Table Of Contents
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
SBE Billing Instance Properties
SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint Authorization Realm
SBE Configured BlackList Entry
SBE Global Hunting Trigger List
Vendor-Specific Inventory and IMOs
Session Border Controller
This chapter describes the level of support that Cisco ANA provides for Session Border Controller (SBC), as follows:
•Information Model Objects (IMOs)
•Vendor-Specific Inventory and IMOs
Technology Description
Session Border Control (SBC) is an IP multimedia security and operational enhancement function for session-oriented IP services, based on SIP/H.323/H.248 signaling. It enables direct IP-to-IP interconnect between multiple administrative domains for session-based services, providing protocol internetworking, security, admission control, and management. It enables direct IP-to-IP peering between service providers, and between service providers and their business and residential customers.
The most common SBC deployment is Voice over IP (VoIP) peering between service providers. Up until now, this kind of peering was done by converting IP to public switched telephone network (PSTN) and using existing PSTN peering infrastructure, but the SBC approach has experienced phenomenal growth because it saves up to 75 percent in capital expenses.
Other important SBC services include:
•Security—Includes topology and address hiding, theft of service prevention, protocol normalization, and Denial of Service (DoS) protection.
•Quality of Service (QoS) demarcation—Allows inter-service-provider service level agreements.
•Network Address Translation (NAT) traversal—Required in service-provider-to-enterprise scenarios.
•Billing—Provides enhanced current accounting records with session information such as QoS, codecs used, and so on.
SBC controls the signaling and media traffic generated during the setup, conduct, and teardown of interactive media communications. Each of its terms, in this context, has a special meaning:
•Session—In VoIP, a session is the same as a call. Each call consists of exchanges of control signals, and one or more media streams and associated data. This data can include audio, video, and other data, as well as call statistics, QoS data, and information needed for control signaling. It is this session that the SBC controls.
•Border—The demarcation point between one part of a network and another. One example is the firewall separating a corporate LAN from the rest of the Internet. Other example are the filtering routers, security servers, and other network elements that can separate one department within a large corporation from others in the same corporation. The SBC controls the flow of session data across these borders.
•Controller—The administrative functions that the SBC performs on the session data streams as they cross the borders between parts of the network. In addition to basic control functions, an SBC can provide metrics, access security, and data conversion services.
Note Cisco ANA currently provides SBC support on ASR 1000 routers only.
Information Model Objects (IMOs)
This section describes the following IMOs:
•Service Border Element (ISBE)
•DBE Media Interface (IDbeMediaInterface)
•SBE AAA Interface (ISbeAaaInterface)
•SBE Billing Properties (ISbeBillingProperties)
•SBE Billing Instance Properties (ISbeBillingInstanceProperties)
•SBE RADIUS Client Properties (ISbeRadiusClientProperty)
•SBE RADIUS Server Properties (ISbeRadiusServerProperties)
•SBC Adjacency Endpoint (ISbcAdjacencyEnd)
•SBC Adjacency Group (ISbcAdjacencyGroup)
•SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint (ISbcSipAdjacencyEnd)
•SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint Authorization Realm (ISbcSipAdjacencyEndAuthRealm)
•SBE Configured BlackList (ISbeConfiguredBlackList)
•SBE Configured BlackList Entry (ISbeConfiguredBlackListEntry)
•SBE Current BlackList Listing (ISbeCurrentBlacklisting)
•SBE Codec List (ISbeCodecList)
•SBE Code List Entry (ISbeCodecListEntry)
•SBE Media Gateway (ISbeMediaGateway)
•DBE Media Gateway Controller (IDbeMGC)
•SBC H248 Control Interface (ISbcH248ControlInterface)
•SBE Global Hunting Trigger List (ISbeGlobalHuntingTriggerList)
•SBE CAC Policy Set (ISbeCacPolicySet)
•SBE CAC Policy Table (ISbeCacPolicyTable)
•SBE CAC Rule Entry (ISbeCacRuleEntry)
•SBE Call Policy Set (ISbeCallPolicySet)
•SBE Call Policy Table (ISbeCallPolicyTable)
•SBE Call Policy Entry (ISbeCallRuleEntry)
•SBE Policy Set (ISbePolicySet)
•SBE Policy Table (ISbePolicyTable)
•SBE Rule Entry (ISbeRuleEntry)
•SBE SDP Match Table (ISbeSdpMatchTable)
•SBE SDP Policy Table (ISbeSdpPolicyTable)
•SBE QOS Profile (ISbeQosProfile)
•SBE SIP Header Profile (ISbeSipHeaderProfile)
•SBE SIP Header Profile Entry (ISbeSipHeaderProfileEntry)
•SBE SIP Header Profile Header (ISbeSipHeaderProfileHeader)
•SBE SIP Method Profile (ISbeSipMethodProfile)
•SBE SIP Method Profile Method (ISbeSipMethodProfileMethod)
•SBE SIP Option Profile (ISbeSipOptionProfile)
•SBE SIP Parameter Profile (ISbeSipParameterProfile)
•SBE SIP Profile (ISbeSipProfile)
•SBE SIP Timer Properties (ISbeSipTimerProperties)
SBC Service
The SBC Service object represents the SBC service function running on the physical network element (usually a router service card).
Service Border Element
The Service Border Element object represents the SBE (also known as the signaling proxy) that controls access to the network core by VoIP signaling messages. The SBE does this by acting as a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) back-to-back user agent (B2BUA) or H.323 gateway, handling all call processing through one of these protocols. There can be only one signaling agent per service card, and the SBE will typically control one or more media gateways.
Table 14-2 Service Border Element (ISBE)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling IntervalCall Redirect Limit
Maximum number of redirections performed before the call fails (2 is default, range is 0-100)
Onhold Timeout
Time the SBE will wait after receiving a media timeout notification from the Data Border Element before tearing down an on-hold call.
Data Border Element
The Data Border Element object represents the DBE (also known as a media control proxy) that controls access to media packets on the network by acting as an RTP proxy.
DBE Media Interface
The DBE Media Interface object represents either the pool of IPv4 network addresses that can be used by the DBE as local media addresses, or an interface defined on the DBE that is used for RTP packets.
SBC Account
The SBC Account object represents the service relationship with the remote organization on the SBE, with which the SBC interacts.
SBE AAA Interface
The SBE AAA Interface object represents the SBE interface used to supply authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) subscriber services to the SBC.
SBE Billing Properties
The SBE Billing Properties object represents all billing properties for an SBC Account.
SBE Billing Instance Properties
The SBE Billing Instance Properties object represents a single SBE billing record.
SBE RADIUS Client Properties
The SBE RADIUS Client Properties object stores the properties associated with the RADIUS client which the SBE uses to access AAA services.
SBE RADIUS Server Properties
The SBE RADIUS Server Properties object stores properties associated with the RADIUS server as viewed by the AAA client.
SBC Adjacency Endpoint
The SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint object represents a signaling relationship between a local and a remote call agent. There is one adjacency defined per call agent. The adjacency defines protocol-specific parameters as well as admission control and routing policy. The SBC adjacency includes SIP and H.323 adjacencies (R4 supports SIP adjacencies only).
Table 14-11 SBC Adjacency Endpoint (ISbcAdjacencyEnd)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling IntervalDescription
Description of this adjacency.
Subnet Restriction
The configured IP address prefix restricting the set of remote signaling peers that can be contacted over this adjacency.
Media Passthrough
Permit media traffic to bypass the DBE (true, false).
Hunting Trigger Disabled
Enables or disables the hunting trigger on this adjacency.
Hunting Triggers
The list of hunting triggers associated with this adjacency.
The VRF with which this adjacency is associated.
Local Signaling Address
The logical IP address of this adjacency.
Remote Signaling Address
The signaling peer.
Local Signaling Port
The port used by this adjacency.
Remote Signaling Port
The port of the signaling peer.
Operational Status
Operational status of the adjacency (attach, detach).
SBC Account
The SBC Account associated with this adjacency.
Instance Name
The name of this adjacency.
Transport Protocol
The Layer 4 protocol this adjacency uses.
SBC Adjacency Group
The SBC Adjacency Group object represents a list of adjacencies. Adjacency groups permit operators to enable and disable features on a group basis instead of per adjacency.
SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint
The SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint object represents the same relationship as SBC Adjacency Endpoint but for a SIP adjacency only.
SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint Authorization Realm
The SBC SIP Adjacency Endpoint Authorization Realm object represents a set of authentication credentials for a specified domain and adjacency.
SBE Configured BlackList
The SBE Configured BlackList object represents a source to which one or more instances of SBE Configured BlackList Entry applies. The source can be broad or narrow, depending on the defined combination of IP address, port, VPN, and port type.
SBE Configured BlackList Entry
The SBE Configured BlackList Entry object represents a set of specific blacklisting actions that are taken when events of a specified type are received from sources defined in one or more instances of SBE Configured BlackList.
SBE Current BlackList Listing
The SBE Current BlackList Listing object represents a set of limits currently in effect against one or more blacklisted sources defined in one or more instances of SBE Configured BlackList.
SBE Codec List
The SBE Codec List object defines a list of allowed codecs (a whitelist) that can be applied via a Call Admission Control (CAC) policy.
Table 14-18 SBE Codec List (ISbeCodecList)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling IntervalName
The name of the list of allowed codecs.
SBE Codec List Entry
The SBE Codec List Entry object represents an entry in the SBE Codec List.
SBE Media Gateway
The SBE Media Gateway object represents properties for the SBC/SBE side of the H.248 interface.
DBE Media Gateway Controller
The DBE Media Gateway Controller object represents properties for the DBE side of the H.248 interface.
SBC H248 Control Interface
The SBC H248 Control Interface object represents the H.248 interface used for signaling between the SBE and DBE in distributed mode, and between an SBE and a transcoding media gateway.
SBE Global Hunting Trigger List
The SBE Global Hunting Trigger List object represents a list of hunting triggers defined globally for SBCs. Hunting triggers enable SBCs to hunt for other route or destination adjacencies when normal routes fail.
SBE CAC Policy Set
The SBE CAC Policy Set object represents a set of SBE Call Admission Control (CAC) policy rules. These rules permit application-level policy control over how VoIP call admission requests are processed.
SBE CAC Policy Table
The SBE CAC Policy Table object represents a table containing instances of SBE CAC Rule Entry.
SBE CAC Rule Entry
The SBE CAC Rule Entry object represents an entry in a SBE CAC Policy Table.
SBE Call Policy Set
The SBE Call Policy Set object represents a a set of SBE call policy rules. These rules permit application-level policy control over how in-call VoIP signaling and media are processed.
SBE Call Policy Table
The SBE Call Policy Table object represents a table containing instances of SBE Call Policy Entry.
SBE Call Policy Entry
The SBE Call Policy Entry object represents an entry in a SBE CAC Policy Table.
SBE Policy Set
The SBE Policy Set object represents a group of policies that can be active on the SBC at any one time.
SBE Policy Table
The SBE Policy Table object represents a table of instances of SBE Rule Entry. It is an abstract class that contains attributes common to both call policy and CAC policy rules.
Table 14-31 SBE Policy Table (ISbePolicyTable)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling IntervalmatchType
The criteria used to select an SBE Rule Entry from the table.
The name of the SBE policy table.
Description of the SBE policy table.
SBE Rule Entry
The SBE Rule Entry object represents an entry in SBE Policy Table. It is abstract class that contains attributes common to both Call and CAC policy rules.
Table 14-32 SBE Rule Entry (ISbeRuleEntry)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling IntervalentryNumber
The entry's ID number in the SBE Policy Table.
The action to be performed if the entry's matchValue matches the matchType in the SBE Policy Table.
The value to be matched against the matchType in the SBE Policy Table.
The category of the entry in the number analysis table.
The name of this entry.
The destination adjacency of this entry.
The adjacency to which this entry relates.
The account to which this entry relates.
The adjacency group to which this entry relates.
SBE SDP Match Table
The SBE SDP Match Table object represents a table of strings used in event and policy matching.
SBE SDP Policy Table
The SBE SDP Policy Table object represents a table of the SBE/SBC policies.
Table 14-34 SBE SDP Policy Table (ISbeSdpPolicyTable)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling Intervalname
Name of the policy table
SBE QOS Profile
The SBE QOS Profile object represents a defined quality-of-service profile used by CAC policies. These policies are used exclusively for marking packets.
SBE SIP Header Profile
The SBE SIP Header Profile object represents an instance of a SIP header profile, used to control which SIP message requests are accepted (whitelist) or rejected (blacklist) on the SBE.
SBE SIP Header Profile Entry
The SBE SIP Header Profile Entry object represents an entry in the SBE SIP Header Profile.
SBE SIP Header Profile Header
The SBE SIP Header Profile Header object is an abstract class representing a header on the SBE SIP Header Profile.
Table 14-38 SBE SIP Header Profile Header (ISbeSipHeaderProfileHeader)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling Intervalname
Name of the SBE SIP Header Profile
SBE SIP Method Profile
The SBE SIP Method Profile object specifies how methods for the corresponding SBE SIP Header Profile will be applied.
SBE SIP Method Profile Method
The SBE SIP Method Profile object stores the method strings that form the whitelist or blacklist SBE SIP Header Profile.
Table 14-40 SBE SIP Method Profile Method (ISbeSipMethodProfileMethod)
Attribute Name Attribute Description Scheme Polling IntervalinstanceName
Name of the method.
The action to be performed by the method strings.
The map status code.
The corresponding SBE SIP Header Profile for this method.
The corresponding SBE SIP Parameter Profile for this method.
SBE SIP Option Profile
The SBE SIP Option Profile object stores the option strings that form a SIP Option profile whitelist or blacklist.
SBE SIP Parameter Profile
The SBE SIP Parameter Profile object stores the parameters that form a SIP parameter profile whitelist or blacklist.
SBE SIP Profile
The SBE SIP Profile is an abstract class representing SIP Header, Option, and Method profiles.
SBE SIP Timer Properties
The SBE SIP Timer Properties object represents a SIP Timer. Users can configure SIP timers to permit performance tuning of network elements participating in SBC traffic.
Vendor-Specific Inventory and IMOs
There are no vendor-specific inventory or IMOs for this technology.
Network Topology
Cisco ANA does not support discovery of Network layer topology.
Service Alarms
There are no service alarms specific to this technology.