Table Of Contents
Access Registrar Server Objects
Session Correlation Based on User-Defined Attributes
Using the RequireNASsBehindProxyBeInClientList Property
Advance Duplicate Detection Feature
Access Registrar Server Objects
This chapter describes the objects you use to configure and operate your Cisco Access Registrar RADIUS server.
Cisco Access Registrar is configured and operated through a set of objects. These objects are arranged in a hierarchy, with some of the objects containing subobjects; just as in a UNIX file system, in which directories can contain subdirectories. All of the objects, except those that are merely lists, contain properties that define the attributes or behavior of the object.
This chapter describes the Cisco Access Registrar objects:
•Radius—the root of the configuration hierarchy
•UserLists—contains individual UserLists, which in turn contain users
•UserGroups—contains individual UserGroups
•Policies—contains individual Policies
•Clients—contains individual Clients
•Vendors—contains individual Vendors
•Scripts—contains individual Scripts
•Services—contains individual Services
•Session Managers—contains individual Session Managers
•Resource Managers—contains individual Resource Managers
•Profiles—contains individual Profiles
•Rules—contains individual Rules
•Translations—contains individual Translations
•TranslationGroup—contains individual Translation Groups
•RemoteServers—contains individual RemoteServers
•Advanced—contains advanced properties, Ports, Interfaces, Reply Messages, and the Attribute dictionary.
•Replication—contains information about Replication
The Radius object is the root of the hierarchy. For each installation of the Cisco Access Registrar server, there is one instance of the Radius object. You reach all other objects in the hierarchy from the Radius.
Following is a listing of the RADIUS server object:
[ //localhost/Radius ]Name = RadiusDescription =Version = 1.7R0IncomingScript~ =OutgoingScript~ =DefaultAuthenticationService~ = local-usersDefaultAuthorizationService~ = local-usersDefaultAccountingService~ = local-fileDefaultSessionService~ =DefaultSessionManager~ = session-mgr-1UserLists/UserGroups/Policies/Clients/Vendors/Scripts/Services/SessionManagers/ResourceManagers/Profiles/Rules/Translations/TranslationGroups/RemoteServers/Advanced/Replication/Table 3-1 lists the Radius properties. You you can set or change Radius properties using the Cisco Access Registrar aregcmd commands.
Note When a field is listed as required, it means a value must be supplied; that is, the value must be set. You can use the default (if it is supplied) or you can change it to something else, but you cannot unset it. You must supply values for the required fields and for which no defaults exist.
The remaining Cisco Access Registrar objects are subobjects of the Radius object.
The UserLists object contains all of the individual UserLists, which in turn, contain the specific users stored within Cisco Access Registrar. Cisco Access Registrar references each specific UserList by name from a Service whose type is set to local. When Cisco Access Registrar receives a request, it directs it to a Service. When the Service has its type property set to local, the Service looks up the user's entry in the specific UserList and authenticates and/or authorizes the user against that entry.
Note User names may not include the forward slash (/) character. If the Cisco Access Registrar server receives an access request packet with a User-Name attribute containing a forward slash character and the Cisco AR server uses an internal UserList to look up users, the server produces an error (AX_EINVAL) and may fail. If user names require a forward slash, use a script to translate the slash to an acceptable, unused character.
You can have more than one UserList in the UserLists object. Therefore, use the UserLists object to divide your user community by organization. For example, you might have separate UserLists objects for Company A and B, or you might have separate UserLists objects for different departments within a company.
Using separate UserLists objects allows you to have the same name in different lists. For example, if your company has three people named Bob and they work in different departments, you could create a UserList for each department, and each Bob could use his own name. Using UserLists lets you avoid the problem of Bob1, Bob2, and so on.
If you have more than one UserList, you can have a script Cisco Access Registrar can run in response to requests. The script chooses the Service, and the Service specifies the actual UserList which contains the user. The alternative is dynamic properties.
The subobjects are the Users listed by name. Table 3-2 lists the UserLists object properties.
Table 3-2 UserLists Properties
Property DescriptionName
Required. Must be unique in UserLists.
Optional description of the UserList.
The Users object contains all of the information necessary to authenticate a user or authorize a user. Users in local UserLists can have multiple profiles. Table 3-3 lists the Users object properties.
The UserGroups objects allow you to maintain common authentication and authorization attributes in one location, and then have many users reference them. By having a central location for attributes, you can make modifications in one place instead of having to make individual changes throughout your user community.
For example, you can use several UserGroups to separate users by the services they use, such as a group specifying PPP and another for Telnet.
Table 3-4 lists the UserGroups properties.
Table 3-4 UserGroups Properties
A Policy is a set of rules applied to an Access-Request. If you are using Policies, the first one that must be created is SelectPolicy.
Table 3-5 lists the properties required for a given Policy.
Table 3-5 Policies Properties
Property DescriptionName
Required; must be unique in the Policies list
Optional description of the Policy
Optional grouping of rules
All NASs and proxy clients that communicate directly with Cisco Access Registrar must have an entry in the Clients list. This is required because NAS and proxy clients share a secret with the RADIUS server, which is used to encrypt passwords and to sign responses.
Table 3-6 lists the Client object properties.
Table 3-6 Client Properties
Property DescriptionName
Required and should match the Client identifier specified in the standard RADIUS attribute, NAS-Identifier. The name must be unique within the Clients list. For more information about standard attributes, see "RADIUS Dictionary Attributes" section.
Optional description of the client.
Required. Must be a valid IP address and unique in the Clients list. Cisco Access Registrar uses this property to identify the Client that sent the request, either using the source IP address to identify the immediate sender and/or using the NAS-IP-Address attribute in the Request dictionary to identify the NAS sending the request through a proxy.
Required. Must match the secret configured in the Client.
Required. Accept the default, which is NAS, or set it to Proxy or NAS+Proxy.
Optional. You can use this property when you need special processing for a specific vendor's NAS. To use this property, you must configure a Vendor object and include a Script. Cisco Access Registrar provides five Scripts you can use: one for Ascend, Cisco, Cabletron, Altiga, and one for USR. You can also provide your own Script.
Optional. You can use this property to specify a Script you can use to determine the services to use for authentication, authorization, and/or accounting.
Optional. You can use this property to specify a Script you can use to make any Client-specific modifications when responding to a particular Client.
The Vendor object provides a central location for specifying all of the request and response processing a particular NAS or Proxy vendor requires. Depending on the vendor, it may be necessary to map attributes in the request from one set to another, or to filter out certain attributes before sending the response to the client. For more information about standard RADIUS attributes, see the List of Attributes in "RADIUS Dictionary Attributes" section.
Note When you have also set /Radius/IncomingScript, Cisco Access Registrar runs that script before the vendor's script. Conversely, when you have set a /Radius/Outgoing script, Cisco Access Registrar runs the vendor's script before that script.
Table 3-7 lists the Vendor object properties.
Table 3-7 Vendor Properties
The Script objects define the function Cisco Access Registrar invokes whenever the Script is referenced by name from other objects in the configuration.
You can write two types of scripts:
•REX (RADIUS EXtension) scripts are written in C or C++, and thus are compiled functions that reside in shared libraries
•Tcl scripts are written in Tcl, and are interpreted functions defined in source files.
Note For more information about how to write scripts and how to incorporate them into Cisco Access Registrar, see "Using Extension Points."
Table 3-8 lists the Script object properties.
Table 3-8 Script Properties
The InitEntryPoint properties allow you to perform initialization before processing and then cleanup before stopping the server. For example, when Cisco Access Registrar unloads the script (when it stops the RADIUS server) it calls the InitEntryPoint again to allow it to perform any clean-up operations as a result of its initialization. One use of the function might be to allow the script to close an open Accounting log file before stopping the RADIUS server.
Note When you use Cisco Access Registrar's file service, Cisco Access Registrar automatically closes any opened files; however, if you write scripts that manipulate files, you are responsible for closing them.
Cisco Access Registrar supports AAA Services (authentication, authorization, and/or accounting). In addition to the variety of built-in AAA services (specified in the Type property), Cisco Access Registrar also provides you with the ability to add new AAA services through custom shared libraries.
Table 3-9 lists the Services properties.
Table 3-9 Services Properties
Note, OutagePolicy also applies to Accounting-Requests. If an Accounting-Request is directed to an unavailable Service, then the values in Table 3-10 apply.
Table 3-10 OutagePolicy Request Packets
Types of Services
The Service you specify determines what additional information you must supply. The following are the types with their required and optional fields.
Specify local when you want Cisco Access Registrar's RADIUS server to perform the authentication and/or authorization using a specific UserList. For more information, see the "UserLists" section.
radius, ldap, or tacacs-udp
Specify one of the following Services when you want to use a particular remote server for:
•radius—authentication and/or authorization
•ldap—authentication and/or authorization
Note When using LDAP for authentication and a local database for authorization, ensure that the usernames in both locations are identical with regard to case sensitivity.
You must supply the information listed in Table 3-11.
Table 3-11 radius, ldap, or tacacs-udp Properties
You specify the file Service when you want Cisco Access Registrar's RADIUS Server to perform local accounting using a specific file.
You must supply the information listed in Table 3-12.
Table 3-12 File Properties
Cisco Access Registrar opens the file when it starts the RADIUS server and closes the file when you stop the server. You can depend on Cisco Access Registrar to flush the accounting record to disk before it acknowledges the request.
Based on the maximum file size and age you have specified, Cisco Access Registrar closes the accounting file and moves it to a new name and reopens the file as a new file. The name Cisco Access Registrar gives this accounting file depends on its creation and modification dates.
•If the file was created and modified on the same date, the file name is
FileNamePrefix-<yyyymmdd>-<n>.log. The date is displayed as year, month, day, number.•If the file was created on one day and modified on another, the file name is FileNamePrefix-<yyyymmdd>-<yyyymmdd>-<n>.log. The dates are creation, modification, and number.
Specify the rex service type when you want to create a custom service by using a script for authentication, authorization, and/or accounting.
You must supply the information listed in Table 3-13.
Table 3-13 rex Properties
For more information about scripting, see "Using Extension Points." For more information about using the REX Attribute dictionary, see "Cisco Access Registrar Tcl and REX Dictionaries,".
Session Managers
You can use session management to track user sessions. The Session Managers monitor the flow of requests from each NAS and detect the session state. When requests come through to the Session Manager, it creates sessions, allocates resources from appropriate Resource Managers, and frees and deletes sessions when users log out.
The Session Manager enables you to allocate dynamic resources to users for the lifetime of their session. You can define one or more Session Managers and have each one manage the sessions for a particular group or company.
Session Managers use Resource Managers, which in turn, manage a pool of resources of a particular type.
Table 3-14 lists the Session Manager properties.
Table 3-14 Session Manager Properties
Property DescriptionName
Required. Must be unique in the Session Managers list.
Optional. Description of the Session Manager.
Resource Managers
Ordered list of Resource Managers.
You can manage sessions with the two aregcmd session management commands: query-sessions and release-sessions. For more information about these two commands, see the "query-sessions" section and the "release-sessions" section.
Session Creation
Cisco Access Registrar Sessions can be created by two types of RADIUS packets:
•Accounting-Requests with an Acct-Status-Type attribute with a value of Start.
This allows Cisco Access Registrar to monitor Sessions even when it is not allocating resources. For example, when Cisco Access Registrar is being used as an "Accounting-Only" server (only receiving Accounting requests), it can create a Session for each Accounting "Start" packet it successfully processes. The corresponding Accounting "Stop" request will clean up the Session. Note, if a Session already exists for that NAS/NAS-Port/User (created by an Access-Request), Cisco Access Registrar will not create a new one.
When you do not want Cisco Access Registrar to create Sessions for Accounting "Start" requests, simply set the AllowAccountingStartToCreateSession property on the SessionManager to FALSE.
Session Notes
Session Notes are named text messages attached to a Session and are stored with the Session data, including resources allocated for a specific user session. This data, including Session Notes, can be retrieved and viewed using the aregcmd command query-sessions.
--> query-sessions /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-2
sessions for /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-2:
S257 NAS: localhost, NAS-Port:1, User-Name: user1, Time: 00:00:08,
IPX 0x1, GSL 1, USL 1, NOTES: "Date" "Today is 12/14/98.", "Requested
IP Address" "", "Framed-IP-Address" ""Session Notes can be created by Scripts using the Environment dictionary passed into each or by the Cisco Access Registrar server. When more than one Session Note is added, the Session-Notes entry should be a comma-separated list of entry names.
For a TCL script:
Step 1 The Script should create an Environment dictionary entry using the Session Note name as the entry name, and the Session Note text as the entry value. For example:
$environ put "Date" "Today is 12/15/98"$environ put "Request IP Address" ""Step 2 The Script should create/set an Environment dictionary entry with the name Session-Notes with a value that contains the name of the entries created. For example:
$environ put "Session-Notes" "$Date, $Requested_IP_Address"For a REX script:
Step 1 The Script should create an Environment dictionary entry using the Session Note name as the entry name, and the Session Note text as the entry value. For example:
pEnviron-->put(pEnviron, Date, "Today is 12/15/98.");pEnviron-->put(pEnviron, Request_IP_Address, "");Step 2 The Script should create/set an Environment dictionary entry with the name Session-Notes with a value that contains the name of the first entry created. For example:
pEnviron-->put(pEnviron, "Session-Notes", "Date, Requested_IP_Address");
Note Scripts creating Session Notes must be executed before the Session Management step takes place while processing a packet.
Cisco Access Registrar will automatically create a Session Note if a packet is passed to a SessionManager and it already contains a Framed-IP-Address attribute in the packet's Response dictionary. This IP address could come from a Profile, RemoteServer response, or from a previously executed script. For example, a Session output containing Session Notes when using the aregcmd command query-session would be as follows:
sessions for /Radius/SessionManagers/session-mgr-2:S257 NAS: localhost, NAS-Port:1, User-Name: user1, Time: 00:00:08, IPX 0x1, GSL 1, USL 1, NOTES: "Date" "Today is 12/14/98.", "Requested IP Address" "", "Framed-IP-Address" ""Session Notes are also copied into the Environment dictionary after Session Management. The Session-Notes Environment dictionary entry will contain the names of all the Environment dictionary entries containing Session Notes.
Soft Group Session Limit
Two new environment variables, Group-Session-Limit and Current-Group-Count (see rex.h), are set if the group session limit resource is allocated for a packet. These variables allow a script to see how close the group is to its session limit; one way to use this information is to implement a script-based soft limit. For example, you could use the Class attribute to mark sessions that have exceeded a soft limit of 80% -- as hard coded in the script (in a Tcl script called from /Radius/OutgoingScript):
set softlimit [ expr 0.8 * [ $environ get Group-Session-Limit ] ]
if { [ $environ get Current-Group-Count ] < $softlimit } {
$response put Class 0
} else {
$response put Class 1
Note The soft limit itself is hard coded in the script; soft limits are not directly supported in the server. The action to be taken when the soft limit is exceeded (for example, Class = 1, and then the accounting software branches on the value of Class) is also the responsibility of the script and/or external software.
Session Correlation Based on User-Defined Attributes
With the release of Cisco Access Registrar 1.7, all the session objects are maintained in one dictionary keyed by a string.
You can define the keying material to the session dictionary through a newly introduced environment variable, Session-Key. If the Session-Key is presented at the time of session manager process, it will be used as the key to the session object for this session. The Session-Key is of type string. By default, the Session-Key is not set. It's value should come from attributes in the incoming packet and is typically set by scripts. For example, CLID can be used to set the value of Session-Key.
Use the function UseCLIDAsSessionKey as defined in the script rexscript.c to specify that the Calling-Station-Id attribute that should be used as the session key to correlate requests for the same session. This is a typical case for 3G mobile user session correlation. You can provide your own script to define other attributes as the session key.
In the absence of the Session-Key variable, the key to the session will be created based on the string concatenated by the value of the NAS-Identifier and the NAS-Port.
There is a new option with-key available in aregcmd for query-sessions and release-sessions to access sessions by Session-Key.
Resource Managers
Resource Managers allow you to allocate dynamic resources to user sessions. The following lists the different types of Resource Managers.
•IP-Dynamic—manages a pool of IP addresses that allows you to dynamically allocate IP addresses from a pool of addresses
•IP-Per-NAS-Port—allows you to associate ports to specific IP addresses, and thus ensure each NAS port always gets the same IP address
•IPX-Dynamic—manages a pool of IPX network addresses
•Subnet-Dynamic—manages a pool of subnet addresses
•Group-Session-Limit—manages concurrent sessions for a group of users; that is, it keeps track of how many sessions are active and denies new sessions once the configured limit has been reached
•User-Session-Limit—manages per-user concurrent sessions; that is, it keeps track of how many sessions each user has and denies the user a new session once the configured limit has been reached
•Home-Agent—manages a pool of on-demand IP addresses
•USR-VPN—manages Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that use USR NAS Clients.
Each Resource Manager is responsible for examining the request and deciding whether to allocate a resource for the user, do nothing, or cause Cisco Access Registrar to reject the request.
Table 3-15 lists the Resource Manager properties.
Table 3-15 Resource Manager Properties
Types of Resource Managers
A number of different types of Resource Managers exist that allow you to manage IP addresses dynamically or statically, limit sessions on a per group or per user basis, or manage a Virtual Private Network. See "Cisco Access Registrar Tcl and REX Dictionaries" for information on how to override these individual Resource Managers.
IP-Dynamic allows you to manage a pool of IP addresses from which you dynamically allocate IP addresses.
When you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-16.
Table 3-16 IP-Dynamic Properties
Property DescriptionNetMask
Required. Must be set to a valid net mask.
Required. Must be a list of IP address ranges.
IP-Per-NAS-Port allows you to associate specific IP addresses with specific NAS ports and thus ensures each NAS port always gets the same IP address.
When you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-17.
Note You must have the same number of IP addresses and ports.
Table 3-17 IP-Per-NAS-Port Properties
An IPX-Dynamic Resource Manager allows you to dynamically manage a pool of IPX networks. When you use an IPX-Dynamic Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-18.
Table 3-18 IPX-Dynamic Property
Property DescriptionNetworks
Required. Must be a valid set of numbers which correspond to your networks.
Note You may not use IPX network number 0x0. If you attempt to configure a Resource Manager with an IPX network number of 0x0, validation will fail.
A subnet-dynamic Resource Manager was created to support the On Demand Address Pool feature. Subnet-dynamic resource managers are used to provide pools of subnet addresses. Following is an example of the configuration of a subnet dynamic resource manager:
/Radius/ResourceManagers/newResourceMgrName = newResourceMgrDescription =Type = subnet-dynamicSubnet-Mask = you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-19.
Table 3-19 Subnet-Dynamic Properties
Property DescriptionType
Subnet mask
Required; must be set to the size of the managed subnets
Required; must be a valid range of IP addresses
Group-Session-Limit allows you to manage concurrent sessions for a group of users; that is, it keeps track of how many sessions are active and denies new sessions once the configured limit has been reached.
When you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-20.
Table 3-20 Group-Session-Limit Property
Property DescriptionGroupSessionLimit
Required. Must be set to the maximum number of concurrent sessions for all users.
User-Session-Limit allows you to manage per-user concurrent sessions; that is, it keeps track of how many sessions each user has and denies the user a new session once the configured limit has been reached.
When you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-21.
Table 3-21 User-Session-Limit Property
Property DescriptionUserSessionLimit
Required. Must be set to the maximum number of concurrent sessions for a particular user.
Home-Agent is a new resource manager that supports dynamic HA assignment. You configure the home-agent resource manager with a list of IP addresses. The AR server assigns those addresses to clients whose request dictionary has the right attributes to indicate that an assignment should be done. This is similar to the ip-dynamic resource manager.
Unlike the ip-dynamic resource manager, HAs are not exclusively allocated to an individual session but are shared among a set of sessions.
Detailed configuration information for the Home-Agent resource manager is found in "Wireless Support". When you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-22.
Table 3-22 Home-Agent Subdirectory
USR-VPN allows you to set up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) using a US Robotics NAS.
When you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-23.
Table 3-23 USR-VPN Properties
Gateway Subobject
The Gateway subobject includes a list of names of the Frame Relay Gateways for which to encrypt the session key.
If you use this Resource Manager, supply the information listed in Table 3-24.
Table 3-24 Gateway Properties
You use Profiles to group RADIUS attributes that belong together, such as attributes that are appropriate for a particular class of PPP or Telnet user. You can reference profiles by name from either the UserGroup or the User properties. Thus, if the specifications of a particular profile change, you can make the change in a single place and have it propagated throughout your user community.
Although you can use UserGroups or Profiles in a similar manner, choosing whether to use one rather than the other depends on your site. When you require some choice in determining how to authorize or authenticate a user session, then creating specific profiles, and creating a group that uses a script to choose among them is more flexible.
In such a situation, you might create a default group, and then write a script that selects the appropriate profile based on the specific request. The benefit to this technique is each user can have a single entry, and use the appropriate profile depending on the way they log in.
Table 3-25 lists the Profile properties.
Table 3-25 Profile Properties
Attributes are specific RADIUS components of requests and responses defined in the Request and Response Attribute dictionaries. Use the aregcmd command set to assign values to attributes.
For a complete list of the attributes, see "RADIUS Attributes." Table 3-26 lists the Attribute properties.
Table 3-26 Attribute Properties
Property DescriptionName=value
The attribute name is one of the attributes defined in the Attribute dictionaries. The value is appropriate for the type of attribute.
When setting a value for a STRING-type attribute such as Connect-Info (which starts with an integer), you must use the hexadecimal representation of the integer. For example, to set the attribute Connect-Info to the value 7:7, use a set command like the following:
set Connect-Info 37:3A:37
Translations add new attributes to a packet or change an existing attribute from one value to another. The Translations subdirectory lists all definitions of Translations the RADIUS server can apply to certain packets.
Under the /Radius/Translations directory, any translation to insert, substitute, or translate attributes can be added. The following is a sample configuration under the /Radius/Translations directory:
cd /Radius/Translations Add T1 cd T1 Set DeleAttrs Session-Timeout,Called-Station-Id cd Attributes Set Calling-Station-Id 18009998888
DeleAttrs is the set of attributes to be deleted from the packet. Each attribute is comma separated and no spaces are allowed between attributes. All attribute value pairs under the attributes subdirectory are the attributes and values that are going to be added or translated to the packet.
Under the /Radius/Translations/T1/Attributes directory, inserted or translated attribute value pairs can be set. These attribute value pairs are either added to the packet or replaced with the new value.
If a translation applies to an Access-Request packet, by referencing the definition of that translation, the CAR server modifies the Request dictionary and inserts, filters and substitutes the attributes accordingly. You can set many translations for one packet and the CAR server applies these translations sequentially.
Note Later translations can overwrite previous translations.
Table 3-27 lists the Translation properties.
You can add translation groups for different user groups under TranslationGroups. All Translations under the Translations subdirectory are applied to those packets that fall into the groups. The groups are integrated with the CAR Rule engine.
The CAR Administrator can use any RADIUS attribute to determine the Translation Group. The incoming and outgoing translation group can be different translation groups. For example, you can set one translation group for incoming translations and one for outgoing translations.
Under the /Radius/TranslationGroups directory, translations can be grouped and applied to certain sets of packets, which are referred to in a rule. The following is a sample configuration under the /Radius/TranslationGroups directory:
cd /Radius/TranslationGroups Add CiscoIncoming cd CiscoIncoming cd Translations Set 1 T1
The translation group is referenced through the Cisco Access Registrar Policy Engine in the /Radius/Rules/<RuleName>/Attributes directory. Incoming-Translation-Groups are set to a translation group (for example CiscoIncoming) and Outgoing-Translation-Groups to another translation group (for example CiscoOutgoing). Table 3-28 lists the Translation Group properties.
Remote Servers
You can use the RemoteServers object to specify the properties of the remote servers to which Services proxy requests. RemoteServers are referenced by name from the RemoteServers list in either the radius, ldap or tacacs-udp Services.
Table 3-29 lists the RemoteServers properties.
Table 3-29 RemoteServers Properties
Types of Protocols
The protocol you specify determines what additional information you must supply. The following are all of the protocols with their required and optional fields.
radius specifies a RADIUS server.
When you specify the radius protocol, supply the information in Table 3-30.
ldap specifies an LDAP server. When you specify the ldap protocol, supply the information listed in Table 3-31.
tacacs-udp specifies a TACACS server.
When you specify the tacacs-udp protocol, supply the information listed in Table 3-32.
Table 3-32 tacacs-udp Properties
A Rule is a function that selects services based on all input information used by the function.
Advanced objects let you configure system-level properties and the Attribute dictionary. Under normal system operation, you should not need to change the system-level properties.
Note The notation required means Cisco Access Registrar needs a value for this property. For most of these properties, system defaults exist that you can safely use.
Table 3-33 lists the Advanced properties.
Table 3-33 Advanced Object Properties
Property DescriptionLogServerActivity
Required. The default is FALSE, which means Cisco Access Registrar logs all responses except Access-Accepts and Access-Challenges. Accepting the default reduces the load on the server by reducing that amount of information it must log. Note, the client is probably sending accounting requests to an accounting server, so the Access-Accept requests are being indirectly logged. When you set it to TRUE, Cisco Access Registrar logs all responses to the server log file.
Required. The default is 1024. This is a critical property you should set high enough to allow for the maximum number of simultaneous requests. When more requests come in than there are packets allocated, Cisco Access Registrar will drop those additional requests.
Required. The default is 4096. RFC 2138 specifies the maximum packet length can be 4096 bytes. Do not change this value.
Required. The default is FALSE. If you accept the default, Cisco Access Registrar only uses the source IP address to identify the immediate client that sent the request. Leaving it FALSE is useful when this RADIUS Server should only know about the proxy server and should treat requests as if they came from the proxy server. This may be the case with some environments that buy bulk dial service from a third party and thus do not need to, or are unable to, list all of the NASs behind the third party's proxy server. When you set it to TRUE, you must list all of the NASs behind the Proxy in the Clients list. For more information about this property, see "Using the RequireNASsBehindProxyBeInClientList Property" section.
Required. Specified in milliseconds, the default is 75. This property governs how often the file AAA service processes accounting requests and writes the accounting records to the file. You can lower the number to reduce the delay in acknowledging the Account-Request at the expense of more frequent flushing of the accounting file to disk. You can raise the number to reduce the cost of flushing to disk, at the expense of increasing the delays in acknowledging the Accounting-Requests. The default value was determined to provide a reasonable compromise between the two alternatives.
Required. Specified in milliseconds, the default is 100. If you change this value it must be a number greater than zero. This property governs how often the Session Manager backing store writes updated session information to disk.
You can lower the number to reduce the delay in acknowledging requests at the expense of more frequent flushing of the file containing the session data to disk. You can raise the number to reduce the cost of flushing to disk at the expense of increasing delays in acknowledging requests. The default value was determined to provide a reasonable compromise between the two alternatives.
Required. Specified in milliseconds, the default is 10. This property governs how often the ldap RemoteServer thread checks to see if any results have arrived from the remote LDAP server. You can modify it to improve the throughput of the server when it proxies requests to a remote LDAP server.
Required. The default is 1. This property governs how many Tcl interpreters Cisco Access Registrar creates for processing scripts. Do not change the default value.
Required. The default is 5. This property specifies the amount of time the time queue should initially sleep before beginning processing. This property is only used for initial synchronization and should not be changed.
Required. The default is 100. This is a critical property you should set high enough to allow for the maximum number of simultaneous proxied requests to the remote TACACS server. If more requests come in than there are packets allocated, Cisco Access Registrar will drop those additional requests.
Required. The default is 10. This property governs how many UDP TACACS packets are allocated when Cisco Access Registrar needs to allocate more packets. You should not need to modify this value.
Required. The default is 65536 (64 K). This property governs how deep the system's buffer size is for queueing UDP datagrams until Cisco Access Registrar can read and process them. The default is probably sufficient for most sites. You can, however, raise or lower it as necessary.
Required if you are using an LDAP RemoteServer, and you want Cisco Access Registrar to use SSL when communicating with that LDAP RemoteServer. This property specifies the name of the file containing the client certificates to be used when establishing an SSL connection to an LDAP RemoteServer. It must be either the cert5.db certificate database used by Netscape Navigator 3.x (and above), or the ServerCert.db certificate database used by Netscape 2.x servers.
Required. The default is 1 Megabyte. This property specifies the maximum size of the RADIUS server log file. The value for the LogFileSize field is a string composed of two parts; a number, and a units indicator (<n> <units>) in which the unit is one of: K (Kilobyte, Kilobytes), M (Megabyte, Megabytes), G (Gigabyte, Gigabytes).
Note This does not apply to the trace log.
Required. The default is 2. This property specifies the number of log files to be kept on the system. A new log file is created when the log file size reaches LogFileSize.
Required. The default is FALSE. Set this property to TRUE when you want Cisco Access Registrar to use a more robust duplicate request filtering algorithm. For more information on this property, see the "Advance Duplicate Detection Feature" section.
Required when the Advanced Duplicate Detection feature is enabled. This property specifies how long (in milliseconds) Cisco Access Registrar should remember a request. You must specify a number greater than zero. The default is 10,000.
Optional; used with the ODAP feature and reflects the returned size of the subnet if no matched subnet is found. There are three options to select if an exactly matched subnet does not exist: Bigger, Smaller, and Exact. The default is Bigger.
Optional; allows you to use ports other than the default, 1645 and 1646. You can use this option to configure Cisco Access Registrar to use other ports,. If you add additional ports, however, Access Registrar will use the added ports and no longer use ports 1645 and 1646. These ports can still be used by adding them to the list of ports to use. For more information, refer to "Ports" section.
Optional; refer to "Interfaces" section
Optional; refer to "Reply Messages" section.
Optional; refer to "Attribute Dictionary" section.
Optional; refer to "SNMP" section.
Using the RequireNASsBehindProxyBeInClientList Property
You can use the property RequireNASsBehindProxyBeInClientList to require NASs that send requests indirectly through a proxy to be listed in the Clients list or to allow the proxy to represent them all.
•When you want to ensure the proxy is only sending requests from NASs known to this server, set the property to TRUE, and list all of the NASs using this proxy. This increases memory usage.
•When it is impossible to know all of the NASs using this proxy or when you do not care, set the property to FALSE. Cisco Access Registrar will use the proxy's IP address to identify the origin of the request.
Advance Duplicate Detection Feature
Cisco Access Registrar automatically detects and handles duplicate requests it is currently working on. It also provides an optional, more complex mechanism to handle duplicate requests that may be received by the server after it has completed processing the original request. These duplicate requests can consume extra processing power, and, if received out of order (as RADIUS is a UDP-based protocol) may cause Session Management problems.
One solution is the Advanced Duplicate Detection feature which causes Cisco Access Registrar to remember requests it has seen, as well as the response sent to that request, for a configurable amount of time.
To enable this feature, perform the following:
•Set the UseAdvancedDuplicateDetection property in the /Radius/Advanced section of the configuration to TRUE.
•Set the AdvancedDuplicateDetectionMemoryInterval in the /Radius/Advanced section to specify how long (in milliseconds) Cisco Access Registrar should remember a request.
Note Enabling this feature causes Cisco Access Registrar to keep more of its preallocated packet buffers in use for a longer period of time. The number of preallocated buffers is controlled by the MaximumNumberOfRadiusPackets property in the /Radius/Advanced section of the configuration. This property may need to be increased (which will increase the amount of memory used by Cisco Access Registrar) when the Advanced Duplicate Detection feature is enabled.
The Ports list specifies which ports to listen to for requests. When you specify a port, Cisco Access Registrar makes no distinction between the port used to receive Access-Requests and the port used to receive Accounting-Requests. Either request can come in on either port.
Most NASs send Access-Requests to port 1645 and Accounting-Requests to 1646, however, Cisco Access Registrar does not check.
When you do not specify any ports, Cisco Access Registrar does the following:
•Reads the /etc/services file for the ports to use for access and accounting requests.
•Otherwise, uses the standard ports (1645 and 1646).
The Interfaces list specifies the interfaces on which the RADIUS server receives and sends requests. You specify an interface by its IP address.
•When you list an IP address, Cisco Access Registrar uses that interface to send and receive Access-Requests.
•When no interfaces are listed, the server performs an interface discover and uses all interfaces of the server, physical and logical (virtual).
Reply Messages
The Reply Messages list allows you to choose the reply message based on the reason the request was rejected. Each of the following properties (except Default) corresponds to a reason why the packet was rejected. The Reply Message properties allows you to substitute your own text string for the defined errors. After you set the property (with the set command) and the reason occurs, Cisco Access Registrar sends the NAS that message in the Access-Reject packet as a Reply-Message attribute.
You might want to substitute your own messages to prevent users from getting too much information about why their requests failed. For example, you might not want users to know the password was invalid to prevent hackers from accessing your system. In such a case, you might specify the text string "unauthorized access" for the property UserPasswordInvalid.
Table 3-34 lists the Reply Message properties.
Attribute Dictionary
The Attribute dictionary allows you to specify the attributes to the RADIUS server. Cisco Access Registrar comes with the standard RADIUS attributes (as defined by the RFC 2865) as well as the attributes required to support the major NASs. For more information about the standard attributes, see "RADIUS Attributes."
All RADIUS requests and responses consist of one or more attributes, such as the user's name, the user's password, the type of service the NAS should provide to the user, or the IP address the user should use for the session.
In the request and response packets, an attribute is composed of a number (between 1-255) that specifies the type of attribute to use, a length that specifies the entire attribute length, and a value. How the value is interpreted depends on its type. When it is a username, the value is a string. When it is the NAS's IP address, the value is an IP address, and so on.
Table 3-35 lists the Attribute dictionary properties.
Table 3-35 Attribute Dictionary Properties
Property DescriptionName
Required. Must be unique in the Attribute dictionary list within the same context. Although it should be an attribute defined in the RFC, the name can be any attribute defined by your client. The NAS typically comes with a list of attributes it uses.
Attributes are referenced in the Profile and by Scripts by this name. The accounting file service also uses this name when printing the attribute.
Optional. Description of the attribute.
Required. Must be a number between 1-255. It must be unique within the Attribute dictionary list.
Required. Must be set to one of the types listed in Table 3-36. The type governs how the value is interpreted and printed.
Types are required and must be one of the following listed in Table 3-36.
Table 3-36 Types Attributes
Vendor Attributes
Table 3-37 lists the Vendor properties.
Table 3-38 lists the five properties of the SNMP directory.
If Enabled and MasterAgentEnabled are both TRUE, arservagt will start and stop the SNMP daemon (snmpd). If either of these properties is FALSE, if the AR server is not using SNMP or if your site uses a different master agent, arservagt will not start your master agent.