The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document describes working test scenarios for both Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) ON/OFF and explains the MWI stored procedure function and the changes that are seen in both the setup scenarios.Structured Query Language (SQL) results are included to verify if the changes were applied on the Informix Database (IDS) after the MWI notififcation message arrival on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM).
There are no specific requirements for this document.
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Digit Analysis for the called number 1999 in the CUCM traces
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
06150176.006 |11:53:11.122 |AppInfo |Digit analysis: match(pi="2", fqcn="1007", cn="1007",plv="5", pss="", TodFilteredPss="", dd="1999",dac="0")
06150176.007 |11:53:11.122 |AppInfo |Digit analysis: analysis results
06150176.008 |11:53:11.122 |AppInfo ||PretransformCallingPartyNumber=1007
SQL procedure is called to update the column record flag value to 2 which means MWI ON indicator
06150194.001 |11:53:11.123 |AppInfo |DB: SQL1[execute procedure dblSetMWIEx('1007', '', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)][an error occurred while processing this directive]
SQL query on CUCM Node CLI to check the flag value (tklampblinkrate_messagewaiting)
admin: run sql select n.dnorpattern, d.tklampblinkrate_messagewaiting from numplan as n,numplandynamic as d where n.dnorpattern = '1007' and n.pkid = d.fknumplan[an error occurred while processing this directive]
dnorpattern tklampblinkrate_messagewaiting
=========== ==============================
1007 2
Digit Analysis for the called number 1998 in the CUCM traces
06150336.006 |11:53:16.427 |AppInfo |Digit analysis: match(pi="2", fqcn="1007", cn="1007",plv="5", pss="", TodFilteredPss="", dd="1998",dac="0")[an error occurred while processing this directive]
06150336.007 |11:53:16.427 |AppInfo |Digit analysis: analysis results
06150336.008 |11:53:16.427 |AppInfo ||PretransformCallingPartyNumber=1007
SQL procedure is called to update the column record flag value to 1 which means MWI Off indicator
06150355.001 |11:53:16.428 |AppInfo |DB: SQL1[execute procedure dblSetMWIEx('1007', '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)][an error occurred while processing this directive]
SQL query on CUCM Node CLI to check the flag value (tklampblinkrate_messagewaiting)
admin: run sql select n.dnorpattern, d.tklampblinkrate_messagewaiting from numplan as n,numplandynamic as d where n.dnorpattern = '1007' and n.pkid = d.fknumplan dnorpattern tklampblinkrate_messagewaiting[an error occurred while processing this directive]
=========== ==============================
1007 1
Stored Procedure SQL for MWI Extension
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
partition LIKE RoutePartition.pkid,
lamp LIKE NumPlanDynamic.tkLampBlinkRate_MessageWaiting,
"1007" will be the input to the DN field ,"2" or "1" will be acting as a lamp input to the function "dblSetMWIEx"
As the partition value passed onto the function is NULL, then this IF condition is met and the listed SQL query fetches the pkid value from NumPlanDynamic table into param : NPDpkid after doing an inner join with the numplan table
IF (partition = '') THEN[an error occurred while processing this directive]
SELECT NumPlanDynamic.pkid into NPDpkid from NumPlanDynamic INNER JOIN NumPlan ON NumPlanDynamic.fknumplan = NumPlan.pkid
WHERE (NumPlan.dnOrPattern = '1007' AND NumPlan.fkRoutePartition IS NULL);
Result of the SQL query from CUCM Node CLI
admin:run sql select NumPlanDynamic.pkid from NumPlanDynamic INNER JOIN NumPlan ON NumPlanDynamic.fknumplan = NumPlan.pkid WHERE (NumPlan.dnOrPattern ='1007' AND NumPlan.fkRoutePartition IS NULL) pkid[an error occurred while processing this directive]
This pkid value will be passed onto the NPDpkid value as defined in the function.
Update query executed in the function dblSetMWIEx for updating the lamp field value as defined in the SQL procedure:
Update NumPlanDynamic set NumPlanDynamic.tkLampBlinkRate_MessageWaiting = lamp WHERE pkid = NPDpkid;[an error occurred while processing this directive]
The update query updates the tkLampBlinkRate_MessageWaiting column.
1. MWI On Scenario
MWI notification message from Unity with mwiwaiting flag set to 1
19684211.001 |19:45:22.377 |AppInfo |StationInit: (0030551) StationMwiNotificationMessage mwiTarget=1007 mwiCtrl=1999 msgsWaiting=1 totalVm(-1/-1) priVm(-1/-1) totalFax(-1/-1) priFax(-1/-1)
19684212.000 |19:45:22.377 |SdlSig |StationMwiNotification |restart0 |StationD(1,100,58,30551) |StationInit(1,100,57,1) |1,100,13,30598.8^^CiscoUM2-VI2 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] mwiTargetDn=1007 mwiControlDn=1999
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
19684213.000 |19:45:22.377 |SdlSig |SsInfoReq |wait |Cc(1,100,213,1) |StationD(1,100,58,30551) |1,100,13,30598.8^^CiscoUM2-VI2 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] Type=0 Key=0 Node=1 Party=0 DevId=(1,58,30551) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=2 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 Signal=0 Cause=0 clientCodeReq=F authCodeReq=F mwiOnOffDn=1999 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0 SsKey=0invokeId=0resultExp=Fbpda=F
19684214.000 |19:45:22.377 |SdlSig |SsInfoReq |wait |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) |Cc(1,100,213,1) |1,100,13,30598.8^^CiscoUM2-VI2 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] Type=0 Key=0 Node=1 Party=0 DevId=(1,58,30551) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=2 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 Signal=0 Cause=0 clientCodeReq=F authCodeReq=F mwiOnOffDn=1999 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0 SsKey=0invokeId=0resultExp=Fbpda=F
19684214.001 |19:45:22.377 |AppInfo |MessageWaitingManager::ssInforeq mwiOnOffDn=1999 passedCSS= mwiDnCss=
19684214.002 |19:45:22.377 |Created | | |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106960741) |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) | |NumOfCurrentInstances: 6489
19684214.003 |19:45:22.377 |AppInfo |MessageWaitingManager - hashChildProcess - entries in the messageWaiting table = 0x1959
19684215.000 |19:45:22.377 |SdlSig |SsInfoReq |wait |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106960741) |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) |1,100,13,30598.8^^CiscoUM2-VI2 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] Type=0 Key=0 Node=1 Party=22308893 DevId=(1,58,30551) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=2 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 Signal=0 Cause=0 clientCodeReq=F authCodeReq=F mwiOnOffDn=1999 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0 SsKey=0invokeId=0resultExp=Fbpda=F
19684215.001 |19:45:22.378 |AppInfo |MessageWaiting::sendDaReq dialingPattern=1007 dialingPartition= voiceMailbox=1007 orig digitString=1007, cmDeviceType 0
19684215.002 |19:45:22.378 |Stopping | | |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106960741) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106960741) | |NumOfCurrentInstances: 6489
19684216.000 |19:45:22.378 |SdlSig |DbVoiceMailUpdtReq |initialized |Db(1,100,202,1) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106960741) |1,100,13,30598.8^^CiscoUM2-VI2 |[T:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] 02000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 4862b9a5 00000000
Update SQL procedure is executed to update the lamp field to 2
19684216.001 |19:45:22.378 |AppInfo |DB: SQL1[execute procedure dblSetMWIEx('1007', '', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)][an error occurred while processing this directive]
19684216.002 |19:45:22.380 |AppInfo |DB: SQL2[execute procedure dblSetMWIEx('1007', '', 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)]
19684217.000 |19:45:22.384 |SdlSig |SsInfoRes |restart0 |StationD(1,100,58,30551) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106960741) |1,100,13,30598.8^^CiscoUM2-VI2 |[R:N-H:0,N:1,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] SsType=0 SsKey=106960741 SsNode=1 SsParty=0 DevId=(0,0,0) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=2 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 SsSignal=0 SsCause=16
19684217.001 |19:45:22.384 |AppInfo |StationD: (0030551) TX StationMwiResponse: mwiTarget=1007 result=0.
19684218.000 |19:45:22.384 |SdlSig |MessageWaitingComplete |wait |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106960741) |1,100,13,30598.8^^CiscoUM2-VI2 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0]
19684218.001 |19:45:22.385 |AppInfo |MessageWaitingManager - deleteEntryFromMwiTable - entries in the messageWaiting table = 0x1958
2. MWI Off Scenario
MWI notification message from Unity with mwiwaiting flag set to 0
19775953.001 |19:45:42.812 |AppInfo |StationInit: (0030549) StationMwiNotificationMessage mwiTarget=1007 mwiCtrl=1998 msgsWaiting=0 totalVm(-1/-1) priVm(-1/-1) totalFax(-1/-1) priFax(-1/-1)
19775954.000 |19:45:42.812 |SdlSig |StationMwiNotification |restart0 |StationD(1,100,58,30549) |StationInit(1,100,57,1) |1,100,13,30597.10^^CiscoUM2-VI3 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] mwiTargetDn=1007 mwiControlDn=1998
[an error occurred while processing this directive]
19775955.000 |19:45:42.812 |SdlSig |SsInfoReq |wait |Cc(1,100,213,1) |StationD(1,100,58,30549) |1,100,13,30597.10^^CiscoUM2-VI3 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] Type=0 Key=0 Node=1 Party=0 DevId=(1,58,30549) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=1 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 Signal=0 Cause=0 clientCodeReq=F authCodeReq=F mwiOnOffDn=1998 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0 SsKey=0invokeId=0resultExp=Fbpda=F
19775956.000 |19:45:42.812 |SdlSig |SsInfoReq |wait |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) |Cc(1,100,213,1) |1,100,13,30597.10^^CiscoUM2-VI3 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] Type=0 Key=0 Node=1 Party=0 DevId=(1,58,30549) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=1 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 Signal=0 Cause=0 clientCodeReq=F authCodeReq=F mwiOnOffDn=1998 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0 SsKey=0invokeId=0resultExp=Fbpda=F
19775956.001 |19:45:42.812 |AppInfo |MessageWaitingManager::ssInforeq mwiOnOffDn=1998 passedCSS= mwiDnCss=
19775956.002 |19:45:42.812 |Created | | |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106964522) |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) | |NumOfCurrentInstances: 6266
19775956.003 |19:45:42.812 |AppInfo |MessageWaitingManager - hashChildProcess - entries in the messageWaiting table = 0x187A
19775957.000 |19:45:42.812 |SdlSig |SsInfoReq |wait |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106964522) |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) |1,100,13,30597.10^^CiscoUM2-VI3 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] Type=0 Key=0 Node=1 Party=22312676 DevId=(1,58,30549) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=1 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 Signal=0 Cause=0 clientCodeReq=F authCodeReq=F mwiOnOffDn=1998 FDataType=0opId=0ssType=0 SsKey=0invokeId=0resultExp=Fbpda=F
19775957.001 |19:45:42.812 |AppInfo |MessageWaiting::sendDaReq dialingPattern=1007 dialingPartition= voiceMailbox=1007 orig digitString=1007, cmDeviceType 0
19775957.002 |19:45:42.812 |Stopping | | |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106964522) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106964522) | |NumOfCurrentInstances: 6266
19775958.000 |19:45:42.812 |SdlSig |DbVoiceMailUpdtReq |initialized |Db(1,100,202,1) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106964522) |1,100,13,30597.10^^CiscoUM2-VI3 |[T:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] 01000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00aff8ac 00000000 48c057a9 00000000
Update SQL procedure is executed to update the lamp field to 1
19775958.001 |19:45:42.812 |AppInfo |DB: SQL1[execute procedure dblSetMWIEx('1007', '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)][an error occurred while processing this directive]
19775958.002 |19:45:42.820 |AppInfo |DB: SQL2[execute procedure dblSetMWIEx('1007', '', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)]
19775959.000 |19:45:42.823 |SdlSig |SsInfoRes |restart0 |StationD(1,100,58,30549) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106964522) |1,100,13,30597.10^^CiscoUM2-VI3 |[R:N-H:0,N:1,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0] SsType=0 SsKey=106964522 SsNode=1 SsParty=0 DevId=(0,0,0) CSS= dn=ti=1nd=1007pi=0si1 FeatId=122 FeatVal=1 WhichLamps=0 LampPersis=0 SsSignal=0 SsCause=16
19775959.001 |19:45:42.823 |AppInfo |StationD: (0030549) TX StationMwiResponse: mwiTarget=1007 result=0.
19775960.000 |19:45:42.823 |SdlSig |MessageWaitingComplete |wait |MessageWaitingManager(1,100,126,1) |MessageWaiting(1,100,127,106964522) |1,100,13,30597.10^^CiscoUM2-VI3 |[R:N-H:0,N:0,L:0,V:0,Z:0,D:0]
19775960.001 |19:45:42.824 |AppInfo |MessageWaitingManager - deleteEntryFromMwiTable - entries in the messageWaiting table = 0x1879