Cisco Crosswork Cloud Release Notes

This document describes the new features and resolved bugs for all Cisco Crosswork Cloud products.

To quickly set up and start using Crosswork Cloud, see the Cisco Crosswork Cloud Quick Start Guide. To view Crosswork Cloud documentation, see Crosswork Cloud Technical Documentation.

To access previous versions of specific Crosswork Cloud product release notes, see:

New Features and Resolved Bugs

The following sections list the new features and bug fixes available in Crosswork Cloud organized by product and the date in which they were released.


Table 1. New Feature Released on 2024-06-14.



Unique Identifier


Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis

New Feature


You can now assign a Committed Information Rate (CIR) for any interface (Interfaces > interface-name > Edit > Interface Capacity Override). All capacity calculations, including those that serve as policy thresholds, will reflect information based on assigned CIR values.

A CIR icon (CIR icon) indicates that a CIR value has been assigned to the interface. For example:

Figure 1. Traffic Drilldown Example

Traffic Drilldown Capacity Example

For more information, see Assign a Committed Information Rate (CIR) to an Interface.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The appropriate page now opens after clicking a link from the Activity Log.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud



The formatting of subscription and trial expiration emails has been improved.

Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

Bug Fix


Row selections in the Peers table are now preserved when the table automatically refreshes.

Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

Bug Fix


When a paid subscription is canceled, the account correctly switches to a free account. An email is sent to the tenant owner after the account is converted to a free account.

Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

Bug Fix


An error no longer appears when there is an extra space in the beginning or end of the Notes area after editing the Alarm Details .

Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

Bug Fix


Routing Policy Specification Language (RPSL) data collection handling has been improved when Internet Routing Registries (IRRs) are observed.


Table 2. New Feature Released on 2024-05-06.



Unique Identifier


Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

Bug Fix


When using the Route Origin Violation (ROV) tool ( > Tools > Route Origin Validation), all ROV records now display the violation description in the Notes section.

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

Bug Fix


Updated the check mark icon color in the Unknown Files and Package Validation pages when using the High Contrast theme in Crosswork Cloud.


Table 3. New Feature Released on 2024-04-24.



Unique Identifier


Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

New Feature


APIs for Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights are now available for the following items:

  • Credentials

  • Devices

  • Gateways

  • Enrollment Tokens

  • Policies

For more information, log into Crosswork Cloud and navigate to the API documentation (Help and Support icon > Documentation > APIs).


Table 4. New Feature Released on 2024-04-16.



Unique Identifier


Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

New Feature


ROA validation data from the ASN and Prefix ROA pages have been moved to the new Route Origin Validation tool ( > Tools > Route Origin Validation). The Route Origin Validation (ROV) tool compares Looking Glass data (BGP updates) against ROA records. For more information, see Validate Route Origin Information.



The ROV tool is available only for Advantage and Premier subscription tiers.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The instructions in the CSV Import tab (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon or Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Monitor > Devices > Add Device button) have been updated to include what must be configured if a device attribute is listed in the CSV file.


Table 5. New Feature Released on 2024-04-01.



Unique Identifier


Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis



You can now view the last 15 minutes of data in the drop-down Time or Timeframe filter list in the following Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis pages:

  • Overview

  • Devices

  • Interfaces

  • ASNs

  • Prefixes

  • Traffic Drilldown

  • Traffic Comparison

  • Recommendations

Last 15 Minutes Example


Table 6. New Feature Released on 2024-03-26.



Unique Identifier


Cisco Crosswork Cloud


  • CCLD-10335

  • CCLD-10339

There is a new option to enable NetStream Interface Index (ifIndex) mapping for supported third-party devices (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon or Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Devices > Add Device > Advanced Settings > Show).

Cisco Crosswork Cloud



The Application Help link has been updated to open the Cisco Crosswork Cloud Technical Documentation site (Help and Support icon > Documentation > Application Help).


Table 7. New Feature Released on 2024-03-19.



Unique Identifier


Cisco Crosswork Cloud



The Lost Device Connection details for an active alarm (under the Observed area) now includes BGP and SNMP connectivity information (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon or Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Alarms > Active tab > Lost Device Connection).

Observed Lost Device Connection Details


Table 8. New Feature Released on 2024-02-29.



Unique Identifier


Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

Bug Fix


When users already logged into Crosswork Cloud go to, they are correctly redirected to the Crosswork Cloud dashboard.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The following changes have been made to the Crosswork Data Gateway pages:

  • The Traffic Analysis Crosswork Data Gateway page (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon > Configure > Data Gateways) no longer shows Trust devices.

  • The Trust Insights Crosswork Data Gateway page (Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Configure > Data Gateways) no longer shows Traffic devices.

Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis

Bug Fix


The following changes have been made to the devices in the Traffic Drilldown tool (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon > Tools > Traffic Drilldown):

  • For the Interface column, sorting is enabled.

  • For the Capacity column, sorting is now based on the speed of the interface instead of numerically.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The Advanced Settings toggle switch in the Add Device (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon or Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Devices > Add Device) and Edit Device (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon or Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Devices > Edit Device) page now displays "Show" and "Hide" labels instead of "On" and "Off".

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The Unsaved Changes pop-up window no longer appears if you didn't make any changes in the Devices page.


Table 9. New Feature Released on 2024-02-12.



Unique Identifier


Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


When you click APIs in the left navigation pane (Help and Support icon > Documentation > APIs), the Getting Started entry is now highlighted in the menu bar.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The Device column in now displayed by default in the Traffic Analysis Alarms (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon > Monitor > Alarms) and Trust Insights Alarms (Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Monitor > Alarms) pages.

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

Bug Fix


The Trust Insights Device Changes page (Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Devices > device-name > Changes tab) has been updated as follows:

  • In the Dossier Differences column, an icon no longer appears when there are no changes between timestamps.

  • When the Differences tab is selected, Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights will now display up to 500 change records.


Table 10. New Feature Released on 2024-02-06.



Unique Identifier


Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


All links are now appropriately underlined across Crosswork Cloud when the display mode is using the High Contrast theme.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


You are no longer prompted for a verification code when adding Google Storage as an endpoint notification type during policy configuration.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

New Feature


BGPMon is no longer available. The following updates have been made:

  • Removed the following banner from the Crosswork Cloud login page:

    “For a limited time you can still access your BGPMon account if you have not yet migrated to Crosswork Cloud.”

  • Added the following banner in the Crosswork Cloud sign-up page: “Legacy BGPMon Portal users must create a new account under Crosswork Cloud.”

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The Admin State column no longer displays the "Unknown" status on the Notifications page (Settings icon > Global > Notifications).

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix

  • CCLD-10051

  • CCLD-10153

Links to Help page topics have been updated from Trust Insights Alarms, and Crosswork Data Gateway pages.

Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


The white scroll bars in the Add Data Gateway page (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon or Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Configure > Data Gateways > Add Data Gateway button) have been removed.

Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

New Feature


There are new APIs to enable linking to multiple peers, ASNs, or prefixes at the same time.

Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

New Feature


The Summary information in the Prefix Overview page ( > Prefixes > prefix > Overview tab) now displays an estimated geolocation and its confidence metrics gauge.


Crosswork Cloud Network Insights

Bug Fix


Valid information now appears for a Prefix alarm for multiple prefixes on the same interface.

Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis

New Feature


As you click across interfaces and devices when using the Traffic Drilldown tool (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon > Tools > Traffic Drilldown), it will display the Prefix or ASN Breakdown type you previously selected. Previously, the Traffic Drilldown tool would default to the ASN Breakdown type.

Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis

Bug Fix


Colors have been corrected in the Traffic Analysis line graphs.

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

Bug Fix


The Policy Details page no longer lists devices that are not being tracked.

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

Bug Fix


The Trust Insights Crosswork Data Gateway page (Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Configure > Data Gateways) no longer shows Trust Analysis.

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

Bug Fix


When adding files to the Trust Insights Known Good Files list (Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Configure > Known Good Files > Add Files), Traffic Analysis devices no longer appear as an option to select from.

Crosswork Data Gateway

New Feature


Support for Crosswork Data Gateway 6.0.1. This release includes the following new features:

  • Auto enroll Crosswork Data Gateway with Crosswork Cloud

  • Ability to configure multiple Syslog servers

  • Option to modify the interface address

  • Auto-configuration functionality to deploy Crosswork Data Gateway

  • Support to assign roles to the vNICs

For more information about the new features see Cisco Crosswork Data Gateway 6.0.1 Release Notes for Cloud Applications

For information on how to deploy and manage Crosswork Data Gateways for Crosswork Cloud see Manage Crosswork Data Gateways.


Table 11. New Feature Released on 2024-01-10.



Unique Identifier


Cisco Crosswork Cloud

Bug Fix


You will no longer receive an error message when accessing the API Help and Documentation page (Help and Support icon > Documentation > APIs or Cisco Crosswork Cloud REST API Documentation).

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

Bug Fix


On clicking the device name in the Trust Insights Device Connectivity or Gateway Connectivity alarm page (Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Configure > Policies > Device Connectivity or Gateway Connectivity > Details > Monitored Devices > device-name), the Traffic details page is no longer displayed.

Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis

New Feature


Added the support for flowd to use either automatic (default) or a manually configured sampling rate for Netflow, by adding the Netflow Sampling Rate Override field (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon or Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights > Devices > Add Device > Toggle Advanced Settings to ON).

If the sampling rate is null or 0, the mode is automatic and flowd uses the sampling rate provided by the router. When set to any positive value, flowd ignores the routers provided sampler (if any) and use the configured sampling rate. The maximum value that you can enter is 250,000.

Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis

Bug Fix


The Gateway Connectivity alarms are now correctly displayed on the Policies page (Crosswork Cloud Traffic Analysis icon > Configure > Policies).

Supported Browsers

Crosswork Cloud products are supported on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome 70 or later

  • Mozilla Firefox 62 or later

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights Required Software

Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights requires the following software:

  • Cisco Crosswork Data Gateway

  • Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights supports Cisco 8000, Cisco NCS 5500, Cisco NCS 540, Cisco NCS 540 (LNT), and Cisco ASR 9000 series devices running Cisco IOS XR 7.3.1 or later.

    The following Cisco IOS XR versions are supported:

    • 7.3.1, 7.3.2, 7.3.3, and 7.3.4

    • 7.4.1 and 7.4.2

    • 7.5.1, 7.5.2, and 7.5.4

    • 7.6.1 and 7.6.2

    • 7.7.1 and 7.7.2

    • 7.8.1

    • 7.9.1

    • 7.10.x

    • 7.11.x

    • 24.x.x

Requirement to Enable Fingerprinting

Starting with Cisco IOS XR 24.3.x, fingerprinting has been disabled by default. You must enable fingerprinting. For example:.

ios(config)#install fingerprints frequency <num>

where <num> can be any value between 1-12 and indicates the frequency of fingerprint generation in hours.

Integrate Cisco IOS XR with Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights

For information on how to integrate Cisco IOS XR and Crosswork Cloud Trust Insights, refer to the following table:

Table 12. Related Cisco IOS XR Documentation



Command Reference

Cisco 8000 Series Routers

Release 24.x.x

Release 7.11.x

Release 7.10.x

Release 7.9.x

Release 7.8.x

Release 7.7.x

Release 7.5.x

Release 7.3.x

All releases

Cisco NCS 5500 Series Routers

Release 24.x.x

Release 7.11.x

Release 7.10.x

Release 7.9.x

Release 7.8.x

Release 7.7.x

Release 7.6.x

Release 7.5.x

Release 7.4.x

Release 7.3.x

All releases

Cisco NCS 540 Series Routers

Release 24.x.x

Release 7.11.x

Release 7.10.x

Release 7.9.x

Release 7.8.x

Release 7.7.x

Release 7.6.x

Release 7.5.x

Release 7.4.x

Release 7.3.x

All releases

Cisco ASR 9000 Series Routers

Release 24.x.x

Release 7.11.x

Release 7.10.x

Release 7.9.x

Release 7.8.x

Release 7.7.x

Release 7.6.x

Release 7.5.x

Release 7.4.x

Release 7.3.x

All releases

For more information on Cisco routers, see the following platform documentation:

Supported Cisco Crosswork Data Gateway Version

You can download the supported Cisco Crosswork Data Gateway version for Crosswork Cloud products from the Cisco Software Download page. For more information, see the following: