Cisco Crosswork Hierarchical Controller 8.0 Analytics Guide

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Updated:April 3, 2024

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Updated:April 3, 2024



This document is a how-to-use guide for the analytics applications of Cisco Crosswork Hierarchical Controller.

The following table lists the analytics applications. The Legend column indicates if the application falls into one of the following categories:

       Common: Common to all layers and multi-layer

       IP: Relevant to IP links and services

       Optical: Relevant to fibers, optical links, OTN/ETH connections

Table 1.  Analytics Applications


Application name




Failure Impact


Enables a user to plan a maintenance event, finding which connections will be impacted by taking resources down and if there is an alternative path. When found, comparing existing and alternative path latency, cost, hops.

Supported for OTN, ETH, RSVP-TE tunnels.

Shared Risk Analysis


Find if there are commonly shared resources (node, site, link, card) between selected group of links in any layer. Group can be selected explicitly or as SHQL rule.


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Table 2.  Terms




The software used by Crosswork Hierarchical Controller to connect to a device or to the manager, to collect information required by the network model and configure the device.

Agg link

Agg is Link Aggregation Group (LAG) where multiple ETH links are grouped to create higher bandwidth and resilient link.


Border Gateway Protocol

Circuit E-Line

An Ethernet connection between two ETH client ports on Transponder or Muxponder over OTN signal.


Crosswork Network Controller.


Optical network element, router, or microwave device.

Device Manager

The application that manages the deployed adapters.


Enhanced Mobile Broadband.

ETH chain

A link whose path is a chain of Ethernet links cross-subnet-connected (found using Crosswork Hierarchical Controller cross-mapping algorithm). Eth-chain is a replacement for R_PHYSICAL link in cases where one side of the link is in devices out of the scope discovered by Crosswork Hierarchical Controller.

ETH link

ETH L2 link, spans from one ETH UNI port of an optical device to another, and rides on top of ODU.


Chain of fiber segments that spans from one optical device to another.

Fiber segment

Physical fiber line that spans from one passive fiber endpoint (manhole, splice etc.) to another and is used as a segment in a fiber link.


IGP is the link between two routers that carries IGP protocol messages. The link represents an IGP adjacency.


IP multi-protocol label switching.

L3 physical

L3 physical is the physical link connecting two router ports. It may ride on top of an ETH link if the IP link is carried over the optical layer.


A virtual private network based on L3 routing for control and forwarding.

L3-VPN link

The connection between two sites of a specific L3-VPN (can be a chain of LSP connections or IGP path).

LDP Endpoint

The endpoint of the LDP path (router name). LDP is a signaled path for services between two routers in the MPLS network.  The path is signaled by routers using the Label Distribution Protocol.

Logical link, IGP, LSP

Logical link connects VLANs on two IP ports.


Label Switched Path, used to carry MPLS traffic over a label-based path. LSP is the MPLS tunnel created between two routers over IGP links, with or without TE options.


NMC is the link between the xPonder facing ports on two ROADMs. This link is the underlay for OCH and it is an overlay on top of OMS links. This is relevant only for disaggregation cases where the ROADM and OT box are separated.


Network Management System.


SONET/SDH links that span from one optical device to another and carry SONET/SDH lower bandwidth services, the links ride on top of OCH links and terminate in TDM client ports.


OCH is a wavelength connection spanning between the client port one OT device (transponder, muxponder, regen) and another. 40 or 80 OCH links can be created on top of OMS links. The client port can be a TDM or ETH port.


ODU links are sub-signals in OTU links. Each OTU links can carry multiple ODU links, and ODU links can be divided into finer granularity ODU links recursively.


Open Shortest Path First, an Interior Gateway Protocol between routers.


An OTN connection between two ODU client ports over OTN path.


OTS is the physical link connecting one line amplifier or ROADM to another. An OTS can be created over a fiber link.


OTU is the underlay link in OTN layer, used for ODU links. It can ride on top of an OCH.

Packet E-Line

A point-to-point connection between two routers or transponders/muxponders over MPLS-TP or IP-MPLS.


Path Computation Client. Delegated to controller. Router is responsible for initiating path setup and retains the control on path updates.


Path Computation Element. Controller-initiated.


A group of rules and shared risk resource types.

Radio Channel

Multiple radio channels can be on top of radio media, each channel represents a different ETH link with its own rate.

Radio Media

The media layer as a carrier of radio channels.


Route Distinguisher.


Resource Reservation Protocol to control traffic engineered paths over MPLS network       .


Route Target.


A group of two or more diverse links/connections.


A super-channel is an evolution of DWDM in which multiple, coherent optical carriers are combined to create a unified channel of a higher data rate, and which is brought into service in a single operational cycle.

SDN Controller

Software that manages multiple routers or optical network elements.

Shared Risk Resource Type

The type of the resource that the shared risk analysis application checks if objects in the rule share. The types are Link, Device, Shelf, Card, and Port.


The Sedona Hierarchical Query Language (SHQL) is used to easily query the model across all dimensions (Vendors, Topologies, Layers, Domains, Status and Time).

SR Policy

Segment Routing Policy. A segment routing path between two nodes, with mapping to the IGP links based on SIDs list.


The Shared Risk Link Group are the links or connections that may suffer from a common failure if they share a common risk, such as a device, link or card.


Large and concatenated TDM circuit frame (such as STS-3c) into which ATM cells, IP packets, or Ethernet frames are placed. Rides on top of OC/OCG as optical carrier transmission rates.


Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications.


Any case where a resource, identified by its shared risk resource type, is shared between two links/connections.


Virtual Routing Function, acts as a router in L3-VPN.

ZR Channel

Multiple ZR channels can be on top of ZR media, each channel represents a different IP link with its own rate.

ZR Media

The media layer as a carrier of ZR channels, on top of OCH link.

Shared Risk Analysis

This application helps to establish diversity policy rules on predefined links or connection groups or on ad-hoc selected links/connections.

The application identifies any lower layer resources shared by a pair or group of links, or by any connection between selected endpoints.  This helps you to ensure that diverse links or connections are not using the same underlying resources.

The LDP Endpoint test looks for the shortest IGP path between the two pairs of routers and then analyses the shared risk between the paths found.

You can define one or more policies and use them for testing. A policy includes the shared risk resource type, the test type and the applicable rules.

       Shared Risk Resource Type – The type of resource that according to policy should not be shared by the links/connections paths. One or more of the following resource types can be selected: Device, Shelf, Card, Port, Link, or SRLG.

       Test scenario – The test type, either multiple links or a single protected link.

       Rules – Groups of links or connections by specific type. Users can select links/connections to a group and give each group a name or use SHQL rule to define the group. The group is retrieved at the time of execution. If there are any network changes, you can use the time machine and network inventory app to identify these changes.

Shared Risk Analysis Tests

To run a test, you can select a policy or ad-hoc select links/connection pairs to check if they share common resources.

Results are displayed as risks, where each row in the results table is a risk found that impacts a pair of links/connection of the selected policy or ad-hoc selection. The results table displays the names of the rules, the links that are at risk, the link type, the number, or resources they share and the total bandwidth at risk. 

Run Specific Links Test

You can run a test on specific links, checking for shared risk resources of type link, device, shelf, card, and port. You can select whether to check:

       Multiple links

       Single protected link

To run a specific links test:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

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2.     Select the required Shared risk resources types.

3.     Select the Test type (Multiple links or Single protected link).

4.     Click Add Resource to add a link.

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Or select the 3D Explorer tab.

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In the Advanced tab, you can select a link and click to view the link in the popup map.

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5.     Select a link and click OK.

6.     Add more links (by repeating the steps above for other links to analyze).

7.     Click Run. In the test results, you see the VIOLATIONS.

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8.     You can select a link and view the link in the popup map and select a row (and click Related image, diagram or screenshot  to expand) in the test results to see more details on the shared resources.

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Note: For a single protected link, the Link B and Link Type columns are empty, and the Capacity At Risk column is likely to be N/A.

9.     To view the causes, select the CAUSES tab.

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10.  (Optional) For multiple links, to remove a link from the test, select  Related image, diagram or screenshot and click Run.

Run LDP Endpoints Test

You can run a test on two pairs of routers acting as LDP endpoints, checking for shared risk resources of type link, device, shelf, card, and port. You need to select two endpoint device pairs.

This test looks for the shortest IGP path between the two pairs of routers and then analyses the shared risk.

To run LDP endpoints test:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Select the LDP endpoints tab.

3.     Select the required Shared risk resource types.

4.     Click IconDescription automatically generated  to add an endpoint.

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Or select the 3D Explorer tab.

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5.     Select an endpoint.

6.     Click OK.

7.     Add more endpoints.

8.     Click Run.

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9.     In the test results, you can select a link and view the link in the popup map and select a row (and click Related image, diagram or screenshot  to expand) in the test results to see more details on the shared resources.

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Export Test Results

The tabular test results can be exported into a CSV file for offline analysis.

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To export the test results:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Run the required test.

3.     Click Related image, diagram or screenshot.  The file is downloaded automatically.

Use Time Machine

The time machine provides a snapshot of the state of the network as it was at a date in the past. In this mode, all applications reflect data and analysis that apply to this point in time. 

You can use the time machine to execute the tests on the model as at a date in the past.

To change the model date:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Click Live, select a date and click Confirm.

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3.     Run the required test.

Share Risk Analysis Policies

You can define one or more policies and use them for testing. A policy includes the shared risk resource type and the applicable rules.

       Shared Risk Resource Type – The type of resource that according to policy should not be shared by the links/connections paths. The following resource types can be selected: Device, Shelf, Card, Port, Link, or SRLG.

       Test type– Either test multiple links or a single protected link.

       Rules – Groups of links or connections by specific type. You can select links/connections to a group and give each group a name.

Add Policy

You can add a policy, and then add rules to it. You must add at least one rule to save a new policy.

You can add a rule to an existing policy. Alternatively, you can add rules using the Shared Risk API and SHQL query (see Add Rules using the Shared Risk API).

To add a policy:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Select the Policy tab.

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3.     Click Related image, diagram or screenshot  Configure Policies.

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4.     In the Policy Configuration window, click Add Policy.

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5.     Select the policy.

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6.     (Optional) To change the policy name, select the new policy, click Related image, diagram or screenshot, modify the policy name and then click  Related image, diagram or screenshot.

7.     Select the required Shared risk resource types.

8.     Select whether you want to test Multiple links or Single protected link.

9.     Click Add Rule.

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10.  Enter a rule Name.

11.  Click  Related image, diagram or screenshot.

12.  Click Related image, diagram or screenshot to expand the rule.

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13.  Click  Add Resource to add a resource.

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Or select the 3D Explorer tab.

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In the Advanced tab, you can select a link and view the link in the popup map.

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14.  Select a link and click OK.

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15.  If required, add more links to the rule.

16.  Click Save.

Add Rules using the Shared Risk API

You can add a rule to an existing policy using the Policy API. This enables you to add rules using both GUIDs and/or an SHQL query. For more details, see the Crosswork Hierarchical Controller NBI and SHQL Guide.

To add a rule using APIs:

1.     Get a list of the policies.  See Get Policies.

2.     Add a rule to a policy. See Add a Rule to a Policy.

3.     You can view the SHQL query in the rule in the Policy Configuration window. See Edit Policy.

Remove Rules

You can remove a rule from a policy.

To remove a rule from a policy:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Select the Policy tab.

3.     Click  Related image, diagram or screenshot Configure Policies.

4.     Select the required policy.

5.     In the Rules area, click  Related image, diagram or screenshot.

6.     Click Save.

Edit Policy

You can edit a policy.

To edit a policy:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Select the Policy tab.

3.     Click  Related image, diagram or screenshot Configure Policies.

4.     Select the required policy.

5.     Modify the policy.

6.     Click Save.

Delete Policy

You can delete a policy.

To delete a policy:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Select the Policy tab.

3.     Click  Related image, diagram or screenshot Configure Policies.

4.     Select the required policy.

5.     Click Delete policy.

6.     Click Save.

Run Policy Test

You can run a test on a policy, checking for shared risk resources of type link, device, shelf, card, and port. Each policy includes one or more rules.

To run a policy test:

1.     In the applications bar in Crosswork Hierarchical Controller, select Shared Risk Analysis.

2.     Select the Policy tab.

3.     Select the required policy.

4.     Click Run.

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5.     In the test results, you can select a link and view the link in the popup map and select a row (and click Related image, diagram or screenshot  to expand) in the test results to see more details on the shared resources.

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Shared Risk API

Crosswork Hierarchical Controller provides APIs to administer shared risk policies and rules. 

For more details, see the Cisco Crosswork Hierarchical Controller NBI and SHQL Reference Guide.

Failure Impact

The Crosswork Hierarchical Controller Failure Impact application allows simulation of resource failures in a multidomain network, pointing to the specific domain in which the failure originated and the impact on services and network resources.

This application simulates the impact of a failure in a selected resource (link, device or site) on one or more network objects in the network where the application searches for alternative path to links or services (both, customer-based and resource-based) over the selected resource and provides results to show the impact on the services. The alternative path can be minimized by latency, number of hops, or admin costs and it is displayed with a comparison of the current path to the alternative found path.

You can also exclude resources from the calculated alternative path by selecting specific resources (objects such as devices, ports, and links) or by using tags as reference to group of resources.

This solves the failure impact problem by providing detailed results that can be acted on. For example, additional links can be added to vulnerable points, and any required changes can be made to the topology. This results in reduced failure impact and increased network reliability.

Run Failure Impact Test

You can run a failure impact test on one or more devices, links and/or sites. The Failure Impact application creates a list of affected services/connections and, if an alternative path exists, the application shows the current and the alternative path for each service/connection.

You can set various options for the test:

       The path optimization criteria (path minimization) can be configured as the number of hops, latency, or admin cost.

       Whether to assess the failure impact by services path or by connections path.

       Depending on the path type selected:

        Which services to filter by, either E-Line and/or OTN Line or specific services.

        Which connection type, Ethernet, ODU, OC, and/or LSP, or specific connections.

       Whether to exclude resources from the calculated path(s) selected by:

        Specific resources selected by the model selector.

        Use tags.

To run a failure impact test:

1.     In the applications bar, select Failure Impact.

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2.     In the Simulated Failures area, do one of the following:

        Choose Select specific resource(s) and then click Add resource. In the Advanced tab, select a resource, or click on the 3D Explorer tab to select a resource. You can add up to 10 items.

Related image, diagram or screenshot

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Note:   For more information on 3D Explorer, see the Cisco Crosswork Hierarchical Controller Network Visualization Guide.

        Choose Filter by tag(s) and then click Add Tags, then select a tag and click OK. Select more tags if required.

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3.     Select the Select path type (either Services or Connections).

4.     Select the Filter by type(s):

        For services, E-LINE and/or OTN LINE.

        For connections, Ethernet, ODU, OC, and/or LSP.

5.     (Optional) For services, select the Select specific services and then click Add service. In the Advanced tab, select a service, or click on the 3D Explorer tab to select a service. You can add up to 10 items.

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6.     (Optional) For connections, select the Select specific resource(s) and then click Add resource. In the Advanced tab, select a resource, or click on the 3D Explorer tab to select a resource. You can add up to 10 items.

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7.     (Optional) In the Exclude resources from calculated path(s) area, and then:

        Choose Select specific resource(s) and then click Add resource. In the Advanced tab, select a resource, or click on the 3D Explorer tab to select a resource. You can add up to 10 items.

        Choose Filter by tag(s) and then click Add tag, then select a tag, select the required tag value and click OK. Add more tags if required.

8.     Click Run. The impacted services and connections appear, with the root causes listed in the lower pane.

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9.     Select a widget to see its results.

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10.  To filter the table, click Related image, diagram or screenshot and select the required options.

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11.  To remove a column, click Hide Column.

12.  To restore all columns, click Restore All Columns.

13.  To sort the table, click on a column heading.

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14.  Click to select an item in the list. A list of the Original paths and Suggested paths appears. The simulated failed links show in purple.

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15.  Click a resource to view the resource in the 3D Explorer map.

Configure the Failure Impact Settings

You can configure various failure impact settings.

When the actual latency of all the links in a path is not known, a fudge factor for optimal paths latency setting is used to set a best guess distance multiplier for the links with missing latency.  This multiplier is applied to the geographical distance between the endpoints of the link, and the factored distance is used to estimate the latency of the link.

Note: Setting a high value for the fudge factor means that such a path is only selected if it is significantly shorter than all other alternatives.

The algorithm for computing approximate latency only uses the fudge factor for the links in the path where the distance and latency are missing and is applied as follows:

       Let L(X,Y) be the geographical distance between endpoints X and Y divided by speed of light in fiber.

       For an OTS link between X and Y, if the latency is missing, use F*L(X,Y)

       If a higher layer link Z between X and Y has a direct latency value – use it as it is the most accurate value. Otherwise:

        If Z has a full path – use the sum of latencies of the links along the path (some of which may have been recursively estimated).

        If Z has a gap in its path between site X and Y – compute the latency of the gap the same way: F*L(X,Y).

        If Z does not have a path – use F*L(X,Y) for the latency.

To set the failure impact settings:

1.     In the applications bar, select Failure Impact.

2.     Select the Settings tab.

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3.     Select the Path Optimization Criteria:

        Number of Hops: Optimize by the number of hops.

        Latency [milliseconds]: Optimize by the latency.

        Admin Cost: Optimize by the admin cost

4.     Select how to handle Administratively down objects:

        Check failure impact on administratively down connections and services: Select this option to include in recalculation, connections or services that are down (connections and services that at least one of their end ports is administratively down are considered down).

        Include administratively down links in calculation of alternative path: Select this option to include links that are down in the calculation of new alternative paths for impacted connections or services (links with at least one of their end ports administratively down are considered down.

5.     Sets the level in which the main and protection paths must be diverse by selecting the Protected Path Diversity Level (Link, Device, and/or Site).  The diversity level selected implies the diversity in all layers, down to fiber path. For example, if link is selected, the algorithm checks that no link is shared in all L3 to L1 layers, down to the physical fiber path (if discovered by Crosswork Hierarchical Controller).

6.     Select the Protected Path Diversity Policy:

        Strict: Only find strictly diverse protection paths.

        Best Effort: Find the “best effort” diverse protection paths. This first tries to optimize the protected path diversity taking devices, sites and links into account. If this fails, it tries to optimize the protected path diversity taking devices and links into account. If this fails, it tries to optimize for links only. If this fails, the protected path diversity does not take devices, sites or links into account.

7.     Set the Unknown Latency Path options:

        Fudge factor for the current paths latency: This is the fudge factor for the current paths latency. Set this fudge factor to high number means that the estimated latency of some links on the current path will be high, and Crosswork Hierarchical Controller will offer potentially optimal paths even if they are not highly likely to be more optimal.

        Fudge factor for the optimal paths latency: This is the fudge factor for optimal paths latency. Setting this fudge factor to a high number means that these links will be selected as an alternative only when there is a high likelihood that such a path is indeed shorter than other alternatives.

8.     Click Save Changes.

Export Test Results

The tabular test results can be exported into a zip file with one or two CSV files for offline analysis. One file includes the services (if you selected the services path type) and the other includes the connections.

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To export the test results:

1.     In the applications bar, select Failure Impact.

2.     Run the required test.

3.     Click Related image, diagram or screenshot. The file is downloaded automatically


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