Provisioning Core ACI Fabric Services

This chapter contains the following sections:

Link Level Policies

You can configure link level policies, which are a type of access policy. A link level policy includes the physical layer (Layer 1) interface configurations, such as auto-negotiation, port speed, and link debounce.

Electromagnetic Interference Retrain

In the 5.2(4) and later releases, the electromagnetic interference (EMI) retrain feature filters any noise on a link due to electromagnetic interference, and retrains the link to avoid a link flap. Enable EMI retrain if your data center environment has a lot of EMI noise.

You can enable EMI retrain when you configure a link level policy by choosing enable for the EMI Retrain property. This feature is supported only with the Cisco N9K-C93108TC-EX and N9K-C93108TC-FX leaf switches using copper cables.

Configuring a Link Level Policy Using the GUI


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Policies > Interface > Link Level.

Step 3

Right-click Link Level and choose Create Link Level Policy.

Step 4

In the Create Link Level Policy dialog, fill out the fields as appropriate for your desired configuration.

For Speed, we recommend that you choose inherit, which is the default value. With this value, the Cisco APIC determines the speed based on the transceiver that is inserted into a switch.

See the tooltips for more information about the fields.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Port Bring-up Delay

When you configure a link level policy, you can set the Port bring-up delay (milliseconds) parameter, which specifies a time in milliseconds that the decision feedback equalizer (DFE) tuning is delayed when a port is coming up. The delay is used to help avoid CRC errors during link bringup when using some third-party adapters. You should set the delay only as required; in most cases, you do not need to set a delay.


The Port bring-up delay (milliseconds) parameter is not honored on fabric extender (FEX) ports.

Link Flap Policies

Link flap is a situation in which a physical interface on a switch continually goes up and down over a period of time. The cause is usually related to a bad, unsupported, or non-standard cable or Small Form-Factor Pluggable (SFP), or is related to other link synchronization issues, and the cause can be intermittent or permanent.

A link flap policy specifies when to disable a switch port due to link flapping errors. In a link flap policy, you specify maximum number of times that a port of a switch can flap within a specified time span. If the port flaps more than the specified number of times in the specified time span, the port is given the "error-disable" state. The port remains in this state until you perform a manual flap on the port using the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) to disable and enable the port.


A link flap policy is not honored on fabric extender (FEX) host interface (HIF) ports nor on leaf switch models without -EX, -FX, -FX2, -GX, or later designations in the product ID.

Configuring a Link Flap Policy Using the GUI

The following procedure configures a link flap policy using the GUI, which you can then attach to any leaf or spine node interface policy to deploy the link flap policy on the node's access ports.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Policies > Interface > Link Flap.

Step 3

Right-click Link Flap and choose Create Link Flap Policy.

Step 4

In the Create Link Level Policy dialog, fill out the fields as appropriate for your desired configuration.

See the tooltips and online help for more information about the fields.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Time Synchronization and NTP

Within the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric, time synchronization is a crucial capability upon which many of the monitoring, operational, and troubleshooting tasks depend. Clock synchronization is important for proper analysis of traffic flows as well as for correlating debug and fault time stamps across multiple fabric nodes.

An offset present on one or more devices can hamper the ability to properly diagnose and resolve many common operational issues. In addition, clock synchronization allows for the full utilization of the atomic counter capability that is built into the ACI upon which the application health scores depend. Nonexistent or improper configuration of time synchronization does not necessarily trigger a fault or a low health score. You should configure time synchronization before deploying a full fabric or applications so as to enable proper usage of these features. The most widely adapted method for synchronizing a device clock is to use Network Time Protocol (NTP).

Prior to configuring NTP, consider what management IP address scheme is in place within the ACI fabric. There are two options for configuring management of all ACI nodes and Application Policy Infrastructure Controllers (APICs), in-band management and/or out-of-band management. Depending upon which management option is chosen for the fabric, configuration of NTP will vary. Another consideration in deploying time synchronization is where the time source is located. The reliability of the source must be carefully considered when determining if you will use a private internal clock or an external public clock.

In-Band Management NTP


See the Adding Management Access section in this guide for information about in-band management access.

  • In-Band Management NTP—When an ACI fabric is deployed with in-band management, consider the reachability of the NTP server from within the ACI in-band management network. In-band IP addressing used within the ACI fabric is not reachable from anywhere outside the fabric. To leverage an NTP server external to the fabric with in-band management, construct a policy to enable this communication..

NTP over IPv6

NTP over IPv6 addresses is supported in hostnames and peer addresses. The gai.conf can also be set up to prefer the IPv6 address of a provider or a peer over an IPv4 address. The user can provide a hostname that can be resolved by providing an IP address (both IPv4 or IPv6, depending on the installation or preference).

Configuring NTP Using the GUI


There is a risk of hostname resolution failure for hostname based NTP servers if the DNS server used is configured to be reachable over in-band or out-of-band connectivity. If you use a hostname, ensure that the DNS service policy to connect with the DNS providers is configured. Also ensure that the appropriate DNS label is configured for the in-band or out-of-band VRF instances of the management EPG that you chose when you configured the DNS profile policy.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Fabric Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Policies > Pod > Date and Time.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Create Date and Time Policy.

Step 4

In the Create Date and Time Policy dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. Enter a name for the policy to distinguish between the different NTP configurations in your environment..

  2. Click enabled for the Authentication State field and expand the NTP Client Authentication Keys table and enter the key information. Click Update and Next.

  3. Click the + sign to specify the NTP server information (provider) to be used.

  4. In the Create Providers dialog box, enter all relevant information, including the following fields: Name, Description, Minimum Polling Intervals, and Maximum Polling Intervals.

    • If you are creating multiple providers, check the Preferred check box for the most reliable NTP source.

    • In the Management EPG drop-down list, if the NTP server is reachable by all nodes on the fabric through out-of-band management, choose Out-of-Band. If you have deployed in-band management, see the details about In-Band Management NTP. Click OK.

Repeat the steps for each provider that you want to create.

Step 5

In the Navigation pane, choose Pod Policies > Policy Groups.

Step 6

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Create Pod Policy Group.

Step 7

In the Create Pod Policy Group dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. Enter a name for the policy group.

  2. In the Date Time Policy field, from the drop-down list, choose the NTP policy that you created earlier. Click Submit.

    The pod policy group is created. Alternatively, you can use the default pod policy group.

Step 8

In the Navigation pane, choose Pod Policies > Profiles.

Step 9

In the Work pane, double-click the desired pod selector name.

Step 10

In the Properties area, from the Fabric Policy Group drop-down list, choose the pod policy group you created. Click Submit.

Configuring NTP Using the REST API


There is a risk of hostname resolution failure for hostname based NTP servers if the DNS server used is configured to be reachable over in-band or out-of-band connectivity. If you use a hostname, ensure that the DNS service policy to connect with the DNS providers is configured. Also ensure that the appropriate DNS label is configured for the in-band or out-of-band VRF instances of the management EPG that you chose when you configured the DNS profile policy.


Step 1

Configure NTP.


POST url: https://APIC-IP/api/node/mo/uni/fabric/time-test.xml

<imdata totalCount="1">
    <datetimePol adminSt="enabled" authSt="disabled" descr="" dn="uni/fabric/time-CiscoNTPPol" name="CiscoNTPPol" ownerKey="" ownerTag="">
        <datetimeNtpProv descr="" keyId="0" maxPoll="6" minPoll="4" name="" preferred="yes">
            <datetimeRsNtpProvToEpg tDn="uni/tn-mgmt/mgmtp-default/inb-default"/>

Step 2

Add the default Date Time Policy to the pod policy group.


POST url: https://APIC-IP/api/node/mo/uni/fabric/funcprof/podpgrp-calo1/rsTimePol.xml

POST payload: <imdata totalCount="1">
<fabricRsTimePol tnDatetimePolName=“CiscoNTPPol”>

Step 3

Add the pod policy group to the default pod profile.


POST url: https://APIC-IP/api/node/mo/uni/fabric/podprof-default/pods-default-typ-ALL/rspodPGrp.xml

payload: <imdata totalCount="1">
<fabricRsPodPGrp tDn="uni/fabric/funcprof/podpgrp-calo1" status="created">

Verifying NTP Operation Using the GUI


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose FABRIC > Fabric Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Pod Policies > Policies > Date and Time > ntp_policy > server_name.

The ntp_policy is the previously created policy. An IPv6 address is supported in the Host Name/IP address field. If you enter a hostname and it has an IPv6 address set, you must implement the priority of IPv6 address over IPv4 address.

Step 3

In the Work pane, verify the details of the server.

NTP Server

The NTP server enables client switches to also act as NTP servers to provide NTP time information to downstream clients. When the NTP server is enabled, the NTP daemon on the switch responds with time information to all unicast (IPv4/IPv6) requests from NTP clients. NTP server implementation is complaint to NTP RFCv3. As per the NTP RFC, the server will not maintain any state related to the clients.

  • The NTP server enables the in-band/out-of-band management IP address of the switches to serve NTP client requests.

  • The NTP server responds to incoming NTP requests on both Management VRFs, and responds back using the same VRF.

  • The NTP server supports both IPv4/IPv6.

  • Switches can sync as an IPv4 client and serve as an IPv6 server, and vice versa.

  • Switches can sync as an NTP client using the out-of-band management VRF and serve through the in-band management VRF, and vice versa.

  • No additional contracts or IP table configurations are required.

  • If the switch is synced to the upstream server, then the server will send time info with the stratum number, and increment to its system peer's stratum.

  • If the switch clock is undisciplined (not synced to the upstream server), then the server will send time information with stratum 16. Clients will not be able to sync to this server.

By default, NTP server functionality is disabled. It needs to be enabled explicitly by the configuration policy.


Clients can use the in-band, out-of-band IP address of the leaf switch as the NTP server IP address. Clients can also use the bridge domain SVI of the EPG of which they are part also as the NTP server IP address.

Fabric switches should not sync to other switches of the same fabric. The fabric switches should always sync to external NTP servers.

Enabling the NTP Server Using the GUI

This section explains how to enable an NTP server when configuring NTP in the APIC GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose FABRIC > Fabric Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Pod Policies > Policies .

The Date and Time option appears in the Navigation pane.

Step 3

From the Navigation pane, right-click on Date and Time and choose Create Date and Time Policy.

The Create Date and Time Policy dialog appears in the Work pane.

Step 4

In the Create Date and Time Policy dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. Enter a name for the policy to distinguish between the different NTP configurations in your environment.

  2. For the Server State option, click enabled.

    Server State enables switches to act as NTP servers to provide NTP time information to downstream clients.



    To support the server functionality, it is always recommended to have a peer setup for the server. This enables the server to have a consistent time to provide to the clients.

    When Server State is enabled:

    • The NTP server sends time info with a stratum number, an increment to the system peer's stratum number, to switches that are synched to the upstream server.

    • The server sends time info with stratum 16 if the switch clock is not synched to the upstream server. Clients are not able to sync to this server.



    To support the server functionality, it is always recommended to have a peer setup for the server. The peer setup allows for a consistent time to provide to the clients.

  3. For the Master Mode option, click enabled.

    Master Mode enables the designated NTP server to provide undisciplined local clock time to downstream clients with a configured stratum number. For example, a leaf switch that is acting as the NTP server can provide undisciplined local clock time to leaf switches acting as clients.


    • Master Mode is only applicable when the server clock is undisciplined.

    • The default master mode Stratum Value is 8.

  4. For the Stratum Value field, specify the stratum level from which NTP clients will get their time synchronized. The range is from 1 to 14.

  5. Click Next.

  6. Click the + sign to specify the NTP server information (provider) to be used.

  7. In the Create Providers dialog box, enter all relevant information, including the following fields: Name, Description, Minimum Polling Intervals, and Maximum Polling Intervals.

    • If you are creating multiple providers, check the Preferred check box for the most reliable NTP source.

    • In the Management EPG drop-down list, if the NTP server is reachable by all nodes on the fabric through out-of-band management, choose Out-of-Band. If you have deployed in-band management, see the details about In-Band Management NTP. Click OK.

Repeat the steps for each provider that you want to create.

Step 5

In the Navigation pane, choose Pod Policies then right-click on Policy Groups.

The Create Pod Policy Group dialog appears.

Step 6

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Create Pod Policy Group.

Step 7

In the Create Pod Policy Group dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. Enter a name for the policy group.

  2. In the Date Time Policy field, from the drop down list, choose the NTP policy that you created earlier. Click Submit.

    The pod policy group is created. Alternatively, you can use the default pod policy group.

Step 8

In the Navigation pane, choose Pod Policies > Profiles.

Step 9

In the Work pane, double-click the desired pod selector name.

Step 10

In the Properties area, from the Fabric Policy Group drop down list, choose the pod policy group you created.

Step 11

Click Submit.

Configuring the Datetime Format Using the GUI

This section demonstrates how to configure the datetime format using the Cisco APIC GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings .

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, click Date and Time.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose from the following options:

  • Display Format—Click local to display the date and time in local time, or click utc to display the date and time in UTC. The default is local.

  • Time Zone—Click the drop-down arrow to choose the time zone for your domain. The default is Coordinated Universal Time.

  • Offset State—Click enable or disable. When enabled, the difference between the local time and the reference time is displayed. The default is enable.

Configuring a DHCP Relay Policy

A DHCP relay policy may be used when the DHCP client and server are in different subnets. If the client is on an ESX hypervisor with a deployed vShield Domain profile, then the use of a DHCP relay policy configuration is mandatory.


  • A DHCP relay policy created under the infra or common tenant is not available to other tenants when configuring DHCP relay in a bridge domain. For inter-tenant DHCP relay communications, create a global DHCP relay policy, as described in Create a Global DHCP Relay Policy.

  • The DHCP relay IP address will always be set to the primary SVI IP address.

When a vShield controller deploys a Virtual Extensible Local Area Network (VXLAN), the hypervisor hosts create a kernel (vmkN, virtual tunnel end-point [VTEP]) interface. These interfaces need an IP address in the infrastructure tenant that uses DHCP. Therefore, you must configure a DHCP relay policy so that the APIC can act as the DHCP server and provide these IP addresses.

When an ACI fabric acts as a DHCP relay, it inserts the DHCP Option 82 (the DHCP Relay Agent Information Option) in DHCP requests that it proxies on behalf of clients. If a response (DHCP offer) comes back from a DHCP server without Option 82, it is silently dropped by the fabric. Therefore, when the ACI fabric acts as a DHCP relay, DHCP servers providing IP addresses to compute nodes attached to the ACI fabric must support Option 82.

When the DHCP relay provider EPG is an L3Out Ext-EPG, a relay packet will be sent for each interface and router-id configured under the L3Out.

Beginning with Cisco APIC release 5.2(4), you can configure bridge domains configured as DHCP relay agents to include DHCPv6 Option 79. When Option 79 is enabled, the leaf switch with the bridge domain configured as the relay agent will include the client's link-layer address through option 79 of the DHCPv6 relay packet.

When option 79 is selected, the payload of the DHCP packet contains the client mac address (client link layer address). Option 79 contains the actual link-layer address of the device. The relay message uses the Ethernet Source MAC address in the actual DHCP packets coming from the client and prefixes it with 00:01 to indicate an ethernet source and then copies these 8 bytes (client mac address) in to Option 79.

For more details about Client Link-Layer Address Option in DHCPv6, see RFC 6939.

Benefit of using Option 79

In dual-stack scenarios (support for IPv6 and IPv4), when you need to associate DHCPv4 and DHCPv6 messages with the same client interface, option 79 carries the client MAC address in the DHCPv6 relay packets, complying with RFC standards.

About the DHCP Server Preference Field


Following are definitions for several terms used in this section:

  • Client VRF: The VRF where the host initiating a DHCP request is located.

  • Server VRF: The VRF where either the DHCP server is located or the VRF that provides the path to reach the DHCP server (for example, via an L3Out).

  • Client EPG: The EPG where the host initiating a DHCP request is located.

  • Server EPG: The EPG where the DHCP server is connected (or alternatively the external EPG if the DHCP server is outside of the ACI fabric).

ACI release 5.2(4) adds support for the use-vrf option when configuring a DHCP relay provider. This feature is used when the DHCP provider EPG (for example, the EPG where the DHCP server is connected to) or Layer 3 external network through which the DHCP server is reachable is in a different VRF than the bridge domain where the host initiating the DHCP request is located (the bridge domain that is referencing the DHCP policy as a DHCP relay label). This feature is equivalent to the DHCP relay use-vrf option available in NX-OS. When the use-vrf option is enabled for a DHCP relay provider, the leaf switch, where the DHCP client is located, will route the DHCP relay packet via the VRF of the configured DHCP provider EPG (or the configured L3Out that provides reachability to the DHCP server) instead of the VRF of the DHCP client.

ACI releases prior to release 5.2(4) support specifying a DHCP relay provider (server) in an EPG or Layer 3 external network of a different VRF than the VRF where the DHCP client is. This inter-VRF relay policy relies on inter-VRF contracts and route leaking of the DHCP server network from the VRF that has reachability to the DHCP server (also known as the server VRF) into the VRF where the DHCP client is (also known as the client VRF). The DHCP relay packet is routed from the client VRF and uses the inter-VRF route leaking to reach the DHCP server from the server VRF. In some scenarios, the DHCP relay packet might bypass the server VRF if the DHCP server network is also reachable from the client VRF (for example, if there is a local L3Out in the client VRF that can also reach the DHCP server network). When a DHCP relay policy provider is configured to use a Layer 3 external network different from the one of the client VRF, the source IP address of the DHCP relay packets is selected from the L3Out of the server VRF (also known as the provider L3Out). When these DHCP relay packets are routed from the L3Out of the client VRF instead of the L3Out of the server VRF (which can happen if the L3Out of the client VRF also has a route to the DHCP server), the DHCP server response will be sent back to the L3Out in the server VRF because the IP address in the DHCP relay packet is set to the IP address of the L3Out of the server VRF. This can result in asymmetric forwarding of the DHCP relay packets and may be dropped by stateful devices, such as a firewall.

The following figure provides an example of this scenario.

In this example scenario, the external DHCP server network is reachable in the ACI fabric via both the client and the server VRF. The DHCP relay packet is routed from the client VRF and sent via the client VRF L3Out. The source IP address in the DHCP relay packet is selected from the server VRF L3Out per the DHCP relay policy. The DHCP relay response from the server will be routed to the DHCP server L3Out, resulting in an asymmetric flow.

To resolve this issue, the Use Server VRF option in the DHCP Server Preference field is available beginning with release 5.2(4). With the Use Server VRF option enabled, the DHCP relay packet will always be routed from the server VRF. This option also removes the requirement for inter-VRF contracts and route leaking.

Based on the option that you select in the DHCP Server Preference field, the leaf switch determines whether to route the DHCP relay packets from the client VRF or the server VRF:

  • None: This is the default option, which reflects the behavior prior to release 5.2(4). By choosing the None option, the switch will always route the DHCP relay packet from the client VRF. If used for inter-VRF DHCP relay, a shared services contract is required to leak the server VRF network into the client VRF.

  • Use Server VRF: This option reflects new behavior introduced in release 5.2(4). By choosing the Use Server VRF option, the switch routes the DHCP relay packets from the server VRF, regardless of whether there is a contract or there is no contract between the EPG where the DHCP client is and the EPG where the DHCP server is (or the Layer 3 external of the L3Out through which the DHCP server is reachable).

    For inter-VRF configurations, when you choose the Use Server VRF option in the DHCP Server Preference field, the server subnet route is programmed in the server VRF on the client leaf switch for route lookup. The DHCP process on the client leaf switch then sends the DHCP relay packets via the server VRF. Because of this, the server VRF must be deployed with at least one IP address on all leaf switches where the client bridge domains are deployed.

Configuring a DHCP Server Policy for the APIC Infrastructure Using the GUI

This procedure deploys a DHCP relay policy for an endpoint group (EPG).

Observe the following guidelines and restrictions:

  • The port and the encapsulation used by the application Endpoint Group must belong to a physical or VM Manager (VMM) domain. If no such association with a domain is established, the APIC continues to deploy the EPG but raises a fault.

  • Cisco APIC supports DHCP relay for both IPv4 and IPv6 tenant subnets. DHCP server addresses can be IPv4 or IPv6. DHCPv6 relay will occur only if IPv6 is enabled on the fabric interface and one or more DHCPv6 relay servers are configured.

  • Cisco APIC supports DHCP relay for only the primary IP address pool.

  • The following guidelines and restrictions apply for the DHCP Server Preference field introduced in release 5.2(4).

    • When a DHCP relay is configured for an L3Out case (for example, when the DHCP server is behind an L3Out and a DHCP relay policy is configured with the Use Server VRF option in the DHCP Server Preference field), then you must deploy an EPG/bridge domain/bridge domain subnet to the leaf switches where the client bridge domains are deployed if the server VRF has no interfaces already present.

    • When a DHCP relay policy is configured with the Use Server VRF option in the DHCP Server Preference field, for a DHCP server that is behind an EPG, then both the IPv4 and IPv6 routes and the server bridge domain SVI is created on the client leaf switch.

    • The Use Server VRF option is not supported with intersite DHCP traffic.

  • The following restrictions apply for Option 79:

    • Option 79 is supported on DHCPv6 only.

    • Option 79 is not supported on infra tenant.

Before you begin

Make sure that Layer 2 or Layer 3 management connectivity is configured.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Tenants > tenant_name.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, under Tenant tenant_name, expand Policies > Protocol > DHCP.

Step 3

Right-click Relay Policies and click Create DHCP Relay Policy.

Step 4

In the Create DHCP Relay Policy dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the DHCP relay profile name (DhcpRelayP).

    This name can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters.

  2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the DHCP relay policy, if necessary.

    The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.

  3. Expand Providers.

    The Create DHCP Provider dialog box appears.

  4. In the Create DHCP Provider dialog box, in the EPG Type field, click the appropriate radio button depending upon where the DHCP server is connected.

    The options for the EPG type that you choose varies, depending on the EPG type.

    • If choose Application EPG as the EPG type, the following options appear in the Application EPG area:

      • In the Tenant field, from the drop-down list, choose the tenant. (infra)

      • In the Application Profile field, from the drop-down list, choose the application. (access)

      • In the EPG field, from the drop-down list, choose the EPG. (default)

    • If choose L2 External Network as the EPG type, the following options appear in the L2 External Network area:

      • In the Tenant field, from the drop-down list, choose the tenant.

      • In the L2 Out field, from the drop-down list, choose the L2 Out.

      • In the External Network field, from the drop-down list, choose the external network.

    • If choose L3 External Network as the EPG type, the following options appear in the L3 External Network area:

      • In the Tenant field, from the drop-down list, choose the tenant.

      • In the L3 Out field, from the drop-down list, choose the L3 Out.

      • In the External Network field, from the drop-down list, choose the external network.

    • If choose DN as the EPG type, enter the distinguished name of the target endpoint group.

  5. In the DHCP Server Address field, enter the IP address for the infra DHCP server.


    The infra DHCP IP address is the infra IP address of APIC1. You must enter the default IP address of if deploying for vShield controller configuration.
  6. In the DHCP Server Preference field, select the administrative preference value for this provider.

    The DHCP Server Preference field is available beginning with release 5.2(4). Using the value in this field, the leaf switch determines whether to route the DHCP relay packets from the client VRF or the server VRF. For more information, see About the DHCP Server Preference Field.

    • None: This is the default option, which reflects the behavior prior to release 5.2(4). By choosing the None option, the switch will always route the DHCP relay packet from the client VRF. If used for inter-VRF DHCP relay, a shared services contract is required to leak the server VRF network into the client VRF.

    • Use Server VRF: This option reflects new behavior introduced in release 5.2(4). By choosing the Use Server VRF option, the switch routes the DHCP relay packets from the server VRF, regardless of whether there is a contract or there is no contract between the EPG where the DHCP client is and the EPG where the DHCP server is (or the Layer 3 external of the L3Out through which the DHCP server is reachable).

      For inter-VRF configurations, when you choose the Use Server VRF option in the DHCP Server Preference field, the server subnet route is programmed in the server VRF on the client leaf switch for route lookup. The DHCP process on the client leaf switch then sends the DHCP relay packets via the server VRF. Because of this, the server VRF must be deployed with at least one IP address on all leaf switches where the client bridge domains are deployed.

  7. Click OK.

    You are returned to the Create DHCP Relay Policy window.

  8. Click Submit.

The DHCP relay policy is created.

Step 5

Step 6

In the Navigation pane, expand Networking > Bridge Domains > default > DHCP Relay Labels.

Step 7

Right-click DHCP Relay Labels, and click Create DHCP Relay Label.

Step 8

In the Create DHCP Relay Label dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Scope field, click the tenant radio button.

    This action displays, in the Name field drop-down list, the DHCP relay policy created earlier.
  2. In the Name field, from the drop-down list, choose the name of the DHCP policy created (DhcpRelayP) or create a new relay policy by choosing Create DHCP Relay Policy.

  3. In the DHCP Option Policy, select an existing option policy, or create a new one by choosing Create DHCP Option Policy.

    For invoking option 79, select the DHCP option policy earlier created with 79 as the ID.

    If you are creating a new option policy, in the Create DHCP Option Policy window, in the Options pane, ensure to enter the ID as 79.

  4. Click Submit.

The DHCP server is associated with the bridge domain.

Step 9

In the Navigation pane, expand Networking > Bridge Domains > default > DHCP Relay Labels to view the DHCP server created.

Configuring Option 79 Using REST API

To configure Option 79 for a DHCP option policy using REST API:

POST URL: https://apic-ip-address/api/mo/uni.xml

<dhcpOptionPol dn="uni/tn-dhcp_client/dhcpoptpol-dhcp_option_policy" name="dhcp_option_policy" status="">
<dhcpOption data="" id="79" name="option_79"/>

Configuring a DHCP Server Policy for the APIC Infrastructure Using the NX-OS Style CLI

  • The port and the encapsulation used by the application Endpoint Group must belong to a physical or VM Manager (VMM) domain. If no such association with a domain is established, the APIC continues to deploy the EPG but raises a fault.

  • Cisco APIC supports DHCP relay for both IPv4 and IPv6 tenant subnets. DHCP server addresses can be IPv4 or IPv6. DHCPv6 relay will occur only if IPv6 is enabled on the fabric interface and one or more DHCPv6 relay servers are configured.

Before you begin

Ensure that Layer 2 or Layer 3 connectivity is configured to reach the DHCP server address.


Configure DHCP server policy settings for the APIC infrastructure traffic.


DHCP Relay Policy for an Endpoint Group

apic1(config)# tenant infra
apic1(config-tenant)# template dhcp relay policy DhcpRelayP
apic1(config-tenant-template-dhcp-relay)# ip address tenant infra application access epg default 
apic1(config-tenant-template-dhcp-relay)# exit
apic1(config-tenant)# interface bridge-domain default
apic1(config-tenant-interface)# dhcp relay policy tenant DhcpRelayP
apic1(config-tenant-interface)# exit


DHCP Relay Policy for Layer 3 Outside
ifav28-ifc2(config)# tenant dhcpTn
ifav28-ifc2(config-tenant)# template dhcp relay policy DhcpRelayPol
ifav28-ifc2(config-tenant-template-dhcp-relay)# ip address tenant dhcpTn application ap epg serverEpg
ifav28-ifc2(config-tenant-template-dhcp-relay)# exit
ifav28-ifc2(config-tenant)# exit
ifav28-ifc2(config)# leaf 2001
ifav28-ifc2(config-leaf)# interface ethernet 1/4
ifav28-ifc2(config-leaf-if)# no switchport
ifav28-ifc2(config-leaf-if)# vrf member tenant dhcpTn vrf v1
ifav28-ifc2(config-leaf-if)# dhcp relay policy tenant DhcpRelayPol
ifav28-ifc2(config-leaf-if)# exit

Configuring a DHCP Server Policy for the APIC Infrastructure Using the REST API

  • This task is a prerequisite for users who want to create a vShield Domain Profile.

  • The port and the encapsulation used by the application Endpoint Group must belong to a physical or VM Manager (VMM) domain. If no such association with a domain is established, the APIC continues to deploy the EPG but raises a fault.

  • Cisco APIC supports DHCP relay for both IPv4 and IPv6 tenant subnets. DHCP server addresses can be IPv4 or IPv6. DHCPv6 relay will occur only if IPv6 is enabled on the fabric interface and one or more DHCPv6 relay servers are configured.

Before you begin

Make sure that Layer 2 or Layer 3 management connectivity is configured.


Configure the APIC as the DHCP server policy for the infrastructure tenant.



This relay policy will be pushed to all the leaf ports that are connected hypervisors using the attach entity profile configuration. For details about configuring with attach entity profile, see the examples related to creating VMM domain profiles.


DHCP Relay Policy for EPG
<!-- api/policymgr/mo/.xml -->

POST https://apic-ip-address/api/mo/uni.xml

  <fvTenant name="infra">

    <dhcpRelayP name="DhcpRelayP"  owner="tenant">
      <dhcpRsProv tDn="uni/tn-infra/ap-access/epg-default" addr="" />
    <fvBD name="default">
      <dhcpLbl name="DhcpRelayP" owner="tenant"/>



DHCP Relay Policy for Layer 3 Outside



You must specify DHCP Relay label under l3extLIfP with an appropriate name and owner.

  <fvTenant name="dhcpTn">
    <l3extOut name="Out1" >
      <l3extLNodeP name="NodeP" >
        <l3extLIfP name="Intf1">
           <dhcpLbl name="DhcpRelayPol" owner="tenant" />

POST https://apic-ip-address/api/mo/uni.xml


Setting the DHCP Server Preference to the Use Server VRF option

<!-- api/policymgr/mo/.xml -->

POST https://apic-ip-address/api/mo/uni.xml

<dhcpRelayP descr="" dn="uni/tn-dhcp_client/relayp-dhcp_relay_pol" status="">
    <dhcpRsProv addr="" pref="use-server-vrf" tDn="uni/tn-dhcp_server/ap-ap_server/epg-epg_server"/>


Setting the DHCP Server Preference to the None option

<!-- api/policymgr/mo/.xml -->

POST https://apic-ip-address/api/mo/uni.xml

<dhcpRelayP descr="" dn="uni/tn-dhcp_client/relayp-dhcp_relay_pol" status="">
    <dhcpRsProv addr="" pref="" tDn="uni/tn-dhcp_server/ap-ap_server/epg-epg_server"/>

Configuring a DNS Service Policy

A DNS policy is required to connect to external servers, for example AAA, RADIUS, vCenter, and services by hostname. A DNS service policy is a shared policy, so any tenant and VRF that uses this service must be configured with the specific DNS profile label. To configure a DNS policy for the ACI fabric, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Ensure that the management EPG is configured for the DNS policy, otherwise this policy will not take into effect on the switches.


    For the management EPG, only the default DNS policy is supported.

  • Create a DNS profile (default) that contains the information about DNS providers and DNS domains.

  • Associate the DNS profile (default or another DNS profile) name to a DNS label under the required tenant.

It is possible to configure a per-tenant, per-VRF DNS profile configuration. Additional DNS profiles can be created and applied to specific VRFs of specific tenants using the appropriate DNS label. For example, if you create a DNS profile with a name of acme, you can add a DNS label of acme to the appropriate Networking > VRF policy configuration in the tenants configuration.

Configuring External Destinations with an In-Band DNS Service Policy

Configure the external destinations for the services as follows:

Source In-Band Management Out-of-Band Management External Server Location


IP address or Fully Qualified domain name (FQDN)

IP address or FQDN


Leaf switches

IP address

IP address or FQDN



The DNS policy must specify the out-of-band management EPG for reachability of the DNS server.


Spine switches

IP address

IP address or FQDN



The DNS policy must specify the out-of-band management EPG for reachability of the DNS server.

Directly connected to a leaf switch

The following is a list of external servers:

  • Call Home SMTP server

  • Syslog server

  • SNMP Trap destination

  • Statistics Export destination

  • Configuration Export destination

  • Techsupport Export destination

  • Core Export destination

The recommended guidelines are as follows:

  • The external servers must be atatched to the leaf access ports.

  • Use in-band connectivity for the leaf switches to avoid extra cabling for the management port.

  • Use out-of-band management connectivity for the spine switches. Connect this out-of-band network for spine switches to one of the leaf ports with in-band management virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) so that the spine switches and the leaf switches can reach the same set of external servers.

  • Use IP addresses for the external servers.

Dual Stack IPv4 and IPv6 DNS Servers

DNS servers have primary DNS records which can be A records (IPV4) or AAAA records (IPV6). Both A and AAAA records associate domain name with a specific IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).

The ACI fabric can be configured to use reputable public DNS servers that run on IPv4. These servers are able to resolve and respond with A record (IPv4) or AAAA record (IPv6).

In a pure IPv6 environment, the system administrators must use IPv6 DNS servers. The IPv6 DNS servers are enabled by adding them to /etc/resolv.conf.

A more common environment is to have dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 DNS servers. In the dual-stack case, both IPv4 and IPv6 name servers are listed in /etc/resolv.conf. However, in a dual-stack environment, simply appending the IPv6 DNS servers to the list may cause a large delay in DNS resolutions. This is because the IPv6 protocol takes precedence by default, and it is unable to connect to the IPv4 DNS servers (if they are listed first in /etc/resolv.conf). The solution is to list IPv6 DNS servers ahead of IPv4 DNS servers. Also add “options single-request-reopen” to enable the same socket to be used for both IPv4 and IPv6 lookups.

Here is an example of resolv.conf in dual-stack IPv4 and IPv6 DNS servers where the IPv6 DNS servers are listed first. Also note the “single-request-reopen” option:
options single-request-reopen
nameserver 2001:4860:4680::8888
nameserver 2001:4860:4680::8844

Dual-Stack IPv4 and IPv6 Environment

If the management network in the ACI fabric supports both IPv4 and IPv6, the Linux system application (glibc) will use the IPv6 network by default because getaddrinfo() will return IPv6 first.

Under certain conditions however, an IPv4 address may be preferred over an IPv6 address. The Linux IPv6 stack has a feature which allows an IPv4 address mapped as an IPv6 address using IPv6 mapped IPv4 address (::ffff/96). This allows an IPv6 capable application to use only a single socket to accept or connect both IPv4 and IPv6. This is controlled by the glibc IPv6 selection preference for getaddrinfo() in /etc/gai.conf.

In order to allow glibc to return multiple addresses when using /etc/hosts, “multi on” should be added to the /etc/hosts file. Otherwise, it may return only the first match.

If an application is not aware whether both IPv4 and IPv6 exist, it may not perform fallback attempts using different address families. Such applications may require a fallback implementation.

Policy for Priority of IPv4 or IPv6 in a DNS Profile

The DNS profile supports version preference choices between IPv4 and IPv6. Using the user interface, you can enable your preference. IPv4 is the default.

The following is an example of a policy based configuration using Postman REST API:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8”?>
<!— api/node/mo/uni/fabric/dnsp-default.xml —>
<dnsProfile dn="uni/fabric/dnsp-default" IPVerPreference="IPv6" childAction="" descr="" >	

The gai.conf settings control destination address selection. The file has a label table, precedence table, and an IPv4 scopes table. The changes for prioritizing IPv4 or IPv6 over the other need to go into the precedence table entries. Given below are sample contents of the standard file as it is used in Linux systems for many flavors. A single line of precedence label in the file overrides any default settings.

The following is an example of a gai.conf to prioritize IPv4 over IPv6:

# Generated by APIC
label ::1/128       0
label ::/0          1
label 2002::/16     2
label ::/96         3
label ::ffff:0:0/96 4
precedence  ::1/128       50
precedence ::/0           40
precedence 2002::/16      30
precedence ::/96          20
# For APICs prefering IPv4 connections, change the value to 100.
precedence ::ffff:0:0/96  10

Configuring a DNS Service Policy to Connect with DNS Providers Using the GUI

Before you begin

Make sure that Layer 2 or Layer 3 management connectivity is configured.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose FABRIC > Fabric Policies. In the Navigation pane, expand Global Policies > DNS Profiles, and click the default DNS profile.

Step 2

In the Work pane, in the Management EPG field, from the drop-down list, choose the appropriate management EPG (default (Out-of-Band)).

Step 3

Expand DNS Providers, and perform the following actions:

  1. In the Address field, enter the provider address.

  2. In the Preferred column, check the check box if you want to have this address as the preferred provider.

    You can have only one preferred provider.
  3. Click Update.

  4. (Optional) To add a secondary DNS provider, expand DNS Providers, and in the Address field, type the provider address. Click Update.

Step 4

Expand DNS Domains, and perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the domain name (

  2. In the Default column, check the check box to make this domain the default domain.

    You can have only one domain name as the default.
  3. Click Update.

  4. (Optional) To add a secondary DNS domain, expand DNS Domains. In the Address field, enter the secondary domain name. Click Update.

Step 5

Click Submit.

The DNS server is configured.

Step 6

On the menu bar, click TENANTS > mgmt.

Step 7

In the Navigation pane, expand Networking > VRF > oob, and click oob.

Step 8

In the Work pane, under Properties, in the DNS labels field, enter the appropriate DNS label (default). Click Submit.

The DNS profile label is now configured on the tenant and VRF.

Configuring Custom Certificates

Configuring Custom Certificate Guidelines

  • Exporting a private key that is used to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) is not supported. If you want to use the same certificate on multiple servers through a wildcard in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field, such as "*," by sharing the private key that was used to generate the CSR for the certificate, generate the private key outside of Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric and import it to the Cisco ACI fabric.

  • You must download and install the public intermediate and root CA certificates before generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Although a root CA Certificate is not technically required to generate a CSR, Cisco requires the root CA certificate before generating the CSR to prevent mismatches between the intended CA authority and the actual one used to sign the CSR. The Cisco APIC verifies that the certificate submitted is signed by the configured CA.

  • To use the same public and private keys for a renewed certificate generation, you must satisfy the following guidelines:

    • You must preserve the originating CSR as it contains the public key that pairs with the private key in the key ring.

    • The same CSR used for the originating certificate must be resubmitted for the renewed certificate if you want to re-use the public and private keys on the Cisco APIC.

    • Do not delete the original key ring when using the same public and private keys for the renewed certificate. Deleting the key ring will automatically delete the associated private key used with CSRs.

  • Cisco ACI Multi-Site, VCPlugin, VRA, and SCVMM are not supported for certificate-based authentication.

  • Only one SSL certificate is allowed per Cisco APIC cluster.

  • You must disable certificate-based authentication before downgrading to release 4.0(1) from any later release.

  • To terminate the certificate-based authentication session, you must log out and then remove the CAC card.

  • The custom certificate configured for the Cisco APIC will be deployed to the leaf and spine switches. If the URL or DN that is used to connect to the fabric node is within the Subject or Subject Alternative Name field, the fabric node will be covered under the certificate.

  • The Cisco APIC GUI can accept a certificate with a maximum size of 4k bytes.

Configuring a Custom Certificate for Cisco ACI HTTPS Access Using the GUI

CAUTION: PERFORM THIS TASK ONLY DURING A MAINTENANCE WINDOW AS THERE IS A POTENTIAL FOR DOWNTIME. The downtime affects access to the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) cluster and switches from external users or systems and not the Cisco APIC to switch connectivity. The NGINX process on the switches will also be impacted, but that will be only for external connectivity and not for the fabric data plane. Access to the Cisco APIC, configuration, management, troubleshooting, and such will be impacted. The NGINX web server running on the Cisco APIC and switches will be restarted during this operation.

Before you begin

Determine from which authority you will obtain the trusted certification so that you can create the appropriate Certificate Authority.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Admin > AAA.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Security.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Public Key Management > Certificate Authorities > Create Certificate Authority.

Step 4

In the Create Certificate Authority dialog box, in the Name field, enter a name for the certificate authority.

Step 5

In the Certificate Chain field, copy the intermediate and root certificates for the certificate authority that will sign the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for the Cisco APIC.

The certificate should be in Base64 encoded X.509 (CER) format. The intermediate certificate is placed before the root CA certificate. It should look similar to the following example:
<Intermediate Certificate>
<Root CA Certificate>

Step 6

Click Submit.

Step 7

In the Navigation pane, choose Public Key Management > Key Rings.

Step 8

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Create Key Ring.

The key ring enables you to manage a private key (imported from external device or internally generated on APIC), a CSR generated by the private key, and the certificate signed via the CSR.

Step 9

In the Create Key Ring dialog box, in the Name field, enter a name.

Step 10

In the Certificate field, do not add any content if you will generate a CSR using the Cisco APIC through the key ring. Alternately, add the signed certificate content if you already have one that was signed by the CA from the previous steps by generating a private key and CSR outside of the Cisco APIC,

Step 11

In the Modulus field, click the radio button for the desired key strength.

Step 12

In the Certificate Authority field, from the drop-down list, choose the certificate authority that you created earlier, then click Submit.

Step 13

In the Private Key field, do not add any content if you will generate a CSR using the Cisco APIC through the key ring. Alternately, add the private key used to generate the CSR for the signed certificate that you entered in step 10.



Do not delete the key ring. Deleting the key ring will automatically delete the associated private key used with CSRs.

If you have not entered the signed certificate and the private key, in the Work pane, in the Key Rings area, the Admin State for the key ring created displays Started, waiting for you to generate a CSR. Proceed to step 14.

If you entered both the signed certificate and the private key, in the Key Rings area, the Admin State for the key ring created displays Completed. Proceed to step 23.

Step 14

In the Navigation pane, choose Public Key Management > Key Rings > key_ring_name.

Step 15

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Create Certificate Request.

Step 16

In the Subject field, enter the common name (CN) of the CSR.

You can enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Cisco APICs using a wildcard, but in a modern certificate, we generally recommend that you enter an identifiable name of the certificate and enter the FQDN of all Cisco APICs in the Alternate Subject Name field (also known as the SAN – Subject Alternative Name) because many modern browsers expect the FQDN in the SAN field.

Step 17

In the Alternate Subject Name field, enter the FQDN of all Cisco APICs, such as ",," or "DNS:*".

Step 18

Fill in the remaining fields as appropriate.



Check the online help information available in the Create Certificate Request dialog box for a description of the available parameters.

Step 19

Click Submit.

Inside the same key ring, the Associated Certificate Request area is now displayed with the Subject, Alternate Subject Name and other fields you entered in the previous steps along with the new field Request, which contains the content of the CSR that is tied to this key ring. Copy the content from the Request field to submit the content to the same certificate authority that is tied to this key ring for signing.

Step 20

In the Navigation pane, choose Public Key Management > Key Rings > key_ring_name.

Step 21

In the Work pane, in the Certificate field, paste the signed certificate that you received from the certificate authority.

Step 22

Click Submit.



If the CSR was not signed by the Certificate Authority indicated in the key ring, or if the certificate has MS-DOS line endings, an error message is displayed and the certificate is not accepted. Remove the MS-DOS line endings.

The key is verified, and in the Work pane, the Admin State changes to Completed and is now ready for use in the HTTP policy.

Step 23

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Fabric Policies.

Step 24

In the Navigation pane, choose Pod Policies > Policies > Management Access > default.

Step 25

In the Work pane, in the Admin Key Ring drop-down list, choose the desired key ring.

Step 26

(Optional) For Certificate based authentication, in the Client Certificate TP drop-down list, choose the previously created Local User policy and click Enabled for Client Certificate Authentication state.

Step 27

Click Submit.

All web servers restart. The certificate is activated, and the non-default key ring is associated with HTTPS access.

What to do next

You must remain aware of the expiration date of the certificate and take action before it expires. To preserve the same key pair for the renewed certificate, you must preserve the CSR as it contains the public key that pairs with the private key in the key ring. Before the certificate expires, the same CSR must be resubmitted. Do not delete or create a new key ring as deleting the key ring will delete the private key stored internally on the Cisco APIC.

Provisioning Fabric Wide System Settings

Configuring APIC In-Band or Out-of-Band Connectivity Preferences

This topic describes how to toggle between in-band and out-of-band connectivity on the APIC server for management access to devices such as authentication servers or SNMP servers external to the ACI fabric. Enabling inband executes in-band management connectivity between the APIC server to external devices through leaf switches on the ACI fabric. Enabling ooband executes out-of-band management connectivity between the APIC server to external devices through connections external to the ACI fabric.

Before you begin

Configure in-band and out-of-band management networks. For more information, see Management in the Cisco APIC Basic Configuration Guide, Release 3.x.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

On the Navigation bar, click APIC Connectivity Preferences.

Step 3

To enable the policy, click inband or ooband.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Configure Quota Management Policies

Starting in the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) Release 2.3(1), there are limits on number of objects a tenant admin can configure. This enables the admin to limit the number of managed objects that can be added globally across tenants.

This feature is useful when you want to limit any tenant or group of tenants from exceeding ACI maximums per leaf or per fabric or unfairly consuming a majority of available resources, potentially affecting other tenants on the same fabric.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Right-click Quota and choose Create Quota Configuration..

Step 3

In the Class field, choose the object type to limit with the quota.

Step 4

In the Container Dn field, enter the distinguished name (DN) that describes the class.

Step 5

In the Exceed Action field, choose either Fail Transaction Action or Raise Fault Action.

Step 6

In the Max Number field, enter the maximum number of the managed objects that can be created after which the exceed action will be applied.

Step 7

Click Submit.

Create an Enforced BD Exception List

This topic describes how to create a global exception list of subnets which are not subject to an enforced bridge domain. With the Enforced BD feature configured, the endpoints in a subject endpoint group (EPG) can only ping subnet gateways within the associated bridge domain.

The exception IP addresses can ping all of the BD gateways across all of your VRFs.

A loopback interface configured for an L3Out does not enforce reachability to the IP address that is configured for the subject loopback interface.

When an eBGP peer IP address exists in a different subnet than the subnet of the L3Out interface, the peer subnet must be added to the allowed exception subnets. Otherwise, eBGP traffic is blocked because the source IP address exists in a different subnet than the L3Out interface subnet.

Before you begin

Create an enforced bridge domain (BD).


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click BD Enforced Exception List.

Step 3

Click the + on Exception List.

Step 4

Add the IP address and network mask for the subnet that can ping any subnet gateway.

Step 5

Repeat to add more subnets that are exceptions to the enforced bridge domain.

Step 6

Click Submit.

Create a BGP Route Reflector Policy and Route Reflector Node Endpoints

This topic describes how to create ACI fabric route reflectors, which use multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) to distribute external routes within the fabric. To enable route reflectors in the ACI fabric, the fabric administrator must select the spine switches that will be the route reflectors, and provide the autonomous system (AS) number. Once route reflectors are enabled in the ACI fabric, administrators can configure connectivity to external networks.

Before you begin


  • To connect external routers to the ACI fabric, the fabric infrastructure administrator must configure spine nodes as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route reflectors.

  • For redundancy purposes, more than one spine is configured as a router reflector node (one primary and one secondary reflector).


Step 1

To create a BGP Route Reflector policy, perform the following steps:

  1. On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

  2. Click BGP Route Reflector.

  3. Enter the Autonomous System Number.

  4. Click the + on Route Reflector Nodes.

  5. Enter the spine route reflector node ID endpoint, and click Submit.,

Step 2

To create external route reflector node endpoints, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the + on External Route Reflector Nodes.

  2. Choose the spine to serve as external route reflector node endpoint.

  3. If this is a site managed by Multi-Site, you can also specify an intersite spine route reflector.

  4. Click Submit.

Configure a Fabric Wide Control Plane MTU Policy

This topic describes how to create a fabric-wide Control Plane (CP) MTU policy, that sets the global MTU size for control plane packets sent by the nodes (switches) in the fabric.

In a multipod topology, the MTU setting for the fabric external ports must be greater than or equal to the CP MTU value set. Otherwise, the fabric external ports might drop the CP MTU packets.


  • If you set the L3Out Interface Profile to inherit the MTU from the IPN, it will be 9150. If you want the MTU to be used across the IPN to be 9216, you must explicitly configure it in the L3Out Interface Profile (at Tenants > tenant-name > Networking > External Routed Networks > Create Routed Outside > Nodes and Interface Protocol Profiles > Create Node Profile > Create Interface Profile).

  • Cisco APIC will always establish a TCP connection to fabric switches with an MTU of 1496 bytes (TCP MSS 1456) regardless of the CP-MTU setting. The IPN network for remote pods and remote leaf switches must support at least 1500 byte MTU for fabric discovery.

If you change the IPN or CP MTU, Cisco recommends changing the CP MTU value first, then changing the MTU value on the spine of the remote pod. This reduces the risk of losing connectivity between the pods due to MTU mismatch.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Control Plane MTU.

Step 3

Enter the MTU for fabric ports.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Configure Endpoint Loop Protection

The endpoint loop protection policy specifies how loops detected by frequent MAC moves are handled. To configure EP loop protection perform the following steps:


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Endpoint Controls.

Step 3

Click the Ep Loop Protection tab.

Step 4

To enable the policy, click Enabled in the Administrative State field.

Step 5

Optional. Set the loop detection interval, which specifies the time to detect a loop. The interval range is from 30 to 300 seconds. The default setting is 60 seconds.

Step 6

Set the loop detection multiplication factor, which is the number of times a single EP moves between ports within the loop detection interval. The range is from 1 to 255. The default is 4.

Step 7

Choose the action to take when detecting a loop.

The action can be:

  • BD Learn Disable

  • Port Disable

The default is Port Disable.

Step 8

Click Submit.

Rogue Endpoint Control Policy

About the Rogue Endpoint Control Policy

A rogue endpoint attacks leaf switches through frequently, repeatedly injecting packets on different leaf switch ports and changing 802.1Q tags (thus, emulating endpoint moves) causing learned class and EPG port changes. Misconfigurations can also cause frequent IP and MAC address changes (moves).

Such rapid movement in the fabric causes significant network instability, high CPU usage, and in rare instances, endpoint mapper (EPM) and EPM client (EPMC) crashes due to significant and prolonged messaging and transaction service (MTS) buffer consumption. Also, such frequent moves may result in the EPM and EPMC logs rolling over very quickly, hampering debugging for unrelated endpoints.

The rogue endpoint control feature addresses this vulnerability by quickly:

  • Identifying such rapidly moving MAC and IP endpoints.

  • Stopping the movement by temporarily making endpoints static, thus quarantining the endpoint.

  • Prior to 3.2(6) release: Keeping the endpoint static for the Rogue EP Detection Interval and dropping the traffic to and from the rogue endpoint. After this time expires, deleting the unauthorized MAC or IP address.

  • In the 3.2(6) release and later: Keeping the endpoint static for the Rogue EP Detection Interval (this feature no longer drops the traffic). After this time expires, deleting the unauthorized MAC or IP address.

  • Generating a host tracking packet to enable the system to re-learn the impacted MAC or IP address.

  • Raising a fault to enable corrective action.

The rogue endpoint control policy is configured globally and, unlike other loop prevention methods, functions at the level of individual endpoints (IP and MAC addresses). It does not distinguish between local or remote moves; any type of interface change is considered a move in determining if an endpoint should be quarantined.

The rogue endpoint control feature is disabled by default.

Limitations of the Rogue Endpoint Control Policy

The following limitations apply when using a rogue endpoint control policy:

  • Changing rogue endpoint control policy parameters will not affect existing rogue endpoints.

  • If a rogue endpoint is enabled, loop detection and bridge domain move frequency will not take effect.

  • Disabling the rogue endpoint feature clears all rogue endpoints.

  • The endpoint mapper (EPM) has value limits for rogue endpoint parameters. If you set the parameter values outside of this range, the Cisco APIC raises a fault for each mismatched parameter.

  • Support for rogue endpoint detection is limited to endpoints that are connected to the fabric and not to those that are connected to remote leaf nodes.

  • The rogue endpoint feature can be used within each site of a Cisco ACI Multi-Site deployment to help with misconfigurations of servers that cause an endpoint to move within the site. The rogue endpoint feature is not designed for scenarios where the endpoint may move between sites.

  • You must disable rogue endpoint control before you upgrade to or from Cisco APIC release 4.1.

Configuring the Rogue Endpoint Control Policy Using the GUI

You can configure the Rogue EP Control policy for the fabric, to detect and delete unauthorized endpoints, using the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (Cisco APIC) GUI. This topic also includes the steps to clear rogue endpoints on a TOR switch, ad-hoc.

The policy options have the following valid and supported values:

  • Rogue EP Detection Interval—Sets the rogue endpoint detection interval, which specifies the time to detect rogue endpoints. Valid values are from 0 to 65535 seconds. The default is 60.

  • Hold Interval (sec)—Interval in seconds after the endpoint is declared rogue, where it is kept static so learning is prevented and the traffic to and from the Rogue endpoint is dropped. After this interval, the endpoint is deleted. Valid values are from 1800 to 3600. The default is 1800.

  • Rogue EP Detection Multiplication Factor—Sets the rogue endpoint detection multiplication factor for determining if an endpoint is unauthorized. If the endpoint moves more times than this number, within the EP detection interval, the endpoint is declared rogue. Valid values are from 2 to 10. The default is 6.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

On the navigation bar, click Endpoint Controls and click the Rogue EP Control tab.

Step 3

Set the Administrative State to Enabled.

Step 4

Optional. Reset the Rogue EP Detection Interval (sec), Rogue EP Detection Multiplication Factor, or the Hold Interval (sec).

Step 5

(Optional) To clear rogue endpoints on a TOR switch, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Cisco APIC menu bar, click Fabric > Inventory.

  2. On the Navigation bar, expand the Pod and click the leaf switch where you want to clear rogue endpoints.

  3. When the leaf switch summary appears in the work pane, right-click the leaf switch name in the Navigation bar, and choose Clear Rogue Endpoints.

  4. Click Yes.

Configure the Rogue Endpoint Control Policy Using the NX-OS Style CLI

You can configure the rogue endpoint control policy for the fabric to detect and delete unauthorized endpoints using the NX-OS style CLI.


Step 1

Enter global configuration mode.


apic1# configure

Step 2

Enable the global rogue endpoint control policy.


apic1(config)# endpoint rogue-detect enable

Step 3

Set the hold interval.

The hold interval is a period of time in seconds after the endpoint is declared rogue that the endpoint is kept static so that learning is prevented, and the traffic to and from the endpoint is dropped. After this interval, the endpoint is deleted. Valid values are from 1800 to 3600 seconds. The default is 1800.


apic1(config)# endpoint rogue-detect hold-interval 1800

Step 4

Set the detection interval.

The detection interval is a period of time in seconds during which rogue endpoint control counts the number of moves for an endpoint. If the count during this interval exceeds the value specified by the detection multiplication factor, the endpoint is declared rogue. Valid values are from 0 to 65535 seconds. The default is 60.


apic1(config)# endpoint rogue-detect interval 60

Step 5

Set the detection multiplication factor.

If an endpoint moves more times than the value specified by the detection multiplication factor during a period of time specified by the detection interval, the endpoint is declared rogue. Valid values are from 2 to 10. The default is 6.


apic1# endpoint rogue-detect factor 6

Configure the Rogue Endpoint Control Policy Using the REST API

You can configure the rogue endpoint control policy for the fabric to detect and delete unauthorized endpoints using the REST API.


Step 1

To configure the rogue endpoint control policy, send a post with XML similar to the following example:


        <epControlP name="default" adminSt="enabled"  holdIntvl="1800"  rogueEpDetectIntvl="60" rogueEpDetectMult="6"/>
  • adminSt: The administrative state of rogue endpoint control. Specify enable to enable rogue endpoint control.

  • holdIntvl: Rogue endpoint hold interval. The hold interval is a period of time in seconds after the endpoint is declared rogue that the endpoint is kept static so that learning is prevented, and the traffic to and from the endpoint is dropped. After this interval, the endpoint is deleted. The valid values are from 1800 to 3600 seconds. The default is 1800.

  • rogueEpDetectIntvl: Rogue endpoint detection interval. The detection interval is a period of time in seconds during which rogue endpoint control counts the number of moves for an endpoint. If the count during this interval exceeds the value specified by the detection multiplication factor, the endpoint is declared rogue. Valid values are from 0 to 65535 seconds. The default is 60.

  • rogueEpDetectMult: Rogue endpoint detection multiplication factor. If an endpoint moves more times than the value specified by the detection multiplication factor during a period of time specified by the detection interval, the endpoint is declared rogue. Valid values are from 2 to 10. The default is 6.

Step 2

In the 3.2(6) release and later, you can revert this feature's behavior so that it once again drops the traffic to and from rogue endpoints by sending a post with XML similar to the following example:


<infraImplicitSetPol rogueModeAction="quarantine-fault-and-drop" infraDn="uni/infra"/>

About the Rogue/COOP Exception List

The rogue/COOP exception list enables you to specify the MAC address of endpoints for which you want to have a higher tolerance for endpoint movement with rogue endpoint control before the endpoints get marked as rogue. Endpoints in the rogue/COOP exception list get marked as rogue only if they move 3000 or more times within 10 minutes. After an endpoint is marked as rogue, the endpoint is kept static to prevent learning. The rogue endpoint is deleted after 30 seconds.

Guidelines and Limitations for the Rogue/COOP Exception List

The following guidelines and limitations apply when using the rogue/COOP exception list:

  • The MAC address exception list feature works on Layer 2 bridge domains (bridge domains without IP routing enabled). This is because on a Layer 3 bridge domain (a bridge domain with IP routing enabled), if there are IP addresses moving along with MAC addresses, the IP addresses would end up being marked rogue first and both the IP and MAC address would then be quarantined.

  • For a Layer 3 bridge domain, disable dataplane IP address learning per subnet for specific IP addresses that you want to exclude from rogue endpoint control.

    For information about the dataplane IP address learning per subnet feature, see the Cisco APIC Layer 3 Networking Configuration Guide.

  • You are expected to have a full understanding of what kind of MAC addresses are being added to this list. You are responsible for ensuring that the MAC addresses in this list do not contribute to excessive moves in the overall fabric.

  • You can add up to 100 MAC addresses to the exception list, fabric-wide.

  • The exception list exemption on leaf switches applies only when rogue endpoint control is enabled. When rogue endpoint control is disabled, the MAC address exception list is used only by COOP dampening.

  • The rogue/COOP exception list can only contain MAC addresses in a bridge domain and not IP addresses in a VRF instance. However, an IP address-only move can still cause the IP address to be marked as rogue if it meets the regular rogue endpoint control criteria.

  • To mask out IP address rogue detection and marking based on data path traffic, you can use bridge domain subnet learn disable. Bridge domain subnet learn disable stops Cisco ACI from learning the IP address location at each move.

Configuring the Rogue/COOP Exception List While Creating a Bridge Domain Using the GUI

The following procedure configures the rogue/COOP exception list while you create a bridge domain:

Before you begin


Step 1

In the desired tenant, create a bridge domain. In the menu bar, choose Tenants > tenant_name.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Networking > Bridge Domains.

Step 3

Right-click Bridge Domains and choose Create Bridge Domain.

Step 4

In the Create Bridge Domain dialog, fill out the fields as desired for STEP 1 > MAIN and STEP 2 > L3 Configurations.

Step 5

For STEP 3 > Advanced/Troubleshooting, for the Rogue/Coop Exception List, click the +, enter the MAC address of an endpoint that you want to add to the list, and click Update.

The format of the MAC address is AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.

  1. Repeat this step for each endpoint that you want to add to the list.

Step 6

Fill out the remaining fields for STEP 3 > Advanced/Troubleshooting as desired.

Step 7

Click Finish.

Configuring the Rogue/COOP Exception List of an Existing Bridge Domain Using the GUI

The following procedure configures the rogue/COOP exception list of an existing bridge domain.

Before you begin


Step 1

In the desired tenant, create a bridge domain. In the menu bar, choose Tenants > tenant_name.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Networking > Bridge Domains > bridge_domain_name.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Policy > Advanced/Troubleshooting.

Step 4

For the Rogue/Coop Exception List, click the +, enter the MAC address of an endpoint that you want to add to the list, and click Update.

The format of the MAC address is AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.

  1. Repeat this step for each endpoint that you want to add to the list.

Step 5

Click Submit.

Configuring the Rogue/COOP Exception List of an Existing Bridge Domain Using the REST API

The following example REST API post adds a MAC address to the rogue/COOP exception list of an existing bridge domain:
<fvBD name="bd1">
    <fvRogueExceptionMac annotation="" descr="" mac="00:16:04:00:00:1"/>

About Max IP Address Flow Control

The 3.2(6) release adds the max IP address flow control feature, which identifies endpoints that are misbehaving and flags them as rogue based on the number of learned IP addresses that are associated with a MAC address. The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric supports a maximum of 4,096 IP addresses on a MAC address. If a leaf switch learns more than 4,096 IP addresses that are associated with a MAC address, then the MAC address and all of the IP addresses are classified as rogue.

After the max IP address flow control feature identifies an endpoint as rogue, the endpoint is quarantined, a fault is raised in the APIC, and there will not be any further learning of new IP Addresses on this endpoint. The quarantine period is 1 hour. If the standard rogue feature is enabled, then the quarantine period is the same as the period configured by the standard rogue configuration.

While the rogue endpoint control policy feature (rogue due to moves) can be configured to be enabled or disabled, the max IP address flow control feature does not require explicit configuration to be enabled.

Prior to this feature, the ACI fabric identified an endpoint as rogue if it kept moving its location for a configurable number of times within a configurable time period. With this feature, the ACI fabric can identify an endpoint as rogue based on the number of moves or if a leaf switch learns more than 4,096 IP addresses on a MAC address.

Configure COOP

About COOP

Council of Oracle Protocol (COOP) is used to communicate the mapping information (location and identity) to the spine switch proxy. A leaf switch (the "citizen") forwards endpoint address information to the spine switch (the "oracle") using Zero Message Queue (ZMQ). COOP running on the spine nodes will ensure all spine nodes maintain a consistent copy of endpoint address and location information and additionally maintain the distributed hash table (DHT) repository of endpoint identity to location mapping database.

COOP Endpoint Dampening

When malicious or erroneous behavior causes unnecessary endpoint updates, the COOP process can become overwhelmed, preventing the processing of valid endpoint updates. The rogue endpoint detection feature of the leaf switch can prevent many erroneous updates from reaching the spine switch. In cases where the rogue endpoint detection is inadequate, the COOP process invokes endpoint dampening. To relieve pressure on COOP, the spine switch asks all leaf switches to ignore updates from the misbehaving endpoint for a specified period. When this occurs, the dampening state of the endpoint is 'Freeze,' and a fault is generated.


COOP endpoint dampening is introduced and enabled by default in Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) release 4.2(3).

Detection criteria is based on the penalty value calculations that are based on the types of endpoint-related events, as shown in the following table:


Penalty Value


Learn a new IP address


The new IP address is learned.

Learn an additional IP address


The additional IP address is learned with an existing endpoint MAC address.

Delete an IP address


The remote endpoint IP address gets deleted after the IP address is learned.

Learn the deleted IP address


Learn the remote endpoint IP address after the IP address is deleted.

Delete an IP address


Delete the local endpoint IP address after the IP address is learned.

Learn the deleted IP address


Learn the local endpoint IP address after the IP address is deleted.

Endpoint move


An endpoint moves to a different interface.

IP address move


An IP address moves to a different MAC address.

The penalty is high for this event because it causes two route updates to BGP.

URIB programming


Spine switch tunnel interface status change (up/down) for an endpoint.

The penalty value is calculated per IP address and is decreased by 50% every five minutes. For example, if the penalty value of the endpoint is 4000 and number of IP addresses in the endpoint is 2, the penalty value per IP address is 4000/2 = 2000. When the penalty value per IP address exceeds the critical threshold (4000), the endpoint state is changed to Critical from Normal. If an endpoint stays in the Critical state more than five minutes or the penalty value per IP address exceeds the freeze threshold (10000), the endpoint state will become Freeze (dampening) and the update of the endpoint is ignored. When the penalty value per IP address drops below the reuse threshold (2500), the endpoint state becomes Normal (non-dampening). 10 minutes must elapse for the penalty value to be decreased by 75% (10000 * 0.5 * 0.5 = 2500). The thresholds are not user-configurable.

COOP Authentication

COOP data path communication provides high priority to transport using secured connections. To protect COOP messages from malicious traffic injection, the Cisco APIC and switches support COOP protocol authentication.

The COOP protocol supports two ZMQ authentication modes:

  • Strict mode: COOP allows MD5 authenticated ZMQ connections only.

  • Compatible mode: COOP accepts both MD5 authenticated and non-authenticated ZMQ connections for message transportation.

For additional information about COOP authentication, see the Cisco APIC Security Configuration Guide.

Viewing COOP Dampened Endpoints Using the GUI

Use this Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI procedure to view all dampened endpoints in a spine node.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click Fabric > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, expand the pod and the spine node.

Step 3

Expand Protocols > COOP and the COOP instance.

Step 4

Click Endpoint Database to display the endpoints.

Inspect the Dampened State column to find the dampened endpoints. The possible states are:

  • Normal: The endpoint updates are normal.

  • Critical: Enough updates have been received that the endpoint could be moved into the freeze state. If an endpoint remains in the Critical state more than five minutes, the state changes to Freeze.

  • Freeze: Updates from this endpoint are currently being ignored due to frequent unnecessary updates. A fault has been generated.

Viewing COOP Dampened Endpoints Using the Switch CLI

Use this switch CLI procedure to view all dampened endpoints in a spine or leaf node.

Log in to the spine or leaf switch CLI and enter the following command:

show coop internal info repo ep dampening

Clearing COOP Dampened Endpoints Using the GUI

Use this Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI procedure to clear and recover all dampened endpoints in a spine or leaf node. This operation must be executed on all spine switches and on the source leaf switch of the endpoint. If the dampened endpoint is still in the endpoint table on the leaf switch, the endpoint is published to the spine switch COOP database. If not, the dampened endpoint is deleted from the spine switch COOP database after two minutes.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click Fabric > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, expand the pod and the spine or leaf node.

Step 3

Right-click the node and choose Clear Dampened Endpoints.

Step 4

Click Yes to confirm the action.

Clearing a COOP Dampened Endpoint Using the Switch CLI

Use this procedure to clear and recover a dampened endpoint in a spine or leaf node. The procedure recovers a single endpoint whose dampening state is Freeze. This operation must be executed on all spine switches and on the source leaf switch of the endpoint.

Log in to the spine or leaf switch CLI and enter the following command:

clear coop internal info repo ep dampening key <bd> <mac>

Disabling COOP Endpoint Dampening Using the REST API

This procedure shows how to disable or enable COOP EP dampening using the APIC REST API.

COOP endpoint dampening is enabled by default, but in some situations it can be necessary to disable it. An example is when you are expecting many IP updates for a single MAC address and ignoring those updates could be disruptive to the network.

Use the following API, setting disableEpDampening="true" to disable COOP endpoint dampening.

<!-- api/policymgr/mo/.xml -->

        <infraSetPol disableEpDampening="true"></infraSetPol>

All nodes in the fabric will disable COOP endpoint dampening and will recover any existing endpoints whose dampened state is 'Freeze.'

Configuring COOP Authentication Using the APIC GUI


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose System > System Settings.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, click on COOP Group.

Step 3

In the Work pane, under the Policy Property area in the Type field, choose the desired type from the Compatible Type and Strict Type options.

Step 4

Click Submit.

This completes the COOP authentication policy configuration.

Configuring COOP Authentication Using the Cisco NX-OS-Style CLI


Configure the COOP authentication policy using the strict mode option.


apic1# configure
apic1(config)# coop-fabric
apic1(config-coop-fabric)# authentication type ?
compatible  Compatible type
strict      Strict type
apic101-apic1(config-coop-fabric)# authentication type strict

Configuring COOP Authentication Using the REST API


Configure a COOP authentication policy.

In the example, the strict mode is chosen.


<coopPol type="strict">

Endpoint Listen Policy

About the Endpoint Listen Policy

You can configure an endpoint listen policy to detect untagged traffic that gets sent from anonymous endpoints to Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf switches that do not have an enforced policy. By default, if a policy is not deployed for a port, all endpoint traffic gets dropped on that port. If you configure an endpoint listen policy, this policy gets deployed on all leaf switch ports that do not have an existing enforced policy. The endpoint listen policy enables Cisco ACI to detect untagged traffic that arrives on those ports, such that Cisco ACI will know the MAC address or IP address of the anonymous endpoints. This allows the Cisco ACI administrator to decide in which EPG to put those endpoints. The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI displays all detected anonymous endpoints on the Global Endpoints configuration screen.


The endpoint listen policy is a beta feature. There is no guarantee that this feature will work as intended. Use at your own risk.

Configuring the Endpoint Listen Policy Using the GUI

This procedure configures an endpoint listen policy, which detects untagged traffic that gets sent from anonymous endpoints to Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) leaf switches that do not have an enforced policy.


The endpoint listen policy is a beta feature. There is no guarantee that this feature will work as intended. Use at your own risk.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose System > System Settings.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Global Endpoints.

Step 3

In the Work pane, put a check in the End Point Listen Policy check box.

Step 4

In the End Point Listen Encap drop-down list, choose VLAN.

Step 5

In the End Point Listen Encap text field, enter the VLAN ID. Valid values are from 1 to 4094. This should be a reserved VLAN encap, such that it can not be used by any EPGs.

Step 6

Click Submit.

Configure IP Aging

This topic describes how to enable an IP Aging policy. When enabled, the IP aging policy ages unused IPs on an endpoint.

When the Administrative State is enabled, the IP aging policy sends ARP requests (for IPv4) and neighbor solicitations (for IPv6) to track IPs on endpoints. If no response is given, the policy ages the unused IPs.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Endpoint Controls.

Step 3

Click the Ip Aging tab.

Step 4

To enable the policy, click Enabled in the Administrative State field.

What to do next

Create an End Point Retention policy, which is required, to specify the timer used for tracking IPs on endpoints. Navigate to Tenants > tenant-name > > Policies > Protocol > End Point Retention.

Disable Remote Endpoint Learning

This topic describes how to enable or disable IP end point learning.

The scope of this policy is fabric-wide. After configuration, a policy is pushed to each leaf switch as it comes up.

You should enable this policy in fabrics which include the Cisco Nexus 9000 series switches, 93128 TX, 9396 PX, or 9396 TX switches with the N9K-M12PQ uplink module, after all the nodes have been successfully upgraded to APIC Release 2.2(2x) or higher.

After any of the following configuration changes, you may need to manually flush previously learned IP endpoints:

  • Remote IP endpoint learning is disabled

  • The VRF is configured for ingress policy enforcement

  • At least one Layer 3 interface exists in the VRF

To manually flush previously learned IP endpoints, enter the following command on both VPC peers: vsh -c "clear system internal epm endpoint vrf <vrf-name> remote"

To enable or disable IP end point learning, perform the following steps:


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Fabric Wide Setting.

Step 3

Click the check box on Disable Remote EP Learn.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Globally Enforce Subnet Checks

This topic describes how to enable or disable subnet checking. When enabled, IP address learning is disabled outside of subnets configured in a VRF, for all other VRFs.

The scope of this policy is fabric-wide. After configuration, a policy is pushed to each leaf switch as it comes up.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Fabric Wide Setting.

Step 3

Click the check box on Enforce Subnet Check.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Reallocate a GIPo

This topic describes how to enable reallocating GIPos on non-stretched bridge domains to make room for stretched bridge domains.

With the introduction of Cisco ACI Multi-Site, there was a need to change the GIPo allocation scheme to provide the following benefits:

  1. Minimize the number of bridge domains that have the same GIPo.

  2. GIPos that are assigned to Cisco ACI Multi-Site stretched bridge domains do not overlap with GIPos that are assigned to non-stretched bridge domains.

To achieve this allocation, Cisco ACI introduced different pools whose sizes change based on amount of stretched and non-stretched bridge domains.

For a fresh installation of Cisco ACI, the Cisco APIC guarantees that both #1 and #2 are accomplished. During a Cisco ACI upgrade from a release prior to 2.3(1), the old schema is maintained to avoid fabric disruption because the existing GIPos might already be used for non-stretched bridge domains. As a result, Cisco ACI cannot guarantee that #2 is accomplished.

Enabling the Reallocate GIPo knob in Cisco APIC's fabric-wide setting policy causes Cisco APIC to re-allocate GIPos and use the newer allocation scheme. Enabling the knob is a one-time operation. Afterward, the GIPos will not overlap. This knob is relevant only in a Cisco ACI Multi-Site Orchestrator deployment if you upgrade from a release that is earlier than 2.3(1) to the 3.0(1) release or later.

The scope of this policy is fabric-wide. After configuration, a policy is pushed to each leaf switch as it comes up.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Fabric Wide Setting.

Step 3

Click the check box on Reallocate Gipo.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Globally Enforce Domain Validation

This topic describes how to enforce domain validation. When enabled, a validation check is performed when a static path is added, to determine if no domain is associated with an EPG.

The scope of this policy is fabric-wide. After configuration, a policy is pushed to each leaf switch as it comes up.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Fabric Wide Setting.

Step 3

Click the check box on Enforce Domain Validation.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Enable OpFlex Client Authentication

This topic describes how to enable OpFlex client authentication for GOLF and Linux.

To deploy GOLF or Linux Opflex clients in an environment where the identity of the client cannot be guaranteed by the network, you can dynamically validate the client’s identity based on a client certificate.


When you enable certificate enforcement, connectivity with any GOLF or Linux Opflex client that does not support client authentication is disabled.

The scope of this policy is fabric-wide. After configuration, a policy is pushed to each leaf switch as it comes up.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Fabric Wide Setting.

Step 3

Click the check box on OpFlex Client Authentication to enable or disable enforcing client certificate authentication for GOLF and Linux Opflex clients.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Fabric Load Balancing

The ACI fabric provides several load balancing options for balancing the traffic among the available uplink links. This topic describes load balancing for leaf to spine switch traffic.

Static hash load balancing is the traditional load balancing mechanism used in networks where each flow is allocated to an uplink based on a hash of its 5-tuple. This load balancing gives a distribution of flows across the available links that is roughly even. Usually, with a large number of flows, the even distribution of flows results in an even distribution of bandwidth as well. However, if a few flows are much larger than the rest, static load balancing might give suboptimal results.

ACI fabric Dynamic Load Balancing (DLB) adjusts the traffic allocations according to congestion levels. It measures the congestion across the available paths and places the flows on the least congested paths, which results in an optimal or near optimal placement of the data.

DLB can be configured to place traffic on the available uplinks using the granularity of flows or flowlets. Flowlets are bursts of packets from a flow that are separated by suitably large gaps in time. If the idle interval between two bursts of packets is larger than the maximum difference in latency among available paths, the second burst (or flowlet) can be sent along a different path than the first without reordering packets. This idle interval is measured with a timer called the flowlet timer. Flowlets provide a higher granular alternative to flows for load balancing without causing packet reordering.

DLB modes of operation are aggressive or conservative. These modes pertain to the timeout value used for the flowlet timer. The aggressive mode flowlet timeout is a relatively small value. This very fine-grained load balancing is optimal for the distribution of traffic, but some packet reordering might occur. However, the overall benefit to application performance is equal to or better than the conservative mode. The conservative mode flowlet timeout is a larger value that guarantees packets are not to be re-ordered. The tradeoff is less granular load balancing because new flowlet opportunities are less frequent. While DLB is not always able to provide the most optimal load balancing, it is never worse than static hash load balancing.


Although all Nexus 9000 Series switches have hardware support for DLB, the DLB feature is not enabled in the current software releases for second generation platforms (switches with EX, FX, and FX2 suffixes).

The ACI fabric adjusts traffic when the number of available links changes due to a link going off-line or coming on-line. The fabric redistributes the traffic across the new set of links.

In all modes of load balancing, static or dynamic, the traffic is sent only on those uplinks or paths that meet the criteria for equal cost multipath (ECMP); these paths are equal and the lowest cost from a routing perspective.

Dynamic Packet Prioritization (DPP), while not a load balancing technology, uses some of the same mechanisms as DLB in the switch. DPP configuration is exclusive of DLB. DPP prioritizes short flows higher than long flows; a short flow is less than approximately 15 packets. Because short flows are more sensitive to latency than long ones, DPP can improve overall application performance.

For intra-leaf switch traffic, all DPP-prioritized traffic is marked CoS 0 regardless of a custom QoS configuration. For inter-leaf switch traffic, all DPP-prioritized traffic is marked CoS 3 regardless of a custom QoS configuration.

GPRS tunneling protocol (GTP) is used mainly to deliver data on wireless networks. Cisco Nexus switches are places in Telcom Datacenters. When packets are being sent through Cisco Nexus 9000 switches in a datacenter, traffic needs to be load-balanced based on the GTP header. When the fabric is connected with an external router through link bundling, the traffic is required to be distributed evenly between all bundle members (For example, Layer 2 port channel, Layer 3 ECMP links, Layer 3 port channel, and L3Out on the port channel). GTP traffic load balancing is performed within the fabric as well.

To achieve GTP load balancing, Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches use 5-tuple load balancing mechanism. The load balancing mechanism takes into account the source IP, destination IP, protocol, Layer 4 resource and destination port (if traffic is TCP or UDP) fields from the packet. In the case of GTP traffic, a limited number of unique values for these fields restrict the equal distribution of traffic load on the tunnel.

To avoid polarization for GTP traffic in load balancing, a tunnel endpoint identifier (TEID) in the GTP header is used instead of a UDP port number. Because the TEID is unique per tunnel, traffic can be evenly load balanced across multiple links in the bundle.

The GTP load balancing feature overrides the source and destination port information with the 32-bit TEID value that is present in GTPU packets.

GTP tunnel load balancing feature adds support for:

  • GTP with IPv4/IPv6 transport header on physical interface

  • GTPU with UDP port 2152

The ACI fabric default configuration uses a traditional static hash. A static hashing function distributes the traffic between uplinks from the leaf switch to the spine switch. When a link goes down or comes up, traffic on all links is redistributed based on the new number of uplinks.

Leaf/Spine Switch Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithms

The following table provides the default non-configurable algorithms used in leaf/spine switch dynamic load balancing:

Table 1. ACI Leaf/Spine Switch Dynamic Load Balancing

Traffic Type

Hashing Data Points

Leaf/Spine IP unicast

  • Source MAC address

  • Destination MAC address

  • Source IP address

  • Destination IP address

  • Protocol type

  • Source Layer 4 port

  • Destination Layer 4 port

  • Segment ID (VXLAN VNID) or VLAN ID

Leaf/Spine Layer 2

  • Source MAC address

  • Destination MAC address

  • Segment ID (VXLAN VNID) or VLAN ID

Creating a Load Balancer Policy Using the Cisco APIC GUI

This topic describes how to configure the default Load Balancer policy.

The load balancing policy options balance traffic among the available uplink ports. Static hash load balancing is the traditional load balancing mechanism used in networks where each flow is allocated to an uplink based on a hash of its 5-tuple. This load balancing gives a distribution of flows across the available links that is roughly even. Usually, with a large number of flows, the even distribution of flows results in an even distribution of bandwidth as well. However, if a few flows are much larger than the rest, static load balancing might give suboptimal results.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Load Balancer.

Step 3

Choose the Dynamic Load Balancing Mode.

The dynamic load balancer (DLB) mode adjusts the traffic allocations according to congestion levels. It measures the congestion across the available paths and places the flows on the least congested paths, which results in an optimal or near optimal placement of the data. DLB can be configured to place traffic on the available uplinks using the granularity of flows or of flowlets. Flowlets are bursts of packets from a flow that are separated by intervals. The mode can be Aggressive, Conservative, or Off (the default).

Step 4

Enable or disable Dynamic Packet Prioritization by choosing On or Off (the default).

Dynamic Packet Prioritization (DPP) prioritizes short flows higher than long flows; a short flow is less than approximately 15 packets. Short flows are more sensitive to latency than long ones. DPP can improve overall application performance.

Step 5

Choose the Load Balancing Mode. The mode can be Link Failure or Traditional (the default).

The load balancer administrative state. In all modes of load balancing, static or dynamic, the traffic is sent only on those uplinks or paths that meet the criteria for equal cost multipath (ECMP); these paths are equal and the lowest cost from a routing perspective.

Step 6

Click Submit.

Creating a Load Balancer Policy Using the CLI

Creating a Dynamic Load Balancer Policy Using the CLI

There are two dynamic load balancer modes: dynamic-aggressive and dynamic-conservative. The dynamic-aggressive mode enables a shorter flowlet timeout interval, and the dynamic-conservative mode enables a longer flowlet timeout interval. For more information about these commands, see the Cisco APIC NX-OS Style CLI Command Reference.

This section demonstrates how to configure a dynamic load balancer policy using the CLI.


Step 1

To enable aggressive mode dynamic load balancing:

apic1# conf t
apic1# (config)# system dynamic-load-balance mode dynamic-aggressive

Step 2

To enable conservative mode dynamic load balancing:

apic1# conf t
apic1# (config)# system dynamic-load-balance mode dynamic-conservative

Creating a Dynamic Packet Prioritization Policy Using the CLI

This section demonstrates how to enable dynamic packet prioritization using the CLI. For more information about this command, see the Cisco APIC NX-OS Style CLI Command Reference.


Enable dynamic packet prioritization:

apic1# conf t
apic1# (config)# system dynamic-load-balance mode packet-prioritization

Creating a GTP Load Balancer Policy Using the CLI

This section demonstrates how to create a GTP load balancer policy using the CLI. For more information about this command, see the Cisco APIC NX-OS Style CLI Command Reference.


Enable dynamic packet prioritization:

apic1# conf t
apic1# (config)# ip load-sharing address source_destination gtpu

Creating a Load Balancer Policy Using the REST API

This section demonstrates how to enable a DLB, DPP, and a GTP load balancer policy. For a list of all possible property values, see the Cisco APIC Management Information Model Reference.


To enable a DLB, DPP, and GTP load balancer policy:

	<lbpPol name="default" hashGtp="yes" pri="on" dlbMode="aggressive">

Enable a Time Precision Policy

This topic describes how to enable Precision Time Protocol (PTP), a time synchronization protocol for nodes distributed across a network. Its hardware timestamp feature provides greater accuracy than other time synchronization protocols such as Network Time Protocol (NTP).

PTP is a distributed protocol that specifies how real-time PTP clocks in the system synchronize with each other. These clocks are organized into a master-member synchronization hierarchy with the grandmaster clock, the clock at the top of the hierarchy, determining the reference time for the entire system. Synchronization is achieved by exchanging PTP timing messages, with the members using the timing information to adjust their clocks to the time of their master in the hierarchy. PTP operates within a logical scope called a PTP domain.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Click Precision Time Protocol.

Step 3

Choose Enabled or Disabled.

If you choose disable PTP, NTP time is used to sync the fabric. If you enable PTP, a spine is automatically chosen as a master to which the entire site gets synced.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Enable a Global System GIPo Policy

This topic describes how to use the infra tenant GIPo as the system GIPo.

An ACI multipod deployment requires the system Global IP Outside (GIPo) to be configured on the inter-pod network (IPN) as a PIM BIDIR range. This PIM BIDIR range configuration on the IPN devices can be avoided by using the infra GIPo as System GIPo.

Before you begin

Upgrade all of the switches in the ACI fabric, including the leaf switches and spine switches, to the latest APIC release.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

Choose Enabled or Disabled (the default) on Use Infra GIPo as System GIPo

Step 3

Click Submit.

Configure a Fabric Port Tracking Policy

Uplink failure detection can be enabled in the fabric access fabric port tracking policy. The port tracking policy monitors the status of links between leaf switches and spine switches. When an enabled port tracking policy is triggered, the leaf switches take down all access interfaces on the switch that have EPGs deployed on them. For more information about fabric port tracking, see the Cisco APIC Layer 2 Networking Configuration Guide.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click System > System Settings.

Step 2

On the Navigation pane, choose Port Tracking.

Step 3

Enable port tracking by setting the Port tracking state to on.

Step 4

(Optional) Change the Daily restore timer value.

Step 5

Configure the Number of active spine links that triggers port tracking parameter.

Step 6

Click Submit.

Provisioning Global Fabric Access Policies

Create a Global Attachable Access Entity Profile

An Attachable Entity Profile (AEP) represents a group of external entities with similar infrastructure policy requirements. The infrastructure policies consist of physical interface policies that configure various protocol options, such as Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), or Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP).

An AEP is required to deploy VLAN pools on leaf switches. Encapsulation blocks (and associated VLANs) are reusable across leaf switches. An AEP implicitly provides the scope of the VLAN pool to the physical infrastructure.

The following AEP requirements and dependencies must be accounted for in various configuration scenarios, including network connectivity, VMM domains, and multipod configuration:

  • The AEP defines the range of allowed VLANs but it does not provision them. No traffic flows unless an EPG is deployed on the port. Without defining a VLAN pool in an AEP, a VLAN is not enabled on the leaf port even if an EPG is provisioned.

  • A particular VLAN is provisioned or enabled on the leaf port that is based on EPG events either statically binding on a leaf port or based on VM events from external controllers such as VMware vCenter or Microsoft Azure Service Center Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM).

  • Attached entity profiles can be associated directly with application EPGs, which deploy the associated application EPGs to all those ports associated with the attached entity profile. The AEP has a configurable generic function (infraGeneric), which contains a relation to an EPG (infraRsFuncToEpg) that is deployed on all interfaces that are part of the selectors that are associated with the attachable entity profile.

A virtual machine manager (VMM) domain automatically derives physical interface policies from the interface policy groups of an AEP.

Before you begin

Create the tenant, VRF instance, application profiles, and EPGs to associate to the attached entity profile.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

On the navigation bar, expand Policies and Global.

Step 3

Right-click Attachable Access Entity Profile and choose Create Attachable Access Entity Profile.

Step 4

Enter a name for the policy.

Step 5

Click the + icon on Domains table.

Step 6

Enter a physical domain, a previously created physical, Layer 2, Layer 3, or Fibre Channel domain, or create one.

Step 7

Enter the encapsulation for the domain and click Update.

Step 8

Click the + icon on the EPG DEPLOYMENT table.

Step 9

Enter the tenant, application profile, EPG, encapsulation (such as vlan-1), primary encapsulation (primary encapsulation number) and interface mode (trunk, Access (802.1P, or Access (Untagged).

Step 10

Click Update.

Step 11

Click Next.

Step 12

Choose the interfaces to associate to the attachable entity profile.

Step 13

Click Finish.

Configure the Global QoS Class Policy

The global QoS Class policy can be used to:

  • Preserve the CoS priority level, to guarantee that the CoS value in 802.1P packets which enter and transit the ACI fabric is preserved. 802.1P CoS preservation is supported in single pod and multipod topologies. In multipod topologies, CoS Preservation can be used where you want to preserve the QoS priority settings of 802.1P traffic entering POD 1 and egressing out of POD 2, but you are not concerned with preserving the CoS/DSCP settings in interpod network (IPN) traffic between the pods. To preserve CoS/DSCP settings when multipod traffic is transitting an IPN, use a DSCP policy (configured at Tenants > infra > > Policies > Protocol > DSCP class-cos translation policy for L3 traffic)

  • Reset the properties for the default QoS class levels, such as the MTU, Queue Limit, or Scheduling Algorithm.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

On the navigation bar, expand Policies and Global.

Step 3

Click QOS Class.

Step 4

To enable 802.1P CoS preservation, click the Preserve COS check box.

Step 5

To change the default settings for a QoS class, double-click on it. Enter the new settings and click Submit.

Create a Global DHCP Relay Policy

The global DHCP Relay policy identifies the DHCP Server for the fabric.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

On the navigation bar, expand Policies and Global.

Step 3

Right-click DHCP Relay and choose Create DHCP Relay Policy.

Step 4

In the Create DHCP Relay Policy dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. In the Name field, enter the DHCP relay profile name (DhcpRelayP).

    This name can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters.

  2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the DHCP relay policy, if necessary.

    The description can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters.

  3. Expand Providers.

    The Create DHCP Provider dialog box appears.

  4. In the Create DHCP Provider dialog box, in the EPG Type field, click the appropriate radio button depending upon where the DHCP server is connected.

    The options for the EPG type that you choose varies, depending on the EPG type.

    • If choose Application EPG as the EPG type, the following options appear in the Application EPG area:

      • In the Tenant field, from the drop-down list, choose the tenant. (infra)

      • In the Application Profile field, from the drop-down list, choose the application. (access)

      • In the EPG field, from the drop-down list, choose the EPG. (default)

    • If choose L2 External Network as the EPG type, the following options appear in the L2 External Network area:

      • In the Tenant field, from the drop-down list, choose the tenant.

      • In the L2 Out field, from the drop-down list, choose the L2 Out.

      • In the External Network field, from the drop-down list, choose the external network.

    • If choose L3 External Network as the EPG type, the following options appear in the L3 External Network area:

      • In the Tenant field, from the drop-down list, choose the tenant.

      • In the L3 Out field, from the drop-down list, choose the L3 Out.

      • In the External Network field, from the drop-down list, choose the external network.

    • If choose DN as the EPG type, enter the distinguished name of the target endpoint group.

  5. In the DHCP Server Address field, enter the IP address for the infra DHCP server.


    The infra DHCP IP address is the infra IP address of APIC1. You must enter the default IP address of if deploying for vShield controller configuration.
  6. In the DHCP Server Preference field, select the administrative preference value for this provider.

    The DHCP Server Preference field is available beginning with release 5.2(4). Using the value in this field, the leaf switch determines whether to route the DHCP relay packets from the client VRF or the server VRF. For more information, see About the DHCP Server Preference Field.

    • None: This is the default option, which reflects the behavior prior to release 5.2(4). By choosing the None option, the switch will always route the DHCP relay packet from the client VRF. If used for inter-VRF DHCP relay, a shared services contract is required to leak the server VRF network into the client VRF.

    • Use Server VRF: This option reflects new behavior introduced in release 5.2(4). By choosing the Use Server VRF option, the switch routes the DHCP relay packets from the server VRF, regardless of whether there is a contract or there is no contract between the EPG where the DHCP client is and the EPG where the DHCP server is (or the Layer 3 external of the L3Out through which the DHCP server is reachable).

      For inter-VRF configurations, when you choose the Use Server VRF option in the DHCP Server Preference field, the server subnet route is programmed in the server VRF on the client leaf switch for route lookup. The DHCP process on the client leaf switch then sends the DHCP relay packets via the server VRF. Because of this, the server VRF must be deployed with at least one IP address on all leaf switches where the client bridge domains are deployed.

  7. Click OK.

    You are returned to the Create DHCP Relay Policy window.

  8. Click Submit.

The DHCP relay policy is created.

Enable a Global MCP Instance Policy

Enable a global Mis-Cabling Protocol (MCP) instance policy. In the current implementation, only one instance of MCP runs in the system.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

On the navigation bar, expand Policies and Global.

Step 3

Click MCP Instance Policy default.

Step 4

Change the Admin State to Enabled.

Step 5

Set other properties as needed for your fabric.

Step 6

Click Submit.

What to do next

Create an Error Disabled Recovery Policy

The error disabled recovery policy specifies the policy for re-enabling a port that was disabled due to one or more pre-defined error conditions.


Step 1

On the menu bar, click Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

On the navigation bar, expand Policies and Global.

Step 3

Click Error Disabled Recovery Policy..

Step 4

Double-click on an event to enable it for the recovery policy.

Step 5

Click the check box and click Update.

Step 6

Optional. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for more events.

Step 7

Optional. Reset the Error disable recovery interval (sec).

Step 8

Click Submit.

Per Port Policies

About Per Port Policies

A per port policy is an implicit policy that you use to configure the interfaces of a leaf switch using the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI. A per port policy is simplified compared to the standard policy-based model, which is useful when you are still learning how to use the Cisco APIC. Due to this simplification, you cannot add new ports to an existing policy. Instead, you can only create new chunks of a policy per interface.

The per port policy pane uses the NX-OS CLI in the background to create implicit and explicit objects. For example, creating a new port channel creates an explicit port channel policy group as well as an implicit override. Making any changes to an explicit policy group will not apply to port until the implicit policy group is removed. We recommend that you do not mix using the CLI and GUI. Use the per port policy wizard to learn about the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) policy model and unconfigure the port from the same wizard when you want to move to advanced use cases for reusable policy configurations.

You can create a per port policy only from the following GUI location:

Fabric > Inventory > Pod-# > leaf-switch-name > Interface tab


Interface tab refers to the Interface tab in the work pane. This is not the Interfaces folder in the navigation pane.

Configuring a Per Port Policy Using the GUI

This procedure configures a per port policy using the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose pod-# > leaf-switch-name.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose the Interface tab.

Step 4

In the Mode drop-down list, choose Configuration.

Step 5

Click on one or more of the interface numbers to select those interfaces.

The buttons just under the tabs of the Work pane become active for any of the components that you can configure for the selected interfaces.

Step 6

Click the button for one of the components that you want to configure.

The Work pane displays the properties for that component.

Step 7

Set the properties as desired for the component.

Step 8

Click Submit.

Step 9

Configure any additional components for the selected interfaces, or select different interfaces and configure the components.

Validating a Per Port Policy Using the GUI

This procedure instructs you on how to validate a per port policy using the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) GUI.

Before you begin

You must configure the Cisco APIC to show hidden policies. By default, the per port policies are hidden in the Cisco APIC.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Inventory.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose pod-# > leaf-switch-name.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose the Interface tab.

Step 4

In the Mode drop-down list, choose Configuration.

Step 5

Click on an interface numbers to select that interface.

The buttons just under the tabs of the Work pane become active for any of the components that you can configure for the selected interface.

Step 6

Click the button for one of the components for which you want to view the properties.

The Work pane displays the properties for that component.

Step 7

Verify that the properties are set correctly, and change any values that are not correct for your desired configuration.

Step 8

If you made any changes, click Submit. Otherwise, click Cancel.

Showing the Hidden Policies Using the GUI

By default, some policies, such as per port policies, are hidden in the Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC). If you want to view these policies, you must configure the Cisco APIC to show hidden policies.


Step 1

In the upper right corner of the GUI, choose Manage My Profile > Settings.

The Application Settings dialog opens.

Step 2

Put a check in the Show Hidden Policies box.

Step 3

Click OK.

Creating a Mis-cabling Protocol Interface Policy Using the GUI (Optional)

The mis-cabling protocol (MCP) was designed to handle misconfigurations that Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) and Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) are unable to detect. MCP has a Layer 2 packet that it uses, and MCP disables ports that form a loop within the Fabric. Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) fabric leaf switches do not participate in spanning tree protocol (STP) and act as hub with respect to STP. The MCP packet is sent, and if the fabric sees that the packet comes back in, then the fabric knows that there is a loop and the fabric takes action based on that event. Faults and events are generated when this happens. MCP can be enabled globally and per-interface. By default, MCP is disabled globally and is enabled on each port. For MCP to work, it must be enabled globally, regardless of the per-interface configuration.

The following procedure creates an MPC interface policy using the GUI.


Step 1

On the menu bar, choose Fabric > Access Policies.

Step 2

In the Navigation pane, choose Interface Policies > Policies > MCP Interface.

Step 3

In the Work pane, choose Actions > Create Mis-cabling Protocol Interface Policy.

Step 4

In the Create Mis-cabling Protocol Interface Policy dialog box, perform the following actions:

  1. Enter a name for the policy.

  2. (Optional) Enter a description for the policy.

  3. For the Admin State, choose Enable to enable the policy, or Disable to disable the policy.

  4. Select the Strict or Non-strict operational mode for MCP.

    The following additional fields are displayed when you select Strict.

    • Initial Delay Time (sec): Time for STP convergence on the external Layer 2 network. Default value is 0 (when STP is disabled on the Layer 2 network). When STP is enabled, based on scale/ topology, the initial delay time range is 45 to 60 seconds for STP to converge.

    • Tranmission Frequency (sec, msec): Transmission frequency timer for MCP packets until grace period on each Layer 2 interface. Default value is 500 milliseconds.

    • Grace Period (sec, msec): Grace period time during which early loop detection takes place. The port aggressively transmits MCP packets which are used for loop detection. Default grace period value is 3 seconds.

Step 5

Click Submit.