communication Domain Manager (Cisco UCDM)
Components Used
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Problem: Issue while specifying the URL label of the service name
Either in the extension mobility profile or the phone, the service menu doesn't allow to specify the URL label of the service name.
Enable the url label while adding a phone via the Phone menu
Login as provider admin and move under Role Management > Field Display Policies (FDP)
- Select the SubscriberPhoneMenuitemProvider and clone the FDP under customer hierarchy.This can be done by selecting the SubscriberPhoneMenuitemProvider and opening it up.Then at the top-right hand corner, you can clone the FDP in question, as shown in the image:
- Open the new SubscriberPhoneMenuitemProvider at customer hierarchy level.
- Move under the Service fields section.
- Select attribute.
- Move up the attribute as shown in the image.
- Click in Save.
Apply the above steps to this FDP:
- SubscriberPhoneMenuitemCustomer
- SubscriberPhoneMenuitemSite
Enable the url label while adding phone via the Subscriber Menu
Login as provider admin and move under Role Management > Field Display Policies (FDP)
In this example, the SubscriberAdvancedDefault FDP at syslevel is cloned to SubscriberAdvancedDefault at customer level (sys.hcs.P1.BRU)
Open the new FDP SubscriberAdvancedDefaultat at customer hierarchy level.
- Move under Extension Mobility section.
- Select attribuite.
- Move up the attribute as shown in the image.
- Click in Save.
Login on CUCDM as provider admin, navigate to Subscriber Management > Phone > Select the phone > Services.
Login in CUCM >> Device >> Phone >> Phone Configuration >> Subscribe/Unsubscribe menu