Release Notes

Use these release notes with Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones running SIP Firmware Release 11.2(2).

The following table describes the individual phone requirements.


Support Requirements

Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones

BroadSoft BroadWorks 22.0

MetaSphere CFS version 9.4

Asterisk 11.0

Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones

The Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones is a new addition to the Cisco IP Phone 6800 Series Multiplatform Phones. Here are some of the important features:

  • Support for two lines

  • 240 x 120 pixel, grayscale LCD display

  • Built-in 10/100M switch

  • Supports IPv4 and IPv6

  • Powered by 802.3af PoE class 2 or an optional 5V DC power adapter

For detailed specifications, see the product datasheet, located here:

Where to Find More Information

  • Cisco IP Phone 6800 Series Multiplatform Phones Administration Guide

  • Cisco IP Phone 6800 Series Multiplatform Phones User Guide

  • Cisco IP Phone 6800 Series Multiplatform Phones Provisioning Guide

  • Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones Quick Start Guide

Upgrade the Firmware

The Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones support a single image upgrade using the TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS protocols with a URL.

After the firmware upgrade completes, the phone reboots automatically.


Step 1

Click the following URL:

Step 2

Choose IP Phone 6800 Series with Multiplatform Firmware in the middle pane.

Step 3

Choose IP Phone 6821 with Multiplatform Firmware.

Step 4

Choose the Multiplatform Firmware software type.

Step 5

In the All Releases > MPPv11 folder, select 11.2.2.

Step 6

(Optional) Place your mouse pointer on the file name to display the file details and checksum values.

Step 7

Download the file.

Step 8

Click Accept License Agreement when you accept the software license.

Step 9

Unzip the firmware files.

Step 10

Put the files in the TFTP, HTTP, or HTTPS download directory.

Step 11

You can upgrade the phone firmware using either of the following methods:

  • Configure the Upgrade Rule on the Provisioning tab in the phone web page with the upgrade URL.

    URL Format: <upgrade_protocol>://<serv_ip[:port]>/<filepath>/sipMMxx.RR-nnn.loads


    Where the user input values are:

    • <upgrade_protocol>–HTTP, TFTP, or HTTPS.

    • <serv_ip[:port]>–Server IP address and optional port number.

    • <filepath>–File folder on the server that contains the firmware upgrade *.loads file.

    • MMxx–Cisco IP Phone MM Series with Multiplatform Firmware (for example, 68xx, 78xx, or 88xx)


      MMxx–Cisco specific phone model (for example, 6821)

    • RR–Major and minor release numbers (for example, 11-2-2MPP)

    • nnn–Build number (for example, 203)

    Example using the Upgrade Rule for .



  • Provide a URL in a web browser that directs the call server to download the firmware to the phone.

    URL Format: <phone_protocol>://<phone_ip[:port]>/admin/upgrade?



    Where the user input values are:

    • <phone_protocol>–HTTP or HTTPS only.

    • <phone_ip[:port]–Phone IP address and optional port number.

    • <upgrade_protocol>–HTTP, TFTP, or HTTPS.

    • <serv_ip[:port]>–Server IP address and optional port number.

    • <filepath>–File folder on the server that contains the firmware upgrade *.loads file.

    • MMxx–Cisco IP Phone MM Series with Multiplatform Firmware (for example, 68xx, 78xx, or 88xx)


      MMxx–Cisco specific phone model (for example, 6821)

    • RR–Major and minor release numbers (for example, 11-2-2MPP)

    • nnn–Build number (for example, 203)


    Example using the web browser URL for .



Use the *.loads file in the URL. The *.zip file contains other files.

Limitations and Restrictions

Phone Behavior During Times of Network Congestion

Anything that degrades network performance can affect phone voice and video quality, and in some cases, can cause a call to drop. Sources of network degradation can include, but are not limited to, the following activities:

  • Administrative tasks, such as an internal port scan or security scan

  • Attacks that occur on your network, such as a Denial of Service attack

Caller Identification and Other Phone Functions

Caller identification or other phone functions have not been verified with third-party applications for the visually or hearing impaired.


View Caveats

You can search for caveats using the Cisco Bug Search tool.

Known caveats (bugs) are graded according to severity level, and can be either open or resolved.

Before you begin

To view the caveats, you need the following items:

  • Internet connection

  • Web browser

  • user ID and password


Step 1

Perform one of the following actions:

Step 2

When prompted, log in with your user ID and password.

Step 3

(Optional) To look for information about a specific problem, enter the bug ID number (CSCxxnnnnn) in the Search for field, and press Enter.

Open Caveats

The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are open for the Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 11.2(2).

For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

Because the defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the resolved defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in the View Caveats.

Defect ID


CSCvm56037 The language overlaps when changing language script from https to tftp.
CSCvm47839 DUT will not focus on online Line key if phone recover the network after power up


Locale: Auto option on Switch port config on LCD will hide sometimes when change locale to Chinese

CSCvm40997 RTP default TOS/DiffServ setting is unable to change on 6821 phone by script


The tone after press park, conf, blindxfer, or transfter softkey is not smooth


6821 screen is narrow, so Japanese translated words are too wide and impact options


In IPv6 only, DUT cdp infomation display ipv4 address if DUT has static ipv4 address


The tone after press forward (unpark or pickup) is louder than offhook


Phone UI restarts if connect PC port to PC when switch port in trunk mode


DTMF can't stop after long press key in mute status

Resolved Caveats

The following list contains the severity 1, 2, and 3 defects that are resolved for the Cisco IP Phone 6821 Multiplatform Phones that use Firmware Release 11.2(2).

For more information about an individual defect, you can access the online history for the defect by accessing the Bug Search tool and entering the Identifier (CSCxxnnnnn). You must be a registered user to access this defect information.

Because the defect status continually changes, the list reflects a snapshot of the defects that were resolved at the time this report was compiled. For an updated view of the resolved defects or to view specific bugs, access the Bug Search Toolkit as described in the View Caveats.

Defect ID



Can't display rightmost ']' when edit ipv6 URL dialing call


6821: The phone can't send syslog to log server