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CSM XML Document Type Definition
CSM XML Document Type Definition
You can use this DTD to configure the CSM as described in the "Configuring the XML Interface" section.
The CSM XML Document Type Definition (DTD) is as follows:
<!--/** cisco_csm.dtd - XML DTD for CSM 3.2** January 2002 Paul Mathison** Copyright (c) 2002, 2003 by cisco Systems, Inc.* All rights reserved*/--><!--Notes:Each element refers to a particular IOS CLI command.Each attribute refers to a command parameter.Except where noted, all "name" attributes are strings of length1 to 15, with no whitespace.IP address and mask attributes use standard "x.x.x.x" format.--><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required by various other elements*************************************************************--><!ELEMENT inservice EMPTY><!ATTLIST inservicesense (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!ELEMENT inservice_standby EMPTY><!ATTLIST inservice_standbysense (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!--backup_name is a string of length 1 to 15backup_sticky default is "no"--><!ELEMENT serverfarm_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST serverfarm_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDbackup_name CDATA #IMPLIEDbackup_sticky (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!--value is between 1 and 4294967295--><!ELEMENT maxconns EMPTY><!ATTLIST maxconnssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--id is between 1 and 255--><!ELEMENT reverse_sticky EMPTY><!ATTLIST reverse_stickysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDid NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for env_variable*************************************************************--><!--name is a string of length 1 to 31expression is a string of length 0 to 127--><!ELEMENT env_variable EMPTY><!ATTLIST env_variablesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDexpression CDATA #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for owner*************************************************************--><!--string is of length 1 to 200--><!ELEMENT billing_info EMPTY><!ATTLIST billing_infosense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDstring CDATA #REQUIRED><!--string is of length 1 to 200--><!ELEMENT contact_info EMPTY><!ATTLIST contact_infosense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDstring CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT owner (maxconns?, billing_info?, contact_info?)><!ATTLIST ownersense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for vlan*************************************************************--><!ELEMENT vlan_address EMPTY><!ATTLIST vlan_addresssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT gateway EMPTY><!ATTLIST gatewaysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--gateway uses standard x.x.x.x format--><!ELEMENT route EMPTY><!ATTLIST routesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN #REQUIREDgateway NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT alias EMPTY><!ATTLIST aliassense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--id is between 2 and 4094Maximum of 7 gateways per vlanMaximum of 4095 routes per vlanMaximum of 255 aliases per vlanGlobal maximum of 255 unique vlan_addressesGlobal maximum of 255 vlan gateways (including routed gateways)--><!ELEMENT vlan (vlan_address?, gateway*, route*, alias*)><!ATTLIST vlansense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDid NMTOKEN #REQUIREDtype (client | server) #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for script_file and script_task*************************************************************--><!--url is a string of length 1 to 200--><!ELEMENT script_file EMPTY><!ATTLIST script_filesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDurl CDATA #REQUIRED><!--id is between 1 and 100name is a string of length 1 to 31arguments is a string of length 0 to 199--><!ELEMENT script_task EMPTY><!ATTLIST script_tasksense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDid NMTOKEN #REQUIREDname CDATA #REQUIREDarguments CDATA #IMPLIED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for probe*************************************************************--><!--value is between 2 and 65535 (default is 300)--><!ELEMENT probe_failed EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_failedsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 2 and 65535 (default is 120)--><!ELEMENT probe_interval EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_intervalsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 0 and 65535 (default is 3)--><!ELEMENT probe_retries EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_retriessense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 65535 (default 10)--><!ELEMENT probe_open EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_opensense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 65535 (default 10)--><!ELEMENT probe_receive EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_receivesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 65535--><!ELEMENT probe_port EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_portsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--string is of length 1 to 64--><!ELEMENT probe_domain EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_domainsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDstring CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT probe_address EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_addresssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDmode (transparent | routed) "transparent"><!ELEMENT probe_expect_address EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_expect_addresssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--expression is a string of length 1 to 200--><!ELEMENT probe_header EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_headersense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDexpression CDATA #REQUIRED><!--user is a string of length 1 to 15password is a string of length 1 to 15--><!ELEMENT probe_credentials EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_credentialssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDuser CDATA #REQUIREDpassword CDATA ""><!--url is a string of length 1 to 200--><!ELEMENT probe_request EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_requestsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDmethod (get | head) #REQUIREDurl CDATA "/"><!--min_code is between 0 and 999max_code default is match min_code--><!ELEMENT probe_expect_status EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_expect_statussense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDmin_code NMTOKEN #REQUIREDmax_code NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!--name is a string of length 1 to 31arguments is a string of length 0 to 199--><!ELEMENT script_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST script_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDarguments CDATA #IMPLIED><!--secret is a string of length 1 to 32--><!ELEMENT probe_secret EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_secretsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDsecret CDATA #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 255 probe_headers per http_probeprobe_address must use mode "routed"--><!ELEMENT http_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_open?, probe_receive?, probe_port?, probe_address?,probe_request?, probe_credentials?, probe_header*,probe_expect_status*)><!--Maximum of 255 probe_expect_addresses per dns_probeprobe_address must use mode "routed"--><!ELEMENT dns_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_receive?, probe_port?, probe_address?, probe_domain?,probe_expect_address*)><!--probe_address must use mode "transparent"--><!ELEMENT icmp_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_receive?, probe_address?)><!ELEMENT tcp_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_open?, probe_port?)><!ELEMENT udp_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_receive?, probe_port?)><!ELEMENT smtp_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_open?, probe_receive?, probe_port?,probe_expect_status*)><!ELEMENT telnet_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_open?, probe_receive?, probe_port?,probe_expect_status*)><!ELEMENT ftp_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_open?, probe_receive?, probe_port?,probe_expect_status*)><!ELEMENT script_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_open?, probe_receive?, probe_port?, script_ref?)><!--probe_address must use mode "routed"--><!ELEMENT kalap_udp_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_receive?, probe_port?, probe_address?,probe_secret?)><!--probe_address must use mode "routed"--><!ELEMENT kalap_tcp_probe (probe_failed?, probe_interval?, probe_retries?,probe_open?, probe_receive?, probe_port?,probe_address?, probe_secret?)><!ELEMENT probe (http_probe | dns_probe | icmp_probe | tcp_probe | udp_probe |smtp_probe | telnet_probe | ftp_probe | script_probe |kalap_udp_probe | kalap_tcp_probe)><!ATTLIST probesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDtype (http | dns | icmp | tcp | udp |smtp | telnet | ftp | script |kal-ap-udp | kal-ap-tcp) #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for natpool*************************************************************--><!--Global maximum of 255 natpool addresses--><!ELEMENT natpool EMPTY><!ATTLIST natpoolsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDfirst_ip NMTOKEN #REQUIREDlast_ip NMTOKEN #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required by maps*************************************************************--><!--url is a string of length 1 to 200method is a string of length 1 to 15 (e.g. GET)--><!ELEMENT url_rule EMPTY><!ATTLIST url_rulesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDurl CDATA #REQUIREDmethod CDATA #IMPLIED><!--name is a string of length 1 to 63expression is a string of length 1 to 127--><!ELEMENT cookie_rule EMPTY><!ATTLIST cookie_rulesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDexpression CDATA #REQUIRED><!--name is a string of length 1 to 63expression is a string of length 1 to 127--><!ELEMENT header_rule EMPTY><!ATTLIST header_rulesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDexpression CDATA #REQUIREDtype (match | insert) "match"><!--min_code and max_code are between 100 and 599threshold is between 1 and 4294967295, no effect for count actionreset is between 0 and 4294967295 (0 means no reset)--><!ELEMENT retcode_rule EMPTY><!ATTLIST retcode_rulesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDmin_code NMTOKEN #REQUIREDmax_code NMTOKEN #REQUIREDaction (count | log | remove) #REQUIREDthreshold NMTOKEN #REQUIREDreset NMTOKEN "0"><!--domain is a string of length 1 to 127--><!ELEMENT dns_rule EMPTY><!ATTLIST dns_rulesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDdomain CDATA #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 1023 url_rules per map--><!ELEMENT url_map (url_rule*)><!ATTLIST url_mapsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 5 cookie_rules per map--><!ELEMENT cookie_map (cookie_rule*)><!ATTLIST cookie_mapsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 5 header_rules per map--><!ELEMENT header_map (header_rule*)><!ATTLIST header_mapsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 100 retcodes (not ranges) per map--><!ELEMENT retcode_map (retcode_rule*)><!ATTLIST retcode_mapsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 16 dns_rules per map--><!ELEMENT dns_map (dns_rule*)><!ATTLIST dns_mapsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for redirect_server*************************************************************--><!--value is between 1 and 65535--><!ELEMENT ssl_port EMPTY><!ATTLIST ssl_portsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--string is of length 1 to 127--><!ELEMENT redirect_relocate EMPTY><!ATTLIST redirect_relocatesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDstring CDATA #REQUIREDcode (301 | 302) "302"><!--string is of length 1 to 127--><!ELEMENT redirect_backup EMPTY><!ATTLIST redirect_backupsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDstring CDATA #REQUIREDcode (301 | 302) "302"><!ELEMENT redirect_server (ssl_port?, redirect_relocate?, redirect_backup?,inservice?)><!ATTLIST redirect_serversense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for named_real_server*************************************************************--><!--string is of length 0 to 63--><!ELEMENT location EMPTY><!ATTLIST locationsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDstring CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT real_address EMPTY><!ATTLIST real_addresssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT named_real_server (real_address?, location?)><!ATTLIST named_real_serversense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for real_server*************************************************************--><!--value is between 0 and 100--><!ELEMENT weight EMPTY><!ATTLIST weightsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 4294967295--><!ELEMENT minconns EMPTY><!ATTLIST minconnssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 2 and 254 (default is 254)--><!ELEMENT load_threshold EMPTY><!ATTLIST load_thresholdsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--tag is a string of length 0 to 32--><!ELEMENT real_probe_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST real_probe_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDtag CDATA #IMPLIED><!--either ipaddress or named_real_server_ref is requiredport is between 0 and 65535 (0 means no port translation)--><!ELEMENT real_server_backup EMPTY><!ATTLIST real_server_backupsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #IMPLIEDnamed_real_server_ref CDATA #IMPLIEDport NMTOKEN "0"><!--either ipaddress or named_real_server_ref is requiredport is between 0 and 65535 (0 means no port translation)Global maximum of 4095 real_servers--><!ELEMENT real_server (weight?, minconns?, maxconns?, load_threshold?,real_probe_ref?, real_server_backup?, inservice?,inservice_standby?)><!ATTLIST real_serversense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #IMPLIEDnamed_real_server_ref CDATA #IMPLIEDport NMTOKEN "0"><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for serverfarm*************************************************************--><!ELEMENT retcode_map_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST retcode_map_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--retries is between 0 and 65534failed is between 0 and 65535--><!ELEMENT health EMPTY><!ATTLIST healthsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDretries NMTOKEN #REQUIREDfailed NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT failaction EMPTY><!ATTLIST failactionsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue (purge | reassign) #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT probe_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST probe_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT natpool_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST natpool_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT server_nat EMPTY><!ATTLIST server_natsense (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!--value is between 0 and 65533--><!ELEMENT bind_id EMPTY><!ATTLIST bind_idsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--hash_ip_type and ipmask valid only when value = hash_ip--><!ELEMENT predictor EMPTY><!ATTLIST predictorsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue (roundrobin | leastconns |hash_ip | hash_url | forward) #REQUIREDhash_ip_type (source | destination | both) "both"ipmask NMTOKEN ""><!ELEMENT dns_predictor EMPTY><!ATTLIST dns_predictorsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue (roundrobin | ordered-list |leastload | hash_domain |hash_ip | hash_ip_domain) #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT serverfarm (predictor?, natpool_ref?, server_nat?, health?,bind_id?, retcode_map_ref?, failaction?,redirect_server*, real_server*, probe_ref*)><!ATTLIST serverfarmsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--real_server "port" attribute is ignored--><!ELEMENT dns_serverfarm (dns_predictor?, real_server*)><!ATTLIST dns_serverfarmsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIREDtype (dns-vip | dns-ns) #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for sticky_group*************************************************************--><!--src_ip and dest_ip are necessary for IP-based sticky_groupsexpression is necessary for SSL, cookie, and header-based sticky_groupsexpression is a string of length 0 to 127--><!ELEMENT static_sticky EMPTY><!ATTLIST static_stickysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDreal_ip NMTOKEN #REQUIREDexpression NMTOKEN #IMPLIEDsrc_ip NMTOKEN #IMPLIEDdest_ip NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!--This only applies to cookie and header-based sticky_groupsoffset is between 0 and 3999length is between 1 and 4000--><!ELEMENT sticky_offset EMPTY><!ATTLIST sticky_offsetsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDoffset NMTOKEN #REQUIREDlength NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--This only applies to cookie-based sticky_groupsname is a string of length 1 to 63--><!ELEMENT cookie_secondary EMPTY><!ATTLIST cookie_secondarysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--id is between 1 and 255timeout is between 1 and 65535ipmask required for ip typescookie is a string of length 1 to 63, req for type=cookie or cookie_insertheader is a string of length 1 to 63, req for type=header--><!ELEMENT sticky_group (sticky_offset?, cookie_secondary?, static_sticky*)><!ATTLIST sticky_groupsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDid NMTOKEN #REQUIREDtimeout NMTOKEN "1440"type (ip | cookie | ssl |ip_src | ip_dest | ip_src_dest |cookie_insert | header) #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN #IMPLIEDcookie CDATA #IMPLIEDheader CDATA #IMPLIED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for policy*************************************************************--><!ELEMENT url_map_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST url_map_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT cookie_map_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST cookie_map_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT header_map_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST header_map_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT dns_map_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST dns_map_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--order is between 1 and 3 (corresponds to "primary", "secondary", "tertiary")ttl is between 1 and 604800 (default is 20)response_count is between 1 and 8 (default is 1)--><!ELEMENT dns_serverfarm_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST dns_serverfarm_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDorder NMTOKEN #REQUIREDname CDATA #REQUIREDttl NMTOKEN #IMPLIEDresponse_count NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!--Reference to an IOS standard IP access listSpecify either the id (range 1 to 99) or namename is a string of length 1 to 200--><!ELEMENT client_group_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST client_group_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #IMPLIEDid NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!--id is between 1 and 255--><!ELEMENT sticky_group_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST sticky_group_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDid NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 0 and 63--><!ELEMENT dscp EMPTY><!ATTLIST dscpsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT policy (serverfarm_ref?, client_group_ref?, sticky_group_ref?,reverse_sticky?, dscp?, url_map_ref?, cookie_map_ref?,header_map_ref?)><!ATTLIST policysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 3 dns_serverfarm_refs per dns_policy (one for each order)--><!ELEMENT dns_policy (dns_serverfarm_ref*, client_group_ref?, dns_map_ref?)><!ATTLIST dns_policysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for vserver*************************************************************--><!--protocol is between 0 and 255 (0 = any, 1 = icmp, 6 = tcp, 17 = udp)port is between 0 and 65535 (0 means any)ftp and termination service valid only for tcp protocolrtsp service valid for tcp and udp protocolper-packet service valid only for non-tcp protocols--><!ELEMENT virtual EMPTY><!ATTLIST virtualsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN ""protocol NMTOKEN #REQUIREDport NMTOKEN #REQUIREDservice (none | ftp | rtsp |termination | per-packet) "none"><!ELEMENT client EMPTY><!ATTLIST clientsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN ""exclude (yes | no) "no"><!--timeout is between 1 and 65535group is between 0 and 255 (if nonzero, refers to an ip sticky_group)--><!ELEMENT sticky EMPTY><!ATTLIST stickysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDtimeout NMTOKEN #REQUIREDgroup NMTOKEN "0"ipmask NMTOKEN ""><!ELEMENT policy_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST policy_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT dns_policy_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST dns_policy_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--begin and end are strings, 0-length oktotal length of begin and end should not exceed 200--><!ELEMENT url_hash EMPTY><!ATTLIST url_hashsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDbegin CDATA #REQUIREDend CDATA #REQUIRED><!--value is between 2 and 4094--><!ELEMENT vlan_id EMPTY><!ATTLIST vlan_idsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 2 and 65535--><!ELEMENT idle EMPTY><!ATTLIST idlesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 65535--><!ELEMENT pending EMPTY><!ATTLIST pendingsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT replicate_csrp EMPTY><!ATTLIST replicate_csrpsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue (sticky | connection) #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT advertise EMPTY><!ATTLIST advertisesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue (always | active) #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT persistent EMPTY><!ATTLIST persistentsense (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!--value is between 1 and 4000--><!ELEMENT parse_length EMPTY><!ATTLIST parse_lengthsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--string is of length 1 to 127--><!ELEMENT domain EMPTY><!ATTLIST domainsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDstring CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT unidirectional EMPTY><!ATTLIST unidirectionalsense (yes | no | default) #IMPLIED><!ELEMENT owner_ref EMPTY><!ATTLIST owner_refsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--offset is between 0 and 3999length is between 1 and 4000--><!ELEMENT ssl_sticky_offset EMPTY><!ATTLIST ssl_sticky_offsetsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDoffset NMTOKEN #REQUIREDlength NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--Maximum of 1023 domains per vserverDefault idle is 3600Default pending is 30--><!ELEMENT vserver (virtual?, vlan_id?, unidirectional?, owner_ref?,maxconns?, ssl_sticky_offset?, idle?, pending?,replicate_csrp?, advertise?, persistent?, parse_length?,inservice?, url_hash?, policy_ref*, domain*,serverfarm_ref?, sticky?, reverse_sticky?, client*)><!ATTLIST vserversense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT dns_vserver (inservice?, dns_policy_ref*)><!ATTLIST dns_vserversense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDname CDATA #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for dfp*************************************************************--><!--port is between 1 and 65535--><!ELEMENT dfp_manager EMPTY><!ATTLIST dfp_managersense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDport NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--port is between 1 and 65535timeout is between 0 and 65535retry is between 0 and 65535 (must specify timeout)interval is between 1 and 65535 (must specify retry)--><!ELEMENT dfp_agent EMPTY><!ATTLIST dfp_agentsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDport NMTOKEN #REQUIREDtimeout NMTOKEN "0"retry NMTOKEN "0"interval NMTOKEN "180"><!--password is a string of length 1 to 64timeout is between 0 and 65535--><!ELEMENT dfp (dfp_manager?, dfp_agent*)><!ATTLIST dfpsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDpassword CDATA #IMPLIEDtimeout NMTOKEN "180"><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for udp_capp*************************************************************--><!--secret is a string of length 1 to 32--><!ELEMENT capp_options EMPTY><!ATTLIST capp_optionssense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDencryption (md5) "md5"secret CDATA #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 65535--><!ELEMENT capp_port EMPTY><!ATTLIST capp_portsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!ELEMENT capp_secure EMPTY><!ATTLIST capp_securesense (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!--Maximum of 16 capp_optionsDefault capp_port is 5002--><!ELEMENT udp_capp (capp_port?, capp_secure?, capp_options*)><!ATTLIST udp_cappsense (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for ft*************************************************************--><!ELEMENT ft_preempt EMPTY><!ATTLIST ft_preemptsense (yes | no) #IMPLIED><!--value is between 1 and 254--><!ELEMENT ft_priority EMPTY><!ATTLIST ft_prioritysense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 65535--><!ELEMENT ft_failover EMPTY><!ATTLIST ft_failoversense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--value is between 1 and 65535--><!ELEMENT ft_heartbeat EMPTY><!ATTLIST ft_heartbeatsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDvalue NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--group is between 1 and 254vlan_id is between 2 and 4094, and must *not* match id ofexisting client or server vlan configured for csm_moduleDefault ft_preempt is offDefault ft_priority is 10Default ft_failover is 3Default ft_heartbeat is 1--><!ELEMENT ft (ft_preempt?, ft_priority?, ft_failover?, ft_heartbeat?)><!ATTLIST ftsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDgroup NMTOKEN #REQUIREDvlan_id NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for static_nat*************************************************************--><!ELEMENT static_real EMPTY><!ATTLIST static_realsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDipmask NMTOKEN ""><!--ipaddress is required for type=ipGlobal maximum of 16383 static_reals--><!ELEMENT static_nat (static_real*)><!ATTLIST static_natsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDtype (drop | ip | virtual) #REQUIREDipaddress NMTOKEN #IMPLIED><!--*************************************************************Elements and attributes required for static_arp*************************************************************--><!--macaddress has the form "hhhh.hhhh.hhhh", where h is a hex digitvlan_id is between 2 and 4094--><!ELEMENT static_arp EMPTY><!ATTLIST static_arpsense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDipaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDmacaddress NMTOKEN #REQUIREDvlan_id NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************root definition for csm_module*************************************************************--><!--slot is between 1 and MAXSLOT (depends on chassis)Maximum of 4095 probesMaximum of 1023 url_mapsMaximum of 1023 cookie_mapsMaximum of 1023 header_mapsMaximum of 1023 retcode_mapsMaximum of 1023 dns_mapsMaximum of 4095 serverfarms and dns_serverfarmsMaximum of 255 sticky_groups (including those id=0 groups createdimplicitly for vservers)Maximum of 4000 vservers and dns_vserversMaximum of 255 ownersMaximum of 16383 static_arp entries--><!ELEMENT csm_module (env_variable*, owner*, vlan*, script_file*, script_task*,probe*, natpool*, url_map*, cookie_map*, header_map*,retcode_map*, dns_map*, named_real_server*,serverfarm*, dns_serverfarm*, sticky_group*,policy*, dns_policy*, vserver*, dns_vserver*,dfp?, udp_capp?, ft?, static_nat*, static_arp*)><!ATTLIST csm_modulesense (yes | no) #IMPLIEDslot NMTOKEN #REQUIRED><!--*************************************************************actions*************************************************************--><!--error_tolerance is a 32-bit value, specifiedin hex or decimal, which acts as a bitmaskfor specifying which error types should beignored. See valid error types below. Default is 0x0048.dtd_version is a string that specifies the set ofconfigurable CSM features, and should match the CSM versionspecified at the top of this DTD. Default is "2.2".Note that if the version is higher than the CSM canhandle, an error may be returned. In most cases,the CSM will do its best to interpret the document,even if dtd_version is missing or higher than expected.--><!ELEMENT config (csm_module)><!ATTLIST configerror_tolerance NMTOKEN #IMPLIEDdtd_version NMTOKEN #IMPLIED<!--**************In case of error, the response document will include an "error" child elementin the offending element. The error element takes the form:<!ELEMENT error EMPTY><!ATTLIST errorcode NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>The body of the error element is a description string.Attribute "code" is a hex value representing a mask of possible error codes:XML_ERR_INTERNAL = 0x0001 /* internal memory or coding error */XML_ERR_COMM_FAILURE = 0x0002 /* communication failure */XML_ERR_WELLFORMEDNESS = 0x0004 /* not a wellformed XML document */XML_ERR_ATTR_UNRECOGNIZED = 0x0008 /* found an unrecognized attribute */XML_ERR_ATTR_INVALID = 0x0010 /* found invalid value in attribute */XML_ERR_ATTR_MISSING = 0x0020 /* required attribute missing */XML_ERR_ELEM_UNRECOGNIZED = 0x0040 /* found an unrecognized element */XML_ERR_ELEM_INVALID = 0x0080 /* found invalid element */XML_ERR_ELEM_MISSING = 0x0100 /* required element missing */XML_ERR_ELEM_CONTEXT = 0x0200 /* valid element found in wrong place */XML_ERR_IOS_PARSER = 0x0400 /* IOS unable to parse command */XML_ERR_IOS_MODULE_IN_USE = 0x0800 /* Another user is configuring CSM */XML_ERR_IOS_WRONG_MODULE = 0x1000 /* Tried to configure unavailable CSM */XML_ERR_IOS_CONFIG = 0x2000 /* IOS configuration error */**************