The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
This document describes the steps required to Recover an entire CPS Cluster in an Ultra-M setup that hosts CPS Virtual Network Functions (VNFs).
Ultra-M is a pre-packaged and validated virtualized mobile packet core solution designed to simplify the deployment of VNFs. Ultra-M solution consists of the following Virtual Machine (VM) types:
The high-level architecture of Ultra-M and the components involved are depicted in this image:
This document is intended for the Cisco personnel familiar with Cisco Ultra-M platform.
Note: Ultra M 5.1.x release is considered for defining the procedures in this document.
VNF | Virtual Network Function |
ESC | Elastic Service Controller |
MOP | Method of Procedure |
OSD | Object Storage Disks |
HDD | Hard Disk Drive |
SSD | Solid State Drive |
VIM | Virtual Infrastructure Manager |
VM | Virtual Machine |
UUID | Universally Unique IDentifier |
For this procedure, the assumption is that only the CPS cluster is to be recovered and all components at the Openstack level are operational including the ESC
When ESC Fails to Start VM:
root@abautotestvnfm1em-0:/etc/rsyslog.d# pwd
root@abautotestvnfm1em-0:/etc/rsyslog.d# ll
total 28
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun 7 18:38 ./
drwxr-xr-x 86 root root 4096 Jun 6 20:33 ../]
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 319 Jun 7 18:36 00-vnmf-proxy.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 317 Jun 7 18:38 01-ncs-java.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 311 Mar 17 2012 20-ufw.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 252 Nov 23 2015 21-cloudinit.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1655 Apr 18 2013 50-default.conf
root@abautotestvnfm1em-0:/etc/rsyslog.d# ls /etc/rsyslog.conf
1. Create a Backup of CPS Cluster-Manager
Step 1. Use the following command to view the nova instances and note the name of the cluster manager VM instance:
nova list
Stop the Cluman from ESC.
/opt/cisco/esc/esc-confd/esc-cli/esc_nc_cli vm-action STOP <vm-name>
Step 2. Verify Cluster Manager in SHUTOFF state.
admin@esc1 ~]$ /opt/cisco/esc/confd/bin/confd_cli admin@esc1> show esc_datamodel opdata tenants tenant Core deployments * state_machine
Step 3. Create a nova snapshot image as shown in this command:
nova image-create --poll <cluman-vm-name> <snapshot-name>
Note:Ensure that you have enough disk space for the snapshot.
Important - In case if VM becomes unreachable after snapshot creation, check the status of VM using nova list command. If it is in "SHUTOFF" state, you need to start the VM manually.
Step 4. View the image list with the following command: nova image-list Figure 1: Example Output
Step 5. When a snapshot is created, the snapshot image is stored in OpenStack Glance. To store the snapshot in a remote data store, download the snapshot and transfer the file in OSPD to ( /home/stack/CPS_BACKUP )
To download the image, use the following command in OpenStack:
glance image-download –-file For example: glance image-download –-file snapshot.raw 2bbfb51c-cd05-4b7c-ad77-8362d76578db
Step 6. List the downloaded images as shown in the following command:
ls —ltr *snapshot*
Example output: -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10429595648 Aug 16 02:39 snapshot.raw
Step 7. Store the snapshot of the Cluster Manager VM to restore in the future.
2. Backup the configuration and database.
1. -a export --all /var/tmp/backup/ATP1_backup_all_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).tar.gz OR 2. -a export --mongo-all /var/tmp/backup/ATP1_backup_mongoall$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).tar.gz 3. -a export --svn --etc --grafanadb --auth-htpasswd --haproxy /var/tmp/backup/ATP1_backup_svn_etc_grafanadb_haproxy_$(date +\%Y-\%m-\%d).tar.gz 4. mongodump - /var/qps/bin/support/env/ --mongo /var/tmp/env_export_$date.tgz 5. patches - cat /etc/broadhop/repositories, check which patches are installed and copy those patches to the backup directory /home/stack/CPS_BACKUP on OSPD 6. backup the cronjobs by taking backup of the cron directory: /var/spool/cron/ from the Pcrfclient01/Cluman. Then move the file to CPS_BACKUP on the OSPD.
Verify from the crontab -l if any other backup is needed
Transfer all the backups to the OSPD /home/stack/CPS_BACKUP
3. Backup yaml file from ESC Master.
/opt/cisco/esc/confd/bin/netconf-console --host --port 830 -u <admin-user> -p <admin-password> --get-config > /home/admin/ESC_config.xml
Transfer the file in OSPD /home/stack/CPS_BACKUP
4. Back up crontab -l entries
Create a txt file with crontab -l and ftp it to remote location ( in OSPD /home/stack/CPS_BACKUP )
5. Take a backup of the route files from LB and PCRF client.
Collect and scp the below conifgurations from both LBs and Pcrfclients route -n /etc/sysconfig/network-script/route-*
Step 1. Copy the cluster manager VM snapshot to the controller blade as shown in this command:
ls —ltr *snapshot*
Example output: -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 10429595648 Aug 16 02:39 snapshot.raw
Step 2. Upload the snapshot image to OpenStack from Datastore:
glance image-create --name --file --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare
Step 3. Verify whether the snapshot is uploaded with a Nova command as shown in this example:
nova image-list
Figure 2: Example Output
Step 4. Depending on whether the cluster manager VM exists or not, you can choose to create the cluman or rebuild the cluman:
If the Cluster Manager VM instance does not exist, create the Cluman VM with a Heat or Nova command as shown in the following example:
Create the Cluman VM with ESC
/opt/cisco/esc/esc-confd/esc-cli/esc_nc_cli edit-config /opt/cisco/esc/cisco-cps/config/gr/tmo/gen/<original_xml_filename>
The PCRF cluster will spawn with the help of the above command, and then restore the cluster manager configurations from the backups taken with restore, mongorestore from dump taken in backup
delete - nova boot --config-drive true --image "" --flavor "" --nic net-id=",v4-fixed-ip=" --nic net-id="network_id,v4-fixed-ip=ip_address" --block-device-mapping "/dev/vdb=2edbac5e-55de-4d4c-a427-ab24ebe66181:::0" --availability-zone "" --security-groups cps_secgrp "cluman"
If the Cluster Manager VM instance exists, use a nova rebuild command to rebuild the Cluman VM instance with the uploaded snapshot as shown:
nova rebuild <instance_name> <snapshot_image_name>
For example: nova rebuild cps-cluman-5f3tujqvbi67 cluman_snapshot
Step 5 List all the instances as shown and verify that the new cluster manager instance is created and running:
nova list
Figure 3: Example Output
Restore the latest patches on the system
1. Copy the patch files to cluster manager which were backed up in OSPD /home/stack/CPS_BACKUP 2. Login to the Cluster Manager as a root user. 3. Untar the patch by executing the following command: tar -xvzf [patch name].tar.gz 4. Edit /etc/broadhop/repositories and add the following entry: file:///$path_to_the plugin/[component name] 5. Run script to create updated QPS packages: /var/qps/install/current/scripts/ 6. Shutdown all software components on the target VMs: sudo monit stop all 7. Make sure all software components are shutdown on target VMs:
Note: The software components must all display Not Monitored as the current status) 8. Update the qns VMs with the new software using script: /var/qps/install/current/scripts/upgrade/ 9. Restart all software components on the target VMs: sudo monit start all 10. Verify that the component is updated, run:
Step 1. Log in to the Cluster Manager VM as the root user.
Step 2. Note the UUID of SVN repository using the following command:
svn info http://pcrfclient02/repos | grep UUID
The command will output the UUID of the repository.
For example: Repository UUID: ea50bbd2-5726-46b8-b807-10f4a7424f0e
Step 3. Import the backup Policy Builder configuration data on the Cluster Manager, as shown in the following example: -a import --etc-oam --svn --stats --grafanadb --auth-htpasswd --users /mnt/backup/oam_backup_27102016.tar.gz
Note: Many deploymentsrun a cron job that backs up configuration data regularly.SeeSubversion Repository Backup, for more details.
Step 4. To generate the VM archive files on the Cluster Manager using the latest configurations, execute the following command:
Step 5. To deploy the pcrfclient01 VM, perform one of the following:
In OpenStack, use the HEAT template or the Nova command to re-create the VM. For more information, see CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.
Step 6. Re-establishSVN master/slave synchronization between the pcrfclient01 and pcrfclient02 with pcrfclient01 as the master as it runs these commands.
If SVN is already synchronized, do not issue these commands.
To check if SVN is in sync, run this command from pcrfclient02.
If a value is returned, then SVN is already in sync:
/usr/bin/svn propget svn:sync-from-url --revprop -r0 http://pcrfclient01/repos
Run this commands from pcrfclient01:
/bin/rm -fr /var/www/svn/repos /usr/bin/svnadmin create /var/www/svn/repos /usr/bin/svn propset --revprop -r0 svn:sync-last-merged-rev 0 http://pcrfclient02/repos-proxy-sync /usr/bin/svnadmin setuuid /var/www/svn/repos/ "Enter the UUID captured in step 2" /etc/init.d/vm-init-client /var/qps/bin/support/
Step 7. If pcrfclient01 is also the arbiter VM, then run these steps:
1. Create the mongodb start/stop scripts based on the system configuration. Not all deployments have all these databases configured.
Note:Refer to /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg to determine which databases need to be set up.
cd /var/qps/bin/support/mongo --session --create-scripts --admin --create-scripts --spr --create-scripts --balance --create-scripts --audit --create-scripts --report --create-scripts
2. Start the mongo process:
/usr/bin/systemctl start sessionmgr-XXXXX
3. Wait for the arbiter to start, then run --get_replica_status to check the health of the replica set.
Step 1. Log in to the Cluster Manager VM as the root user.
Step 2. To generate the VM archive files on the Cluster Manager using the latest configurations, run this command:
Step 3 To deploy the pcrfclient02 VM, perform one of the following:
In OpenStack, use the HEAT template or the Nova command to re-create the VM. For more information, see CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.
Step 4 Secure shell to the pcrfclient01:
ssh pcrfclient01
Step 5 Run this script to recover the SVN repos from pcrfclient01:
Step 1. Login to the Cluster Manager VM as the root user
Step 2. To deploy the sessionmgr VM and replace the failed or corrupt VM, perform one of these:
In OpenStack, use the HEAT template or the Nova command to re-create the VM. For more information, see CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack
Step 3. Create the mongodb start/stop scripts based on the system configuration.
Not all deployments have all these databases configured. Refer to /etc/broadhop/mongoConfig.cfg to determine which databases need to be set up
cd /var/qps/bin/support/mongo --session --create-scripts --admin --create-scripts --spr --create-scripts --balance --create-scripts --audit --create-scripts --report --create-scripts
Step 4. Secure shell to the sessionmgr VM and start the mongo process:
ssh sessionmgrXX /usr/bin/systemctl start sessionmgr-XXXXX
Step 5. Wait for the members to start and for the secondary members to synchronize, then run --get_replica_status to check the health of the database.
Step 6. To restore Session Manager database, use one of the following example commands depending on whether the backup was performed with --mongo-all or --mongo option:
• -a import --mongo-all --users /mnt/backup/Name of backup or • -a import --mongo --users /mnt/backup/Name of backup
Step 1. Log in to the Cluster Manager VM as the root user.
Step 2. To import the backup Policy Builder configuration data on the Cluster Manager, run this command: -a import --network --haproxy --users /mnt/backup/lb_backup_27102016.tar.gz
Step 3 To generate the VM archive files on the Cluster Manager using the latest configurations, run this command:
Step 4. To deploy the lb01 VM, perform one of these:
In OpenStack, use the HEAT template or the Nova command to re-create the VM. For more information, see CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack.
Step 1. Log in to the Cluster Manager VM as the root user.
Step 2. Import the backup Policy Builder configuration data on the Cluster Manager, as shown in this example: -a import --users /mnt/backup/qns_backup_27102016.tar.gz
Step 3. To generate the VM archive files on the Cluster Manager using the latest configurations, run this command:
Step 4 To deploy the qns VM, perform one of this:
In OpenStack, use the HEAT template or the Nova command to re-create the VM. For more information, see CPS Installation Guide for OpenStack
Step 1. Run this command to restore the database: –a import --mongo-all /mnt/backup/backup_$date.tar.gz where $date is the timestamp when the export was made.
For example, –a import --mongo-all /mnt/backup/backup_27092016.tgz
Step 2. Login to the database and verify whether it is running and is accessible:
1. Log into session manager:
mongo --host sessionmgr01 --port $port
where $port is the port number of the database to check. For example, 27718 is the default Balance port.
2. Display the database by executing the following command:
show dbs
3. Switch the mongo shell to the database by executing the following command:
use $db
where $db is a database name displayed in the previous command.
The use command switches the mongo shell to that database.
For example,
use balance_mgmt
4. In order to display the collections, run this command:
show collections
5. In order to display the number of records in the collection, run this command:
db.$collection.count() For example, db.account.count()
The above example will show the number of records in the collection “account” in the Balance database (balance_mgmt).
To restore the Policy Builder Configuration Data from a backup, execute the following command: –a import --svn /mnt/backup/backup_$date.tgz where, $date is the date when the cron created the backup file.
You can restore Grafana dashboard using the following command: -a import --grafanadb /mnt/backup/
After you restore the data, verify the working system through this command:
When ESC Fails to Start VM