Table Of Contents
Embedded Event Manager 3.2
Finding Feature Information
Prerequisites for EEM 3.2
Information About EEM 3.2
Cisco IOS CLI Commands for EEM 3.2
debug event manager
event identity
event mat
event neighbor-discovery
show event manager detector
Configuration Examples for Embedded Event Manager Applet
Example: Identity Event Detector
Example: MAT Event Detector
Example: Neighbor-Discovery Event Detector
Event Registration Tcl Command Extensions for EEM 3.2
Where to Go Next
Additional References
Related Documents
Technical Assistance
Feature Information for Embedded Event Manager 3.2
Embedded Event Manager 3.2
First Published: September 29, 2009
Last Updated: June 28, 2010
This module describes how to write Embedded Event Manager (EEM) 3.2 policies using Cisco IOS command-line interface (CLI) applets and EEM policies using Tool command language (Tcl) scripts to handle Cisco IOS software faults and events.
EEM is a distributed and customized approach to event detection and recovery offered directly in a Cisco IOS device. EEM offers the ability to monitor events and take informational, corrective, or any desired action when the monitored events occur or when a threshold is reached. The EEM policy engine receives notifications when faults and other events occur. EEM policies implement recovery on the basis of the current state of the system and the actions specified in the policy for a given event. Recovery actions are triggered when the policy is run.
Finding Feature Information
Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the "Feature Information for Embedded Event Manager 3.2" section.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
•Prerequisites for EEM 3.2
•Information About EEM 3.2
•Cisco IOS CLI Commands for EEM 3.2
•Configuration Examples for Embedded Event Manager Applet
•Event Registration Tcl Command Extensions for EEM 3.2
•Where to Go Next
•Additional References
•Feature Information for Embedded Event Manager 3.2
Prerequisites for EEM 3.2
Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE and later releases.
Information About EEM 3.2
EEM 3.2 is supported in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(52)SE and later releases, and introduced the following new event detectors:
•Neighbor Discovery—Neighbor Discovery event detector provides the ability to publish a policy to respond to automatic neighbor detection when:
–a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) cache entry is added, deleted or updated.
–a Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) cache entry is added, deleted, or updated.
–an interface link status changes.
–an interface line status changes.
•Identity—Identity event detector generates an event when AAA authorization and authentication is successful, when failure occurs, or after normal user traffic on the port is allowed to flow.
•Mac-Address-Table—Mac-Address-Table event detector generates an event when a MAC address is learned in the MAC address table.
Note The Mac-Address-Table event detector is supported only on switch platforms and can be used only on Layer 2 interfaces where MAC addresses are learned. Layer 3 interfaces do not learn addresses and routers do not usually support the mac-address-table infrastructure needed to notify EEM of a learned MAC address.
EEM 3.2 also introduces new CLI commands to support the applets to work with the new event detectors.
Cisco IOS CLI Commands for EEM 3.2
•debug event manager
•event identity
•event mat
•event neighbor-discovery
•show event manager detector
debug event manager
To turn on the debugging output of Embedded Event Manager (EEM) processes, use the debug event manager command in privileged EXEC mode. To turn off debugging output, use the no form of this command or the undebug command.
debug event manager {action cli | action cns | action mail | all | api calls | api errors | common | detector all | detector appl | detector cli | detector config | detector counter | detector env | detector gold | detector identity | detector interface | detector ioswdsysmon | detector ipsla | detector mat | detector neighbor-discovery | detector nf | detector none | detector oir | detector resource | detector rf | detector routing | detector rpc | detector snmp | detector snmp-notification | detector syslog | detector test | detector timer | detector track | metricdir | policydir | server ISSU | server events | server scheduling | snap calls | snap errors | tcl cli_library | tcl commands | tcl smtp_library | xml parser}
no debug event manager {action cli | action cns | action mail | all | api calls | api errors | common | detector all | detector appl | detector cli | detector config | detector counter | detector env | detector gold | detector identity | detector interface | detector ioswdsysmon | detector ipsla | detector mat | detector neighbor-discovery | detector nf | detector none | detector oir | detector resource | detector rf | detector routing | detector rpc | detector snmp | detector snmp-notification | detector syslog | detector test | detector timer | detector track | metricdir | policydir | server ISSU | server events | server scheduling | snap calls | snap errors | tcl cli_library | tcl commands | tcl smtp_library | xml parser}
Syntax Description
action cli |
Displays debugging messages about command-line interface (CLI) event messages. |
action cns |
Displays debugging messages about Cisco Networking Services (CNS) event messages. |
action mail |
Displays debugging messages about e-mail event messages. |
all |
Displays all debugging messages. |
api calls |
Displays debugging messages about EEM client application programming interface (API) calls. |
api errors |
Displays debugging messages about EEM client API errors. |
common |
Displays common library code debugging messages. |
detector all |
Displays all event detector debugging messages. |
detector appl |
Displays debugging messages about the application-specific event detector. Note In Cisco IOS Release 12.4(20)T and later releases, the application keyword was replaced with the appl keyword. |
detector cli |
Displays debugging messages about the CLI event detector. |
detector config |
Displays debugging messages about the config event detector. |
detector counter |
Displays debugging messages about the counter event detector. |
detector env |
Displays debugging messages about the environmental event detector. |
detector gold |
Displays debugging messages about the GOLD event detector. |
detector identity |
Displays debugging messages about the identity event detector. |
detector interface |
Displays debugging messages about the interface counter event detector. |
detector ioswdsysmon |
Displays debugging messages about the IOS watchdog event detector. |
detector ipsla |
Displays debugging messages about the IP SLA event detector. |
detector mat |
Displays debugging messages about the mac-address-table (MAT) event detector. |
detector neighbor-discovery |
Displays debugging messages about the Neighbor Discovery event detector. |
detector nf |
Displays debugging messages about the NetFlow event detector. |
detector none |
Displays debugging messages about the none event detector. |
detector oir |
Displays debugging messages about the OIR event detector. |
detector resource |
Displays debugging messages about the Embedded Resource Manager (ERM) event detector. |
detector rf |
Displays debugging messages about the redundancy-facility (RF) event detector. |
detector routing |
Displays debugging messages about the routing event detector. |
detector rpc |
Displays debugging messages about the remote procedure call (RPC) event detector. |
detector snmp |
Displays debugging messages about the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) event detector. |
detector snmp-notification |
Displays debugging messages about the SNMP notification event detector. |
detector syslog |
Displays debugging messages about the syslog event detector. |
detector test |
Displays debugging messages about the test event detector. |
detector timer |
Displays debugging messages about the timer event detector. |
detector track |
Displays debugging messages about the Enhanced Object Tracking (EOT). |
metricdir |
Displays debugging messages about the EEM metric event detector. |
policydir |
Displays debugging messages about the EEM policy director. |
server ISSU |
Displays debugging messages about In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU) server events. |
server events |
Displays debugging messages about the EEM server events. |
server scheduling |
Displays all debugging messages about the EEM server scheduling events. |
snap calls |
Displays debugging messages about EEM SNAP client application programming interface (API) calls. |
snap errors |
Displays debugging messages about EEM SNAP client API errors. |
tcl cli_library |
Displays all debugging messages about the Tool Command Language (Tcl) command-line interface (CLI) library. |
tcl commands |
Displays all debugging messages about the Tcl commands. |
tcl smtp_library |
Displays all debugging messages about the Tcl Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) library. |
xml parser |
Displays debugging messages about the EEM XML parser. |
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
Command History
12.0(26)S |
This command was introduced. |
12.3(4)T |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(4)T. |
12.3(2)XE |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.3(2)XE. |
12.2(25)S |
The detector application, detector counter, detector interface, detector ioswdsysmon, and detector timer keywords were added and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)S. |
12.3(14)T |
The action cli, action mail, detector all, detector cli, detector none, detector oir, and metricdir keywords were added. |
12.2(28)SB |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB. |
12.4(2)T |
The detector resource, detector rf, and detector track keywords were added. |
12.2(18)SXF4 |
The detector gold keyword was added and this command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXF4 to support Software Modularity images only. |
12.2(33)SRA |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA. |
12.2(18)SXF5 |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXF5. |
12.4(20)T |
The common, detector config, detector env, detector rf, detector snmp-notification, detector test, server ISSU, and xml parser keywords were added and the detector application keyword was replaced with the detector appl keyword. |
12.4(22)T |
This command was modified. The detector ipsla, detector nf, and detector routing keywords were added. |
12.2(52)SE |
This command was modified. The detector identity, detector mat and detector neighbor-discovery keywords were added. |
12.2(54)SG |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(54)SG. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the debug event manager command to troubleshoot EEM command operations.
Use any debugging command with caution because the volume of generated output can slow or stop the router operations. We recommend that this command be used only under the supervision of a Cisco engineer.
The following example turns on debugging messages about EEM server events and then configures an applet to write a message—Test message—to syslog. The debug output that follows displays the various EEM operations that occur as the applet is processed.
Router# debug event manager server events
Debug Embedded Event Manager server events debugging is on
Router# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Router(config)# event manager applet timer-test
Router(config-applet)# event timer countdown time 20
Router(config-applet)# action label1 syslog msg "Test message"
Router(config-applet)# end
03:46:55: fh_server: fh_io_msg: received msg 6 from client jobid 11
03:46:55: fh_server: fh_io_msg: handling event register with esid = 23
03:46:55: fh_msg_send_to_fd: receive a reply msg, minor: 5
03:46:55: fh_server: fh_io_msg: received msg 26 from client jobid 11
03:46:55: fh_msg_send_to_fd: receive a reply msg, minor: 5
03:46:55: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console
03:47:15: fd_pulse_hndlr: received a pulse from /dev/fm/fd_timer
03:47:15: fh_msg_send_to_fd: receive a reply msg, minor: 5
03:47:15: fd_pulse_hndlr: received FH_MSG_EVENT_PUBLISH
03:47:15: fh_schedule_callback: fh_schedule_callback: cc=632C0B68 prev_epc=0; epc=63A41670
03:47:15: fh_io_msg: received FH_MSG_API_INIT; jobid=13, processid=82, client=3, job
name=EEM Callback Thread
03:47:15: fh_server: fh_io_msg: received msg 10 from client jobid 13
03:47:15: %HA_EM-6-LOG: timer-test: Test message
03:47:15: fh_server: fh_io_msg: received msg 62 from client jobid 13
03:47:15: fh_schedule_callback: fh_schedule_callback: cc=632C0B68 prev_epc=63A41670; epc=0
03:47:15: fh_server: fh_io_msg: received msg 1 from client jobid 13
03:47:15: fh_io_msg: received FH_MSG_API_CLOSE client=3
Table 1 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 1 debug event manager Field Descriptions
Debug Embedded Event Manager server events debugging |
Indicates the type of debugging output and whether the debugging is on or off. |
fh_server |
Indicates a server event message. |
fh_io_msg |
Indicates that a message has been sent to, or received from, a client process. |
fh_msg_send_to_fd |
Indicates that a message has been sent to the event detector. |
fd_pulse_hndlr |
Indicates that a message has been received by the event detector pulse handler. |
event identity
To publish an event after authentication, authorization or normal traffic has begun to flow on the interface, use the event identity command in applet configuration mode. To disable the publishing of events, use the no form of this command.
event [tag event-tag] identity interface {type number | regexp interface-name} [maxrun maxruntime-number] [aaa-attribute attribute-name] [authc {all | fail | success}] [authz {all | fail | success}] [authc-complete] [mac-address mac-address]
no event identity
Syntax Description
tag |
(Optional) Specifies a tag using the event-tag argument that can be used with the trigger command to support multiple event statements within an applet. |
event-tag |
(Optional) String that identifies the tag. |
interface |
Specifies the interface. |
type number |
Interface type and number. |
regexp interface-name |
Specifies a regular expression pattern to match against interface names. |
maxrun |
(Optional) Specifies the maximum runtime of the applet. If the maxrun keyword is specified, the maxruntime-number value must be specified. If the maxrun keyword is not specified, the default applet run time is 20 seconds. |
maxruntime-number |
(Optional) Number of seconds specified in ssssssss[.mmm] format, where ssssssss must be an integer representing seconds from 0 to 31536000, and where mmm must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999. |
aaa-attribute |
(Optional) Specifies the regular expression pattern for AAA attributes. |
attribute-name |
(Optional) AAA attribute name. |
authc |
(Optional) Triggers events on successful, failed or both successful and failed authentication. You must specify one of the following: •all—Triggers an event in all cases of authentication. •fail—Triggers an event if authentication fails. •success—Triggers an event if authentication is successful. |
authz |
(Optional) Trigger events on successful, failed or both successful and failed authorization. You must specify one of the following: •all—Triggers an event in all cases of authorization. •fail—Triggers an event if authorization fails. •success—Triggers an event if authorization is successful. |
authz-complete |
(Optional) Triggers events once the device connected to the interface is fully authenticated, authorized and normal traffic has begun to flow on that interface. |
mac-address |
(Optional) Specifies the MAC address. |
mac-address |
(Optional) The MAC address. |
Command Default
By default, no events are published.
Command Modes
Applet configuration (config-applet)
Command History
12.2(52)SE |
This command was introduced. |
12.2(54)SG |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(54)SG. |
Usage Guidelines
You must specify an interface. You can specify any or all of the other keywords. The keywords can be used in any combination.
The following example shows how to publish an event when authorization is successful or failure and when the device connected to the interface is fully authenticated, authorized and normal traffic has begun to flow on that interface:
Router(config)# event manager applet identity
Router(config-applet)# event identity interface fastethernet0 authz all athuz-complete
Related Commands
event manager applet |
Registers an event applet with the Embedded Event Manager and enters applet configuration mode. |
event mat
To publish an event when a mac-address is learned in the mac-address-table, use the event mat command in applet configuration mode. To disable the publishing of events, use the no form of this command.
event [tag event-tag] mat {interface {type number | regexp interface-name} [mac-address mac-address] | mac-address mac-address [interface {type number | regexp interface-name}]} [maxrun maxruntime-number] [hold-down seconds] [type {add | delete}]
no event mat
Syntax Description
tag |
(Optional) Specifies a tag using the event-tag argument that can be used with the trigger command to support multiple event statements within an applet. |
event-tag |
(Optional) String that identifies the tag. |
interface |
Specifies the interface. |
type number |
Interface type and number. |
regexp interface-name |
Specifies a regular expression pattern to match against interface names. |
mac-address |
Specifies the MAC address. |
mac-address |
The MAC address. |
maxrun |
(Optional) Specifies the maximum runtime of the applet. If the maxrun keyword is specified, the maxruntime-number value must be specified. If the maxrun keyword is not specified, the default applet run time is 20 seconds. |
maxruntime-number |
(Optional) Number of seconds specified in ssssssss[.mmm] format, where ssssssss must be an integer representing seconds from 0 to 31536000, and where mmm must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999. |
hold-down |
(Optional) Specifies the time to delay the event processing. |
seconds |
(Optional) Number that represents seconds and optional milliseconds in the format ssssssssss[.mmm]. The range for seconds is from 1 to 4294967295. The range for milliseconds is from 0 to 999. If using milliseconds only, specify the milliseconds in the format 0.mmm. |
type |
(Optional) Monitors the MAC address table events. You must specify one of the following options: •add—Monitors only MAC address table add events. •delete—Monitor only MAC address table delete events. |
Command Default
By default, no events are published.
Command Modes
Applet configuration (config-applet)
Command History
12.2(52)SE |
This command was introduced. |
12.2(54)SG |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(54)SG. |
Usage Guidelines
You must specify either interface or mac-address. If one of them is specified, the other one is optional. All the keywords can be used in any combination.
The following example shows how to publish an event when a mac-address is learned in the mac-address-table:
Router(config)# event manager applet mat
Router(config-applet)# event mat interface fastethernet0 hold-down 34 type delete
Related Commands
event manager applet |
Registers an event applet with the Embedded Event Manager and enters applet configuration mode. |
event neighbor-discovery
To publish an event when a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) or Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) cache entry changes or a interface link status changes in an Embedded Event Manager (EEM) applet, use the event neighbor-discovery command in applet configuration mode. To disable the action of publishing the event, use the no form of this command.
event [tag event-tag] neighbor-discovery interface {type number | regexp interface-name} [maxrun maxruntime-number] event-to-monitor
no event neighbor-discovery
Syntax Description
tag |
(Optional) Specifies a tag using the event-tag argument that can be used with the trigger command to support multiple event statements within an applet. |
event-tag |
(Optional) String that identifies the tag. |
interface |
Specifies the interface. |
type number |
Interface type and number. |
regexp interface-name |
Specifies a regular expression pattern to match against interface names. |
maxrun |
(Optional) Specifies the maximum runtime of the applet. If the maxrun keyword is specified, the maxruntime-number value must be specified. If the maxrun keyword is not specified, the default applet run time is 20 seconds. |
maxruntime-number |
(Optional) Number of seconds specified in ssssssss[.mmm] format, where ssssssss must be an integer representing seconds from 0 to 31536000, and where mmm must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999. |
event-to-monitor |
Specifies the event to be monitored on the interface. You must specify one of the following values. You can specify more than one value. •cdp—Triggers an event when a matching cdp event occurs. You must specify one of the following options. –add—Triggers events only when a new cdp cache entry is created in the cdp table. –all—Triggers an event when a cdp cache entry is added or deleted from the cdp cache table and when a remote cdp device sends a keepalive to update the cdp cache entry. –delete—Triggers events only when a cdp cache entry is deleted from the cdp table. –update—Triggers an event when a cdp cache entry is added to the cdp table or when the remote cdp device sends a cdp keepalive to update the cdp cache entry. •lldp—Triggers an event when a matching lldp event occurs. You must specify one of the following options. –add—Triggers events only when a new cdp cache entry is created in the cdp table. –all—Triggers an event when a cdp cache entry is added or deleted from the cdp cache table and when a remote cdp device sends a keepalive to update the cdp cache entry. –delete—Triggers events only when a cdp cache entry is deleted from the cdp table. –update—Triggers an event when a cdp cache entry is added to the cdp table or when the remote cdp device sends a cdp keepalive to update the cdp cache entry. •line-event—Triggers an event when the interface line protocol status changes. •link-event—Triggers an event when the interface link status changes. You must specify one of the following options. –admindown—Monitors link admin-down events. –all—Monitors all link events. –deleted—Monitors link deleted events. –down—Monitors link down events. –goingdown—Monitors link going-down events. –init—Monitors link init events. –reset—Monitors link reset events. –testing—Monitors link testing events. –up—Monitors link up events. |
Command Default
By default, no events are published.
Command Modes
Applet configuration (config-applet)
Command History
12.2(52)SE |
This command was introduced. |
12.2(54)SG |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(54)SG. |
Usage Guidelines
You must specify interface and at least one of cdp, lldp, link-event and line-event for the event specification to be accepted. You can use interface and maxrun keywords and the event-trigger-criteria argument in any order.
The following example shows how to publish an event when CDP cache entry changes:
Router(config)# event manager applet discovery
Router(config-applet)# event neighbhor-discovery interface fastethernet0 cdp all
Related Commands
event manager applet |
Registers an event applet with the Embedded Event Manager and enters applet configuration mode. |
show event manager detector
To display information about Embedded Event Manager (EEM) event detectors, use the show event manager detector command in privileged EXEC mode.
show event manager detector [all | detector-name] [detailed]
Syntax Description
all |
(Optional) Displays information about all available event detectors. |
detector-name |
(Optional) Name of event detector. The following values are valid: •application—Application event detector. •cli—Command-line interface (CLI) event detector. •config—Config event detector. •counter—Counter event detector. •env—Environmental event detector. •gold—Generic Online Diagnostic (GOLD) event detector. •identity—Identity event detector. •interface—Interface event detector. •ioswdsysmon—Watchdog system monitor event detector. •ipsla—IPSLA event detector. •mat—mac-address-table (MAT) event detector. •neighbor-discovery—Neighbor discovery event detector •nf—NetFlow (NF) event detector. •none—No event detector. •oir—Online insertion and removal (OIR) event detector. •resource—Resource event detector. •rf—Redundancy Framework (RF) event detector. •rpc—Remote Procedure Call (RPC) event detector. •snmp—Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) event detector. •snmp-notification—SNMP notification event detector. •syslog—Syslog event detector. •test—Test event detector. •timer—Timer event detector. •track—Track event detector. |
detailed |
(Optional) Displays detailed information about a specified event detector. |
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC (#)
Command History
12.4(20)T |
This command was introduced. |
12.4(22)T |
This command was modified. The ipsla, nf and routing detectors were added. |
12.2(52)SE |
This command was modified. The identity, mat and neighbor-discovery detectors were added. |
12.2(54)SG |
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(54)SG. |
Usage Guidelines
Use the show event manager detector command to display information about EEM event detectors. The all keyword displays information about all event detectors. The detailed keyword displays detailed information, including:
•The event registration syntax for the Tool Command Language (Tcl) policies.
•The available array variables for the Tcl policies after event_reqinfo() is called.
•The event registration syntax for applet policies.
•The built-in variables available when an applet policy is triggered by this event detector.
The following is sample output from the show event manager detector command specifying the counter value:
Router# show event manager detector counter
No. Name Version Node Type
1 counter 01.00 node5/1 RP
Router# show event manager detector counter detailed
No. Name Version Node Type
1 counter 01.00 node5/1 RP
Tcl Configuration Syntax:
entry_op {gt | ge | eq | ne | lt | le}
exit_op {gt | ge | eq | ne | lt | le}
[queue_priority {normal | low | high | last}]
[maxrun <sec.msec>] [nice {0 | 1}]
Tcl event_reqinfo Array Names:
Applet Configuration Syntax:
[ no ] event [tag <tag-val>] counter
entry-op {gt | ge | eq | ne | lt | le}
exit-op {gt | ge | eq | ne | lt | le}
Applet Built-in Environment Variables:
Table 2 describes the significant fields shown in the display.
Table 2 show event manager detector Field Descriptions
No. |
The number assigned to the event detector. |
Name |
Name of the event detector. |
Version |
Version number. |
Node |
Node name. |
Type |
Where the event detector resides. |
Configuration Examples for Embedded Event Manager Applet
•Example: Identity Event Detector
•Example: MAT Event Detector
•Example: Neighbor-Discovery Event Detector
Example: Identity Event Detector
The following example shows how a policy named "EventIdentity" is triggered every time the authentication on the Fast Ethernet interface 0 is success.
event manager applet EventIdentity
event identity interface FastEthernet0 authc success
action 1.0 syslog msg "Applet EventIdentity"
Example: MAT Event Detector
The following example shows how a policy named "EventMat" is triggered every time a mac-address is learned in the mac-address-table.
event manager applet EventMat
event mat interface FastEthernet0
action 1.0 syslog msg "Applet EventMat"
Example: Neighbor-Discovery Event Detector
The following example shows how a policy named "EventNeighbor" is triggered when a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) cache entry changes.
event manager applet EventNeighbor
event neighbor-discovery interface FastEthernet0 cdp all
action 1.0 syslog msg "Applet EventNeighbor"
Event Registration Tcl Command Extensions for EEM 3.2
Registers for an identity event. Use this Tcl command extension to generate an event when AAA authentication or authorization is successful or failure or after normal user traffic on the port is allowed to flow.
event_register_identity [tag ?] interface ?
[authc {all | fail | success}]
[authz {all | fail | success}]
[queue_priority {normal | low | high | last}]
[maxrun ?] [nice {0 | 1}]
tag |
(Optional) String identifying a tag that can be used with the trigger Tcl command extension to support multiple event statements within a Tcl script. |
interface |
A regular expression pattern to match against interface names. |
aaa-attribute |
(Optional) A regular expression that can be used to filter events by specific AAA attributes. |
authc |
(Optional) Triggers events on successful, failed or both successful and failed authentication. |
authz |
(Optional) Triggers events on successful, failed or both successful and failed authorization. |
authz-complete |
(Optional) Triggers events once the device connected to the interface is fully authenticated, authorized and normal traffic has begun to flow on that interface. |
mac-address |
(Optional) A regular expression pattern that can be used to filter events by mac addresses of the remote device. |
maxrun |
(Optional) Maximum run time of the script (specified in SSSSSSSSSS[.MMM] format, where SSSSSSSSSS must be an integer representing seconds between 0 and 31536000, inclusive, and where MMM must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999). If this argument is not specified, the default 20-second run-time limit is used. |
queue_priority |
(Optional) Priority level at which the script will be queued: •queue_priority low—Specifies that the script is to be queued at the lowest of the three priority levels. •queue_priority normal—Specifies that the script is to be queued at a priority level greater than low priority but less than high priority. •queue_priority high—Specifies that the script is to be queued at the highest of the three priority levels. •queue_priority last—Specifies that the script is to be queued at the lowest priority level. If more than one script is registered with the "queue_priority_last" argument set, these scripts will execute in the order in which the events are published. The queue_priority argument specifies the queuing priority, but not the execution priority, of the script being registered. If this argument is not specified, the default queuing priority is normal. |
nice |
(Optional) Policy run-time priority setting. When the nice argument is set to 1, the policy is run at a run-time priority that is less than the default priority. The default value is 0. |
Result String
Set _cerrno
Event_reqinfo For EEM_EVENT_IDENTITY
"event_id %u event_type %u event_type_string {%s} event_pub_sec %u event_pub_msec %u
event_severity %u identity_stage %u identity_status %u interface %u identity_mac %u
identity_<attribute> {%s}"
Event Type
event_id |
Unique number that indicates the ID for this published event. Multiple policies may be run for the same event, and each policy will have the same event_id. |
event_type |
Type of event. |
event_type_string |
An ASCII string that represents the name of the event for this event type. |
event_pub_sec event_pub_msec |
The time, in seconds and milliseconds, at which the event was published to the EEM. |
event_severity |
The severity of the event. |
identity_stage |
One among authentication, autherization or autherization-complete stages. |
identity_status |
Success or one of these failure types: fail_authc, fail_aaa_server, fail_no_response, fail_timeout, fail_authz. For autherization-complete it is always success. |
interface |
The interface for the event. |
identity_mac |
The MAC address of the remote device for the event. |
identity_<attribute> |
For each AAA attribute, a set a dynamic variable to the value corresponding to that AAA attribute in the attribute or value list. |
Registers for a MAT event. Use this Tcl command extension to generate an event when a mac-address is learned in the mac-address-table.
event_register_identity [tag ?] interface ?
tag |
(Optional) String identifying a tag that can be used with the trigger Tcl command extension to support multiple event statements within a Tcl script. |
interface |
A regular expression pattern to match against interface names. |
mac-address |
Mandatory if the interface parameter is not specified. A regular expression pattern that can be used to filter events by mac addresses of the remote device. |
type |
(Optional) Filter based on a mac-address-table event type of add or delete. If not specified, the event type is not used in determining whether the event should be triggered. |
hold-down |
(Optional) When a mac-address-table event comes in, the hold-down timer can be set to make the event to wait between 1 and 4294967295 seconds before processing the policy. If not set then the policy is not delayed in being processed. |
maxrun |
(Optional) Maximum run time of the script (specified in SSSSSSSSSS[.MMM] format, where SSSSSSSSSS must be an integer representing seconds between 0 and 31536000, inclusive, and where MMM must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999). If this argument is not specified, the default 20-second run-time limit is used. |
Result String
Set _cerrno
Event_reqinfo For EEM_EVENT_MAT
"event_id %u event_type %u event_type_string {%s} event_pub_sec %u event_pub_msec %u
event_severity %u notification %u intf_name %u mac_address {%s}"
Event Type
event_id |
Unique number that indicates the ID for this published event. Multiple policies may be run for the same event, and each policy will have the same event_id. |
event_type |
Type of event. |
event_type_string |
An ASCII string that represents the name of the event for this event type. |
event_pub_sec event_pub_msec |
The time, in seconds and milliseconds, at which the event was published to the EEM. |
event_severity |
The severity of the event. |
notification |
Notification type—add or delete. |
intf_name |
The interface name for the address table entry. |
mac_address |
The mac-address for the address table entry. |
Registers for a neighbor discover event. Use this Tcl command extension to generate an event when a Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) or Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) cache entry or a interface link status changes.
event_register_neighbhor_discovery [tag ?] interface ?
[cdp {add | update | delete | all}]
[lldp {add | update | delete | all}]
[queue_priority {normal | low | high | last}]
[maxrun ?] [nice {0 | 1}]
tag |
(Optional) String identifying a tag that can be used with the trigger Tcl command extension to support multiple event statements within a Tcl script. |
interface |
A regular expression pattern to match against interface names. |
cdp |
Trigger an event when a matching CDP event occurs. One of the following options should be specified. •add—Trigger events only when a new CDP cache entry is created in the CDP table. •all—Trigger an event when a CDP cache entry is added or deleted from the CDP cache table and when a remote CDP device sends a keepalive to update the CDP cache entry. •delete—trigger events only when a CDP cache entry is deleted from the CDP table. •update—trigger an event when a CDP cache entry is added to the CDP table or when the remote CDP device sends a CDP keepalive to update the CDP cache entry. |
lldp |
Trigger an event when a matching lldp event occurs. One of the following options should be specified. •add—Trigger events only when a new cdp cache entry is created in the cdp table. •all—Trigger an event when a cdp cache entry is added or deleted from the cdp cache table and when a remote cdp device sends a keepalive to update the cdp cache entry. •delete—trigger events only when a cdp cache entry is deleted from the cdp table. •update—trigger an event when a cdp cache entry is added to the cdp table or when the remote cdp device sends a cdp keepalive to update the cdp cache entry. |
line-event |
Trigger an event when the interface line protocol status changes. |
link-event |
Trigger an event when the interface link status changes. |
queue_priority |
(Optional) Priority level at which the script will be queued: •queue_priority low—Specifies that the script is to be queued at the lowest of the three priority levels. •queue_priority normal—Specifies that the script is to be queued at a priority level greater than low priority but less than high priority. •queue_priority high—Specifies that the script is to be queued at the highest of the three priority levels. •queue_priority last—Specifies that the script is to be queued at the lowest priority level. If more than one script is registered with the "queue_priority_last" argument set, these scripts will execute in the order in which the events are published. The queue_priority argument specifies the queuing priority, but not the execution priority, of the script being registered. If this argument is not specified, the default queuing priority is normal. |
maxrun |
(Optional) Maximum run time of the script (specified in SSSSSSSSSS[.MMM] format, where SSSSSSSSSS must be an integer representing seconds between 0 and 31536000, inclusive, and where MMM must be an integer representing milliseconds between 0 and 999). If this argument is not specified, the default 20-second run-time limit is used. |
nice |
(Optional) Policy run-time priority setting. When the nice argument is set to 1, the policy is run at a run-time priority that is less than the default priority. The default value is 0. |
Result String
Set _cerrno
"event_id %u event_type %u event_type_string {%s} event_pub_sec %u event_pub_msec %u
event_severity %u nd_notification {%s}"
Event Type
event_id |
Unique number that indicates the ID for this published event. Multiple policies may be run for the same event, and each policy will have the same event_id. |
event_type |
Type of event. |
event_type_string |
An ASCII string that represents the name of the event for this event type. |
event_pub_sec event_pub_msec |
The time, in seconds and milliseconds, at which the event was published to the EEM. |
event_severity |
The severity of the event. |
Common Event_Reqinfo
nd_notification |
The type of notification—cdp-add, cdp-update, cdp-delete, lldp-add, lldp-update, lldp-delete, link, line. |
nd_intf_linkstatus |
The current interface link status, up or down. |
nd_intf_linestatus |
The current interface line status, down, goingdown, init, testing, up, reset, admindown, deleted. |
nd_local_intf_name |
The local interface name for the event. |
nd_short_local_intf_name |
The short name of the local interface for the event. |
nd_port_id |
The port id as identified by either the cdp or lldp protocol. This is not set for link or line protocol events. |
CDP-specific Event_reqinfo
nd_protocol |
Identifies which protocol triggered the event, for CDP it will always be set to cdp. |
nd_proto_notif |
Identifies which type of protocol event triggered the event, add, update or delete. |
nd_proto_new_entry |
If set to 1, the event was triggered because the cache entry is new, otherwise it will be set to 0. |
nd_cdp_entry_name |
The name of the cdp cache entry in the cdp table. |
nd_cdp_hold_time |
The time remaining until the cdp cache entry expires and is deleted from the cdp table. This time will be reset to some maximum by an update from the cdp neighbor. It is usually set to 0 for new entries. |
nd_cdp_mgmt_domain |
The CDP VTP management domain. |
nd_cdp_platform |
The platform name reported by the remote device. |
nd_cdp_version |
The version of code running on the remote device. |
nd_cdp_capabilities_string |
The contents of the CDP capabilities field in a string format: Router, Trans-Bridge, Source-Route-Bridge, Switch, Host, IGMP, Repeater, Phone, Remotely-Managed device, CVTA phone port, Two-port Mac Relay or any combination of these separated by commas. |
nd_cdp_capabilities_bits |
The CDP capabilities bits in a hexadecimal number preceded with 0x. |
nd_cdp_capabilities_bit_[0-31] |
A series of values that will be set to YES if that bit in the capabilities field is set or NO if it is not set. |
LLDP-specific Event_reqinfo
nd_protocol |
Identifies which protocol triggered the event, for LLDP it will always be set to lldp. |
nd_proto_notif |
Identifies which type of protocol event triggered the event, add, update or delete. |
nd_proto_new_entry |
If set to 1, the event was triggered because the cache entry is new, otherwise it will be set to 0. |
nd_lldp_chassis_id |
The chassis id field from the LLDP cache entry. |
nd_lldp_system_name |
The system name from the LLDP cache entry. |
nd_lldp_system_description |
The system description field from the LLDP cache entry. |
nd_lldp_ttl |
The LLDP time to live field from the LLDP cache entry. |
nd_lldp_port_description |
The port description field from the LLDP cache entry. |
nd_lldp_system_capabilities_string |
The LLDP system capabilities field from the LLDP cache entry. Provided as a string that can contain O, P, B, W, R, T, C, S or any combination of these separated by commas. |
nd_lldp_enabled_capabilities_string |
The LLDP enabled system capabilities field from the LLDP cache entry. Provided as a string that can contain O, P, B, W, R, T, C, S or any combination of these separated by commas. |
nd_lldp_system_capabilities_bits |
The LLDP system capabilities bits field from the LLDP cache entry. Provided as a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x. |
nd_lldp_enabled_capabilities_bits |
The LLDP enabled capabilities bits field from the LLDP cache entry. Provided as a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x. |
nd_lldp_capabilities_bits |
The LLDP capabilities bits field from the LLDP cache entry. Provided as a hexadecimal number preceded by 0x. |
nd_lldp_capabilities_bit_[0-31] |
A series of values that will be set to YES if that bit in the capabilities field is set or NO if it is not set. |
Where to Go Next
•If you want to get information about EEM overview, see the "Embedded Event Manager Overview" module.
•If you want to write EEM policies using the Cisco IOS CLI, see the "Writing Embedded Event Manager Policies Using the Cisco IOS CLI" module.
•If you want to write EEM policies using Tcl, see the "Writing Embedded Event Manager Policies Using Tcl" module.
Additional References
Related Documents
Technical Assistance
The Cisco Support website provides extensive online resources, including documentation and tools for troubleshooting and resolving technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. To receive security and technical information about your products, you can subscribe to various services, such as the Product Alert Tool (accessed from Field Notices), the Cisco Technical Services Newsletter, and Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Feeds. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support website requires a user ID and password. | |
Feature Information for Embedded Event Manager 3.2
Table 3 lists the release history for this feature.
Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.
Note Table 3 lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.
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Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network topology diagrams, and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.
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