The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document describes advanced troubleshooting steps on Smart Licensing Using Policy (SLUP) on Catalyst 9800 Wireless LAN Controller.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
Caution: Caution: Notes in this article contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the document. It is recommended that you read each Note.
Use: All licenses on Cisco Catalyst Wireless Controllers are unenforced. This means that you do not have to complete any licensing-specific operations, such as registering or generating keys before you start using the software and the licenses that are tied to it. License usage is recorded on your device with timestamps and the required workflows can be completed at a later date.
Report license usage to CSSM: Multiple options are available for license usage reporting. You can use SSM On-Prem, or Cisco Smart Licensing Utility (CSLU), or report usage information directly to CSSM. For air-gapped networks, a provision for offline reporting where you download usage information and upload it to CSSM, is also available. The usage report is in plain text XML format.
This article does not cover all the Smart Licensing scenarios on Catalyst 9800, refer to the Smart Licensing Using Policy Configuration Guide for additional information. However, this article does give a series of useful commands to troubleshoot direct connect and SSM On-Prem Smart Licensing Using Policy issues on the Catalyst 9800.
Option 1. Direct connect to Cisco Smart Licensing Cloud Servers (CSSM):
Option 2. Connection via On-prem Smart Software Manager (On-prem SSM):
Note: All commands mentioned in this article are applicable only to WLCs that run version 17.3.2 or later.
With SLP most licenses are not enforced and would be enabled on the device when the feature/technology package gets configured. The corresponding license(s) would appear in show license summary as IN USE.
9800-1#show license summary
Account Information:
Smart Account: <none>
Virtual Account: <none>
License Usage:
License Entitlement Tag Count Status
lic_c9800l_perf (LIC_C9800L_PERF) 1 IN USE
air-network-advantage (DNA_NWStack) 2 IN USE
air-dna-advantage (AIR-DNA-A) 2 IN USE
The only 2 states available for a license are IN USE or NOT IN USE. The status is solely determined by the configuration and features applied on the Product Instance.
For each license IN USE there is a separate RUM report created. There are states as CLOSED, ACK and OPEN for Rum reports.
Optional: Confirmed with an internal command test license smart rum-report id command:
Router(config)# service internal
Router# test license smart rum-report id
report_id:1624247687 state:SmartAgentRumStateOpen
starting from 17.9 versions: the show license rum id all command:
Smart Licensing Usage Report:
Report Id, State, Flag, Feature Name
1682489268 CLOSED P lic_c9800l_perf
1682489269 CLOSED P air-network-advantage
1682489270 CLOSED P air-dna-advantage
1682489271 CLOSED P air-network-advantage
1682489272 CLOSED P air-dna-advantage
1682489273 ACK N lic_c9800l_perf
RUM reports, or Resource Usage Measurement reports are data files with information about license usage and device identity. These reports are security stored in the device and are cert-signed by the hardware.
The reports change state throughout the communication between product instance and CSSM.
State |
Description |
SmartAgentRumStateOpen |
New report created by Smart Agent on the device |
SmartAgentRumStateClosed | RUM report sent to CSSM (reloads would also push the open reports to closed state) |
SmartAgentRumStateUnacknowledged | RUM report pending acknowledgement from CSSM, poll ID provided |
SmartAgentRumStateAcknowledged | RUM report sent to CSSM and got acknowledged for it |
The Smart Licensing Using Policy feature has been introduced to the Catalyst 9800 with the code version 17.3.2. The initial 17.3.2 release misses SLUP configuration menu in the WLC webUI, which was introduced with the 17.3.3 release. The SLUP is different from traditional smart licensing in couple of ways:
Note: Warning: If you are using a Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller, ensure that you are familiar with the mandatory ACK requirement that starts with Cisco IOS® XE Cupertino 17.7.1. See RUM Reporting and Acknowledgment Requirement for Cisco Catalyst 9800-CL Wireless Controller.
* A brand new 9800 controller must adhere to certain procedure for smart licensing workflow to get completed.
1. Create a token from CSSM portal and import the token to establish a trust id required to get authorization for license usage reporting in future. This trust id value is the key for CSSM in order to validate the report submitted from 9800 controller. This trustid token would get refreshed periodically and exchanged as part of Rum usage reporting with CSSM.
Note: Starting with Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1, a trust code is required. Trust code is established per serial number and so 9800 HA SSO setup would have 2 trustcode installed.
A UDI-tied public key, which the product instance uses to:
Sign a RUM report. This prevents tampering and ensures data authenticity.
Enable secure communication with CSSM.
From Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.7.1, a trust code is automatically obtained in topologies where the product instance initiates the sending of data to CSLU and in topologies where the product instance is in an air-gapped network.
A trust code can obtained from CSSM, using an ID token.
Here you generate an ID token in the CSSM Web UI to obtain a trust code and install it on the product instance. You must overwrite the factory-installed trust code if there is one. If a product instance is directly connected to CSSM, use this method to enable the product instance to communicate with CSSM in a secure manner. This method of obtaining a trust code is applicable to all the options of directly connecting to CSSM. For more information, see Connected Directly to CSSM.
From Cisco IOS XE Cupertino 17.9.1, a trust code is automatically obtained in topologies where CSLU initiates the retrieval of data from the product instance.
If there is a factory-installed trust code, it is automatically overwritten. A trust code obtained this way can be used for secure communication with CSSM.
* Make sure configuration on 9800 for smart licensing is intact. 9800 uses Smart as transport to communicate with CSSM.
Device(config)#license smart transport smart
Device(config)#license smart url
license smart proxy { address address_hostname| port port_num}
Device(config)#license smart url default
Device(config)#license smart proxy address <proxy ip/fqdn>
Device(config)#license smart proxy port <proxy port>
Device(config)#license smart transport cslu
Device(config)#license smart url cslu https://SSM-Onprem-FQDN-address>/cslu/v1/pi/ssmsfloodingslup2304-1
Ensure the domain lookup and name-server are reachable via source interface.
Device(config)#ip domain name <domain-name>
Device(config)#ip name server <dns-server>
Device(config)#ip domain lookup
show license all command returns Transport type and URL details configured on 9800: Ensure configuration is absolute.
Type: Smart
Not Configured
VRF: <empty>
Type: cslu
Cslu address: https://SSM-Onprem-FQDN-address>/cslu/v1/pi/ssmsfloodingslup2304-1
* if there is any proxy between 9800 and CSSM, make sure to allow the listed IP address on proxy for seamless communication.
Use the curl command:
Use the curl command:
Use this nslookup command:
Expected response:
Use the dig command:
Expected result
Note: The Smart Receiver component at CSSM has replaced old and single point of contact for Rum reporting, Registration, Billing for MSLA customers.
ip http client source-interface <source-interface>
This command explicitly marks the source path to CSSM.
ip http client secure-trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint
Ensure secure-trustpoint is selected as SLA-TrustPoint as this is signed by Licensing Root CA. Both SSM On-Prem and CSSM is trusted by Licensing Root CA certificate.
CA Certificate:
Status: Available
Certificate Serial Number (hex): 01
Certificate Usage: Signature
cn=Cisco Licensing Root CA
cn=Cisco Licensing Root CA
Validity Date:
start date: 19:48:47 UTC May 30 2013
end date: 19:48:47 UTC May 30 2038
Associated Trustpoints: Trustpool SLA-TrustPoint
Storage: nvram:CiscoLicensi#1CA.cer
License smart sync all is the command to initiate fresh Rum report from 9800 controller and XML format. When this command is issued on the controller where trust code is not installed on 17.9.x version, it first generates a request for the trustcode rather than Rum usage report.
Received on Sep 17 17:35:26 2024 UTC
<smartLicenseTrust><trustCode><udi>P:C9800-L-F-K9,S:FCL2630000P</udi><status><success>false</success><message>A trust request corresponding to higher trust-id has already been processed for this device.</message><code>OLD_TRUST_ID</code><correlationID>null-null</correlationID></status></trustCode><signature>MEQCIAg71/hlcWxUiiof8VstpmPhRH8jptPZPrvaSpsuwVgLAiAQ3IUVMuS8bOHwySOB/j/3RmG4uSDq/EbUp+vfrYD9nQ==</signature></smartLicenseTrust>
CSSM is expecting the controller to send incrementatl trustcode id as a security purpose and the implication of invalid trust code would stop CSSM to process the licensing RUM requests from controller. This would eventually result in license management issue on CSSM licensing dashabord.
<smartLicenseTrust><trustCode><udi>P:C9800-L-F-K9,S:XXXXXXXXX</udi><customerInfo><smartAccount>Cisco Demo Internal Smart Account</smartAccount><virtualAccount>0Demo-HK-PartnerA</virtualAccount></customerInfo><piid>0eb1d627-bbed-46a8-9a4b-fc5b48a7c36b</piid><dateStamp>2024-09-10T07:21:30</dateStamp></subCA><trustId>110</trustId><status><success>true</success><correlationID>null-null</correlationID></status></trustCode><signature>MEUCIGMPyt6VEmv/DMziybLDnsHRZAxfl9r1vI3BBNtrdpBtAiEAojAqDYkGn206meTHt8+dqra0LAciHEZKxmqeurKOU0g=</signature></smartLicenseTrust>
The reporting interval you can configure in CLI or GUI has no effect.
The 9800 WLC communicates with CSSM or On-prem Smart Software Manager every 8 hours, no matter what reporting interval is configured via web interface or CLI. This means that newly joined access points can appear on the CSSM up to 8 hours after they initially joined.
You can figure out the next time licenses are calculated and reported with the show license air entities summary command. This command is not part of the typical show tech or show license all output:
show license air entitiessummary command:
Last license report time........................: 10:00:07.753 UTC Mon Sep 16 2024
Upcoming license report time....................: 18:00:07.808 UTC Mon Sep 16 2024
No. of APs active at last report................: 3
No. of APs newly added with last report.........: 1
No. of APs deleted with last report.............: 0
Post trustcode is installed successfully on 9800 controller, the next phase is to generate the usage report of license activity via Rum (Resouce Measurement Unit) in XML format. License smart sync all/local command would initiate or generate or open new Rum measurement based on AP managed in controller. Basically, 9800 smart agent component sends an API call to licensing module to collect new Rum report with licensing information.
show license rum id all command:
This command would list CLOSED, ACK and OPEN state of Rum report on the controller.
1719005447 OPEN N air-network-advantage
1719005448 OPEN N air-dna-advantage
show license rum id 1719005447 detail command:
You can get details of the license reported in Rum id. This command pulls the software_identifier_tag which is the key matching element on CSSM database to validate a license type from a product instance.,1.0_e7244e71-3ad5-4608-8bf0-d12f67c80896
Smart Licensing Usage Report Detail:
Report Id: 1719005447
Feature Name: air-network-advantage
Metric Value:,1.0_e7244e71-3ad5-4608-8bf0-d12f67c80896
UDI: PID:C9800-L-F-K9,SN:FCL2630000P
Previous Report Id: 1719005445, Next Report Id: 0
State: OPEN, State Change Reason: None
Close Reason: None
Start Time: Sep 10 10:00:08 2024 UTC, End Time: Sep 16 16:15:08 2024 UTC
Storage State: EXIST
Transaction ID: 0
Transaction Message: <none>
* Now, Rum report is generated. In OPEN state, it must be submitted to CSSM successfully to receive the ACK from the CSSM.
A) Verify which licenses are activated/in use
- show version
- show license summary
- show license usage <<< it would also indicate which licenses are Perpetual vs Subscription
C) Verify if enforced/export controlled license is authorized:
- show license authorization
D) Verify what messages were sent to/received from SSM On-Prem/CSSM
- show license history message
E) Check for errors
- show license eventlog
F) Collect detailed information/counters:
- show license tech support
G) Collect license tech support file
- show tech-support license
"Communications failure with the Cisco Smart License Utility (CSLU) : No detailed information given"
This error can be observed when the HTTPS communication with On-Prem was not established. Potential reasons:
- A specific VRF is used for communication with OnPrem. The HTTP client source interface must be configured manually
- Revocation check is NOT disabled under the SLA-Trustpoint configuration
- Another trustpoint is set as the default for crypto signalling (for example: on the SIP gateway)
"HTTP Server Error 502: Bad Gateway"
This error is currently under investigation by the On-Prem development team. In most cases there is no service impact observed.
Typically, 10 seconds later, SAEVT_COMM_RESTORED.
Jul 9 13:15:29.902: %SMART_LIC-3-COMM_FAILED: Communications failure with the Cisco Smart License Utility (CSLU) : HTTP Server Error 502: Bad Gateway
Jul 9 13:15:39.881: %SMART_LIC-5-COMM_RESTORED: Communications with Cisco Smart License Utility (CSLU) restored
"HTTP Server Error 404: Not Found"
This error is observed on the Cisco IOS XE device when there was an attempt to install the Trust Code while the transport URL was pointing to the On-Prem (CSLU).
The command "license smart trust idtoken <token> [all|local]" is used ONLY when the device communicates directly with CSSM.
NOTE: Depending on the platform this message can also mean that the "Validate Device" setting is turned on in the CSLU settings panel in the On-Prem Admin Workspace. Check to see if the device you are trying to register is located in the "SL Using Policy" tab of the On-Prem sever. If the devices is not in that tab then you need to turn this toggle off. Then try to have the device sync with the On-Prem server again. For a picture of this setting, refer to the end of this article.
SAEVT_INIT_CRYPTO success="False" error="Crypto Initialization has not been completed"
This error can be observed shortly after the system boots. After about 30 seconds the crypto initialization is completed - in such case there is no service impact.
2021-06-25 10:09:23.378 UTC SAEVT_INIT_SYSTEM_INIT
2021-06-25 10:09:24.383 UTC SAEVT_INIT_CRYPTO success="False" error="Crypto Initialization has not been completed"
2021-06-25 10:09:54.383 UTC SAEVT_INIT_CRYPTO success="True"
If the crypto initialization does not complete for several minutes/hours, verify if the NTP configuration is present and/or clocks are synced. Saving running configuration helps to restart the crypto initialization.
It is recommended to investigate further with Cisco TAC if the problem persists.
SAEVT_UTILITY_RUM_FAIL error="[HOST_NOT_FOUND] Device Host is not found"
Most likely, the "Validate Device" setting is set in the CSLU settings panel in the On-Prem Admin Workspace.
This setting helps ensure the RUM reports from known product instances are being received.
SAEVT_COMM_FAIL error="Unable to resolve server hostname/domain name"
This error indicates a connectivity issue that can originate with DNS resolution. You must ensure that the device can resolve the destination URL. Usually the ip host <url> <ipassociated> command is misconfigured. Please check this point.
Most probably you would find communication failure.
Communication Statistics:
Communication Level Allowed: INDIRECT
Overall State: <empty>
Trust Establishment:
Attempts: Total=30, Success=0, Fail=30 Ongoing Failure: Overall=30 Communication=30 <<<<<<<<<
Last Response: NO REPLY on Feb 12 10:52:56 2023 GMT <<<<<<<<<<
Failure Reason: <none>
Last Success Time: <none>
Last Failure Time: Feb 12 10:52:56 2023 GMT
Communication Level Allowed as INDIRECT means the required trustcode is not installed successfully on the 9800 controller.
Note: Note: CSSM is the source of truth of all licensing data.
* If basic communication issue between 9800 and CSSM is mitigated by performing the test, enable debug on certain modules involved for smart licensing communications. Enabling debug on 9800 would spike CPU for certain time interval and hence must perform these actions during off business hours.
* There are 4 modules which are involved in smart licensing communication from 9800 to CSSM or SSM On-Prem
1. Crypto module
Crypto PKI Msg debugging is on
Crypto PKI Trans debugging is on
Crypto PKI callbacks debugging is on
Crypto PKI Validation Path debugging is on
2. Http module
HTTP Server:
HTTP Server transaction debugging is on
HTTP Server tokens debugging is on
HTTP Server EZSetup debugging is on
HTTP Server URL debugging is on
HTTP Server Authentication debugging is on
HTTP Server Side Includes debugging is on
HTTP Application Inout debugging is on
HTTP Application Detail debugging is on
HTTP Server Error debugging is on
HTTP SSL Error debugging is on
HTTP CTC trace debug debugging is on
HTTP CTC error debug debugging is on
HTTP SESSION debugging is on
HTTP TPS Trace debugging is on
HTTP TPS Error debugging is on
HTTP WSMAN debugging is on
3. Openssl module
ssl openssl:
TLS state debugging is on
TLS msg debugging is on
TLS errors debugging is on
4. The smart licensing module is called as a smart agent, including the transport gateway
License IPC communication debugging is on
License Events debugging is on
License warnings and errors debugging is on
server identity check and SAN validation on the certificate. Trustpoint validation from crypto SSL library.
Sep 16 16:29:12.236: Server identity check with host:
Sep 16 16:29:12.236: Server identity to verify is ip address len 12
Sep 16 16:29:12.329: CRYPTO_PKI: (A645F) Check for identical certs
Sep 16 16:29:12.329: CRYPTO_PKI(Cert Lookup) issuer="cn=Cisco Licensing Root CA,o=Cisco" serial number= 0F 42 40
Sep 16 16:29:12.329: CRYPTO_PKI: (A645F) Suitable trustpoints are: SLA-TrustPoint,Trustpool6,Trustpool6,
Sep 16 16:29:12.329: CRYPTO_PKI: (A645F) Attempting to validate certificate using SLA-TrustPoint policy
Sep 16 16:29:12.329: CRYPTO_PKI: (A645F) Using SLA-TrustPoint to validate certificate
Sep 16 16:29:12.345: SSL_connect:SSL negotiation finished successfully
Sep 16 16:29:12.345: SSL_connect:SSL negotiation finished successfully
Once Usage report is submitted to CSSM, you must see successfully update on show license history message command:
Requests would have component like UDI_SERIAL_NUMBER, hostname, software_tag_identifier which indicate what license mode ls consumed by 9800 controller and request_type as "LICENSE_USAGE"
There are multiple license types present:
Usage Reporting:
REQUEST: Sep 16 16:30:16 2024 UTC
Usage Reporting:
REQUEST: Sep 16 16:30:16 2024 UTC
Usage Reporting:
REQUEST: Sep 16 16:30:16 2024 UTC
* It is important to understand the response from CSSM or SSM On-Prem:
Error Response packet:
RESPONSE: Sep 16 16:30:16 2024 UTC
"status": "FAILED",
"message_code": "ERROR Consuming licenses",
"message": "",
"nonce": "77709655117429624"
The error indicates that there has been already an entry for the controller in CSSM or SSM On-Prem licensing server which is denying the addition of new record in the database. One must delete the active or stale record from CSSM or SSM On-Prem and re submit Rum report.
Valid Response Poll_id :
RESPONSE: Sep 16 16:29:14 2024 UTC
"sender_info": {
"connect_info": {
"name": "CSLU_V1",
"version": "v1",
"production": true,
"additional_info": "",
"capabilities": [
"timestamp": 1726504153302,
"nonce": "10743401694998030696",
"sudi": {
"udi_pid": "C9800-L-F-K9",
"udi_serial_number": "FCL2630000P"
"product_instance_identifier": "",
"software_tag_identifier": ",1.0_9529f872-1b08-4cac-9279-71c391233fc2"
"status": "COMPLETE",
"license_data": [
"status": "OK_POLL",
"request_line_id": 1,
"sudi": {
"udi_pid": "C9800-L-F-K9",
"udi_serial_number": "FCL2630000P"
"poll_id": 5583279046281676962,
"poll_interval": 86739,
"smart_license": ""
* How to validate poll_id is stored in 9800 local database and how often it polls to get an ACK for the Rum report submitted.
Test command to validate need to get activated via service internal.
conf t
service internal
test license smart conversion list-poll-info
Poll Request Information:
PollID | Type | Delta | Poll Time
5583279046281676962 | TRUST_SYNC | 86673 | Sep 17 17:33:05 2024 UTC
* As you can understand from the explanation that initial requests submitted by 9800 controller would always be Trust code token and without it, 9800 controller would never generate new Rum usage report and hence license usage change cannot be submitted on CSSM.
* A sample requests poll_id for License_usage.
test license smart conversion list-poll-info
Poll Request Information:
PollID | Type | Delta | Poll Time
5583279046281677674 | LICENSE_USAGE | 87656 | Sep 17 17:33:05 2024 UTC
* if there is already an ACK processed in CSSM or SSM On-Prem database, you can force the smart agent on the 9800 controller to poll and get ACK at the earliest without waiting for the time mentioned
in the poll_id cycle.
test license smart conversion sched_poll 5583279046281676962 ?
<0-4294967295> delta Time in Seconds
Revision | Publish Date | Comments |
1.0 |
23-Jan-2025 |
Initial Release |